Aura of a pregnant woman: 5 interesting facts

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Migraine is a sharp pain that occurs in one half of the head or its separate area - occipital, temporal, etc. The pain syndrome is characterized by high intensity, so it is quite difficult to cope with it with the help of antispasmodics (Drotaverine or No-Shpa) or common analgesics . The pain that often occurs is very difficult to bear, especially against the backdrop of the body's restructuring characteristic of pregnancy. If migraine develops during pregnancy, early treatment should be carried out taking into account the possible side effects of drugs.

While carrying a child, migraines can appear even in a woman who previously had no idea about the existence of such an ailment. Approximately every fourth of the expectant mothers first develops precursors - the so-called. “aura”, after which an intense headache develops.

Precursors of migraine can be:

  • photophobia (photophobia);
  • intolerance to certain odors;
  • painful reaction to loud sounds;
  • severe nausea;
  • vomit.

Please note: Often in pregnant women in the early stages, the aura is manifested by a sharp change in mood and behavioral disturbances. In particular, for many women suffering from migraine, detachment and withdrawal are characteristic at such moments.

What causes migraines in pregnant women?

Many patients have a family predisposition to migraine.

Other causes of intense headaches include:

  • consumption of certain foods in excessive quantities (citrus fruits, certain spices, cheese);

  • smoking (you should completely stop smoking during pregnancy);
  • frequent consumption of coffee;
  • sudden change in weather;
  • unfavorable indoor microclimate;
  • lack of water in the body (insufficient fluid intake is especially dangerous in the early stages);
  • lack of sleep;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • taking certain medications.

Why do migraines occur?

Doctors still cannot determine the exact causes of the disease, but most are inclined to believe that heredity, especially in the female line, becomes the decisive factor. It has long been noted that if a woman’s closest blood relatives (mother or grandmother) suffered from migraines, the likelihood of the pathology occurring in their descendants ranges from 30 to 70%.

information Pregnancy usually becomes a provoking factor that affects a woman’s hormonal levels and her psycho-emotional state. In 10% of cases, women first encounter the problem during the gestational period. Most often this happens in the early stages, but sometimes severe headaches can occur periodically until childbirth.

This may be facilitated by unfavorable factors, which doctors include:

  • lack of long walks in the fresh air;
  • smoking or being in the same room with people who smoke;
  • long duration of sleep (more than 8-9 hours);
  • stressful situations (divorce, quarrels with loved ones, conflicts at work);
  • overwork;
  • long breaks between meals;
  • bad weather (differences in atmospheric pressure, squally wind, thunderstorm).

The body of the expectant mother reacts very sharply to certain foods. Under the influence of hormonal changes, even those dishes and products that previously appeared regularly in the diet of the expectant mother can provoke a migraine attack. Most often, this reaction occurs with excessive consumption of chocolate and drinks containing caffeine. These include not only coffee, but also strong tea. By the way, natural green tea contains 2 times more caffeine than coffee beans.

important To reduce the likelihood of an attack, pregnant women are advised to exclude peanuts, some types of cheese, bananas and citrus fruits from the menu. You should not get carried away with sugar substitutes - most of them cause digestive problems and headaches, which are false to get rid of.

Symptoms: how to distinguish a migraine from a headache?

To understand what exactly is tormenting a woman - a headache from overwork or a migraine - you need to pay attention to some points. Doctors have a term “aura”, which means a set of symptoms that occur a few minutes before a migraine attack. Diagnosing them will not be difficult, since they are characteristic of this pathology. Symptoms indicating the onset of an attack include:

  • disturbance of visual and tactile perception;
  • confusion of speech;
  • "floaters" before the eyes.

information Migraine headaches are determined only on one side and are characterized by high intensity. The attack can last from 1 hour to 2-3 days. The use of medications during this period is ineffective. Migraine is often accompanied by vomiting and nausea, so some women confuse it with toxicosis. In rare cases, chills may occur.

Treatment of migraine with medications during pregnancy

One of the simplest and most accessible ways to combat migraines during pregnancy is painkillers. The list of relatively safe drugs that have minimal effects on the fetus is small. The only medicine that does not affect the course of pregnancy and does not cause pathology in the development of the fetus is Paracetamol.

It is the drug of choice for pain relief in pregnant women, the elderly and infants. The medicine is available in tablets and is available in almost every medicine cabinet. If necessary, you can replace it with structural analogues, which are based on the same active substance. These include:

  • "Panadol";
  • "Efferalgan";
  • "Panadol extra".

