When will Vinpocetine help, and can it be replaced with other drugs?

Nootropic drugs

When using nootropic drugs, the main area of ​​application is to improve blood circulation in the brain. However, each of the drugs mentioned in the article has a treatment area in which it is most effective. They can be used according to indications in other areas, provided that there are no contraindications for use in a particular situation.

The simultaneous use of two drugs is allowed. This is possible provided that their actions complement each other. Often such drugs mutually enhance the therapeutic effect.

Description of Cavinton

The active ingredient in Cavinton is vinpocetine. Its effect is manifested in improving blood flow in nerve tissues. It affects the thickness of the blood, thinning it. In this case, vasodilation occurs. Taking the medicine activates metabolism in brain tissue and helps increase vitality in conditions of oxygen starvation.

This drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. for disorders of the brain of various nature;
  2. this remedy helps if strokes occur (cessation of blood flow in certain areas of the brain);
  3. it is beneficial for survivors of traumatic brain injury;
  4. if the patient suffers from severe dizziness, severe tinnitus or constant swaying when walking, then this remedy can help him;
  5. Cavinton is also used for eye diseases that are caused by insufficient blood supply.

There is a version of the drug that is similar in quality and composition called Cavington Forte. Both types are almost identical. However, there is a difference between them in the form of the statement. In the first case, 5 mg tablets are used, and in the second, 10 mg tablets. Often two 5 mg tablets or one 10 mg tablet are prescribed.

This medicine is beneficial in a large number of cases. However, not everyone is allowed to use it. This should not be done in the following situations:

  1. in case of serious disorders of the heart, with insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle;
  2. in case of hemorrhagic stroke, the use of Cavinton is excluded;
  3. the drug cannot be used by women during pregnancy or while breastfeeding;
  4. Its use is not recommended for minor patients;
  5. If excessive sensitivity occurs, use should be discontinued.

This drug has a wide range of indications. However, there are areas where its use brings maximum effect. Most often it is used in cases where coordination of movements is impaired, in the presence of severe tinnitus and to treat eyes with insufficient blood circulation.

This drug is actively used for osteochondrosis. This disease occurs in cases where metabolism is disturbed. Its symptoms include curvature of the spine, decreased mobility, displaced intervertebral discs and others. Using Cavinton not only helps reduce symptoms, but also minimizes the risk of stroke due to poor circulation in the neck.

Picamilon and Vinpocetine

This drug is largely similar in its action to Cavinton. There are minor differences in the mechanism of action on the patient. Taking it has the following medicinal effects:

  • the drug helps dilate blood vessels in the brain;
  • helps improve and harmonize metabolism in brain tissue;
  • helps improve blood supply;
  • Picamilon has a pronounced effect on improving intellectual activity, strengthening memory and attention.

When using the drug, the patient has a calming effect. At the same time, the level of anxiety, irritability and fatigue decreases. The medicine helps normalize sleep. The most effective use of Picamilon is to improve thinking and memory.

Vinpocetine has the same active substance as Cavinton. However, its cost is significantly less. Both of these drugs have similar effects. When choosing from them, it is necessary to take into account that not only the composition plays an important role in the quality of the product. It is also necessary to take into account the raw materials used in production, the technology used, and other factors. Therefore, if there is a possibility for treatment, it is preferable to use Cavetin.

pharmachologic effect

To begin with, the most important fact should be noted: Cavinton and Piracetam are drugs with completely different pharmacological actions. Cavinton is a vasoactive drug, and Piracetam is a nootropic. And to compare them, to be honest, is somehow not objective.

Cavinton affects blood flow in the vessels of the brain, increases its speed, and also additionally affects the tolerance of neurons to hypoxia and the metabolism of glucose in them (and only due to this can partly be noted the manifestations of a nootropic effect). Piracetam also has metabolic and nootropic effects. The effect on blood flow of the drug is minimal.

