A unique Japanese technique of acupressure of the head and face - shiatsu

Headache is a common symptom in the modern world. Due to an unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, stress and depressed mood, migraines often begin. Since pain in the head has been known throughout the existence of mankind, people have been looking for a cure, a method of healing all this time. There are different drugs, therapies, decoctions, massages. One of the methods of combating the disease is acupuncture massage for headaches.

Photo from the site krasotka.postimees.ee

Acupuncture massage for headaches

There are active energy points and acupuncture points throughout the human body. Each of them is responsible for the condition and functioning of a specific organ or organ systems. Most of the centers responsible for brain activity are located in the head, neck, shoulder girdle and hands.

In general, acupuncture massage involves influencing energy centers by kneading or placing medical needles. This acupressure massage is especially effective for relieving headaches and migraines.

Acupressure is an alternative medicine that came to us from Asia. Namely from Ancient China. This procedure has many different names, one of them is Acupuncture. Its essence lies in a targeted effect on the centers that are located on the surface of the skin.

The location of each acupuncture is not random. According to Chinese healers, there are many energy centers on the human body, each of them is responsible for the functioning of a specific organ or organ system. If you massage a certain point, this organ will begin to function better. The effect can be enhanced by placing needles. In China, such therapy is considered traditional, but in our country there is still debate about its benefits and harms. Acupressure for headaches is a method of manual therapy.

It is important to remember that in case of frequent migraines, it is best to target active points with needles. This way the result will be more pronounced.

Active points on the human body

Let's take a closer look at which points are recommended to press, press and massage to combat headache sensations? Here is a list of the main points for headache relief.

Points on the head for headaches

  • the first point on the head is located 1.5 cm below the crown towards the back of the head;
  • symmetrical acupuncture in the temple area - called Tai Yang. Massage for headaches in the temples is very effective for migraines;
  • Feng chi is symmetrical, in the center of the depression at the back of the head, to which the neck muscle is attached. If pain in the head occurs due to poor circulation, you can try massaging these two points;
  • Tsuan-Zhu - Two points on the upper corners of the eyebrows. They are often used for migraines and pain in the frontal region;

If there is a feeling of pain in the nasal sinuses, then the acupuncture you need is in the area of ​​the brow ridges, in their inner part and above the mouth, under the nasal sinuses;

  • Feng Fu - in the area above the spine, under the base of the skull, there is also a place that is treated for pain in the head;
  • Below on the cheekbone, approximately at the level of the pupil, there is the Ju Liao center, massage of which effectively helps normalize blood pressure, fight hypertension and relieve headaches. The place is very sensitive.

Points on the hands for headaches

  • He gu - located on the hands in the area between the index finger and metacarpal bones;
  • Le Que - in the forearm area. You need to step back from the wrist (from the middle line of the fold);
  • Acupressure movements that are aimed at acupuncture, which is located on the tubercle, between the thumb and forefinger, are very helpful against headaches, toothaches, runny nose and stagnation of fluid in the sinuses. It is very sensitive, so it is not recommended for pregnant women to use it.

Points on legs for headaches

  • Kun Lun - points on the foot, in the depression of the ankle;
  • Zhi Yin - located on the little toe of the foot, near the nail plate;
  • Another headache point is located on the legs. It is recommended to use pressure movements on the area of ​​the outer side of the foot, 2.5 cm from the cavity.

Other points on the body from migraine

  • Shen shu - located between the third and second lumbar vertebrae;
  • Ji Men - at the ends of the ribs. It is quite difficult to find;

Pressing acupuncture points for headaches works well to relieve headaches. It is the massage of these points that effectively combats dizziness, pain, migraines, runny nose, and inflammation of the sinuses.

Massage movements should be targeted, smooth, with medium intensity of pressure and kneading. It is very important to clearly know the location of all these places and choose the main ones for yourself. There is no need to work on all energy centers at once, otherwise the effectiveness will not be as pronounced.

You can watch a master class on acupressure for headaches on video:

For headaches, choose 2-3 active points for yourself and press them with smooth massage movements as soon as various unpleasant painful sensations begin in the head and neck area. You should not assume that acupressure is a pampering activity that does not bring any results or effect. Some of these centers are so strong that they can cause premature birth in pregnant women.

On the Internet you can find a large number of positive reviews of people who regularly massage points for headache pain. After all, this technique helps speed up the process of blood circulation, lymph flow, and hormone production.

