What to do for pain on the right side of the head

Signs of migraine

Migraine is characterized by the onset after the appearance of precursors - weakness, weakness, unpleasant odors or other sensations. This is the so-called “aura”. If the aura is followed by pain on the right side of the head, the doctor will first consider a diagnosis of migraine.

Migraine pain is characterized by paroxysmal, burning sensations: the patient experiences pressure on the right eye, photophobia occurs, and nausea appears. The pain is sharp, intensifies, and is localized on the right side of the head. Unfortunately, it is still unclear why migraines occur; it is only clear that the problem is neurological in nature. Usually doctors look at the whole picture and strive to eliminate possible causes: psycho-emotional stress, overexertion, trauma.

What tests are usually prescribed?

At an appointment with a neurologist, a physical examination of the patient is performed: basic neurological reflexes are checked and the neck muscles are examined.

The doctor writes out a referral for tests: general blood test, biochemical blood test, blood sugar test.

A general blood test with an increase in ESR or an increased content of leukocytes indicates inflammation in the body.

Blood biochemistry may indicate a deficiency of one of the vital elements, which leads to discomfort in the head area.

Low blood glucose levels are often accompanied by cephalgia, dizziness and weakness.

The doctor may write a referral for additional tests:

  1. Arterial blood gas composition can reveal cerebral hypoxia.
  2. A blood test for hormones determines various abnormalities in the functioning of the hypothalamus.

A neurologist can give a referral to one or more diagnostic methods:

  1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)—excludes the presence of various neoplasms (tumors and cysts), aneurysms. The photographs clearly show post-traumatic defects, neurodegenerative abnormalities, and changes in blood vessels affected by atherosclerosis.
  2. Computed tomography (CT) is the most informative method for studying the brain. It gives a clear idea of ​​pathological changes in the skull and brain, pathology of bone tissue, blood vessels and brain structures. Provides information about the consequences of traumatic brain injuries. The disadvantage of this method is the significant radiation dose during the study.
  3. Electroencephalography—gives an idea of ​​the presence of pathological changes in blood vessels and cerebral circulation disorders.
  4. Doppler ultrasound (ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck) - shows the presence of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries; narrowing and tortuosity of the arteries, leading to brain hypoxia; peripheral vascular resistance.
  5. Rheoencephalography (REG)—gives an idea of ​​the tone and blood flow of blood vessels. Using REG, the following are diagnosed: hypertension, atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  6. MRI of the cervical spine - the presence of cervical osteochondrosis can cause pain in the head and neck, which intensifies when turning the head.
  7. Rheovasography of cerebral vessels (RVG)—shows the quality of blood flow through the great vessels and evaluates collateral circulation.
  8. X-rays are becoming less popular. In the image you can only see the bone structures of the skull, soft tissues are not visible.

Attention! There is no need to panic when scheduling such a serious examination. The doctor excludes rare severe pathologies and looks for the causes of the pain process.

Based on the studies, if no serious organic lesions are found, the cause of the disease is usually diagnosed. It develops as a result of: vascular spasms, cerebral hypoxia, hypertonicity of cerebral vessels, hormonal imbalances, vegetative-vascular dystonia or osteochondrosis, provoked by physical or psycho-emotional stress.

Sinusitis and other ENT inflammations

Chronic and acute ENT infections often lead to severe headaches. For example, the cause of pain in the head on the right can be sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses. In addition to direct pain, symptoms of sinusitis include nasal discharge, fever; it usually appears from an untreated runny nose and develops into an unpleasant chronic disease. If your headache is combined with nasal discharge, contact an infectious disease specialist or therapist at your place of registration - he will tell you how to cope with the disease.

What to do if you feel unwell

Many people don’t think about why cephalalgia appeared and start mindlessly taking pills. This approach is wrong. For hypertension, medications that lower blood pressure are appropriate. For weather dependence and vegetative-vascular dystonia, an integrated approach is required.

Painkillers are selected individually. They should stop the attack within 20-40 minutes. If the headache continues to hurt, it is recommended to discontinue the remedy and choose another one. The doctor prescribes tincture of ginseng or eleutherococcus. To increase venous tone, drops based on horse chestnut are appropriate.

