Coding, extrasensory perception and hypnosis in the treatment of alcoholism - truth and fiction

Alcoholism is a complex, complex disease. To rid a patient of addiction, strict directive methods of influence are most often necessary. Medicinal coding, for example, is one of them.
Exposure to hypnosis

- a method that helps eliminate the cause of alcoholism, since hypnosis affects the human psyche and consciousness.

But hypnosis

hypnosis is different. When a patient is offered hypnosis coding for alcohol, most often it means coding according to the Dovzhenko method: the person is given an attitude based on the fear of drinking. This method limits the desire to drink, but does not solve the problem of addiction entirely. It only helps to block the chain of repeated actions.

There are other types of hypnotechniques that - ONLY! — coupled with psychotherapy sessions give a person the opportunity to understand the causes of his addiction, to realize his fears and experiences that led to excessive use.

Hypnosis according to Dovzhenko for alcoholism: does it help or not?

It should be understood that very few actually get to the methods of therapy and rehabilitation, to hypnosis for alcoholism
using the Dovzhenko method, to working with a psychologist, especially when it comes to an independent decision. The vast majority of addicts come to the doctor's office under pressure from relatives or due to current circumstances (loss of family and job, serious health problems, tragic events with a fatal outcome, and so on). Almost no one wants to start treatment for alcoholism of their own free will. And we can say this within the framework of the first stage of alcoholism - at this stage a person still has a chance to realize his behavior and think.

At the second and especially the third stage of addiction, an alcoholic will definitely not go to treatment on his own. He simply does not think in such categories: his psyche is crippled and oriented toward completely different values ​​and goals. In this case, it is possible to help a person get rid of addiction only with the help of specialists and persistent persuasion of relatives. It is necessary to develop an intervention scheme: when the narcologist thinks through options for communicating with the patient, he develops an approach to gradually persuade the person to the need for treatment. At the initial stage of treatment, almost no one offers hypnosis coding according to Dovzhenko, only as part of complex coding (medicines, laser coding or hardware coding plus hypnosis).

How to make a person coded from alcoholism using hypnosis?

Consultations on hypnosis methods and selection of a coding center - let's start treatment today!!!

You cannot force a person: it is prohibited by law. And although Russia wants to return sobering-up stations, this scheme will only worsen the fear of addicts in front of medical institutions. Fear of crude methods of “help” is still entrenched in society. Many people view narcologists as charlatans and crooks: they do not believe that doctors can help, nor that there is a need for treatment in principle.

The psyche of a person with alcoholism does not function in the same way as the psyche of a healthy person.

For a person who is not burdened by addiction, it seems that nothing is easier than gathering the will into a fist and quitting drinking. But addiction is formed according to a very complex pattern, involving social, physiological, and psychological factors. This whole tangle tightly “solders” mental reactions into a single mechanism of action. And strict directive techniques, isolating the patient from his former social circle and codependent relatives is the first and necessary step in the fight against alcoholism. In this sense, hypnosis according to Dovzhenko, according to reviews, is the most important and working method. It, of course, has its shortcomings.

1. A person is afraid to drink, but does not understand what to do with the obvious desire to sip alcohol. In practice, those encoded by hypnosis and who have not used any other methods of treatment often break down during the period of remission, or even earlier.

2. If a person is simply coded, but is not told about the addiction or other methods of work, the person remains in the dark, which can ultimately lead to disappointment in coding as a whole.

Hypnosis coding for alcoholism

(both according to the Dovzhenko method and medication) is always a temporary measure. She is able to stop a person and give him time to identify himself. But almost never a person can understand the reasons on his own. At best, he simply gets used to not using. But if the mechanisms that caused alcoholism to begin turn on again (for example, a stressful situation begins), the person will take up a glass again.

Contraindications to hypnosis encoding

Hypnosuggestive coding methods for alcoholism are not used if the patient has mental illnesses and disorders - both those he had before the development of alcoholism, and those accompanying it. Also, it is not used on people who have not yet developed their psyche and is contraindicated in minor patients.

