What can replace phenazepam for panic attacks?

Effect of the drug

These tranquilizers are another alternative option.
“Elzepam”, “Fesipam” and “Phenazepam” are essentially different names for the same medication. The main active ingredient in all these tablets is bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine. They are used for neurosis-like and neurotic conditions, accompanied by vegetative disorders, emotional tension and lability, and increased irritability. Doctors recommend using these remedies to get rid of increased muscle tone and muscle rigidity. They are used as adjuvant therapy in the treatment of patients with myoclonic and temporal lobe epilepsy.

Do not forget about contraindications to these drugs, including Elzepam. The instructions say that you should not take it if you are hypersensitive to any components of the product. They are also not prescribed to patients in a state of coma or shock. Severe COPD, respiratory failure, and depression are also contraindications to the use of these drugs.

The pharmacological action of the drug works in three main directions:

  • sleeping pills: reduces the degree of exposure to external irritants that affect sleep;
  • sedative: eliminates the appearance of feelings of panic, fear and anxiety;
  • anticonvulsant: removes a negative impulse without affecting the cause of its occurrence.

Indications for use

Phenazepam is used to relieve symptoms of various diseases. Among them:

  • panic attacks;
  • insomnia;
  • phobias of various origins;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • psycho-emotional instability;
  • severe psychoses.

The main purpose is sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant.

Can I buy phenazepam without a prescription?

Like all trunks - in order to calm down. Well, it is also prescribed for psychosis and epilepsy (sometimes). But we are more interested in its calming effect.

This is a very good remedy for those who are hysterical. Well, you know, that state when you want to howl, scream, throw furniture and cry during breaks. Phenazepam will calm you down - but only for a while.

They also drink it during panic attacks - in this case it is best to put it under the tongue. The drug has a sweet taste, so you won’t burn the mucous membrane. It helps in 15 minutes, and efficiently. Oh, how many of my panic attacks I relieved with phenazepam... An irreplaceable remedy.

Also, sometimes they drink it for “nervous” pain in the abdomen - for example, it is a great help for those whose mood swings greatly during menstrual periods and their stomach cramps. Although, of course, in this case, the therapeutic use of oral contraceptives will help best - it is safer, more reliable, and the effect will last longer. It also calms down irritable bowel syndrome, if it really bothers you.

Another area of ​​​​application of phenazepam is calming before operations or simply scary medical procedures (are you afraid of dentists? This is just about you). The fact is that when you are afraid, you become so tense that the anesthesia may simply not take you. I had this happen. We consulted with a doctor and chose phenazepam for sedation purposes - it does not react with anesthetics, and in some cases even enhances their effect, so less of them will be needed.

However, I want to warn you - this is not the drug that you should take before a stressful conversation, exams, or simply when you want to calm down. This is an ambulance that is used in exceptional cases. The drug has serious side effects, and in general it is very easy to get addicted to it, and then you get off.

Some pharmacies can sell it to you - but only one plastic with a dosage of no more than 0.5 mg (I know of such cases). But in general everything is strict. If you need it very urgently, because you suddenly started to pound, then you can purely humanly persuade the pharmacist. But it’s best to go to the doctor and get a prescription. And always keep an eye on your supplies at home. The pack is coming to an end - without waiting for an empty package, we go to the doctor and take a prescription.

Features of the condition

Panic attacks are frequent companions of patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia.
A panic attack is nothing more than a vegetative-vascular crisis. This condition is characterized by sudden panic, an unreasonable feeling of fear and neurosis. The following symptoms of autonomic disorder are associated with the attack:

  • chills;
  • hand tremors;
  • labored breathing;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • nausea;
  • disorientation;
  • clouding of consciousness.

Symptoms of an attack are individual for each patient. Attacks can occur several times a month, and their average duration is about half an hour. Often the attack is accompanied by a sudden, groundless fear for one’s own life.

Panic attacks must be treated, otherwise repeated attacks will lead to the development of phobias, neurasthenia and psychiatric problems. Modern therapeutic and medicinal methods can successfully get rid of panic attacks.

Medicines are widely used to treat panic attacks, allowing you to quickly and effectively improve the patient's well-being. However, there are pitfalls here too.

