How to massage headaches at home

Massage is an effective, safe and quick way to get rid of headaches without the use of drugs. Massage manipulations are converted into mechanical energy, which in turn is converted into energy that provokes reflex reactions from the nervous system. Brain tissues react to external influences, which leads to the activation of natural mechanisms - nervous excitation or inhibition, depending on the type of influence. Local massage for headaches can be done at home, in the office, on public transport and any other convenient place.

Causes and types of pain

  • Headaches most often indicate a lack of oxygen in the brain, caused by vasoconstriction due to excessive tension in the head muscles. Instead of relieving tension with a relaxing massage, people drown themselves with aspirin and other painkillers.
  • Often headaches occur due to spinal curvature. Incorrectly positioned cervical vertebrae strain the head muscles and can even pinch the cervical nerve, thereby causing pain.
  • Intestinal stagnation. Constipation often causes headaches. To get rid of this you need a complex of head and abdominal massages.
  • Fatigue of the body. With heavy workload or severe lack of sleep, a headache often begins. Good rest will help with such pain.
  • Serious illness or head injury. In these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor for hospitalization or a course of treatment.

The purpose of massage and its effectiveness

If you have a headache, then self-massage solves the main problem - it either completely eliminates the migraine or weakens it.

As a rule, the vast majority of reasons for the appearance of this condition lie in tension in the muscles of the neck and head. Because of this, actions aimed at relaxing the muscles help achieve the desired pain-relieving effect.

Migraine massage has the following effects:

  1. Reduces clinical manifestations of neurosis and improves sleep.
  2. Allows you to get rid of hemicrania, which is chronic pain in one part of the head.
  3. Improves blood circulation in the skin and metabolism in nerve fibers.
  4. Improves memory and increases performance.

There are many massage techniques to help relieve pain. Some have a long-distance effect, whereby the effect occurs in one area and the effect appears in another. For example, a targeted effect on the limbs leads to a weakening of the signs of pathology.

Unfortunately, migraine is a chronic condition, so the patient will require frequent treatments. In addition to massage, you can also use individually selected gymnastics, the purpose of which is to normalize blood circulation.



A general head massage for headaches is good for relieving muscle tension and nervous disorders . No special preparation is required for massage. First, warm up the skin by stroking and rubbing. The head must be massaged along its entire length, using spiral movements. Do not allow your fingers to slip.

When performed correctly, such a head massage helps greatly against headaches, relaxes muscles and relieves tension.


Acupressure for headaches is based on the idea of ​​influencing certain areas of the human body .
By influencing certain areas, the muscles are activated and toned. It is very important to find a point in time and act on it without affecting its neighbors. Massage of points is very local, there is no point in rubbing a specific place, you need to influence the points, so it is very important to know their location. Pressing should not take less than 5 seconds. Acupressure for headaches depends on the source of the pain: with migraines, you need to work on completely different areas than with regular pain. Points of the first group.

  1. Points in the upper eye area. They are located between the upper corners of the eyes and eyebrows and are responsible for stimulating the muscles of the face and head. These points are easy to find because pressing them is much more sensitive than pressing in neighboring areas.
  2. Points on both sides of the back of the neck. They are located to the left and right of the cervical vertebrae, under the base of the skull. They are responsible for the muscles of the head and neck and the nerves of the skull.
  3. Points on the hand. They are located in a triangle between the thumb and index finger. They are often used to relieve headaches. They are easy to find: feel the triangular area (you will feel a slight pain where the point is).

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Migraine points.

  1. Points on both sides of the back of the neck. The same points that were described above also help with migraines.

Trigger points

Trigger points are those areas of the human body that, when pressed, react with increased sensitivity , including pain. Most often they are localized in the neck and lower back. Only a professional doctor who knows everything about the correct treatment methods can help cure a trigger point.

Both medication and massage are used.

Muscular-tonic syndrome

Muscular-tonic syndrome is one of the manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis. Treatment for this symptom involves relieving muscle spasms, and massage therapy is one of the most effective measures. With the help of massage of the cervical-occipital areas, painful spasms are relieved and the cause of the syndrome is eliminated.

