Pain in the right temple and its main causes


A neurological disease manifested by pain in the temporal part of the head on the right, sometimes on the left, is called migraine. Some people mistakenly call a common headache a migraine, since with this ailment the pain occurs only in the right temple or in the left.

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According to statistics, 20% of the world's population suffers from migraines. Often women from 15 to 45 years old encounter it, which is why they subsequently lose their ability to work.

It is very difficult to name the exact cause of the disease that provokes pain in the left temple. But among the culprits of the manifestation are :

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Regular stressful situations;
  • Poor sleep;
  • Overwork;
  • Alcohol.

Signs of migraine

Precursors of migraine may be:

  • Visual impairment;
  • unclear speech;
  • Slow thinking;
  • Unconcentrated attention;
  • Loss of sensitivity.

In the temple on the right, throbbing pain makes a person unable to work. Physical activity, bright light, sharp sounds and smells only increase the pain.

Treatment options

To treat migraines, three types of medications are used, which are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

When a patient has throbbing pain in the right temple, he can take an analgesic or anti-inflammatory tablet.

To tone the head vessels and suppress the production of serotonin, medications containing ergot are prescribed. Such drugs can be taken to eliminate pain in the right temple or as a preventive course, the duration of which is determined by the doctor.

Triptans, which relieve vascular spasms and act on the walls of blood vessels, help get rid of not only pain in the right temple, but also the symptoms of aggravated migraines.

Treatment options for migraines also include::

  • Acupressure;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Hydrotherapy.

When your right or left temple begins to pulsate, you should not delay your visit to the doctor, as timely treatment will help avoid complications.


There are many reasons why temple pain occurs. They can be external and internal. External causes include those, having eliminated which, a person returns to a normal state. They are not associated with organic lesions, and if they lead to them, it is only after prolonged exposure.

  1. Intoxication. Pain occurs due to poisoning by toxic substances contained in toys, finishing materials, and products. A strong odor causes pressing pain in the temple, it spreads to the forehead and back of the head, intensifying due to irritation of the eyes, tissues of the larynx, and nose. A long stay near a source of toxic substances leads to constant pain, a feeling of swelling in the head, and dysfunction of the respiratory system and heart.
  2. Changing environmental conditions. When traveling to places with a different climate, in high mountains, or during long flights, temporal pain appears, which disappears soon after returning home. They are often observed in people prone to vegetative-vascular dystonia or vascular pathologies.
  3. Starvation. Provokes pain in the temporal region, weakness, refusal of certain foods or food entirely.
  4. Overwork. Pressure in the temples appears as a result of excessive fatigue, severe mental stress, and sleep disturbances. In addition to the temple, pain often affects the eye area. Fatigue is indicated by swelling, circles under the eyes, absent-mindedness, and nervousness.
  5. Food. Chips, spices, chocolate, smoked meats, and foods high in monosodium glutamate provoke the development of painful sensations. At the same time, spasm of the facial muscles may occur.

The list of internal reasons is more impressive. These are mainly diseases related to the brain.


The disease is neurological in nature and is considered primary. It occurs independently, and not against the background of any disease. Some researchers, however, associate it with damage to the trigeminal nerve. Soreness appears on one side and is described as pulsating.

It can be so strong that a person loses his ability to work, becomes very irritable, lethargic, and depressed. He does not tolerate loud sounds or bright lights and prefers to be in a dark room. You may become intolerant to certain smells.

The pain intensifies with movement, overwork, stress, eating disorders, and sleep. Often accompanied by nausea. The attack lasts several days.

Cluster pain

If migraine occurs more often in women, then cluster pain occurs more often in men. There are no anatomical or physiological prerequisites for it. Sometimes it is correlated with jet lag, smoking and excess weight. The name comes from the nature of the pain - it appears in series.

The number of short-term attacks can reach three per day. Moreover, they can occur for several months in a row. After which a long break is possible. The duration of one attack is from 15 to 60 minutes.

The pain is very strong and sometimes difficult to bear. The onset of the attack is associated with the fact that the ear is blocked on one side, for example, on the left. This is immediately followed by acute pain in the temple and behind the eye. It may spread to the forehead. Bursted blood vessels cause redness of the sclera. Tears appear. If there is pain in the left temple, the nose swells on this side, and difficulty breathing occurs. Blood rushes to the face, sweating increases.