Who is the procedure indicated for?

There are quite a few indications for manipulation:

  1. Frequent attacks of headaches or migraines. Pain is often caused by blood pressure that is too high or low. The procedure will speed up the movement of blood through the vessels and eliminate stagnation, which will reduce indicators for hypertension and increase them for hypotension.
  2. The procedure has a good effect on the hair follicles and scalp, which will help avoid alopecia. Massage manipulations intensively stimulate the movement of venous blood to the roots and help strengthen the hair.
  3. A course of such treatment will help improve vascular tone in the brain. If you regularly repeat sessions, the active flow of blood flow to the brain tissue will become habitual for the body, and this process will occur by itself.
  4. Self-massage of the face helps to regenerate epidermal cells and improve the condition of the skin, as well as smooth out wrinkles.
  5. Wellness procedures can be performed after waking up to enhance brain activity. A morning session will help you spend the whole day in a good mood and significantly improve your performance.
  6. Osteochondrosis is a disease that can progress over years; with an 80% probability it appears in people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Massaging the back of the neck will prevent the onset and progression of the disease.
  7. The procedure is recommended for myofascial syndrome of the cervical spine.

Contraindications to acupressure for migraines

It is worth considering contraindications:

  • Pregnant and lactating women. It is especially not recommended to perform acupressure for headaches in the second half of pregnancy. This will negatively affect the health of the woman and child;
  • To old people;
  • Patients with tuberculosis, especially the open form;
  • Patients with cancer;
  • With cardiac, renal, liver failure;
  • For acute infectious diseases;
  • For pain that has no explanation;
  • Exhaustion, anorexia;
  • For fever;
  • For HIV;
  • With a strong fear of injections;
  • For mental disorders and nervous diseases.

In all other cases, massage of active points for migraines is an effective treatment.

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Shiatsu - what is it?

Surely each of us at least once in our lives squeezed our temples or points on the bridge of our nose, trying to drive away an impending migraine or a feeling of nervous tension. This is one of the methods of influencing biologically active points of the head, which we usually do unconsciously.

Shiatsu - manual therapy . The pressure points are applied using the thumb or index finger with continuous pressure, or in combination with a slight rotational movement. Speaking of biologically active points, there are a huge number of them on the head and each of them differs not only in location, but also in hardness, temperature, and sensitivity threshold.

Thanks to shiatsu, you can not only treat your body, but also diagnose diseases of the body.

A professional massage therapist is able to detect and distinguish them even with his eyes closed, influencing “unhealthy” points, revealing them and healing them. Regular and correct influence on such points contributes to their change even externally.

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Discussion: 2 comments

  1. Christina:
    06/09/2019 at 5:20 pm

    I still can’t find these points, so I take Valocordin. I'll try again using your video



    06/10/2019 at 12:19 pm

    Don't worry so much, everything will work out for you!!!


Side effects

Side effects include only imaginary ineffectiveness. In 99% of cases, massage does not give the expected result only because it was performed incorrectly.

Leave the first few procedures to a professional. Then you will definitely understand how to act independently at home.

Japanese acupressure head massage is a real find for those who:

  • dreams of improving the quality of the skin, getting rid of wrinkles and age-related changes;
  • often faces stress, emotional stress, shock;
  • went through a rather difficult period that unsettled me;
  • suffers from chronic diseases;
  • has sparse, thin hair.

Having mastered the technique of systemic influence on the body, you can get rid of chronic pathologies and the consequences of stress.

Atlas of points on the human body for vision treatment

Location of pointsTreatment of organs and diseases
On the head in the frontal areasAll eye diseases, headache, dizziness
On the head in the inner corners of the eyesBlurred vision, swelling, photophobia
On the head in the recess of the inner edge of the eyebrowsAll eye diseases
On the hand on the outside of the hand at the junction of the thumb and index finger

When performing acupressure on the eyes, you need to be extremely careful and apply light pressure to the necessary points.

Recommendations for performing acupressure for the eyes

The basic rule of self-massage for eye health is to do no harm. It is necessary to carefully touch biologically active points and feel them. In case of discomfort or fatigue, you should stop the procedure.

Massaging the eyes can be done in several ways. You can use vibrating or kneading movements using the palms of your hands or gentle stroking. When using this technique, it is important to perform the procedure carefully and only with warm hands.

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