Lack of consent to conduct a session is the main contraindication. Forced treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis, like any other treatment devoid of the patient’s personal interest, will not bring any effect and will be illegal.

What is hypnosis from alcohol and suggestion: why is all this needed?

The problems that led to addiction are never in the realm of awareness.
In this case, everyone would stop drinking by simply sitting and thinking about why they want it. But it doesn't work that way. Addiction is based on childhood fears, entrenched beliefs, acute experiences, and mental trauma. In order to eliminate addiction and separate the desire to drink from experiences, you need to bring experiences to the surface, to the level of awareness, and eliminate them. In parallel, work must be done to block the physiological habit of abuse.

Only in this case, coding for alcoholism using hypnosis, along with various methods of psychotherapy and psychology, will give the expected effect.

During the process of hypnosis, a person will be able to remember traumatic events, even those that happened a long time ago, almost flew out of his head or were carefully “blocked” by the psyche. Our psyche is always trying to protect us from traumatic memories, but they do not go away, behavior is simply distorted, which in the future encourages a person to behave in a certain way.

For example, a person in childhood, seeing how his father drank and offended his mother, condemns him, but also loves him. It is difficult for a child to cope with such a complex experience, and he “glues together” disparate events and emotions in his mind and stops perceiving his father’s behavior as negative. In the future, he will repeat his father’s actions, but will experience not joy, but pain, anger, guilt, and to relieve the feeling of guilt, he will drink alcohol. That’s why they talk about heredity: the reasons why families drink for generations lie not in the area of ​​genetics, but in the area of ​​traumatic upbringing. Therefore, it is necessary to treat all family members for alcoholism: both dependent and codependent.

Coding against alcoholism using the method of hypnosis and suggestive (persuasive) influence techniques helps to open up a person and give him the opportunity to tune in to his sense of self. In a sense, any work with a psychotherapist already implies some elements of hypnosis - the very fact of suggestive influence is inevitable in some practices.

Trance: how to code for alcoholism using hypnosis

is an altered state of consciousness that does not exclude recognition of what is happening.
Empty fears that under the influence of hypnosis a person will switch off and fall into a trance (unconscious behavior) are unfounded. Hypnosis
is also called trance.

In a state of hypnosis

the person is just relaxed, inclined to listen complacently to the words of the psychotherapist, and can accept the dialogue without criticism. This is a state of increased suggestibility, but a state of wakefulness, and not “waking sleep.”

Hypnosis for alcoholism

will not turn anyone into a zombie; with the help of hypnosis it is impossible to program a person to frankly absurd actions. A video about states when a person blindly obeys the orders of a hypnotist is an illustration of severe trance states when a person’s critical perception and those areas of the brain that are responsible for logical thinking, memory, and adequate actions are disabled. In medical practice, the patient is never put into this type of trance.

The trance state is familiar to many from everyday situations. For example, you may think and not notice how you got to the store. A person under hypnosis is in approximately the same state. He hears everything, sees everything, but some of the words and phrase structures are not directly perceived by consciousness, and are even forgotten. Under the influence of alcohol and drugs, a person, by the way, also falls into a trance state, but physiological processes are also involved. The depth of trance depends on many factors: settings, state, concentration, influence techniques.

The hypnotherapist must have very high qualifications and work experience in order to competently and delicately, in a state of hypnosis, build new patterns of behavior into the patient’s consciousness or remove existing ones and deprive them of their negative connotation. According to reviews, coding for alcoholism using hypnosis bears fruit, but a person must reach this stage consciously. In this state, it is easy for a person to convey any thought that will become fixed and will emerge simultaneously with the emotions and images that the hypnotherapist worked with. Of course, you can instill negative formulations (“If you drink, you will die”), or you can work through the feelings and fears that have surfaced and deprive them of their emotional component. That is, the patient will retain memories of the event, but they will no longer bother him.

