Sluggish neurosis-like schizophrenia: causes, symptoms and treatment

general information

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that has different clinical manifestations in men and women. Globally, the disease affects 0.6-1% of the population. The trigger for the development of pathology in the presence of a genetic predisposition are certain environmental factors. These include:

  • long-term use of alcoholic beverages, as well as drug addiction and substance abuse;
  • psychotraumatic situations in childhood, leading to changes in the psychological comfort of a child or adolescent;
  • organic diseases of the brain: traumatic brain injuries, tumors, infectious lesions, etc.;
  • chronic stress or acute stressful situations.

The main cause of schizophrenia in humans, according to physiology and psychiatry, is an imbalance of neurotransmitters. There are several theories that explain the symptoms of the disease by changes in the functioning of the dopamine, cholinergic and keturene systems. In psychology, much attention is paid to the development of the child in childhood, since the internal conflicts of the child in the psyche and external conflicts in the family and with peers come to the fore.

Establishing diagnosis

When diagnosing a disease, much attention is paid to symptoms. As for laboratory tests, they are used only to exclude concomitant diseases and brain abnormalities. It is recommended to undergo an MRI, blood and urine tests.

The specialist talks for a long time with the patient, as well as his relatives. To begin treatment, it is necessary to establish when alarming signs began to appear, which could provoke this condition.

A child psychologist or psychotherapist must conduct conversations with children in the presence of parents so that the little patient feels at ease.

Types of disease

There are several classifications of schizophrenia. Depending on the type of course, pathology is distinguished with a continuous course, recurrent (periodic) and fur-like (paroxysmal). The periodic variant of schizophrenia is characterized by alternating exacerbations and remissions, the duration of which varies. In fur coat disorder, the symptoms of the disease are stable, but the severity of delusions, hallucinations and movement disorders changes.

You should not self-diagnose yourself or a loved one. Only a psychiatrist can conduct an examination and select therapy.

With malignant or progressive schizophrenia, productive symptoms come to the fore: delusions and hallucinations. This type of disease most often develops in adolescents and rarely occurs in adulthood. Depending on the predominant symptoms, the following variants of malignant schizophrenia are distinguished:

  • a simple form with pronounced negative symptoms. Patients are apathetic and emotionally cold. Speech disturbances occur early. Apato-abulic syndrome develops, characterized by inactivity, emotional and physical weakness. Auditory hallucinations are short-lived;
  • the catatonic variant is accompanied by severe catatonia. The patient experiences stupor and confusion of varying degrees of severity. During periods of catatonia, schizophrenics freeze in one position and do not move. They can be given any position, including non-physiological ones. Hallucinatory phenomena and delusions are episodic in nature;
  • paranoid schizophrenia is characterized by delusions that cannot be systematized. Therefore, emerging pathological ideas may be mutually exclusive. For example, a patient may simultaneously exhibit delusions of persecution and grandeur. The paranoid variant of the pathology is characterized by auditory pseudo- and true hallucinations. Catatonic disorders are mild;
  • hebephrenic disorder is manifested by foolishness and antics. The patient grimaces and is motorically agitated. Hallucinations and delusions are rarely detected. They are episodic and unexpressed.

Malignant schizophrenia is characterized by rapid development. Speaking about how long the pathology progresses, doctors note that after 3-4 years severe mental defects appear. They are irreversible.

