Head goes numb: causes, associated symptoms, therapy

How does this symptom manifest itself?

It is worth noting that numbness of the head is not an independent disease, but a symptom. It can occur in completely different diseases. Hypoesthesia (another name for the symptom) may also be accompanied by various symptoms. The patient often complains of feeling dizzy and numb at the same time. The reasons lie in many diseases. Sometimes one part goes numb.

Usually, if hypoesthesia appears suddenly and also goes away abruptly, then doctors recommend consulting a neurologist. It is also important to quickly consult a specialist if, along with numbness, it is difficult for the patient to talk or move, or if uncontrolled urination occurs. As a rule, such serious symptoms indicate the presence of complex diseases in the human body, and the sooner treatment is started, the higher the patient’s chance of full recovery.

Numbness due to poor circulation

When blood circulation is impaired, as a rule, part of the head goes numb. The reason lies in which particular artery is functioning poorly. There may be several reasons for poor circulation. It is likely that this was due to developing atherosclerosis or due to progressive hypertension, or perhaps due to banal osteochondrosis.

It is worth noting that if numbness in the head occurs due to hypertension, then there is a high probability of developing a stroke. Such a patient must be examined as soon as possible. A stroke can be suspected if a person has sluggish speech, double vision, and has difficulty doing normal movements. Stroke can be treated, and very successfully, but only in the first 6-12 hours after the onset of symptoms.

Numbness and multiple sclerosis

Quite often, people with a diseased nervous system experience a numb head. The reasons may be different, but most often it happens that numbness occurs due to developing multiple sclerosis. This disease is especially common in older people, but sometimes occurs in the younger generation.

Treatment of this diagnosis should only be carried out by a doctor, and you should contact him as soon as possible if a person develops strong symptoms of multiple sclerosis. These include loss of vision, decreased sensitivity of the scalp, difficulty moving and poor coordination. During multiple sclerosis, the myelin sheath of the nerve is replaced by connective tissue, which poorly transmits sensations from tactile contact. Due to this, hypoesthesia appears.

What consequences can result from failure to timely seek help from a qualified doctor?

You cannot ignore paresthesia and put off going to the doctor. Delayed going to the hospital and treatment may not bring results if the disease has progressed for a long time. It is more difficult for doctors to make an accurate diagnosis in such a situation, because advanced pathology already has many manifestations. Treatment becomes more difficult, less effective and takes longer.

Poor blood circulation threatens the patient’s life, increasing the risk of stroke and thrombosis. If sensitivity is absent for a long time or constantly disappears, refusing the help of specialists can cause disability or death.

In neurological diseases, early diagnosis is important for successful therapy. Among them is multiple sclerosis. Without medications, it develops quickly, a person’s vision gradually weakens, intelligence and motor functions decrease.

Ignoring the problem leads to serious consequences: multiple complications (genitourinary and immune system disorders), loss of social life, dementia.

Numbness of the head occurs when tumors grow inside the skull. Tumors put pressure on nerve fibers and blood vessels, which leads to discomfort. Late presentation to the clinic complicates treatment: cancerous tissues form large clusters, which in the later stages are not operable and metastasize to other organs.

Tumor and injury - causes of numbness in the head

Benign and malignant tumors, as well as previous injuries, are the most unpleasant diseases for humans. In the background they often feel numb and have a headache. The reasons are not often, but sometimes they lie precisely there. Therefore, if a person begins to systematically experience problems with skin sensitivity, it is necessary to urgently undergo examination by a specialist.

So, if a person develops a tumor in their head, they will often experience severe pain and numbness. Fever and vomiting are also possible. Do not forget that a tumor is not necessarily cancer. It is likely that it is benign and can be successfully treated.

Numbness after injury is also a serious sign. A decrease in skin sensitivity can be caused by an open hemorrhage or a violation of tissue integrity.

Other reasons

There are a number of other reasons why your head hurts and your face or scalp may go numb.

