Multiple sclerosis: how long do they live with it, is remission possible and prognosis for the disease

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system that is characterized by progressive damage to the sheaths of nerve fibers. The disease is a chronic autoimmune disease. At the moment, quite a lot is known about the disease; there are effective methods for stopping exacerbations and preventing them, but there is no way to completely get rid of the disease.

Under conditions of unfavorable influence of environmental factors, a person may develop autoimmune chronic inflammation. As a result, the human nervous system functions differently - it begins to destroy its own cells, mistaking them for strangers. At this stage, the disease is very difficult to correct and treat.

As the disease progresses, the sheaths of the nerve fibers (axons) begin to lose myelin. Myelin is the most important substance in the axon sheath; it is responsible for conducting nerve impulses from one cell to another, participates in their nutrition, and protects against early destruction. With the loss of myelin, cells lose the ability to conduct impulses and quickly die, losing nutrition and protection. Myelin sheaths break down in groups of cells in the spinal cord and brain - such collections of nonfunctional cells are called plaques. As the disease progresses, they grow, forming large areas without myelin.

Foci of such cells are scattered, which is where the name of the disease comes from. As a rule, plaques are found in different parts of the central nervous system.

Unfortunately, multiple sclerosis is extremely common. In terms of incidence, it ranks third among all nervous diseases after vascular diseases and epilepsy. Multiple sclerosis affects mainly girls and women aged 20 to 40 years. But the disease can occur regardless of age and gender - MS even affects children.

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What is sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the sheath of nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord.
The course of the disease is chronic and recurring, with alternating exacerbations and periods of remission.
The duration of remissions can vary from several months to several decades. Today, there is a drug treatment that can stop autoimmune development. With effective treatment, exacerbation does not occur. Each exacerbation that occurs is associated with the appearance of inflammatory foci in the depths of the brain and spinal cord. Depending on the location of the inflammation, the patient exhibits specific neurological defects.

What medicine is prescribed for senile sclerosis?

During drug treatment, psychostimulants are prescribed - synthetic drugs of the caffeine group and tonics. Nootropic medications are also very popular in the treatment of senile sclerosis. They have a good effect on the functioning of the mind, neutralize aggression, and improve memory. Taking nootropic drugs reduces tissue oxygen demand. An older body can more easily tolerate a lack of oxygen in the blood.

Another group of medications prescribed for senile sclerosis are drugs that normalize cerebral circulation. Tranquilizers help eliminate fear and anxiety.

In parallel with drug therapy, a course of psychotherapy is almost always prescribed, which helps to adapt to the course of the disease.

Read material on the topic: Vitamins for older people

Causes of multiple sclerosis

Despite all the medical research being done, doctors still cannot answer the question of why multiple sclerosis occurs. Neurologists talk about three groups of reasons that often lead to this disease:

  • genetic - MS is not a hereditary disease, but the risk of the disease increases with a certain combination of genes
  • external - poor ecology, geographical location (pathology is more common in the northern regions), increased background radiation, exposure to toxins, previous injuries and operations, infections and viruses
  • behavioral - smoking, stress, dietary habits, significant mental stress.

How else to treat senile sclerosis

  • An important role in the treatment of senile sclerosis is played by the patient’s positive attitude and his belief in success.
  • As little stress and worry as possible. Rest has a beneficial effect on your general condition and improves memory.
  • Interest in life and what is happening, perception of events through positive emotions helps to improve the condition.
  • For good perception of information, a complete understanding of what needs to be remembered is necessary.
  • Planning a routine, overall organization and calmness make it easier to understand and absorb information. Rest is required during the process of memorizing large amounts of information.
  • Reading trains your memory very well, but the main thing here is to read correctly. Analyze what you read, use your imagination, ask yourself questions and look for answers to them in the book. After reading, analyze it, understand what you remember and what was useful.
  • It is useful to discuss the material you have read with friends or relatives. Try to remember what you read in a week, in a month. This is a useful workout. Learn poetry by heart. Learn difficult foreign languages, such as Chinese.

