Disability group after a stroke, how to get disability?

Stroke is an acute condition that occurs in every 3-4 people out of 1000. Approximately 80% of cases are due to ischemic hemorrhage. It is considered less dangerous than hemorrhagic and is not complicated by severe consequences. Many patients and relatives are interested in how long they stay in the hospital with a stroke immediately after the attack and during the recovery period.

However, there is no clear answer to this question - it all depends on the complexity of the patient’s condition, the type of stroke, the person’s age and many other factors. A comatose state, especially experienced in old age, greatly complicates treatment and rehabilitation.

Stages of treatment after an attack

There are 3 stages of a patient’s stay in the hospital after a stroke: pre-hospital, treatment in intensive care or intensive care, and stay in the general ward, where rehabilitation begins.

The minimum number of days is strictly regulated by law: a person stays in hospital for 21 days, if vital functions are not impaired. If these functions are violated, the period is extended to 30 days. However, whether a person is ready for discharge by this date cannot be regulated.

If 30 days is not enough, the hospital conducts a medical and social examination, and, if necessary, extends the length of stay in the hospital. The examination also establishes the process of individual rehabilitation of the patient.

In which department and for how long do they stay in the hospital after a stroke?

Stroke is a serious disease, the mildest forms of which require hospitalization, long-term therapy, and recovery. Diagnosis and treatment of pathology are so complex and specific that a good result can only be achieved in a hospital setting of specialized medical centers or departments.

Doctors distinguish 3 stages of medical care:

  • prehospital;
  • treatment in intensive care unit or intensive care unit;
  • treatment in a general ward.

The final stage is rehabilitation, the task of which is to eliminate or minimize the consequences of acute cerebrovascular accident. Let's look at the peculiarities of each of these stages and the length of stay in the hospital after a stroke.

Pre-hospital stage

This is the time from the beginning of the arrival of the ambulance until the patient is delivered to the hospital. The duration of the pre-hospital period depends on how quickly the doctor is called by the patient or someone around him, the speed of the ambulance, and the time of delivery of the patient. The optimal term for hospitalization is 3 hours from the moment the first symptoms appear. Doctors will have enough time to conduct a full examination of the patient and begin full treatment, which will ensure the best prognosis.

If the optimal period of hospitalization is missed, it is still advisable. It has been proven that transporting a patient to a hospital has a positive effect on the outcome of the disease during the first 14 days after the onset of an attack (1).

Indications and contraindications for hospitalization

Hospitalization is indicated for all patients with suspected stroke, including minor forms of the disease and microstrokes. It is required even if at the time of examination of the patient by the ambulance team, all symptoms of acute cerebrovascular accident have passed. This allows you to prevent the development of more severe forms, episodes of which often occur during the first day after the initial symptoms.

There are two groups of contraindications to hospitalization: relative, absolute.

Relative – conditions in which transporting a patient can lead to a significant deterioration in the patient’s condition or death. The doctor decides whether or not to take the patient to the hospital. Relative contraindications include:

  • critical disorders of blood circulation, breathing, heart function until they stabilize;
  • epileptic attack, psychomotor agitation until they are eliminated;
  • terminal coma;
  • senile dementia with severe disability before the onset of stroke;
  • last stages of malignant diseases.

Absolute – factors that exclude the possibility of hospitalization. These include a written refusal of the patient or his relatives to be hospitalized.

Reanimation department, intensive care

Here, stable functioning of the lungs and cardiovascular system is restored, primary measures are taken to restore adequate blood supply to the brain and prevent the most dangerous complications.

Indications for hospitalization in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit (2).

Intensive care wardIntensive care ward
  • the first 6 hours after the onset of the attack;
  • progression of neurological symptoms;
  • pronounced neurological deficit requiring an individual approach;
  • additional somatic disorders.
  • altered level of wakefulness (from stupor to coma);
  • breathing and swallowing disorders;
  • severe disturbances of homeostasis;
  • failure of compensatory mechanisms of cardiac, renal, hepatic, endocrine functions.

