How to prevent and how to deal with female hysterics

Causes of female hysteria

The reasons leading to this disease include the following factors:

  1. Temperament and psychotype. Hysteria is characteristic of people with more active behavior, with pronounced emotional changes in behavior.
  2. Hormonal imbalances. A woman’s behavior is closely related to the characteristics of the female body, especially to hormonal imbalances. If failures occur in this system, then hysteria may arise as a consequence of this disruption.
  3. Sudden changes in living conditions. When everyday life suddenly changes, not everyone is able to quickly adapt to the changes. Severe stress, anxiety, and emotional mood swings lead to hysterical attacks.
  4. Causes identified by Freud. S. Freud's theory considers hysteria as a manifestation of desires suppressed in the first years of life and problematic situations hidden from oneself. Thanks to this theory, it is possible to explain temporary disorders that accompany attacks of hysteria - deafness, loss of vision, the ability to navigate in space.

For a disease to occur, a combination of several factors must occur simultaneously or over a period of time.

Only a specialist can diagnose hysteria, based on special tests and analyses.

How to stop a woman from throwing tantrums?5

The most effective way to get rid of female hysterics is to prevent their preconditions in the bud. If changes in the girl’s actions become noticeable and you feel the imminent onset of hysterics. It’s worth putting everything aside and trying to talk with your loved one, find out what’s bothering her. If you find out in advance the reason for the impending hysteria, you can try to stop it with the help of a compromise.

If talking doesn't help, you can take a video of your girlfriend at the moment of hysteria, and then show her the recording. Let him look at himself from the outside and draw conclusions. If a woman is throwing a tantrum on the phone, under no circumstances should you adopt her behavior and you should not talk to her in a raised voice.

It’s better to tell her as gently as possible that such complex problems cannot be solved over the phone and let her wait for you at home. Very often, by the time you return home, the hysteria ends on its own and you can calmly discuss the problems.

Symptoms of hysteria in women

The symptoms of the disease manifest themselves clearly and clearly - the behavior of patients under stress is very different from how they behave on a daily basis. The most accurate definitions that are used to describe the actions of such people at the time of an attack are theatricality and expressiveness.

General signs

Hysterical psychosis, or hysteria, has the following symptoms:

  • mood changes quickly and unpredictably;
  • increased impressionability appears;
  • A woman is characterized by defiant, sometimes deliberately shocking behavior;
  • clothes, hairstyle and makeup become too prominent against the general background;
  • sleep disturbances appear, manifested in the form of vivid dreams, and nightmares are possible.

Severe forms of the disorder

In severe forms of the disease, patients experience hysterical attacks; an attack may look like stiffness, immersion in a state of pathological fear, and the appearance of paralysis of the limbs. Some individuals with great self-hypnosis are characterized by disturbances in the functioning of the organs of vision, hearing, smell and taste, and loss of sensitivity of the skin.

Some patients suffer from seizures accompanied by hallucinations. For some, during an attack, they are characterized by immersion in a twilight state of consciousness, which is accompanied by mental disorders that are not characteristic of patients in everyday life.

Hysteria is severe and develops in patients from an early age. The nervous system, weakened by the disease, experiences psychological stress beyond its strength. As a result of this, the painful symptoms that arise take root in the behavior of patients and become a natural reaction of the sick to the world around them. As a result, many develop unbridled imagination and pathological deceit, and show signs of despotism in behavior.

Differences from an epileptic seizure

Hysterical seizures must be distinguished from epileptic seizures. For epileptic seizures, it is not necessary to have witnesses - they can overtake the patient even during sleep. The duration of the attack is short - up to 2 minutes; at this moment, patients can observe rhythmic contractions of the facial muscles, strong clenching of the thumbs in fists.

During an attack, acts of urination and defecation are possible, and there is a risk that the patient’s tongue will stick. After an attack, the victim feels drowsy and finds it difficult to return to his usual state.

