How to confess your love to a girl, doing it in an original and beautiful way

How to confess your love to a girl? Falling in love occurs suddenly at first sight or after many years of communication and friendly gatherings; this feeling can creep up quietly and gradually, or it can cover you with an avalanche of surprises. How the process of falling in love proceeds and your temperament will determine whether the chosen one will guess about the feelings that have arisen in her direction. After all, whether you should confess your love to a girl depends on whether she notices your feelings and whether she gave you a reason to think about the possibility of a further relationship. Even if she is busy, you recently had a big fight, or she is not eager to communicate - recognition can change her attitude towards you, since many girls hide their feelings and wait for the first step from the guy.

Prepare for the conversation in advance, even if for her it will be like spontaneity and impromptu. Think about the time and place, find out the girl’s life situation in order to adjust your actions or perhaps postpone them until better times (if she has had a misfortune, then she is unlikely to be able to adequately perceive romantic proposals), or maybe, on the contrary, speed up (if she is thinking about moving to another city only because no one is keeping her here).

Fear, shame and many other feelings become an obstacle to direct and honest confession, because of which people doom themselves to unrequited love. Of course, it is necessary to assess your chances realistically, but refusing recognition due to fear of rejection is pointless. Think about what you will lose by not taking the first step or by taking it, and then evaluate the possible gains in either case. You may decide to change your strategy or charm your beloved by communicating more rather than going straight with confession, but you will have to talk about your feelings, and it’s better to do it yourself and be the first than to wait for a similar question from the girl.

Universal methods

Declaring your love to a woman or man is a very responsible and delicate matter. This requires both determination and accuracy. It all depends on your potential chosen one and the degree of communication. After all, some people like assertiveness, while others may be frightened by the development of events too quickly. If you doubt the reciprocal feelings of your love object, then you must first interest him and get to know him better:

  • Have a romantic evening. A café or restaurant and a relaxed atmosphere will help you chat in private. This option is preferable for men. Flowers and dinner will give the girl the feeling of a fairy tale. By her behavior you will be able to understand a lot and confessing your love will be easier;
  • Show your imagination and surprise your love object. It might be some small surprise. The event should be bright or romantic, but in any case unforgettable. For a girl, you can order a bouquet of flowers with delivery or bring it in person. If you are trying to open up to a guy, then prepare a delicious dish and surprise your loved one with it;
  • Seek help from friends. If you have a mutual friend, then ask him to scout the ground and, if necessary, hint that the sympathy is mutual;
  • Radio call. If you know what wave a potential partner is listening to, we call the airwaves and report our feelings. Even when the object of our love has not heard the message personally, it is likely that friends will relay it to him;
  • Good old letter. What could be more romantic than receiving a letter with declarations of love. Some may consider this old-fashioned, but a person in love will definitely appreciate such a gesture;
  • The Internet is here to help. Nowadays, everyone actively uses messengers and social networks. Post an intriguing post or status and send it to your crush. If this approach gives feedback, then you can be sure that at least they feel serious sympathy for you. If you suddenly encounter a negative reaction, you can always laugh it off as a mistake.

You need to decide for yourself how to confess your feelings. It’s worth thinking about which method appeals to you more. And most importantly, consider the interests of your potential soul mate. After all, it is important by your action not just to show feelings, but to arouse interest and awaken sympathy for your person.

How to confess your love to a girl if you are shy?

Embarrassment arises from ignorance of the situation, the girl herself and her needs. Simply approaching and confessing to someone whose image is fictitious and not known in real-life communication is a difficult task and has an unlikely chance of success. Whether you should confess your love to a girl depends on the level of your courage, but I would like to note in advance that it is unlikely that the girl will understand what is happening if there are no signs of attention from you.

Initially, make sure that she notices you from the rest of the environment, show signs of attention, look after her, and communicate more often on interesting topics. At the same time, she will get used to you, and you will become closer, and accordingly the level of awkwardness during confession will decrease.

Due to strong excitement, because the situation of recognition is a very emotionally significant event, even experienced speakers forget words or start talking complete nonsense, and confident leaders or athletes find themselves shaking in their knees and sweating in their palms. To prevent recognition from spoiling your experience, try to imagine the conversation in as much detail as possible, perhaps rehearse, and it is better to construct the text in a monolithic affirmative form, so that you do not have to wait in the middle for the girl to answer some non-main question (such moments can really throw off the mood and increase the level of anxiety, which will lead to embarrassment and bring everything to naught).