The duration of intensive treatment is very individual. In mild forms of the disease it can last several days, in moderate and severe forms it can last several weeks. The main criterion for a patient’s discharge is the absence of indications for further stay.

General ward

Here are patients who do not have indications for resuscitation, intensive care, as well as all patients after their completion. In the general ward for patients:

  • regularly measure blood pressure, pulse, and also check other vital signs;
  • control swallowing, bladder and bowel functions;
  • carry out primary rehabilitation measures: exercise therapy classes, massages;
  • prevent the development of complications through the administration of drugs, proper positioning, adherence to diet, and anti-decubitus procedures.

The length of stay in the general ward of a hospital after a stroke is regulated by legislation and ranges from 21 to 30 days. If, at the end of the maximum period of treatment, the patient has not improved, a medical examination is convened, which makes a decision on the patient’s further stay in hospital treatment.

Rehabilitation treatment

After completing the course of general therapy, the recovery stage begins. There are several options for passing it.

Severity of violationsType of rehabilitation facility
Full recoveryOutpatient follow-up treatment or sanatorium treatment
Severe deficit: the patient cannot move independently or moves with difficulty, requires assistance in meeting basic needsRehabilitation department
Moderate or mild deficiency: slight deviations from the norm remain, but the person can move independently and take care of himselfRehabilitation center

Only the second and third options require a permanent stay in the hospital. The duration of rehabilitation depends on the severity of the violations. It can range from several months to a year or more. As the health of patients with severe deficiency improves, they are transferred to rehabilitation centers. If after a long period of time no improvement is observed, the patient is transferred to home treatment.


  1. Denisov I. N., Kandyba D. V., Kuznetsova O. Yu. Diagnosis and tactics for stroke in general medical practice, including primary and secondary prevention, 2013
  2. GOST R 52600.5-2008 Protocol for patient management. Stroke, 2009

Stay in intensive care

After a stroke, the patient is kept in the intensive care unit for no more than 3 weeks after the attack. During this period, doctors take care that serious complications do not arise due to the improper functioning of certain systems, mainly the brain. All patients are hospitalized, regardless of the form of hemorrhage. The length of stay in a clinical setting depends on the following factors:

  • severity of symptoms of the disease;
  • the lesion after a stroke is large or small;
  • if a person is in the hospital with a stroke, and he experiences severe confusion or transition into a coma, then the length of stay in intensive care increases;
  • the degree of damage to internal organs, inhibition of their functions;
  • concomitant pathologies and the presence of high blood pressure, the need for its constant monitoring.

If the serious condition persists, the person is kept in the intensive care unit until the danger to life disappears. Basic therapy in the rehabilitation department of a hospital, where a person is admitted after a stroke, consists of the following areas:

  • activities for daily care of the patient, monitoring his nutrition;
  • maintaining the functioning of the respiratory system, combating any disorders;
  • prevention of overheating, cerebral edema, vomiting and other pathological conditions of a person after a stroke.

If a person has suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, then the main goal of the hospital staff is to remove cerebral edema, reduce cranial pressure and normalize blood pressure. Surgical intervention may be required if, after 1-2 days in intensive care, a deterioration in health is observed.

In case of an ischemic stroke, it is necessary to improve blood circulation so that the damaged areas of the brain receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients. At the same time, metabolic processes are restored. The duration of therapy in both cases is determined by the characteristics of complications.

The countdown of the legislative 21 days begins with the transfer of the patient from the intensive care unit to the intensive care unit.

During the entire period, the doctor monitors the patient every day. A set of measures is used aimed at reducing complications.

What examination does each doctor perform and how?

Upon admission, in the emergency room, the patient is examined by a neurologist and various diagnostic examinations are prescribed, such as:

  • MRI or computed tomography of the brain;
  • duplex ultrasound scanning of arteries.

A neurologist performs:

  • taking anamnesis;
  • neurological examination;
  • identification of contraindications to thrombolytic therapy.