Drugs used to treat neurological problems typically have a number of side effects. An indirect side effect of the use of antidepressants and tranquilizers is a decrease in libido.

Tranquilizers and antidepressants are addictive. You should stop taking these drugs correctly, otherwise, if you suddenly stop taking the pills, withdrawal syndrome will develop. This condition is accompanied by worsening symptoms of neurological and mental disorders.

Sedatives are not addictive, but their effect is often not enough to relieve panic attacks.

In order not to harm your own health, it is not recommended to choose medications on your own without consulting a doctor. The dosage and course of treatment must be selected by a specialist, otherwise side effects may occur.

The best option is to use tranquilizers not for prevention, but during an attack. Which drug to prefer and how to take it - your doctor will tell you about this at your appointment.

It is important to remember that a tranquilizer or antidepressant taken should never be combined with any alcoholic beverages, including beer. A list of contraindications and incompatible drugs is given in the instructions for each medicine.

In addition to medications, breathing practices, exercise and proper nutrition can help get rid of panic attacks. All this together helps strengthen the nervous system and improve the condition of vegetative-vascular dystonia and panic attacks.

Side effects

This happens differently for everyone, since the body may, for example, be weakened, and then the side effects can hit with all their might. Or there may be very strong anxiety, because of which you will not feel any side effects. That is, the more severe your condition, the fewer options you have to suffer from side effects. Or maybe you just have good tolerance.

The main side effect of phenazepam is drowsiness. I have a friend who takes 0.5 mg and then sleeps for two days with short breaks to eat. But personally, at most I can feel a little sleepy, that’s all.

Phenazepam also has a strong effect on the brain - it begins to toss and turn more slowly. If you take it systematically, as a course, then gradually you will begin to speak slowly, like a drunk person, and think even more slowly. The inhibition will be simply drop dead. It is, of course, necessary if you think a lot in life and worry about your thoughts, but remember that this is not a treatment, but simply a relief of symptoms. Anxiety is treated with completely different drugs.

Who will help prescribe treatment

When panic attacks (PA) occur, a person usually consults a therapist, neurologist or cardiologist. However, the causes of the disease are in a completely different area, and such specialists may not find in the patient those disorders that correspond to his complaints.

panic attack pills

Psychotherapists or psychiatrists treat panic attacks.

In case of panic attacks, it is not recommended to turn to psychologists, since they do not have medical education, and they are not able to recognize the symptoms of other diseases that may accompany such disorders. They also do not have the right to prescribe medications.

When a person begins to have panic attacks, the first doctor he turns to is a cardiologist, therapist or neurologist. But the causes of the disease lie in a completely different area, and these specialists cannot find disorders in the patient that would correspond to his complaints. Panic attacks are treated by psychiatrists or psychotherapists.

Also, if you have panic attacks, you should not turn to psychologists. They do not have medical training and cannot recognize the symptoms of other diseases that may accompany panic disorder. They also do not have the right to prescribe medications.

Possible complications

Buy yourself the specified

It is not advisable to do so without a doctor's recommendation. Serious problems may occur as a result of taking it.

Elderly patients often complain of a feeling of fatigue, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, slow reactions, poor coordination, and worsening mood. In addition, when taking the drug, asthenia and dysarthria may begin. In rare cases, paradoxical reactions appear. These include hallucinations, muscle spasms, sleep disturbances, outbursts of aggression, and the appearance of suicidal tendencies.

Problems may also arise from the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, when taking Phenazepam, nausea, dry mouth, heartburn may occur, vomiting may occur, constipation or diarrhea may occur.

The drug also affects the reproductive system. Libido may increase or decrease, and dysmenorrhea may appear. The occurrence of allergic reactions in the form of rashes and skin itching cannot be ruled out. It is also worth remembering that pills are addictive and drug dependence appears. While taking them, blood pressure may decrease and tachycardia may appear.


Atarax is an anxiolytic and is prescribed for the treatment of chronic allergic diseases and neuroses. This drug is well tolerated by patients, it has few contraindications and side effects.

Atarax can have a relaxing effect on the internal (smooth) muscles, which helps relieve spasms and helps alleviate the condition during panic attacks.

It does not depress the central nervous system (CNS), but is capable of depressing some areas of the subcortical region.

The main active ingredient is a diphenylmethane derivative – hydroxyzine dihydrochloride.

