Is disability granted for epilepsy: indications, terms, rules

Falling sickness leading to disability

In most cases, epilepsy is a congenital disease and its first signs appear in childhood and adolescence.
In patients, the threshold of brain excitability decreases, but there is no damage to the brain substance. Only changes in the electrical activity of nerve cells can be observed. This type of epilepsy is called primary (idiopathic). It is treatable, has a benign course, and with age the patient can completely stop taking pills.

Secondary (sympotmatic) epilepsy develops if the brain's metabolism is disrupted or there is damage to its structure.

These changes occur due to various pathologies:

  • underdevelopment of brain structure;
  • received traumatic brain injuries;
  • past infectious diseases;
  • due to strokes;
  • in the presence of tumors;
  • as a consequence of alcohol and drug addiction.

This form of epilepsy can appear at any age. It is difficult to treat, but if you cope with the cause of the disease, you can get rid of epileptic seizures forever.

List of examinations to determine disability

One of the examinations is an electroencephalogram (EEG), that is, an electrical test of the activity of the brain and its individual parts. Using an EEG, the slightest deviations in the nervous activity of the brain are detected, helping to identify neurological diseases. The image and results of this examination must be submitted 6 months in advance.

It is necessary to undergo a computed tomography scan of the brain; with CT, the examination is carried out using X-rays. This procedure checks the blood vessels of the brain, identifying a predisposition to stroke, the presence of internal hematomas, and the consequences of traumatic brain injury. An alternative to examination is magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, which also helps to identify abnormalities.

There must be an extract from a specialist for referral to ITU.

It is necessary to be examined by an ophthalmologist, having received from him the necessary conclusion for the ITU with a description of the fundus and visual acuity.

Diet for epilepsy

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases of a chronic nature, manifested by the sudden onset of convulsions - epileptic seizures, accompanied by loss of consciousness.

The next step is going to a psychiatrist, undergoing psychological testing, and it is necessary to obtain the results of this testing and a general examination.

An ECHO-EG of the brain will be required. The procedure is an ultrasound examination of the skull, which will help, using waves, to identify the processes that precede a violation of consciousness.

The list of necessary examinations will include standard laboratory tests of blood and urine.

If the course of the disease is specific, a consultation with additional specialists may be prescribed.

Types of epileptic seizures

There are two main types of seizures:

  1. Partial . They occur most often. They begin when a focus of increased electrical excitability forms in a certain area of ​​the brain. The manifestations of an epileptic seizure depend on the part of the brain in which the focus occurs. The person remains conscious, but may not control part of the body, he may experience unusual sensations, and in difficult cases he may lose orientation in space and stop responding to external stimuli. At the same time, he can carry out the action started before the attack: walk, smile, sing, etc. A partial attack can turn into a generalized one.
  2. Generalized causes loss of consciousness. The person completely loses control over his actions. These attacks are caused by excessive activation of deep parts with further involvement of the entire brain. This condition does not necessarily lead to a fall, because Muscle tone is not always impaired. An attack begins with tonic tension of all muscle groups, which can lead to a fall. This is followed by clonic convulsions, during which flexion and extension movements of the arms, legs, head and jaw movements begin. In children, generalized seizures can manifest as absence seizures. The child freezes in place, his gaze becomes unconscious, and twitching of the facial muscles can be observed.

All attacks last 1-3 minutes. After them, a person feels weak and drowsy. The patient may not remember the onset of the attack. Seizures begin spontaneously, so people with epilepsy should not drive a car, work with electricity, or work at heights.

Also, with such a disease, you cannot work with weapons, chemicals or gas.

Types and conditions of work

Patients with epilepsy should not engage in the following types of work:

  • activities in which there is a high risk of injury or death: near water bodies, with fire, high-altitude work, interaction with moving mechanisms;
  • if a sudden cessation of work is dangerous for others: performing abdominal operations, driving vehicles;
  • professions that ensure traffic safety: dispatcher, switchman, station attendant;
  • with pesticides, radiation, toxic substances, with firearms, material assets, classified information.

Each patient has individual contraindications. When choosing a suitable job, it is necessary to take into account how the seizure occurs and what factors provoke the attack. It is important to prevent injury to the patient and others.

