Breakdown. How to live in a constant state of anxiety?

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When a person is in a tense state for a long time, he experiences a severe crisis, which leads to a nervous breakdown. It is interesting that such well-known diagnostic systems as ICD-10 do not recognize this pathology. However, in reality, there are a sufficient number of people suffering from this disorder and they need help. As a result, many are interested in the following question: how to treat a nervous breakdown? First of all, it is necessary to understand that this pathology occurs in cases where a person experiences prolonged psychological stress, is subject to frequent stress and does not recover from it. As a result, all energy and strength run out, and the patient suffers a nervous breakdown.

It is worth noting that in the modern world frequent nervous breakdowns occur, since the current lifestyle does not have the best effect on our body. If an individual takes on many tasks and does not cope with them emotionally, this leads to overwork. During a nervous breakdown, everything around you begins to irritate, pleasure is lost, physical fatigue and nervous exhaustion appear. The first thing to do in this case is to take care of your psycho-emotional health and take a vacation.

Nervous breakdown: symptoms and consequences

Everyone has psychological problems. The reasons can be any: dissatisfaction with personal life, appearance, health, income level, lack of popularity, and so on. And against the background of this discomfort, the first alarming signs of a nervous breakdown are not always obvious. If you do not take timely measures, namely: reduce physical or emotional stress, then you will not be able to avoid unpleasant consequences.

At risk are teenagers and women, as well as residents of large cities, people in difficult life situations, professionals whose work involves a huge psycho-emotional load (ambulance doctors, emergency workers, teachers, artists, etc.). Due to growing tension, a person begins to experience a stressful situation and can change beyond recognition. The once quiet and exemplary family man takes his anger out on his loved ones, quarrels with his superiors, gets involved in squabbles and even fights with strangers. A nervous breakdown, its symptoms and consequences in adults can be very sad, for example, obsessive suicidal ideation.

Causes of development of nervous system disorders

Signs of a nervous breakdown appear in a person under the influence of prolonged psycho-emotional stress. The constant impact of stress on the psyche leads to the launch of defensive reactions, with the help of which the body tries to avoid catastrophic consequences . At the initial stages of the development of the disease, a person experiences severe anxiety, which is a kind of harbinger of a nervous system disorder. This condition manifests itself in the form of panic attacks, prolonged depression, unreasonable phobias and general anxiety disorder. In addition to stress, nervous disorder can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Long-term use of potent medications that affect the human psyche.
  2. Abuse of sedatives and alcohol.
  3. Psychosomatic illnesses and vivid emotional shocks.

Symptoms and consequences of a nervous breakdown

No matter how complex a particular case may be, it is not difficult for a professional to make a timely and correct diagnosis of a nervous breakdown. To do this, it is enough to visit a psychotherapist or psychiatrist, neurologist, neurologist. However, it is useful to know how to identify a nervous breakdown yourself. This will help you take the necessary measures in time. There are generally recognized physical and behavioral symptoms and consequences of a nervous breakdown:

  1. Panic and fears. Against their background, a wide variety of phobias develop: fear of women (men), shops, transport, dogs, billboards, etc.
  2. Inability to assimilate information to the same extent. There is a feeling of one’s own mental inferiority, an obsessive feeling of “dullness.”
  3. Sexual dysfunction. Interest in the opposite sex is lost, conversations about sex cause irritation, and impotence (frigidity) develops. (Read the article “What does frigidity mean in women”).
  4. Insomnia. Due to persistent thoughts, a person often wakes up in the middle of the night, and then cannot fall asleep again, the feeling of anxiety worsens, and fatigue, both mental and physical, accumulates.
  5. Detachment. A person withdraws into himself. He is not interested in his relatives, friends, colleagues and their problems.
  6. Personality changes. This is usually noticed only by those closest to you, since it is important to track manifestations of character that are atypical for a normal state. For example, non-standard behavior in a familiar situation, depersonalization, excessive irritability, and sometimes atypical passivity.
  7. Hypochondria. There is a feeling of a threat to health. It is expressed in studying medical literature, visiting many doctors to check one’s own opinion. In this state, patients agree to any operations, but strongly object to visiting a psychotherapist.
  8. Problems with concentration. Dispersion develops, the former perseverance is lost.
  9. Depression. The neurotic state is systematically worsening, the inexplicable feeling of anxiety from rare manifestations passes to an obsessive state.
  10. Tearfulness. If previously tears were a manifestation of grief or a special situation, now even a carelessly spoken word can lead to a hysterical state.