If you can’t find the courage to have a personal conversation, then what remains are beautiful and romantic remote declarations of love. The options are varied: send a bouquet, toy, decoration by courier with a note attached stating your feelings, or send a beautiful postcard signed by your hand; leave a message near her house in the form of balloons on trees, inscriptions on the asphalt, or a custom banner hung up. Having caught your fantasy of remote recognition, refuse the help of SMS, messages on social networks and applications, and do not ask for mutual acquaintances. Such methods will convey information to the girl, but are unlikely to cause an emotional response; some sensitive people may be offended by such confessions or perceived as a joke. The sphere of love for girls is extremely important, so do everything so that they don’t think it’s of little importance to you - she should see that you made an effort.

And, naturally, a declaration of love without personal presence is suitable for the initial reconnaissance step, and if the girl reciprocates your feelings and you meet in person, then repeat, looking into her eyes. Now you have nothing to be ashamed of, because she knows about your feelings and came to the meeting, and she will be pleased to be convinced of the reality of your intentions.

Why doesn't a guy admit his feelings2

Sometimes it happens that you feel sympathy from a guy, but he continues to remain silent. Men are much shyer and more fearful than girls. They take refusal very hard and close down for a long time. In such cases, it is better to take the initiative into your own hands and deal with the problem. Let's see in what cases it is necessary to overcome your fear and how to confess your love to a girl if you are no less shy.

Film "Titanic"

If your beloved is a modest guy, then you can wait a very long time for recognition from him. Yes, most likely he is courageous and brave, but only in other matters. But in matters of the heart he is overcome by fear. He can be silent for a number of reasons:

  • Think about the fact that a guy’s fear of openly telling you about his feelings may be associated with his reverent and tender attitude towards you. He cannot open up because he is afraid of losing you if you are not reciprocated.;
  • Painful rejection in the past. Perhaps the guy had a sad experience when he was rudely refused. Psychological trauma is ingrained and lives within him. And no matter how much he wants to voice his thoughts, he cannot;
  • Words don't make sense. There is a type of man who is confident that their actions and actions speak for themselves. They forget or don’t know that a woman loves with her ears too. Show by example that words work wonders and bring pleasure.

If you feel reciprocity, but there is still no recognition, then someone should break the silence and confess. Otherwise, depressing thoughts will aggravate the situation, and your mutual modesty will deprive you of happiness.

Recognition in VK

Recognition on a social network requires careful attention to literacy and the content of the text. The girl will not see your emotions and appearance, she will not hear your intonations. Therefore, if you decide to send a message, then check it for errors and expand the standard “I love you”. How can you supplement the usual recognition:

  • Tell why you fell in love with the girl, at what moment and why you realized that you were not indifferent to her.
  • Emphasize the meaning of your feelings using comparisons and metaphors.
  • Tell me what you like about a girl.
  • Describe situations that remind you of it and the feelings that arise.

Do not use expressions like “I can’t live without you,” “I need you,” “I love you more than life itself.” A psychologically savvy girl will see in this the prerequisites for a dependent relationship and may refuse the relationship. It’s better to use expressions like “I want to be with you,” “I want to share joys and sorrows with you,” “I want to know how your day was,” “I want to make you happier.”

Write that you constantly think about the girl, imagine your future dates. You can write that you don’t recognize yourself, you are constantly trying to please her, guess her desires, meet by chance.

You can attach a slideshow, video or postcard to the recognition itself. Or you can attach your photo. On it you will smile and hold a heart cut out of paper in your hands. You can create a website with recognition and send a link to it. Thanks to modern free website builders, you can create a one-page website in a couple of minutes. Or come up with your own, more original version. Online recognition can be even brighter than real recognition.

What does fear deprive us of?3

Where does fear or shyness come from that prevents us from living? Why does an obsessive desire to bury your head in the sand appear at the most crucial moment? Some might call it timidity, complexes or cowardice. Now we are talking about both men and women. After all, there are no gender differences in matters of happiness.

It would seem that declare your feelings and fight for love. But many are constantly waiting for something: an opportune moment, an opportunity, a sign from above. Is it worth waiting and postponing happiness for later? Moreover, it often happens when a guy, already in the status of an ex, declares his love.