These include:

  1. Taking certain medications that may have side effects. As a result, headaches, nausea, dizziness and possibly numbness of the skin begin.
  2. Bug, snake bites or poisoning, especially from mushrooms. If any of the above happens, symptoms may appear within a few hours or immediately. Often it completely paralyzes certain parts of the head, for example the lips, tongue or facial muscles.
  3. The cause may be a burn.
  4. If you have a headache and it is caused by a migraine, then the skin becomes numb as a result of such an illness. Typically, symptoms appear on one side of the face.
  5. Improper use of hormonal medications can cause the disorder.
  6. Dental factors. When treating teeth, a dentist may use medications that numb the tongue. This is a normal phenomenon that goes away after a few hours.
  7. Cold allergy. This condition may occur in some people who are especially sensitive to cold. The problem occurs in winter or autumn. When the skin of the face feels cold and stays on it for a long time, it can become numb. In case of this pathology, it is necessary to be observed by an allergist-immunologist.
  8. Shingles. In essence, this disease is herpes. The patient develops a red rash on his face, which may also appear on his body. In addition, with this diagnosis, a person may experience headaches. Additionally, weakness begins and the temperature increases.

Knowing the possible causes, you should determine them yourself or consult a doctor for a full diagnosis.

Numbness and inflamed nerves

Sometimes it happens that sensitivity does not decrease over the entire surface of the head, for example, the right side of the head goes numb. The causes of such symptoms may lie in inflammation of the nerves (trigeminal or facial).

If a person has an inflamed trigeminal nerve, he will also experience pain when touched, dry skin, and involuntary twitching of the facial muscles. The trigeminal nerve often becomes inflamed in advanced dental diseases.

Inflammation of the facial nerve first manifests itself as pain behind the ear, and only after that the sensitivity of the scalp decreases.

It happens that a person simultaneously experiences pain and numbness in the back of his head. The reasons also lie in inflammatory processes. With such symptoms, it is worth assuming that the patient has an inflammation of the occipital nerve and should consult a doctor.

Diagnostic methods

The head goes numb, the pain syndrome is quite strong, which reduces the quality of life, requiring consultation with a neurologist. The nature of the pain and location are a good clue in making a diagnosis.

But this may outline the range of instrumental diagnostics so as not to do all the available examinations.

But without tests, tests and studies, an experienced, self-respecting doctor will not make a final diagnosis.

You've probably heard more than once that some patient wanders from office to office in search of the true cause of his illness.

And cases where the autopsy shows that the patient was treated for the wrong disease.

Such examples are not isolated. Therefore, be patient and look for the cause of your symptoms. It is better to take a couple of unnecessary tests than to miss the reason for them without passing them.

Approximately the list of studies should include:

  • A general blood test will show deviations from the norm of various blood parameters: leukocytes, red blood cells, protein, hemoglobin, Addison-Birmer pathology, which provokes disruptions in blood flow and occurs with vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • The integrity of nerve structures is determined using electroneuromyography. If they are damaged, then neuropathy or carpal syndrome is ensured;
  • Ultrasound, CT, MRI are informative techniques that reveal all pathologies of the examined area;
  • X-rays check the integrity of the bone skeleton.

How to help yourself?

Doctors say that such a symptom as numbness of the head also occurs in healthy people. It is necessary to be alarmed and contact only if the decrease in sensitivity occurs systematically and over a long period of time. However, it is not recommended to delay treatment. The fact is that if treatment is delayed, the doctor will no longer be able to determine the original cause of the disease, and the patient will have to treat the advanced diagnosis for a long time.

Sometimes a patient may be sent for urgent hospitalization when his head becomes numb. The reasons for this may vary, and hospitalization is indicated only in severe conditions.

Also, if the sensitivity of the scalp decreases, it is recommended to obtain a referral for a biochemical blood test. This is necessary in order to identify the presence of an inflammatory process and begin treatment on time. If the cause does not lie in the head, then it is necessary to examine the neck and upper spine.

Why you should never rely on treatment with folk remedies for such a phenomenon

Self-diagnosis for paresthesia cannot be correct, because the patient is unable to objectively assess symptoms and does not have access to medical equipment.

Attempts at self-medication with folk remedies are ineffective because:

  1. It is impossible to identify the cause of discomfort at home.
  2. Traditional medicine methods involve taking tinctures of herbs and spices, which can cause allergic reactions, nausea, abdominal pain and other side effects.
  3. For hypoesthesia, a common folk remedy is massage. But with degradation of the vertebrae, massaging can lead to displacement of the intervertebral discs, which will intensify the symptoms and cause severe pain.
  4. Using traditional methods instead of evidence-based medicines, refusing medical support in favor of folk experience will worsen the patient’s well-being.
  5. While taking medications with unproven effectiveness to relieve numbness, the real cause of the disease remains unnoticed, and the ailment increases.

