Treatment of depression with homeopathy: reviews

What is depression

Treating depression with homeopathy is one way to cope with the disease. Therapy is carried out in combination with antidepressants. Depression is a mental disorder. Translated from Latin, the word means “to suppress.” In order for a patient to receive such a diagnosis, it is necessary to identify the so-called “depressive triad”: depressed mood (loss of interest in oneself and others), a negative stream of thoughts (pessimism) and reduced motor activity. The main signs of depression include partial or complete lack of appetite, as well as insomnia.

The disease provokes a disorder of the nervous system. Most often it occurs in winter. Feelings of depression, apathy, and hopelessness constantly accompany depression. The disease can be of two types: exogenous and endocrine. The first occurs in people with somatic illnesses, problems in their personal lives or at work. Depressive episodes may not last long and may come and go intermittently. The second provokes mental problems, lasts a long time, and is difficult to treat.


Treatment of depression with homeopathy, if it is not prolonged and occurs periodically, is effective in 80% of cases. Recognizing the disease is not difficult, because the symptomatic picture is pronounced. The patient experiences a depressed mood, which lasts from several days to weeks. A person is overcome by melancholy, he becomes indifferent to his appearance, environment, situation. Anxiety and restlessness appear or intensify. One of the main symptoms of depression is the inability to enjoy things that previously gave pleasure and brought positive emotions.

Signs of depression are also considered to be decreased attention, self-esteem, self-deprecation, and constant feelings of guilt. Sleep is disturbed, thoughts of suicide arise, and the person sometimes even tries to commit suicide. Important symptoms of depression include loss of appetite or, conversely, gluttony, which was not previously observed.

Many people believe that depression is not a disease and does not need to be treated. It's a delusion. A depressive state does not go away on its own, but provokes the emergence of various health problems, aggravates chronic diseases, and causes relapses.

Homeopathic treatments for depression

Let's look at alternative ways to treat depression. Moreover, emotional disorders have long been successfully treated with homeopathic medicines. In homeopathy, the mind and body are a single whole , so not only the physical, but also the psychological characteristics of the patient are important.

Beck scale to assess the degree of depression . Test results on this scale show improvement within 12 weeks after starting to take homeopathic medicines (a fairly short period for treating depression). Patients progress from moderate to mild (subdepression) and then to no depressive symptoms at all.

Here are some of the extensive list of herbal remedies used by homeopathic doctors:

  1. Mustard is against depression.
  2. Gentian – with a constant feeling of despondency.
  3. Pine - against feelings of guilt.
  4. Olive oil – to increase stamina.
  5. Elm – against constant fatigue.
  6. Hornbeam – to increase energy.

What homeopathic remedies are traditional remedies for depression?

- "Arnica Montana" - against anxiety and depression caused by financial losses.

- “Kali Phosphoricum” - to strengthen motivation, determination and courage.

- “Sepia” - for people who feel isolated from society and experience chronic fatigue.

- “Natrium Muriaticum” (salt) - for those who have problems in communication and at the same time a feeling of loneliness and depression.

— “Arsenicum album” is prescribed to restless, irritable, whiny people who are obsessed with thoughts of suicide, as well as to those who are maniacally neat.

— “Aurum Metallicum” is suitable for people with an exaggerated sense of guilt and extremely low self-esteem.

— “Graffites.” People who often have thoughts about death, especially in the evening, or have a feeling of despair and anxiety in the morning, respond well to it.

— “Ignacia” is for those who have lost loved ones or experienced great disappointment.

— “Nux vomica” is most suitable for people who keep their grief to themselves, suppress it and are unable to express it openly. They can be irritable and intolerant of noise, strong odors and bright lights.

— “Meadow shot” alleviates teenage depression that occurs due to hormonal imbalance.

St. John's wort in the treatment of depression

One of the most famous plants is St. John's wort . It has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Is it effective in treating depression? Without a doubt. Hippocrates wrote about this in his works.

The aerial parts, which are collected at the beginning of flowering, contain at least 10 useful ingredients: hypericin, hyperforin, flavonoids, etc. Although hypericin has always been considered the main component of St. John's wort, scientists now suggest that hyperforin and procyanides are also antidepressants.

