What ointment should I use to treat neuralgia?

Neuralgia of the back is a common symptom that most often signals certain pathologies of the spine. Pain may appear in the projection of the heart, liver, lung, epigastric region. Acute back pain and intercostal neuralgia are often mistaken for a serious disease of internal organs, but in 70% of cases such symptoms indicate neurological disorders.

Neuralgia rarely poses a threat to the patient’s life, but it is not easy for a person to live with regular “shots” in the back or under the ribs and inflammation of the nerve roots. Symptoms may appear suddenly, then disappear, but after some time they “come back” again.

Neuralgia of the back is manifested by pain due to compressed nerve roots

The main causes of pain and spasms in muscles are irritation and pinched nerves. As a rule, doctors prescribe effective medications that the patient takes at home. If treatment is started in time, pain can be dealt with as quickly as possible.

What is neuralgia of the back

So, any neuralgia occurs as a result of irritation of certain parts of the nerve pathways. The cause of pain depends on which area is affected and where it is located.

From the school anatomy course we know that 12 pairs of nerve fibers pass between our ribs. They are connected by pathways with the thoracic branches. Each space between the ribs in a person has paired formations - on the left and on the right.

The vapors, which are located below, go towards the anterior abdominal wall, so with neuralgic symptoms, pain can radiate to the abdomen.

Nerve roots run through the entire spine

There are several types of branches in the peripheral nervous system:

  • sensitive;
  • motor;
  • vegetative.

Depending on which of them is affected, different symptoms appear. If sensitive nerve endings are involved in the pathological process, pain occurs. If the motor pathways are affected, breathing problems (shortness of breath) may appear, and if the disease affects the autonomic peripheral nerves, patients experience increased sweating.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

As soon as the attacks of acute pain subside, physiotherapy comes to the fore in the treatment of neuralgia of the back. These procedures have virtually no contraindications and effectively cope with the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, bringing long-awaited relief to patients. And for those for whom drug therapy is not recommended at all (elderly people, children and pregnant women), physiotherapy is truly irreplaceable.

Patients with neuralgia of the back are prescribed:

  • UHF therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound treatment;
  • Magnetic and laser therapy;
  • fluctuarization;
  • paraffin applications;
  • mud baths;
  • acupuncture.

The duration of therapy depends on the degree of neglect of the problem and the individual characteristics of the patient, but in the vast majority of cases, the course of treatment includes no less than 5 and no more than 12 procedures. As a result, blood circulation and lymph flow improve, muscle tension is relieved and pain is significantly reduced.

Massage also plays an important role in the treatment of back neuralgia. Its main purpose is to relieve muscle spasms, so the procedure is carried out in a gentle manner, especially if the pain still partially persists. To increase the effectiveness of the massage, it is recommended to do it after a bath and in combination with warming creams.

Main symptoms and signs

People describe back pain due to neuralgia in different ways. She may be:

  • strong;
  • sudden;
  • aching;
  • paroxysmal;
  • constant.

The pain becomes stronger with sudden movements, coughing, sneezing. In severe cases, an attack can even be triggered by a sudden change in body position.

With neuralgia of the back, the pain can have a different character

How long can your back hurt with neuralgia? After two to three weeks, if left untreated, the pain may gradually subside. This means that one of the nerve roots has died, but the patients’ joy, alas, can be premature.

In the presence of provoking factors, manifestations return with renewed vigor. They are accompanied by spasms of the back muscles. They begin to involuntarily contract and twitch. The feeling is not pleasant, so you should not self-medicate - for example, take antibiotics and other medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Cervical region

When a nerve is damaged in the cervical spine, pain quickly spreads to nearby vertebrae and manifests itself in an unusual way:

  • occurs unexpectedly, can be provoked by a sharp turn of the head to the side or even by ordinary touch;
  • differs in different localization. First, it grabs the bottom of the neck, after which it spreads to the back of the head, behind the ears, and later “shoots” into the eye. This means that the facial nerve is involved in the pathological process;
  • Patients often compare the resulting pain to an electric shock.

With neuralgia, lumbago may appear in the neck
. In addition to pain, cervical neuralgia is characterized by photophobia and vertebral artery syndrome, caused by impaired blood flow. It can manifest itself as sharp “shooting” in the head on one side or in the back of the head (like a migraine) and unpleasant sensations while combing hair. Also observed:

  • sweating, weakness;
  • tinnitus;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • hearing loss;
  • sleep disorders;
  • high pressure.

