How to cheer up a girl on VK, your beloved. Methods, photos, music, SMS, poetry

How to cheer up a girl you love from a distance?

If you can’t see a girl, but she’s definitely not in the best mood, then you should use modern technology.

Before you start corresponding with a girl on a social network, you need to take into account several important nuances:

What is acceptable during correspondenceWhat is not allowed
Humor, but jokes must be good. You should also refrain from black humor. Irony. For many, this is a type of humor, however, if the girl is sad, this will be unnecessary.
Support. If a girl talks about her problem, then you need to try to calm her down and find reasons that will help her look at the situation from a different angle. Criticism. Even if, in the man’s opinion, the girl herself is to blame for the fact that she is now sad, there is no point in writing about it.
Compliments. Every person loves when others talk about his positive qualities. Therefore, you can praise the girl’s intelligence, admire her beauty and determination. Vulgarity. You shouldn’t compliment certain parts of a girl’s body and reduce everything to vulgar remarks and jokes. Even if a representative of the opposite sex is flattered by such comments, in a moment of sadness they can only make her angry.
Tell about a similar situation that happened to a man and looked more comical.Make yourself look like a clown. If a girl decides that a completely frivolous person is communicating with her, then she will not only not stop being sad, but will also be upset because she spent so much time corresponding with some clown.

You need to try to redirect the correspondence in a positive direction so that the girl takes her mind off her problems. If she wants to speak out, then she must be given this opportunity. Some, on the contrary, prefer to keep everything to themselves. In such a situation, you should not put too much pressure and insist that the girl talk about the problems that torment her.

Ideas for VK

You can cheer up a girl when chatting on VK in the following ways:

  • Wish you good night or a good day. Such minor manifestations of attention are always pleasant and are rarely perceived negatively. But it charges with positivity. Additionally, you can send a thematic emoticon or a positive picture in the message, for example a photo of a sunrise.
  • Send a funny video. The main thing is to correctly understand what is really funny and cute, and what can go beyond some limits. For example, you can send a video of a funny kitten playing with its tail or something else like that. You should not send a video of a person falling and being hurt or being scared. Such videos are quite controversial, on the one hand they are funny, but on the other hand, there is nothing funny about the fact that a person is in pain or could have a heart attack from fright. Therefore, it is important to choose a neutral theme; it is best to give preference to animals.
  • Compliment. Every girl is pleased to hear something good about herself. The main thing is not to overdo it and not look arrogant. For example, you could say, “I never cease to be amazed at how great you look in photographs. This is the first time I’ve seen such a photogenic face.” Or you could write something like, “It’s not often you meet a girl with such a great sense of humor.” The main thing is that the compliment does not cross the line of vulgarity. You can also say that the girl looks like some beautiful Hollywood actress. But, with such a compliment, you need to choose a celebrity that the girl really resembles in some way.

    You can cheer up a girl by sending her a compliment in the form of a beautiful postcard.

  • Tell a joke or story. The topic should be detached and not intersect with the topic that made her sad.
  • Present. The VK social network has an option that allows you to purchase special themed stickers and send them to another user as a gift. In this case, you can choose an image of a beautiful bouquet of flowers and send it to your girlfriend. It is always much nicer to receive such a gift. If it is not possible to purchase such a surprise, then you can show originality and draw something yourself. Even if the picture is far from a work of art, the girl will be very pleased that the young man spent time and tried to do something unusual for her.

SMS examples

It is more difficult to cheer up a girl without seeing her reaction, but you can also try to cheer her up through text messages. For example, you can write something like: “I’ll write to you, I’ll sin a little. You are beautiful beyond measure, you undermined my faith.”

Just like when corresponding on a social network, you can use various emoticons and pictures in a text message. You can tell a funny incident that just happened. For example, a young man was standing in line at a store and accidentally broke a jar of pickles. As a result, the whole line was looking at him, and he was covered in marinade.