Conduct hypnosis

- a very responsible job. And trusting your psyche to non-professionals is dangerous for your mental health.

Consequences of coding for alcoholism using hypnosis

very noticeable: after a competent hypnosis session, a person will feel freer and less frustrated (tense) in general.

Consequences of treatment

The use of medications during coding is the most common and reliable method of treating chronic alcoholism. The effect of drugs develops quickly and can last differently, based on the form, dose, method of administration, life situations and individual characteristics of the body.

The advantages of this method are:

  • availability;
  • effective in preventing relapse of the disease;
  • suitable for treating any stage of alcoholism;
  • a wide range of drugs;
  • the only method of treatment for poisoning with alcohol surrogates.

Drug treatment at home should be coordinated with a narcologist. As a rule, brain receptor inhibitors are used for encoding.

The main representatives of this group are drugs based on Naltrexone, which are available in long-acting capsules, tablets, and solutions for injection. All medicines are divided into three types:

  • relieve cravings for strong drinks;
  • cause aversion to alcohol;
  • relieve hangovers.

Drugs that cause disgust

The main group of drugs for chemical coding is based on the properties of disulfiram. The active ingredients of such drugs block the work of liver enzymes, which should break down alcohol toxins into harmless components. At the same time, the toxic effect from the accumulated breakdown products of ethyl alcohol increases.

Taking such medications together with alcohol provokes a deterioration in the patient’s condition and causes a reaction: vomiting, nausea, tachycardia, asthma attacks, and indigestion.

The symptoms of drugs that cause aversion to alcohol are so pronounced that the patient is forced to give up drinking alcohol on pain of death. The most popular drugs for alcoholism:

  • Colma. The product is sold in the form of drops and tablets. The drug should be taken orally 3-4 times a day. When alcohol reacts with the active ingredient of the drug cyanamide, the level of acetaldehyde in the patient’s blood increases. The patient experiences an attack of severe intoxication. Colme is a pill for alcoholism without consequences, but people with cirrhosis of the liver, heart disease, diseases of the nervous system, and pregnant women should not take the medication.
  • Esperal. Tablets for alcohol dependence contain disulfiram, which is involved in the metabolism of ethanol. In this case, alcohol is not broken down, the level of toxins increases, which leads to severe poisoning. The medicine is allowed for use at home, but the dose prescribed by the doctor must not be exceeded. The body's reaction to long-term use of tablets: gastritis, hepatitis, psychosis, cerebral thrombosis, exacerbation of polyneuritis.

Pills that reduce cravings

Hypnosis therapy for alcohol addiction has many advantages with minimal disadvantages. Treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis is a relatively safe way to get out of the alcohol trap painlessly and without taking potent drugs.

This method helps for a long time, and the cost of hypnotherapy is relatively low compared to any other therapy. The effectiveness of hypnotic coding has been proven by numerous cases of recovery after severe stages of alcoholism.

Hypnosis coding for ethanol addiction can be used in combination with any other treatment to maximize the chances of successful recovery.

The main disadvantage is that not every psychotherapist or narcologist can treat alcoholism with hypnosis. It is not easy to find a highly qualified specialist in the field of hypnosis.

Another disadvantage is that hypnotherapy can only be used when the patient has completely sobered up after drinking and has taken the first step towards sobriety. Disadvantages also include the inability to self-treat at home.

To immerse a person in hypnosis, the psychotherapist uses a certain intonation, a set of special words that have an impact on the person’s psyche, his subconscious. The cerebral cortex is inhibited and the person falls into partial sleep, in which one small area of ​​the cerebral cortex remains in an active state and rapport (contact between the patient and the doctor) is carried out through it.

While under hypnosis, a person is easily suggestible. In a hypnotized person, you can relieve pain, make any part of the body less sensitive, or, conversely, increase its sensitivity.