Neck massage

Another massage against headaches is cervical. Often the cause of pain is tension in the neck muscles. This massage also helps with muscle-tonic syndrome . First, warm up the skin of your neck by rubbing and stroking. Then begin to gently massage the neck muscles. Remember that you should not squeeze pulsating vessels, and after the session you should not stand up suddenly.

It is advisable to wear a special neck collar, if you have one.

Why does my head hurt?

First of all, you should figure out why the headache hurts and whether the patient can use massage to get rid of discomfort. Massage and acupuncture (acupressure, acupressure) will help with discomfort if the cause of the headache is:

  • Nervous tension, stress, depression.
  • Osteochondrosis and other diseases that affect the cervical spine.
  • Migraine.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Short-term vasospasm.
  • Inflammatory process in the sinuses.
  • Lack of sleep, overwork.
  • Alcohol abuse, smoking.
  • Meteor dependence.
  • Hunger or dehydration.
  • Constipation.

You can massage for headaches at home, in transport, or in nature. There is no need to comply with special conditions for this.

Contraindications and precautions

Massage is not recommended if you have the following pathologies:

  • mechanical damage to the head;
  • inflammation and rashes on the scalp;
  • fungal diseases;
  • progressive baldness;
  • vasodilation;
  • recent surgeries;
  • fever;
  • exacerbation of any existing chronic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • heart failure.

The session should be carried out with caution for people with increased intracranial pressure; it is advisable to conduct the session with a knowledgeable person. For older people, the session should not be intense or long.

Contraindications to massage

Massage is not always beneficial. Exposure to the skin and active points of the body can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases, causing an unexpected reaction in the form of increased blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea. Head massage is contraindicated even with severe headaches if:

  • The patient has a high temperature.
  • A blood disease is diagnosed.
  • A person is sick with tuberculosis.
  • The patient is pregnant or menstruating.
  • The patient’s brain is affected by an infectious disease: meningitis, encephalitis.
  • An acute inflammatory process develops in the body.
  • There are wounds, abrasions, cracks, warts, large moles, and papillomas on the skin.
  • The patient has been diagnosed with a malignant tumor.
  • The patient recently suffered a concussion and has an open skull injury.

It is not recommended to massage children under 2 years of age, as well as elderly people (after 75 years).

A headache massage will not help if the patient is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In this case, it is recommended to first carry out sobering procedures.

Prophylactic use

Head massage is often used to prevent baldness . In the process, blood circulation increases, and the hair roots receive sufficient nutrients and oxygen.

However, it is not recommended to use massage for people already suffering from baldness.

Watch a video about acupressure

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Points on the arms and legs, massaging which can reduce headaches

The main point on the hand, massaging which will relieve headaches, is He-gu. It is located between the thumb and index finger on the outside of the palm.

Impact on the area will have a significant positive effect on the body:

  • headache decreases;
  • the condition improves in case of viral diseases, influenza;
  • labor is stimulated.

Alternately massaging the He-gu point on the 1st hand and then on the 2nd hand will help get rid of the problem.

The main areas on the legs that can be massaged to reduce discomfort include:

  1. A point that can be felt on the inside of the foot in the area between the 2nd and 3rd toes. It is necessary to massage by pressing, making circular movements clockwise.
  2. The point is located on the 2nd finger at a distance of 3 mm down from the nail growth line. Massage alternately.
  3. Zu Lin Chi can be felt between the bones of the 4th and 5th toes on the outside of the foot. This area is massaged gently, with calm movements.
  4. The point is located 3 mm above the growth line of the thumb nail. Both legs are massaged at once.
  5. A point that can be felt in the area of ​​the notch under the ankle. It is located on the inside of the leg. Massage the area for at least 1 minute.

In total, there are more than 100 biologically active zones on the human body, but to solve the problem it is not necessary to act on all of them at once. You can choose only 2-3 and act only on them.