Attacks are more likely to recur in autumn and spring. Severe pain can lead to a suicide attempt.

Tension pain

Soreness in the temples is caused by prolonged tension in the muscular tissue of the neck and head, caused by a monotonous posture. Another reason is stress. Pressing pain appears on both sides. The attack sometimes lasts six hours.

When muscles are strained day after day, the pain becomes chronic.

Arterial hypertension

With repeated increases in blood pressure to 140/90 or higher, arterial hypertension is diagnosed. Vasoconstriction occurs under the influence of adrenaline, due to blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques. Neoplasms and hematomas can compress them. Increased pain in the temples is provoked by strong emotions, climate change, stuffiness, noise, and overwork. At the same time, painful sensations appear in the back of the head, noise in the head, sleep disturbances, and spots before the eyes. The pain is characterized as if something is pressing on both sides of the temples.

Often the disease develops on its own and occurs as a result of dysregulation of vascular tone. In some cases, it appears as a consequence of diseases of the kidneys, endocrine system, or injuries. Blood pressure increases due to menopause, pregnancy, excess weight, and physical inactivity.

Intracranial hypertension

An increase in pressure in the cranial cavity is usually associated with the formation of an excessive amount of cerebrospinal fluid, disturbances in its circulation, and accumulation in certain areas. This condition is caused by neoplasms, hemorrhages, hematomas, inflammatory processes, and swelling.

Pressing pain is accompanied by disorders of consciousness, vision, temporary blindness, and paresis. Sometimes convulsions occur, breathing is impaired, and the person feels sick. The pain increases after being in a horizontal position for a long time. Spread to other parts of the head.


The pathology is associated with the appearance of fatty plaques on the inside of blood vessels. Over time, they lead to a narrowing of the affected vessels, interfering with the free flow of blood, reducing nutrition to the brain.

Intelligence, memory, attention are impaired, mental changes are observed. Due to the spasm, the limbs become cold and the skin becomes pale.

Traumatic brain injuries

Damage to the temporal bone, concussion leads to pain, swelling of internal tissues, nausea, vision and hearing pathologies. Accompanied by dizziness, in severe cases – amnesia, loss of consciousness, convulsions. It is predominantly one-sided. If the right side is affected, pain occurs in the right temple.

The intensity and duration of pain depends on the severity of the lesion. Sometimes concussions are delayed in nature and may appear after several months.

Temporal arteritis

With this disease, inflammation of the artery occurs, which is located in the temporal region. Most often observed in older people. The pain is very intense, piercing, and pulsating. It intensifies when a person speaks, chews, touches his temple, or sleeps. The main reasons are heredity and infections.

The discomfort is complemented by loss of appetite, hyperthermia, joint pain, depression, and increased sweating.

Angina pectoris

Pain in the temple on the left is a sign of angina pectoris. It intensifies with tension. The main symptoms are chest discomfort.

Feels like compression. The pain radiates to the jaw and shoulder blades. Heartburn occurs.

Infectious diseases

As a result of bacteria or viruses entering the body, it becomes intoxicated with waste products of microorganisms. In some cases, pain in the head occurs due to the spread of toxins in the blood. This, for example, happens with influenza or ARVI. In other situations, microorganisms settle on the lining of the brain and cause inflammation. In the latter case, meningitis is diagnosed.

The pain, depending on the pathology and its severity, can be aching or throbbing. Processes occurring directly in the brain are characterized by very strong pain sensations that lead to loss of consciousness.

Additional symptoms are nausea, muscle pain, fever, dizziness. Severe inflammatory processes, aggravated by additional pathologies, are accompanied by convulsions.

ENT diseases

In advanced forms of sinusitis, pain is recorded in the forehead and temples. They are described as pulsating, intense, and one-sided. With inflammation on the left, pain occurs in the left temple. It is not possible to relieve them with painkillers.

Over time, they spread to the occipital region and face. They are provoked by pressure from swollen, pus-filled sinus cavities. They get worse when bending over. The disease is accompanied by a runny nose and weakness. The voice becomes nasal. The patient describes smell disturbances.

