I hit my temple, my head hurts, what to do - Headaches

Strong blows to the head are very dangerous to human life and health . Its most vulnerable part is the temple. When practicing sports such as boxing, wrestling and competitions, hitting the temple area is prohibited. Depending on how strong the blow is, the consequences can be very different : hematoma formation, nausea, dizziness, decreased visual acuity. With a strong blow, there is a high probability of irreversible physical and mental consequences, as well as death.

When can you get hit in the head?

There are a number of situations in which a person may experience head injuries. It is worth considering them in more detail:

  1. Hitting your head after a fall.
  2. A hard object or stone was thrown at a person's head.
  3. A blow to the temple with a bat or brass knuckles, which causes a severe headache.
  4. Injury as a result of a traffic accident.
  5. Hit to the head during a street fight.
  6. Throwing a punch during sports training.
  7. Intentionally beating a person.

After injury, a large hematoma may appear on the head. In more complicated situations - extensive bleeding. Bleeding is especially common when the frontal part is affected.

Many falls result in a concussion, which can cause a person to lose consciousness and develop memory problems.

In addition, it is after a blow to the head that people may develop mental illnesses.

Painful sensations after a blow can manifest themselves in different ways. The injuries that led to the pain in the head can also be different.

The most common head injuries caused by impact include:

  • injury;
  • hematoma;
  • fracture;
  • wounds.

Pain can occur from bruising of different parts of the head. It can touch the scalp, face, nose, and jaw.

Helpful information

But the most dangerous is considered to be a brain contusion. Depending on the severity, the patient loses consciousness and exhibits many unpleasant symptoms.

This type is also characterized by the occurrence of hematomas.

There are three types of hematomas: epidural, subdural, intracranial. The first occurs under the skin, without much damage to the structure. The second is characterized by a violation of the intramuscular space, and the third is inside the skull.

Fractures may involve the cheekbones, nose or eye socket, or the skull as a whole. Mechanical damage such as wounds comes in several varieties: punctures, lacerations, cuts, bullets.

Diagnostic measures

Even with a light blow to the temple, the consequences can be unpredictable. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo examination by such specialists as a therapist, neurologist, or surgeon. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

The doctor must eliminate the risk of developing dangerous injuries. For this purpose the following is carried out:

  1. X-ray of the head bones.
  2. CT or MRI of the brain (the price may vary slightly in different clinics) to exclude internal bleeding and hematoma, identify changes in the brain, and diagnose complications.

The doctor also conducts a study of vision and hearing, tactile sensations, coordination of movements, balance, and reflexes.

In some cases, the doctor may send the victim home under the supervision of relatives. Relatives should monitor the patient throughout the day, and they should periodically awaken the victim in order to determine whether he wakes up normally. Adult concussion symptoms and treatment are interrelated. If unpleasant symptoms occur or worsen, hospitalization is required.

In what cases is medical help needed?

Man is designed in such a way that the most vulnerable part of his head is the temporal region.

If a person hits himself or is hit in the temple, there is a risk of a concussion and loss of consciousness. But if it was hit by a professional, it would be completely fatal.

There is a list of main pathologies that can develop after a bruise in the temporal region. They are:

  1. Paralysis of the limbs.
  2. Epileptic seizures.
  3. The appearance of an aneurysm.
  4. Development of acute cerebral hemorrhage.

A slight blow to the temple is manifested by mild pain, which can be relieved independently, with the help of medications and temporary rest.

If the head, or rather the temple, hurts more and more after the blow, then you need to immediately call an ambulance.

After a head injury, a person should carefully study the nature of the pain. You need to go to the hospital when the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Prolonged headaches that do not disappear for several days.
  2. The pain is not relieved by taking strong painkillers.
  3. There is pulsation in the temple area or noise in the ears.
  4. You feel stiffness in your neck or pain when you turn your head to the sides.

Signs of a concussion include the following symptoms: severe dizziness, fainting, darkness in the eyes, problems with vision and speech, increased weakness, bruises under the eyes and nausea accompanied by vomiting.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor must carefully examine the patient, examine his face and oral cavity, and palpate the tissues and skull.