Head massage products

For cephalgia caused by stress or overexertion, special devices will help. Massagers, simple and with additional stimulation, help relax muscle fibers, eliminate spasms of vascular walls, and normalize blood circulation in soft tissues. Even a simple massage comb can relieve a nagging headache. It is enough to use it as directed every day before bed for 10-15 minutes.

You can learn about the use of essential oils and their effects here.

Self-execution technology

The procedure for performing the procedure yourself is as follows::

  1. Sit on a chair or sofa and lean back. Shoulders and neck should not be tense. The fewer distractions there are around, the better.
  2. Place your palms on your forehead so that your fingers touch in the center of your forehead. Place your thumbs on your temples - they will serve as support.
  3. Start the massage - the pressure with your fingers should be noticeable, but not painful. The skin under your fingers should be blended, but there should be no redness.
  4. Gradually move your palms higher towards the crown, while your thumbs should gently move along your temples, in sync with the rest.
  5. Make smooth movements along the massage lines, alternate stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.
  6. Go to the base of the skull at the neck and massage this area, gradually moving your fingers towards the forehead. Make sure that your fingers do not touch. Leave a small gap of 2 cm between them.
  7. Finish the session with soft, stroking movements.

For a massage to have a calming effect, try to breathe calmly and measuredly. Concentrate on inhaling and exhaling.

"Hair combing"

3. One hand combs the hair forward, the other - back (Fig. 4). Repeat 7 times. With long hair, it makes sense to carry out deep movements, penetrating deep with your fingertips. With short hair it’s easier: you can rub the heat emanating from your hand into the skin as much as possible.

When this movement is performed well, the blood supply to this area of ​​the head and the vascular tone of the skin improves.

4. Make massaging movements from the outer corners of the eyes to the back of the head and further down to the neck (Fig. 5). Try to lower your palms as low as possible to divert blood to the neck area. Repeat 7 times. Try to let your palm slide easily, not tensely. Exercise normalizes blood flow and vascular tone.

What are the benefits of head massage?

In ancient centuries, massages were included in the medical complex for soldiers. Today, carrying out such procedures is an excellent way to eliminate pain and prevent negative disruptions in the body. Massage is useful for people with reduced concentration, those engaged in active mental activity, sleep problems, eye fatigue and increased anxiety.

Massage movements of the skin have a positive effect in the form of strengthening hair, relieving tension and increasing local blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Smooth stroking up and down, forward and back, and light pressure with your fingertips on special points stimulate the necessary flow of oxygen to the scalp. As a result of this technique, mood and performance improve.

Cost of the procedure

The price of one head massage session in salons in Moscow and St. Petersburg depends on the type and duration of the procedure: for a classic one you will have to pay from 800 to 1000 rubles, for Thai, Indian and myofascial modeling (affecting the tissues surrounding the facial muscles) - from one and a half to two thousand. Guasha scraping massage will cost 1,200 rubles, and Burmese and lymphatic drainage massage will cost 500. Cosmetic massage is considered simpler to perform and costs a little less - about 400 rubles. It is important to remember that to achieve a healing effect, you need to complete a full course, which includes 10–15 similar procedures.

Specifics of acupressure massage

Head massage for headaches can be very effective, since by improving blood circulation and relaxing muscles, pain can be significantly reduced.

But for this, the procedure must be carried out according to certain rules:

  • carried out only manually;
  • pressure occurs vertically and directed downwards;
  • movements are made with 1 or 2 fingers (if 2 fingers are used, then 1 is superimposed on the other);
  • a pinch of 3 fingers can be used for pressure;
  • you can use the edge of your palm for massage;
  • if the impact should be strong, then it is always short;
  • the selected point is affected for several seconds (4-5), after which it is slowly released;
  • you can use rhythmic movements: press for 2-3 seconds and release the pressure for the same time;
  • the main thing in movements is smoothness and softness;
  • It is recommended to use special oils during the massage, which will reduce the pain of the procedure and increase its effectiveness;
  • The best time for the procedure is before bed.

Contraindications for the procedure include high body temperature and cancer.

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