In psychotherapeutic practice, hypnosis is used only on mentally healthy people who agree to it and have the appropriate attitudes. Compulsory treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis is impossible.

Only people with higher medical education who have undergone specialized training in psychotherapy have the right to practice hypnosis. Sessions should be conducted in medical institutions, in rooms isolated from noise and exclusively for therapeutic purposes.

In addiction medicine, hypnosis is used to instill a feeling of disgust or indifference to alcoholic beverages.

In addiction medicine, several methods using coding are used. Well-known methods include intravenous and intramuscular injections, a course of taking tablets, and sewing an ampoule under the skin that gradually releases microdoses of the drug.

Sometimes these are aggressive drugs that cause an aversion to alcoholic beverages. In parallel with taking pharmacological drugs, psychotherapy is often carried out, including hypnosis for alcohol.

Can hypnosis really cure alcoholism? Reviews from patients and their loved ones about the treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis confirm that the technique works. The number of sessions and total duration of therapy depends on the stage of the disease and the emotional state of the patient.

There are many methods, including proprietary ones, that allow you to safely and effectively develop a person’s indifferent attitude towards alcohol. Benefits of hypnotherapy include:

  • reliability and safety;
  • return of “colors” to the patient’s life, long-lasting effect of treatment;
  • the ability to overcome depression, addiction, phobias;
  • Coding with hypnosis is possible without pharmacotherapy, which has a destructive effect on health.

The method of treating alcoholism with hypnosis has been used in medicine for about 60 years. It is based on replacing destructive programs and instilling in the patient a ban on drinking alcohol.

Coding using hypnosis for alcohol addiction has been used for more than 60 years. This technique is based on the fact that during the session the patient is instilled with a ban on drinking alcoholic beverages, and the number of sessions will depend on the condition of his body, as well as the severity of the disease.

Coding for alcoholism with hypnosis is a very successful and effective way to combat this disease. To date, there is no clear opinion about how safe this coding method is against alcohol dependence.

It all depends on how professionally this method will be applied. If it is used incorrectly, the patient may develop various concerns and fears.

There are different types of character, and in especially severe cases, as a result of incorrect application of the coding method, the patient may need a long course of treatment from a psychoneurologist in order to eliminate depression, severe phobias and obsessive states.

This method of getting rid of alcoholism is also based on the use of hypnosis. Using this method does not require putting the patient into hypnotic sleep; an “anchor” is used here.

A mark or “anchor” is created in a person’s mind, with the help of which the patient’s behavior program is launched or blocked. An anchor can cause both positive and negative emotions, stimulate or suppress the body's reaction.

The use of this technique requires the consent of the patient, who must cooperate with the attending physician. Only in this way will he be able to pick up an anchor, and the effectiveness of treatment will be maximum.

Often this method is used in combination with medication, which results in a more stable and long-lasting result.

  • Have you tried many methods, but nothing helps?
  • Another coding turned out to be ineffective?
  • Is alcoholism destroying your family?

Treatment of alcoholism through hypnosis gained popularity back in the 19th century. This question was first raised by the Russian scientist Bekhterev. He proved that hypnosis, when used correctly on a person, causes an aversion to drinking. Moreover, the effect that such encoding gives lasts for a long time.

Hypnotherapy is based on putting a person into a trance state. In this way, the necessary information is laid down, which is retained in the patient’s mind for a long time. Modern psychotherapy, psychiatry and narcology use this method of combating drunkenness.

Benefits of hypnosis coding:

  • no toxic effects on the body;
  • long-term relief from addiction;
  • elimination of fear and depression; no need to take medications that can relieve neurosis.

Most people do not believe in this treatment method, considering professionals to be charlatans. This opinion is wrong. Hypnosis is a method that, when used correctly on the body, produces positive results. It is impossible to obtain a talisman against drunkenness on your own; for this you need help.

