Denial, anger or depression: how Russians accept the crisis

Any depressive state is conventionally divided into stages of escalation of manifestations. The stages of depression characterize the characteristics and intensity of the symptoms of the disease. Many people mistakenly believe that depression attacks suddenly and is immediately revealed by characteristic symptoms. The length of time required for the disease to mature, the manifestations and severity of the disorder vary. Depression is characterized by individual manifestations. They also highlight some key symptoms experienced by most patients, which form the basis for the five stages of the condition in question below.

Five steps to fully accepting the inevitable

First stage: shock, denial

Denial is the first step to accepting loss. People in European culture have a negative attitude towards death: people find it extremely difficult to bear the inevitable separation from a loved one. And the first stage becomes at the same time one of the brightest and most invisible in its manifestations.

The goal of this stage is to accept the very fact of human death, its irreversibility.

Some signs characterizing the course of the first stage of adoption:

  • Emotional numbness - an illness that has claimed a person’s life is perceived as still possible to be cured, and the sufferer does not fully realize the inevitability of the situation;
  • Sensual “thaw” - the fact of death is already recognized as inevitable, but the mind is looking for moves that would save a person from psychological trauma.
  • Emotional immersion - no protective mechanisms of the brain bring the deceased back to life and the awareness of death with its rejection results in a violent reaction - tears and screams. Some sensitive individuals may even attempt suicide to share grief with the deceased. Therefore, you need to be very attentive to such people.

Stage two: anger and aggression

Purpose of anger: working out negative feelings associated with the departure of a loved one

The second stage of accepting death is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • Lack of understanding of why this situation happened to them - death is perceived as the ultimate punishment. It is difficult to understand and accept why this measure was applied specifically to the sufferer. Hence the anger and rejection of the very nature of the loss;
  • Projection of one's negative feelings onto people around him - in order for negative feelings to find their way out, a person often projects them onto the people and objects around him. This is only a protective mechanism designed to preserve the integrity of consciousness and others should understand this feature;
  • Loss of faith - believers at this moment often abandon faith and complain about universal injustice. Lack of understanding of the reasons for this event leads to a departure from religious beliefs;
  • Loss of faith in the significance of life itself—observation of how quickly life can end—leads to loss of understanding of the need to actually organize life itself: work, leisure, interpersonal relationships. Everything becomes faded and gray. This is how the second stage of accepting death comes to an end.

Third stage - bargaining

The purpose of this stage is to try one last time to avoid the inevitable and prevent the very cause of suffering.

Trades are characterized by the following features:

  • Feeling of own guilt - a person feels that he has not done enough to help keep a loved one in this world. This thought prevents you from sleeping peacefully, eating and doing everyday things. It's an all-encompassing feeling;
  • Searching for resources that can become an exchange item for the life of the deceased - often a woman who has lost her loved one thinks at this moment: “if only I could get him back, I would leave my job, be with him, and nothing like this would happen.” These thoughts visit any person at this stage of acceptance;
  • Anger at a departed loved one;
  • Anger at others.

Stage four – depression

The goal of this stage is to learn to live without the deceased.

Characteristics inherent in this stage:

  • Awareness of the emptiness in life that followed the death of a loved one - death completely changes the way of life, and it is necessary to learn to fill the voids created by the loss;
  • Loss of physical resources to continue the usual life - the person’s strength has left him, he does not want to move forward, there is an irresistible desire to fixate on the stage where it was good and comfortable;
  • The ability to learn to look at things in a new way;
  • Frequent memories of events with the deceased are final attempts to work through the emotions associated with death. Light sadness can bring a little color back to the life of someone experiencing grief.

Stage five – accepting the inevitable

The purpose of this stage: complete elaboration of feelings associated with death and acceptance of this fact.

Main characteristics of this stage:

  • Full awareness of the inevitable event and its acceptance;
  • The end of acute negative feelings associated with death;
  • Return of the desire to live and create;
  • Humility and making the decision to return to the usual rhythm of life.

At this stage, the personality’s protective mechanisms cease their activity, as consciousness gradually returns to its usual mode of functioning.