If there is a suspicion of a bone fracture, the specialist will prescribe an x-ray.

After receiving an injury, you need to pay attention to the nature of the pain in your head. You need to worry in the following cases:

  1. The headache lasts for a very long time after the blow, and the syndrome does not go away for several days.
  2. The pain is so severe that even analgesics do not help.
  3. The pulsation clearly radiates to the temple or causes tinnitus.
  4. The neck becomes stiff or there is difficulty turning it to the sides.

Signs that accompany a headache may indicate a concussion:

  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • new blurred vision;
  • incoherent speech;
  • nausea and frequent vomiting;
  • severe weakness;
  • bruises under the eyes.

Post-traumatic headache

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With a concussion, a person may experience hallucinations, convulsions, and spatial disorientation. Coordination of movements is often impaired, increased irritability and an acute reaction to bright light or loud sound appear.

If a person loses consciousness, but wakes up and feels fine, you still need to see a doctor and get examined. After an injury, there is a danger of hematoma formation, vascular ruptures, inflammation and cerebrospinal fluid accumulation.

It is imperative to visit the hospital if you are hit on the temple with a heavy object. The consequences can be very serious, sometimes irreversible, if surgical treatment is not started.

Situations in which the neck or back were injured are dangerous. Damaged or displaced vertebrae can compress the blood vessels supplying blood to the head and cause severe pain.


A blow to the temple can have life-threatening consequences. In this area, the brain is most vulnerable, since the temporal bone is quite thin (two millimeters). Doctors recommend taking precautions. Do not get into fights, avoid extreme hobbies. Children need to be monitored especially closely, as they are the ones most susceptible to head injuries.

If a bruise does occur, you must immediately call an ambulance. The consequences of a bruise may not appear immediately, but after several days, so it is important to undergo prompt diagnosis and begin therapy to reduce the risk of developing dangerous consequences.

A hematoma is an injury in which liquid or clotted blood accumulates in soft tissue. A blow or sharp pressure with a hard, blunt object can cause internal hemorrhage.

The skull is a bony structure covered with skin, and between them is a wide network of veins and arteries. This is why bruises form on the head so easily after a blow.

In addition, the bones and skin are located close to each other. After a bruise, the blood vessels are damaged and blood accumulates in the soft tissue cavity.

Symptoms that occur after a head impact

If you have a headache after a blow, you should pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. They can often tell you more about the resulting consequences.

After the blow occurs, a hematoma forms at the injured site. In this case, painful sensations are located at the site of injury. This is a case that does not require a trip to the hospital - it can be solved at home.

If the damage is severe, bleeding occurs. It is often difficult to stop it on your own. In this case, the pain only intensifies, dizziness and nausea are noted.

If a person has the following symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance:

  • clear or bloody discharge from the nose and ears;
  • temperature rise to 38 degrees;
  • drowsiness;
  • confusion;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • the presence of additional injuries on the back, in the occipital region;
  • speech disorder;
  • inability to focus on one point;
  • change in pupil shape;
  • labored breathing.

Depending on the severity of the injuries received, the manifestation of symptoms will be appropriate. If a characteristic symptom is nausea with vomiting, then in a mild form it will be one-time and short-term, and in a severe form it will be long-term.

It is important to remember that if the patient has severe symptoms, he should not be moved independently. This is fraught with complications.

What can happen to the brain after a stroke? The brain, by inertia, sharply shifts in the opposite direction, so it is damaged not only at the site of the impact, but also on the opposite side, this causes vascular spasms and swelling. Due to edema, intracranial pressure increases.

A severe head injury is often accompanied by fractures of the skull bones, which worsen the person’s condition; the risk of developing an infection in the affected area also increases. In any case, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Symptoms of a head injury are determined by the location and force of the blow:

  • A mild bruise is characterized by pain that subsides after a few hours. When the subcutaneous vessels are damaged, a hematoma forms. The victim complains of constant drowsiness, double vision and darkening of the eyes, and sometimes fainting occurs. Symptoms disappear after a few weeks;
  • moderate injuries are accompanied by prolonged fainting (several hours), severe headaches, inhibited reactions and impaired awareness of what is happening. Speech is unclear and slow;
  • for fractures of the skull bones, the main clinical symptoms are dizziness, vomiting, and nosebleeds;
  • contusion of the back of the head is manifested by blurred vision, dizziness, loss of consciousness and general weakness.

