What can you give your child for a headache: a list of safe drugs

The drug "No-Shpa" refers to antispasmodic medications. It relieves pain from smooth muscle spasms. The drug is taken to relieve pain in diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys and other internal organs. The product rarely causes side effects and is effective.

"No-Shpa": composition and other characteristics

The drug belongs to the category of antispasmodics. Available in the form of tablets (6, 10, 24 pieces in one package) or in the form of injections (25 ampoules of 2 ml each).

The active ingredient is drotavertin (represented as hydrochloride). Each tablet contains 40 mg, each ampoule solution contains 20 mg. In the No-Shpa Forte variety (dosage doubled - 80 mg).

The tablets may have a yellowish, greenish or orange color. The shape of the tablets is round, both surfaces are convex. On one side there is a fault line in the middle, on the other there is a monolithic surface with the inscription “NOSPA”. The solution in the ampoules is also colored in shades of yellow and green.

The shelf life depends on the form of release. Tablets can be stored for 5 years, and ampoules - 3 years from the date of release. The drug is protected from light and stored at room temperature in the range from 15 to 25 degrees.


Tablets can be purchased without a doctor's prescription, but injections can only be purchased with a prescription.

What do No-Spa tablets help with?

The drug is taken in tablets, as well as in the form of injections (both intramuscularly and intravenously) to quickly relieve spasms of smooth muscles. This is necessary to relieve pain that manifests itself against the background of such diseases:

  • pyelitis;
  • cystitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • papillitis;
  • pnephrolithiasis;
  • cholecystolithiasis;
  • Urolithiasis

“No-Shpu” is also used to relieve spasms associated with pathologies of the stomach and intestines. Such symptoms may occur due to constipation, ulcers, colitis, IBS and other disorders. Another indication for use is headache and dysmenorrhea. However, in this case, the drug will only work if the pain is associated with vasospasm (felt like tension in the head).

In ordinary cases, the “No-Shpa” form is used. An increased concentration in the composition of the drug “No-Shpa Forte” is used if necessary to ensure a lasting long-term effect (for days, weeks in advance). Forte is also taken if it is necessary to reduce the frequency, for example, to 1 time per day.

Causes of frequent headaches in children

Children's headaches can be caused by various reasons. Let's look at the most typical sources of headaches in children.

At the doctor

Tension headache . This type of pain occurs most often in pediatric practice. The nature of the pain is symptoms of constant compression of varying intensity. Pain is associated with the physical or psycho-emotional activity of the child. As a rule, such pain does not cause serious concerns about the child’s health.

Migraine . The nature of the pain is severe unilateral pain in the form of attacks. Pain may be accompanied by impaired hearing, vision, and balance. Migraine attacks often provoke nausea and vomiting.

Increased intracranial pressure . This medical term is not an independent disease. Increased intracranial pressure accompanies many diseases (brain tumors, meningitis, hydrocephalus). Therefore, headaches associated with this problem can be avoided if the underlying pathology is treated.

A child's eye problem may cause headaches

Visual impairment . Eye strain from prolonged reading, watching TV, or spending long periods of time in front of the computer can cause headaches.

The wrong choice of glasses also causes long-lasting headaches. Some eye diseases (glaucoma) cause severe eye pain and headaches.

IMPORTANT: A comprehensive ophthalmological examination will help identify the cause of your child's headaches associated with visual impairment.

Problems in the musculoskeletal frame . Incorrect posture, physical inactivity, and injuries to the musculoskeletal system often cause headaches. In this case, consultation with an orthopedic specialist is recommended. Additional studies of bone and muscle tissue can help identify the source of the headache.

Sports activities have a positive effect on the baby's health

IMPORTANT: Massage, therapeutic exercises, moderate physical activity have a positive effect on correcting problems associated with the spine and headaches associated with diseases of the corset-muscular frame.

Child mental disorders . Anxiety and depression, neuroses, fear, depressed mood are factors that can provoke headaches. Contacting a psychotherapist will help solve the negative causes and consequences of a child’s mental trauma.