Usually such stories about an awkward situation that happened to another person make you think that your own experiences are not so critical, since it can be even worse.

For example, if a girl was upset because she forgot to put makeup on one eye in the morning and walked around all day with only part of the makeup, then you can say that when the cucumber jar broke, the brine splashed on the guy’s jeans in such a way that it looked like this as if he had relieved himself.

In this form he had to go home and, as luck would have it, on the way he met friends and neighbors. It is also recommended to write short jokes in SMS so that the girl does not get bored reading entire “sheets” of text. It’s better to choose something meaningful, but very funny.

Ideas for a phone conversation

During a telephone conversation it is important:

  • Do not remain silent and do not create awkward pauses. If a girl herself wants to speak out, you need to give her the opportunity to do so and say that the situation is not so critical. You can also recall a similar story and tell how everything ended well in the end.
  • It is important to monitor the intonation of your voice. You need to speak calmly, do not interrupt the girl, do not shout. The timbre of a pleasant male voice is sometimes enough to make a representative of the fair sex feel much better.
  • If possible, you should try to move the conversation in a more optimistic direction.
  • If a girl is not in the mood to talk on the phone, then you need to try to say that the young man wants to call her literally for one minute to hear her voice. This will melt the tension a little. If the girl agrees, then perhaps the conversation can be extended.
  • If a girl doesn’t start talking about her problems first, you shouldn’t force her to talk. You need to have a conversation on distant topics that will be interesting to her. For example, you can ask for advice on what series or movie to watch. If she names it, then note that the name sounds very interesting.

Anecdotes will help lift anyone's spirits.
However, you need to understand that we are talking about a girl. Therefore, if she does not work as a programmer, she will be completely uninterested in jokes from the series “If programmers are in power, ministers will be replaced with small scripts.” Also, don’t tell jokes “about your mother-in-law,” “about blondes,” or vulgarities. It’s better to choose something neutral, for example, about animals: “A claustrophobic turtle no longer knows where to hide when someone scares him.”

Using a page on social networks

Most popular social networks provide the ability to leave various links, images, and videos on the user’s so-called wall. A great option to leave a beautiful or positive song on a girl’s wall. Music can also be sent via private message.

It’s also worth remembering the “old school” and the fact that nothing is as pleasant as a song that a guy himself wrote and sang with a guitar. Since the main goal is to amuse the girl, it is not necessary to concentrate on your vocal abilities. On the contrary, if there is no hearing and voice, then it will turn out much funnier.

Ideas for involving pen pals

In this case, there are many options. For example, you can make a small virtual flash mob. To do this, each of the friends must take a photo with a piece of paper on which part of the text is written. For example, one person’s photo will have the inscription “Katya!”, another will say “Don’t be sad,” and a third will say “Everything will work out!” Such a step will not leave any girl indifferent and she will definitely smile.

How to write an optimistic letter?

To make a girl forget about her sorrows, you can write her a whole letter. Its main meaning should be that she can always count on a young man. You need to tell in the letter that troubles happen, but this is not a reason to be sad, because there are so many beautiful things in the world.

For example, a beautiful sunrise, the smiles of loved ones, etc. You need to try to get the girl to understand that the situation seems difficult now, but as time passes, everything will no longer seem so. So why be sad on such a beautiful day.

Don't be afraid to be romantic or talk about your feelings directly. Girls appreciate this behavior and, of course, such a message will make her want to smile.

Let's cheer up by correspondence

It is not possible to support your loved one nearby, then, while at a distance, write a pleasant message on the phone.

  • Go to her Instagram profile, like her posts and write a nice comment on them.
  • In order not to be tormented by thoughts of what to write, as soon as you wake up, wish good morning and a good day to your friend. A small action will fill her heart with positive emotions from the very beginning of the day. Closer to bed, do not forget to say good night.
  • Share a funny picture or video. Try to refrain from making silly or vulgar jokes if they may not be appropriate or understood. Try to use interesting stories with animals.
  • While talking on the phone, tell a funny story. After all, laughter helps prolong life and get rid of negative thoughts.