Atarax has antihistamine and bronchodilator effects and does not affect gastric function in normal doses.

Atarax is also effective in the treatment of eczema, urticaria, itching in various allergic dermatitis, and can increase the total duration of sleep.

They do not cause memory impairment.

Atarax is absorbed quickly in the gastrointestinal tract and quickly enters the blood.

Atarax is used for the symptomatic treatment of itching, symptoms of anxiety, incl. panic attacks. Tablets of this medication are taken orally. Atarax in case of anxiety is recommended to take 0.05 g per day.

Atarax promotes the following side effects:

  • headache, decreased blood pressure;
  • transient decrease in vision clarity;
  • increase in body temperature, general weakness, increased fatigue;
  • dry mouth, in some cases - constipation, nausea, vomiting.

Atarax has the following contraindications: hereditary intolerance to galactose, porphyria, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Atarax is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Atarax enhances its effect when drinking alcohol, reduces the effect of phenytoin and epinephrine.

The results of an overdose of the drug "Atarax" are nausea, vomiting, stimulation or depression of the central nervous system, arrhythmia, hallucinations.

Another effective tranquilizer is the medicine Atarax. It promotes:

  • reducing anxiety;
  • relieving muscle spasms;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • reducing skin manifestations of allergic reactions.

Features of the drug "Atarax" are its good tolerability. The drug does not depress the activity of the central nervous system and does not cause drowsiness.

With the correct dosage, the likelihood of side effects is minimal. In some cases, the following conditions may occur:

  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • decreased vision sharpness;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • headache.

In case of an overdose of the drug, hallucinations, tachycardia and arrhythmia, difficulty breathing and symptoms of poisoning are observed. The drug is not prescribed to pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as to patients with galactose intolerance.

Existing Substitutes

Doctors often prescribe analogues. "Phenazepam" is not the only tranquilizer that can be used for neurotic disorders, sleep disorders, the appearance of tics and hyperkinesis.

If we talk about drugs in the production of which the same active substance is used, then tablets such as “Phenorelaxan”, “Tranquesipam”, “Fezanef”, “Fesipam” can be substitutes. But this is not a complete list of potential generics. If necessary, the doctor can select other analogues. "Phenazepam" can be replaced with such drugs as "Fenzitat", "Elzepam", "Diazepam".

The doctor can also select products with a different active ingredient, which are also prescribed for various neuroses and neurosis-like conditions. For example, a specialist may recommend such drugs as Adaptol, Stresam, Atarax, Meprobamate, Afobazol, Amizil, Relium and other substitutes.

Allergy pills: list and cost of the best and effective drugs

In the window of any pharmacy you can find a variety of allergy pills, the prices of which vary markedly, which misleads an inexperienced buyer who has not previously dealt with allergies.

Today, thanks to a wide selection of medicines, you can purchase both good, but quite expensive, and the cheapest drugs. How to make the right choice and why a new product may be better than previous products, read the article.

Anti-allergy tablets - list

During an allergic reaction, histamine is released into the blood, a substance that can narrow the airways and dilate blood vessels, thereby causing tissue swelling or swelling, as well as a decrease in blood pressure.

All antihistamines act as blockers of H1 and H2 histamine receptors, thereby preventing or reducing characteristic allergy symptoms.

Which allergy pills to choose?

Treatment of various types of allergies can be done with both the cheapest drugs and more expensive ones provided by the pharmaceutical industry.

To treat and relieve the symptoms of skin manifestations and allergies, most often, the latest generation of allergy tablets are used, which can be purchased at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Let's take a closer look at the most effective and inexpensive allergy pills.

Antihistamine allergy tablets fall into two categories:

  1. having a sedative effect;
  2. non-sedative allergy pills that do not cause drowsiness.

The first generation includes older antiallergy drugs that relieve symptoms but cause drowsiness, which makes them difficult to use when driving or doing work that requires high concentration. In addition, the concentration of active substances is quickly eliminated from the blood, which requires taking the drug two or three times a day.

The new generation of anti-allergy tablets do not cause drowsiness, which is why they are used even in long courses, for example, during the dusting season.