The cardiologist examines the patient and prescribes:

  • cardiogram;
  • Ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels.

The therapist and endocrinologist prescribe laboratory tests:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • coagulogram;
  • Glucosemetry.

The patient's blood pressure and body temperature are monitored. If necessary, the patient is examined by other highly specialized specialists. In case of surgical intervention, neurosurgeons and anesthesiologists are involved in the work.

Transfer to the general ward

When transferred to a general ward of a hospital after a stroke, the patient must meet the following requirements:

  • he does not need a ventilator;
  • the person is conscious, he not only lies, but can move if there is no paralysis;
  • the pulse is normal, and pressure drops do not occur;
  • the risk of recurrent stroke is reduced.

Only if all indicators are normal does the person continue to lie in the general ward of the hospital, in the neurology department. This is where the rehabilitation period begins, which includes drug therapy and a set of therapeutic exercises.

After 3 weeks in the general ward, the patient is sent home for further outpatient treatment. If a person was working at the time of the attack, he is issued a certificate of incapacity for work. In this case, the length of sick leave depends on the type of pathology and disorders that arose against the background of a stroke.

After a minor stroke, the patient does not stay in the hospital for more than 21 days, and he can begin work only 3 months after discharge. If the hemorrhage was average, then the period increases to 4 months.

In severe forms of stroke, a disability is often assigned, and the person is released from his usual work. A medical and social examination must establish and assign a disability group. It should be noted that patients after a rupture of an aneurysm leading to a hemorrhagic stroke remain in intensive care for at least 60 days . After this, they receive sick leave for at least 4 months.

System of assistance to patients with stroke in Moscow

Every year in Russia more than half a million people suffer a stroke. At the same time, only 18 percent of patients visit doctors on time. In Moscow, to more effectively combat this disease, the Department of Health has created a stroke network of operational assistance based on vascular centers. In December, the network’s clinics will begin performing the first emergency operations to remove blood clots. On the eve of the Day against Stroke, which is celebrated on October 29, the capital's chief neurologist Nikolai Shamalov spoke about how to recognize the insidious disease and what kind of help Muscovites can count on.

Nikolai Anatolyevich, tell us, how many strokes happen in Moscow?

— In Moscow, more than 42 thousand people are admitted to the hospital every year with acute cerebrovascular accidents, which include not only strokes, but also transient ischemic attacks, that is, what is popularly called a microstroke.

It is important to see a doctor within the first 4.5 hours after signs of illness appear.

Stroke is closely related to age: the older the person, the higher the risk. For example, for people over 55, the risk of having a stroke doubles every decade of their life. The most common type is ischemic stroke (caused by a blood clot), affecting approximately 70 to 80 percent of patients. About 15 percent of patients experience a hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding). Well, 7–15 percent of patients at different periods come to doctors with transient ischemic attacks. Patients tolerate microstrokes more easily, but they are a harbinger of a serious illness, so they require special attention.

Stroke leads among all diseases in disabling people; this is a global statistic, and our country is no exception. This is both a medical and social problem.

What is the social component of the problem?

“Unfortunately, this disease often leads a person to complete or partial loss of motor, communication and social skills. This places a heavy burden on the patient, his loved ones, and the state, naturally, since additional funds are required to support, treat, and rehabilitate people who have suffered a stroke. The tariff for treatment is 120 thousand rubles. It includes all procedures, medications, care and rehabilitation that are carried out in city medical institutions. These services are paid for from the budget, treatment is provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Experts say that for successful treatment, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible at the first signs of a stroke. However, only 18 percent of patients manage to do this. Why is this happening?

— It is important to see a doctor within the first 4.5 hours after signs of the disease appear. This is the therapeutic window that allows doctors to most effectively perform thrombolysis - dissolving a blood clot with the help of drugs. Doctors will deal with the blood clot faster, blood flow will be restored, which means that the brain will not have time to be seriously damaged.

The problem of late presentations is associated with very low public awareness and low literacy of the population regarding stroke symptoms.