Compare: a daily dose of the antidepressant Imipramine (100 mg) gives the same therapeutic effect as 1050 mg of St. John's wort extract. In addition, St. John's wort causes fewer adverse reactions than pharmaceutical drugs, although it also cannot be called an absolutely safe remedy.

27 studies involving thousands of patients confirmed that St. John's wort extract is effective for mild to moderate depression. The mechanisms of action of the plant have not yet been studied. It has been suggested that it is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor.


Homeopathy for depression is one of the options for getting rid of the problem, which is not traditional. The main therapy includes medication. A treatment plan for depression often looks like this:

  • Selection of antidepressants, taking into account the dosage and regimen of drug therapy. The doctor selects medications based on the symptoms and picture of the disease.
  • Carrying out a course of therapy aimed at reducing the number of symptoms. It not only reduces symptoms, but also completely relieves the patient of them and restores the nervous system.
  • Carrying out a maintenance course of therapy. It is carried out within six months after the patient’s condition returns to normal. Therapy is aimed at preventing relapse.
  • The use of traditional methods and homeotherapy. Infusions, herbal teas, and mixtures of medicinal herbs are recommended.
  • Psychotherapy is indicated for patients with depression caused by problems in their personal life or at work. Sessions with a psychologist can help resolve the situation and look at it in a new way.

Treatment of depression with homeopathy

Since 1995, homeopathic doctors have been deeply involved in a narrow area of ​​homeopathy - homeopathy of mental illness. Over the years, more than a thousand patients with depression of different ages – men and women, teenagers – have been seen. And the center’s doctors helped all of them - they undergo testing and diagnostics twice a year to prevent a recurrence of the disease. They are healthy, happy, working and do not take chemicals!

In the arsenal of homeopathic doctors there are about 1000 homeopathic mono-medicines that act on the human psyche. Experienced specialists create their own individual recipe for each individual case. Not a single recipe has ever been repeated! And, indeed, each person is individual, and with regard to the psyche, there can be no question of “replicating” recipes on the Internet or among friends.

If you or your loved ones suffer from such a complex and serious illness as depression, do not waste time!

Treatment is inexpensive - anyone can afford it! And you will feel the results already in the second week of taking individual homeopathic mono remedies. The center’s doctors use the most modern diagnostic and treatment equipment to help achieve quick and stable results. These are diagnostics using the Voll method, ART, and the therapeutic procedure of BRT.

Introducing the doctor

Tatyana Vladimirovna Valyasina

Leading specialist of the center, experience of medical work as a homeopath for 24 years!

Successfully cures gastrointestinal, endocrine, gynecological, allergic diseases in adults and children. Vast experience in treating adenoids, enuresis and autism with homeopathy!

Reception days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday from 9.00 to 21.00

The cost of an initial appointment with a complete diagnosis of the body is 4980 rubles.

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Treatment of depression and neurosis with homeopathy is one of the methods of getting rid of the disease. But prevention is always better than any therapy. After completing a course of treatment for depression, it is important for the patient to follow some recommendations that will help avoid relapse.

  • Compliance with the work and rest regime. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day. This will help the body recover faster and minimize stress.
  • The absence of bad habits allows you to keep your body in good shape. Nicotine, alcohol, and some medications can trigger depression. It is a mistake to believe that with their help it is easy to forget about problems.
  • Trusting relationships with loved ones will also help to consolidate the results of homeopathy treatment for depression. Support from relatives improves mood and raises self-esteem.
  • Unattainable goals, a lot of work, lack of personal life and rest lead to exhaustion of the nervous system and depression. Hobbies, new hobbies and positive emotions will bring positivity.

Features of homeopathy

Does homeopathy really help with depression? Homeopathy is a type of alternative medicine that is based on two principles. The first - “like cures like” means that an overdose of drugs aggravates the symptoms of the disease, and the second - the medicine will work more effectively if it is the least concentrated. That is why homeopaths use the most diluted composition to treat diseases, including depression. Homeopathic medicines are plant extracts and chemical elements (gold, sulfur, calcium, iodine) dissolved to low concentrations.

Homeopathy is practiced by qualified specialists with medical education who have completed additional specialization courses. There are different opinions about the effectiveness of homeopathy in treating diseases. Many people present personal experience as confirmation of the effectiveness of the technique. Those who treated depression with homeopathy do not refute its positive effect on the body, but no one provides serious scientific arguments.