In case of serious injury, patients are unconscious for a long time (up to several days), and coma may occur. There is a disturbance in speech, breathing and swallowing, and the pupils may vary in size. Partial or complete memory loss cannot be ruled out.

Hematoma on the temple from a blow

The structural features of the skull contribute to the fact that after a blow, a fall or a bruise, a hematoma appears on the head. Most often, hematomas are encountered by children under 3 years of age due to the greater vulnerability of the skull bones and thin skin, as well as adults who constantly take anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents, geriatric patients and alcoholics due to their characteristic increased fragility of blood vessels.

How to provide first aid to an injured person

In the event that a person has received a strong blow to the temple and then has a headache, he should immediately call an ambulance.

While the doctors are traveling, you need to try to help the victim yourself:

  1. Turn the person onto their side, slightly lifting their head and shoulders. Such actions will help prevent the victim from choking on his own vomit.
  2. The most important thing is to ensure that the person does not move, because the head must remain in its original position.
  3. After a blow to the temple, ice should be applied to the bruised area so as not to put pressure on the area of ​​the hematoma. The same should be done with any bumps that appear.

In the case when a woman hits her head and develops a bleeding wound, you need to use hydrogen peroxide and treat the site of the impact.

First aid for injury

To prevent the victim’s condition from worsening, it is necessary to provide him with first aid. First of all, bandage the head tightly, place the patient in a horizontal position, and place a pillow under the head. Open a window to bring fresh air into the room.

To stop bleeding and relieve pain, apply Riciniol emulsion to the bruise site. Apply a bottle of ice water or an ice compress to the hematoma for 20 minutes. Apply cold every 30 minutes. If the victim feels normal, then treatment can be carried out at home. You might be interested.

Treatment of hematoma on the leg after a bruise or other injuries

How to cope with pain on your own

If a person has injured his head, he may experience pain for some time. Some people find tea with mint and honey and proper rest helpful.

In addition, it would be a good idea to take a warm bath with some relaxing essential oil added.

If it is not possible to take a bath, then you can pour water into a container, drop a little oil into it and place the bowl next to your head.

When the blow hits your temple, you should apply cold to it. For example, an ice cube or a piece of meat from the freezer, wrapped in a soft cloth.

In addition, cabbage leaves taken in the refrigerator will cope well with the problem.

To calm the nerves, you can perform a massage by kneading the temples, forehead, back of the head and neck.

Among medications, healing ointments are allowed. For example, Diclofenac or Fastum Gel.


Before making an accurate diagnosis, doctors use additional diagnostic measures. The most informative include computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

The second option is more often used, since not all medical institutions have CT scanners.

Diagnosis and treatment are prescribed by a neurologist. If head contusions are observed, the diagnosis is made based on the following methods:

  • X-ray – the presence of skull fractures is determined;
  • spinal puncture;
  • computed tomography - the localization of damage, the presence of hematoma, and edema are revealed.

After receiving accurate results, adequate therapy is prescribed.

Causes of pain in the temples

Pain in the temples can also occur on one side or on both sides at the same time. Some doctors consider the cause of these pains to be a lack of fresh air, dehydration, and long-term stress. In women, this is also associated with the menstrual cycle, menopause, and pregnancy. In addition, there is reason to believe that the cause may be hyper- or hypotension, spastic conditions of cerebral vessels, migraines, as well as infectious diseases - colds, flu, sinusitis, food poisoning.

I hit my temple and my head hurts

Every person can experience such a nuisance as an accidental injury, either at home or at work. Even during a normal walk, you can slip, twist your ankle and fall.

Another option is to hit your forehead on the door of a minibus. It is very good if the incident is not complicated in any way, but is limited to only temporary discomfort.

