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The drug Phenibut for panic attacks and VSD is prescribed to many patients. Does the medicine help cope with attacks, how to take it correctly, is there a withdrawal syndrome - we will answer the questions. Our lives are full of stress, anxiety, fears, fears. The percentage of the population suffering from certain nervous disorders is growing every day. There has been a noticeable growth trend in anti-anxiety drugs in the pharmacological market. More modern medications include Phenibut, which we will look at. The article also provides a detailed review of taking Phenibut during an exacerbation of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Phenibut - general information about the drug

The drug Phenibut belongs to the group of nootropic drugs and is a mild tranquilizer. The main active ingredient is aminophenylbutyric acid.

It is produced in two forms - tablets and powder. It has a fairly wide spectrum of action. Due to its “softness” and minimal toxicity, it can be prescribed to children from 2 years of age and the elderly.

Phenibut was developed by Russian professor V.V. Perekalin, who synthesized it in 1963 within the walls of the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute named after A.I. Herzen.


  • Increased anxiety, obsessive thoughts.
  • Apathy, lethargy.
  • Asthenic syndrome.
  • Mild to moderate depression.
  • A constant feeling of fear, anticipation of negative events.
  • Insomnia, frequent awakenings in the middle of the night, bad dreams, nightmares.
  • Neuroses of varying degrees.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia with psychosomatic manifestations.
  • Meniere's disease.
  • Restorative therapy after traumatic brain injuries and disorders of cerebral vessels.
  • Tics, stuttering, movement disorders (mainly in children).
  • Consequences of shock, severe fear.
  • Bedwetting due to stress, fright, fear (mainly in children).
  • Headaches, migraines.
  • Deterioration of memory, attentiveness, concentration.
  • Dizziness, tendency to motion sickness.
  • Obsessive states.
  • Alcohol withdrawal syndrome.


In general, the drug has quite a few contraindications, however, like most other nootropics.

Factors prohibiting the use of Phenibut include:

  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Acute renal failure.
  • Intolerance to the components included in the composition.

Allergy sufferers should take the medication with caution.

Interesting to know!

Most modern researchers classify Phenibut as a nootropic drug. At the end of the last century, this remedy was included in the list of drugs that astronauts took with them on flights: Phenibut was recommended by them to overcome stress. Unlike conventional tranquilizers, this drug did not affect the astronauts' ability to perform their assigned tasks. Against the background of normalization of the psycho-emotional state, there was no feeling of relaxation.

Contraindications for use

Although phenibut is considered an effective drug in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia and panic attacks, it still has some contraindications. The drug is prohibited:

  • In case of renal and liver failure, since the metabolism of these substances occurs in these organs. The medicine can only increase the load on these organs.
  • Children under 8 years old. This is due to the fact that the child’s central nervous system is not yet formed, and the medicine can have a negative effect.
  • If you are allergic to the components of the drug.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding. Phenibut is strictly prohibited during this period, because the components can pass through the blood or milk to the child, which will negatively affect the development of the baby’s nervous system.

Sometimes phenibut can be taken in the last trimester of pregnancy, but you should consult your doctor first. If the doctor allows it, then after the birth of the child breastfeeding will be prohibited; artificial formula will need to be used so that the child does not receive aminophenylbutyric acid through milk.

Phenibut for vegetative-vascular dystonia

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, many different symptoms are observed. One of the most common is increased anxiety and restlessness.

Phenibut has an excellent calming effect. For this reason, go is often prescribed to patients with VSD. However, it does not cause drowsiness and does not suppress activity. On the contrary, it is able to increase vitality, mood, and physical resources of the body - something that all VSDers lack.

The medicine also has a beneficial effect on emotional stability. With its use, patients' fears are reduced and mood swings are stabilized. Tearfulness and irritability are reduced. It is often prescribed to patients before operations to relieve anxiety and fear.

The medicine accelerates blood circulation, due to which oxygen is distributed faster through the tissues and improves overall well-being. Headaches and migraine attacks are reduced. Mental abilities also increase.

One of the advantages of the drug is that it acts almost instantly, and not cumulatively, like many similar drugs. Thanks to this, Phenibut is considered the most effective for panic attacks and anxiety.