Its peculiarity is that there is no painful sensation, even the head does not hurt very often. And pain is a very powerful sentinel reaction for a person; it is because of it that he immediately seeks medical help. With a stroke, unilateral weakness in the arm, leg, and facial asymmetry most often occur. Speech disturbances and decreased (numbness) sensation in the arm and leg on one side of the body may appear. Painlessness of symptoms leads to the fact that a person decides to rest at home and go to the doctor later. That is, unfortunately, most people delay treatment because, firstly, they do not know the symptoms of a stroke, and secondly, simply because there is no acute, bright signal in the form of pain, as happens with some other diseases.

How is Moscow solving the problem of informing the population about the symptoms of this disease? Is there any effect from this information?

— The Department of Health is doing a lot of work related to informing the population through the media. Stroke schools operate in clinics, where doctors regularly talk about the symptoms of the disease, its treatment and rehabilitation. Clinics also distribute information materials in the form of leaflets, brochures, and booklets. The next classes, for example, will take place on October 29 - Stroke Day. On the same day, in all health centers of city clinics, it will be possible to consult with neurologists, undergo an ultrasound examination of the great vessels of the head and screening to identify risk factors for stroke.

Of course, the medical community also uses social networks to inform people. Thus, advice, banners and pictures are distributed on social networks to attract attention, which list the signs of a stroke.

I would like to note that in Moscow the number of people informed about this disease, its symptoms and methods of treatment has increased. Among those who seek help from doctors in the first 4.5 hours, the figure is already 24 percent, which is six percent more than last year.


The creation of vascular centers reduced the number of deaths from heart attacks by two thirds

Tell us what kind of help patients receive in Moscow, are there any innovative methods of dealing with stroke?

— Patients with stroke are provided with assistance from regional and primary vascular departments. It is there, in the vascular centers, that the patient is hospitalized for removal of a blood clot or for neurosurgical surgery for hemorrhage. Then, depending on the changes that have occurred (are there any difficulties with speech, movement, perception of information) caused by the stroke, treatment and rehabilitation of the patient in a hospital begins. Rehabilitation continues after discharge as long as it has an effect.

In the near future, a new method of treating patients with ischemic stroke, called “thromboextraction,” will be introduced in vascular centers. Now the blood clot in the vessel is dissolved using drugs and thrombolysis is performed. The essence of the new method is that with the help of special instruments in minimally invasive operations (with minimal intervention
note ) they will surgically remove blood clots. The new technique, like thrombolysis, is recommended by the world expert community as the most effective.

In a number of Moscow hospitals, at the first stages there will be eight departments; the first surgical removal of blood clots will take place in December of this year. Doctors, nurses and staff at vascular centers are completing training in the new method. Thus, the Moscow stroke network is ready for work.

In the near future, a new method of treating patients with ischemic stroke will be introduced in vascular centers

How exactly is thromboextraction done and which patients is it indicated for?

— Emergency medical teams will receive certain criteria according to which they will evacuate the patient to a unit of the stroke network for possible thromboextraction.

First of all, it will be able to help patients with ischemic stroke without severe disturbances of consciousness, but with a rather severe motor deficit (paralysis. - Note
). That is, these are situations when we have reason at the prehospital stage to assume blockage of a large artery - the very one that is the target of thromboextraction.

The operation will be similar to the placement of a coronary artery stent, which is done in patients with a heart attack. A special stent will be inserted through a puncture in the groin area using a long instrument. Only the path of this stent will not go to the heart, but to the brain. The stent will be able to capture the clot so that doctors can remove it from the vessel. Catheters will also be used to pull the clot out of the vessel.

You need to call an ambulance as soon as possible. You can't eat, drink, smoke, or walk. It is better to lie down and wait for the medical team to arrive. If a person is unconscious, he must be turned on his side to prevent him from suffocating during a possible attack of vomiting. And under no circumstances should you give medication.

Thrombectomy allows you to completely remove the blood clot; such operations reduce mortality from stroke around the world, and patients recover better after them.