For migraines and nervous disorders, adjusting the daily routine in combination with good nutrition gives results. For spinal pathologies, medications are prescribed in combination with physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massages, and spa treatment.

For sinusitis, sinus cleansing sprays, vasoconstrictors, antibiotics, or intravenous injections are used. Treatment of pain radiating from the right side of the ear is possible only after a diagnosis has been made. Analgesics mask the pain symptom, but do not eliminate the cause.

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Problems in the temporomandibular joint

The lower jaw is connected to the skull by a cartilaginous disc, which can become inflamed or “wear out” because it is a moving part. A problem with the temporomandibular joint is quite easy to recognize: in addition to acute pain localized on the right, there are sensations of “shooting” in the eye and ear, the face may become asymmetrical, a burning sensation in the mouth, dryness or increased salivation may appear. If you suspect this pathology, you should contact your dentist - he will prescribe a diet, medications and, if necessary, refer you to a surgeon. If the joint is completely destroyed, it is replaced with an implant.

Why is headache accompanied by nausea? Causes

Why does my head hurt and feel nauseous? The causes of the disease may not be related to the pathological condition, and sometimes - cephalgia with vomiting, a consequence of serious diseases.

There can be many reasons why you have a headache and nausea. Among the most common, doctors identify:

  1. Migraine.
  2. Hypertonic disease.
  3. Early pregnancy.
  4. Intracranial hypertension.
  5. Head and skull injuries.
  6. Osteochondrosis.
  7. Acute poisoning.
  8. ARVI.
  9. Meningitis.
  10. Stroke.
  11. Neoplasms and tumor processes in the brain.

Let's take a closer look at each case in which nausea occurs and a severe headache occurs.

Migraine pain

Migraine is typical for representatives of the weaker half of humanity. The development of this disease is hereditary. If the mother suffered, she will definitely “reward” her daughter with the disease. According to medical statistics, today both men and women suffer from migraines.

Migraine attacks occur when:

  • overwork and stress;
  • long stay in a stuffy room;
  • smoking abuse;
  • excessive mental stress;
  • changing weather phenomena.

Migraines are characterized by painful throbbing in the eye or temple area. For some, the attack begins with abdominal pain. A person reacts sharply to light and loud sounds, tries to isolate himself from strangers. Symptoms such as headache and nausea are leading in making a diagnosis. Vomiting, with this pathology, brings relief, the patient falls asleep. The duration of the attack can last from several hours to 5 days. If you do not take painkillers on time, the pain is very difficult to relieve.

Headache in the temples, radiating into the eye socket, of a pulsating nature often torments adolescents. Due to vascular incompetence, spasm and attack occur. By adulthood, the problem goes away. Women note a decrease in pain after the birth of their first child.

Migraines are treated with antispasmodics and painkillers. In case of a complex course, vascular drugs are included in therapy.

Hypertonic disease

A persistent increase in blood pressure—hypertension—develops for a number of reasons. With this pathology, a person reacts sharply to changes in weather, stressful situations, and overwork. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the possible development of a hypertensive crisis and the risk of stroke. Vascular pathology can only be treated by a therapist; self-medication is extremely unacceptable.

Hypertension is characterized by headache and nausea, swelling and increased heart rate. The leading symptom is an increase in pressure to critical levels.

To prevent an increase in blood pressure, the patient should take medications that stabilize blood pressure every day in the morning. Therapy includes diuretics (diuretics) and potassium-sparing drugs. It is imperative to adhere to diet therapy (salt restriction) and avoid stress and overexertion.

Neuralgia pain

Neuralgia pain is provoked by cold water, air, and sudden movements. For example, when washing with cold water, a sharp pain in the head on the right may occur, which undoubtedly indicates neuralgia.

Pressing, burning, bursting and dull pain in the head on the right appears with the same migraine. Often it can spread to other areas of the head and spread to the entire skull. There are other, more rare causes of headaches on the right.

In order to help a patient with such pain, it is undoubtedly necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis. Migraine can be successfully treated with both medications and osteopathic craniosacral techniques. Neuralgia is quite difficult to treat; medications, as a rule, do not help. But, fortunately, many types of neuralgia can be corrected using osteopathic techniques.