All of these drugs are non-addictive and do not have a toxic effect on the fetus, so if necessary, they can be used even in the early stages, although it is better to try to do without the use of medications for at least 12 weeks. If the expectant mother does not suffer from depressive disorders and increased excitability, it is better to use Panadol Extra, enhanced with caffeine, to relieve headaches. This drug can only be prescribed if the woman has normal or low blood pressure, since caffeine can increase blood pressure readings.

important A significant disadvantage of Paracetamol and drugs based on it is low efficiency. It is almost impossible to stop a severe migraine attack with drugs of this group, so sometimes a doctor can prescribe stronger drugs to a woman, for example, Citramon.

It is based on the same paracetamol, as well as caffeine and acetylsalicylic acid. Citramon quickly relieves pain, but has many contraindications, so it can only be taken in the 2nd and 3rd trimester if there are serious indications.

Sometimes a doctor may recommend taking antispasmodics (“No-shpa”, “Drotaverine”), but on their own they turn out to be ineffective and act as part of combination therapy. Natural balm “Zvezdochka” copes well with pain. It should be applied to the temples and massaged with light movements.

important The use of specialized drugs for the treatment of migraines, as well as Aspirin and Analgin, is prohibited during pregnancy.
The listed drugs accumulate in the tissues and organs of the fetus and can cause abnormalities in development and growth, and also increase the risk of bleeding in the postpartum period and during labor.

Common causes of the disease

Hormones, hemicrania, pregnancy have a direct connection. This is confirmed by various data:

  • Cyclic hormonal fluctuations in a woman’s body determine many pain syndromes, including cephalalgia;
  • Menarche, menstruation, pregnancy, lactation, menopause are periods characterized by changes in the levels of sex steroids. It is during these periods that headache attacks undergo metamorphosis;
  • The development of pain is associated with the use of oral contraceptives and menopausal hormone therapy;
  • Hemicrania during pregnancy is subject to the “estrogen paradox”. The course of the disease, its clinical picture throughout the gestational period is determined by fluctuations in estrogen levels depending on the trimester.

In the pathogenesis of this nosology, estriol, estrone, and estradiol play a leading role. It is as follows:

  • Regulation of the endogenous opioid system;
  • Increased levels of prostaglandins;
  • Changes in the amount of neurotransmitters (catecholamines, serotonin, endorphins);
  • Increased sensitivity of the trigeminal receptor field;
  • Increased perception of pain;
  • Strengthening the influence of serotonin on the brain and its blood vessels.

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Indications and contraindications for treatment with gerudotherapy Classic triggers of migraine paroxysm:

  • Unstable psycho-emotional background due to the established dominant pregnancy;
  • Food provocateurs (factory-produced products containing large amounts of preservatives, spices, dyes; food with high levels of tyramine);
  • Hypersensitization reaction;
  • Depletion of the body's reserve forces (tiring work, overstrain of the nervous system);
  • Meteorological changes;
  • Polypharmacy;
  • Excessive weight gain during gestation;
  • History of traumatic brain injury;
  • Low or high blood pressure, preeclampsia.

Folk remedies against migraines in pregnant women

  • Compresses. To relieve severe pain, you can apply a cold compress to the forehead or back of the head. The bandage can be changed several times until the pain disappears.
  • Herbal teas and decoctions. Medicinal herbs have proven themselves well in the fight against migraines. Chamomile, lemon balm, and mint have a relaxing and analgesic effect. They can be brewed instead of tea, especially in the evening when you need to relieve fatigue. A good addition to this tea would be a spoonful of honey or a little warm milk.
  • Cold and hot shower. This method is suitable only for seasoned women who are not afraid of low temperatures. An unprepared body may react with a decrease in immunity. You need to start the procedure with a hot shower and end with dousing with cold water. 3-5 minutes is usually enough to eliminate a migraine.
  • Massage. Massage of the head, neck and temporal area is an excellent remedy for combating headaches. It should be done with rubbing movements for 5-7 minutes.

Migraine during pregnancy. How to treat?

Anti-migraine medications should be used with great caution and only after consulting a doctor. During pregnancy, a woman's body can react differently to one drug or another, so you need to be extremely careful about what you take. Only qualified doctors can determine what is possible for migraines during pregnancy, since they have the necessary knowledge and practice.