Who has homeopathy helped with depression? Judging by the reviews, many recovered after this therapy. The principle of its action is similar to antidepressants, including the strength of the components. Indications for taking homeopathic medications are depression, as well as other somatic diseases.

One of the most popular remedies are infusions and tablets based on St. John's wort. “Winter depression”, anxiety states, and neuroses respond well to treatment with homeopathic medicines. Therapy eliminates symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, apathy, and lethargy. It is recommended instead of tranquilizers for people who have experienced the death of loved ones.

The peculiarity of homeopathic medicines is that they have a gentle effect on the human body. That is why combined use with other medications is allowed, but only after consultation with your doctor. For example, Aurum metallicum contains gold compounds. The drug harmonizes disturbed processes in the body, puts the nervous system in order, and eliminates insomnia.


As a rule, a person cannot maintain mental balance and peace for a long time. Repeated stress at home and at work, economic situation, air pollution, chemicals in food and much more leads to loss of strength, loss of joy, interests, desires, which can be the beginning of serious mental disorders.

If the depressed state continues for more than 2 weeks and advice such as “pull yourself together”, friendly support or reproaches for weak will are no longer effective, then most likely this is not a “whim”, but evidence of the onset of the disease or its relapse.

And although, in most cases, depression responds well to treatment, its prevalence has only intensified in recent years. Sadly, this often happens because the person himself or his loved ones do not take the symptoms seriously for too long until the situation goes too far.

Depression is one of the most serious human problems of the 21st century. According to experts from the World Health Organization, by 2020 it will take second place as a cause of death and disability among the population, second only to cardiovascular diseases. If left untreated, depression can lead to suicide attempts, complete withdrawal, refusal to fulfill most life responsibilities, and family breakdown.

Insomnia, loss of appetite, and increasing stress caused by depression lead to significant disturbances in the body, complicate the functioning of the heart, and can even serve as a starting point for irreversible mental pathologies.

To date, researchers have not yet clarified the hereditary nature of depression, but they have reliably proven a genetic predisposition to it. People with a family history of depression are four times more likely to get the disease compared to those without a family history of depression.

This is a very insidious illness that can manifest itself years after any serious emotional trauma such as loss of loved ones, sexual abuse, accumulated stress, etc.

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Sometimes depression occurs for no apparent external reason. This is the so-called endogenous depression associated with impaired levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. The most important roles of these are played by serotonin (a substance close to hormones that affects consciousness and mood), dopamine and norepinephrine.

Also, side effects of some psychotropic medications can lead to depression. With such medications, modern medicine is trying to cope with Alzheimer's disease, various tumors, atherosclerosis of the brain arteries, hormonal disorders and even the common flu.

And how to deal with this? “Life is beautiful and amazing if you choose the right antidepressants” - the bitter sarcasm of this phrase for many became a saving decision, returning meaning and color to existence or... replacing this meaning.

At the beginning of the 19th century, doctors prescribed opium for depression, and at the turn of the 20th century, cocaine elixirs came into fashion. In the 1920s they were replaced by amphetamines. Then came the era of addictive tranquilizers like Valium. All these “medicines” were sold absolutely legally and were considered a panacea for growing mental problems.

In our time, attempts to find a miracle remedy that would restore the lost mental balance without any effort on the part of a person have culminated in the birth of an entire “Prozac generation” - millions of people in America take these “happy pills” for the slightest reason and just in case.

Meanwhile, for people who do not suffer from serious depression, these medications are contraindicated and dangerous. Traditionally, drugs like Prozac are believed to restore the balance of serotonin in the brain, but recently more and more scientists believe that in fact their effect on the brain is much more complex and not fully understood.

Although the largest pharmaceutical companies continue to prove the safety of antidepressants, new evidence of side effects has already led to restrictions on their sales in European countries such as England and Germany. Choosing a drug and treatment regimen is a responsible process that should only be carried out by a qualified physician.

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If the use of antidepressants is justified only in severe cases, does this mean that depression can be ignored for the time being? Of course, this is not so - the disease is always easier to defeat at the initial stage.

Homeopathic approach to treating depression

Like any other disease, there is no panacea for depression. Each person has his own depression, with its own peculiarities, therefore it must also be treated individually.