In Russia, approximately 19 percent of patients with stroke die, 30 percent of patients remain bedridden after the disease, another 30 percent of patients do not fully return to a full life, the rest manage to fully recover. We hope that with the use of the new technique there will be more people who survive and recover their health.

Is there a way to minimize the damage from this disease when the first symptoms are detected?

- You need to call as soon as possible, call an ambulance team. You can't eat, drink, smoke, or walk. It is better to lie down and wait for the medical team to arrive. If a person is unconscious, he must be turned on his side to prevent him from suffocating during a possible attack of vomiting. And under no circumstances should you give medications.

Many patients with a stroke have difficulty swallowing, and tablets, water, even a small sip, can get into the lungs. Because of this, pneumonia will then occur. This is a serious complication and can often be fatal. The simplest actions can prevent the development of complications.

When the doctors arrive, you need to quickly and briefly tell them everything you know about the onset of the disease, indicating the exact time of the onset of the disease.

How often do you need to be examined in order to keep your blood vessels under control and monitor the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots in time?

— Firstly, you need to undergo regular medical examinations. Secondly, regularly measure your blood pressure and, if it is higher than the normal value, above 130 to 80, contact your local physician to understand what is the cause and how to further deal with it. Thirdly, people over 40 years of age should regularly, at least once a year, monitor their cholesterol - do a biochemical blood test plus conduct a duplex study of the main arteries of the head. Such measures will allow risk factors to be identified at an early stage and taken under control. All these tests and procedures can be done free of charge as prescribed by a therapist or neurologist in any metropolitan clinic.

Link to publication: https://www.mos.ru/news/item/17454073

Severe stroke

How long you stay in hospital with a severe stroke, as in other cases, depends on the patient’s condition. But there is one peculiarity: if it was a hemorrhagic stroke with a rupture of an aneurysm, then after 4 months of rehabilitation the sick leave can be extended at the request of the patient without an examination (based on the opinion of the supervising doctor).

You can shorten the length of stay in the hospital after a stroke by writing a waiver of medical services, taking the patient home and then hiring a nurse.

In this case, the person is constantly visited by a therapist and transmits information about his condition to the responsible medical institution. There are situations where a patient suffers another stroke and ends up back in the intensive care unit . He could receive treatment either at home or in hospital. In this case, therapy is extended without commission for another 2.5 months. A repeat course of treatment is prescribed.

In any clinical situation, the length of stay in a hospital depends on the patient’s well-being and the doctor’s information. But there is another condition in which the prognosis is the most disappointing - coma.

How to get a disability pension and everything for IPR?

After the ITU commission recognizes your disability, you are given a certificate of confirmation and an Individual Rehabilitation Program.

After you have been issued these documents, you need to apply for a disability pension. To do this, you need to write an application to the pension fund so that they can issue the necessary accruals to you. You also need to register with the social security authorities. It is there that, if necessary, you will be given walkers, crutches, canes, hearing aids, wheelchairs, diapers, etc.

Unconscious sleep after stroke

Coma occurs only in 10% of cases after all strokes. A person in a coma always lies in a hospital; it is impossible to keep him at home. The duration of treatment in such a situation cannot be predicted. The person must be constantly monitored by medical personnel . This is what doctors provide if a person is in a coma after a stroke:

  • strict control of vital signs provided by medical equipment: heartbeat, brain activity, blood pressure level;
  • the use of anti-decubitus mattresses, as well as constant turning of the person every 3-6 hours;
  • feeding through a tube with special mixtures, juices and medical nutrition in ground, heated form.

An artificial coma is administered if a person has a massive stroke or the doctor assesses his condition as serious. They are also put into a coma if there is a need for brain surgery. Recovery from a coma occurs over a long period of time, not in 1 day.

Criteria for establishing a disability group after a stroke

Group I: assigned to severe visible impairment of the functions of movement, self-care and communication of the 3rd degree.

Group II: assigned to obvious impairments of the functions of movement, orientation, communication, behavior control and self-care of the 2nd degree.