It is important to understand: one symptom of a nervous breakdown is not so terrible, but their combination is a very, very alarming signal.

Somatic disorders during a nervous breakdown:

  • Headache. These include migraines and tension headaches. The headache seems to occur on its own, without illness. Going to the doctor does not bring relief, doctors cannot establish a diagnosis, and they also cannot find the causes of headaches.
  • Sleep disorders . They can be of different types - insomnia, frequent awakenings at night for no reason, it becomes difficult to get up in the morning, and the feeling of fatigue sets in literally after 2-3 hours. I want to sleep again. It can be difficult to fall asleep due to different thoughts, and the same dreams may torment you.
  • Disorders of the autonomic nervous system - increased sweating, panic attacks with rapid heartbeat and an uncontrollable attack of physiological horror. Breathing failures – hypoventilation (stopping breathing) or hyperventilation (rapid breathing).
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.
  • Appetite disorders. There are two forms: overeating, when a person literally “eats” stress, or lack of appetite.
  • Decreased sexual activity. A common occurrence during nervous overstrain.

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Somatic disorders are difficult to treat in this condition. Because without positive changes in the psyche, achieving an improvement in physical condition is problematic. A nervous breakdown combines symptoms of a whole range of diseases, including the presence of psychosomatic symptoms.

How does a nervous breakdown manifest?

Many of us know well about ourselves how to bring ourselves to a nervous breakdown. Life itself suggests recipes. For some, it’s enough to communicate closely with their “beloved” relatives, while for others, it’s enough to listen to another “reprimand” from their boss. And yet, how do you understand that you are having a nervous breakdown, and not an ordinary disorder due to an unpleasant event?

A few simple questions will help you understand that a person is having a nervous breakdown:

  1. Find a specific reason for a depressed, depressed state (death of a loved one, psychological shock, negativity from a certain person, etc.).
  2. Determine how long the feeling of satisfaction and happiness has been absent (month, year). Apathy and depression can both precede a nervous breakdown and be its consequence.
  3. Pay attention to the frequency of mood swings. If changes are obvious, the cause must be determined.
  4. Has performance changed? Frequent time off, sick leave, and painful conditions are a cause for concern.
  5. Do you feel a sense of helplessness and doom? This is usually expressed in loss of concentration, absent-mindedness, and lack of energy.
  6. Pay attention to changes in sociability. The desire for privacy as opposed to former friendliness is one of the alarming symptoms.
  7. Can you still rely on others? A person on the verge of a nervous breakdown feels lonely, abandoned, it seems to him that everyone has betrayed him and left him alone with his problems.

Once the cause has been established, it is time to decide what to do in case of a nervous breakdown. If your own knowledge, experience, and confidence are not enough, you should contact a specialist. He will talk about how to cope with a nervous breakdown, as well as its consequences, both emotionally and physically.

Calm your nerves and remove irritability - 18 best folk recipes

Rapid heartbeat, sweating, tearfulness, sleep and appetite disturbances, increased excitability; headaches and irritation occur when trying to force yourself to work. Weakness, a state of weakness, a painful reaction to sound, light, laughter and others - all these are symptoms of neurasthenia (neurosis).

Folk recipes based on natural ingredients will help put your nervous system in order. Choose from 18 of the best recipes using affordable and inexpensive ingredients. All the power of nature for your health!

Take care of yourself, smile more often and BE HEALTHY!