Phenazepam: patient reviews

Patients usually like the drug. True, recently opinions have become more frequent that phenazepam from Valenta does not work at all. I haven’t drunk it except Valenta, so I have nothing to compare with. It helps me. But regarding those whom he stopped helping, I can say that it is possible that addiction has already occurred there, and the previous doses simply do not work.

Patients with panic attacks especially like this drug. You can carry it with you everywhere (however, the doctor personally did not recommend that I take more than one tablet with me, so that, if anything happens, I would not get caught by law enforcement officers with a pack of trunk). You can put it under your tongue at any time, you don’t need to drink it, the effect is quick, convenient, in short. Side effects are not very pronounced.

But, unfortunately, I know a lot of people who are addicted to phenazepam. They've been drinking it for years - though at least not in huge doses, and that's good. But any attempt to get down causes a severe deterioration in their condition. So let me remind you once again that phenazepam does not need to be taken in the system! Only when it's really bad.

Recommendations for use during a panic attack

The drug is supplied in tablet form and solution. The tablet is placed under the tongue during a panic attack or (to speed up the action) washed down with a small amount of water. In emergency cases, solutions are used to prepare injections. Thus, the product reaches the source of action as quickly as possible.

After a course of treatment with Phenazepam, it is necessary to change the drug or take a break. The reason is addiction to the medicine, and therefore it is possible to gradually increase the dosage to achieve a therapeutic effect.

Price policy

Doctors often say several trade names of drugs, allowing the patient to independently choose a specific drug. Many people focus on price when purchasing medications. But when comparing the cost of products, do not forget that they differ not only in name, but also in dosage and number of tablets in the package.

For example, the product “Phenazepam” can be bought for 88 rubles. (pack of 50 tablets, 0.5 mg each). The same number of tablets, 2.5 mg of active ingredient each, will cost 159 rubles. If desired, you can replace it with Diazepam. The price of drugs with other active ingredients may be slightly higher.


Afobazole has an anxiolytic effect, is able to remove fear and anxiety, and does not have a depressant effect on the central nervous system.

Afobazole does not have muscle relaxant properties, i.e. does not reduce the tone of skeletal muscles, does not affect motor activity.

These tablets do not have a negative effect on attention and memory, and do not form drug dependence.

Afobazole does not contribute to the development of withdrawal syndrome.

This medicine acts in the form of mild stimulating and anti-anxiety effects. Used to eliminate panic attacks.

This medication can reduce the level of anxiety, fear, irritability, and bad feelings. Afobazole also helps relieve tension. All this makes it possible to remove a large number of cognitive, somatic, and vegetative symptoms.

Afobazole shows its effect on the 5-7th day of administration. Its maximum effect is achieved by the end of the 4th week, on average it lasts 1-2 weeks after the use is stopped.

Afobazole is advisable to use for people who have anxious suspiciousness, increased vulnerability, a tendency to emotional stress reactions, and uncertainty. It is often prescribed to treat panic attacks.

Afobazole should be taken from 2 to 4 weeks, sometimes up to 3 months. Tablets are taken orally after meals, 10 mg 3 times a day.

Afobazole is prescribed only to adults.

Contraindications are: hypersensitivity to its components, pregnancy, lactation. In case of overdose, sedation and increased drowsiness can be observed.

Differences between phenazepam and diazepam

Diazepam specifically affects the inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain - gamma-aminobutyric acid. The drug greatly enhances its potential, causing the substance to more actively influence the central nervous system. Diazepam also belongs to the group of benzodiazepine tranquilizers, like phenazepam.

Most often, diazepam is prescribed for severe neuroses, anxiety, restlessness, schizophrenia, psychopathy, severe insomnia, epileptic seizures, and withdrawal syndrome due to chronic alcohol use. A drug is often prescribed to reduce muscle hypertonicity, as part of a combined anesthesia during childbirth, as well as for muscle inflammation.

The medication, unlike phenazepam, is less likely to cause addiction and also causes side effects, but there are fewer of them compared to its analogue. It has a small number of contraindications. It is difficult to say which of these drugs is better, since the drugs are selected for a specific situation and are used in several different cases.

You can replace Phenazepam tablets with any others. The main thing is that they also have a sedative, anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, and anticonvulsant effect. Often doctors prescribe the drug "Diazepam". The price of these tablets is low.