Treatment of alcoholism using a method such as hypnosis is the most effective and efficient way to combat a serious illness. The essence of the method is that the doctor puts the person into a state called trance. Next, the specialist instills in the patient a special attitude against the use of alcohol.

First of all, before carrying out the procedure, the doctor and the patient must develop a trusting relationship. In order to achieve this, several regular sessions will be required.

Conversation and conversation on various topics is mandatory here. Thus, the doctor influences the patient, helps him relax, feel protected and confident in his abilities.

During the process of such suggestion, the doctor talks about how terrible the consequences of alcohol addiction can be, as well as about what a person who drinks alcohol in large quantities loses. During the process of hypnosis, the patient realizes the pain such addiction brings him, and is also gradually healed.

Such a session can have a good result only if it takes place in a comfort zone. The clothes the patient is wearing should not restrict movement, and he should be on a chair or couch, occupying the most comfortable position.

Next, the doctor performs manipulations that put the patient into a trance. All this is done slowly and smoothly to get not only deep, but also quality sleep.

When the patient is completely immersed in the required state, suggestions and instructions are made to instill an aversion to alcoholic beverages and alcohol. After the doctor finishes his monologue, he also slowly takes the patient out of the trance state and brings him to his senses.

He immediately checks the effectiveness of the treatment. The patient is given a cotton swab soaked in alcohol and his reaction is checked.

If she disgusts him, then the hypnosis was successful. In some cases, at different stages of alcoholism, additional sessions may be needed to consolidate the results and finally awaken a disgusted attitude towards alcohol.

Ivan, 31 years old, Samara: encoded by hypnosis 6 years ago. Since then, not a drop has been put into my mouth. And it doesn’t last. I got married and my son is growing up. Thanks to my mom for persuading me to get treatment.

The treatment method using a trance state allows you to eliminate fears, depression, cravings for drugs and alcoholic beverages. Hypnosis is used to get rid of internal personality conflicts.

Today, traditional medicine recognizes the effectiveness of psychotherapy for getting rid of addictions that are permanent and pathological. Back in 1984, Dovzhenko’s method of hypnosis received a patent from the USSR Ministry of Health and passed all the necessary clinical trials.

A year later, this method received recognition from WHO. These facts confirm that there is no need to be distrustful of a method that helps sick people get rid of pathological conditions.

Alcoholism cannot be called a disease of today. The fight against this addiction was widely carried out in the last century. Not all methods were justified and did not provide effectiveness.

Treatment of alcoholism is carried out using coding. This is a hypnosis session in which the consciousness of a drinking person is reprogrammed in order to instill in him an aversion to alcohol.

To do this, use the classic directive method of hypnosis with strict and clear guidelines. The point of coding hypnosis for alcohol is to use the so-called “placebo effect”, that is, the essence of the treatment is built only on the person’s belief in the effectiveness of the effect, which is in fact neutral.

The prerequisites for the effectiveness of hypnosis coding from alcohol are:

  • Personal consent of the drinker to undergo treatment under hypnosis. Only voluntary cooperation with a hypnotherapist can make treatment for alcoholism fruitful.
  • Complete trust of the patient in his hypnotherapist. since only in a state of complete relaxation can the result of coding for alcoholism using hypnosis be fully achieved. A skeptical attitude towards the personality of the hypnotherapist or his experience can negate all the work to create new positive attitudes in the subconscious.
  • Mandatory abstinence from alcoholic beverages for 1 - 2 weeks before the session. A person must have a sober and clear mind in order to perceive the corrective instructions of the hypnotherapist.

The hypnotherapist begins the hypnotic session by talking in an accessible form about the essence of hypnotic suggestion. He then gradually introduces the patient or patients into a hypnotic trance. The person relaxes, and his unconscious inner world becomes available for treatment.

Next, the hypnotherapist moves on to direct suggestion. He pronounces speech formulas designed to create in the patient a persistent aversion to alcohol, to its very sight, smell and taste.