1. Meadowsweet tea will calm frayed nerves.

Tea made from meadowsweet (meadowsweet) reduces the excitability of the nervous system. You need to take 2-3 pinches of dry plant, brew 1 tbsp. boiling water and drink like tea. The course is a month. Note: the recipe should not be used by people with increased blood clotting.

2. For insomnia, the mixture will help to improve sleep and calm the nervous system.

Mix 500 g of honey, 1 des.l. pharmaceutical tinctures of valerian, hawthorn, 3 lemons, minced, 1.5 tbsp. ground almonds or walnuts and keep in the refrigerator. Eat 1 tbsp. in 15 minutes before meals, and also at night. Eat the entire mixture.

3. Lovage will help with nervousness and insomnia, heart pain.

1 tbsp. chopped roots pour 1 tbsp. cold boiled water, leave at room temperature for 4 hours, strain and take 1/2 tbsp. 2 times a day, morning and evening. The course is a month.

4. Baths will put the nervous system in order.

1 tbsp. dry crushed herbs of motherwort, yarrow and valerian root, brew 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew and, after straining, pour into a hot bath. Take such baths for half an hour, periodically adding hot water so that the temperature is comfortable. It only takes 3 procedures to relieve nervous tics and restless sleep.

5. A collection that will calm the nervous system.

Mix 2 parts of fireweed leaves, 1 part of meadowsweet flowers and leaves, 1 part of peppermint and 1 part of nettle leaves. 1 tbsp. Brew 2 tbsp in a teapot. boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, drink a glass 2 times a day.

6. Motherwort will relieve severe irritability and temper, insomnia and pressure surges.

Fresh motherwort juice should be squeezed out of the grass and taken 30 drops per 1 tbsp before going to bed. water. This juice is prepared for the winter like this: pass the motherwort grass through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice and mix with vodka in a ratio of 2:3. In this concentration, motherwort juice is stored for a very long time and does not spoil. Take this tincture 20 drops 2-3 times a day per 1 tbsp. water.

7. Lemon and motherwort will relieve irritability

To stop being nervous and regain your peace of mind, use a homemade tincture. Mix the zest of 1 lemon, 1 tbsp. l. motherwort herbs and 1 glass of water. Pour boiling water over the mixture, leave for 3 hours in a sealed enamel container and then strain. Take 1/2 tbsp. l. 4 times a day after meals.

8. Borage is an excellent remedy for heart neuroses, depressed mood and insomnia.

To prepare the infusion, use the stem, leaves and flowers of cucumber: 2 tbsp. l. raw materials pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 4 hours, filter. Take 2 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 week.

9. Prunes and spices will strengthen your nerves.

To strengthen the nervous system, rinse a glass of prunes, put in a saucepan, pour in 0.5 liters of cahors, heat over low heat, add 5-7 black peppercorns, one bay leaf, several clove buds, half a teaspoon of cardamom. Cover tightly and refrigerate. Therapeutic dose is no more than 40 ml per day before bedtime.

10. Herbs will relieve nervousness and depression.

The following collection will help against neuroses and depression: centaury umbelliferum - 10 g, St. John's wort - 10 g, angelica root - 5 g, elecampane root - 5 g, red wine - 2 l. Pour the mixture into heated (hot) wine. Let stand for 12 hours. Shake, do not strain! Pour into a glass container along with the herbs and roots. For nervous and depressive conditions, give 20 ml of wine after meals. (The alcohol will evaporate during cooking. You can give 1/2 dose to children).

11. A mixture of nervousness and irritability.

For increased nervousness and irritability, eat a daily mixture of 30 g of walnuts, 20 g of raisins and 20 g of cheese. This tones the nervous system, relieves fatigue, headaches, and strengthens the heart muscle.

12. Collection for insomnia and neurasthenia.

To get rid of insomnia and neurasthenia, try this recipe: 30 g of valerian officinalis rhizomes, 30 g of peppermint leaves, 40 g of trifoliate leaves. Pour a glass of boiling water over everything, heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool for about 45 minutes. Strain, squeeze out the raw materials and add boiled water to the original volume. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.