Referred or referred pain . This type of pain is caused by other organs, although the pain is felt in completely different places. Thus, inflammation of the maxillary cavities, ear diseases, sore throat due to colds can cause radiating headaches in a child.

Medicines to treat headaches

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to the use of the drug are the following diseases and features:

  • low cardiac output;
  • severe kidney and liver diseases (failure);
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance (drotaverine) or to other components in the tablet;
  • lactase deficiency (metabolism disorders of galactose and glucose).

During pregnancy (any period), the drug is taken with caution; similar recommendations are for children and people with low blood pressure. It is recommended to consult your doctor first.

Side effects from taking No-Shpa tablets

In most cases, no side effects are observed. But with long-term use, as well as due to the individual characteristics of the body and human condition, the following consequences may appear:

  • increased heart rate;
  • sleep disorders;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • bowel dysfunction (constipation);
  • allergic reactions.

If an injection is administered, a local reaction (redness, foreign sensations) may additionally be observed.

Tips for parents

Taking medications is a simple and not always effective method of eliminating the disease. Using pills, you can temporarily alleviate the child’s condition. Regular pain in the head area may indicate serious problems in the child’s health. Let's give some tips on how to prevent childhood headaches.

  • Regular age-related medical examinations will help prevent many childhood diseases
  • A normal psycho-emotional climate in family relationships has a positive effect on the development of the child’s nervous system
  • Proper daily routine, nutrition, sleep, proper rest and long walks in the fresh air help improve health
  • Active recreation, sports and hardening procedures are the best prevention against headaches

Instructions for use "No-Shpa"

Dosage and rules of administration depend on the form of the drug and the age of the person:

  1. The daily dosage of the active substance for an adult is in the range of 120-240 mg, which corresponds to 3-6 tablets of the regular drug and 2-3 tablets of the “Forte” variety. In this case, it is allowed to consume no more than 40 mg at a time, i.e. maximum 2 tablets.
  2. For children under 11 years of age inclusive, the optimal dose is 80 mg - this amount is taken 2 times a day.
  3. For older children, a dose of 160 mg is indicated, divided into 2-4 times.

The general course of therapy (with self-treatment) is no more than 2 days. If during this time your health does not improve, you need to contact a specialist for a possible replacement of the drug and diagnostics. If No-Shpa is used as an additional medication as part of complex therapy, then the course without consulting a specialist can last up to 3 days.

How to treat headaches in children?

You cannot ignore a child’s complaints of headaches. There is no need to panic either. Any pain has a cause and is a signal of a problem in the body.

What to do if a child has a headache?

  • If your baby complains of a headache, you should find out the cause of the pain.
  • It is recommended to distract and calm the child, if possible put him to bed and talk to him calmly
  • Mild sweet tea will help relieve tension and calm your baby.
  • You can ventilate the room or, even better, take your child for a walk in the fresh air, if weather conditions permit.
  • Give your child the opportunity to sleep and rest
  • For persistent moderate pain, the baby may be given Ibuprofen or Paracetamol in a dosage appropriate to the child’s age.

Weak sweet tea will help with headaches

IMPORTANT: If the measures taken do not improve the baby’s condition, and the child continues to feel unwell, you should definitely consult a doctor.

When do you need a doctor's help?

It is recommended to immediately consult a doctor if the following occur with a headache:

  • any disorders of consciousness
  • speech distortion
  • lack of coordination
  • visual problems
  • appearance of a rash
  • nausea and vomiting
  • pain after traumatic brain injury

Tablets for children

special instructions

No-Shpa contains lactose, so patients with impaired absorption of glucose and galactose should take the tablets with caution and only after the doctor’s approval.

If the solution is administered intravenously, the patient should lie down for several minutes at rest. If you have high blood pressure, use is allowed only in consultation with your doctor.

The injection solution contains sodium metabisulfite, which can cause an allergic reaction. In rare cases (especially in the presence of bronchial asthma, chronic allergies), bronchospasm and the onset of individual signs of anaphylactic shock are possible.

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