It is the individual approach to treating a person that homeopathy uses. The founder of classical homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, once said: “There are no diseases, only sick people.” Taking this principle as a basis, he proved with successful practice that homeopathic medicines act not on one organ, but on the entire body as a whole.

Each drug acts on the respiratory, digestive and other systems, but primarily on the mental sphere of a person. Moreover, each homeopathic “drug” has its own favorite target organs, on which its effect is reflected most clearly. The subtle system of mental health discussed above is no exception.

Homeopathic remedies can provide quick and lasting relief in cases of mild to severe depression. The key point is to select the correct treatment that is most suitable for a particular person. The high effectiveness of these drugs is partly explained by the exact correspondence of the drug to the patient’s personality and individual symptoms.

For example, the homeopathic medicine Ignatia is typically prescribed to a person who has become depressed after the loss of a loved one.

Unlike antidepressants, a properly selected homeopathic remedy has no side effects. Instead of suppressing symptoms, a homeopathic remedy selected according to the principle “like cures like” produces changes in precisely the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe psyche that is causing the imbalance, thereby stimulating vitality and promoting self-healing.

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Everyone knows the phenomenon of postpartum depression in women. The consequences of this “common phenomenon” are unpredictable and dangerous for both mother and child.

Medicines should be taken only after consultation with your homeopath and, always, with your doctor. Listed below are some types of remediation and the corresponding symptoms for which they are used.

  • Natrum Muriaticum Feeling of inconsolability. You hold back your sobs, but it doesn’t work. You feel betrayed by those you trusted. Hard memories. Poor relationship with one of the parents (or both). Desire for salty things. Worse from sun and hot weather.
  • Aurum Metallicum Ambitious, competent, purposeful, but failures make you depressed. Everything is getting out of control. Easily offended by criticism and feels humiliated. Physical and emotional problems worsen at night. Thoughts of suicide (if this last symptom applies to you, seek professional medical and mental health help immediately!)

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How to use

Can depression be treated with homeopathy? This alternative method can be a complement to primary therapy. It has been proven that emotional disorders can be successfully treated with homeopathic medicines. In order to assess the patient's condition, the Beck scale is used. Judging by it, improvements in patients occur after three months of taking the drugs.

Homeopathic doctors use herbal remedies such as mustard, gentian, pine, olive oil, elm, and hornbeam for therapy. They are indicated if the patient experiences guilt, fatigue, despondency, or lack of energy. Traditionally, the following drugs are used to treat depression: Arnica Montana, Kali Phosphoricum, Sepia, Natrium Muriaticum, Arsenicum album, Graphites, Ignacia, Nux vomica, Lugovoi lumbago .

Like traditional medicine, homeopathy uses psychiatric therapy to treat depression. For patients with insomnia, Arnica or diluted phosphoric acid is recommended before bedtime.

Homeopathic treatment

The effectiveness of drug therapy for depressive conditions is undeniable at the last stage of the disease. In the treatment of a developing disease, the prerogative is given to the psychological management of the patient.

Homeopathic treatment for depression is aimed at internal correction of the human body.

Drugs are selected depending on the cause of the mental disorder, taking into account the patient’s constitution.

  • Arsenikum album – for pedants who are tearful and irritable
  • Sepia – for lonely people who have a weak body and reduced performance from birth
  • Cali Phosphorikum – for indecisive and shy people prone to self-deprecation
  • Nux vomica – for closed strong personalities who tend to experience everything inside themselves without bringing it out
  • Ignatia – for depression as a result of loss of loved ones
  • Graphites – for those prone to suicide.

As a symptomatic treatment, if the condition is accompanied by insomnia, it is recommended to take the homeopathic drug Arnica (Arnica) in dilutions - 3, 6 and 12.


Depression is a serious condition of the human body and psyche. Its peculiarity is that in the absence of proper therapy, the disease becomes more severe. Reviews of homeopathy treatment for depression confirm that the disease can only be gotten rid of in a complex manner. Patients who have coped with depression note that the main thing is to find a professional homeopath and not self-medicate.

Homeopathy copes well with depression, improves mood, fights symptoms, cleanses the body, and gently restores the nervous system. The disadvantages are that you cannot treat yourself with this method; it is easy to encounter charlatans, especially on the Internet; if depression is severe, homeopathy may not help; individual intolerance to homeopathic medicines.

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