13. For neuritis and neurasthenia.

For neuritis and neurasthenia, use a decoction of raspberry leaves and stems. Pour 1 tbsp. boiling water 1 tbsp. leaves, keep on low heat for 5 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Take 50 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. You can also prepare a tincture from raspberry leaves and stems. Pour 3 parts vodka into 1 part raw material, leave for 9 days, strain. Take 20 drops 3 times a day for the first 10 days, 30 minutes before meals; the next 10 days - 30 drops 30 minutes before meals; the third ten days - 50 drops 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months. If possible, take the infusion of fireweed leaves at the same time as the tincture of raspberry leaves and stems: pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tbsp. leaves and leave overnight in a thermos. The daily dose of infusion is 0.5 l. Course - a month, break - 7 days. Repeat as needed.

15. Herbs for diseases of the nervous system.

For diseases of the nervous system, the following tea is recommended: For 250 g of water, St. John's wort - 2 tbsp, valerian root - 1 g, motherwort herb - 2 g, sweet clover herb - 2 g, marshmallow root - 2 g, hop cones - 1 g , chamomile flowers -2 tbsp.

16. Collection for neuroses.

How to treat a nervous breakdown with medication?

Although there is no such medical diagnosis as a “nervous breakdown,” its treatment is the prerogative of neurologists, psychotherapists, and psychiatrists. Moreover, in particularly advanced cases, we are talking specifically about drug therapy. Today, several popular methods have been developed to treat a nervous breakdown.

The basis of successful treatment is always the desire of the patient himself. Often the problem requires a comprehensive psychotherapeutic and medication solution. After examining the patient, the doctor selects an individual medicine for a nervous breakdown:

  • Antidepressant. Artificially suppresses depression for a certain period of time. Such pills for a nervous breakdown are not indicated for everyone; the state of health and previous medical history must be taken into account.
  • Anxiolytic. Helps relieve feelings of anxiety. Such sedative injections for a nervous breakdown are of the nature of an “ambulance”, but only long-term therapy can completely eliminate this feeling.
  • Antipsychotic drugs. Used in cases of severe mental disorders. They are prescribed only based on the results of a comprehensive examination at a psychoneurological dispensary.
  • Medicines that help lift your mood, stabilize your emotional background, and calm you down. This sedative for a nervous breakdown helps in the initial stages, when the problem is identified, but has not reached its extreme stage.
  • Vitamin complexes aimed at restoring nerve tissue.

After conversations with the patient, the doctor finds out the cause of the neurotic condition. If you are already having a nervous breakdown, it is important to find out immediately how to calm down. A wide variety of techniques are used: herbal medicine, massage, and hypnotic sessions to calm nervous breakdowns. There is no universal recipe; each case has its own treatment paths.

Causes of nervous disorders in adults

According to statistics, the risk group of people susceptible to various nervous system disorders includes representatives of both sexes between the ages of twenty and fifty . This is due to the fact that most people of this age are faced with various events every day that leave a peculiar imprint on the nervous system. Every person is familiar with the phrase “slack at work,” in which nervous tension spills out in the form of a negative attitude towards others and loved ones.

According to experts, a nervous breakdown at this age can be caused by various catastrophic events that lead to physical or mental injury. In addition, a nervous disorder can be a consequence of separation from a spouse, as well as various domestic conflicts. Often, various professional difficulties and diseases that are difficult to treat lead to the development of the emotional state in question. Financial status and social status also play an important role in this matter. Nervous breakdowns occur much less frequently when the correct daily routine is violated.

Any nervous tension sooner or later ends in a breakdown

How to treat a nervous breakdown at home?

If thoughts that stress has not passed without a trace are occurring more and more often, you need to try to conduct a self-diagnosis. When several classic signs are detected at once, it’s time to think about how to cope with a nervous breakdown on your own.