They are recommended for neuroses and borderline conditions characterized by the appearance of fear, anxiety, motor agitation, and sleep disturbances. The tablets are also used for withdrawal symptoms in people suffering from chronic alcoholism. Spastic conditions that affect the spinal cord, brain, various arthritis, bursitis, myositis, in which the skeletal muscles become tense, are also indications for taking Diazepam. It is recommended for status epilepticus, as a premedication before anesthesia, or as one of its components.

Depending on the indications, doctors can prescribe from 0.5 to 60 mg of the drug per day. The dosage is selected individually and in cases where other analogues are also prescribed. Phenazepam, like other tranquilizers, is usually not combined with other CNS depressants.

Phenazepam contraindications for panic attacks

Despite the fact that the drug contains substances that have a calming and stabilizing effect, it is not prescribed for:

  • pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • the presence of intolerance to the components of the active substance;
  • state of coma or severe shock;
  • myasthenia gravis (muscle pathology);
  • problems with the respiratory system;
  • presence of predisposition to glaucoma.

Phenazepam is contraindicated for use in children under 18 years of age; it should be used with caution in old age. All features of treatment and use must be taken into account by the attending physician.

Popular categories of medicines

If the question arises of how to replace Phenazepam during panic attacks, then you need to study the main groups of drugs that have the necessary effect in such a situation. Professional psychotherapists note that the following remedies help cope with a panic attack:

  1. Neuroleptics.
  2. Nootropic medications.
  3. Vitamin complexes.
  4. Antidepressants.
  5. Tranquilizers.
  6. Sedatives.

Often, when deciding what can replace Phenazepam during panic attacks, doctors pay increased attention to medications from the nootropic group. These drugs are prescribed to improve brain function after a stroke, as well as for vascular diseases. Nootropic medications help improve blood circulation and increase intellectual abilities.

But antidepressants perfectly help normalize sleep and get rid of nervous tension. These medications help restore normal functioning of the nervous system, relieving a person of anxiety. The final dosage depends on the patient's condition.

Why doesn't Phenazepam work?

The lack of effect from taking Phenazepam for VSD can be explained by the fact that the patient did not adhere to the doctor’s prescription correctly or that he did not accurately inform the doctor about his complaints, which resulted in incorrect treatment.
You should also take into account the time required for the manifestation of the action of Phenazepam in VSD. For example, drops for intravenous use begin to act within 3-5 minutes after administration. Intramuscular Phenazepam - after 10-15 minutes. The tablet form, when used under the tongue during a panic attack, will begin to act within 20 minutes from the moment the tablet is completely absorbed.

It may seem that Phenazepam does not work for VSD even if the patient takes more than the prescribed dose in the hope of quickly improving his condition. As mentioned above, if the drug is abused, the symptoms of VSD will return in an even more advanced state.

special instructions

If the patient cannot independently figure out how to take Phenazepam during panic attacks, then it is better not to experiment, but to immediately seek advice from a doctor. You should not increase the dosage on your own in order to achieve the desired result faster. Phenazepam contains substances that inhibit the functioning of the nervous system. That is why it is better to stop driving during treatment.

It is not recommended to take the drug for more than two weeks. If the patient suddenly stops using the tranquilizer, then it will be difficult to avoid the following symptoms:

  1. Intense fear that arises for unreasonable reasons.
  2. Insomnia. It is not only at night that it is difficult for a person to fall asleep, as a result of which irritability develops, a depressed state occurs, and physical and mental activity decreases.
  3. Muscle tissue spasms.
  4. Auditory and visual hallucinations.
  5. Increased sweating.
  6. Suicidal thoughts.

Exceeding the permissible dosage may result in the person being in a state of nervous excitement. In such a situation, it is necessary to stop taking the tranquilizer and seek qualified help from doctors. It is strictly forbidden to combine medication with alcoholic drinks, as the body's reaction can be unpredictable. Experts do not exclude the possibility of the patient's death.

Withdrawal syndrome. addictive

Like other benzodiazepines, it has the ability to cause drug dependence when taken long-term in large doses (more than 4 mg/day). If you suddenly stop taking it, you may experience a syndrome of “indulging” in phenazepam, both as a means of relieving anxiety and as a sleeping pill. Reviews about the drug and my own observations are very interesting. Especially regarding dosage and withdrawal symptoms. Leave your comments!


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