Using Phezam

This medicine uses two active substances simultaneously: cinnarizine and piracetam. The first of them is used to dilate blood vessels in the brain. This simultaneously improves brain vitality and enhances the effectiveness of piracetam. The additional effect of cynarizine is that it helps to suppress excessive painful activity of the vestibular apparatus, bringing it back to normal.

This medicine is effective in the following situations:

  1. it is recommended for use in chronic or acute disorders of the brain;
  2. those who suffer from motion sickness can use this medicine to alleviate symptoms;
  3. in conditions where there is depletion of the nervous system, taking Phezam can correct the situation;

  4. it is recommended for use by children with developmental delays;
  5. the drug will support the patient in case of deterioration in mood, attention or memory;
  6. Fezam is an effective remedy for migraine prevention;
  7. recommended for use in case of disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular drug;
  8. the drug will be useful for various types of brain lesions and injuries.

Phezam is not used in the following cases:

  1. if the patient suffers from parkinsonism (trembling of the arms and legs, the presence of very slow movements);
  2. those who suffer from serious liver and kidney diseases;
  3. should not be used by pregnant and lactating women;
  4. the drug is contraindicated in children under five years of age;
  5. If the patient has an individual intolerance, the drug must be excluded from use.

Phezam has proven itself well in the treatment of migraines and vestibular disorders. Using it, you can cope with memory and thinking disorders that were provoked by stressful situations. Phezam has proven effective in treating comatose patients. Helps treat brain disorders in children as young as five years of age.

Indications and contraindications

Due to its qualities, Cavinton is widely used in many therapy regimens. The medication has a number of purposes:

  • impaired blood supply to the brain;

  • stroke;
  • encephalopathy;
  • unsteady gait, poor coordination;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • headaches with cervical osteochondrosis;
  • glaucoma.

After a course of therapy, metabolism is activated, oxygen and nutrients are intensively supplied to the blood and organ tissues, and blood vessels grow and strengthen.

The drug can be used at any age, including children. The tablets are not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers as the harm to the baby is unknown. Contraindications also include: severe arrhythmia and cardiac ischemia.

Actovegin is indicated for:

  • strokes;
  • skull injuries;
  • encephalopathies;
  • ulcers;

  • varicose veins;

  • endarteritis;
  • angiopathy of various etiologies;
  • bedsores;
  • burns;
  • radiation damage to the skin;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • neurological disorders.

The medication is indicated for difficult pregnancies and the threat of miscarriage. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. It is prescribed to children only under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Despite the fact that the drug of biological origin seems harmless, it has a number of serious contraindications. Not prescribed for:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • kidney diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • fluid retention.

An obstacle to prescribing the drug may also be a banal intolerance to its individual components. Therefore, in most cases, doctors give a control test injection before prescribing a medicine. This is especially true for children.

The drug Korsavin

This medicine can effectively normalize metabolism in brain tissue. It helps increase their consumption of oxygen and glucose, allows cells to better tolerate hypoxia, and helps improve oxygen transport in tissues.

In practice, it is often used to treat symptoms of disorders, the main cause of which is insufficient blood circulation in the brain and increased blood pressure. Korsavin is used in the treatment of ischemic stroke and helps reduce the consequences after a hemorrhagic stroke. This drug allows you to successfully fight against vascular dementia. It helps with atherosclerosis, hypertensive encephalopathy, and the consequences of head injuries.

Its use is characterized by the rapid accumulation of the effective level of drug concentration in the blood after administration. The disadvantages include the only release form and insufficient bioavailability of the drug.

Nootropil or Noopept – which is better for memory?

Manufacturer: Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Russian Federation
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: omberacetam

Noopept is an analogue of Nootropil in tablets. The medication belongs to the group of nootropics and prevents damage to brain cells. Noopept is prescribed for memory impairment, consequences of head injury, encephalopathy, and asthenic syndrome. The drug is used 1 tablet. 2–3 times a day. The analogue is prohibited for use in children.

