A problem such as nervous tics occurs quite often in children. When this happens, parents
09/06/201607/05/2018 Nadezhda Plotnikova A love triangle consisting of a man, a wife and a home-wrecker lover has long become
Intracranial pressure (ICP or hypertension syndrome) is a common phenomenon in pediatrics. Therefore such a diagnosis
Lemtrada is an anti-multiple sclerosis drug also known as alemtuzumab. He is
Common causes of whims before bedtime The solution to the problem of tantrums before bedtime in a child will be
Instructions for use of Valdoxan The drug is taken exclusively orally, swallowing and without chewing the tablet, until
What is suicidal behavior? Suicidal behavior (thoughts) includes completed suicide and attempted suicide. Thoughts
The Internet is full of crazy people. On any of the forums or in comments on social networks you
Cortexin is a peptide drug with nootropic properties. It is made on the basis of protein extract
Scientists note with great concern that over the past decades the number of children with autism spectrum disorders