Thoracic region

If the process develops in the thoracic spine, the pain syndrome is predominantly of a girdling nature, radiating to different parts of the back, between the shoulder blades and to the upper lumbar region. When a stabbing sensation appears on the left (in the area of ​​the heart), patients think that they have angina, a heart attack or heart failure, but this is not always the case.

Neuralgia in the thoracic region can be similar to pain in the heart

In this case, a competent attending physician must conduct a differential diagnosis, excluding or confirming cardiac pathology. There are a number of differences thanks to which a person can draw primary conclusions and understand which doctor he should contact:

  • Intercostal neuralgia differs from a heart attack by constant aching pain;
  • pain syndrome often occurs at night. It is accompanied by a feeling of fear and a feeling of lack of air, but if you remain calm and breathe deeply, the symptoms of suffocation go away. Towards the morning, the unpleasant sensations disappear without a trace, but later they can resume;
  • The pain is accompanied by symptoms of muscular neuralgia. These are spasms and convulsions: patients describe this feeling something like this: “it’s as if a stake has been inserted in the back between the shoulder blades, and the back muscles become stone”;
  • the pain intensifies if you take a deep breath, turn sharply or change body position.


If your back is “blown” in the lumbar region, pain of varying degrees of severity appears along the nerves of the lower parts of the spinal column. The process hinders movement, the person cannot stand or sit quietly. The muscles gradually swell and begin to contract involuntarily.

Great article on the topic:

Blown back: 15 symptoms and reasons, what to do, how to treat it at home, ointments, injections, patches, tablets

Pain in the lower back is always unpleasant, but it frightens patients much less than thoracic neuralgia. However, if we are talking about a pinched sciatic nerve, the severity of the symptoms increases several times and may be accompanied by temporary complete immobilization.

For neuralgia in the lower back, many people immediately take a strong painkiller pill

The sciatic nerve is one of the longest and largest in our body. It is responsible for the motor activity of the legs, so if it is damaged, a person may fall from unexpected and sharp pain. How does this type of neuralgia manifest? It all depends on the stage of the process. In the acute phase, sensations can be sharp and intense, and when the disease becomes chronic, the symptoms disappear. During an objective examination, the doctor discovers muscle weakness in the affected limb. In advanced cases, it is accompanied by flaccid paresis.

The nature of the spread of pain is from the upper part of the lower back down, along the back of the thigh, lower leg, to the toes. As a rule, one leg hurts, left or right, and if a person tries to step on it, an acute piercing pain occurs, which can be impossible to bear without the use of strong painkillers.

Be sure to read this good article:

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica): TOP 50 methods of quick treatment at home

Neuralgia of the hands and feet

Neuralgia of the arms or legs is a secondary symptom that occurs as a result of degenerative diseases of the spine. Because the nerve pathways malfunction, “burning” pain may appear in the arms or legs. This is a very unpleasant feeling:

  • it appears suddenly, the sensations are painful, pulling, the person cannot fully straighten the limb;
  • in the legs, pain is usually localized posteriorly (along the sciatic nerve). Patients often limp, dragging their legs and stepping on them with great caution;
  • in the hands, pain and cramps most often occur on the outer surface of the little finger on the right, when performing any movements. When they stop and gently bend the fingers inward, the unpleasant sensations gradually go away.

Be sure to read: Pinched nerve in the lower back: what to do? 20 symptoms, 10 causes, first aid and treatment

Neuralgia of the arms and legs is accompanied by burning pain

If you have neuralgia in the arms, we are probably talking about progressive thoracic osteochondrosis, and if cramps and spasms are observed in the legs, the sciatic nerve or roots in the lumbosacral spine are most likely pinched.


Neuralgia of the back can be diagnosed by the following symptoms and conditions:

  • severe pain along the affected nerve; they can be of a different nature - pulling, sharp, burning, depending on the location of the infringement and the degree of damage to the nerve endings;
  • increased pain when bending over, sudden movements, changing body position, even when coughing and sneezing;
  • muscle spasms and tissue swelling at the site of a pinched nerve;
  • painful sensations that occur when pressing on the back, in the spine, on both sides of the back;
  • trembling in the limbs and muscles;
  • increased sweating.