The hypnotherapist conveys to the patient that alcohol in any form (beer, vodka or other strong drinks) only brings harm, contributes to the development of diseases, has a destructive and destructive effect on brain structures, which leads to a rapid and complete loss of health.

This effect is intended to create a persistent conditioned reflex in the patient: in the future, even one glance at alcohol will only cause him a feeling of complete disgust, disgust and a gag reflex. The hypnotherapist says the words in a stern voice several times in a row.

The most effective coding method is to instill in the patient an attitude, the meaning of which is as follows: if the patient does not abstain from alcohol, he will die very soon.

This treatment formula uses a person’s instinctive fear for his life and forces the drinker to choose: drink alcohol or die. After the end of the session, the patient cannot drink even a small amount of alcohol.

In order to enhance the effect, the hypnotherapist gives the alcoholic a cotton swab soaked in alcohol to sniff. This is necessary to form a stable connection between the smell of alcohol and a new attitude towards it.

The procedure is effective only for no more than 2 hours after the suggestion. If a negative reaction to an alcohol test is observed in the form of a grimace of disgust or withdrawal of the head, the treatment can be considered successful.

The duration of 1 coding session is no more than 1 hour.

The hypnosis coding method for alcoholism is so effective that at the initial stage of the disease it allows you to achieve results after 1 - 2 sessions. The number of hypnosis treatment procedures varies and depends on the stage of alcoholization of the patient and his individual response to therapy.

Of great importance for obtaining a successful result in the treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis are the recommendations of the hypnotherapist about changing the situation and the patient’s usual environment, which should not be neglected.

Social phobia - fear of social contacts One of the most common and well-known anxiety disorders, which affects millions [...] Autophobia - fear of loneliness Phobias are multifaceted and varied in their manifestation.

Many of them are quite common, [...] Arachnophobia - fear of spiders Phobias that a person can suffer from are varied in their causes and manifestations. One […] Trypophobia - fear of holes An inexplicable irrational fear is called a phobia.

This mental disorder negatively affects the personality [...]

Alcoholism is difficult and almost impossible to cure at home if the addiction has progressed to 2 or 3 degrees. If an alcoholic really wants to quit drinking, he will still need the help of a doctor.

Treatment of alcoholism using various methods of hypnosis is an effective way to eliminate addiction to alcohol for a long time or forever.

Treatment of alcoholism using hypnosis is performed in two versions:

  1. Coding against addiction at the psychological level. In this case, the patient is taught that it is possible to live and build relationships with people without drinking;
  2. Medication coding. The essence of the course of treatment is to encode using drugs administered under the skin.

Hypnosuggestive therapy is a safer technique compared to drug coding. The procedure is not life-threatening after a possible failure.

Hypnosis is a safe treatment for alcohol addiction. Like any method, there are also contraindications:

  • the patient does not want to be treated;
  • does not agree with the proposed treatment therapy;
  • pathological problems of a psychological nature: schizophrenia, paranoia;
  • healed brain injuries;
  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • hallucinations;
  • advanced stage of alcoholism, in which personality degradation has occurred.

Contraindications include severe pathologies of an infectious nature, oncology, heart attack, stroke.

A person dependent on alcohol who wants to be treated with hypnosis needs to understand that such a procedure does not always give the expected result.

The same type of suggestion has a different effect on the psyche of an individual person. There are people who do not respond to any hypnotic method. These are individuals with great volitional potential and the presence of heightened skepticism.

When choosing hypnosis as a treatment, you need to take care of alternative treatment methods while you want to get rid of addiction.

Possible consequences of the treatment:

  • mood swings;
  • problems with concentration;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • aggression and pickiness towards others;
  • desire to get rid of existing relationships;
  • an obsessive desire to bring the body to ideal forms.

Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against alcoholism is not yet on your side...