Temporal headache is caused by otitis media. Its symptoms are high temperature, discomfort when pressing on the ear, congestion, pus discharge, and hearing loss. When the right ear is inflamed, the right temple hurts.


Compression and inflammation cause damage to the trigeminal nerve. The process is accompanied by severe pain and shooting. It has the character of acute attacks that occur suddenly, last a few seconds and repeat after a while. Attacks occur several times a day, sometimes their number reaches one hundred.

The temples hurt on only one side - if the affected nerve is on the right, the temple on the right side hurts. Transmitted to the eyes, cheeks. During the attack, the patient cannot do anything. In some cases, a compressed nerve causes spasm of the facial muscle.

Adrenal pheochromocytoma

The tumor is located inside or on the adrenal glands. Enhances the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine - hormones that provoke vasoconstriction, increase blood pressure, and accelerate the heart rate.

The result is throbbing pain in the back of the head and temples. Accompanied by nausea, pale skin, cramps of the calf muscles, and panic. The duration of the attack is up to two hours; upon completion, the symptoms disappear.

Temporomandibular joint disorder

Diseases of the joint that regulates the functioning of the lower jaw include injuries, degenerative disorders, improper installation of fillings, inflammation, and malocclusion. In this case, pain appears in the temples, the back of the head, radiates to the ears, shoulder blades and shoulders, mainly on one side. The left temple of the head hurts when the joint is damaged on this side.

When you try to move your jaw, a clicking sound appears. Patients often grind their teeth and clench their jaws. Its full opening is limited. Swelling and redness appear in the joint area.


The causes of pain in the right temple of the head can be caused by atherosclerosis. This disease is often encountered by people of advanced age, hypertension and diabetes.

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This disease, which causes pain in the right temple, affects the blood vessels, forming fatty and cholesterol plaques in them, as a result of which the tissues lack blood supply.

Impaired metabolism and poor breakdown of fats in the body arise due to such provocateurs:

  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Negative heredity;
  • Problems with the endocrine system;
  • Tobacco smoking;
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • Unhealthy and fatty foods.

Signs of atherosclerosis

The initial signs of atherosclerosis include headache in the right temple, ringing in the ears during moments of mental stress. A person’s memory for everyday actions deteriorates, but what happened many years ago, even in early childhood, is retained in memory. The patient does not sleep well at night, I feel some anxiety. Plus, psycho-emotional changes appear, that is, in one minute a person can replace laughter with tears and frustration.

Signs of the disease also include:

  • General fatigue;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Dark spots in the eyes;
  • Hot temper;
  • Impaired coordination of movements.

When such symptoms and pain in the right temple occur, you should immediately consult a doctor, as the consequences of atherosclerosis can be fatal.

Treatment options

After a thorough diagnosis, the specialist prescribes appropriate treatment, depending on the severity of the disease.

To prevent further progression and causes of pain in the temple area on the right, the doctor prescribes physical therapy, based on the patient’s age . In order to reduce the excitability of the nervous system and normalize blood pressure, you need to spend more time in the fresh air, sign up for a relaxing massage and carry out water treatment procedures. And, of course, you should adhere to a properly balanced diet.

Basic preventive measures

First of all, recommendations are given on work and rest schedules. Sometimes short-term leave is required. Normalizing sleep also plays an important role in the prevention of cephalalgia. Both lack of sleep and hypersomnia can cause headaches. Another important aspect of prevention is psychoprophylaxis. The point is that you cannot “keep” traumatic situations to yourself. If necessary, you can contact a family psychologist or psychotherapist. Because fixation on one's own problems inevitably leads to neuroses. This is known from the theory of psychosomatic illnesses. For hypertensive patients, it is important to monitor blood pressure levels. It is its changes that cause pain in various areas of the head, especially in the temple. For atherosclerosis, courses of antioxidants, antihypoxants and nootropics, and sometimes vascular agents, are used. It is important to reduce cholesterol levels.

Cerebral angiodystonia

Severe pain in the right temple may indicate cerebral angiodystonia.

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The head arteries need a lot of oxygen. With any imbalance, a narrowing occurs, as a result of which the vessels cease to function normally.

Often middle-aged people experience this disease. But today there are frequent cases of the disease occurring in children, even in infancy.