Pain with neuralgia of the back is in the nature of attacks and resembles a sharp electric shock when moving awkwardly or taking a deep breath. At the first symptoms of this disease, you should immediately consult a doctor to receive high-quality, timely help.

Neuralgia of the back is caused by compression of the roots and nerve endings of the spinal cord.

They are characterized by the development of inflammation, pain along the affected nerve, the appearance of a burning sensation at the site of injury, muscle spasm and the desire to take a certain position, as well as trembling of the limbs and hyperhidrosis on the pinched side.

Attacks of neuralgia may subside for a while, but an untreated disease will provoke new painful attacks only with more severe symptoms and consequences. Advanced neuralgia can quickly become complicated by a disease such as neuritis. And this is dangerous for impaired motor activity and even paralysis.


There are many reasons for the occurrence of such pain syndrome. Here are the ones that are most often encountered in medical practice:

  • osteochondrosis and other degenerative lesions of the spine (protrusion, herniated disc). As a result of the gradual destruction of cartilage, discs and ligaments, the nerves running from the spinal column to the intercostal spaces are pinched. Most often, a person’s back and chest hurt;

    Osteochondrosis is a common cause of back neuralgia

  • colds (ARVI, acute respiratory infections), hypothermia. In such cases, people say: “I have a cold in my back.” Common phenomena in this case are muscle spasms, pain, discomfort in the lumbar region and between the shoulder blades;
  • tight underwear. If a woman constantly wears an uncomfortable bra with large underwires, they put pressure on the surrounding tissue. Tight corsets and tight tights can also cause compression of internal organs;

    Uncomfortable underwear can also cause neuralgia in women

  • prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position. The pain occurs suddenly and passes quickly;
  • herpes or shingles. An unpleasant viral disease with characteristic rashes on the chest and back, along the intercostal nerves. In the absence of thorough treatment or severe cases, the rash and itching on the skin may soon disappear, but the pain remains and torments the person for many months. In such cases, doctors talk about postherpetic herpes zoster neuralgia. The syndrome occurs more often in older people or in people with low immune defenses;
  • severe physical activity and spinal injuries associated with them. A typical phenomenon in this case is pinching of the sciatic nerve with all the ensuing consequences. Patients describe the painful sensation in simple words, for example, “the leg hurts from the back” or “a sharp pain radiates to the leg”;

    High load on the back or a sedentary lifestyle will sooner or later lead to neuralgia

  • diabetes. In its serious forms, the body's metabolism is disrupted and toxins gradually accumulate. Together with the blood, they “get” to the spine and negatively affect the nerve roots of the spinal cord;
  • multiple sclerosis. Like diabetes, this is a severe systemic pathology, accompanied by complete or partial immobilization of the patient. Over time, spinal neuralgia with pain radiating to the ribs joins the main symptoms. Also, with multiple sclerosis, trigeminal neuralgia may be observed;
  • benign and malignant formations. The reason for attacks of pain is simple: as any tumor grows, it compresses nerve roots and bundles;
  • severe stress and overwork. Large psycho-emotional stress can provoke the appearance of pain and burning in the back of unknown etiology. Sometimes patients ask whether itching of the back occurs with neuralgia. It is this that most often indicates the psychosomatic nature of the pain syndrome. In this case, the patient is recommended to consult a psychotherapist.

    Stress often causes pinching in the shoulder blade area

Indications and contraindications

The main indications for the use of ointment for severe intercostal neuralgia are pain, discomfort, and decreased functionality of the body.
The drug should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the intensity of the clinical picture and associated factors. Pharmacies offer dozens of medications for home treatment of intercostal neuralgia, each of which has its own characteristics. Ignoring the specifics of a particular case or choosing the wrong medicine can do more harm than good. Before using the ointment for neuralgia, you must study the attached instructions. Each product has a list of contraindications, which must be taken into account. Doctors also identify a number of universal prohibitions that are relevant for all drugs of this type. This list includes allergies to the components of the composition and intolerance.

Pregnant and lactating women and children under 6 years of age will have to avoid applying most pain-relieving ointments if there is a clinical picture of neuralgia.

The list of prohibitions also includes cases of fungal infection of the problem area and violation of the integrity of the skin in this area.

Before treatment you need to read the instructions.