Initial stages of schizophrenia

The symptoms of schizophrenia develop through certain stages, constantly progressing. The greatest effectiveness of treatment is at the embryonic stage of the development of the disease. However, patients rarely consult a doctor in the first stage of schizophrenia. Knowledge of the main clinical signs of the disease allows one to suspect pathology. These include:

  • human isolation. He begins to communicate less with his friends and family, and avoids contact with new people. When communicating, psychological fatigue, emotional lability and increased anxiety occur. This sign is easy to identify in people who were previously noted for being sociable;
  • hallucinations with disorientation in space and time. At the initial stage of the disease, the patient can share them with people around him. Schizophrenia is characterized by visual and auditory hallucinations that have different contents;
  • delusions are characteristic of any stage of schizophrenia. It can occur in two forms: associated with hallucinations or paranoia. In the first option, the patient feels that the people around him are condemning him, forming ideas of conspiracy, persecution, etc. Paranoid delusions are characterized by thoughts about the exclusivity of one’s own personality;
  • changes in thinking with deviations in emotional and intellectual abilities. A person has difficulty concentrating on his own thoughts or any activity, and may experience anxiety attacks. Characterized by apathy and indifference to people or events. For many patients, o is a condition in which a person constantly moves on to new topics of conversation, cutting off previous ones;
  • behavioral changes: staying awake at night and taking long naps during the day, insomnia, loss of interest in hobbies. Patients begin to behave sloppy and do not pay attention to their appearance and hygiene.

If these symptoms of schizophrenia are detected, you should seek medical help from a psychiatrist. Early diagnosis and selection of treatment can prevent the progression of the disease.

Psychiatrists do not know what determines the development of a particular form of schizophrenia. This is believed to indicate a defect in neurotransmitter systems.

Sluggish disorder

Sluggish schizophrenia occurs most often - in 45-55% of patients. The prognosis is favorable with timely therapy. This variant of the disease remains unnoticed by others for a long time.

Symptoms of schizophrenia develop slowly, usually over several months. The patient does not perceive the symptoms that have arisen and adapts to them. Gradual progression leads to an increase in the severity of clinical manifestations. Depressive disorder, irrational fears or foolishness occur. Delusional thoughts and hallucinations gradually develop.

Recurrent option

With a recurrent course, symptoms of schizophrenia occur periodically. In this regard, personality changes are weakly expressed, and the patient remains socially and professionally adapted for a long time. The attacks last for varying periods of time. Symptoms include: depression, auditory and visual hallucinations, delusions, disturbances in motor behavior and confusion.

Symptoms and signs of low-grade schizophrenia

A feature of this type of mental disorder is the absence of pronounced productive and negative symptoms. The patient is not very different from normal, healthy people, and is able to lead a socially active life. Although the symptoms of the disease do not lead to personality degradation, they affect changes and deformation of behavior, thinking, areas of interest and manner of communication.

There are 7 symptoms of low-grade schizophrenia.

  • Depersonalization . The patient is satisfied with his own “I”, as well as the ability to express his opinions, thoughts and feelings.
  • Finding flaws in your appearance. A person is critical of himself, dissatisfied with his appearance, weight, and can lead himself to anorexia.
  • Hysterical state. It is typical mainly for women. Through hysterics and tears, the patient tries to attract attention to himself.
  • Solitude, isolation. A person does not want to go out, communicate with peers and immediate surroundings. The extreme manifestation of this symptom is the development of autism.
  • Aggressive and affective behavior , uncontrollable outbursts of anger and irritability.
  • Dulling of feelings , loss of the ability to empathize, disturbance of the emotional sphere.
  • Demonstrative behavior , arrogant attitude towards others, unfounded criticism of them.

Such alarming symptoms should at least concern relatives and force them to consult a specialist. You can call our “Balance” clinic by phone: . We will make an appointment with an experienced psychiatrist. Or make an appointment yourself.

Manifestations of the first stage of the disease

Schizophrenia of the 1st degree is characterized by the preservation of a person’s previous level of performance. Many schizophrenics do not attract the attention of others for a long time, since the symptoms of the disease are weakly expressed. Most often, changes in personality are noticed by close people, for example, a spouse, friends, etc. The main manifestations of the disease during this period are as follows:

  • depressive disorder not associated with any life events;
  • aggression towards others and emotional lability;
  • increased anxiety, fears regarding your personal and professional life. Panic attacks are possible;
  • sloppiness in appearance;
  • the emergence of thoughts and their systems that explain any events;
  • social isolation with apathy towards loved ones;
  • obsessive movements and thoughts of various contents.

