ADHD children, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, correction, diagnosis, treatment of ADHD in children in Saratov, how to treat ADHD in Russia, how to treat memory and attention disorders in children

What is ADHD, what is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, definition?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a syndrome characterized by behavioral disorders, neurological disorders,

impaired concentration, impulsivity, hyperactivity, impaired social functions, learning disabilities. ADHD , ADHD , or attention deficit disorder in children (boys and girls) in the absence of serious treatment turns into attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults (men and women).

Causes of ADHD

For many years, the dominant view was that the development of ADHD was based on dysfunctional relationships in the child's family. The reason was seen in the upbringing mistakes made by the parents.

It is now known that this approach to the problem is wrong. Yes, disturbances in family relationships, a difficult family situation, impulsiveness of parents, lack of an appropriate system of norms can intensify symptoms, but are not the causes of the disease.

Children with ADHD can't find their place!

The second hypothesis regarding the development of ADHD sees the main and immediate cause of this condition in damage to the child’s brain tissue. However, thanks to advances in medical diagnosis, it turns out that this is not the most common cause of hyperactivity symptoms.

What causes the development of ADHD?

Based on numerous studies, it was possible to come to the conclusion that the cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is stored in human DNA, i.e. The basis of this disease is genetic factors. This means that ADHD can be passed on from generation to generation.

The discovery of this disease in one of the child’s parents increases the likelihood of the same diseases occurring in the baby. The heritability of ADHD is about 50%. In addition, if one child is diagnosed with ADHD, there is a high likelihood that other children of the same parents will develop the disorder (about 35% of the time). In this regard, they talk about the generic occurrence of ADHD.

It is already known that the cause of the described disorders lies in human genetics. However, scientists have not yet been able to isolate the gene responsible for this condition. In this regard, we can say that ADHD is a polygenic inherited disease. This means that for this disorder to occur, not just one, but several different genes must be triggered together.

Family studies have shown that the risk of ADHD is significantly (seven times) higher in families where someone already suffers from the disorder. In addition, studies on identical and fraternal twins have confirmed the hypothesis of a genetic cause of attention deficit disorder.

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): causes of development

What are the causes of ADHD , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Characteristics of children with ADHD . Chronic intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus, asphyxia, perinatal encephalopathy (PEP), entanglement of the umbilical cord in the fetus, maternal diseases during pregnancy, hereditary burden, maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy, maternal smoking during pregnancy, drug use, contribute to the occurrence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. narcotic drugs, substances by the mother during pregnancy and 3 years before pregnancy, infectious diseases of the mother during pregnancy, threat of miscarriage, chronic somatic diseases of the mother (extragenital pathology). Also contributing to the development of ADHD in children are prolonged labor, premature birth, rapid labor, weakness of labor, immunological incompatibility, birth trauma, stimulation of labor, cesarean section, negative effects of anesthesia during childbirth, cesarean section, malpresentation of the fetus, cerebral hemorrhages, Rhesus conflict. ADHD may be caused by taking medications, infectious diseases, congenital malformations (CDD), sexually transmitted infections in the mother during pregnancy (STIs, venereal diseases, venereal diseases), pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, tone disorder syndrome, diabetes diabetes, hyperthermia (various diseases with an increase in temperature above 38 degrees). Affected by brain injuries , for example, falling out of bed when turning over in infancy. Disorders of the frontal lobes of the brain and corpus callosum. In environmentally unfavorable regions, the incidence of attention deficit disorder is significantly higher than in environmentally favorable regions.

2. Reasons

To date, the true etiopathogenetic mechanisms and risk factors for ADHD remain poorly understood and largely unclear. At the same time, several hypotheses are being intensively and effectively studied, none of which, however, so far has decisive evidentiary advantages over competing hypotheses.

Thus, in favor of the hereditary hypothesis, many independent studies have obtained results indicating a significantly high frequency of detection of a burdened family history in children suffering from symptoms of hyperactivity and attention deficit. Heredity in such cases is usually aggravated by diseases that cause neurotransmitter imbalance. The frequency of obsessional neuroses, nervous tics, etc. is also higher than the random level.