Having figured out what kind of phenomenon migraine is in pregnant women and how to treat it, a few words need to be said about prevention. It is best to build a daily routine and stick to it, yoga for pregnant women will not harm anyone to keep your body in good physical condition. A head and neck massage will be helpful, and most importantly, eat what your body requires and drink plenty of water.

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Measures to prevent migraines during pregnancy

It is impossible to prevent migraine, since the disease is most often caused by genetic causes, but it is possible to eliminate all factors that may adversely affect the well-being of the expectant mother and provoke an exacerbation. To reduce the likelihood of pathology, a pregnant woman needs to:

  • include more fresh fruits, herbs, berries and vegetables in your diet;
  • avoid stress and emotional turmoil;
  • engage in sports permitted by the supervising physician (yoga, swimming, special gymnastics);
  • avoid being in the same room with people who smoke;
  • ventilate the apartment several times a day;
  • go to bed no later than 10 pm (recommended duration of night sleep is 8-9 hours).

information Daily walks are important. For long periods of time, when it becomes difficult to move, you can quietly walk around the house or just sit on a bench at the entrance, but you need to go outside every day.

Migraine can cause a lot of discomfort and ruin the joyful period of bearing a baby. To reduce the risks of exacerbation of the disease, it is important to plan your pregnancy, treat all chronic diseases in a timely manner, and follow dietary and routine recommendations. Her well-being and the condition of the baby depend on the lifestyle the expectant mother leads and how responsibly she treats her own health, so any ailment should be treated after consultation with a specialist.

Aura of a pregnant woman: 5 interesting facts

The human aura is an energy field that reflects the vital energies of the human body. It is these energies that make us who we really are, their condition depends on what kind of life we ​​lead, how healthy we are, what kind of character we have. The aura reflects our mental activity, emotional, mental and physical state.

The aura surrounds the human body in layers, like thick colored hoops, which are evenly spaced from top to bottom. These hoops are called colored reflections of a person’s chakras.

Each chakra is a transformer that produces energy of a different type and color. The strength, activity and color of each chakra depends on the character of a person, his emotional, physical, mental state, and his lifestyle. Together they produce the main shade of each person's aura.

Today, in special salons, each person can take a photo of their own aura to see what it looks like, how dense it is, what color it is.

What does the aura of a healthy person look like?

According to experts, the aura of a healthy person has a bluish-purple, transparent pulsating color that surrounds the body with a cover 5-3 cm thick. The color pulsates about 15 times per minute. This pulsation is like a traveling wave that spreads down the arms, legs and throughout the body.

The aura also has colored rays that are surrounded by a grayish-blue nebula. It looks brightest near the surface of the body and fades as it moves away. The blue color of the aura around the head slowly turns into yellow and surrounds the head with a kind of crown at a distance of 7-10 cm.

Aura of a pregnant woman

Pregnancy is a special condition during which complex changes occur in a woman’s body, her psychological state also changes, and therefore changes occur in the aura.

1. The aura of a pregnant woman expands, becomes brighter, and delicate balls of energy in blue, pink, yellow and green colors are visible above the shoulders of the expectant mother. Also in the early stages of pregnancy there is a silvery glow in the aura. It is due to the fact that a woman’s aura becomes more powerful that the expectant mother looks more attractive and happier during pregnancy.

2. Experts say that pregnancy can be determined by the state of the aura long before the onset of obvious signs of an “interesting situation.” This can be done thanks to the presence of a silvery glow that fills the entire aura. In addition, against the background of a silvery aura, a bright point in the area of ​​a person’s heart often stands out.

3. If you photograph the aura during pregnancy, you can determine the gender of the unborn baby. If it is a boy, then the aura will have a blue color on the woman's stomach. If it is a girl, then on the contrary, the aura will have a soft pink color.

4. Some experts claim that by the state of the aura they can predict the appearance of pregnancy in the next few months, because when a woman’s body is completely ready for conception, the woman’s aura expands to the size of two people, it becomes more powerful and bright.

5. In the last stages of pregnancy, you can see that the pregnant woman’s aura has expanded more and has formed one aura with the unborn baby. This aura will always be present, it is thanks to the aura formed during pregnancy, even after the birth of the baby, that the field of mother and child are one, especially during the first twenty years of the child’s life. Thanks to this, all mothers, without exception, have a highly developed sense with which they can feel the condition of the child.

Have an easy and enjoyable pregnancy!

See our pregnancy calendar

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