Text of the book “Points of Life. Acupuncture massage for pain relief"

Features of therapeutic massage

Therapeutic therapy for neuralgia is not always limited to taking medications or injections. A special massage technique helps to get rid of poor health due to existing inflammation due to the fact that it has the following functions:

  • Strengthening facial muscles;
  • Elimination of edema;
  • Elimination of congestion in nerve channels;
  • Simulation of blood circulation and lymph circulation;
  • Improving nerve conduction.

The impact is carried out on various areas of the head: forehead, eyes, nose, lips, jaw, cheeks, sometimes on the back of the head and the area behind the ears. Basic movements include:

  • Vibrating tapping;
  • Rubbing;
  • Stroking.

In this case, all movements are made gently, without strong pressure. The patient should not experience any unpleasant painful sensations during the procedure.

On average, 4-5 minutes of time are allocated for one session. One course of therapeutic facial massage for inflammation of the trigeminal nerve can include up to 25 sessions. If it is necessary to conduct several courses, the break between them should be at least one month, and preferably one and a half.

Treatment of neuralgia

Neuritis of the facial nerve is more common than lesions of other nerve trunks of the skull and ranks second among diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
His treatment is aimed at eliminating headaches and reducing attacks.

Drug therapy includes taking drugs from different groups:

  • antiepileptics (Carbamazepine, Acediprol, Oxcarbazepine, Tebantin, Diphenin, Tegretol, Gabapentin);
  • antispasmodic - muscle relaxants - reducing muscle tone (Baclofen, Papaverine, Baklosan, Lioresal, Sirdalud, No-shpa);
  • antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Trazodone, B vitamins intramuscularly);
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal ointments and creams that dull pain (Diclofenac, Diclak, Bystrum-gel);
  • steroid painkillers (Nerobolin).

Of the antiepileptics at the initial stage of the disease, Carbamazepine is most often prescribed in an amount of no more than 1200 mg of the active substance per day three times a day. It works quickly and is inexpensive. They are treated with it for a long time, gradually reducing the dosage. However, the drug has a lot of side effects, so constant monitoring of the liver and blood tests is required throughout treatment.

Tegretol is taken 200 mg per day, increasing the dosage to 600-800 mg in 3-4 doses, Baclofen - 5-10 mg 3-4 times a day.

Amitriptyline increases the level of serotonin, a pleasure substance, by reducing its absorption. Prescribe no more than 100 mg per day for 10-14 days. In the absence of significant improvement (reduction of pain), the medicine is replaced with Gabapentin, which has almost no contraindications or side effects. The daily dose of Gabapentin should not be exceeded: 1500 mg.

If the above antiepileptics do not help, second-line medications (belonging to the same pharmacological class) are prescribed: Phenytoin, Finlepsin, Diphenin. The first one is taken 1 tablet 3 times a day. Phenytoin is contraindicated in renal failure, heart disease, and hypertension .

Well-proven ointments: Viprosal (quickly blocks an attack of pain), Apizartron (stimulates nerve endings, increases muscle elasticity, dilates blood vessels), Finalgon (improves blood flow to the affected area of ​​the face), Myoton (acts quickly, hypoallergenic due to herbal components).

Paraffin or ozokerite applications, hot wipes, and ice reduce pain. These methods are suitable for home use.

During inpatient treatment, pain is relieved by the following procedures:

  • acupuncture;
  • electrophoresis with painkillers;
  • phonophoresis (introduction of medicinal substances into the body via ultrasound);
  • exposure to a high-frequency magnetic field (8-10 sessions);
  • microcurrent therapy.

Traditional methods relax muscles, delaying a new attack of pain. Popular recipes use an alcoholic infusion of crushed birch buds, grated horseradish, and lilac buds. Tea made from mint, St. John's wort, fireweed, and raspberry leaves is beneficial.

If treatment for 8-10 months has not yielded positive results, as well as in the case of congenital or traumatological pathology, a high risk of irreversible processes, they resort to surgery.

B vitamins have a general strengthening effect on the body. Muscle relaxants are usually prescribed if the facial nerve has become cold. Antidepressants are taken at night.

During the first week of treatment, the patient should keep the facial muscles motionless.

For symptoms of trigeminal neuritis, see here.

Read on to learn about the causes of trigeminal nerve damage, symptoms and treatment methods in clinics.

Massage technique for different areas

Depending on the area where the massage is performed, the massage technique may vary and include a certain set of actions. A general requirement in this case is careful hand hygiene of the person performing the procedure. It is best to lie down on a straight surface, but if there is no one to help and you have to do the massage yourself, then a sitting position is allowed.

Forehead area

The forehead is the largest area of ​​the face. It is quite convenient to perform manipulations on it.

Forehead massage is easy to perform, as it is a fairly large area of ​​the face.

Recommended movements:

  • Stroking with the palm. They are carried out in the direction from the center of the forehead to the temples;
  • Rubbing with fingertips. Draw along a horizontal line from the center of the forehead to the temples and back;
  • Stroking with the palm in a vertical direction: from the eyebrow growth line to the hairline;
  • Rubbing with fingertips: from the eyebrow line to the hairline;
  • Pinching the skin. A small amount of skin is pinched between the thumb and index finger. First in the vertical direction, and then in the horizontal;
  • Tapping the frontal area with your fingertips.

Cheek area

All manipulations in this area are carried out in the following directions: from the temples to the wings of the nose and then to the earlobes. In this case, the massage trajectory should not be straight, but in a semicircle.