Depression is the most protracted stage of the 5 stages of accepting the inevitable

Psychology recognizes that depression, which envelops people in crisis, is the most difficult to combat. At this stage, you cannot do without the help of friends and relatives, because 70% of people have suicidal thoughts, and 15% of them try to take their own lives.

Depression is accompanied by disappointment and awareness of the futility of one's efforts spent trying to solve the problem. The person is completely immersed in sadness and regret, he refuses to communicate with others and spends all his free time in bed.

The mood at the stage of depression changes several times a day, followed by a sharp rise in apathy. Psychologists consider depression to be a preparation for letting go. But, unfortunately, it is depression that many people dwell on for many years. Experiencing their misfortune again and again, they do not allow themselves to become free and start life anew. It is impossible to cope with this problem without a qualified specialist.

Stages of development of depression

In psychology, the stages of depression are divided as follows:

  1. Easy. A person forces himself to do things, withdraws into himself, and is unable to rejoice. But there are some things - at home and at work - he can do.
  2. Medium heavy. The patient is unhappy, unable to work, nothing gives him pleasure.
  3. Heavy. The patient is unable to take care of himself, neglects personal hygiene, watches television (despite lack of interest in the programs he is watching), and spends most of his time in bed with gloomy thoughts.
  4. Severe with psychotic symptoms. The same symptoms as severe depression are present, plus hallucinations and/or delusions.

History of creation

The material for constructing the questionnaire was data from a survey of 197 parents of mentally healthy children aged 7 to 11 years and 93 families who sought psychological help at the Advisory Center for Psychological Assistance to Family at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University and the Research Institute of General and Pedagogical Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Russia. This number was made up of two groups: control, that is, parents who do not need outside help in matters of raising and communicating with the child, who are subjectively prosperous; and experimental - parents who needed help in raising children - and it included a subgroup of people who actually asked for psychological help. All parents are residents of Moscow, more than half of them have higher education.

Statements from parents who sought help on raising children at the Advisory Center for Psychological Assistance were selected as the source material for the questionnaire. Using an expert procedure, this bank of statements was tested on 13 a priori scales:

  • sympathy,
  • antipathy,
  • respect,
  • contempt,
  • proximity,
  • distance,
  • infantilization,
  • disability,
  • social disability,
  • cooperation,
  • dominance,
  • indulgence,
  • autonomy.

The standardized interview included only those statements regarding which the experts’ opinions on scale membership coincided. This resulted in a 62-item standardized interview to which 197 subjects responded. Responses were factorized with Varimax rotation. As a result of factorization of data from the general sample of subjects, 4 significant factors were obtained: “acceptance-rejection”, “cooperation”, “symbiosis”, “authoritarian hypersocialization”. Significant factors were also obtained in the experimental and control groups: 3 in the experimental group, 4 in the control group, and 2 in the “little loser” subsample of people who sought psychological help. Based on the significant factors of the general sample and the maximum discriminatory factor, the structure of this questionnaire was built.

The validity of the questionnaire was determined using the known groups method. Using the T-criterion, the discriminativeness of the factors of the experimental group was calculated in all samples. Of the five factors, four turned out to be discriminative, that is, they significantly distinguished the samples from each other. Thus, it is shown that the proposed questionnaire really takes into account the characteristics of the parental attitude of people experiencing difficulties in raising children. In addition, factorization of the data by subjects was carried out, followed by Varimax rotation of significant factors. It showed the coincidence of a priori and empirical groups: as a result of factorization, a group of subjectively prosperous parents (control group) and a subsample of people who sought help from psychological counseling were identified. These data also confirm the validity of the questionnaire.

Denial, anger or depression: how Russians accept the crisis


The panic provoked the age-old question: who is to blame? People did not understand why this misfortune befell them, and they blamed the government and the Central Bank. Reproaches against the Central Bank, which allowed the collapse of the ruble, were also heard from State Duma deputies. As a result, Vladimir Putin had to publicly defend the chairman of the Central Bank: “You can attack Nabiullina, but do not forget that in general their policy is adequate.”

