What is demonstrative behavior in psychology

What is a demonstrative personality type?

This is a psychotype whose owner is characterized by artistry, emotional liveliness, and mobility. Such a person constantly strives to be the center of attention. It is very important for him that others notice him and admire him. To attract attention, an individual often fantasizes and embellishes the events of his life.

People with a demonstrative personality type are prone to lying. At the same time, they themselves can believe in what they say. If a person is aware of his lie, then he does not take it seriously and does not consider it something bad.

Demonstrative individuals love to be the center of attention and are very offended when others do not notice them. To show their importance and exclusivity, they often perform extravagant acts. Distinctive features of their character are egocentrism, expression, increased emotionality, theatrical behavior, and superficiality of feelings.

Almost every person in a certain situation behaves demonstratively, and this is normal. However, if such behavior becomes a distinctive feature and calling card of a person, then we are talking about accentuation of character.

Accentuation in psychology is the excessive development of a certain character trait (or set of traits). Accentuation is considered an intermediate link between normality and pathology. Accented people are not considered mentally abnormal, but they have disharmonious personality development.


Main signs: increased impressionability, timidity, heightened sense of inferiority. Teenagers of this type are distinguished by excessive sensitivity and high moral demands on themselves. As children, they are timid, try to avoid excessively active games, prefer quiet games or games with children, and are very withdrawn among strangers. Extremely attached to family. They develop a sense of duty early, so they study very diligently, but are afraid of tests.


: kindness, calmness, attentiveness to people, a sense of duty, high internal discipline, responsibility, conscientiousness, self-criticism, increased demands on oneself, the desire to overcome one’s weaknesses.

Weak sides

: suspiciousness, fearfulness, isolation, a tendency to self-flagellation and self-deprecation, confusion in difficult situations, increased sensitivity and conflict on this basis. Internal self-doubt can be compensated by external bravado.

Conflict situations


· ridicule or suspicion of unseemly acts;

· unkind attention or public accusations.


The main goal of pedagogical assistance is to gradually increase self-esteem and overcome feelings of inferiority.

It is not easy for them to establish contact, but their natural need to share their hidden experiences is quite strong. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct multiple conversations with detailed analysis and analysis of situations, helping adolescents to realize their suspiciousness and false sense of inferiority.

12 pages, 5854 words

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It is important to create situations of self-affirmation in those areas of activity where they can express themselves most fully and naturally. But at the same time, one should help to establish oneself in those areas where the teenager feels weakest. Create situations that stimulate the teenager’s conviction that others need him.

It is necessary to dose the loads, since children with this personality type are susceptible to asthenia. It is advisable to protect against overly strong impressions.

When communicating, excessive care and minute control over every step, every minute are contraindicated.

Preferred activity: work that does not require a wide range of communication.

Demonstrative behavior in children

In the process of growing up, a child develops one or another type of personality and behavior. Personal development is determined by upbringing and the example set by the people around you. Lack or excess of love, care and attention from parents have a significant impact on the mental development of the baby. High or low self-esteem affects his behavior.

Demonstrative behavior is most often observed in spoiled, capricious children who strive to achieve what they want at any cost. Very often, the source of demonstrativeness in a child’s behavior is:

  • desire to attract attention;
  • need for self-affirmation;
  • reaction to psychological trauma;
  • protest against something.

A demonstrative type of behavior is typical for children whose parents put too much pressure on them and at the same time do not pay enough attention and do not show proper care. Thus, the baby strives to receive the attention that he lacks in the family.

By the age of five, children's need for respect and recognition increases significantly. Kids begin to actively compare themselves with other children. However, due to their age, they cannot adequately evaluate themselves and those around them, so their opinion about themselves often does not coincide with the opinion of other children. They have a desire to prove their importance by any means. And often the most effective way is demonstrative behavior.

Children with a demonstrative personality type are very sociable and easily make friends. At the same time, the child is not particularly interested in the interlocutor himself. For him, he acts only as an object to which he demonstrates himself. Such a child does not need close communication, but admiration. If the baby does not find proper attention from others, he begins to behave aggressively.

Aggression is not necessarily physical; it is often expressed verbally. A demonstrative child notices and remembers the mistakes of other people and, on occasion, reminds them of them, trying to present himself in the best light. He often compares himself with other people, trying to show that he is better, smarter, more beautiful, etc. Sometimes children outgrow this behavior on their own, and sometimes they need psychological correction.


Main features: The main feature of the labile type is a sharp change in mood depending on the situation. Mood is characterized not only by frequent and sudden changes, but also by their significant depth. Well-being, appetite, sleep, ability to work, and the desire to be alone or only with a loved one, or to rush into a noisy society, in company, with people, depend on the mood of a given moment. Labile teenagers are “people of mood” and everything depends on their mood. The labile type is characterized by devoted friendship; they expect understanding and the ability to listen to them from a friend when they want to “cry into their vest.” Such children usually have only one friend. Praising such children is not harmful at all - it does not lead to arrogance. There is a great need for empathy.