Such simple methods can return a girl to a good mood. If you have other methods, please indicate them in the comments.

Ways to cheer up if a girl is nearby

If a guy lives with a girl or sees her often, then there are much more options to improve her mood. For example, if your loved one is sad, then it's time to go to the kitchen and try out your cooking skills.

You can choose a dish that you are guaranteed will not be able to cook the first time. Seeing a mountain of burnt pancakes with whipped cream smiles and the confused eyes of her lover, the girl will definitely laugh. Or you can cook something that the young man really does well. This will also impress the girl.

Gifts or unusual surprises will help lift a girl's spirits. For example, you can overcome the blues by going shopping. If this option seems boring and the fair sex herself does not gravitate towards shopping, then it is worth taking a more original path.

For example, you can say: “Okay, let’s stop being sad, let’s go skydiving or water skiing.” Such an unusual offer will make you forget about your troubles. If a girl loves adrenaline, then she will enthusiastically accept such an invitation. But you need to start from the interests of a particular person.

If a girl loves flowers, then you can bring her an armful of daisies, since roses seem too pretentious to many today. With sufficient financial stability, you can disperse the melancholy by going on vacation. No girl will be sad on the beach next to the beautiful sea.

If nothing helps and your beloved is still sad, then you need to turn to her friends for help. Girls always feel each other subtly. Moreover, sometimes it is easier to speak out to your friends than to your boyfriend or even your husband.

Therefore, you can organize a small bachelorette party for the girl. For example, you should invite her friends home, and find an excuse yourself and leave the house for a while so that your beloved can talk it out. Or you can pay for a day at the spa for a girl and her friend. Such procedures are very relaxing and put you in a positive mood.

It happens that girls don’t particularly like communicating with their friends. In this case, you can order a huge pizza home, find a lot of comedies and suggest spending the evening eating pizza and watching great movies.

Nuances that are important to remember

The reasons for sadness can be serious, and sometimes ladies feel sad for no reason. First, it is important to understand why the chosen one is dissatisfied, otherwise the “test” SMS and songs will seem like a mockery to her. It's worth asking her what happened. If the partner has decided to remain silent, then there is no need to “interrogate” her. You can’t focus your friend’s attention on her bad mood - this will worsen the situation. A girl in such a situation may become completely depressed and start crying.

You can try to get your loved one to talk by asking a neutral question. The goal is to push your beloved to a sincere open conversation so that she herself wants to share the problem. After this, it is important to listen carefully. There is no need to tell cautionary tales similar to her situation. It is not recommended to “burden” your partner with your worries. The girl will be offended and see selfishness in this.

It is forbidden to criticize your companion or impose an opinion. She only wants to hear words of love and support. She will like compliments and virtual gifts. If the girl smiled and began to communicate more cheerfully, then you can make her laugh with an anecdote. The dialogue should end on an optimistic note.

To prevent your chosen one from being sad, you can simply sincerely ask about her experiences or cheer her up with gifts and entertainment. The main thing is touching care.

Original ways

Original methods are not limited to imagination. For example, you can send the girl flowers by courier or be more unpredictable. You can come to her house with a tape recorder and hold it over your head, like in the old movies.

A good option is poetry. It's best to write them yourself. However, if things are not going well with your imagination, you can find a lot of interesting quatrains on the Internet. For example: “I like you even when you’re sad, but don’t try to be sad again. After all, life is much more beautiful with a smile!”

Possible mistakes

It’s not difficult to cheer up a girl, but you need to choose the right words. The main mistake of some young people is the use of slang and swear words. Don't joke about women in general or belittle them.

No girl would like such jokes. Moreover, you cannot start asserting that men are smarter or starting topics about feminism and a woman’s responsibilities in the family. Ridicule, sarcasm, black humor are also taboo topics. You shouldn’t say vulgarities, much less offer sex to a girl.