How can you be sure it's love?

Not sure if you have strong feelings? Maybe this is another temporary sympathy? Here's how to understand that this is love:

  1. You are trying to impress her. This is how psychology works; when we are around objects of desire, we have little control over ourselves and try to show our best sides. Next to her, you can smile more than usual, help people and attract her attention in every possible way. If you care what she thinks, those feelings are strong.
  2. You think about her regularly. If throughout the day you notice that you periodically think about her and want to know if the girl feels the same, then you are in love.
  3. You are ready to improve for her sake. Love pushes not only crazy actions, but also self-improvement - that’s how our brain works. When we are in love, we try to match our other half.
  4. You wish her happiness. If the girl’s state of mind, her experiences and problems are important to you, you are ready to solve them together and wish the girl only happiness, then you are definitely in love. The fact is that true love knows no selfishness: if the state of another person truly worries you, then these are sincere feelings.

How to make sure of your feelings before confessing?

Are your feelings mutual?

Answer yourself the question at what stage your relationship is at.

  • Are you already dating a girl, does she show mutual sympathy?
  • Not in a relationship but experiencing strong cravings?

In any of the options, a declaration of love will help take the relationship to a new level. However, it is worth understanding that in the first case a mutual response is more likely.

If you are not in a relationship with the one you are in love with, but do not want to hide your feelings, talk to her, carefully tell her that you like her and want to create a relationship.

Don't expect a specific answer or a quick reaction. Be prepared that your chosen one will need time to think about what was said. Do not rush the decision - a person has the right to make his own choice, perhaps the chosen one does not share your feelings.

Before the conversation, think about whether it is really about love or lust. In the absence of understanding, it is useful to hold off on frank conversations. Try to get closer to the girl, get to know her better, start a relationship.

Passion at a distance is mistakenly perceived as love, and having achieved a reciprocal feeling, interest disappears.

What exactly should I say?

You can present information to a girl that she likes you in all sorts of ways. But the most important indicator will be the man’s words. Psychologists name a number of correct and incorrect phrases to narrow down the search for options on how to present information about sympathy and love.

You cannot say the following phrases:

  • I love you more than life itself (self-humiliation);
  • I can’t live without you (causing self-pity);
  • I want to spend my whole life only with you (a needy phrase that frightens many);
  • I’m crazy about you, I love you madly (green light for manipulating a man);
  • I love you, and you me? (imposition of oneself and feelings).

How to confess your feelings and not be rejected?

The main rule is not to wait for an answer from the young lady. A declaration of love is a monologue that does not require feedback. If the beauty confesses too, great, no, it’s okay, maybe she wants to think it over and not rush into a decision. If a girl clearly said “no”, it means that she is not your destiny, she should not belong to you and it is pointless to achieve her.

If you feel that a girl also feels something for you, but you still can’t understand what this feeling is, you can declare your love and at the same time dot all the i’s. Here are some useful tips in this controversial situation:

  • speak convincingly, you must understand that the fate of your relationship depends on your persuasiveness;
  • be gentle in your words, do not raise your voice, do not be rude;
  • be strong and prepared for the fact that you may be rejected;
  • respect any of her decisions or reactions;
  • don’t be nervous, if you’re very worried - take a sedative, but under no circumstances alcohol;
  • take this matter more simply (without “corrals”);
  • be yourself, don’t pretend to be a prince on a white horse;
  • speak from the heart and without deception.

Remember, if a lady rejects you, you don’t need to try your luck anymore and bother her about this, you can just stay with friends. Over time, you can switch your attention to other available beauties.

But things don’t always turn out so sadly; there are many cases where a young lady reciprocated recognition, and this was a real holiday for both. Perhaps fate has prepared such a surprise for you too, so dare and win!

What to do if you're afraid to admit your feelings

Fear of rejection, unexpected reactions and ridicule stops people. Prepare and prepare the girl before an important conversation: invite her to a romantic date, make her happy, give flowers, give a compliment, unobtrusively ask about plans for the future.

See reactions to actions and questions. If the attention is approved, the opposite sympathy is felt, feel free to continue talking about frank topics. The woman will see your affection and, perhaps, will take a reciprocal step.