Group III: assigned to mild impairments of mobility, ability to work and self-care of the 1st degree.

During the re-examination, it is always taken into account that if the health condition improves, the person can return to his usual work and life. If disabled people of group I or II do not improve within 5 years, disability is established without validity.

Duration of sick leave

So, sick leave is issued only when the threat to life has passed, the person has left intensive care after a stroke and has undergone a course of treatment. There is no single standard for setting deadlines. It all depends on the disorder, the amount of skills lost and the recovery process:

  • in case of micro-stroke and minor violations, sick leave is issued for 3 months;
  • moderate stroke is treated for at least 3 months, it can be increased without commission to 4 months;
  • with a severe stroke, rehabilitation is often required for 6-8 months, and the person is given temporary disability.

If during rehabilitation, while on sick leave, a repeated relapse occurs, then treatment is extended for 2.5 months.

The length of time a patient spends in the hospital after a stroke depends on many factors. It should be remembered that doctors do not have the right to discharge a patient earlier than 21 days after transfer to the intensive care unit from intensive care. If the hemorrhage is followed by a coma, things are more complicated, and the days are counted individually after the person leaves this state. Sick leave after a hemorrhage is issued for an average of 3 months with the possibility of extension.

How long do you stay in hospital after a stroke?

Saratov State Medical University named after. IN AND. Razumovsky (SSMU, media)

Level of education - Specialist

1990 – Ryazan Medical Institute named after Academician I.P. Pavlova

The length of time a patient will need to undergo treatment in a hospital setting after a stroke has occurred directly depends on the severity and subsequent dynamics of the disease. There is little point in keeping someone in a hospital ward for too long after a stroke, since everything is determined by the first hours and days, as well as how well the patient’s condition then improves. If the situation is stabilized and there is no need to put in IVs, then the patient can be discharged in a few weeks. Therefore, everything will depend on the person’s condition and what plan he had for the stroke.

About the timing and stages of treatment for stroke in an inpatient setting

Nowadays, stroke has become a fairly common disease. On average, 3-4 people have seizures per 1000 people. Most of the cases are patients suffering from ischemic stroke, others are people with the hemorrhagic type of the disease. All relatives are always interested in the question of how much time the victim needs to spend in intensive care and in the hospital for the condition to completely stabilize.

How long you stay in the hospital after a stroke will depend on how each stage of the disease progresses. Namely:

  • Period before hospitalization;
  • Treatment in the intensive care unit, as well as in the intensive care unit;
  • Inpatient placement in a general ward.

How long a patient will have to stay in hospital after a stroke is regulated by the Ministry of Health based on established standards of treatment.

Standard situations and with complications

On average, the length of a person's stay in hospital after a stroke is 21 days. This is provided that there are no failures of body systems that fall under the category of life-critical ones. Those who have been found to have serious violations are kept for 30 days.

When the established 30 days are still too short for the condition of the person being treated, a medical and social examination is scheduled to consider the question of how to continue treatment and whether an individual rehabilitation course is necessary. Doctors try to prevent a person from spending too much time in the intensive care unit with complications - the situation is usually stabilized within 3 weeks.

During this period, the patient's vital signs are checked and prognoses are made. Most often, disorders and complications occur due to inadequate functioning of the brain. When an ischemic stroke occurs and paralyzes an arm or leg, but the person can take care of himself, speech is not impaired - doctors consider spending 2 weeks in a hospital to be sufficient time.

What you need to understand after leaving hospital

Treatment after a stroke should be comprehensive. It is usually built as follows:

  • The patient takes prescribed medications that improve blood circulation, as well as eliminate spasms and swelling;
  • Electrical stimulation is performed;
  • Physical therapy training is provided;
  • Massage sessions are scheduled.

It is important that a person understands that after the end of a hospital stay due to a stroke, a number of treatment measures will be required and it does not end with discharge from the hospital. At home you will need to continue to do physical exercises, carefully monitor your blood pressure and your regimen. Alcohol and smoking will be strictly contraindicated. You need to move as much as possible, it is best to take walks in the fresh air.