Which doctor treats, how to diagnose

At first, it can be difficult to diagnose pathology if it is localized in the thoracic region. However, an experienced neurologist, by palpating (feeling) the pain point through the sternum, accurately determines its location. Heart disease does not produce such symptoms. Sometimes you can see slight redness near the source of pain. Based on additional tests, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

If a person has intercostal neuralgia, he unconsciously looks for a comfortable body position that helps reduce pain. Most often, he tilts the body in the “healthy” direction. This stretches the spaces between the ribs and relieves pressure on the inflamed nerves.

Most often, the patient is referred to a neurologist

The doctor can rule out another therapeutic or dangerous oncological disease based on collecting anamnesis from the patient and conducting a series of instrumental examinations. First of all, this is a chest x-ray. With its help, osteochondrosis and pneumonia are detected, which can sometimes also give neurological symptoms.

An electrocardiogram helps rule out angina and other heart diseases. In addition, it has a good psychological effect on the patient. If the ECG is normal, the doctor explains this. The person is clearly convinced that everything is fine with his heart and, together with the doctor, begins treatment for the spinal disease that caused this symptom.

Magnetic resonance and computed tomography are designed to identify degenerative processes in all parts of the spinal column. CTG and MRI show those pathological changes that are not recorded by radiography.

There is another effective diagnostic method called ENMG - electroneuromyography. It shows how active muscles are at rest, determines the speed of nerve impulses and damage to certain nerves.

How is electroneuromyography performed?

Great article on the topic:

Does your back hurt? 9 doctors to consult for pain in the lower back, shoulder blades and neck

What to do: first aid for acute neuralgia

If someone in your presence suddenly has a back or neck pain, you can use simple first aid tips. How to help and not harm:

  • try to calm the patient down. In a state of tension and fear, muscle spasms and pain intensify;
  • help him take a comfortable body position. If you have chest pain, let you lean slightly to the healthy side. If a person has lumbago in the neck, help him sit more comfortably, wrap the sore spot with a warm and light cloth. If there are symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve, it is better to lay the patient on his stomach, on a flat and hard surface, covering him with a blanket and placing a cushion under his chest;

    Posture for exacerbation of neuralgia of the back

  • in the acute stage of inflammation, do not use warming ointments. You can use a cooling gel (Bystrumgel, Deep Relief, Ben-Gay). It will have a mild analgesic effect;
  • to relieve pain, give the victim a tablet of any analgesic that is found in the house (Analgin, Ketorolac, Diclofenac, Ortofen, Nise, Pentalgin);
  • if the attack does not stop, call an ambulance. If the pain decreases, insist that the person contact a neurologist the next day and do not delay the visit to the doctor.


Of the physiotherapeutic procedures, patients are most often recommended:

  • microwave treatment (or magnetic therapy);
  • Darsonval currents;
  • UV irradiation (it is used even in the acute stage of the disease);
  • therapy with ultra-frequency decimeter waves.

Any of these procedures improves blood circulation, restores nerve conduction and calms the person. Sometimes a combination of two methods is prescribed, which the patient takes in a certain sequence.

At home, you can use physiotherapeutic devices such as Almag-01 and Denas. These devices treat many diseases of the spine and joints. Therapy is carried out in courses.


For neuralgia of various etiologies, two types of massage are used:

  • classical;
  • can;
  • spot.

The specialist begins a classic therapeutic massage by working on the healthy part of the back and neck, gradually moving on to the painful part. The duration of one course can be from 8 to 10 visits, 30-40 minutes each. Regular visits to a massage therapist will help cope with pain, relax muscles, improve blood and lymph flow, as well as the general condition of the body.

Be sure to read this good article:

Therapeutic back massage: how to do it correctly, types, benefits, principles

Acupressure is an effect on certain points located on the human body. They are in different places. The session takes place with the patient sitting on a chair. If you have thoracic neuralgia, you can learn one of the simplest techniques yourself. First, rub and stroke the ribs and intercostal spaces with your fingers, then move on to the areas located between the vertebrae. At the end of all actions, clasp your hands and stretch thoroughly.

Cupping massage is a very convenient treatment method at home. Thanks to vacuum massage, metabolism, blood circulation, lymphatic drainage are improved, and toxins are eliminated. After just one procedure, muscle spasms are relieved and severe pain goes away.