Interictal manifestations of epilepsy

During the periods between attacks, abnormal electrical activity in the brain also affects the person. He may show signs of epileptic encephalopathy.

This disease is especially dangerous for children. Their speech development slows down, learning ability deteriorates, and attention decreases. In some cases, this leads to hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, or autism. Almost all patients feel anxious from time to time and suffer from migraine attacks.

Rights of people with disabilities

People with disabilities must know Russian legislation in order to be able to defend their rights. It is useful to study the following laws:

  • “On state social assistance.”
  • “On social protection of disabled people.”
  • “On social services for elderly and disabled citizens.”
  • Labor and Housing Codes of the Russian Federation.
  • "About veterans."

These regulations also stipulate the rights of disabled children and their parents. To apply for disability benefits, you need to contact the Pension Fund directly or through the Multifunctional Center.

Benefits for a disabled child

If a child with epilepsy is given a disability, his working parents have benefits.

An employee has the right to go on paid leave at a convenient time. You cannot be forced to work overtime and on weekends. If a disabled child is raised by one parent, then such an employee cannot be fired. You can take up to 4 paid days off per month and 14 days of vacation at your own expense. You can retire early.

Families raising a child with disabilities receive subsidies to pay for housing and communal services.


People whose income is less than the subsistence level are considered poor. These citizens are provided with the following benefits:

  • minors and students are entitled to compensation and cash payments;
  • if a pensioner has an income below the subsistence level in the region, he is assigned an increase to his pension;
  • assistance with food, fuel, clothing, medicine;
  • tax deductions;
  • discount on housing and communal services;
  • advantages when applying for a job;
  • labor pension can be issued earlier according to age;
  • garden and land plots;
  • social mortgage.

To find out about benefits for people with disabilities in your region, you need to visit your local social welfare office.

In what cases can you count on the group?

In some cases, treatment leads to the fact that the symptoms of epilepsy completely disappear and the person recovers. Other patients need to constantly take special medications to prevent attacks from recurring.

At the same time, they can live a full life and work. But if attacks are repeated so often that a person becomes incapable of normal life activities and work, then he can count on receiving a disability group.

For epilepsy, you can receive one of three disability groups, depending on the severity and frequency of attacks:

  1. In Russia, according to statistics, about 40% of patients receive the third group , the majority of them are children. Anyone who is sick can receive it if they suffer from attacks of moderate intensity and mild cognitive impairment. Patients who received this group are under social protection and continue to work.
  2. If a person experiences significant cognitive seizures and mental impairment, as a result of which he cannot fulfill work obligations, then he may receive a second group of disability. Children in this group can continue their studies in special conditions.
  3. Only 2-4% of patients with epilepsy receive the first group of disability. They have severe dementia, and the disease is severe. Children with this form of the disease rarely survive to adulthood.

Patients of the first and second groups are given lifelong disability if there is no improvement within 5 years.


It is not entirely correct to combine the concepts of epilepsy and disability. But nevertheless, at a certain stage of the disease, the patient is assigned a certain disability group.

Epilepsy on MRI

Epilepsy is a chronic, neurological disease that in most cases is asymptomatic until the first attack.

Group 3 is characterized by rare epileptic seizures with impaired consciousness, their frequency does not exceed two times a month. Also typical are attacks in which the patient does not lose consciousness; their frequency is 3-4 times a day. The mental state does not undergo drastic changes and is of a moderate degree.

There is a moderate decrease in muscle activity, this can lead to the inability to engage in certain professional activities, and the full ability for self-care is lost. That is, with disability group 3, the patient experiences only a slight decrease in activity, without obvious severe complications.

In group 2, the patient has a frequency of attacks more than 4 times a month, the attacks are accompanied by loss of consciousness. Seizures without loss of consciousness in a patient with epilepsy may occur more than five times a day. Seizures leading to mental impairment more than once every 3-4 weeks.

Deviations in the mental state are already more pronounced, this entails the inability to fully self-care, engage in work and educational activities. There is numbness in the limbs, which prevents full movement.

Epilepsy in sleep

Epilepsy is a brain pathology in which seizures recur periodically and begin suddenly.