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While the Central Bank was trying to stabilize the situation, the population was buying durable goods. People with low incomes bought products with a long shelf life, the middle-income group bought durable goods like household appliances and cars, and the high-income group bought apartments. The boom in the real estate market at the end of the year was fueled by the desire of wealthy Russians to save their savings. Retail sales of non-food products in December increased by 10.5% compared to December 2013.

Bargaining with yourself

Now we are at the stage of bargaining or making deals with ourselves. The situation with foreign currency purchases has stabilized. But with the purchase of goods and services - no. Now people reason and weigh whether they can afford this or that product. The trade comes on top of the income shock that emerged in January – due to accelerating inflation, Russians’ incomes have decreased not only in dollar terms, but also in real terms. Wages fell by 8% year-on-year, and real incomes fell by 0.8% year-on-year. So far, the results of these internal processes are as follows: in January 2015, trade turnover decreased by 4.4% in annual terms.

Much of consumer behavior will be determined by two factors: the rate of decline in real wages and the availability of credit. In any case, one cannot count on favorable dynamics. Banks have already limited the issuance of consumer loans. And I have not yet met a single employer from the private sector who would plan to increase/index the salaries of employees to accelerating inflation. We can say with confidence that we will all become noticeably poorer. And this means that the next stage inevitably awaits us.


Depression will manifest itself differently in different income groups. In the low-income group, the share of food expenditures will increase sharply. This is a very sad consequence of the crisis. During the 2000s, the government managed to achieve significant success in the fight against poverty. By the beginning of the 2000s, the share of people living on incomes below the official subsistence level was 29%. In 2013, it dropped to 10.8%.

Currently, the share of spending on food in the country as a whole remains at 27.7%. In low-income groups – almost 44%. Unfortunately, the bottom 25% of Russians will spend more than 60% of their income on food, which will mean a sharp deterioration in their quality of life. This means that other expenses will suffer - on education, healthcare, etc., which affects the social development of society and its well-being.

Another sad consequence is the erosion of the middle class. The income of this category of Russians made it possible to adhere to a consumption structure close to Western European standards. The prospects for further rapid expansion of the middle class were most promising - by 2018–2020, its size could easily reach 40% of the population. But now this process will stop. Therefore, it is no coincidence that in Moscow the financial mood of the population (IFN Sberbank) shows the deepest pessimism in the country.

Acceptance – when will it come?

Depression will last for so long until there is an understanding of when the crisis will end. As soon as the timing of recovery from the crisis becomes clearer, the phase of its acceptance will begin. How soon will this happen? Past crises have created the impression that improvement could come within a year. The last experience of this kind was the crisis of 2008–2009, when economic recovery began within six to nine months. After the 1998 default, the bottom was also found quite quickly, and GDP growth began.


When the realization comes that all actions performed by a person, all efforts are in vain, apathy and depressive moods come.

Depression itself marks the fourth stage. Here comes the realization that it is impossible to change what happened. A person is overcome by apathy, he is indifferent, and loses interest in existence. It seems to him that, coupled with the unpleasant incident, everything has come to an end. Nothing can bring him joy anymore. Previously significant things lose their meaning.

At the same time, some people experiencing despondency and apathy go through this stage at home, endlessly watching TV shows, constantly chewing something, eliminating all social contacts, while others continue to work, lead their usual lives, communicate with relatives, friends, and perform various social duties.

The fourth stage of depression is characterized by the following manifestations:

– lack of appetite;

– decreased self-esteem (people feel like complete nonentities);

– invariably present drowsiness or other sleep disorders;

– decrease in concentration;

– lack of desire for social interaction, communication, sharing one’s own experiences with others;

– obsessive suicidal thoughts;

– awareness of the futility of the efforts made;

– regret about the past, disappointment in one’s own person;

– immersion in the world of sadness and regrets.

The described stage of depression is considered the most protracted phase. Therefore, the support of relatives, the help of the environment, and sometimes even a psychologist are very significant here.