Actions of Phenibut for VSD:

  • Reduces asthenic syndrome.
  • Improves mental abilities, motor and speech functions.
  • Eliminates the consequences of severe traumatic brain injuries by restoring basic processes in the central nervous system.
  • Improves mood and vitality.
  • By stabilizing the autonomic system, it relieves symptoms of VSD.
  • Stimulates vascular tone.
  • Restores sleep, relieves nightmares.

Phenibut for vegetative-vascular dystonia and panic may have an additional effect that reduces symptoms. It is used for autonomic failures, cervical osteochondrosis, when arteries and nerves are compressed, causing oxygen starvation in the brain, which is accompanied by headaches, as well as neck pain. The drug relieves the negative effects of using medications as intended.

Side effects

Phenibut has side effects. This is mainly due to the fact that one of the components of the medicine is not suitable for the patient or the doctor has prescribed the wrong dosage.

Side effects may include the following:

  • nausea, sometimes a gag reflex may occur;
  • severe headaches and dizziness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • irritability, aggressiveness for no reason;
  • possible allergic reactions;
  • sometimes diarrhea or, conversely, constipation.

After stopping the medication, the side effects disappear. No withdrawal syndrome was observed.

Phenibut for panic attacks

Panic attacks are attacks of fear that are extremely painful for a person. VSD and neuroses are very often accompanied by PA. Against the background of these attacks, various vegetative symptoms arise, worsening a person’s quality of life, and phobias develop.

How does Phenibut work for panic attacks? First of all, it suppresses nervous excitability. Taking the medicine reduces the number of attacks, reduces the level of anxiety and restlessness.

Taking Phenibut for panic attacks can have the following effects on the body:

  • Nootropic: enhancement of cognitive functions;
  • Antiplatelet;
  • Antihypoxic
  • Antioxidant;
  • Tranquilizing;
  • Psychostimulating.

The medication improves the functional state of the human central nervous system several times. This becomes possible by improving blood supply to all parts of the brain, as well as normalizing metabolic processes in it. With normal functioning of the central nervous system, autonomic lability decreases and the body stops randomly releasing hormones into the blood

On a note!

Panic attacks cannot be treated with medications. Medicines can stop attacks and reduce the frequency of their occurrence, but are not able to completely cure them, since the problem is psychogenic in nature. If the patient has serious symptoms of the disorder, the use of medications is extremely advisable. However, if there is a choice between their use and non-drug therapy, it is better to choose therapy. This will help avoid any unpleasant future problems that may arise once the treatment is completed.

How to take Phenibut

It is better to take Phenibut for at least a month to achieve its maximum effectiveness. In each case, the doctor individually chooses the period during which the pills should be taken. On average it is 3-6 weeks. For some diseases and disorders, the medication is taken in courses several times a year.

Adults are most often prescribed a standard dosage - 1 tablet (250 mg) three times a day (750 mg). In particularly acute conditions, the dose can be doubled - two TB each. at one time, 3 times a day.

Children from 2 to 14 years old are prescribed half as much, that is, half a tablet 3 times a day. Sometimes this dose can be further reduced or slightly increased, it all depends on the diagnosis and condition of the patient.

The medicine is not prescribed to pregnant women, since its effect on the fetus has not been studied.

Phenibut is prescribed with caution to those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The medication irritates the mucous membrane and can cause pain and burning in the stomach. It should be taken strictly after meals, after about 20 minutes, half an hour, with plenty of water.

If the patient has diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, the tablets are taken with constant monitoring of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dosage and features of administration

The dosage of the medicine is selected individually by the attending physician. Self-medication can cause side effects and harm the patient’s health, so you should not ignore your doctor’s recommendations.

The drug is not a psychotropic drug and is not addictive. Phenibut works gently, so there is no need to gradually increase the dosage. Treatment begins immediately with the recommended therapeutic dose.

There is no withdrawal syndrome for the drug, since it is not a tranquilizer. However, if you stop abruptly, you may experience some side effects that go away on their own within a few days. This is not due to the body’s addiction, but to the peculiarities of the drug’s action. The active substance supplies the brain with the necessary enzymes to improve metabolic processes. When the drug is abruptly discontinued, these enzymes suddenly stop flowing, and the body does not have time to adapt to producing its own enzymes. This explains the sudden deterioration of the condition after stopping treatment with Phenibut. It takes two to three days to normalize metabolic processes in the body, during which withdrawal symptoms go away on their own.