What determines the length of hospitalization?

All patients with signs of ischemia affecting the brain or hemorrhagic stroke are required to be admitted to the hospital. The length of time a patient will be assigned to the department will depend primarily on the following factors:

  • Size and location of the lesion - in the case of a major stroke, the length of stay in hospital will be significantly longer;
  • How severe are the clinical symptoms;
  • Is the patient in depressed consciousness? When the patient is in a coma, it will be impossible to transfer him to the general ward; he can be discharged from the intensive care unit only if the changes in his condition are positive;

  • What is the state of the body’s key and vital functions;
  • Is constant monitoring required and is there a risk of stroke recurrence?
  • Whether the patient has or does not have serious concomitant diseases.

Treatment in intensive care conditions will be aimed at eliminating all disturbances in vital functions. It will be differentiated, basic or undifferentiated depending on what plan the violation occurred.

When and where does rehabilitation begin?

After an ischemic stroke has occurred, rehabilitation will be required, starting on days 4-5. But from the first hours when the patient arrives at the hospital, he will need passive gymnastics. This is not so much gymnastic exercises as it is giving the body a certain position in which the condition will stabilize and improve.

To do this, the patient’s arms and legs are positioned correctly, and the body is positioned in a special way. To do this, use bolsters or pillows, seating the patient in a semi-sitting position. Once every 2 hours, the position of the body will change. Already on the 4-5th day, the patient should begin to be turned into a lateral position. You cannot stay in one position for too long, so as not to cause stagnation, pneumonia or bedsores.

Gradually, the patient should be taught the most basic movements so that the brain develops memories of how to control the body. Developing and consolidating motor stereotypes will help speed up the recovery process significantly faster.

Is it possible for relatives to stay in hospital during the rehabilitation process?

It will be of great help to the patient if one of the relatives is in the room as often as possible. In this way, the relatives themselves have the opportunity to learn how to care for the patient before he is discharged, in order to alleviate possible difficulties later. After discharge home, relatives must dress the patient, feed, give medications and jointly perform the exercises necessary for recovery.

It is important to know many points, such as the fact that you should start putting on a shirt with the hand that was injured, and take it off with the healthy one. Even after hospitalization, you will need to communicate with the person on a regular basis, in a very calm and patient tone. The most intensive recovery of the patient occurs in the first 3-4 months after the stroke occurred.

Frequency of treatment

Often, the patient’s relatives believe that the course of treatment prescribed is very long and frequent. But this is due to the specific nature of the patient’s recovery process. Everything happens priority in the first months. At the same time, everything must be done to reduce the risk of a recurrent stroke.

The initial course is prescribed to be taken immediately after the stroke occurs. The subsequent course is carried out after 2-3 weeks. After which you will need to take about 3-4 more courses during the first 6-8 months. After this, a break of 2-3 months is taken and the course of treatment is repeated. The favorable time for rehabilitation should be used as efficiently as possible.

Duration of resuscitation depending on the type of stroke

Resuscitation in hospital after a stroke
Treatment depends on the type of pathology. Stroke is divided into 2 types:

  • ischemic;
  • hemorrhagic.

The prevalence of the disease is about 3 people per 1,000, of which 80% are affected by the ischemic type. The remaining 20% ​​suffer from the hemorrhagic type.

Depending on the type of stroke, treatment periods do not differ. In both cases, they are determined by the medical regulations of the Russian Federation, which state that a patient with a stroke must undergo treatment in intensive care for at least 21 days. This is the minimum period even for quickly recovering patients. The total treatment period is always longer and amounts to several months.

The patient may stay in the intensive care unit longer, but only after undergoing an examination. On the 21st or 22nd day of his stay in intensive care, a commission meets to assess the person’s physical condition. If one of the delay factors is detected, the period of stay in intensive care is increased to 30 days. In rare cases, it can be extended, but only on the basis of delay factors that are identified at the consultation.

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