: sociability, good nature, sensitivity and affection, sincerity and responsiveness (during periods of high spirits).

Weak sides

: irritability, short temper, weakened self-control, tendency to conflicts (during periods of depressed mood).

Conflict situations:

situations of strong competition;

situations of infringement of self-esteem;

situations of complete disharmony in his mood (everyone is having fun, but at this time he is suffering);

situations of threat of punishment, fear of something or someone;

emotional rejection from people significant to him,

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loss of loved ones or separation from those to whom one is attached.



Since the need for sympathy and empathy is clearly expressed, appropriate empathic behavior of the teacher is desirable. As a rule, by demonstrating emotional responsiveness, sympathy and empathy, you can achieve what cannot be done by any other means or efforts.

As a rule, the teacher’s manifestation of empathy leads to the rapid establishment of a trusting relationship with the teenager, but one should take into account the child’s extreme emotional sensitivity, and as a result, high mood variability.

Establishing contact is possible if the teenager sees a friendly attitude towards himself and finds sympathy. Usually, after an emotional response, mental relaxation occurs; in this state, the child becomes available for productive contact.

Particular attention must be paid to their relationships with peers. It should be borne in mind that emotional support and empathy from others are important to him.

A labile teenager easily gets out of a depressed state with encouragement, consolation and the appearance of a pleasant prospect (even if not always real).

Preferred activities: creative pursuits, the arts, professions related to closeness to nature, medicine, education and training.

Demonstrative behavior in adolescents

Adolescence is a difficult period in the development of personality. By this time, the individual has already formed the basic character traits, but he is not yet a mature personality. Teenagers, just like children, need attention from others. Moreover, for demonstrative individuals it does not matter what this attention will be - positive or negative. They do not tolerate indifference, so even negative emotions from other people cause them satisfaction.

Reasons for demonstrativeness in adolescents:

  • growing up in a dysfunctional family;
  • lack of attention from parents;
  • desire to stand out among peers;
  • need for respect and acceptance;
  • desire to protest.

Teenagers often strive to stand out among their peers in order to earn their authority, respect and admiration. The ways in which a teenager does this largely depends on the environment in which he finds himself. In a favorable environment, an individual tries to demonstrate his best qualities - academic or sports performance, active participation in school life. In an unfavorable environment, a teenager may begin to show the negative sides of his personality - be rude, be rude, humiliate those who are weaker than him, violate discipline, receiving negative characteristics from teachers.

Some individuals seek to attract attention to themselves by taking the position of a victim. They constantly talk about the misfortunes that happen to them, about their difficult lives. By doing this, they evoke sympathy and compassion from others, thereby satisfying their need for attention.

Some teenagers are characterized by demonstrative blackmailing suicidal behavior, in which they threaten suicide in order to achieve what they want or simply to get attention from adults. The source of this behavior is the unfavorable situation in the family, the lack of emotional contact with parents. Prevention of suicidal behavior is very important for healthy personality development.


Main features

: The main features of the psychasthenic type are high anxiety, suspiciousness, indecision, a tendency to introspection and constant doubt, and a tendency to form ritual actions. In childhood, timid, fearful, prone to reasoning. In adolescence, they show indecision and anxious suspiciousness. Making a decision or making a choice is the most difficult task for them, and even after making a decision, long doubts and reflections about the correctness of the choice followed again. People of this type are born pessimists, fearing the future and expecting failures. Specially invented signs and rituals become protection against constant anxiety about the future.

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: discipline, diligence, accuracy, seriousness, conscientiousness, prudence.

Weak sides

: sensitivity to various kinds of tests, indecisiveness, lack of initiative, a tendency to endless reasoning, soul-searching, the presence of obsessions and fears.

Conflict situations:

· situations when it is necessary to make independent decisions;

· situations of rapid switching from one activity to another;

· situations of performing tasks without clear directions and instructions;

Situations of intense anxiety or fear;

· situations of criticism of the teenager himself or his behavior;

· situations of prolonged physical or psychological overload.

Demonstrative behavior in adults

Adults who behave in this way seek to show their importance, visual attractiveness, or high social status. Their demonstrative behavior can manifest itself in showing off their knowledge, skills, or in buying expensive things (clothing, jewelry, gadgets, cars).

Such people behave unnaturally, they play like actors, trying with all their might to attract the attention of others. You can recognize a person with a demonstrative personality type by the following signs and behavioral characteristics:

  • a tendency to lie and fantasize, embellishment of one’s achievements and events in one’s life;
  • keeping silent about negative aspects of life;
  • the desire to constantly be in the center of attention;
  • the desire to constantly receive praise and admiration from others;
  • emotional lability, frequent mood swings;
  • conflict, the desire to defend one’s rightness by any means;
  • self-confidence, vanity, the desire to be the first and the best in everything;
  • increased emotionality, decision-making based on emotions rather than logical analysis;
  • extravagant behavior in public;
  • the ability to adapt to any situation;
  • high self-esteem, lack of self-criticism;
  • infantilism;
  • the desire to manipulate other people for personal gain;
  • the ability to protect yourself in any situation;
  • lack of feelings of guilt for one’s actions;
  • superficiality of feelings, reluctance to engage in introspection and self-knowledge.