Diagnosis of diseases

So, many diseases have been analyzed that cause the scalp to go numb. The causes of the disease must be diagnosed very carefully and only under the supervision of the attending physician. In modern medicine, there are many methods for diagnosing this symptom. It is important to choose the one that will really help identify the cause.

The main methods for identifying the cause of numbness in the head include:

  • computed tomography;
  • MRI (indicated if theoretically the patient develops a benign or malignant tumor);
  • electroneuromyography (helps identify the specific nerve that causes numbness in the scalp);
  • X-ray;
  • ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels (ultrasound of cervical vessels can also be prescribed if the doctor assumes that the cause of numbness lies precisely in cervical osteochondrosis).

Why does your face go numb when you have a headache?

Decreased tissue sensitivity caused by an uncomfortable posture or prolonged stay in one position does not require treatment. Just wait a little and the symptoms will disappear on their own. To speed this up, you need to do a light massage of the problem area.

However, hypoesthesia of the head and neck does not always go away without any consequences; it can also be a symptom of a disease. If numbness occurs regularly and is accompanied by other clinical signs, such as fever, decreased hearing and vision, then the person may need to consult a neurologist, or a full examination.

Remember that it is better to prevent a problem than to get rid of many complications later. The following accompanying signs may indicate the danger of hypoesthesia:

  • slurred speech;
  • involuntary emptying of the bladder;
  • unsteady gait, dizziness;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Based solely on the main and accompanying symptoms, it is difficult to determine what causes numbness of the scalp; the reasons can only be found out after examination and tests. In addition, sometimes diagnosis can be based on secondary symptoms. Numbness due to double vision and lack of coordination can be caused by:

  • pinched nerve;
  • injuries;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • tumor.

Some severe conditions require urgent hospitalization, especially those caused by traumatic brain injury, which can cause bleeding in the brain. Particular danger lies in fractures of the cheekbones, eye sockets and upper jaw.

A concussion whose symptoms do not go away within a few days may also indicate a more serious brain injury that must be diagnosed.

Why does my head go numb?

Stroke is a serious acute condition that requires emergency medical care. Facial numbness may be the first sign of an onset

half of the body.

Sometimes trigeminal neuralgia manifests itself in the form of such symptoms.

Hypertensive crisis. Numbness of the face in this condition is most often associated with transient cerebrovascular accident.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Migraine. In some patients, the face goes numb before an attack of headache - a peculiar manifestation of the aura.

Cervical osteochondrosis. Numbness of the face and headache have the same cause in cervical osteochondrosis - pinched nerve roots.

Neuroses, various mental disorders and diseases of the nervous system.

Often, when a patient comes to the doctor complaining that he has a headache and his face is numb, it is not possible to immediately understand the cause of this symptom. It is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and prescribe consultations with other specialists.

Most often, if one part of the head goes numb, this is not a symptom of any serious disease.

When a person discovers the first alarming symptoms that are repeated repeatedly, he thinks about what triggered them. Only a doctor can answer such a question. He must first conduct all the necessary examinations and only then accurately diagnose the presence of any disease.

A specific symptom is often accompanied by tingling of the lips or the entire face. Sometimes it is accompanied by swelling and a burning sensation in the tissues; control over the facial muscles may decrease or be lost. Serious diseases are diagnosed in 20% of cases when the symptom appears.

Many people ask the question of what to do if the face goes numb. Doctors call this condition paresthesia.

“Masha, why are you so scared, what happened?” asked the husband, entering the room. “Yes, you’ll get scared here, all of a sudden your face goes numb.

I just sat there with knitting needles in my hands, everything was fine. I saw you through the window, turned my head, and there was a crunch in my neck, and there was muteness in half my face.”

Strange, isn't it? But such cases are not rare, even among young women. Why the face goes numb and what to do about it is what we will talk about in this article.

The face goes numb - the reasons are illness

Usually, numbness on one side of the head is not dangerous and indicates that, for some external reason, blood circulation in the brain has been disrupted. However, you should be wary if it happens for no reason or lasts for a long time, or if attacks occur on a regular basis.

At risk are older people over 60 years of age, in whom this may be a symptom of a more serious brain disease, or indicate a circulatory disorder. If the left side of the head goes numb, it is usually harmless, but if the left half of the body is numb, this may indicate a stroke, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.

When do facial muscles hurt?