Recommended movements:

  • Stroking with the palm;
  • Rubbing with the edge of the brush;
  • Point massage with fingertips in a circular motion;
  • Tickling with fingers;
  • Point pressure with fingertips;
  • Finger tapping;
  • Pinching the skin.

Additionally, stroking of the nasolabial folds can be carried out using the thumb, stroking the entire facial oval with the palms, as well as the upper part of the head from the forehead to the occipital lobe.

Nasolabial area

The massage is carried out in the following directions: from the chin in a semicircle to the wings of the nose, and then from them to the bridge of the nose, and finally to the tip of the nose.

Massage of the nasolabial area is carried out using the index and middle fingers.

Recommended movements:

  • Rubbing;
  • Point pressure with fingertips;
  • Point movements with slight shifting of the skin;
  • Stroking with the whole palm;
  • Pinching the skin.

Eye area

This is a fairly small but sensitive area. Manipulations must be performed with the eyes closed in order to minimize the risk of injury.

Recommended movements:

  • Move your fingers around the eyes from the outer corner to the inner: along the lower edge with one middle finger, along the upper edge with two middle and index fingers;
  • Rubbing. Performed with the index finger around the eye. The movements should be pointwise circular;
  • Pinching the skin along the eyebrow growth;
  • Stroking the eye sockets.

Shiatsu technique

This method involves acupressure, namely acupressure for inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. The mechanism of application is to apply moderate pressure on certain points of the face using the fingertips.

Key points:

  • Above the eyebrow growth line;
  • Above the eyes (on the crease of the eyelid);
  • On the temporal fossae;
  • On the sides of the wings of the nose;
  • Under the cheekbones;
  • Between the lower lip and chin;
  • On the back of the neck.

The duration of one pressure should be 10-15 seconds, after which the next one is carried out. Pressing the points is carried out from top to bottom, namely from the eyebrow arches to the back of the neck. If necessary, several approaches can be carried out.

For inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, Shiatsu massage is recommended by pressing on certain points

The effect of this type of massage can be enhanced by using a piece of ice. In this case, the movement pattern is as follows: ice is applied to the selected point for 10-15 seconds, after which pressure is applied with a warm fingertip for a similar time, and ice is applied again. And only after all three consecutive movements can you move on to the next point. Ice not only relieves pain, but also stimulates blood circulation in the face.


True, to get the desired effect, you need to go through quite a few sessions, work on yourself and not give up.

The main factor in recovery is your own desire and perseverance.

The patient should not be lazy, but independently look for those points of the body that “do not work”, straining various parts of the face and neck, turning the head in search of a tense muscle. It is important to avoid drafts and nervous shocks. If the massage technique is incorrect, the condition may worsen and attacks of pain may occur.

How quickly does massage help with neuritis of the facial nerve?

Massage for trigeminal neuralgia is an addition to the main drug therapy, so its effectiveness is also directly related to other treatment procedures. As a rule, massage is not prescribed immediately, but in the second week after diagnosis. At this time, taking medications allows you to eliminate the acute nature of the disease and the symptoms that appear. Carrying out a massage at home will not necessarily show less effect than procedures performed by a professional person. To do this, it is enough to consult a doctor who will show you the correct technique and tell you about all the nuances.

It is worth remembering that if you perform incorrect manipulations, you can get the opposite result, namely even more intense pain. No doctor can say how quickly massage will help with neuritis of the facial nerve, because a positive result will depend on the entire complex of treatment, the initial condition of the patient, and also on how correctly the procedure is carried out.

In most cases, you can see the effect within a few days, but sometimes the disease may require more than a dozen massage sessions, which takes at least two months.

It is also recommended to supplement the massage with special gymnastics. It includes exercises with facial muscles and breathing elements.

Types of paresis and trigeminal neuralgia

Despite the fact that cases of neuralgia and paresis of nerve bundles on the face were first identified and described more than 200 years ago, some questions about the etiology, development and treatment of the disease still remain open. In particular, doctors do not agree on what types of neuropathy can be divided into. But most experts are inclined to this classification:

  • primary paresis: idiopathic, typical, effective. Develop independently of earlier diseases.
  • secondary: symptomatic. They develop as a complex of symptoms caused by the primary disease and its complications.

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Causes and symptoms of inflammation

Compression of the trigeminal nerve by blood vessels is the main cause of neuralgia. It is caused by somatic diseases and individual characteristics of the location of blood vessels at the site of its passage.

Other sources of pain include:

  • injuries;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • malocclusion;
  • meningitis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • poor nutrition, which contributes to a decrease in the body’s protective functions;
  • recent infection;
  • a brain tumor.

Acute pain occurs in attacks or lasts continuously. Patients often confuse it with toothache, in particular with inflammation of the wisdom tooth, but after visiting the dentist, they note that it intensifies while eating and talking. To determine neuralgia, you need to assess whether a person has the following symptoms:

  • lacrimation and bursting of blood vessels in the eye located on the affected side;
  • redness of the inflamed area;
  • toothache in the nerve area;
  • contractions of the facial muscles;
  • decreased facial sensitivity;
  • numbness of lips and nose;
  • loss of eyebrows and eyelashes on the affected side;
  • involuntary compression of the eyelids and jaws.

Separately, it is necessary to note the symptoms of the patient’s unfavorable psychological state. A person exhausted by acute, shooting pain becomes irritable and inattentive. He develops a fear of touching his face, which can provoke a new attack. Because of such pain, even washing and brushing your teeth becomes a problem.

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