There is a lump on the temple. A child has a lump on his temple Soft lump on his temple

Temporal arteritis

If the temples are swollen, a lump appears, the vein may have temporal arteritis - an inflammatory vasculopathy characteristic of older people.

Neurological symptoms:

  • headache;
  • memory impairment;
  • dementia.

Eye signs:

  • sudden and irreversible, usually significant decrease in visual function.

Systemic symptoms:

  • fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • night sweats;
  • weight loss;
  • pain in the jaw and temporal region while eating (the jaw does not deviate to the side);
  • muscle pain.

Important! When a lump appears on the temples, timely diagnosis is important for starting treatment; delayed identification of the problem is fraught with blindness.

Malignant formations

If a child does not show any physical activity, he feels sick all the time and sleeps for a long time, this is a very serious call for his parents. These signs are evidence of the formation of malignant tumors.

As soon as a bump on the head has been discovered, and the child exhibits symptoms that were not typical for him before, you should immediately consult a doctor. He, in turn, must confirm the terrible diagnosis or refute it, and identify the real causes of the tumor.

Caring parents should always monitor the health of their child. The sooner a problem is detected, the greater the likelihood of getting rid of it.

Treatment of temporal arteritis

Today, the fundamental stone of treatment for lumps on the temples with temporal arteritis is treatment with corticosteroids. It should be started without delay, consisting of relatively high doses of steroids, preferably during hospitalization with intravenous methylprednisolone. At the same time, antiulcer medications (H2 receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors) are administered to prevent steroid-induced peptic ulcers, and potassium chloride is administered to supplement potassium in cases of increased urinary loss.

Lump on the head - what could it be?

Insect bites and neoplasms in fatty or bone tissue may be responsible for the appearance of lumps, bumps, and swelling.


The right or left temple may be affected by a bruise, most often occurring when exposed to a blunt blow with a large area. With this problem, reversible destruction of neuronal membranes can occur. This functional state with immediate onset has no morphological background and is accompanied by vasomotor and autonomic symptoms. Soreness in the eye appears, pain in the temple, and swelling occurs. Headaches and nausea are also common.

A ball or lump has formed on the head under the skin (in a child or adult): common causes and treatment

A lump or ball under the skin is a compaction that can be easily felt with your fingers.
It is quite difficult to detect it on the head, especially under the hairline, but if it appears, do not panic; you need to contact a specialist who will accurately identify the cause and prescribe treatment.

It is important to exclude malignant tumors, but they are quite rare. More often, the lump on the head is a lipoma or atheroma.

The article describes all the known causes of the appearance of balls on the head under the skin and recommendations for further actions.

A tumor on the head in the form of a lump appears at least once in almost every person’s life. When a bump appears on the head, as a rule, it brings with it not only inconvenience, but also a lot of worry about the cause of its appearance.

And the worries are not in vain, because a bump can be not only a cosmetic defect, but also a symptom of more serious diseases.

The development of the disease can continue for several years without symptoms such as itching, dizziness and nausea.

The bulge can appear both on the head in the hair and under the skin, causing significant inconvenience with its presence. A lump in the head can have various reasons for its appearance, some of which have not yet been precisely studied. As a rule, growths on the scalp, which also itch, appear in the back of the head.

Reasons for appearance

Many people are interested in the question: “What causes a lump on a person’s head?” In the course of various studies, experts have identified the main factors that can cause the formation of a bump on the head:

  1. Various types of blows and injuries.
  2. Insect bites.
  3. Atheroma.
  4. Osteoma.
  5. A lump on the head can form as a result of various inflammatory diseases.
  6. Lipoma.
  7. Wart.
  8. Allergic reaction.

Now it’s worth understanding each point in more detail.

Bumps and bruises

During the course of his life, a person repeatedly receives injuries of varying degrees of complexity. From hitting your head on any hard object, a person can get a lump-hematoma in any part of the head.

The color of the hematoma can be different: either red or light blue. When pressing on the lump, a rather sharp pain will occur. In order for the bump to go away, you need to apply something cold to your head.