Is Phenibut addictive?

The instructions for the drug do not indicate that it can cause dependence. But the observations of doctors and the experience of patients show that such a possibility still exists.

Phenibut in some cases causes two types of addiction:

  • Psychological . During the period of taking the medicine, a person’s stress and nervousness decrease, mental activity increases, emotional activity appears, mood improves, and the person becomes calm. Usually he likes this state, it becomes scary to stop taking medications.
  • Physical . A more dangerous type of addiction, because the body begins to react differently to all processes. It is prohibited to use Phenibut for more than 6 weeks, because the body gets used to it; after withdrawal, the person’s condition worsens so much that he independently resumes the course, but this cannot be done.

To avoid dependence on the drug, take it as prescribed by the doctor.

Could there be a withdrawal syndrome?

Many who feel better from medications are afraid to stop taking Phenibut for panic attacks and VSD. Could there be withdrawal syndrome and worsening of the condition?

The medication is considered a mild tranquilizer and should not cause withdrawal symptoms.

In some cases, the following symptoms may occur after stopping use:

  • drowsiness,
  • headache;
  • decreased performance;
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • physical ailments;
  • decreased mood;
  • reluctance to do any business;
  • increased emotionality, sudden mood swings;
  • constant anxiety;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • increase in body temperature.

In very rare cases, more severe symptoms such as depression, seizures, suicidal thoughts, and hallucinations are possible. In such situations, immediate assistance from a specialist is required. Such cases are few. Most often, withdrawal syndrome is psychological in nature - a person thinks that if he does not take the medicine, he will get worse, which again leads to increased anxiety and panic attacks. Therefore, psychotherapy for VSD and PA is more effective than drug treatment. Medicines can only play a supporting role.

To eliminate the possibility of withdrawal syndrome, the doctor prescribes a gradual reduction in the dosage of Phenibut.

Other drugs for the treatment of VSD

Phenibut is a nootropic drug. In addition, for the treatment of VSD the following are indicated:

  • antidepressants;
  • sedatives;
  • medications to improve cerebral circulation;
  • vitamins to strengthen blood vessels.

Antidepressants and sedatives are necessary to normalize sleep and relieve anxiety. For moderate symptoms of autonomic dysfunction, these medications can be replaced with natural sedatives of plant origin used in traditional medicine.

Also, for VSD, drugs with a vasodilating effect are prescribed, which normalize blood supply to the brain and blood pressure. You should definitely take vitamins to strengthen the nervous system - these are group B drugs, medications with magnesium and rutin.

Complex treatment will help get rid of the symptoms of VSD and normalize the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor, otherwise you can cause serious harm to your own health.

The most frequently asked questions about Phenibut

A specialist, Alexander Tishkov, a neuropathologist, answers the questions:

  1. Can I take Phenibut at night?

Depending on the symptoms and general condition of the patient, Phenibut is prescribed 1 tablet (250 mg) 2-3 times a day. The last appointment may be in the evening. Phenibut can be taken shortly before bed.

  1. Can I take Phenibut while driving?

There are no direct prohibitions on driving while taking Phenibut. But during the exacerbation of neurotic disorders and during the period of adaptation of the body to the medicine, I do not recommend driving.

  1. Can I take Phenibut with alcohol?

Alcohol is prohibited in principle for vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses, PA, and disorders of the central nervous system. And when taking medications, the body’s reaction to alcohol is completely unpredictable. Therefore, my unequivocal answer is no!

  1. Is it possible to take Phenibut constantly?

Treatment with Phenibut is carried out in courses of 2 to 6 weeks. In rare cases, a longer period of admission may be possible. But you cannot take this medicine constantly.

  1. Does Phenibut help with VSD and cervical osteochondrosis?

It is important to understand that this drug itself does not treat VSD, anxiety disorder, or, especially, cervical osteochondrosis. But thanks to its nootropic and tranquilizing effect, it relieves the symptoms of the listed pathologies.

  1. Does Phenibut treat neurosis?

Neurosis is not a disease. This is a functional mental disorder. Accordingly, there are no pills that can cure neurosis. But Phenibut has a positive effect in neurosis, reducing symptoms, improving the mood and general condition of the patient. In some cases, the drug may have the opposite effect.