All seizures must have an official document confirming their presence and consequences. This group of disabilities is the most common. The patient can work, but the employer creates special easier working conditions for him.

The most serious in terms of complications is disability group 1. It is established in cases of serious neurological disorders, cardinal changes in the patient’s personality, embarking on the path of degradation, mental and physical activity sharply decreases, serious mental abnormalities are observed, behavior is inexplicable, and there is a complete lack of ability to care for oneself.

The presence of serious symptoms does not mean constant seizures; seizures can have varying frequency and severity, but may cause complications. People assigned to group 1 cannot study or work.

Patients with disability groups 2 and 1 may be assigned permanent disability, since a person suffering from epilepsy does not have any ability to work, and treatments have been ineffective for five years.

Statistics according to ITU research

One person in a hundred suffers from epilepsy in the Russian Federation. Ten percent of children suffer from severe forms of this disease. 48.3% of men and 23.3% of women suffer from seizures. Twilight disorders occur in 8.5% of patients.

5.4% of all patients of both sexes had partial and non-convulsive epileptic seizures. Only 1% of patients receive the first group of disability due to the fact that they develop severe dementia.

People who apply for disability are mostly citizens of working age who cannot work due to their health condition.

What laws govern

Now let’s look at the regulations that regulate the procedure for establishing status at the state level, these are:

— Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ (as amended on October 30, 2017) “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”;

— Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95 (as amended on August 10, 2016) “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled.”

It is also worth highlighting the following Orders of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation:

— dated October 11, 2012 No. 310n (with additions and amendments dated December 29, 2021) “On approval of the Procedure for the organization and activities of ITU federal government institutions”;

— dated January 29, 2014 No. 59n “On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services for conducting MSE”;

- dated August 27, 2021 No. 585n “On classifications and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal government agencies of the ITU.”

Five steps to the treasured “crust”

How to get disability for epilepsy:

  1. A neurologist who observes an adult patient at his place of residence must give him a referral for a medical and social examination (MSE). The main reason for such treatment is usually the progressive course of the disease and loss of performance as a result of mental disorders and personality changes. You can also ask for a referral from the social welfare department in your city.
  2. You need to undergo a number of medical examinations : take a urine and blood test, take an x-ray of the skull in two projections, undergo a fundus examination, electroencephalography, echo-EG and computed tomography, and obtain a psychologist’s opinion.
  3. The commission will study changes in mental abilities and character traits and make a forecast about the possibility of performing work activities.
  4. After recognizing the patient as disabled, he is given a certificate confirming his status .
  5. After ITU specialists have developed a rehabilitation program for the patient within a month, it will be transferred to the social security department. After this, you can contact the social security authorities to apply for a pension .

To register the disability of a child suffering from epilepsy, parents or guardians need to take a referral for medical examination from a pediatric neurologist or pediatrician, having first written an application addressed to the head of the medical institution.
If the ITU recognizes a child as disabled, then assistance will be assigned to him from the day he submits an application for referral for examination.

Disability in children

To assign disability for epilepsy in children, you need to repeat the same thing as for an adult. The child is assigned to a legal representative (parent or guardian), and together with him he undergoes medical examination.

The difference is that in cases of childhood epilepsy, a disability group is not assigned. There is only a general concept of “disabled child”, which applies to all minor epileptics.

And yet, whether epilepsy is a disability or not is decided strictly individually. For some it does not pose a threat, but for others it ruins the life. A person can be recognized as disabled only in cases where, due to seizures, he exposes himself or other people to danger.

Criteria for assignment of disability

When establishing disability due to epilepsy, many factors are taken into account, including the frequency of attacks, danger to professional activity, deterioration in quality of life, etc.

For epilepsy it is necessary:

  • Constant observation by the attending physician;
  • Taking medications for epilepsy daily;
  • Constantly undergo medical examinations.

The main criteria on the basis of which the status of a disabled person is assigned are:

  • Downward change in intellectual abilities;
  • The mental state of the patient;
  • The strength and frequency of seizures occurring;
  • Developmental deviation in a child;
  • Results of the therapy;
  • Impaired ability to move;
  • Neurological examination results;
  • Side effects of prescribed drugs.