Stage 2: Anger

Adrian Brouwer - Quarrel while playing cards
Arkady begins to look for those to blame, scolds the findir, yells at the employees. And, why not, he also scolds himself.

What does a financial director do?

— Explains that anger is not helpful or productive. There are no issues that cannot be resolved.

— Suggests focusing on looking for a way out of the situation instead of looking for those to blame.

— As a last resort, it gives the client a break and allows him to “sleep” with new information.

Arkady yells with foam at the mouth:

- Yes, I say - everything is fine with me! What losses, what equity? Am I completely stupid in your opinion?!

- Arkady, calm, just calm. Let's think better about how to resolve this situation. Alternatively, you can sell your car and pour that money into your business. Or figure out how to deliver sites in stages. We made a design and closed it with an act. They made the layout and closed it with an act. We opened the site and closed completely. This way, at least revenue will be recognized faster, and you’ll cover more expenses with your own money, rather than someone else’s. And the revenue will not be as large as before, but more often. In short, there are options. Let's take a breath and let's discuss.


this is money closed by deed


Basically, this is due to the desire to postpone the inevitable outcome of events. It’s as if we are bargaining with our superiors or with ourselves. The desire is realized to hold out for as long as possible without change and, if possible, find a solution to this situation: “I will do what you want, but new conditions will not apply to me?” An example would be working overtime to avoid being laid off.

Bargaining is already a fact of accepting the problem - it personifies the fact that people are thinking about their future. They are still tormented by fears, but they immediately think about how to live further, making contact with you.


  • Be an initiator who sets them the right path of thinking;
  • Conduct brainstorming, think through a strategy;
  • Try to help employees see the prospect of future innovation.

Stages of depression other than denial-acceptance

Now that we have a clearer understanding of how the stages of grief relate to depression, let's look at the five stages of depression. These stages are based on the symptoms of the depressive disorder itself, however, the actual experience can vary significantly from person to person. Some people will experience all 5 stages, while others will skip stages entirely. The following five stages of depression give a general idea of ​​what most people with depression will experience.

1. Negative thinking

The first stage is negative thinking, which often begins with a series of negative thoughts that are destructive, intrusive and difficult to get rid of. These negative thoughts may be about appearance, work, or social status. They can also be focused on their surroundings. In contrast to normal concerns about the country and the world in which we live, a person suffering from depression absolutely understands that the planet is heading into the abyss, there is no bright spot, the situation is hopeless and will never improve, and there is no point in continuing to live. “What’s the point of living if everyone is doomed?”

2. Changes in eating behavior

Many people experiencing depression experience changes in their appetite. Some lose their appetite completely, while others may begin to eat more like a food processing machine, risking an eating disorder or food addiction in addition to depression. For some people, their appetite does not change at all. It depends on the person and their typical eating habits.

3. Change in sleep

Almost every person with depression experiences problems sleeping because the brain is looking for relief from the stress and pain of the disease and all its resources are devoted to this. This causes hormonal imbalance, primarily disrupting normal sleep. As with changes in appetite, exactly how sleep will be affected depends on the individual—there are no general rules.

  • Some people experience insomnia because negative thoughts consume them at night, making sleep impossible. As a result, they remain tired, fatigued and lethargic throughout the day.
  • Some people feel so drained by a barrage of negative thoughts that they have difficulty getting out of bed and tend to sleep more.
  • Some people fall asleep normally, but wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep. Some people are so afraid that as soon as they get into bed they will be overcome by negative, destructive thoughts that they try to exhaust themselves to the limit and only fall asleep in the morning.

4. Self-flagellation

The person blames himself for things that are beyond his control. He even blames himself for becoming depressed. He is ashamed that he cannot cope with his usual chores and responsibilities. This becomes a vicious cycle of feelings of inadequacy, helplessness and a sense of failure. A person blames himself for everything that is possible and impossible. As his symptoms worsen and his depression becomes more severe, he begins to realize that life may not be worth living.