The initial or first stage of schizophrenia often goes unnoticed even by doctors. At the first examination of a patient, specialists may make an incorrect diagnosis: depression, bipolar affective disorder, etc. As a result of incorrect diagnosis, the pathology progresses, which leads to the appearance of characteristic signs of schizophrenia - hallucinations, delusions, catatonic inhibition or agitation.


Medicine has not yet identified the causes of this disease. Most cases of schizophrenia are believed to be hereditary.

Among the factors that provoke pathology are long-term stress, mental trauma and lifestyle . Residents of megacities and vulnerable sections of the population are at risk.

A psychotic state occurs after the death of a loved one, illness, moving to another city and other stressful events.

However, changes in the behavior of a person who has experienced a life tragedy are not associated by others with manifestations of schizophrenia.

A diagnosis can only be made after a special psychiatric examination.

You can find a list of cognitive personality distortions on our website.

Second period of illness

The second stage of schizophrenia leads to the fact that the patient is aware of the presence of pathology, or the symptoms progress. In the first option, early seeking medical help allows you to control the course of the disease and achieve a full recovery. Schizophrenia cannot disappear on its own.

In the absence of therapy, a person quickly adapts to existing symptoms. He begins to take into account existing delusions and hallucinations when making decisions and adjusts his behavior. In the absence of therapy, clinical signs develop and the following symptoms occur:

  • complete apathy with a lack of emotional reaction to current events and loved ones;
  • the emergence of complex delusional systems that take into account various spheres of human life;
  • dementia typical of older people;
  • disturbances in motor activity with its depression or constant motor agitation.

Symptoms of schizophrenia in the second phase become chronic. Contact with other people may disappear completely. Patients develop somatic disorders: headaches, disorders of the digestive system, general fatigue, etc. When talking with the patient, confused speech, sharp transitions between thoughts and incomplete sentences are noted.

Differential diagnosis

Despite the vague signs of sluggish schizophrenia, psychiatrists can distinguish the disease from a simple nervous disorder .

For this purpose, special diagnostic methods have been developed in psychiatry.

They consist of conducting mental and neuropsychological tests, based on the results of which the doctor accurately determines the presence of pathology.

The diagnosis is confirmed by MRI. The images will show brain pathologies that provoke the development of schizophrenia.

If a hereditary factor is added to the positive results of the study, then the diagnosis leaves no doubt.

Schizophrenic or neurotic? Differences in this video:

Symptoms of the third phase

The third degree of schizophrenia is characterized by degradation and disintegration of a person’s personality. The patient loses the ability to compensate for psychological disorders, as a result of which pronounced emotional and intellectual deviations are revealed. The main manifestations of this stage are disorientation in space, time and self. Delusions and hallucinations are mild. At the same time, the schizophrenic becomes inadequate and poses a threat to himself and others.

The third stage of the disease is accompanied by apathy and lack of will. The patient's actions and statements cannot be rationally explained. This leads to complete social and professional maladjustment.

Prognosis and prevention

If doctors were able to identify and diagnose low-grade schizophrenia in a person, then the disease in this case requires long-term and constant therapy. All doctor’s recommendations regarding the type of medications used, dosage, and duration of medication must be fully followed. Any violations in the course can minimize the possible positive effect of therapy.

To reduce the risks of various manifestations and severe symptoms of the pathology, prevention is required, which consists of a personally selected therapeutic regimen, which also cannot be deviated from.

At the moment, low-grade schizophrenia is an incurable disease. But with comprehensive treatment, a sick person can lead a normal and fulfilling life.