Many well-reasoned works are also devoted to the study of the role that congenital or acquired dysfunctions of the reticular formation of the brain, disturbances in the control and regulatory functions of the cortex play in the development of ADHD, with normal or increased activity of the subcortex.

The main risk factors are the same harmful effects during gestation (gestation), which most often cause congenital neurological deficits of other types, namely smoking, alcohol, taking certain medications, intense or chronic stressors, and unfavorable environmental conditions.

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: classification, types of ADHD

Neurologists, neurologists, reflexologists, reflexologists, behavioral neurologists, psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, family doctors identify the main types of ADHD , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder . ADHD-HI is an ADHD syndrome with a predominance of impulsivity and hyperactivity. ADHD-DD is an ADHD syndrome with a predominance of attention deficit. ADHD-C is a syndrome in which both impaired concentration and increased activity are observed to an equal degree.

Diagnosis of ADHD in children, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: signs, symptoms, manifestations

What are the main symptoms of ADHD in children ? Which ADHD clinic ? What are the signs of attention deficit disorder? When does ADHD appear? ADHD syndrome most often manifests itself in children of preschool (4 years, 5 years, 6 years) or early school age (7 years, 8 years, 9 years, 10 years).

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, decreased behavioral control, and bad behavior. Children find it difficult to control themselves and their behavior. From time to time there is inappropriate behavior in kindergarten (kindergarten), school, gymnasium, impulsiveness. Inadequate assessment of tasks, inattention, frivolity, negligence, carelessness, and daydreaming are also noted. Often there are bad deeds, actions, attention disorders, lack of analysis of one's actions, whims, hysterics, unreasonable courage, fights with children, breaking toys and objects, taking toys away from children, mistakes in school assignments, poor concentration on details, poor attention during games. A boy or girl does not pay attention to the words of an adult. Poor performance of homework, homework. Poor organization of your daily routine. The child is constantly distracted by foreign objects and actions around him. Forgetfulness is often noted. The child is very active, excessively mobile, he spins, spins, makes frequent movements with his arms or legs, and runs. He jumps, gets up from his chair during class, can crawl under the desk, plays restlessly, talks a lot, chatters, and cannot finish the things he starts. Answers questions inadequately. It interferes with children's studies at school, the teacher's ability to work with other children during class, he shouts from his seat, and discipline suffers. Doesn't wait his turn well. The child's life becomes more difficult. In a child, symptoms appear gradually, most often at first hyperactivity and impulsivity are detected, and later attention deficit disorders appear (attention deficit disorder).

ADHD symptoms

What is the connection between specific genes and the development of symptoms characteristic of ADHD? It turned out that genetic factors in people with this disease lead to the fact that the development of their nervous system slows down compared to healthy people. More metaphorically, children with ADHD have some parts of their brains that work less efficiently than their peers. This applies to areas such as: the prefrontal cortex, subcortical structures, large commissures and the cerebellum.

In the 50s and 60s of the 20th century, the causes of ADHD were associated with microdamages of the central nervous system (CNS) that arose as a result of pathological factors in the perinatal period. However, it turns out that microtraumas do occur in a small group of children with ADHD, but are just as common in healthy children. The source of changes in information processing and psychomotor reactions is differences in brain maturation caused by changes in genetic material.

Children with ADHD with their frontal lobes. This area is responsible for emotions, planning, assessing the situation, predicting consequences, and memory. This condition can manifest itself in the form of disturbances in the child’s emotions, that is, for example, in the form of causeless aggression, unrelenting anger, or constant forgetting about something.

Another part of the brain where dysfunction is clearly important in causing ADHD symptoms is the so-called basal ganglia. This part of the brain is responsible for motor control, emotions, learning, and cognitive processes (for example, speech, memory, attention, thinking).

In this case, disturbances will manifest themselves in inability to concentrate, problems with learning, and lack of coordination of movements. The functioning of areas responsible for touch, vision and hearing may also be impaired.

The reason for these shortcomings is the weakening of the action of certain substances in the brain, which are responsible for the transfer of information between its individual parts. These are the so-called neurotransmitters: dopamine, norepinephrine and (less important in this case) serotonin.

