Arterial hypertension in children and adolescents with endocrine pathology

Hypertension syndrome is a pathological condition that appears due to increased intracranial pressure. This pathology most often occurs in men, but in childhood the frequency of diagnosis in both boys and girls is almost the same. This disease also has other names, in particular, hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome and liquor-hypertensive syndrome.

What causes the development of hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome? Most often, this disease appears against the background of an infectious lesion of the brain and its membranes. Other reasons include:

  1. Motor hypoxia.
  2. Traumatic brain injuries.
  3. Violation of the outflow of venous blood
  4. Hydrocephalus.
  5. Brain swelling.
  6. Neoplasms.

Moreover, it is necessary to understand that this condition in children and adults will differ significantly in its symptoms. And the causes of hypertension syndrome in children can be completely different factors.

How does hypertension syndrome occur?

Hypertension is the modern name for increased intracranial pressure. Previously, the term "hypertension" was used. It occurs due to fluid pressure on the brain matter.

Hydrocephalus or cerebrospinal fluid hypertension syndrome, popularly known as “dropsy of the brain,” appears due to the accumulation of excess fluid in segments of the brain.

If hypertension and hydrocephalus develop in parallel, it is called hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome.

This disease of the brain is caused by the fact that cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) collects in the ventricles of the brain and under its membranes, the outflow and reabsorption of which are disrupted.

This disease is considered independent in domestic medicine; foreign scientists consider the syndrome to be a companion to serious neurological ailments.

The structure and purpose of the human brain determines significant oxygen consumption , increased blood supply (blood flow to the four main arteries and its subsequent outflow through the veins), rhythmic transport of cerebrospinal fluid through the four cavities (ventricles) of the brain and between its membranes.

The ventricles are connected to each other by plexuses of blood vessels, which produce cerebrospinal fluid. Then it penetrates into the venous vessels and is produced anew.

Impaired movement of cerebrospinal fluid leads to excess venous blood, which causes an increase in the size of the ventricles.

Causes that cause the syndrome

Doctors identify a number of causes for the syndrome:

  • hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome can be caused by tumor processes in the brain;
  • hematomas;
  • hypotonicity of blood vessels;
  • intracranial hemorrhages;
  • various neuroinfections (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • pathologies acquired at birth;
  • heredity.

Thus, all causes can be divided into congenital and acquired.

Congenital causes of hypertension syndrome in adults are:

  • complicated pregnancy and childbirth (gestational pyelonephritis, pregnancy diabetes, increased intracranial pressure, rapid and protracted labor, threatened miscarriage);
  • brain hypoxia (bradycardia, fetal hypoxia and intrauterine developmental delay);
  • prematurity (birth before 34-36 weeks) and late birth (42 weeks or more);
  • subarachnoid hemorrhages (head injuries during childbirth);
  • intrauterine infections (cytomegalovirus infection, Eppstein-Barr virus, toxoplasmosis and others);
  • congenital brain defects (absence of a large part of the brain, formed hemispheres, presence of cysts, too small head size, abnormalities of the skull, brain stem);
  • long waterless period (more than 12 hours).

Acquired causes include:

  • hematomas, tumors, abscesses, cysts;
  • the presence of foreign bodies in the brain;
  • traumatic brain injuries with the presence of fragments of skull bones in the brain;
  • spontaneous causeless increases in blood pressure;
  • infections;
  • strokes and their consequences;
  • endocrinological problems.


Correct diagnosis of hypertension syndrome is difficult. Many diagnostics can only roughly indicate the presence of the disease; accurate detection is only available using complex surgical methods in special medical institutions.

If hypertensive syndrome is suspected, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination of the brain, an examination by an ophthalmologist, and an X-ray of the skull. With the help of ophthalmoscopy, it is possible to detect swelling of the optic nerve head, changes in the blood vessels of the eyes; X-rays of the skull reveal bone deformation, which may indicate intracranial pressure.

To diagnose the disease, magnetic resonance and computed tomography, contrast x-ray examination of blood vessels are also used.

However, the most reliable, but at the same time the most decisive diagnostic methods are the insertion of a needle into the subarachnoid cavity of the lumbar spinal cord, with simultaneous measurement of cerebrospinal fluid compression and brain puncture. To do this, the skull is opened. This is a very complex operation, so they often try to carry out an easier examination.

Treatment of hypertension syndrome is a very labor-intensive process, the effectiveness of which is determined by the quality of detection of the disease and the competence of the doctor.

Gentle treatment is carried out at home and is focused on normalizing the discharge of fluid. Such treatment is justified if intracranial pressure increases slowly and does not threaten pathological processes. In this case, they use: antibacterial, diuretic, antiviral, vascular, angioprotective, antitumor drugs.