Also, don’t be too annoying and say that the girl’s problem is insignificant, and she’s just making a mountain out of a molehill. It is important to show delicacy and always remain a true gentleman. Otherwise, the interlocutor will only become even more upset and will not continue communication.

How not to joke

Not all jokes about appearance go well with girls. You should be extremely careful here. The fact is that some people don’t like something about their appearance. By being sarcastic about hair, teeth, height, your interlocutor may think that you are hinting at her shortcomings. There is no need to joke about the girl’s surroundings. This is especially true for her friends and family. You should also joke carefully about how your friend behaves. After all, there is a huge difference between a joke and sarcasm.

If you have recently met, you should not resort to vulgar, frank jokes. She may take this as some kind of hint, thinking that you are taking her for an easily accessible person. Remember: “a joke is when both have fun.” If you start sharing memories from your youth, talking about friends whom your friend has never met, it is unlikely that she will laugh sincerely. After all, she doesn’t even understand who you’re talking about! When you say funny things, you don’t need to compare a girl with other girls you’ve had. Well, of course, you should avoid black humor, about violence, death. Of course, if your date is not a goth.

Everything should take place in a relaxed atmosphere, jokes should be sincere, not offend anyone, and be interesting to both. Tell more, dream, don’t let the girl think (be sad) for even a minute!

In what cases should you not have fun?

Sometimes a woman just needs to be close to someone who understands her. At these moments you don’t want to have fun. If we are talking about your spouse, then you can arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner and do some general cleaning to free your wife a little from standard daily household chores. Sometimes all you need is support.

By the way, cleaning can eventually develop into a funny spectacle that your beloved will be happy to watch.

It often happens that no words are needed. If a girl doesn’t want to say anything and doesn’t seem to take jokes and other attempts to make her laugh, it’s enough to hug her and say: “I’m here.” This is exactly what not only women need, but any person in general in a difficult life situation.

Therefore, it all depends on the situation and the specific reasons why the fair sex is sad. There is no point in making a girl laugh if her close relative has died. Jokes in this case are inappropriate. Sometimes, in order to feel better, you just need to cry.

You can cheer up a girl in a variety of ways. The main thing is that they are appropriate and do not cause a backlash. Therefore, you need to show flexibility and always remember that women, although incredibly strong in spirit, deep down in their souls need protection, tenderness and care.

What methods work?

If a sad girl is next to you, or you can come to her, then it will be much easier to raise your mood than at a distance.

  1. Give a gift - it doesn't have to be diamonds or gold. A true lady will also be pleased with a more modest gift. These are: jewelry, perfume, sweets, tea or coffee. The presentation depends on preference. Some people love big and teddy bears, while others will be happy with a bottle of dry or semi-sweet wine. Still others would go crazy if they were given a stick of their favorite sausage.
  2. Have a romantic date. Prepare dinner and have a nice conversation in a homely atmosphere with music and candlelight. If it happens in the summer, then invite your beloved to a picnic outside the city. Interesting romantic dates are also held on the roofs of apartment buildings.
  3. Give flowers - almost all girls love them. Buy a bouquet for your loved one and give it to her for no reason. Her mood will definitely soar.
  4. Give a compliment. Girls love with their ears, no matter how banal it may sound. Don’t forget to remind the lady that she is the most beautiful and most beloved in the world, that you value your relationship very much.
  5. If the relationship has long gone beyond the border of friendship, then give the lady a massage or have sex. Intimacy increases the level of endorphins in the blood, this hormone is responsible for joy.
  6. Indulge in sweets - chocolates, fluffy cakes, cakes... This can dramatically improve the condition of your loved one.
  7. Have a get-together with your girlfriends. Often guys are jealous of the fact that their lovers see their girlfriends. Invite them over and arrange a tea party for them.

Make a memorable date: take a boat ride on the river, go to a concert of your favorite band, visit a new restaurant, or fly in a hot air balloon.

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