  • Dopamine is responsible for emotional processes, higher mental actions (for example, memory, speech) and, to a lesser extent, motor processes. It is also called the “happiness hormone” because an increase in its concentration in the corresponding areas of the brain causes a state of euphoria.
  • Norepinephrine is a hormone that is produced in the adrenal glands during stressful situations. Causes increased heart rate and increased muscle tension. In the brain it takes part, in particular, in the processes of thermoregulation. Deficiency can lead to underestimation of the threat and constant stimulation of the body. Called the “hormone of aggression.”
  • Serotonin is necessary for normal sleep. Its level also affects impulsive behavior, appetite and sexual needs. Too low levels of serotonin are observed in aggressive people.

Based on the studies conducted, it has been established that the level of these substances in people with ADHD is significantly reduced, which leads to an incorrect flow of information between different structures of the brain.

ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: differential diagnosis

It is necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with such diseases and conditions as childhood neurosis, minimal brain dysfunction (MMD), depression, anxiety, perinatal encephalopathy (late recovery period), undiagnosed epilepsy, severe stress, stress disorder, family troubles , divorce of parents (mother and father), neurological diseases, otitis media, dyslalia, dyscalculia, dyslexia, dysgraphia, visual impairment. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is often accompanied by Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, dyslexia, and bipolar affective disorder.

How to treat ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Saratov

Sarklinik knows how to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Saratov , how to cure ADHD in Russia, how to get rid of ADHD and where to go, where ADHD is treated in children and adults. And also, at what age does ADHD occur in preschool or school-age children? Where can I find a website for parents of children with ADHD ? What is ADD , MMD (minimal cerebral dysfunction), dysgraphia, agraphia, dyslexia, hyperactivity, torticollis, mental retardation, mental retardation, delayed speech development, delayed mental development, psycho-speech development, enuresis, encopresis, childhood neurosis, hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome, autism. What is the diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system ? Why don’t drug treatment, psychological correction, drugs, pathopsychology, psychology, drugs, tablets, injections, folk methods, traditional methods, traditional treatment, spells, herbs, infusions, tinctures, psychostimulants, homeopathy, homeopathic treatment with homeopathy help? What is barefoot therapy, pharmacocorrection, behavioral psychotherapy, family psychotherapy, neuropsychology, test? Who diagnoses ADHD ?

3. Symptoms and diagnosis

The most common symptoms, clinical manifestations and diagnostically significant signs of ADHD are instability of voluntary attention; restlessness; significantly reduced, in comparison with age standards, the speed and strength of assimilation of new knowledge; instability of memory. Such children quickly lose interest and motivation, spontaneously switching from topic to topic and from one type of activity to another, and educational measures or sanctions, as a rule, do not bring success. In terms of motor skills, children with ADHD usually show a tendency to make fast, impulsive, and lacking purposeful movements. School performance in most cases is worse than it could be if the child had sufficient intellectual abilities; sometimes a delay in intellectual development is detected.

There are three main forms of ADHD: hyperactivity without attention deficit, predominant instability of attention and memory, and a mixed form, which prevails in epidemiological studies.

Due to the special cognitive and motor status, the child’s relationship with teachers and parents is almost always disrupted if they try to correct the situation with severity and increased stress, thereby only aggravating the situation and reducing the child’s self-esteem.

Making an official diagnosis of ADHD requires the most thorough examination - anamnestic, neurological (using all the necessary laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods in this case) and psychological - as well as compliance of the results obtained with a number of clearly and detailed criteria. The decision is made by a comprehensive medical-pedagogical commission or council.

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Memory impairment in children: types, causes, correction, treatment

Sarklinik provides treatment for memory disorders in children and adults in Saratov, treatment of amnesia, treatment of memory and speech disorders in Russia, symptoms and syndrome of memory impairment, memory processes, disorders of immediate and short-term memory.

Sign up for consultation There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

Text: ® SARCLINIC | \ Photo: (©) Jaykayl | \ The child depicted in the photo is a model, does not suffer from the diseases described and/or all similarities are excluded.

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