Traditional medicine has its own recommendations for such cases. There are quite a few recipes for treating a nervous breakdown at home:

  • Herbal mixtures (sage, hawthorn, lagochilius, astragalus). Herbal medicine helps to get rid of anxiety and relieve nervous tension. It is better to purchase a specific collection on the recommendation of a doctor, taking into account your health condition.
  • Organizing your daily routine. It is necessary to provide special time for rest and proper sleep.
  • Sport. Regular physical activity helps normalize weight, increase self-esteem and quality of life.
  • Application of relaxation techniques. This could be aromatherapy, yoga, color therapy, etc.
  • Rejection of bad habits. No matter how great the temptation is to “eat a nervous breakdown with chocolate,” “smoke the problem,” “drown the sadness in wine,” these so-called “recipes” only aggravate the depressed state.

If not a single method has produced a noticeable effect, this only confirms that the problem is more serious than it seems.

What folk remedies treat stress?

Severe advanced cases of nervous disorders are, of course, treated by psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and neurologists.

But in order to prevent this from happening and put your nerves in order, to restore your emotional state, it is advisable to turn to traditional medicine. She offers her own time-tested remedies and treatment methods.

Let's look at them in more detail.

Calming teas

A good soothing tea will help a person during times of anxiety, when his heart rate increases, or he feels anxious or upset.

Teas from:


Everyone knows that the fingertips have many nerve endings that lead to the brain and all internal organs.

Therefore, their massage while knitting, crocheting or embroidering helps many women during depression, they:

  • Calm the nervous system;
  • Distracts from negative thoughts;
  • Strengthens memory.

Nervous breakdown: symptoms and consequences in women

There are many reasons for stress at any age, but experts identify several age categories when the risk of a nervous breakdown in women is greatest. These are young girls in puberty, middle-aged women (30-40 years old), as well as pregnant women.

Nervous breakdown: symptoms and consequences in adolescents

The causes of stress and the subsequent development of a nervous breakdown in adolescents of any gender are most often the following:

  1. Excessive workload at school, and later at university.
  2. Unfavorable environment in the classroom, in groups for additional classes, in the place of residence.
  3. Inability to stand up for what is right.
  4. Unfavorable family environment.
  5. Lack of interests or hobbies.
  6. Regular stress and stable emotional tension.

Several such reasons together are nothing more than leading to a nervous breakdown. Experts identify the following signs of a nervous breakdown in a teenager:

  1. Closedness. The teenager seeks to remain alone, avoids communication, and in any conflict seeks to shift the blame to someone else.
  2. Excessive activity. A rather rare manifestation, since even the most primitive outburst of emotions allows you to remove negativity and gain peace of mind.
  3. In a relaxed state, slight twitching of body parts.
  4. Insomnia.
  5. Internal dialogues, sometimes developing into conversations with oneself, spoken out loud.
  6. Apathetic state.

Parents who discover signs of a nervous breakdown in a teenager should be persistent in solving the problem. If you cannot find out the true cause of stress, you should seek the help of a specialist. Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in girls are often closely related to character traits:

  1. Suspiciousness. May manifest itself in excessive vulnerability and impressionability. The words of others, even the most harmless ones, are perceived negatively with a negative emotional connotation.
  2. Selfishness. Impatience with the opinions of others makes you react with hostility to any attempts at friendly interaction.
  3. Uncompromising. It is difficult to force such a person to agree with anything, to show flexibility, to understand what usually causes negativity among others.
  4. Punctuality. In its extreme form, it leads to excessive kindness, when a person is manipulated for their own purposes by loved ones, colleagues, and those around him.

At a young age, several processes occur simultaneously with a girl: growing up (hormonal levels and physiology change), searching for oneself (choosing a profession, field of activity), actively studying relationships with the opposite sex (sexual self-identification). Each of them can cause stress. The correct choice of method of providing assistance is impossible without finding out the exact cause of the tense mental state (read the article “Nervous System”).