Examination of the patient

Only a psychiatrist makes the final diagnosis and selects treatment. Self-therapy for schizophrenia is unacceptable. The examination includes several stages:

  1. Collection of existing complaints and anamnesis of the development of the disease. The specialist must talk with the patient’s relatives, since they are the ones who can note pathological deviations in his behavior.
  2. Study of the patient's mental state. Schizophrenia can be expressed in changes in mood, the appearance of delusions, hallucinations and other symptoms. The neurological status is also examined, since complaints may be associated with organic changes in the anatomy of the central nervous system.
  3. General clinical research methods: clinical and biochemical blood tests, ECG, etc. Allow you to assess your general health and detect concomitant pathologies.
  4. Electroencephalography (EEG) is used to look for negative changes in the functional activity of the brain.
  5. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging evaluate the structural integrity of the central nervous system. In this case, MRI is of great value, as it allows one to identify minimal deviations in the structure of the central nervous system.

A comprehensive examination of the patient is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.

Schizophrenia can exist for a long time with minimal clinical symptoms. Due to the fact that the effectiveness of therapy depends on the timing of seeking medical help, if any signs of pathology appear, it is recommended to immediately consult a psychiatrist.

Schizophrenic or neurotic?

Very often, patients confuse schizophrenia with neurosis, so in order to promptly seek professional help, you need to know the differences between these two deviations. As for the general thing, these concepts are united by a nervous disorder.


Neurosis is a group of diseases of the nervous system that are reversible. Whatever the form or stage of the neurosis, a specialist will be able to select therapy and solve the problem with minimal risk to health. As for schizophrenia, it is not treatable; with it, the patient’s condition stabilizes until the next wave of exacerbation. Schizophrenia occurs as a result of pathological, irreversible changes in the functioning of the nervous system.

These diseases also differ in treatment methods. In case of neurosis, the patient may not be prescribed medications (the best option is psychotherapy sessions), and it is impossible to improve the patient’s condition with schizophrenia without drugs; during periods of exacerbation, hospitalization may even be required.

When diagnosing, the symptoms of deviations must be taken into account, especially since schizophrenia, although it has neurosis-like symptoms, still differs from neurosis (symptoms of a paroxysmal nature) in its constancy.

Treatment approaches

The doctor determines how to treat schizophrenia depending on the form of the disease and its stage. As a rule, patients seek medical help in the acute phase of the pathology. In this case, the use of medications begins early - on the first day of hospitalization. Therapy is carried out in three stages: relieving, stabilizing and anti-relapse.

The main group of drugs for schizophrenia are typical and atypical antipsychotics. Preference is given to the latter, as they are highly effective and safe for patients. The most commonly used medications are: Risperidone, Olanzapine, Quetiapine, etc. The specific drug is selected depending on the existing symptoms.

During the period of stabilizing and anti-relapse therapy, antipsychotics are also prescribed, but their dosage is reduced. In addition to them, patients can use antidepressants, tranquilizers, nootropics and other drugs.

The use of traditional methods of treatment is prohibited. They do not have proven effectiveness and safety, so they can lead to progression of the disease and the development of complications.

The prognosis for sluggish and stable schizophrenia is favorable. With timely diagnosis and use of antipsychotics, complete recovery is possible. Rapid-onset schizophrenia in women and men is characterized by rapid personality degradation and irreversible symptoms. Therapy has limited effectiveness and can only stop the progression of the pathology.


What is low-grade schizophrenia? The disease “sluggish schizophrenia” was first described by the Soviet psychiatrist A.V. Snezhnevsky .

Subsequently, scientists, describing the symptoms of this disease, used the terms: “latent schizophrenia”, “mild schizophrenia”, “pre-schizophrenia” and others.

All these names imply a mental disorder characterized by a slow course and the absence of clear symptoms characteristic of schizophrenic psychosis.

The patient is almost no different from healthy people and remains socially adapted.

Thus, this type of schizophrenia is a transitional form , which does not imply personality degradation, but is expressed in changes in behavior, interests, and manner of communication.

History of psychiatry. Sluggish schizophrenia according to Snezhnevsky in this video:

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