Angiodystonia can be caused:

  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Disruptions in the nervous system;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Overweight;
  • Head injuries;
  • Infectious inflammatory processes;
  • Wrong lifestyle.

Signs of cerebral angiodystonia

The disease can manifest itself in different ways. But there are also general signs that cannot go unnoticed. Among these are :

  • Regular changes in blood pressure;
  • Pain in right temple;
  • Unexplained noises in the ears;
  • Inadequate sleep;
  • Stiffness in arms and legs;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Reduced concentration;
  • Decreased vision;
  • Loss of spirit.

Treatment options

To identify a disease when there is a headache in the right temple, it is necessary to undergo a number of studies that will help to correctly diagnose the disease.

To cure angiodystonia, medications are prescribed to eliminate pain in the right temple, swelling in the eyes, plus sleeping pills and a vitamin complex.

Ancillary treatments include:

  • Phytotherapy;
  • Therapeutic baths;
  • Light massages;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Exercise therapy.

It is worth remembering that timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment will help get rid of pain in the right temple and general discomfort.

Drug treatment

A headache cannot be tolerated; you need to start fighting it immediately after it appears. First, you should limit yourself to ventilating the room, walking, lightly massaging the problem area, or taking a short rest. If there is no effect, you can take the Citramon or Analgin tablet. If you suspect a muscle or vascular spasm, it is better to take No-Shpu or Spazmolgon. If this does not help, you should contact a specialist who will select the best option for help.

For a detailed article on choosing medications, follow the link.

Depending on the causes and severity of the symptom, the following groups of drugs can help the patient:

  • analgesics – relieve discomfort and can help with cluster and migraine headaches;
  • NSAIDs – relieve discomfort and fight inflammation;
  • antispasmodics – relax muscles, dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow to the brain;
  • hypotensive - lower high blood pressure to normal or acceptable levels;
  • triptans are specialized medications that can quickly help with migraines;
  • narcotic drugs - you have to resort to them in the presence of tumors, cluster cephalgia;
  • sedatives – relieve psycho-emotional stress, help to relax and improve sleep;
  • nootropics – stimulate cerebral circulation, improve organ function.

Inadequate treatment without taking into account the provoking factor creates additional risks to human health. It threatens to increase the severity of the symptom, provoke complications, and cause an abusive headache. If a drug taken once does not bring relief, repeating the manipulation is prohibited!

You will learn more information about the treatment of pain in the temples from this article.


The causes of pain in the right temple can be caused by increased intracranial pressure - hypertension.

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Hypertension can be awakened:

  • Traumatic brain injuries;
  • Circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • Cranial tumors;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Bad habits;
  • Metabolic disorders.

Signs of hypertension

In addition to the fact that a person has severe pain in his right temple, he exhibits the following symptoms:

  • sudden nausea or vomiting;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Excruciating pain throughout the body when the weather changes;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Visual impairment.

If the main symptoms occur, you should immediately go to the hospital to receive timely treatment.

Treatment options

When the right temple of the head hurts, the cause should be determined using various diagnostic methods.

Treatment of hypertension is carried out with massive antibiotic therapy or, in severe cases, surgery.

As additional treatment, the patient is prescribed a drinking regimen, physical therapy, and manual therapy.

Hypertension, which causes pain in the right temple, requires complete and high-quality treatment. If this is not the case, a person may go blind and even die.

Cluster attacks

There is a sharp pain in the right temple, strong and unpleasant sensations in the head, spontaneous attacks that do not go away after taking painkillers - cluster attacks. Because of this illness, a person cannot lead a full life and is constantly depressed, since it is very difficult to get rid of excruciating pain. There have been cases where this disease has led patients to suicide.

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According to statistics, this disease affects men, overweight people and heavy smokers.

Signs of cluster pain

When the right temple hurts very badly, and the attack is short-lived but extremely painful, it is worth taking a closer look at the accompanying signs, including:

  • Spontaneous outbreaks of pain;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Facial redness;
  • lacrimation;
  • Increased irritability;
  • Accelerated heart rate;
  • Nausea, vomiting.

Some people mistakenly confuse cluster attacks with migraines, since the causes have some similarities. But patients who have encountered one and the other ailment can easily distinguish between these pathologies.