Hysterical attacks are characterized by their theatricality and require witnesses. They continue for up to several hours. The movements of patients are designed to specifically harm themselves, or to create the impression that they want to harm themselves.

Severe seizures are characterized by a “hysterical arch,” when patients arch, resting only on the back of their head and heels. From this position, patients often move into acting out entire performances to demonstrate the horror, suffering or anger they experience.

Why do people make trouble?

There's a cat in every woman

“If you don’t pet a cat, its spine will crumble,” says Chinese wisdom. If you don’t stroke a woman, she will torture everyone with hysterics, according to our leading psychologists. A woman, it turns out, is a “tactile-dependent” creature. Stroking, caresses and hugs are like opium for a drug addict. The lack of gentle touches will not replace even regular sex for a woman. And she also needs an atmosphere of light flirtation. Light flirting fuels femininity and supports the feeling: “I am beautiful.” And without this feeling, life is not a joy for the fairer sex.

It's different for men. They have women later, after “success in work.” Life is not a joy for a man without a sense of self-worth. For example, his boss reminded him what a small fry he is - wife, get ready for hysterics!

Only now it often happens: even at home, the woman has the last word. The sad ditty of the post-war years “I and the horse, I and the bull, I and the woman and the man” today, like once the heroine of Lucyena Ovchinnikova, would be sung and danced to oneself by more than one representative of the fairer sex. Life has long been forcing women to take on responsibilities in male “dioceses” - housing, wealth in the home, the well-being of children. Experts believe that men are becoming more and more feminine. No, we're not talking about manicure, we're talking about the type of reaction to the difficulties of life.

There's Napoleon in every man

It has always been believed that a man boldly looks difficulties in the face, looks for their cause and tries to influence it. At the same time, the woman hides behind the man’s wide back. No back? Then head in the sand and - ah-ah! What does it mean: life was not a success, I don’t want to know why, just take it out and put it away. Moreover, this “take it out and put it down” sounds in a woman’s soul even when there is no one to address it to, except perhaps life itself.

Today it’s like “ah-ah!” increasingly published by men. Sometimes loudly - stomping your feet, curling your toes and slamming the door. Sometimes silently - with validol in your pocket: “life's bummers” tend to destroy the body. And this, it turns out, is also hysterical. Heart attacks and strokes, especially among men, have become younger. At the origins - that same “ah-ah!” What else could be hidden behind it?

Sometimes - so-called borderline mental states.
As a reaction “to life” or as an inherited developing pathology. The lines here are very thin. After all, hysteria can be taught, which many parents do with success. The kid shouts with good obscenities - quickly give him some candy. Adults have their own “candy”. But they get used to “getting them with their voice” just as quickly. And although hysterics spoil their lives considerably, they tend to consider those who are nearby to be guilty. psychologist's opinion
We must allow others to be different

Yuri Levchenko, famous psychologist, specialist in family relations:

— Helping a person see the reason for his own hysteria takes more than one hour of conversation. But sometimes the doctor suggests that the patient immediately “take the bull by the horns”, to speak, even when he wants to scream. The only answer he often hears is: why break yourself?

- But what kind is it? And what does “break” mean? You don't eat with your hands, do you? One might say, it has grown together with the steering wheel: you drive the car as if you were breathing. I couldn’t, I learned. Why? Because it's better for you. You can also learn to speak calmly. Don't you think it's necessary? Then it turns out that for some reason you need to shout. For what? What kind of “candy” are you extorting? Attention? Love? Money? Has it ever occurred to you that all this could be “extracted” in a different way? Maybe not a scream, but a kind word will open doors for you?

Besides, extorting everything by shouting is tiring. It’s like going out into the rain and trying to protect yourself from it with a stick. He got clever - he knocked off one drop, then another. Unproductive. Yes, and umbrellas were invented a long time ago. Why isn't an umbrella a joy? If you can't give love, give joy. If you can't be happy, try a calculated compliment. Sometimes this works too. Manipulation? No more than your screams. And let others be different. Not happy with your life, do you want to change it? Begin with yourself.