This type of injury goes away quickly, and most often there is no need to see a doctor.

However, in addition to causing a painful bulge on the head, symptoms of a traumatic brain injury may occur. A person experiences dizziness, nausea, and headaches. In this case, only a doctor should treat the sick person. In addition, an x-ray examination of the damaged area should be carried out.

A bite of an insect

Insect activity, as a rule, increases in the spring and summer, and very often their bites do not pose any particular danger. However, some insects inflict very painful bites, accompanied by the formation of a small bump or pimples in one area or another of the head.

The scalp at the site of the bite is very itchy, swollen and red. Typically, swelling caused by an insect bite may subside within a few days.


This is the name of a lump that is formed as a result of a congenital anomaly of vascular development. Some types of this vascular tumor resemble a red growth. There are cases when through the tubercle on the head you can see the same irregular interweaving of blood vessels.

This type of disease poses a significant threat to human health, since the tumor can grow rapidly and become malignant. It can appear on such areas of the head as the forehead, ears, cheeks. Such a bump on the head can appear in representatives of both sexes and at any age.


It is a special type of tumor that can have two forms: soft and hard. The soft form is a mushroom-shaped tumor on the head. However, in practice this type is quite rare. The solid form is a dense neoplasm located directly on or under the skin. Fibroids are not malignant and do not cause pain or discomfort to the patient.

However, not everything is so good. Fibroma can turn into a malignant tumor - fibrosarcoma. This type of tumor is extremely dangerous and can be fatal. Therefore, if it appears, you need to urgently contact an oncologist.

Fibrosarcoma is treated only by surgical intervention, and the surgeon’s instrument can be either a regular scalpel or a laser beam.


They can be located in the form of bumps on the forehead above the eyebrows and not only, causing unpleasant sensations to the person. However, they do not cause any pain. Quite a lot of warts form over a person’s entire life, and they do not have to be removed.

The exception is the occurrence of various infections. The reason why warts appear is infection with the human papillomavirus. They are capable of growing and reaching a size of 0.5 cm. For warts on the head under the hair, treatment will consist of several stages, the implementation of which guarantees getting rid of the bumps on the head.

First, a sick person should consult a dermatologist, who will prescribe a histological examination, as well as dermatoscopy. Then a medicinal course of treatment will be prescribed, including antiviral drugs of general and local action. In some cases, laser wart removal is used.


Another type of benign tumor. It is formed from fat cells. Lipoma does not hurt, so it does not cause any particular inconvenience to the person who has it. When you press on it, you will feel a soft, elastic, mobile formation.

If a problem arises, medical intervention is necessary if the size of the growth is very large, since the wen can put pressure on other skin tissues. Most often, growths on the head are of lipomatous origin. They may appear as a bump above the eyebrow or in the middle of the forehead.

The cause of the formation of this tumor on the head can be one of the following:

  • Formed as a result of a bruise;
  • Violation of fat metabolism;
  • Hormonal imbalance, etc.


This type of disease is another type of tumor. If you look at medical photographs (x-rays), you will see that the tumor forms on the bone.

The swelling is very dense to the touch. However, no matter how frightening it may look, it does not pose any danger to the patient.

When formed, it does not itch or hurt, and a person does not feel any discomfort on the head.

As a rule, these types of tumors on the head appear in children and adolescents in the age group from 4 years to 21 years. There are two development options:

  1. When you press on this growth, painful sensations will occur.
  2. An option with a painless development of the situation is also possible.

However, this disease does not go away on its own, and surgical intervention is necessary, which involves removing the affected part of the bone tissue of the skull.

It is worth remembering that if the types of lumps that appear cause even minor pain, then you need to consult a doctor


  • There are many types of tumors located on the head, which can be either malignant or benign.
  • If any growths “pop out” on your head, you should not try to diagnose yourself.
  • Moreover, you should not resort to self-medication, as this can end sadly.
  • Growths on the head are a very serious problem, so in such cases you should immediately seek medical help.
  • But which doctor should I contact?
  • First you need to visit a therapist who will refer you to a dermatologist, surgeon or oncologist.
  • Timely treatment will allow you to quickly and permanently get rid of the problem.