Treatment options

Therapy for each person is selected individually, but when the temple hurts on the right side, high-quality treatment is required, which includes:

  • Physiotherapeutic methods;
  • Taking medications;
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

At the first symptoms of a cluster attack, it is recommended to visit a highly qualified specialist.

Temporal arteritis

This disease has been known in the world for a long time, but, unfortunately, scientists have not been able to find out the exact causes of its occurrence. Temporal arteritis is considered to be autoimmune damage to cells in the temporal artery.

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Temporal arteritis is divided into primary and secondary types:

  • Primary manifests itself independently. Professionals believe that this is due to aging, when the walls lack elasticity, and therefore the blood vessels are affected.
  • Other diseases that cause inflammation lead to the secondary form. Often, they are viruses and infections.

When the right temple constantly hurts, inflammation of the temporal artery occurs, which can be caused not only by old age, but also by the following reasons:

  • Genetic inheritance;
  • Overload of the nervous system;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Viral infection.

Signs of temporal arteritis

When this disease affects the optic artery, vision weakens; if a blood clot forms, complete blindness occurs. Due to the fact that the vessels are inflamed, blood cannot fully pass through the ducts. Organs do not receive the required amount of oxygen. If proper treatment is not performed, the optic nerve and retina will die.

Signs associated with temporal arteritis are:

  • Pain in the right temple, which can extend to the shoulders, neck and tongue;
  • Double vision;
  • Reddened swelling on the temple;
  • Weight loss;
  • Pain when chewing, scratching and bending.

The body temperature does not increase, but the patient's appetite decreases and severe weakness appears.

Treatment options

In order to find out the cause of pain in the right temple, the doctor takes a blood test, measures eye pressure and tests a fragment of the artery. But often, a specialist prescribes therapy without diagnosis, since untimely provision of assistance can cause very negative consequences.

The course of treatment includes:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Tablets that strengthen blood vessels;
  • Vitamin complex.

With temporal arteritis, the patient should be completely under the supervision of the attending physician.

This disease can also cause not only pain in the right temple, but also complex complications that can only be treated with surgery.

If a person has at least one sign of temporal arteritis, he should immediately contact the clinic to avoid unforeseen consequences.

Doctors treating pain in the right temple

Many people are interested in the question of what to do for pain in the right temple. Naturally, you should seek help from a specialist.

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Any headache brings discomfort. A person begins to use painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, which may not give the expected result, since the very cause of pain in the right temple is unknown.

Initially, you need to come to an appointment with a family doctor - therapist. He will conduct a survey, diagnosis, examination and give a referral to one of the specialized doctors :

  • Neurologist;
  • Cardiologist;
  • Otolaryngologist;
  • Ophthalmologist;
  • Surgeon;
  • Rheumatologist.

Early diagnosis is the key to successful therapy.

Traditional methods of treatment

In some cases, alternative medicine can help as well as medicine. It is better to resort to them after finding out the causes of the disease and with the permission of the attending physician. For organic problems, such approaches should not replace traditional therapy; they can only act as a supplement. If the headache is due to stress or overexertion, these approaches may be sufficient.

If you have pain in the temple on the right, you should try the following emergency methods:

  • cabbage compress - you can apply a cloth soaked in cabbage juice or the cabbage leaf itself, slightly mashed, to your temple;
  • massage of the temples using ethers - dilute a couple of drops of menthol or mint ether in a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Massage the problem area with the resulting mixture;
  • vinegar compress – dilute a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Soak a bandage or piece of gauze in the solution and apply to the sore spot;
  • lemon rub – take a fresh lemon peel, press its light inner side to the sore temple and massage with light pressure;
  • tea with mint, lemon balm, chamomile - a drink made from individual components or a mixture of them relieves nervous tension. The main thing is that it is fresh, not very strong and without added sweeteners.

The listed approaches are safe, accessible and effective. However, it is not recommended to resort to them systematically. Abuse of manipulations reduces their effectiveness and increases the risk of developing allergies.

Read about folk recipes at the link.

Less popular causes of pain in the right temple

Less common causes of pain in the temple on the right side include:

  • Viral and infectious diseases;
  • Aging;
  • Cervical ailments;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Toothache;
  • Overwork;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Osteoarthritis.