5. Suicidal thoughts and behavior

As the severity of the illness increases, so does the likelihood of suicidal behavior or self-harm. Not everyone gets to this stage because many seek help before depression drives them to suicide. And for many of those who have reached this stage, the desire to kill themselves is more connected with the desire to get rid of feelings of depression than with an unwillingness to live.

But whether you've reached this stage or not, once you find yourself contemplating things related to suicide, such as making a plan or giving away personal items, you need to seek professional help immediately.

What to do if you feel bad or 5 stages of accepting negative events

When we encounter negative facts or events that concern us personally (for example, information about a serious illness, death, loss, bereavement), we react to them in a certain way.

2 Anger. At some point, a person realizes that the information about death was about him, and this is not a mistake. The stage of anger begins. The patient begins to blame the people around him for what happened (doctors, relatives, the government system)

3 Trades. Having finished blaming, patients begin to “bargain”: they try to make a deal with fate, God, Doctors, etc. In general, they are trying to somehow delay the time of death.

4 Depression. Having gone through the previous three stages, patients understand that death will occur within the period of time specified by the doctor. This will happen specifically to this person. Blaming others will not change things. Bargaining won't work either. The depression phase begins. Despair sets in. Lost interest in life. Apathy sets in.

5 Acceptance. At this stage, the patient comes out of depression. He accepts the fact of imminent death. Humility sets in. A person takes stock of his life, completes unfinished business if possible, and says goodbye to loved ones.

Let's look at a person who has been notified of a breakup:

Negation. For a moment he doesn't believe what he's saying. He thinks it was a joke or he misunderstood something. He may ask again: “What? What did you say?"

Anger. Once he realizes what is happening, he will feel angry. Most likely, you will want to throw it out somewhere, so at this stage you can hear the following phrase: “How can you do this to me, after so many years?” Or “I gave you everything, and you’re doing this to me!” Sometimes anger may be directed not at the partner, but at parents and friends. It happens that anger is directed at oneself.

Bargaining. After accusations, there may be a desire to revive the relationship: “Maybe we can try to start all over again?” or “What was wrong? I'll fix it! Tell me what can I do?

Depression. Despair and horror sets in. Loss of meaning in life. Loss of interest in life. A person experiences sadness, melancholy, loneliness. A person is pessimistic about his future.

Adoption. The person understands and accepts what happened.

As we can see, in this example there was no talk of a fatal disease, but the stages coincided with the stages of acceptance of death identified by Kübler-Ross.

  • As a rule, when faced with negative events, we go through these stages in one form or another.
  • If you feel stuck in one of these stages in the process of accepting a negative event, try moving to the next stage or starting to go through these stages again. Perhaps a stage that has not been fully experienced interferes with acceptance
  • As you can see, the final stage is accepting the event as it is. Maybe it makes sense, when faced with life’s difficulties, to immediately strive to accept them as they are?

If the ideas in this article are close to you, then come for a consultation and we’ll work with it. Have a nice day!

1 Denial. At this stage, the person denies information about his imminent death. It seems to him that some kind of mistake occurred or that it was not said about him.

It has long been no secret that our harmonious interaction with reality is based on acceptance of life. However, knowing is one thing, but not everyone succeeds in applying this principle in life or mastering this art. Today we will look at the 5 stages of accepting the inevitable.

They occur spontaneously and without invitation, sweeping through our psychological and spiritual landscapes like an earthquake, leaving deep traces and traumas in their wake. And then a stage comes when we have to restore ourselves, piece by piece again into a single picture. This process includes five steps through which we return to wholeness.

Crisis: reaction and overcoming

Each of us may experience a stage in life when it seems that problems simply cannot be avoided. It’s good if they are all common and solvable. In this case, it is important not to give up and go towards the intended goal, but there are situations when practically nothing depends on a person - in any case, he will suffer and worry.

Psychologists call such situations a crisis and advise taking attempts to overcome it very seriously. Otherwise, its consequences will not allow a person to build a happy future and learn certain lessons from the problem.