Have you already thought about getting coded? This is understandable, because alcoholism is a dangerous disease that leads to serious consequences: cirrhosis or even death. Liver pain, hangover, problems with health, work, personal life... All these problems are familiar to you firsthand.

The price of hypnosis treatment for alcoholism depends on several factors.

There are many cases where people suffering from alcohol addiction stopped drinking after a session, but this did not please either the person himself or his loved ones. People still came into conflict with themselves and could not feel fully happy.

They tried to change their lives for the better with the help of hypnosis, tried to escape from the problems that surrounded them. As a result, they received complete antipathy towards everything and lost faith in their abilities. Remember, hypnosis has many unpredictable negative consequences.

Often people cannot find themselves and their former peace. They were looking for happiness, but they got even bigger problems - a disease of the soul. Just imagine, a completely stranger intervenes in your inner world and gives you guidelines for your future life.

Think carefully before resorting to hypnosis! Pay attention to modern highly effective psychological methods that operate on a deep, subconscious level - secure coding and laser coding. They are reliable and absolutely safe!

Review of Alla’s hypnosis treatment: “Alcoholism is a very terrible disease, I would even say in some ways a habit, a way of life. Unfortunately, alcoholism is very common in the modern world. Both young people and adults, aged men and women, suffer from it. There are cases when even children and teenagers are susceptible to this vice.

The difference and essence of Ericksonian hypnosis

In essence, this is the difference between the Dovzhenko method and other types of hypnosis, including the Ericksonian method.
With the help of hypnotic influence, you can save a person from alcohol addiction and many other problems (diseases, experiences). Ericksonian hypnosis is a technique created by the American physician Milton Erickson. While immersed in trance, a person focuses on his experiences. Erickson used stories in his practice that the patient could later operate with as basic ideas. Rely on them in cases of complex emotional conflicts.

What types of hypnotic influence exist?

We provide treatment using 3 methods:

  • Ericksonian hypnosis is a method of suggestion that is almost invisible to a person, because it is based on telling a story. First, the expert relaxes the patient in order to drive away unnecessary thoughts, anxiety, and rigidity. To implement attitudes, Erikson's triple loop method is used. First the first story is told, then the second, and in the third a suggestion is made. After this, the telling of the second story is completed, and then the first. For this reason, the installation falls into the subconscious and quickly begins to work. The main thing is to choose the right approach to a person for the suggestion to work.
  • Directive hypnosis is a more aggressive method in which a person’s consciousness is turned off almost completely. The master puts the patient into a deep trance, after which he gives him specific commands. There may be physical contact. The master can take a person by the hand and make a sudden movement to suddenly put him into a hypnotic state. The settings take effect immediately after you come out of the trance. Often people cannot remember how exactly they plunged into this state, what exactly the specialist said, etc.
  • NLP - this method can hardly be called hypnosis. The specialist does not turn off the patient’s consciousness, but openly conducts a conversation with him. Logical levels are worked to change values ​​and beliefs. It is impossible to achieve quick results; a large number of sessions are required.

The result depends entirely not on the chosen method, but on the person’s trust. If the hypnologist was unable to establish contact during the preliminary conversation, the result will be negative. The same applies to people with a low level of suggestibility.

Consequences after coding for alcoholism using hypnosis

In the practice of a hypnotherapist, you can do without stories: there are other methods of establishing contact with the patient: listening to him, speaking his language, asking the right questions in the right place, using adjustment methods, and so on.
In the process of dialogue under hypnosis for alcoholism, a person realizes the reasons why he wanted to behave in a certain way, and gradually understands where his craving for alcohol came from. Next, the psychologist, using various methods of cooperation with the patient (psychotherapy techniques, game methods of work, etc.) helps the person to realize that drinking is harmful, that the responsibility for his life is in the person’s hands. And the next, final stage of work is psychotherapy, aimed at helping a person find himself, new desires in life, tune in to success and self-realization.