Silicone vacuum cups will help cope with even very severe pain

Therapeutic exercises

If your back hurts in the evenings, do not rush to immediately grab painkillers. How to deal with neuralgia on your own? A simple set of therapeutic exercises will help with this.

For the neck

  1. You can do it while sitting, but it’s better to do it while standing. Place your palm on your forehead and try to move your head forward, resisting it with your hand. Feel your neck muscles tense. Repeat the movement 5-10 times. Using the same principle, move your head back, “resisting” it with your hand placed on the back of your head. All that remains is to perform similar movements to the right and left sides, trying to reach your head with your shoulder.
  2. Slowly, without haste, tilt your head first to the right, then to the left. Repeat 5-10 times in each direction.
  3. Also slowly turn your head left and right, and then forward and backward.
  4. Slowly rotate your head, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Repeat 5-10 times in both directions.

Be sure to read: Chondrosis of the back: what is it, 20 symptoms, causes, treatment with drugs and at home

When performing these exercises, try not to rush or make sudden movements to avoid discomfort.

Video: exercises for neuralgia in the cervical region

For the chest

  1. Lie on your back, stretch your legs and bend your elbows so that they are perpendicular to your torso. You need to tense your chest muscles and slowly turn your clasped hands horizontally, trying to place them along your body. The “lock” must be carefully turned inside out. Feel how the dorsal and intercostal muscles stretch. Do 8-10 repetitions in each direction.
  2. Remain on your back. Bend your knees, lift your buttocks and extend both arms up. Start rolling left and right. The number of repetitions is from 8 to 10 times.
  3. Stand up straight, bend your arms at the shoulder joints and place them perpendicular to the line of your torso. Rotate your upper body alternately to the right and left. Try to keep your hands under your chest at all times and not move with your body. When moving, the pectoral and back muscles should tense. Repeat 8-10 times in both directions.

Video: exercises for neuralgia in the thoracic region

For the lumbar region

  1. Get on all fours, relax your lower back. Inhale and arch your back. As you exhale, try to bend your back in the opposite direction. Do 10-15 such repetitions.
  2. Remaining in the same position, place your leg straight and pull your opposite arm forward. Try to maintain your balance for a few seconds, then change the position of your arms and legs. Perform 5 to 10 sets on each side.
  3. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knee joints, bringing your heels closer to your “fifth point.” Place your hands under your head and tuck your chin toward your chest. Stretch your elbows towards your knees, exhaling evenly. Take a deep breath, return to the starting position, and stretch your stomach. The number of approaches is 5-7 times.
  4. Remaining on your back, extend both arms along your body. As you inhale air, lift your pelvis, and as you exhale, lower it. Do 10-15 such repetitions.

Video: exercises for neuralgia in the lower back

Painkillers for neuralgia

The main group of drugs used for neuralgia pain are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory tablets. They not only eliminate obvious physical discomfort, but also effectively reduce the inflammatory process. Also, this group of drugs can lower high body temperature that appears when peripheral nerves are damaged.

All existing painkillers used for neuralgia can be divided into several groups. According to the form of release and method of use, neuralgic drugs are as follows:

  • pills;
  • injections for injections;
  • ointments and gels;
  • candles.

The choice of a specific drug for neuralgia, as well as its dosage, should be made only by the attending physician, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient’s body. When selecting a dosage form, the general health of the patient and the presence of high sensitivity to any components of the drugs must be taken into account.

Considering the speed of manifestation of the analgesic effect, as well as its duration, the more preferable medications for neuralgia are tablets, suppositories and injections for injections. Ointments and gels are mainly used as an additional auxiliary element. Their anti-inflammatory effect is significantly superior in quality to the ability of these drugs to eliminate spasms and pain.


Painkillers for neuralgia in tablet form are quite effective, but their use is not always possible. The presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as liver and kidney dysfunction, are often direct contraindications to taking drugs of this type.

Ketorolac has many analogues and has an excellent analgesic effect.

The most effective tableted neuralgic drugs include the following drugs:

  • Ketorolac. Analogues of this drug are tablets Toradol, Ketocam, Dolak, Ketofril and Ketanov;
  • Zaldiar, which contains the active ingredients tramadol and paracetamol;
  • Flamax;
  • Ibuprofen. It is contained in various dosages by the painkillers Nurofen, Ibusan, Nalgesin, Brufen;
  • Paracetamol.