  1. While I take the medicine, I don’t have panic attacks, but when I stop, they come back again, what should I do?

Panic attacks are poorly treated with medication. Try seeing a psychotherapist.

Treatment of VSD

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is accompanied by a number of symptoms of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. In addition to somatic manifestations, the disease is accompanied by signs of psycho-emotional disorders. Patients often note:

  • panic attacks;
  • disorientation;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • apathy;
  • confusion;
  • dizziness.

To get rid of these symptoms, nootropic drugs or antidepressants are used. Such signs characterize nervous exhaustion and are often observed in neurosis and neurasthenia, so the same medications are used to treat these diseases.

Personal experience of taking Phenibut for VSD and panic attacks

Review from: Anastasia Svetlova

Founder of the project

I took Phenibut 2 times in my life, in courses. This drug was first prescribed to me during an exacerbation of VSD. Then it all started with a powerful panic attack and I thought I was dying.

At that moment, I still had no idea about any neuroses, and the words “VSD” and “panic attack” had the same meaning for me as Chinese characters - I did not understand what they were.

In combination with Phenibut, I was prescribed many other medications, mainly nootropics and vitamins. Naturally, I did not notice any special effect of Phenibut. As in other things, I did not notice the effect of all the drug treatment.

These pills did not make me feel any worse or better. The panic attacks continued, I had insomnia and generally felt terrible.

Completely different methods helped me get out of the state of acute neurosis and get rid of panic attacks - self-psychotherapy, relaxation techniques, changing worldview, thinking and lifestyle.

You can read more about this here:

How I got rid of neurosis (VSD crisis) - a description of all actions

But the second course of taking Phenibut was already under different circumstances, and then I really felt its effect.

After I managed to restore my neuropsychic and physical health, PAs no longer occurred. THEY are not there to this day.

But of course, this didn’t stop life from throwing up stress. A couple of years ago I went through a difficult period. I was going through a number of stresses and a very difficult situation. I experienced without exacerbation of VSD and panic attacks, like an ordinary person. But at that moment my performance decreased terribly, headaches became more frequent, I became absent-minded and my mood was at zero.

I understood that my unequal system is not resilient and in difficult times it needs support. I bought Phenibut and decided to take a course. I did this without a doctor’s prescription, since I had already been prescribed this drug before. But in no case do I encourage you to repeat my experience and self-medicate!

This time, already on the 2-3rd day of taking it, I felt an improvement in my condition. After about a week, my mood returned to normal. I felt a surge of energy and a clear increase in performance. After taking Phenibut for 10 days, I finished taking it. There was no withdrawal syndrome. The condition also deteriorated, but there was a surge of energy and the weight gradually decreased to normal levels.

My conclusion is that Phenibut is too weak a drug to relieve acute neurosis, frequent panic attacks and severe symptoms of VSD. For this case, there are more powerful tranquilizers. But with background dystonia and mild anxiety disorder, it should help.

In general, medications do not solve the problems of VSD and PA. This requires an integrated approach, and the main emphasis should be on psychotherapy, working with your thinking and perception.

Alcohol compatibility

Withdrawal syndrome can be eliminated with the help of phenibut and other means. The drug will help eliminate fear and anxiety.

When drinking alcohol together with Phenibut, the following occurs:

  • rapid addiction to the drug begins, which will complicate the withdrawal syndrome;
  • alcohol intoxication will occur much faster and stronger;

The combined use of alcohol and phenibut is used to prevent a hangover in the morning, as well as to maintain a sober mind.

But in each situation the body reacts differently.

Phenibut - analogues

Absolute analogues of Phenibut include a drug that has the same composition and contains aminophenylbutyric acid as the main active ingredient.

Such medications include:

  • Noofen.
  • Anvifen.

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There are a number of other drugs belonging to the group of nootropics that have a similar effect to Phenibut, but a different composition. They cannot be called exact analogues, but they have a similar effect.

Nootropic drugs with similar effects:

  • Piracetam.
  • Picamilon.
  • Atarax.
  • Adaptol.
  • Grandaxin.
  • Phenazepam.
  • Phenotropil.
  • Nootropil.
  • Lutsetam.
  • Teraligen.
  • Encephabol.

All medications listed are prescription medications. Phenibut is produced by various pharmaceutical companies. The average price for a pack of tablets (250 g, 20 pcs.) ranges from 60 to 300 rubles.

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