Medicines have the same therapeutic effect and have proven themselves in the pharmaceutical market. High cost is the only drawback of Noopept that patients note in reviews.

Application of Nootropil

Its main active ingredient is piracetam. One of its characteristic properties is the ability to increase the speed of transmission of signals along nerve fibers. This property makes it possible to make a person’s intellectual activity more intense. The use of Nootropil has a pronounced protective effect. Under its influence, the resistance of brain cells to adverse external and internal influences increases. Nootropil is useful in the following cases:

  1. it helps treat consequences resulting from traumatic brain injury or stroke;
  2. can be used in cases where the patient is in a coma;
  3. the drug may be useful for people in the older age category in the presence of age-related disorders in the functioning of the brain;
  4. children are given this medicine in cases where a learning disorder is diagnosed;
  5. this remedy is useful for various disorders of the intellect and memory;
  6. nootropil can be used to combat alcohol intoxication.

This medicine should not be used in the following situations:

  1. during the onset of the acute phase of hemorrhagic stroke;
  2. should not be taken by pregnant women or those who are lactating;
  3. small children under three years of age should not be treated with nootropil;
  4. persons who are in a highly excited state;
  5. those who have serious kidney disease;
  6. with poor individual tolerance.

Nootropil can be taken for depletion of the nervous system or disorders of brain activity. It is used to treat the effects of alcohol intoxication. This drug helps children who have slowed intellectual development.

Review of analogues

There are dozens of drugs designed to normalize cerebral circulation. They increase the oxygen saturation of tissues. Their wide variety is due to the fact that their use should take into account their inherent pros and cons. Next we will talk about their main features.

Each medicine has its own scope of application. To better navigate what to prefer in a particular case, typical situations of their use will be described. Due to the variety of drugs available, a comparison will be provided.

The main area of ​​use of Mexidol is the treatment of mental illnesses. We are talking about those that were the consequences of a stroke or epilepsy associated with the use of alcohol or drugs. The active ingredient of this drug is ethyl methylhydroxypyridine succinate.

Mexidol increases a person's resistance to stress. It can improve memory and has an anticonvulsant effect. This drug lowers blood pressure and improves blood circulation in the brain tissue. Mexidol is often prescribed together with Cavinton. This is because both of these drugs enhance the effect of each other.

Noopept is a domestic drug. It is used for this. To support the activity of intelligence, memory and attention. The drug helps improve learning in children. Noopept helps in the fight against headaches. It reduces the frequency of their occurrence and reduces the severity of pain. Its use contributes to a higher resistance of brain cells to the onset of oxygen starvation.

Omaron is an almost complete analogue of fezam. It also has two active ingredients that complement and enhance each other: piracetam and cinnarizine. These two drugs are used in a similar way.

Actavegin allows you to activate metabolism. At the same time, it helps improve regeneration processes. It is produced on the basis of an extract from deproteinized calf blood. The use of Actavegin promotes the accumulation of glucose and improves oxygen transport.

It is used where it is necessary to simultaneously improve blood circulation in blood vessels and improve trophism and tissue regeneration. This drug is safer compared to Caviton. It can be safely used by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Drugs to improve memory and brain function - down with absent-mindedness and forgetfulness!

Drugs to improve memory and brain function are medications often prescribed by doctors when a person complains of poor memory.
They are well known to many older people: piracetam, Cavinton, nootropil, cinnarizine.

To improve brain function, medications are divided into 2 large groups:

The first includes vasodilators that improve cerebral circulation.

The second is nootropic drugs that increase metabolism in brain neurons.

You need to take one drug from each group at a time to improve memory.

It is with this combination of medications that brain function can improve as much as possible.

Medicines from the NOOTROPICS group to improve memory

Medicines that stimulate the brain are called “Nootropic drugs”. They differ in their mechanism of action.