Despite the high popularity of the painkiller Diclofenac, which also belongs to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it is better to avoid using it. This drug not only provides a short-lived and weak analgesic effect, but also significantly increases the risk of developing gastrointestinal ulcers.

Injections for injections

One of the most effective means of relieving pain for various types of neuralgia is intramuscular injections. The effect of taking drugs in this form manifests itself quickly enough and has virtually no negative impact on the patient’s internal organs and systems.

One of the most effective means of relieving pain for various types of neuralgia is intramuscular injections.

Painkillers administered by injection are absorbed by the body much better than tablets. That is why during their use it is necessary to follow the dosage and treatment regimen prescribed by the attending physician. The principle of drug administration must also be observed, since some analgesic anti-inflammatory injections require slow administration to activate the active substance, while others must be warmed to room temperature.

The most effective for damage to peripheral nerves are the following painkillers in the form of intramuscular injections:

  • Ketanov;
  • Lornoxicam and its analogue Xefocam;
  • Toradol;
  • Flamax;
  • Meloxicam, an analogue of which is Movalis;
  • Flexen.

If emergency one-time use is necessary, in the absence of the painkillers listed above, injections based on analgin can be used for neuralgia. These include Spazgan, Trigan, Baralgin and Analgin itself, which in combination with Diphenhydramine is used for pain relief in ambulances. However, frequent use of analgesics is unacceptable due to the high risk of developing agranulocytosis and other pathological changes in blood composition.

Ointments and gels

Anesthetic ointments and gels help activate the regenerative properties of tissues

This type of drug is used exclusively in combination with other painkillers in the form of tablets, injections or suppositories. As an independent pain reliever for neuralgia, ointments and gels are rather low in effectiveness. However, their long-term systematic use has a persistent anti-inflammatory and some antispasmodic effect. Also, such ointments and gels help activate the regenerative properties of tissues, so they are used both at the stage of pain relief and in the process of restoring damage due to neuralgia.

The most effective ointments and gels that can eliminate pain from neuralgia are the following drugs:

  • Ketoprofen;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Ketonal;
  • Viprosan;
  • Apizartron;
  • Finalgon;
  • Myoton.

Many of these drugs contain bee or snake venom. Based on this, before starting to use an ointment or gel that relieves inflammation and pain due to neuralgia, you should definitely consult a doctor and exclude all contraindications. In case of increased sensitivity of the patient’s body to most components of pain-relieving ointments and gels, he is most often prescribed Myoton, based on herbal components. However, its effectiveness is significantly lower than that of other drugs in this group.


One of the fastest ways to relieve pain from various types of peripheral nerve damage is the use of special rectal suppositories. The most effective of them include:

  • Okie;
  • Voltaren.

In addition to the fact that these suppositories quickly relieve pain, they also effectively relieve inflammation and lower fever. But, despite the speed of the body’s reaction to rectal suppositories, they are rarely used in the treatment of neuralgia. The reason for this is the inconvenience of their use, including mandatory long-term bed rest.

In general, in the process of treating neuralgia, types of painkillers can be combined with each other to achieve a quick positive effect. However, strict medical supervision is a prerequisite for safe and effective therapy.

Manual therapy

Sessions with a chiropractor will help “put in place” displaced vertebrae, ligaments and even discs. In some cases, chiropractors are able to save the patient from the need to undergo surgery.

The work of a chiropractor is to consistently influence different muscle groups so that they relax and it becomes possible to realign the displaced elements of the spine. Usually, the patient experiences great relief after the first session. This happens if a person turns to a professional specialist or a good medical center.

The effect of manual therapy comes quickly, but in order to consolidate it for a long time, you need to go through several sessions. The duration of manual intervention and the number of breaks between them are determined by the treating neurologist.

How to treat with folk remedies at home

When it comes to folk remedies and (especially!) warming compresses, patients often ask whether it is possible to warm the inflamed areas and how long the acute period of neuralgia lasts. On average, provided proper treatment, it lasts from 10 to 14 days, after which you can gradually move on to traditional methods of therapy.

In the acute period, you should not take hot baths or use wet warming agents. Use dry heat, such as coarse salt heated in a frying pan. Place it in a soft sock and apply it to sore spots at night. This warming up can be done throughout the day, repeating it 2-3 times.