Main features

: isolation, isolation, introversion, emotional coldness, manifested in a lack of empathy, difficulties in establishing emotional contacts; lack of intuition in the communication process.

Schizoid traits appear earlier than others - from an early age, such children prefer to play alone. They are drawn to adults, where it is easier to remain silent and seem to be alone with themselves.

In adolescence, such children have difficulties developing empathy (sympathy for other people's joys and sorrows), they do not know how to enter into informal contacts, their inner world remains closed and incomprehensible to others. A teenager can endure petty supervision in everyday life for a long time, obey the routine and regime established for him, but react with violent protest to the slightest attempt to invade the world of his interests, hobbies and fantasies without permission. They like to emphasize their independence and independence.


: seriousness, restlessness, taciturnity, stability of interests and constancy of activities.

Weak sides

: isolation, coldness, excessive rationality.

Conflict situations


· establishing informal emotional contacts,

· violent invasion of strangers into his inner world;

· criticism of his way of life, his “system”.


Establishing contact is a significant challenge. A teenager often absolutely cannot stand attempts to “get into the soul.” Therefore, when establishing contact, you should avoid excessive persistence and assertiveness.

At the beginning of the conversation, it is advisable to use the technique of “anonymous discussion”, when a fact from the life of the class or school is selected and discussed with the child in order to find out and clarify the main life positions of the teacher and the teenager. The main sign of establishing contact is the moment when the child begins to speak on his own, on his own initiative, emphasizing his point of view on a particular problem. You should not stop him at this moment, since the more he speaks, the more he reveals his inner world, the easier it is to direct the further part of the conversation in the right direction.

To develop a teenager’s communicative abilities, it is necessary to include him in various group and collective forms of activity.

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How to Deal with Demonstrative Personalities

You need to be able to communicate correctly with people of this psychotype. The advice of psychologists will help with this.

  1. Develop a neutral attitude towards your opponent’s desire to show off and demonstrate himself. Don’t show emotions about this, don’t focus on his behavior, don’t look for ways to overcome this behavior in a person.
  2. Even if you know that a person is lying and embellishing his achievements, do not expose him publicly. By doing this you will only offend your interlocutor by portraying him as a liar and a dreamer.
  3. Since demonstrative people like to fantasize and exaggerate, you should not trust them. Do not take everything they say seriously, try to check the information received.

In moderation, this accentuation of character does not harm either the person himself or the people around him. When communicating with a demonstrative person, you just need to take into account the characteristics of her character so as not to experience disappointment or negative emotions.


Pedagogical assistance for this is aimed at overcoming feelings of indecision, sometimes even inferiority, and complexes. It is necessary to help the teenager free himself from unfounded doubts and fears that significantly complicate his life. Therefore, when communicating, there is no need to constantly appeal to his sense of responsibility; it is necessary to support any positive initiative, and in no case should you ridicule or suppress the child’s initiative. It is necessary to provide the child with a feeling of success. He should only be compared with himself and praised for improving his own results.

Favorable situations are calm, pre-regulated work, when there is no need to make responsible decisions on your own. However, the teenager should be encouraged to make decisive statements, readiness to make decisions independently and subsequently act in accordance with them. Praise more often for successes, provide the opportunity to do more of what you love.

Preferred activities: individual activities; Leadership positions and professions associated with great responsibility are not recommended.


  1. Reminds me of a child with high self-esteem.
  2. The world sees it as positive and does not feel any threats.
  3. Such a person does not see any obstacles in his path.
  4. He is not bothered by past mistakes. He may repeatedly commit the same wrong actions.
  5. There is no feeling of anxiety.
  6. Infantility often occurs.
  7. Such people can be lazy.
  8. Manipulative abilities and impulsiveness are not excluded.
  9. There is no feeling of guilt.
  10. The most positive traits of such people are their artistic abilities, the ability to quickly adapt and balance relationships.

In the professional field

If we consider the professional behavioral level, then the following characteristics are characteristic:

  • subtle sensitivity of the inner mood of people, a sense of the collective,
  • careerist aspirations and snobbery,
  • ability to adapt,
  • the ability to attract sympathy,
  • trying to shield yourself
  • dishonesty of nature, its duality,
  • lack of self-criticism,
  • direct behavior
  • artistry,
  • vanity,
  • the desire to always be in the center, to concentrate attention on oneself,
  • lack of planning,
  • one-time behavior
  • a self-pitying attitude, an attempt to justify oneself.

Such a person may often have the feeling that he is being treated unfairly and is being undeservedly punished.

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