Lump on the head - what could it be?

Bumps on the head can appear in any person. They differ in location, density, growth rate, and color characteristics. Seals occur on the scalp or exposed part of the head, they can be hard or soft, large or small.

They form in the singular or several cones appear at once. Sometimes the lump hurts when pressed, sometimes it does not cause any pain. If growths appear, you should consult a doctor, he will explain what it can be and how to get rid of the tumor.

External causes of seals

  1. Injuries or blows are the main factor contributing to the appearance of a bump on a child’s head.
    Children are active and often fall, which leads to bruises. After a child hits himself, a soft and painful lump appears on the skin. Its size depends entirely on the force of the fall or collision. Additionally, redness of the skin over the induration is observed. For first aid, apply a cold compress to the bruised area of ​​skin.
  2. Allergic reactions – if the human body is exposed to allergens, small red and itchy bumps may appear throughout the scalp and under the hair.
    This could be a reaction to household chemicals or inappropriate cosmetics. If an allergy occurs, you must immediately eliminate exposure to the irritant and take a course of antihistamines.
  3. Insect bites – Red bumps often appear on the scalp after nasty bites.
    Sometimes their swelling is extremely large if the patient has been bitten by a wasp, bee, bumblebee or other dangerous insect. The formation of a lump occurs as the body reacts to a small amount of poison entering the bloodstream. If the condition worsens after the bite, then you need to seek help from a doctor.

Internal factors

There are other reasons that influence the formation of compactions. These are various malfunctions in the functioning of the body. They lead to the formation of lipomas, atheromas and other neoplasms.

  1. When metabolic processes in adipose tissue are disrupted or due to a genetic predisposition, lipomas appear on the head and other parts of the body. These are benign tumors consisting of fat cells. They have a soft consistency. Lipomas are mobile and elastic. They do not hurt, are safe and do not develop into malignant tumors. The only drawback is a cosmetic and aesthetic defect. Therefore, many people want to remove wen. You can only get rid of them surgically.
  2. After a blockage of the sebaceous duct, a skin cyst or atheroma appears on the head. Can appear on any part of the body. Secretions, sebum and dead cell remains accumulate inside. The formations are found not only in adults; if bumps appear on the head of a child, this can also be atheroma. It periodically becomes inflamed, in which case it begins to grow in size and swell, causing pain. When the cyst matures, it breaks through and all the contents come out. But the cyst itself will not go away; it will remain on the skin as a small, hard, white pimple. Under favorable conditions, it will begin to grow again, since the capsule does not disappear and does not dissolve. It can only be removed surgically.
  3. If small bumps appear on your head, these could be warts. They are hard to the touch, similar to a rooster's comb or a head of cauliflower. Warts are contagious growths. Caused by the human papillomavirus. The growths are painless, but look unaesthetic. They may appear on the head in large quantities.
  4. Lumps on the head in the hair may turn out to be hemangioma. This is a benign red tumor consisting of overgrown blood vessels. Hemangioma must be surgically removed.
  5. An osteoma is a lump that is hard as bone. This is a benign formation that never transforms into a malignant tumor. Consists of bone tissue. The formation has the correct shape, but does not hurt when pressed and does not bring any unpleasant sensations. The dynamics of osteoma development should be constantly monitored. If it begins to grow strongly, the growth is removed.
  6. Fibroma - the tumor is benign in nature, but can degenerate into a malignant formation, sarcofibroma. Consists of connective tissue. It can appear on any part of the head: behind, above, under the head. The tumor is formed as a result of hormonal imbalance, disruption of the endocrine system. It is often caused by diabetes mellitus. If the fibroma grows rapidly, it is urgently removed.
  7. Boils are painful, red bumps that appear when bacteria enter the hair follicle. Purulent contents accumulate in it. The furuncle is movable upon palpation; there is a rod in the center. A pimple can cause fever and deterioration in overall health.


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