However, the result from their use is the same - the intensity of metabolism in the neurons of the brain increases, neurotransmitters are produced that transmit nerve impulses along the pathways and energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid).

The brain works more intensely, which means that memory and concentration are enhanced, performance, activity, mood levels increase, energy and productivity of brain processes increase.

Piracetam (nootropil)

The most popular, inexpensive, domestic product. It is what doctors most often prescribe when patients complain of poor memory. The drug is available in capsules, tablets and solution for injection in various dosages. Use 10-15 minutes before meals. The daily dose can be different - 1200-1800 mg. Treatment is carried out for at least 1-2 months.

Pantogam (pantocalcin)

This is also a Russian drug, prescribed for various disorders of the brain. Moreover, this may be a decrease in memory caused by chronic stress, psychosomatic disorders, as well as organic diseases (traumatic brain injury, vascular encephalopathy).

It is produced in tablet form (250 and 500 mg per tablet) and in the form of syrup for small children. The active ingredient is hopantenic acid, which enhances the synthesis of the neuromeliator gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

Convulsive activity and excitability of the nervous system are suppressed, resistance to hypoxia and ischemia in brain tissue increases.

Aminolon (picamilon)

Produced in Russia. The active ingredient is GABA. It is an activator of metabolic processes, utilizes glucose, and removes toxins from cells. In general, thinking and memory improve, brain function is stimulated. Available in capsules or tablets of 250 mg. A safe medicine, it can be used by adults with heavy mental stress, and school-age children with poor memory.


This is also our domestic drug. The mechanism of action is to enhance the synthesis of GABA. But this medicine also has its own characteristics. It is only available with a doctor's prescription because it is a stronger drug.

It is used to restore the nervous system as a result of injuries and organic pathology of the brain. In addition to the stimulating effect, it has a pronounced sedative or calming effect.


The drug is based on the amino acid glycine, which increases the activity of brain cells. Harmless product. It helps many people improve their memory, improve sleep, calm down, and increase the productivity of the nervous system. But there are also reviews in which people report that the drug did not help them at all.


One of the new Russian drugs based on the action of glycine ethyl ester. It has a moderate nootropic and antihypoxic effect. Protects brain tissue from free radicals, toxins, hypoxia. Has a beneficial effect on cognitive functions and improves memory. Regulates autonomic functions and blood pressure.


A new generation drug created by Russian scientists. The structure of the drug includes antibodies to the S-100 protein of brain tissue.

Promotes the creation of new integrative connections between brain neurons.

The result will be increased activity of the cortex, improved memory, thinking, and performance in case of neurosis, concussion, occupational hazards, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Medicines for memory that improve cerebral circulation

If nootropics increase metabolism in cells and accelerate the conduction of nerve impulses, then vascular drugs have a neuroprotective effect through improving cerebral circulation.

Cinnarizine (Stugeron)

It has been used for many years as a means to increase cerebral blood flow. Indications for use are the initial manifestations of vascular atheroxlerosis. The drug can be used by elderly people with forgetfulness and poor concentration. The tablets are used for several months.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine)

Drugs to improve memory and brain function - microcirculation increases, blood viscosity decreases, and oxygen supply to the brain improves. Indications for use are chronic circulatory failure, impaired memory, intelligence, transient ischemic attacks, dizziness, hearing impairment, post-stroke conditions, and brain injuries.


The medicine contains piracetam and cinnarizine. As a result of taking the combined drug, the cellular metabolism of brain tissue improves while simultaneously expanding the vascular system. Phezam is used for the initial forms of vascular atherosclerosis in relatively young people, in the elderly for complaints of poor memory, in adolescents with deterioration in learning ability.

Trental (agapurine)

Due to the active substance pentoxifylline, trental dilates cerebral vessels, enhances microcirculation, providing nutrition, oxygen, and energy to brain neurons. A similar effect is observed in the coronary and peripheral vessels. Like other vasodilators, trental restores and improves memory.