To eliminate the symptoms of brain compression, treatment is prescribed that increases the conductivity of neurons. In case of delay in the child’s development, special gymnastics is performed. Patients should also avoid any stress. Massages, acupuncture, and special exercises will be effective.

In case of a sharp deterioration of the condition, surgical intervention is performed, which consists of creating a hole in the vertebrae in order to drain fluid from the skull, or puncture the brain for hydrocephalus. If the cause of the disease is a neoplasm, then the operation will involve its removal. In the case of a congenital vascular defect, a brain bypass is performed. Children with this condition should be examined in hospital twice a year.

Hypertension syndrome and its manifestations reduce the patient’s quality of life, and in children it leads to developmental arrest and degradation. Based on this, if you suspect this disease, you must immediately consult a competent doctor, since the prognosis for recovery directly depends on the severity of the symptoms, the speed of development, the causes and the quality of the treatment provided.


Arterial hypertension or hypertension in children, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Many reasons influence the early development of hypertension, but heredity plays an important role. In addition, the child makes daily discoveries that are not always positive, which also prepares the foundation for the onset of the disease in childhood. Is it possible to protect a child from high blood pressure? Is it possible to cure hypertension in a child? To begin with, let us consider in more detail the cause of the pathology.

Diagnostic techniques

To diagnose this disease, a comprehensive clinical examination is mandatory. It includes examination by specialists and hardware tests.

Ophthalmologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, and neurosurgeons work with hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome.

To determine the cause of the disease, hardware tests are carried out such as:

  • echoencephalography (EchEG) is a highly accurate diagnosis of brain lesions;
  • rheoencephalogram (REG) – study of venous outflow of blood from the vessels of the brain;
  • radiography of the skull (SCH) – used for long-term development of the disease in children over 1 year of age;
  • nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and computed tomography (CT) - highly accurate determination of areas of disturbance in the dynamics of the cerebrospinal fluid, the size of the brain cavities, and so on;
  • electroencephalography (EEG) – diagnostics of the level of activity of brain processes using electrical impulses;
  • examination of the vessels of the fundus - in order to detect hemorrhage, edema or spasm of blood vessels, congestion;
  • neurosonography (NSG) – study of the anatomy of the brain;
  • cerebrospinal puncture - to measure cerebrospinal fluid pressure.

If hypertensive syndrome is suspected in newborns, systematically measure head circumference and check reflexes.

Let us note that diagnosing hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome is a rather difficult process; not all methods help to establish its presence with 100% probability.

Causes of pressure

The causes of high blood pressure in children can only be identified after careful diagnosis.

High blood pressure is recorded in children with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Most often, the lower blood pressure in such children is close to normal, and the upper (systolic) shows high numbers. In such cases, doctors advise normalizing the child’s rhythm of life, balancing rest with active activities, and monitoring proper nutrition.

Hypertension in a child may occur due to concomitant diseases. Blood pressure may increase due to:

  1. Disease of the endocrine system;
  2. Kidney diseases;
  3. Head injuries.

Therefore, if a child has high blood pressure, then it is imperative to show him to a doctor, as this may be a consequence of the development of a serious disease.

The third main reason for the development of hypertension in a child can be obesity.

Features of hypertension syndrome in newborns and children

Hypertensive hydrocephalic syndrome is diagnosed more often in infants and children than in adults.

Often the diagnosis is made by pediatric neurologists and pediatricians without any basis (in 97% of cases), since almost all of its symptoms are similar to those of neuropsychic excitability syndrome.

However, if hypertension and hydrocephalus are actually present, then vigilant parents will always notice this. In this case, the child:

  • constant headache;
  • he may feel nauseous and vomit like a fountain;
  • he is often sad, lethargic, moody, tired;
  • refuses to eat and always seems to be afraid of something.

More serious signs are:

  • disturbances of consciousness;
  • mental instability;
  • mental retardation and developmental retardation;
  • strabismus.

Signs of hypertension syndrome in infants can:

  • bulge, strain and pulsate the fontanelle;
  • sagittal sutures diverge;
  • the head increases in size;
  • the baby sucks weakly at the breast;
  • his crying is like a groan;
  • tremors or convulsions and even paralysis may occur.

In children over 1 year of age whose fontanelles have closed, hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome develops paroxysmally and quickly. Vomiting does not relieve the condition.

Children become:

  • sedentary;
  • irritable;
  • an effect such as “the face of a sufferer” may be observed;
  • vision deteriorates;
  • the head is often fixed in one position.

You should also know that at any age a child may experience spontaneously occurring and also passing fluctuations in cerebrospinal fluid pressure.

Headaches, nausea and dizziness may be signs of other dysfunctions of the brain, the development of tumor processes, and other diseases.