In the practice of Alcoholics Anonymous clubs, listening to the stories of other people is considered an effective method. Nobody accuses a person of alcoholism, but he listens to the stories of other people and recognizes himself in them. It is the factor of non-blame, acceptance that creates an atmosphere of relaxation. And in this state, a person can understand how he can find peace, relaxation, self-esteem by other methods than with the help of alcohol.

Neurolinguistic programming

If a person, all his activities, thoughts and feelings are imagined as one big computer, then the main, basic information will be stored on the hard drive in his subconscious, and external activities are carried out by operational programs, or consciousness. The life activity of a healthy person implies the coordinated work of these two systems, but an alcoholic uses centers for degradation and self-destruction due to the fact that he can only get pleasure in a perverted way, leading to the destruction of the body.

Neurolinguistic programming, ideally, pulls out from the depths of a person’s subconscious the “correct” attitudes associated with receiving joy and pleasure from other sources not related to alcoholism. However, the process of instilling the need for sobriety is lengthy, you need to go to the doctor for more than one week, and the result of such hypnosis is dubious and does not provide a complete guarantee of recovery from alcoholism.

Conventional hypnosis and hypnosis using the Dovzhenko method: differences

This is the essence of ordinary hypnosis from the Dovzhenko method.
Dovzhenko’s method for alcoholism is based on the state of instilling unpleasant consequences after drinking: loneliness, fear of death. The psyche always resists such attitudes; many alcoholics try to check whether this is true by drinking. But an alcoholic constantly experiences loneliness and self-hatred in real life, and the fear of feeling even more contempt does not heal his psyche, it only stops him for a while. Alcohol is a way to relax. Hypnosis (not Dovzhenko!) for alcoholism is an opportunity to find other ways to relax. Alcohol-free. Hypnosis according to Dovzhenko does not help you relax and heal from the causes of addiction, but it helps you stop and gives you time. In clinical practice, both types of hypnosis are used, but more often - hypnosis according to Dovzhenko, and not everyone gets to healing therapy, which uses psyche-restoring methods of hypnosis for alcoholism.

Instructions: how to get rid of alcohol using hypnosis

To summarize: hypnosis
is one of the techniques of work of a narcologist, not mandatory, not the first, not the only one. It is impossible to heal a person using hypnosis alone. Long term work is always needed. It should start with strict, proven methods (otherwise a person simply will not get to the psychotherapist’s office and methods of gentle work with the psyche). Perhaps you should start with medicinal encoding, and only after that it makes sense to encode with hypnosis. You can combine medication and hypnocoding for alcoholism, but in the vast majority of cases it will not be possible to get by with hypnosis for alcoholism alone - both conventional and using the Dovzhenko method.

To start treatment, contact a narcologist and develop a coding scheme for alcoholism - choosing a method. If you follow it step by step, healing is guaranteed. The only thing: the treatment will not be quick. To finally get rid of addiction, you need a systematic persistent desire, including from the patient himself, and not just from those who brought him to the doctor.

Pros of hypnosis coding (not Dovzhenko):

1. The person will understand the reasons for his addiction.
2. Get rid of the desire to drink of your own free will, and not under pressure. 3. Find other methods to enjoy life, get rid of many fears, pain, and worries in general. He will be happier. 4. His life will be more comfortable, people will treat him better, new goals and horizons will appear. This in itself will become a support and incentive to develop, and not waste time on drinking and destroying your health. Be healthy! Choosing any clinic for hypnosis coding - specialization "Hypnosis for alcoholism"


Causes and signs of alcoholism

The factors that cause alcoholism are varied. There are many circumstances that force a person to drink excessively.

Most often, the development of alcoholism is facilitated by psychological reasons. Here, an important role is played by the character of the individual, his temperament, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

A suspicious, insecure person with low self-esteem will much more quickly resort to the relaxing effects of alcohol. He will drink to cheer up, become more confident, get rid of depression, reduce anxiety, and overcome inhibitions.

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