Ginkgo biloba (Tanakan, Memoplant)

Preparations based on extracts from Ginkgo biloba leaves are very widely used to improve memory by enhancing microcirculation, increasing the synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), supplying tissues with oxygen, and reducing blood viscosity. The effect of the drug extends to the entire vascular system of the body: cerebral and coronary arteries, vessels of the extremities and internal organs.

Is it possible to take memory pills on your own, without consulting a doctor?

Can! Medicines to enhance memory are usually sold in pharmacies. Self-administration of medications to improve memory is allowed:

  • If the reasons for memory loss are functional in nature: neuroses, overload at work or study, increased fatigue. For diseases or traumatic brain injuries, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor;
  • It is best to take two drugs at the same time: from the group of nootropics and a vasodilator;
  • Carefully read the annotation, especially the section regarding contraindications and side effects;
  • Most nootropic drugs need to be taken in the morning or afternoon, as they make the person active and can disrupt the process of falling asleep;
  • The course of treatment with nootropic and vascular drugs should be long: from 1 to 3 months;
  • You can use the following drugs: glycine, aminolon, picamilon, piracetam, divaza, noopept, tanakan, cinnarizine, trental, xanthinol nicotinate.
  • It is no secret that memory impairment can appear as one of the symptoms of organic diseases of the central nervous system, for example, strokes. Do not self-medicate. Contact a neurologist, get examined and get prescribed medications. The doctor’s arsenal includes a large list of medications that have certain individual indications: gliatilin, cortexin, cerebrum-compositum, encephobol, phenotropil, cogitum, semak, sermion and many others.

What memory medications can be given to young children?

You can notice memory problems in a young child by how he memorizes rhymes, how well he masters games with other children, and how he performs in kindergarten at holidays. At school, problems with learning and remembering become even more pronounced.

Never give your child any medications on your own or on the advice of friends. The causes of memory impairment should be determined by a pediatric neurologist. Treatment is carried out with the same medications as in adults.

In pediatric practice, it is recommended to use a limited list of nootropic drugs: Pantogam, Picamilon, Glycine, Cortexin, Semax, Sermion. More attention is paid to massage, osteopathy, therapeutic baths, and hardening.

A wide range of drugs to improve memory and brain function are presented on the pharmacological market. A small part of them can be taken independently if the reasons for its decrease are caused by mental overload, a chronic stressful situation at home or at work, or old age.

Source: https://polonsil.ru/blog/43192591057/Preparatyi-dlya-uluchsheniya-pamyati-i-rabotyi-mozga-%E2%80%93-doloy-ras

Table of analogues

Here are the most well-known analogues of nootropic drugs. Their common feature is the improvement of cerebral circulation. They help patients with skull injuries, reduce the risk of stroke, and help improve intellectual activity.

MedicineActive substanceManufacturerPrice, rub)
CavintonvinpocetineGedeon Richter (Hungary)206
VinpocetinevinpocetineIzvarino (Russia)139
Fezamcinnarizine and piracetamBalkanfarma-Dupnitsa AD (Bulgaria)221
NootropilpiracetamYUSB Pharma S.A. (Belgium) 177
Omaroncinnarizine and piracetamNizhpharm (Russia)114

These drugs are prescribed according to the available indications. The choice can be made not only among types of drugs, but also among manufacturers. Some drugs may come in different forms.

Nootropil or Lucetam – which is better?

Manufacturer: Egis Pharmaceutical Plant, Hungary
Release form: tablets, injection solution

Active ingredient: piracetam

Synonyms: Nootropil, Noocetam

Lucetam is an imported analogue of the drug Nootropil. The medications have the same composition, mechanism of action, indications and effectiveness. Lucetam is used as monotherapy or as part of complex treatment for dizziness, cortical myoclonus, and dementia. The daily dose of the drug is 2.4–4.8 grams.

The advantages of the analogue are:

  • availability of injection form;
  • reasonable price;
  • good tolerance.
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