Each person reacts to a crisis differently. It depends on inner strength, upbringing and often on social status. It is impossible to predict what an individual's reaction will be to stress and a crisis situation. It happens that at different periods of life the same person can react to stress differently. Despite the differences between people, psychologists have come up with a general formula of 5 stages of accepting the inevitable, which is equally suitable for absolutely all people. With its help, you can effectively help cope with trouble, even if you do not have the opportunity to contact a qualified psychologist or psychiatrist.

Blues after divorce in men

Many women, as soon as they get divorced, stop taking care of themselves; for them this desire simply disappears somewhere. They become irritated by seemingly familiar and favorite activities, things that previously brought them joy. They want the entire environment to leave them alone. No appetite, no sleep, and in the morning I’m too lazy to get out of bed.

Depression after divorce in women does not manifest itself in the same way with varying degrees of severity. But, according to experts, there are main manifestations that require attention:

  1. There is no motivation, everything becomes indifferent, there is a manifestation of chronic fatigue.
  2. Criticism or slights are taken seriously.
  3. Apathy overcomes, interest in life disappears.
  4. The resentment is acutely felt.
  5. Feeling helpless and hopeless.
  6. Inadequacy in behavior with low self-esteem appears.
  7. Frequent thoughts about death and committing suicide are annoying.
  8. Concentration disappears and forgetfulness appears.
  9. Hypochondria occurs, which manifests itself in too much concern for one’s own health, with the simultaneous absence of obvious reasons for this.
  10. Alcohol and drug addiction appears. This happens due to the search for a medicine that will relieve a woman’s mental pain. This can also include antidepressants and sedatives.
  11. The mood changes dramatically many times in a short period of time.

Depression after divorce in men is accompanied by the appearance of a depressing feeling, as if they have lost something and will never be found or replaced by anything. The wife may not always be the reason. This may be a break in other relationships, or the usual rhythm of life, etc. It usually manifests itself as hopelessness, fear and anxiety are inherent.

And emotionally sensitive men have the opposite reaction: they lose interest not only in things, work, hobbies, but also in people. For them, the environment is observed behind a turbid veil of fog. Such a protracted state of onset of depression requires professional intervention.

It's important to get help as early as possible

Getting help in the early stages of a complex mental health condition can make a huge difference in how quickly you recover. If you feel seriously depressed due to stress, separation from family, separation from your spouse, fears or mental anxiety, do not be afraid to contact a specialist, do not let the first stage develop into something more.

Often the thought of meeting with a psychologist in person for depression can seem daunting, but that doesn't mean you can't get the help you need. Consider using online resources such as Helppoint, which provides access to dozens of licensed psychologists who can help you cope with depression and regain your sense of joy and zest for life.

The information presented in this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace professional advice from a physician. If you notice signs of depression, consult a specialist!

Author: Editorial staff of the portal

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What happens when a person gets stuck in one of the stages

There are extreme cases. Perhaps you are also familiar with these: for example, when a person used to be cheerful and sociable, but after a certain event in life he remains aggressive and unfriendly. Some people never get out of depression. Such people basically doom themselves to a lifelong need for medication or even a stay in a mental hospital.

This happens because such people completely ignore even the physiological signals of their own body. After all, if a person is in a state of depression for too long, an excess of “stressful” substances and conditions seems to accumulate in the body, he understands that if he continues in the same spirit, compensatory mechanisms will no longer be enough and serious disruptions will begin. Therefore, the spontaneous production of hormones and neurotransmitters that elevate mood begins.

For example, if usually in life he is used to not feeling loved, then he may unconsciously take advantage of the situation to attract attention to himself so that he can be pitied. Although, in reality, love and pity are very distant concepts from each other. Almost everyone inevitably goes through a stage of denial, but then it is best to come to acceptance and humility.

First stage: denial of the situation

Denial of the inevitable is the most natural human reaction to great grief. This stage cannot be avoided; everyone who finds themselves in a difficult situation has to go through it. Most often, denial borders on shock, so a person cannot adequately assess what is happening and seeks to isolate himself from the problem.