Nervous breakdowns during pregnancy

From the first trimester, pregnancy is accompanied by sudden changes in hormonal levels. This becomes the reason that the expectant mother “discovers” previously unfamiliar emotions. Something that previously did not cause such a strong response can now cause a real storm of protest. If the support of loved ones (especially the child’s father) is insufficient, and the mother herself cannot overcome negative emotions, then a nervous breakdown during pregnancy is not excluded. The danger of such conditions threatens not only the mother herself, but also the baby. The threat of miscarriage increases many times over, as does the negative impact on the psyche and health of the child. Measures must be taken immediately.

The consequences of a nervous breakdown during pregnancy are unpredictable, but always negative. In the second and third trimesters, a stressful state leads to the development of fetal hypoxia, that is, it poses a threat to its life. It has been established that the nervous state of the mother during the process of bearing a child leads to the appearance of infants with lack of weight, and sometimes with asthmatic diseases. Children are born too active, anxious, and have problems sleeping.

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in middle-aged women

The midlife crisis in men is well known, but women aged 30-40 are no less susceptible to the negative effects of stress. The reasons are often unfulfilled expectations, both personally (friends are married, but I still am not) and professionally (classmates are already in positions - and I’m not even a deputy). Many women in this age category have teenage children, who cause parents a lot of trouble both with their studies and their beginning “personal life.” Increasing internal tension develops into fatigue.

Signs of a nervous breakdown in middle-aged women usually manifest themselves in an anxious state, and in particularly severe cases, panic attacks. There is a fear of not being able to do something, of being left behind. The desire to maintain external attractiveness sometimes takes exaggerated forms when the result of efforts does not live up to expectations (so much money has been spent, but it is impossible to look 25 years old).

Emotional dependence on loved ones (husband, children, relatives), friends, colleagues is regularly tested. Hurtful words, lack of gratitude, insufficient warmth in relationships - all this makes you feel unnecessary, intrusive, “superfluous”. It is well known how a nervous breakdown manifests itself in women aged 30-40:

  1. Outbursts of causeless (for others) anger.
  2. Increasing hysterical states.
  3. Tearfulness.
  4. The desire to cause pain to those who are seen as the source of “all troubles.”

The consequences of a nervous breakdown in women are very negative not only for the mental state, but also for the physical one. Phobias, fears, irritation lead to exhaustion. It has long been noticed that in this state, the appearance becomes worse day by day, despite all the efforts made to maintain beauty. An emotionally exhausted woman tries to “treat” herself with accessible and actively recommended means by “knowledgeable people”: smoking, alcohol, promiscuity, senseless spending... Everything that will help “relax”.

Are a nervous breakdown and a nervous breakdown, psychosis the same thing?

– Nervous breakdown and nervous disorder are overlapping concepts. Nervous disorder is also synonymous with mental disorder, therefore, as a generalized abstract concept, it can have signs of a variety of conditions. That is, a person who is not yet aware of what is happening to him (from a clinical point of view) still notes changes in his psychological status that he does not have in a normal state.

When talking about his problems, for example, to himself, to his friends, or when going to the doctor, he may say: “I think I have some kind of nervous disorder.” But the specifics of a mental disorder, that is, a specific name for the state in which a person is, can only be given by a specialist.

Psychosis is also a mental disorder, only deeper and more severe. Psychotic disorders are characterized by a more severe impairment of reality testing and a distorted perception of oneself and the world. This includes symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, a feeling of external and sometimes otherworldly or alien influence (remember the famous aluminum caps), a sense of personal greatness, inadequate fear of persecution, and so on.

Nervous breakdown: symptoms and consequences in men

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in men have their own characteristics. First of all, this is due to the traditional role of husband and father in the family. From men, their loved ones expect success in their work activities and a great contribution to family well-being. This does not negate the need of relatives for communication and support. At the same time, very often those around them completely forget that men are also “not horses” and need warmth and participation. Daily stress can lead to nervous disorders. The reasons may be:

  1. Difficulties at work.
  2. Decline in sexual activity.
  3. Lack of regular sex.
  4. Traumatic brain injuries.
  5. Diseases of somatic nature.
  6. Psychological trauma.