So, if pain in the head on the right is caused by a pinched nerve in the exit channel, then alignment and balancing of the skull bones can completely relieve the patient of this problem. In our center, Dr. Malyutin A.G. can see you with this problem. and others. Make an appointment!


Depending on the origin of the shooting pain, various techniques can be used to treat it, each of which has its own indications. It is recommended to use complex therapy, which has a multifaceted effect on the disease, reducing its activity and preventing the occurrence of new pain episodes.


Most often, classical analgesics are used to relieve pain, among which Ketorol, Ketanov, Dexalgin, and Indomethacin are the most effective. The choice of drug is made by the doctor based on the characteristics of the patient’s condition and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Another method of drug pain relief is blockade, which involves the administration of local anesthetics subcutaneously to reduce the severity of pain. This method is often used to eliminate neuralgia. To carry it out, drugs such as Novocaine, Lidocaine, Anestezin are used. Injections are made at specific pain points - usually under the jaw joint, in the area behind the ear or near the brow ridge.

To improve the condition of the nervous system, additional drugs are prescribed that increase the patient’s adaptation and restore brain activity. These include nootropics, adaptogens, and B vitamins. Medicines of this kind are considered an additional method of drug therapy.


An effective method of treating headaches is physiotherapy, which involves influencing the skin and underlying tissues with physical factors. This treatment is especially indicated in the presence of spinal pathologies. In this case, the following procedures may be prescribed:

  1. Exposure to ultrasound;
  2. High frequency current therapy;
  3. Laser therapy;
  4. Magnetic treatment;
  5. Ion and electrophoresis.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are aimed at restoring normal blood circulation in tissues. This stimulates the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells, which relieves swelling and inflammation, reduces the activity of the pain process and starts an active regeneration process. Physiotherapy can be considered an additional method of treatment, which, in combination with medications, provides the patient with a quick recovery.


Therapeutic exercises, like physiotherapy, are indicated for pathologies of the spine, as well as for cervical migraine. Regular performance of special sets of exercises allows patients to quickly relieve headaches and relieve other unpleasant symptoms. In addition, the use of physical therapy can slow down the progression of the pathological process and restore normal mobility of the spine.

Important information

Therapeutic exercises must be performed according to a strictly established algorithm proposed by the patient’s doctor. This is due to the fact that the patient himself cannot adequately calculate the load on the joints, and overexertion can lead to aggravation of the pathological process.

Therefore, if severe pain occurs during exercises, you should stop doing gymnastics, after which you should consult your doctor about it.


Massage is considered an additional method for relieving headaches. This can be either a full impact on the entire spine or local procedures in the neck area. Patients are recommended to sign up for a special therapeutic massage, which is carried out by specialized specialists. Their work allows you to relieve spasm of the paravertebral muscles, reduce the likelihood of developing contracture, and improve local blood circulation. All this helps reduce the severity of pain.

In addition to classic massage procedures, patients are also offered special water procedures - a circular shower, which has a strong pressor effect on tissues. Its use is also accompanied by rapid improvement in the patient's condition. Manipulation is especially indicated for those patients who need to be careful when massaging the spine (for example, in the presence of hernias). This technique has a milder effect on the tissues of the paravertebral region.

Professional massage should be combined with self-massage. At home, patients are advised to independently knead the collar area and the back of the head. Performing self-massage during a headache attack is one of the fastest methods of relieving it. A rush of blood to the site of the procedure ensures normalization of blood circulation in the brain, which actually affects the cause of pain.

Tingling in the back of the head - causes and treatment

Occipital pain is usually associated with various diseases. They are also called cause-and-effect. To begin treatment, you need to identify or exclude the following pathologies:

  1. migraine – the patient suffers from attacks, which are often localized in the back of the head. The pain is so severe that it is difficult to bear without taking analgesics. The general condition of the patient also suffers;
  2. spondylosis of the cervical spine - the process is chronic in which osteophytes are formed (growths of the vertebrae). Symptoms of the disease vary, often including tingling in the back of the head. This pathology is more often observed in the age category after 45 years, although recently spondylosis has become much younger;
  3. myogilosis - pathology is directly related to overwork, curvature of the spinal column, exposure to drafts, neuroses and other reasons. Pain in the back of the head and other parts of the head is a frequent companion to myogelosis.
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