Characteristics of the syndrome

High blood pressure affects the entire body and is the main damaging factor. The elements that make up the syndrome include:

  • High blood pressure (exceeds 140/90 mmHg).
  • High levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • High loads on the left ventricle (according to ECG).
  • Atherosclerosis of arteries (aorta, iliac, carotid).
  • The appearance of protein in the urine.
  • As a result of prolonged exposure to a damaging factor, the kidneys, myocardium, and retina, which are target organs, are affected.

Left ventricular hypertrophy, retinopathy (vascular disorders of the retina), hypertensive nephropathy (impaired kidney function) are observed.

But a number of signs may appear already in the early stages of the disease. These include the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • redness of the facial skin;
  • flickering of spots before the eyes, blurred vision, decreased visual acuity;
  • rapid heartbeat, which may appear intermittently;
  • predominance of night urination over daytime urination.

At later stages the following manifestations occur:

  • angina pectoris;
  • heart failure;
  • signs of encephalopathy;
  • ischemic stroke.

Treatment of the syndrome in adults and children

Different causes of hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome require different treatment. It can be conservative or surgical.

Treatment begins after a complete diagnosis. Patients with this syndrome are required to be hospitalized without any options.

Drug treatment is based on patients taking medications that improve cerebrospinal fluid dynamics (diacarb, acetazolamide, and others).

Surgery is performed as a last resort if it is necessary to remove a blockage in the blood vessels of the brain or to perform a bypass. Most often, brain bypass surgery is used. The shunt will drain excess fluid into the spinal canal.

Treatment of hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome in adults

For hydrocephalus in adults, operations are most often performed to drain cerebrospinal fluid from the skull. The tumors are completely removed.

Drug treatment helps with neuroinfections (antibiotics). In adults, hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome cannot be treated with folk or homeopathic remedies, massage or acupuncture.

Incorrect treatment or ignoring it can lead to a decrease in the level of intellectual abilities, loss of vision and hearing, and death is also possible.

Hypertensive hydrocephalic syndrome in newborns

The most favorable prognosis for hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome in infants. In older children, everything depends on the adequacy of treatment and its timeliness.

Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis using medications, as usual, Diacarb (the drug increases the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid and reduces the secretion of cerebrospinal fluid).

If diacarb does not help, and the disease progresses, then hospitalization in the neurosurgical department is indicated.

If there are changes of an unclear nature, it is very important to continue treatment correctly, since prescribing too serious medications or completely abandoning therapy will lead to negative consequences.


Hypertensive syndrome detected? Treatment should be mandatory, since pathology leads to the development of serious changes in the body. Consistently high pressure inside the skull leads to a decrease in mental abilities and disrupts the nervous regulation of the functioning of internal organs. As a result, the condition leads to a stable increase in blood pressure and hormonal changes.

In most cases, diuretics are used to reduce intracranial pressure. These drugs allow you to change the rate of cerebrospinal fluid secretion. Therapeutic activities are carried out in courses. In cases where relapses occur constantly, the drugs are taken on an ongoing basis. If the syndrome is detected at the initial stage or is moderate, you can do without drug treatment by normalizing the drinking regime.

To cure hypertensive syndrome, neurology suggests using manual therapy and osteopathy. What it is?

Osteopathy is an integral part of manual therapy and a fairly young area of ​​alternative medicine. An osteopathic doctor is a palpation specialist who not only helps to get rid of pathology, but can also distinguish with his hands even the slightest changes in muscle, joint and bone mass. When treating the syndrome, an osteopath helps to relieve the venous bed of the head.

The doctor may recommend gymnastic exercises that will reduce intracranial pressure. Fruit juice with glycerin shows good effectiveness. The dosage for dilution is prescribed by the doctor, and the mixture is used several teaspoons per day.

In case of exacerbation of the disease with cerebral edema, hypertonic solutions are used. Urea is used less frequently due to the huge list of side effects.

If the cause of the syndrome is osteochondrosis, massage and physical therapy complexes are prescribed. That is, measures aimed at improving blood circulation.

If the pathology is complicated, surgery may be recommended. The main goal of surgery is to eliminate excess cerebrospinal fluid, which will help reduce blood pressure. Despite the pain of the operation, its effectiveness is very high.

Consequences and complications

The consequences of hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome are dangerous for people of all ages and are often fraught with complications.

Among the most threatening, doctors include:

  • delayed mental and physical development;
  • urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • deafness;
  • blindness;
  • paralysis;
  • to whom;
  • epilepsy;
  • bulging fontanel;
  • death.

It must be remembered that it is possible to successfully treat hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome at any age. The main thing is to pay attention to the above symptoms in time and contact specialists with long experience in neurology and neurosurgery.

There is no need to refuse treatment or delay it, otherwise time will be lost, the correct diagnosis will be made late, which can lead to irreversible health consequences and even death.

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