If your head hurts due to a blow, then this can be called a natural process. It is often possible to do without the help of specialists and cope with the problem at home.

But it may also happen that a blow to the temple provokes a concussion, as a result of which the pain in the head does not go away for a long time. In this case, it is better not to delay the visit to the doctor.

Why is a headache after a blow dangerous?

If you do not provide first aid and do not go to the hospital, the patient will face serious complications. They concern not only increased symptoms, but also organic disorders.

Therefore, if you have a headache after a blow, you should not ignore the manifestations of your body, otherwise the following is possible:

  • disturbance in perception;
  • absentmindedness;
  • feeling of tightness in the head;
  • decreased efficiency;
  • frequent migraines;
  • mental deviations.

After injury, swelling and bleeding occur, which contribute to the development of paralysis. The most severe consequence after trauma is falling into a coma or death. The second occurs in the case of severe and profuse bleeding in the brain, which leads to disruption of body systems such as the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Painful sensations after trauma indicate possible disorders. Depending on its severity, treatment is selected that will be aimed at eliminating the consequences of the blow, as well as improving well-being.

Drug treatment

If the pain continues to torment, you need to be examined in a hospital. There may be serious damage that is difficult to diagnose on your own. For example, in order to avoid the onset of inflammatory processes, a specialist will prescribe treatment with antibacterial drugs.

In addition, the doctor will give recommendations for taking medications to alleviate the person’s condition after injury. For example:

  1. Improving metabolism between brain cells with piracetam. The drug helps cope with severe headaches and dizziness.
  2. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels with ascorutin.
  3. Prevention of swelling in the brain with high blood pressure by taking aminophylline.
  4. Restoring normal blood circulation with ethamsylate.

Traditional medicine

A compress made from potatoes, mashed to a pasty state, has a very good effect on the nervous system.

To do this, grate the potatoes, wrap them in gauze and place them on your temple. After this, it is recommended to lie down and rest a little.

You can use potato decoction, tomato and beet juice, a cocktail of parsley, sorrel and broccoli.

When an injury causes a drop in blood pressure, doctors recommend drinking motherwort or a decoction of St. John's wort.

It is worth considering that a person who has suffered a head injury may suffer from sudden changes in weather conditions and changes in atmospheric pressure.

Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

When should you see a doctor?

Complications can be different, it depends on the location and severity of the injury. Minor injuries resolve on their own in a short period of time. In case of serious injuries, the development of the following complications cannot be ruled out:

  • waking coma (apallic syndrome) - patients are conscious, but they are not able to react to what is happening, and are absolutely indifferent to the people and objects around them. There is a reaction only to pain;
  • paresis – partial loss of motor function.
  • brain cyst;
  • brain abscess - the formation of a cavity with pus during the development of the inflammatory process;
  • ICH, or intracranial hypertension syndrome, is increased intracranial pressure;
  • constant headache - does not go away for six months or more;
  • meningitis is an inflammatory process in the membranes of the brain;
  • development of secondary epilepsy;
  • death or disability cannot be excluded in case of severe injuries;

Consequences of a bruise on the back of the head:

  • decreased performance and concentration;
  • deterioration in sleep quality;
  • depression;
  • regular dizziness;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • weather dependence.

If you hit the back of your head during a fall, the consequences of the impact can be serious, so it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.

The success of therapeutic measures depends on the timeliness of diagnosis and treatment and the severity of the injury.

They say that hitting with the forehead can be considered the safest, since the forehead bone is very hard. But forehead strikes are often accompanied by bruising and swelling.

First aid:

  • Raise the child and assess the location of the injury
  • If there is a lump, apply ice or something cold
  • If there is a cut, treat the wound with peroxide or brilliant green.
  • If there are no visible bruises, monitor the child's condition

How to proceed:

  • Do not allow your baby to run around or play active games. You can go for a walk outside, but you should run and be active less. The walk should be calm
  • Do not allow your child to sleep immediately after an injury. Distract him, play calm games
  • If alarming symptoms appear, consult a doctor

Alarming symptoms:

  • Vomit
  • Nausea
  • Constant hysterics
  • Drowsiness

If your child hits the back of their head, don't panic.