Doesn't work right away? Then, as soon as you feel the desire to make a row, sit down and stand up ten times, although thirty is better. You can jump and scream. Don't laugh, I'm not joking! Such psychological states have a biochemical background: a powerful release of the stress hormone - adrenaline. Physical exercise helps replace it with joy hormones - endorphins. As a result, your soul will feel better and you will no longer want to scream.

Moreover, screaming is nothing more than a “forceful drain of energy.” Love gives strength (you know). When it runs out, some switch to the “currency of hate.” Humiliated, crushed the “opponent” - and so you feel good, so calm right away... But this is not the choice of the strong and not the choice of the wise.

psychiatrist's opinion

Hysteria can be a disease

Anatoly Smulevich, head of the department of borderline states of the National Center for Mental Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences:

— The tendency to hysterics is often innate. Sometimes it can be seen almost as a character trait. But we classify some cases as diseases. It used to be called “hysterical psychopathy.” Today the term “hysterically rapid speech disorder” is used.

Behind such manifestations, of course, there are biochemical disturbances in the body. They can arise due to mental trauma - for example, due to loss of life or unhappy love. Such trauma sometimes gives rise to illness. But quite often we help, the situation stabilizes, life takes its toll - and the person is restored, never crossing the threshold of our center again.

Hysteria is often perceived as a purely feminine manifestation. This is far from true! There are no less men prone to hysteria. And often these are men with elements of narcissism in their character. That is, painfully focused on their own person, loving only themselves.

Women's hysteria has its own specifics. Women are more likely than men to suffer from so-called conversion disorders. These are palpitations, dizziness, numbness, headache. In women, even practically healthy ones, some hysteria can be observed in the premenstrual period.

In women over forty, a tendency to hysterics can develop during age-related changes in the body. (Sometimes it does not flow smoothly.) We call such hysteria involutionary. More often it occurs in the “everyday amplitude”. But it can also result in real pathology.


You are at risk of getting sick if...

It has long been an axiom: negative events and stress worsen health, including mental health. Is it possible to calculate the degree of your vulnerability? It turns out that it is possible. American researchers T. Holmes, R. Rah and J. Witkin developed a special comparative scale for this purpose. They had three “tools”: surveys, identification and processing of statistical data. Result: those at risk are those whom life beats by more than 300 points in a year. The risk of serious illness or depression is real for 80 percent of them.

Rate the situation in your life in points, sum it up, relate it to the number 300

Your gender: Man Woman

What life situations have you experienced over the past year?

Treatment of hysteria in women

Treatment of hysterical neurosis in women consists of stabilizing the mental state and general correction of the psyche. To do this, a psychologist or psychotherapist prescribes a course of psychotherapy without giving undue influence to the patient’s complaints. At this stage of the disease, not a single woman admits that she has obvious health problems, and often such patients even write complaints against their doctors.

Treatment can be done at home, and in severe cases - in a hospital setting.

As a medicinal treatment, general strengthening agents are prescribed, and in case of increased excitability, medications based on medicinal herbs are prescribed - motherwort, valerian. Sometimes patients are prescribed tranquilizers in small doses and for short periods of time. If prolonged insomnia is observed, patients are prescribed a course of sleeping pills.

Quiet, dangerous hysteria3

A quiet voice and gentle tone that psychiatrists usually use when communicating with their patients. All this betrays a quiet and unsafe hysteria. It is always accompanied by a quiet voice and silence, but it is at this moment that frying pans and children's toys fly past the head of the unfortunate person who happens to be nearby.

But its main danger is that men really don’t understand why girls get offended and what needs to be done in such a situation.

And at such moments, windows are broken and divorce applications are filed. It is precisely this kind of hysteria that should never be ignored under any circumstances. A girl in a state of quiet hysterics must be distracted with something: kiss her, give her a gift. Yes, in this case you will have to fork out more, otherwise it will cost you more money later.

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