Darkness in the eyes, dizziness, blocked ears, what is it

Many have experienced blurred vision and dizziness. Such symptoms are associated with fatigue or a sharp decrease in blood pressure (see Arterial hypotension). However, behind such conditions are diseases of the brain, especially its vegetative part.

Diagnostic measures include a general examination, neurological examination, as well as the use of various methods for assessing the state of the nervous system - from functional tests to identify vegetative-vascular dystonia, ending with magnetic resonance therapy. In each specific case, only the attending physician can answer the question of why the patient’s vision darkens and the patient feels dizzy.

Why does this happen

The presence of cold sweats and dizziness sometimes does not indicate anything. If this happened to a person for the first time and did not happen again, that is, there was no clear consistency, then you should not worry. This could be a normal reaction of the body to a long period between meals or some event that provoked an “emotional jump.”

If your vision darkens, you feel dizzy, you break into a sweat for the second time, and this happens periodically, then this is a reason to think about the situation and contact a specialist to find the cause in the body. Such symptoms can be attributed to diseases of different etiologies, including:

  • neurological causes;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • psychoemotional disorders;
  • oncological diseases;
  • endocrine causes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.


The treatment regimen is selected depending on the reasons that provoke dizziness and congestion. If these symptoms are associated with changes in atmospheric pressure, no special treatment is required. The same applies to situations associated with fatigue and prolonged rotation in a circle.

In other cases, symptoms indicate damage to various structures and require special treatment - medication or surgery:

  1. With the development of vascular diseases, it is necessary to systematically use drugs that help strengthen blood vessels and normalize the rheological characteristics of the blood.
  2. Stroke or transient ischemic attack requires complex treatment in a hospital setting.
  3. If a person is diagnosed with Meniere's disease or other otoneurological pathologies, he needs complex therapy. In particular, Betaserc and other drugs are used.
  4. If you have problems with blood pressure, it is very important to systematically take antihypertensive drugs and monitor your readings.
  5. In case of tumor lesions of the body, there may be a need for surgery.

There is no universal treatment regimen for this condition. It directly depends on the reasons for the appearance of such symptoms. In any case, you need to conduct a detailed diagnosis and strictly follow the doctor’s prescriptions. Self-medication in such a situation is prohibited.

What to do if your ears are blocked and you feel dizzy due to high blood pressure, watch our video:

“Throwing” into sweat due to problems with the nervous system

Dizziness may indicate the presence of diseases caused by a pathological process in the nervous system and blood flow of the head. In addition to dizziness, there are typical neurological symptoms such as:

  • various fears;
  • migraine (headache);
  • insomnia (sleep disorder);
  • the presence of hysterics and obsessive negative thoughts;
  • balance disorders;
  • nausea;
  • general weakness, etc.

It is important to exclude life-threatening pathologies, including stroke, as well as chronic cerebrovascular accident. Stroke is an acute disturbance of cerebral circulation due to a rupture of the vessel wall (hemorrhagic) or the presence of a blood clot, narrowing of the lumen of the vessel (ischemic).

If you suddenly feel dizzy and break out in a cold sweat, as well as:

  • there is a lack of coordination of movements;
  • asymmetry, pallor of the face (there is a characteristic “distortion” in the left or right part);
  • darkening or presence of “gnats” in the eyes;
  • hands, limbs go numb,

Call an ambulance immediately and provide first aid for a stroke.

Chronic disorder

With darkening of the eyes and sweat, a person feels general weakness

You may feel dizzy and sweaty even with chronic cerebrovascular accident. Then the patient does not experience a critical attack, but feels symptoms of impaired cerebral blood flow for a long time, and sometimes loss of consciousness occurs.

The vision darkened, the head began to spin, the person began to sweat, the person felt general weakness, fatigue, severe drowsiness, frequent migraines, sometimes dizziness, and nausea. He has a low standard of living (due to lack of strength) and, as a result, low self-esteem. A chronic course can develop into a sudden acute condition, so it is important to diagnose the deviation in a timely manner.

Dizzy and dark vision: causes and treatment

Many have experienced blurred vision and dizziness. Such symptoms are associated with fatigue or a sharp decrease in blood pressure (see Arterial hypotension). However, behind such conditions are diseases of the brain, especially its vegetative part.