The famous pediatrician E. O. Komarosky points out that when a child falls and hits his head, the parents suffer the most, because many falls are not as serious as they may initially seem. Especially if the baby quickly stopped crying, began to play and even smiles at you, there is no lump at the site of the impact, the shape of the skull has not changed, the child did not vomit, and there was no loss of consciousness.

  1. Assess the child's condition. If, having hit the back of his head, the baby lost consciousness, cannot calm down for a long time, his nose started bleeding, he stopped responding to you, to rattles, or after a short time his body temperature rose, you need to seek medical help.
  2. Call an ambulance immediately if you notice clear fluid leaking from your nasal passages or ears, as most likely it is cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
  3. Parents must provide first aid to their baby. For example, after falling from the sofa, a child could get away with a slight fright and bruises, without contusions.

First of all, apply a cold compress, which you first wrap in a cloth or cotton towel.

For small bleeding wounds, you should not smear them with iodine solution or “green stuff”; you should also not treat the wound itself with alcohol tinctures or vodka. Using unconventional methods, you can apply a chemical burn, and the wound will take longer to heal with the formation of scars.

It is worth treating the wound with hydrogen peroxide, and wipe the area around (if there is skin contamination) with a swab dipped in an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine.

If vomiting starts, place your baby on his side. This way, the vomit will not enter the bronchi, and the child will not choke. Call an ambulance immediately!

If, a couple of days after your baby hit his head, moaning and shuddering appear in his sleep, his chin or arms are shaking before falling asleep and immediately after, you should see a pediatric neurologist and undergo an examination.

Rule out spinal injury!

If a child hits his head when falling from a sofa, you should not suddenly lift him from the floor, since during the impact not only the head, but also the spinal table, especially in the cervical region, could be damaged. Pay attention to the movements in your arms and legs. With an intact spinal column, without damage to the spinal cord, the baby makes active movements with his arms and legs, shows where it hurts, and his fingers actively clench and unclench.

If, after a fall, the child’s arms or legs do not move, and when he tries to move them, he cries more, it is necessary to seek medical help to exclude fractures.

Vomiting is the first symptom of a concussion and possible head injury. There is no point in sitting at home and continuing to monitor the condition of the baby. Call an ambulance and go to the hospital. An X-ray of the head is required. If violations are detected, the child will be hospitalized and the condition will be helped to normalize.

This happens quite often. Most often this happens to children under one year of age. From about 3-5 months, the baby can already roll over. That is why he should not be left alone on the sofa or bed. If your baby falls and hits his head, monitor his condition. If he gets up and doesn't scream, then everything is fine. You need to be attentive to your baby throughout the day.

Alarming symptoms:

  • Lethargy, baby constantly sleeps
  • Anxiety and hysteria
  • Vomiting and nausea

This is quite dangerous, as it can cause the development of a brain hematoma. In order to prevent the condition from worsening, it is necessary to monitor the child and, if there are deviations in behavior, immediately go to the doctor.

First aid:

  • Apply ice or cold
  • Treat the injury site with an antiseptic
  • Try to provide peace, but not put you to sleep

Alarming symptoms:

  • Vomiting, nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Convulsions
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Hysterics

This is an alarming symptom, since drowsiness indicates injury.

Types of head impact injuries:

  • Concussion. This is the mildest degree of injury, since there are no special disturbances in the functioning of the brain. But some cells don't work well. After a few days the condition returns to normal. There are no consequences.
  • Brain contusion. In this case, internal tissues are damaged and require treatment. To restore brain function, the child needs the help of doctors.
  • Compression of the brain. This is the most dangerous injury, as there is high pressure inside the skull, which leads to periodic loss of consciousness. Requires medical intervention.

What to do if the child does not wake up for a long time:

  • You must try to wake him up
  • Quite often, a child loses consciousness during sleep and may stop breathing altogether.
  • If you notice that the child is not breathing, call an ambulance and carry out resuscitation procedures


If the temple bruise was not severe, such damage will pass quickly enough, the symptoms will begin to subside within a few days. But if the patient is injured under the influence of great mechanical force, the consequences of this pathology can be the most dire.