It is characterized by the development of purulent inflammation in the bones of the facial skull. Most often it is a complication of long-term caries, pulpitis, periodontitis. Pain in the bones of the face is accompanied by symptoms such as

bodies up to 38

C, malaise, weakness, swelling of the facial skin.

The most dangerous and severe of them is

base of the skull. The most common is a broken nose. For fractures of the facial bones, the following symptoms are noted:

  • strong pain;
  • swelling in the facial area;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages (with fractures of the base of the skull, hemorrhages around the eyes are most typical - the so-called “symptom of glasses”);
  • discharge of clear fluid or blood from the ear;
  • deformation of the nose due to fractures.

In this case, pain in the facial area is accompanied by

. Pathology can develop after

, transferred

Such pathologies are called

. They are caused by irritation of the nerve as a result of its compression by a tumor, an enlarged tortuous vessel, other pathological formations, as a result of the inflammatory process. Sometimes the causes of neuralgia cannot be determined.

The nature of facial pain differs depending on which nerve in the facial area is affected.

Facial nerve pain

The most typical disorder is the movement of facial muscles in one half of the face. In this case, the right or left side of the patient’s face seems to droop; there are no movements or facial expressions.

When laughing and expressing other emotions, the face becomes asymmetrical.

There is a widening of the palpebral fissure on the affected side, dryness of the eye (a symptom that is called lagophthalmos among neurologists).

Many patients report disturbances in the sense of taste.

In rare cases, neuritis of the facial nerve manifests itself in the form of severe pain in the face and ear, with the simultaneous appearance of herpetic rashes.

Diagnosis and treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve is carried out by a neurologist. 90% of patients ultimately recover completely, and all their symptoms disappear without a trace.

Trigeminal neuralgia

The trigeminal nerve is the main sensory nerve in the facial area. It has three branches: upper, middle and lower. The characteristics of the pain depend on which of the three branches is affected, and on the characteristics of its course and branches.

Source: https://novosibmemorial.ru/pochemu-nemeet-lico-pri-golovnoj-boli/

Treatment for numb scalp

So, the doctor diagnosed a disease that makes the patient’s head numb. The reasons can be varied and treatment is prescribed based on what ailment was diagnosed in the patient. There are two methods of treatment: non-medicinal and medicinal.

Non-drug treatments include acupuncture, physical therapy and massage. It has been proven that medical massage helps to quickly restore blood circulation in the scalp, which relieves pain and eliminates numbness.

Drug treatment is prescribed when serious causes are identified. For hypertension and atherosclerosis, the doctor prescribes medications that relieve pressure surges or medications that lower cholesterol levels. It is also possible to prescribe hormonal drugs to the patient or drugs that have a positive effect on blood circulation.

If the cause of numbness is determined to be neuralgic, then anticonvulsants or drugs that relieve muscle spasms are prescribed.

Disease Prevention

It is known that a disease is easier to prevent than to cure. There are several general rules that can really help protect yourself from diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension and neuralgia. First you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, you don’t have to limit yourself in everything. You can, for example, drink alcohol, but only in small quantities.

It is also important to exercise and develop physically. Good physical shape can protect a person from diseases such as osteochondrosis. It is also important to eat right. To do this, you need to monitor your diet daily and eliminate harmful foods. It must be remembered that large amounts of fatty, fried or sweet foods can significantly increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood. Quitting smoking completely will also be an excellent preventive measure.

Prevention if part of the head goes numb

Depending on the nature of numbness, measures are taken to prevent it. Preventive actions will be effective if the paresthesia is temporary.

Its course does not worsen, is not complicated by other symptoms, and it can go away on its own when the compressive or other irritating factor is eliminated.

Recommendations for prevention:

  1. Control the position of the neck and the tilt of the head when performing any work. The angle of inclination should not be critical.
  2. Control your posture and shoulder girdle. The head and neck are connected to the rest of the spine through the shoulder region. It is necessary to ensure that all physiological curves of the spine are maintained, but not to overstrain the muscles of the arms and shoulders.
  3. It is important to monitor your blood sugar levels, especially for people with diabetes.
  4. Include substances containing B vitamins in your diet. A lack of these vitamins leads to disruption of electrical conductivity along nerve fibers due to damage to their membranes.
  5. Neck exercises help strengthen muscles and prevent pinching of nerves and blood vessels.
  6. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking, their toxic effects have a bad effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
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