Types of multiple sclerosis

The following types of pathology are distinguished:

  • clinically isolated syndrome is the first manifestation of multiple sclerosis
  • relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis is a common type, characterized by alternating remissions and relapses (exacerbations). During periods of remission, partial or complete restoration of impaired functions is noted.
  • secondary progressive - a type of course in which there is a steady increase in neurological disorders. There is no clear division into periods of exacerbations and remissions
  • remitting-progressive - characterized by pronounced exacerbations, after they subside, a gradual increase in disorders continues
  • primary progressive multiple sclerosis is a type of course where, from the very beginning, the disease steadily progresses without obvious exacerbations and remissions. This type of multiple sclerosis affects about 10% of patients.


Diagnosing the disease in young people and children is difficult for the reason that in almost 70% of patients, symptoms can disappear as suddenly as they began . Therefore, at the initial stage, many parents do not even suspect that their child has a serious illness.

Who should I contact?

If there are suspicions about the presence of multiple sclerosis in a young person, it is necessary to contact a neurologist, who will refer the patient for further examination.

Medication method

Treatment of multiple sclerosis is symptomatic .
This is due to the fact that it will no longer be possible to completely get rid of the disease - it is chronic. Pathology can have several forms, and accordingly, treatment will be carried out based on these indicators. But the basis of therapy, nevertheless, consists of actions standard for all types of sclerosis:

  1. During exacerbations, cortisone and adrenocorticotropic hormone are prescribed.
  2. During periods of remission, therapy is aimed at restoring damaged nerve cells and reducing the attack of immune cells on the brain. In this case, medications such as Azathioprine, Immunoglobulin, Cyclosporin-A and others (vitamins) are prescribed.

Application of stem cells

Modern methods of treating multiple sclerosis include stem cell transplantation. They stabilize the spread of the disease and prevent it from developing further. Stem cells are taken from the patient's own adipose tissue and injected into the bloodstream. This process is complex and lengthy. But many patients note significant improvements in their condition.

Reference! Periods of remission after using stem cells last for years.

Is it possible to treat the disease with folk remedies? Find out here.

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

The most common symptoms that occur are:

  • visual acuity is significantly reduced
  • double vision
  • violation of stability and coordination
  • numbness of arms and legs, weakness
  • tingling, “pins and needles” appearance in the arms or legs
  • trembling of hands and feet
  • dizziness
  • urinary disturbance

The disease usually develops in people aged 15 to 60 years. According to statistics, women are several times more likely to suffer from multiple sclerosis compared to men.

Expert opinion

Author: Olga Vladimirovna Boyko

Neurologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Multiple sclerosis is currently a fairly common disease. According to WHO, more than 2 million people in the world have this diagnosis. In northern latitudes the prevalence is higher. In our country (depending on latitude), per 100 thousand people there are from 30 to 70 patients with multiple sclerosis.

This disease is autoimmune in nature, so it is logical that women get sick more often than men - about three times. In recent years, MS has been diagnosed more and more often - this is both a natural increase in incidence and better diagnostics. It is interesting to note that the Caucasian race is most susceptible to multiple sclerosis.

The earlier MS is detected, the more likely we are to slow its progression. Early symptoms are usually not cause for concern: tingling and numbness of the extremities, tremors, fatigue, lethargy, lack of coordination, spasms, sleep disturbance. Now neurologists pay special attention to all cerebral symptoms in order to identify central nervous system diseases in the early stages and prevent their development.

Multiple sclerosis is rapidly getting younger. Cases have already been recorded in patients under 18 years of age. And considering that this disease has no cure and does not have a positive prognosis, the statistics are terrifying. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to all changes in brain function and it is better to play it safe - visit a specialist and undergo an examination.

How to extend life?

Life expectancy with multiple sclerosis will depend mainly on the patient himself. Pathology does not mean that it is time to die. Advances in the pharmaceutical industry have made it possible to maintain a high quality of life for patients for many decades. The following simple rules will help maintain longevity and ability to work:

  1. First of all, you need to give up all bad habits. To do this, you should not abuse tobacco products and alcohol.
  2. The patient must adjust his diet. The diet should consist of a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, plant fiber and proteins.
  3. You need to get a good night's sleep. Nervous tissue has time to recover overnight, and cells are renewed at the same time.
  4. Experts recommend spending as much time as possible in the fresh air. A daily walk will fill the patient’s body with energy and oxygen.
  5. You should engage in active, but not heavy, types of sports. This includes running, swimming, fitness, tennis.
  6. It will be very useful to communicate with your friends, go to exhibitions, to the cinema. There is no need to complain and be sour while sitting at home.

Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in young women

Multiple sclerosis can occur for a long time without significant clinical symptoms. Pathological signs occur when the autoimmune process has destroyed most of the nerve tissue.

For initial diagnosis, an immediate consultation with a neurologist with a detailed collection of a medical history and examination is required. Magnetic resonance imaging is considered the most informative method for diagnosing multiple sclerosis. It allows you to accurately and quickly determine the localization and extent of spread of the pathological process. MRI can be prescribed for the purpose of primary detection of the disease, as well as to monitor the condition over time. MRI with contrast enhances diagnostic information. In addition to tomography, laboratory tests are carried out for diagnosis:

  • laboratory blood tests to rule out certain infectious, inflammatory and systemic diseases that may produce symptoms similar to multiple sclerosis
  • A lumbar puncture, in which a small amount of fluid is removed from the spinal canal. This makes it possible to identify changes in the cellular and biochemical composition of the cerebrospinal fluid characteristic of multiple sclerosis, to detect a special pathological type of antibody synthesis (oligoclonal antibodies) and to exclude viral infections and other conditions similar to multiple sclerosis.


Correct treatment of the pathology is possible only after the following diagnostic measures:

  • MRI and CT of the brain.
  • Complete blood test (sugar, creatinine, blood electrolytes, vitamin B1 level).
  • Study of cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Blood test for thyroid hormones.

In addition, a neurologist examines the medical history and collects information about a possible genetic predisposition to the development of this pathology.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis at the Yusupov Hospital

Multiple sclerosis is considered an incurable chronic disease. However, a timely diagnosed disease and effectively prescribed treatment can slow down the spread of the pathological process and lead to long-term remission. The prognosis for life depends on the age at which the disease was detected. The earlier the presence of multiple sclerosis is determined, the more favorable its course.

Recovering from an illness is important, first of all, to maintain ability to work, self-care, and independence from others for as long as possible.

You can undergo the necessary examination and subsequent treatment at the Yusupov Hospital. The clinic employs experienced neurologists, rehabilitation specialists, psychologists and other qualified specialists. A professional team of doctors, the latest medical equipment, and comfortable hospital conditions are the main advantages of our clinic.

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Considering how long men and women live with multiple sclerosis, it should be noted that there is no difference in gender. However, an uncorrected diet can have a negative impact, which is more relevant for the majority of people. In order for cells to transmit nerve impulses normally, they must receive the required amount of microelements and vitamins. A complete diet should be dominated by various fruits and vegetables, cereal-based cereals, and dairy products. As for fatty, heavy and fried foods, you will need to avoid them. You should also exclude preservatives, smoked foods and sauces from your diet.


It’s not for nothing that doctors called multiple sclerosis a chameleon, since its remitting course is impossible to predict. Periods of decline and exacerbation of the disease can be short-lived, but can last for weeks. The first signs of the disease can occur in an acute form, or they can be confused with another infection.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis:

  • Fatigue, weakness in the body, manifested by numbness and tingling in the limbs.
  • problems . Initially, this may be pain in the eye, impaired visual coordination, and in severe cases, complete loss of vision. There may be a reaction to light when moving the eyes, double vision.
  • Sudden spasms , accompanied by cramps and pain that impede movement. Tension may arise in the spine, along with a burning sensation and increased sensitivity of the skin.
  • Loss of balance, poor coordination of movements, and often tremors of the arms and legs.
  • Problems with remembering and assimilating information; a person becomes inattentive and cannot correctly formulate his question or answer. Logical thinking is impaired, visual information becomes poorly accessible.
  • Feelings of depression and anxiety that occur suddenly, as well as mood swings for no reason.
  • Erectile dysfunction in men, absence of ejaculation at all. Women with this diagnosis may not experience orgasm and feel dryness in the vagina.
  • Frequent urination, or, conversely, the inability to empty the bladder normally.
  • Constipation.
  • Lack of reflexes, for example, abdominal ones.
  • Lack of habitual taste for food, which leads to weight loss.

Conducted studies have proven that multiple sclerosis will not necessarily be a hereditary pathology. But nevertheless, a child of a sick mother may have genetic information about the degree of resistance to infections.

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