Serious bruises can lead to a concussion, internal hemorrhages in the head, and also cause the formation of tumors in the brain. That is why, after a head injury, in any case, it is necessary to visit a specialist and undergo some examinations.

Any strong blow to the head area can injure the brain, including those cases where the skull remains intact. Despite the fact that the brain is enclosed in soft shells and “floats” in the cerebrospinal fluid, it is not 100% protected from inertial impacts on the inner surface of the skull. If the skull is fractured, the brain can be damaged by bone fragments.

Features of the structure of the child’s skull and brain

  • In the first years of life, infants' head size rapidly increases. This expresses the disproportion of growth;
  • any slight trauma to the skin can cause serious damage, because the child’s stratum corneum is poorly developed;
  • A feature of the blood supply to the head is a richly developed venous network with many anastomoses. About 18 - 20% of the blood emitted by the heart goes directly to the baby's head. These two factors are a risk of massive bleeding in scalp wounds;
  • Due to the fragile attachment of the thin aponeurosis to the periosteum, extensive cephalohematomas may appear. In children older than 6 months, the risk is lower;
  • The brain part of the child’s skull is smaller than the facial part. Adolescents and adults, on the contrary, have a more extensive facial area;
  • A special feature of babies is fontanelles.
    They increase the “reserve space” with increasing brain volume for various pathologies, especially if the child hits his temple. It contributes to a longer “clear interval” in case of hemorrhages in the baby. A sharp bulging and/or tension in the fontanel area is a serious sign! You need to go to the clinic urgently!;
  • The bones that make up the baby's skull are thin, contain few mineral elements, but are rich in water. Due to this feature, linear or depressed fractures are observed, and not comminuted, as in adults;
  • diploic veins, devoid of valves, can contribute to the rapid spread of infection from the wound to the cranial cavity;
  • the brain grows rapidly until the age of six, then growth slows down;
  • the baby’s brain is better supplied with arterial blood, but venous outflow is difficult due to underdevelopment of the veins after the fontanelles close;
  • Nerve fibers are unevenly covered with myelin. First, motor (the child hones his skills in walking, coordination of movements, manipulation of hands with objects), only then sensitive. Therefore, the pain is not felt as much;
  • The blood-brain barrier is an obstacle between the brain and infectious environmental agents. In children, it is more permeable, so there is a high probability of exposure to toxic and infectious agents on the nervous system;
  • at an early age, in response to injury, swelling and edema of the brain often occurs, which can have serious consequences and need to be supervised by a doctor.

Symptoms and signs

The consequences of damage to the temporal region may not appear immediately. The first symptoms sometimes appear after two or three days. A person feels a headache, which can be easily relieved with painkillers. But sometimes it can get worse, the medications stop helping, and tinnitus appears. Over time, the pain is strongly felt in the temporal region, problems arise in the functionality of the neck, bruises appear under the eyes, vision and speech are impaired. A person may feel nauseous and dizzy, and lose consciousness. These symptoms may indicate a concussion or other health problems, so it is important to seek medical help immediately.

The following signs should alert you:

  • Prolonged headaches that do not go away for three days.
  • Inability to eliminate pain with medications.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Impaired coordination of movements.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Photophobia.
  • The appearance of convulsions, hallucinations.

If immediately after a blow to the temple the consequences begin to appear, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

How to relieve headaches at home?

After an injury, even a minor one, you may experience a headache for some time. Sometimes it is enough to drink warm mint tea with honey and sleep to get rid of unpleasant sensations.

Aromatherapy can also be organized in another way: add a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water and place the dishes near the head of the head.


Immediately after the incident, it is advisable to apply a cold compress to the site of the impact. Ice cubes or food from the freezer wrapped in a scarf are suitable for this purpose. You can use white cabbage leaves taken from the refrigerator.

A light massage that kneads the temples, forehead, back of the head and neck has a calming effect.

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