Signs of a nervous breakdown in men should be taken seriously. At the same time, you should not rush to advise anything. The first thing that is recommended is to listen to the person, try to understand the cause of irritation and negative emotional state. If the reason lies in the family, try to solve it through joint efforts. It is very important not to waste time, since the consequences can be not only divorce, but also alcoholism.

How to recover from a nervous breakdown?

You can often hear from those who have experienced a severe nervous breakdown: “it’s like a train ran over.” Indeed, the sensations are the most unpleasant: physical weakness, loss of strength, reduced performance to a minimum, lack of desire to do anything. We can and should fight this. Try this:

  1. Move more, go for long walks, not just to the shops, but to the park, to nature. By the way, if you can give up commuting to work and walk this route, do it!
  2. Stop watching the news every day. There is a lot of negativity in them. Limit such viewing to 1-2 days a week. Better go to the cinema.
  3. Get a pet. Caring for him and a positive emotional response will help take his mind off problems.
  4. Change your surroundings. Think about your friends, go on a trip, renovate your home.
  5. Choose a hobby that you have always wanted to do but have put off until now.
  6. Introduce a strict sleep schedule: observe it on weekends and holidays, and not just on weekdays.
  7. Throw away or give away things that give you unpleasant associations.
  8. Remember your positive qualities and remind yourself of them often.

Read more in our article “How to restore the nervous system.”

8 valuable tips - how to avoid a nervous breakdown?

This is the hardest thing. For most of us, the unattainable luxury is to change our place of residence, leave a job we don’t like, or not see negatively-minded relatives. And yet there are several recommendations for the prevention of nervous breakdowns:

Tip 1. Remember: you are not god! There are things that cannot be controlled. There is no point in being upset about this.

Tip 2. Think about yourself! Often we say, “I sympathize, I’m so sorry” when someone shares their problem. Don't forget that you also have the right to sympathy!

Tip 3: Learn to adapt. You can dislike bad weather as much as you like, but still buy warm clothes and find joy in purchasing them. Think of the cause of stress as a problem that needs to be solved, but don't cry over it.

Tip 4. You need to be able to say “no.” Reliability is not the best trait for any person, because often everyone uses it and very shamelessly.

Tip 5. Do things that give you joy and pleasure more often.

Tip 6. Spend more time with nice people.

Tip 7: Think about what you are grateful for.

Tip 8. Take care of your health: go to the dentist, check your sugar, blood pressure, get a cardiogram. Your anxiety may be caused by a physical illness.

Clinical picture

After we have dealt with the question of what a nervous breakdown is, let's look at how such disorders affect physical and mental health. According to psychological experts, the symptoms of a nervous breakdown fall into three categories.

The physical consequences of the nervous system disorder include sleep problems, diarrhea, flatulence and migraine attacks. Often, people who frequently face stress experience problems with the functioning of the respiratory organs, lack of libido and chronic fatigue syndrome. This condition can be worsened by a rapid increase in body temperature, lack of appetite, menstrual irregularities and panic attacks.

The second group of symptoms affects the individual's behavioral pattern. Under the influence of nervous tension, the patient experiences causeless attacks of aggression and anger, as well as sudden changes in mood. To the symptoms described above should be added inappropriate behavior and problems with concentration. Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in women most often relate to the emotional sphere. Various life difficulties lead to prolonged depression, anxious thoughts and causeless worry. Patients exhibit excessive sentimentality, paranoid tendencies and lack of interest in life.

Many people try to get rid of this condition with the help of alcohol, strong stimulants and drugs. However, all the measures taken only worsen the situation and lead to the emergence of suicidal thoughts.

A breakdown can be attributed to the body’s defensive reaction to being constantly in a state of stress.

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