Diagnostic measures include a general examination, neurological examination, as well as the use of various methods for assessing the state of the nervous system - from functional tests to identify vegetative-vascular dystonia, ending with magnetic resonance therapy. In each specific case, only the attending physician can answer the question of why the patient’s vision darkens and the patient feels dizzy.

Why do my vision get dark and my head feel dizzy?

Darkness and dizziness are associated with a number of different conditions. The most common cause of symptoms is vegetative-vascular dystonia.

When the disease occurs, the autonomic part of the central nervous system malfunctions, which leads to disruption of the regulation of cerebral vascular tone and its blood supply.

This situation causes the patient to complain that he closes his eyes and feels dizzy. Vegetative-vascular dystonia almost always occurs in children, especially in adolescents.

The second most common cause of symptoms is atherosclerotic damage to the blood vessels of the brain, leading to decreased blood supply and disruption of function. In this situation, dizziness and dark vision usually occur in older people.

If the patient's eyes darken, his ears are blocked and his head is dizzy, this may be due to a sharp drop or rise in blood pressure, which disrupts the blood supply to the brain.

Similar signs appear with increased ICP, brain tumors and TBI.

If you feel dizzy and have dark vision, you should consult your doctor to accurately determine the causes of this condition.

Read why dizziness occurs when you tilt your head: the causes of the pathology.

All about the causes of tinnitus and dizziness: groups of factors depending on the affected organ or system.

Main manifestations

The main complaints patients make are that their vision has darkened and they feel dizzy. Moreover, complaints are often not associated with any external cause (physical or mental fatigue).

Symptoms can occur at any time of the day, even while lying down.

However, most often such complaints arise in a patient if he suddenly stands up from a horizontal or sitting position, which is associated with a violation of the regulation of vascular tone during blood distribution.

Blurred vision and dizziness can occur simultaneously with the appearance of tinnitus and loss of coordination. All this may reflect the organic reason for their appearance, namely:

In some cases, in particular with vegetative-vascular dystonia, patients complain of increased sweating, frequent headaches, and a slight increase in body temperature up to 37.7 ° C. Complaints arise from disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

Diagnostic measures

Where to turn if you feel dizzy and have dark vision? The best choice is to visit your general practitioner, who will conduct an initial examination and decide on further diagnostic and treatment tactics. As a rule, patients are treated by a neurologist. If the disease is associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system, then see a cardiologist.

The examination includes an external examination, assessment of the patient’s neurological status, an electrocardiogram to analyze heart function, as well as a series of autonomic tests (orthostatic test). Such a minimal set of studies allows you to quickly identify vegetative-vascular dystonia or heart disease.

In addition, to detect brain diseases, a survey X-ray of the skull, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the head are performed, which allow obtaining high-quality images.

Treatment of dizziness and darkening of the eyes

Treatment of symptoms is entirely based on the causes. When vegetative-vascular dystonia is detected, the first place in therapy comes to the use of sedatives or sedatives of plant and synthetic origin. Their use allows you to restore the tone of the autonomic nervous system and cope with the unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

The elimination of stressful situations, massage of the collar area, therapeutic baths and other physiotherapeutic measures are of great importance. Patients (most often children) are advised to visit a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Did you know that dizziness most often occurs in women during menopause?

When your blood pressure is normal, is severe dizziness very alarming? Perhaps this is a symptom of a rapidly developing disease.

Read, why do you feel dizzy during pregnancy? main causes of poor health.

When identifying diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist and select the optimal treatment depending on the underlying disease. If arterial hypertension is detected, antihypertensive drugs are used (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: Enalapril, Enap; beta-blockers: Metaprolol, Atenolol).

If the most important factor in the appearance of symptoms is atherosclerotic damage to blood vessels, then after an angiographic study, the issue of stenting the affected areas, as well as the use of lipid-lowering drugs (statins, fibrates), is decided.

If a person complains that his eyes are closing and his head is dizzy, then a full and high-quality examination in a medical institution is necessary. Especially if symptoms appear repeatedly. Correctly selected treatment allows you to stop the progression of diseases and cope with possible complications.