To eliminate pain in the right temple and improve your general condition, you can use an integrated approach at home. Experts recommend doing a self-massage of the head, taking warm baths or contrast showers (depending on the causes of pain), walking in the fresh air more often and practicing meditation.

What to do if your temple hurts

In order to alleviate your condition, you need to consult a neurologist who will make prescriptions based on the complex of symptoms and causes of the disease. The following activities will help reduce temple pain:

  • taking medications;
  • performing acupressure self-massage;
  • use of folk remedies;
  • changing sleep and rest patterns;
  • regulation of diet.


Medicines that are indicated for use by patients must have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic effects. Pharmacological agents should reduce the manifestations of accompanying symptoms: nausea, vomiting, weakness, drowsiness, etc. The following medications are used to relieve pain in the temples:

  1. Analgin. A medicine that contains metamizole sodium. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, helps relieve attacks of severe headaches of various origins. The advantage of the medication is its low cost, and the disadvantage is its negative effect on liver cells.
  2. Citramon. Analgesic, blood thinning drug based on caffeine and acetylsalicylic acid. This medication improves brain microcirculation, increases blood pressure, and lowers body temperature. The advantage of the medication is its low cost and versatility of use, but the disadvantage is a large number of contraindications for use.
  3. Ibuprofen. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug from the group of drugs based on propionic acid. Has an analgesic and antipyretic effect. Recommended for use in cases of cervical osteochondrosis and inflammation of the walls of blood vessels. The advantage of the drug is its effectiveness and low cost, and the disadvantage is its negative effect on the kidneys.
  4. Aspirin. Pharmacological agent based on acetylsalicylic acid. The medication improves microcirculation in brain tissue, thins the blood, due to inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins and the enzyme cyclooxygenase. The advantage of the drug is its powerful pharmacological effect, and the disadvantage is a large number of contraindications for use.
  5. Has A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has a strong analgesic, vasodilator and antispasmodic effect. The active ingredient of the drug is ibuprofen. The advantage of this pharmaceutical product is the versatility of its use for treatment, and the disadvantages are high cost, hepatotoxic effect and negative effects on the kidneys.
  6. Valemidin. Pharmacological product based on extracts of medicinal herbs (valerian, motherwort, peppermint) and diphenhydramine. The medication has an antispasmodic, sedative effect and is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, stress and sleep disorders. The advantage of the pharmacological drug is its natural composition, and the disadvantage is the frequent development of allergic reactions with uncontrolled use of the drug.
  7. Ibuklin. Antipyretic, analgesic pharmacological agent. Stimulates the natural production of endogenous interferon. It is prescribed mainly for viral lesions of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, otitis, pharyngitis, etc.). The advantage of the drug is its wide range of uses, and the disadvantage is its toxic effect on the liver and kidneys.
  8. No-shpa. Analgesic, antispasmodic medication. The active substance of this drug is drotaverine hydrochloride. The drug is effective for pathologies of the vascular wall, arterial hypertension and cerebrovascular accidents. The advantages of No-shpa are considered to be fast action, accessibility and versatility of use, and the disadvantages are a negative effect on liver tissue and a high risk of developing an allergic reaction.

Remember that any pharmacological drugs have their contraindications for use; using any tablets without the advice of a specialist can harm your health and life. What remedy will be prescribed for pain in the temples directly depends on the cause of its development, the presence of concomitant diseases and the need to use other medications.


Acupressure of the temporal area of ​​the head is the most common and effective remedy for pain that can be performed at home. It must be done as follows:

  • Using the pads of the index fingers or thumbs of both hands, apply gentle pressure on the painful points.
  • Simultaneously with pressure, circular movements with different amplitudes should be performed.
  • The massage should be performed several times a day, in a quiet room with dim lighting, in a sitting or lying position. If the left temple is pulsating, it is recommended to make movements smooth.


When the temple on the right hurts and some of the above symptoms appear, there is no need to postpone a visit to a specialist until later and take painkillers in the hope that the pain will go away without a trace.

Currently, doctors have enormous knowledge and modern equipment. Medicine has everything that will help find out the original origin of pain and cure any ailment .

The main thing is timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment, which will not allow any complications or unpleasant consequences.

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