If we are talking about seriously ill people, then at the first stage they begin to visit different clinics and undergo tests in the hope that the diagnosis is the result of an error. Many patients turn to alternative medicine or fortune tellers, trying to figure out their future. Along with denial comes fear; it almost completely subjugates a person.

In cases where stress is caused by a serious problem not related to illness, a person tries with all his might to pretend that nothing has changed in his life. He withdraws into himself and refuses to discuss the problem with anyone outside.

Principles of treatment

Therapy of the disease requires the patient to be aware of the problem that has arisen and be willing to make efforts to get out of the pathological state, which becomes possible only at the third stage of the development of depression. Taking into account the severity of symptoms, the patient is prescribed outpatient or inpatient treatment using drug therapy, physiotherapeutic techniques, and work with a psychiatrist.

Medicines prescribed to treat the disease include:

  1. Antidepressants. Drugs in this group provide a calming effect, relieve irritability and increased anxiety, for example, Amitriptyline, Escitalopram. In cases of severe apathy and lethargy, it is recommended to use stimulating antidepressants, which include Fluoxetine and Bupropion.
  2. Phytotherapeutic drugs. Natural remedies act gently, have a minimum of side effects and contraindications, and are used for mild symptoms of the disease. This group includes decoctions, tablets and concentrated alcohol infusions of motherwort, valerian, lemongrass or ginseng.
  3. Tranquilizers. Potent drugs that can cause addiction are used only for the treatment of severe forms of the disease that provoke the development of suicidal thoughts, acute social problems, and anorexia nervosa. A popular representative of the group is Midazolam, Phenazepam.

Uncontrolled use of medications can aggravate the course of the disease, so it is recommended to consult a doctor to prescribe the necessary medications and determine safe and at the same time effective dosages.

Physiotherapy techniques include phototherapy, which involves prolonged exposure to fresh air and sunbathing, aromatherapy and relaxing baths. For major depressive disorder, electric current treatment, acupuncture, and hydrotherapy can also be used in a hospital setting.


Somewhere by the winter of 2023 - 2024, when the understanding of deception will be supported by obvious facts, in Ukraine for many the fifth and final stage will begin - humility, when all the negativity will be replaced by indifference and even unexpected optimism, especially against the backdrop of new hope, because by that time politicians will launch a new race for the right to grab their piece, of course, if there is still something to grab. Unfortunately, it is hard to believe that those who reach the fifth stage will learn the moral of Ukrainian history, which in many ways is an excellent example of cyclicality.

Evgeny Gaman, specially for News Front

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Perhaps the longest stage. You can probably imagine demonstrators smashing everything in their path and setting tires on fire. To some extent, yes, but more on that later.

Our anger is more like resentment, an obviously futile attempt to refuse to accept the inevitable. All this results in complaints, accusations and criticism. Such anger has an object, and here it is power. I think everyone has experienced this type of dissatisfaction. His favorite habitat is the market and public transport.

At a certain moment, the rose-colored, or in our case, green glasses will burst inwards, and Ukrainians will see all the hopelessness, they will see that there are no real changes and are not expected, and they have been deceived. However, this is not the first time.

Actually, returning to the protests, it is precisely these offended citizens who are easiest to manipulate. It is easy to convince them, to give them hope, by directing their anger in a certain direction that someone needs. And this is where resentment and discontent spills over into burning tires and riots. True, the outcome of this action is well known to us.

Third stage

This period is characterized by remaining in a naive and desperate hope that all troubles will disappear and life will become the same again. If the experiences are associated with a break in a relationship, then being in this stage comes down to trying to come to an agreement with a former partner, to pleas for a last chance or friendship.

The person makes helpless attempts to take control of the situation. It comes down to the phrase "if we...":

- ...were taken to another specialist;

- ... we didn’t go there;

- ...did it;

- ... took advantage of the advice of a friend, etc.

Notable is the desire to make a deal with higher powers, as well as to promise and repent in the name of extending the inevitable. A person may begin to look for some signs of fate, to believe in omens. For example, if you make a wish, open any page of a book and, without looking, point to an arbitrary word that turns out to be affirmative, then the troubles will go away on their own.

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