It's normal to feel confused and awkward. Think about the conversation, be yourself and speak in simple language, do not try to impress.

Hint about feelings, be interested in the girl, notice a new hairstyle, show concern. Show signs of attention that will win over your chosen one. A positive reaction on her part means that the feelings are mutual. This will help reduce anxiety and overcome fear of failure.

Give yourself time to think and prepare.

What to do when you're afraid to admit it?

A declaration of love is actually considered a balanced and serious act, since a man must always give an account of his words and actions. Because of frankness and a sense of responsibility, many men feel fear. In addition, childhood traumas and failures leave a negative imprint on self-confidence. To get rid of fear, you need to think about how sincere and deep a man’s feelings are, and whether they are worth such efforts.

If your goals for a girl are serious, before declaring your love, you need to prepare yourself for complete self-confidence. To achieve results, a man needs to use his voice, think through his speech, and watch his posture and gestures. During confession, you don’t need to think about how the girl will respond to her feelings, setting yourself up for a negative outcome . Making yourself as comfortable as possible can help. The situation with a refusal also needs to be thought through in advance in order to react adequately.

Often, men confess their feelings to a woman only with the goal of conquering her, and after achieving their goals they quickly cool down. In this regard, psychologists advise carefully thinking through your plans for a girl and feeling the depth of feelings. And only having confidence in yourself and your sympathy can you plan a scenario for confessing your feelings. The setting, place and time, text and emotional message of the man are important.

What if the feelings are not mutual

Refusal after a frank conversation hurts greatly and can temporarily deprive you of self-confidence. Failure often causes depression. Keep your sanity, do not make consent the meaning of life, do not attach excessive significance to the event.

Any difficult situation can be overcome. Behave with dignity, do not go to extremes, do not blame your beloved, do not reproach yourself and do not rush into new relationships.

If a girl expresses uncertainty in her feelings and decisions, you should not seek reciprocity.

Advice from psychologists

Uncertainty in relationships and reciprocal sympathy can have a negative impact on the psyche. Before making a decisive confession, evaluate the chance of reciprocity. If the chances are low, think about what will hurt you more: rejection or the unknown.

Refusal brings great suffering - hold off on confessing. If you are sure that your beloved does not share the feelings, you should give yourself time. Feelings subside - it will be easier for you to talk later or this issue will already be resolved by then.

Preparing for recognition

It is necessary that the confession be kept secret, otherwise the impression will not be fully realized. I know from experience: don’t tell your best friends or sisters about plans if they are untested!

Only preparation can lead to the expected result!

Practice and Gifts

You need to carefully consider your words and choose the most appropriate tone. Practice in front of a mirror, observing your facial expressions and facial expressions, and also try gesturing. You should sound confident and assertive without letting your woman doubt your intentions.

Prepare some nice gift; it doesn’t have to be expensive. Even a small thing in the form of a nice toy will significantly improve your mood and give you a smile.

Place and Time

That same alley, street, restaurant or square where you had the best time together. Vivid memories are superimposed on top of words, causing much more pleasant feelings not only in your girlfriend, but also in you.

A favorite place will boost your confidence and give you a chance for success. Not only you, but she also values ​​him very much, remember this. Such places are strictly individual, so there is simply no one formula for everyone.

This time should be free from worries, easy and suitable for changing your life. Literally everything matters here. Starting from the coolness outside and ending with grandmother’s health problems. Understand? She should not be distracted by work or anyone other than yourself. For this period, you are her only entertainment and experience!

Find out when your woman will be free from routine affairs, when the frequency of her thoughts will be tuned to you! Choose the most suitable weather or even season.

If there is no convenient opportunity now, it is better to wait than to rush and make people laugh, however, here you need to subtly sense the situation, since excessive slowness is also harmful!

Be prepared to be rejected

No ideal revelation will bring love itself if it did not exist before. By talking about your feelings, you may not feel her feelings. The girl has the full right to ignore you, letting what was said fall on deaf ears, or, on the contrary, answer sharply and unpleasantly.

You can’t put pressure and continue in the same spirit. If she is not ready now, then the time has not come yet, all you have to do is wait. Pretend that nothing happened, if you were refused, be strong to accept and try to understand why this is so.

One of the steps is to be prepared for failure. The guys who made the confession in the video did not expect such a turn, but you can’t predict the future.

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