Great article on the topic:

TOP 15 folk remedies for back and lower back pain

After the acute period subsides, it is allowed to use the following folk methods:

  • yeast dough compress;
  • mix compress of propolis and beeswax;
  • a warm bath with chopped horseradish placed in a small bag;
  • a bath of pine needles, pre-boiled for 15 minutes.

It is very useful to carry out treatment using the Kuznetsov applicator and the Lyapko roller. Regular use of these remedies will prevent the recurrence of symptoms of neuralgia of the back, reduce pain, and improve the condition of the nervous system.

Exercise therapy

It is impossible to cope with back neuralgia without regular exercise. Exercise therapy helps reduce the intensity of pain, relieve muscle spasms, eliminate congestion in the back and, of course, increase the tone of the body as a whole. But to achieve the desired result, the issue of physical activity must be approached with caution - a set of exercises must be developed by the attending physician, taking into account the patient’s condition, his capabilities and the presence of other diseases.

Physical therapy should not be performed during an exacerbation of the disease. In this case, first of all, you should relieve pain and reduce inflammation with the help of medications, and only then proceed to reasonable physical activity. The first classes are best done in a gentle manner, gradually increasing the number and complexity of exercises. The optimal option is 3-4 workouts per week, which ultimately should bring relief to the patient, but in no case worsen his well-being.

Consequences and prognosis

Neuralgia is not fatal, but a very unpleasant and painful phenomenon. How to cure it completely? Most often this is impossible, since most neuralgic phenomena are associated with chronic destructive diseases of the spine. In the absence of proper treatment, the patient can expect the following complications and consequences:

  • depression due to constant pain;
  • insomnia;
  • dyspnea;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • numbness of the affected area, up to complete loss of sensitivity;
  • gait disturbances.

Neuralgia of the back can lead to curvature of the spine.
If you follow preventive measures and maintain a healthy lifestyle, the prognosis will always be favorable.


Learning to live with such a pathology is not easy, but it is possible:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • adjust your sleep and diet by eliminating fast foods and other unhealthy foods from your diet;
  • drink more fluids, make your own cranberry juice and juice. Replace tea and coffee with them from time to time. Train yourself to drink plain water. Useful liquids remove toxins from the body, help relieve spasms and pain;
  • sleep only on an orthopedic mattress of medium hardness;
  • regularly engage in physical therapy, choosing your favorite set of exercises;
  • walk more often, ventilate the room at home and at work in a timely manner;
  • sign up for the pool;
  • stop smoking and drinking energy drinks and alcoholic drinks.

Neuralgia of the back is not a disease, but a symptom that often signals problems with the spine.

In order to establish its cause, you need to consult a doctor in time and identify the “insidious” degenerative disease. The conducting nerves are highly sensitive, so pain in the back or neck is almost always acute, with muscle spasm, inflammation of the surrounding tissues and nerve roots.

Intercostal neuralgia and similar manifestations are not always associated with a deadly pathology, but to exclude it you will need to undergo an examination. Despite the direct connection with chronic diseases, most neuralgia can easily be treated conservatively with medications and folk remedies. At home, you need to accustom yourself to regular therapeutic exercises, and then you will have a real chance to return to a full life.

Which of the following treatment methods, in your opinion, is the most effective? Share in the comments!

Folk remedies

Various traditional medicine recipes are also an integral part of the treatment of back neuralgia. They serve as a good addition to drug therapy, allowing you to improve blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, swelling and inflammation in the pathological area. Folk remedies with a sedative effect, which alleviate both the physical and emotional state of the patient, are also indispensable for neuralgic pain.

However, you should not rely entirely on alternative medicine recipes - with their help you can eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but most often they are not able to influence its causes. In addition, before using them, it would also be useful to consult a doctor, because even the safest, at first glance, proven remedies can cause allergic reactions or side effects, thereby worsening the patient’s condition.

Don’t forget about preventive measures, which can often prevent the occurrence of serious health problems. To reduce the risk of developing back neuralgia, it is important to monitor your diet, ensuring your body receives thiamine and vitamins B and E, remembering correct posture, giving up bad habits and dangerous hobbies that can result in injury, avoiding stress, excessive physical activity and hypothermia. And most importantly, seek medical help on time, even if it seems that periodic pain and discomfort in the back are just minor troubles that do not deserve special attention.

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