Disability groups

In modern medicine, there are three groups of disability, among which the third group is considered the mildest, and the first group the most severe. The amount of benefits provided for a particular group also varies, depending on the severity.

In order to be given this or that group, there are a number of requirements.

The third group is assigned if there is:

  • generalized attacks with loss of consciousness no more than 2–3 attacks per month;
  • partial attacks, at least 2–3 times a month;
  • psychoneurological abnormalities and attacks, at least once every month and a half;
  • status epilepticus no more than once every six months;
  • minimal deviations in psychological development;
  • restrictions on self-control (decreased muscle strength, problems with movement, etc.).

As a rule, of the total number of those diagnosed with a disability, the third group accounts for 25–30%.

Registration of the second group is possible if the following symptoms are present:

  • generalized attacks occur no more than 4 times a month, but at least twice;
  • partial seizures occur no more than 4–5 times a day;
  • mental attacks occur at least once a month;
  • status epilepticus is diagnosed to the patient no more than 2-3 times every three months, but not less often;
  • the presence of problems associated with the performance of one’s functional duties at work due to the illness;
  • problems with self-care.

Applying for the second disability group will be somewhat more difficult than the third, since it already provides for more substantial payments and the availability of benefits. How much they will pay for this group must be clarified with the social service at the place of residence of the disabled person, since the amount and frequency of payments may differ depending on the region.

The second group, despite the more difficult registration procedure, is more common and is diagnosed in up to 55% of patients.

It is worth noting that seizures that occur to a person must be documented in order to be able to show the ITU their real presence.

The first disability group for epilepsy is diagnosed in more severe cases than those described above. As a rule, persons who may be potential candidates for the establishment of the first group have the following symptoms:

  • frequent generalized seizures;
  • the presence of mental and neurological disorders;
  • deep damage to the patient’s psyche;
  • lack of self-service capabilities;
  • inability to carry out professional activities;
  • the presence of paralysis of the limbs, impaired hearing or vision.

The first group is diagnosed in no more than 3–5% of patients.

Moreover, depending on the disability group, the patient is required to confirm it, that is, undergo a second commission. The deadline for passing the commission to confirm the disability group is set by ITU.

Based on what factors is a disabled group assigned?

To establish a disability group, ITU will:

  • see whether or not the epileptic actually has untreatable epileptic seizures;
  • assess whether the epileptic’s ability to live fully in society is impaired or not;
  • assess whether an epileptic can be allowed to perform dangerous work.

As epilepsy progresses and medications are taken, patients may develop eye diseases, hearing loss may be impaired, and the motor system may be impaired. Mental instability often develops. Also, the presence of epilepsy can negatively affect a person’s life. The quality of life will deteriorate due to:

  • the need to constantly take expensive medications;
  • the need to visit a doctor monthly.

Causes of disability

Epilepsy refers to a neurological disorder of the human brain and may or may not be accompanied by specific seizures.
During these seizures, a person cannot control his actions, and therefore he can cause significant damage to his health.

As long as attacks do not occur, a person can live his usual life. And the question of establishing a disability group for him is not raised. However, when a patient with epilepsy experiences seizures, he becomes dangerous not only to himself, but also to others.

Then, based on the results of the MSA, a person with epilepsy may be restricted to a certain disability group.

Determination of disability is necessary if the patient works:

  • The driver of the vehicle.
  • His work involves the use of various mechanisms of varying complexity, at heights, under water, etc.
  • If the patient works with chemicals, radioactive substances, weapons, etc.

Due to health reasons, he is subject to restrictions and a ban on the above-mentioned work. To carry out MSE, persistent impairment of health and dysfunction of the body due to epilepsy is necessary.

A person is assigned disabled status if, between seizures, he requires:

  • Constantly take medications that are prone to side effects.
  • Regular examination by a doctor is required;
  • It is required to undergo prescribed examinations with a certain frequency.

Disabled epileptics are characterized by mental disorders, disturbances in human behavior, degradation of intelligence, and the presence of visible signs of epileptic disease on the face.

Important! When disability due to epilepsy in adults is established, seizures are documented.

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