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Source: https://golmozg.ru/diagnostika/pomutnenie-v-glazah-golovokruzhenie.html

Other reasons

With head injuries, severe dizziness, cold sweat, nausea, and vomiting not associated with meals appear, the so-called. cerebral vomiting (a person feels nauseous, but has nothing to vomit with).

Your head may feel dizzy and your body may sweat due to neuroses. The main symptoms of neurosis:

  • causeless anxiety;
  • depression;
  • irritability;
  • aggressiveness;
  • isolation.

In addition to the main signs of neurosis, the patient may have typical neurological symptoms (nausea, loss of balance and consciousness, etc.).

Hyperhidrosis – excessive sweating, can be either an independent disease (primary) or a sign of a primary one (secondary). The location of excessive sweating is distinguished between local (palms or other parts of the body sweat) and general (not only the palms sweat, but excessive sweating is felt throughout the body). If a person is bothered by excessive sweating or dizziness, then this is a secondary defect. Thus, diabetes can provoke a sudden surge of cold sweating.

You feel dizzy and break out in a cold sweat when cancer is present. Signs may vary depending on the location of the tumor. The patient will have an increase in body temperature and weakness. If the pathological process is in the gastrointestinal tract, there may be loose stools (diarrhea), abdominal pain, complaints that the patient suddenly feels nauseous. If the cancer is in the thoracic region, then pain in the chest area is noted.

With hypertension, men and women may experience cold sweats and dizziness, for several reasons. During hypertension, the heartbeat increases, which increases overall blood flow, sweating, and a person feels heat throughout the body. Increased pressure also affects cerebral blood flow - dizziness appears. Sometimes patients notice noise in the ear or ears, or something blocked in one ear, as well as an increase in body temperature.

How to determine the cause of dizziness with darkness in the eyes and stuffy ears

If you feel dizzy and your vision is dark, then the condition of your body requires the most thorough examination. At this moment you lose control over your own body, and this can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Few people can boast that they have never felt such symptoms.

People who feel dizzy or have dark vision may suffer from a wide variety of diseases, so the real causes cannot be immediately reliably determined.

Associated symptoms

Since it is unclear why the vision darkened and why the head began to spin, the first thing you should do is consult a therapist. After reviewing your tests, he will discard some options and refer the patient to a more specialized specialist who will accurately determine your problem.

But not in all cases of dizziness you need to immediately rush to the doctor. Sometimes dizziness occurs during normal motion sickness, which is not a symptom of the disease. For example, this applies to rides on attractions, travel by transport, etc.

In this case, dizziness (orthostatic hypotension) means that the vestibular apparatus has stopped working normally for some time. But if your head begins to feel dizzy often and there seem to be no objective reasons for this, then this may indicate a more serious problem.

The vessels of the brain cannot cope with the supply of the required amount of blood, the brain does not have enough oxygen and other nutrients for normal functioning, and thus it sends signals about oxygen starvation. After all, many processes of maintaining the vital functions of the whole organism depend on this.


Dizziness is not a separate problem; it includes several symptoms:

  1. The appearance of fog before the eyes or sudden darkening. This is due to a lack of vascular nutrition in the eyeball or a sharp outflow of blood from the head.
  2. A drop in pressure in blood vessels throughout the body.
  3. Nausea. To digest food, the maximum possible amount of blood flows to the stomach, so insufficient filling of the stomach vessels causes nausea.
  4. Pawns ears. The eardrum also contains a network of tiny blood vessels that allow us to hear, and they require nutrition.
  5. Headache. Insufficient brain nutrition is the worst thing that can happen, so the body sends the strongest signal - pain.
  6. Pre-fainting state.

Dizziness can occur in a variety of situations. It can last from a few seconds to several minutes. In some cases, the attack of dizziness will be much longer.

The easiest option is when getting up from a horizontal position. If you do this abruptly, you will feel dizzy for a few seconds, your vision will darken, and your ears will become stuffy. For people unaccustomed to physical activity, physical exercise performed immediately after waking up can become a critical point. For example, bending or turning the body.

The simplest emotions can also make your eyes darken. Any stress or even slight anxiety can lead to dizziness. At such moments, a portion of adrenaline enters the blood and the blood vessels automatically constrict, so blood circulation slows down, pressure drops sharply and brain nutrition decreases.

Causes of dizziness

There are a variety of causes that cause dizziness. The most common of them are the following:

  1. Adrenalin. The level of adrenaline in the blood increases greatly when a person experiences stress or sudden strong exertion. This also includes abruptly getting out of bed, etc. For example, speaking in front of large crowds of people, explaining feelings, etc.
  2. Height. If your ears are blocked, it is likely that you spent a lot of time at altitude. This causes a violation of self-awareness in space, and in some cases a surge of adrenaline (fear of heights).
  3. Diets. The main nutrient for the body after oxygen is glucose. While maintaining a diet, the amount of glucose drops significantly, and it is not enough to power all processes in the body. Of course, some nutrients are drawn from fat deposits (for which, in fact, the diet is started), but this is done very slowly and does not provide a constant flow of glucose in the required quantity.
  4. Exercise and other physical exercises. If you are not physically trained enough, you cannot rush into the maelstrom of training. Sudden movements and heavy loads will certainly cause dizziness, darkening of the eyes and blocked ears. Therefore, you need to start with light, short exercises and only then gradually increase the load.
  5. Long focusing of the gaze. If you look at something at a very close distance for a long time, this will cause overwork of the eye muscles and a lack of blood supply to the eyeball. The stress of looking at distant objects has a similar effect. It is imperative to take periods of rest for the eyes.
  6. Drug treatment. Since medications very often cause a forced change in a certain situation, the body can resist this. For example, this effect is caused by strong tranquilizers, antiseptics and a number of antibiotics.

Various manifestations of diseases

The above were relatively harmless causes of dizziness. But, if you feel dizzy, your eyes are darkened and your ears are blocked, this may be a symptom of some kind of illness. Each disease also has other symptoms. Consider the following diseases:

  1. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. In addition to dizziness, it is characterized by pain in the temporal and occipital parts of the head, pain in the eyes and pressure surges. The cause of VSD can be constant stress, sudden physical exertion, overwork, problems with the endocrine system and much more.
  2. Migraine. This is a special type of headache, the treatment for which, unfortunately, has not yet been found. In addition to dizziness, nausea, tinnitus and obsessive acute pain in the head occur. The main symptom of migraine is a painful reaction to light and noise.
  3. Otitis (inflammation of the middle ear). The first thing the patient notices is severe pain in the ears or one ear. Dizziness is only an additional symptom. You definitely need to see an otolaryngologist.
  4. Various diseases of the inner ear. They provoke disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. There is a long range of accompanying symptoms, for example, pressure surges, nausea and vomiting, and cold sweats.
  5. Cervical osteochondrosis or osteoporosis. They make it difficult for blood to flow to the head, so sudden movements, especially with the head, cause dizziness.
  6. Cancerous tumors. Pathological changes in the body cause all the symptoms of dizziness.
  7. Traumatic brain injuries. It is quite natural that a violation of the integrity of the integument and the correct passage of necessary processes in the head causes darkness in the eyes and dizziness.

Treatment recommendations

If the cause is vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD), then first of all you should take a course of restorative vitamins. Next, after consultation with specialists, it is worth treating the immune and nervous systems. Physiotherapy is also recommended. During VSD, special attention should be paid to monitoring your blood pressure.


Osteoporosis is bone fragility that leads to hernias and cartilage damage. To prevent osteoporosis, you need to give up alcohol and smoking, lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise.

All other causes of dizziness require mandatory consultation with specialists and strict adherence to their recommendations. Most likely, you will have to undergo a large examination to determine the real causes of dizziness.

You should not try to cure the pathological condition on your own; the information is given so that you can distinguish ordinary minor discomfort from a serious illness and consult a doctor in time.

If detected at an early stage, the disease is usually easily treated, but if it is neglected, it can even lead to death.

Source: https://upraznenia.ru/kruzhitsya-golova-i-temneet-v-glazax.html

If this happened

If your vision darkens or you start to sweat, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The fact that you feel dizzy or have an “unpleasant” sweat appears indicates a serious deviation.

Important! If you have experienced attacks of dizziness or sweating several times, do not delay visiting your doctor. Due to the presence of systematic dizziness and sweating, the causes of the development of the underlying disease can be identified in the early stages, thereby preventing the progression of the disease.

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