Phenibut: instructions for use for adults

Which is better? Let's find out in this article.

The drug is a drug that belongs to the group of nootropics and also has a moderate tranquilizer effect. It helps normalize brain function, thereby increasing performance, attention and memory, as well as improving blood circulation in the central nervous system. The action of Phenibut as a tranquilizer allows you to relieve fear and anxiety, relieve asthenia and restlessness, and also improve your sleep. The range of areas of its application is quite wide, and once it is used to relieve symptoms of motion sickness and to prepare the body for anesthesia.

Quite a lot, let's look at them below.

Composition of the drug

Available in tablet and powder form. There are different names depending on. There are no differences between the drugs; they are simply manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies. At the same time, the recipe and production technologies are the same as those used in Soviet times.

The active component of the drug is gamma-amino-beta-phenylbutyric acid. Additional components are:

  1. Lactose.
  2. Potato starch.
  3. Stearic calcium.
  4. Low molecular weight polyvinyl lyrrolidone.

Despite the fact that Phenibut has different manufacturers, almost all products have similar proportions of active and excipients. The composition of the powder and tablets is also identical. Tablets are available in a dosage of 250 mg, powder 100 mg (sometimes indicated on packages as 0.25 g and 0.1 g).

Methods of administration and dosage from the instructions for Phenibut

The annotation for the tablets states that preference is given to course therapy with a duration of 1-1.5 months. The instructions recommend treatment in adults:

  • 0.75-1 g per day, three times a day, if necessary, the dosage is increased to 2.5 g;
  • the maximum single dose should not exceed 0.75 g - for patients under 60 years of age, older people are contraindicated in taking Phenibut more than 0.5 g.

Dosages of the drug vary depending on the current pathological process:

  1. Consequences of inflammation of the inner ear and Meniere's syndrome - during exacerbations, 0.75 g, three times a day, for one week. With a decrease in symptoms, the amount decreases from 0.25 to 0.5 g, treatment lasts 7 days, 3 times a day. In the last 5 days, the standard daily dose is 0.25 g. In mild forms of the pathology, the daily dosage does not exceed 0.5 g of Phenibut, the total volume is divided into two procedures (7 days), then the patient is transferred to a single dose of 0.25 g per day. within 1-3 weeks.
  2. Dizziness associated with vascular lesions or injuries - 0.75 g per day, three times a day. The duration of treatment procedures is two weeks.
  3. Sheny, thoracic osteochondrosis, suppression of clinical manifestations of female menopausal syndrome - 1 tablet 3 times a day (2 weeks), later - 0.5 g per day, divided into two doses.

Phenibut is used to prevent traveler illnesses and helps cope with motion sickness during flights or walks on water. Therapy is carried out an hour before the trip or when primary symptoms of the pathology occur in a dosage of 0.25 to 0.5 g. With pronounced clinical signs, the volume is increased to 3-4 tablets.

Drug manufacturers

In pharmacies you can find the drug from the following manufacturers:

  1. Latvian.
  2. "Belmedpreparaty RUP" from Belarus.
  3. Ozon LLC from Zhigulevsk.
  4. Organika from Novokuznetsk also produces Phenibut.
  5. LLC "Mir-Pharm", Obninsk.

The Latvian drug is considered to be of the highest quality, which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews about it from doctors and patients. Belarus and Organika LLC cannot boast of good quality of the drug produced. Ozone and Mir-Pharm are considered acceptable in terms of efficiency and quality.

The result of treatment depends primarily on this.

“Our medicines are of poor quality”

This opinion also appeared in the 90s, during the collapse of the industry, and was firmly rooted in society. Experts say that today it has no basis.

“Quality is a category that the consumer and the manufacturer understand somewhat differently,” says Dmitry Efimov, Senior Vice President of STADA for Russia, the CIS and South-Eastern Europe. The buyer calls a drug that does not bring the expected effect low-quality: “Psychosomatic reactions are often included here: cheap means it’s bad, and vice versa - expensive means it will help better.”

For specialists working in industry, quality is, first of all, compliance with the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia and the manufacturer’s regulatory documentation, Efimov continues: “If the drug is produced in accordance with the current legal requirements, then whether it is Russian or imported, from a quality point of view, does not matter.” .

The main criteria - the effectiveness, safety and quality of the drug - are clarified even before it is registered by the Ministry of Health and admitted to the market, says Roman Ivanov from BIOCAD. A generic produced in Russia is evaluated during research exactly according to the same criteria by which a generic is evaluated during registration in the EU. Moreover, Russian registration rules, according to market participants, in some cases are even more stringent than, for example, American ones. “We have very strict requirements for registration of a drug, both original and reproduced, both domestic and foreign.

The second important element that ensures the quality of the drug is GMP standards. If the plant where the medicine is produced has passed the appropriate certification, then, according to experts, its products can be trusted. Data on inspections performed and certificates issued are available on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade or on the websites of pharmaceutical companies. Of course, most consumers will not study these sources, admits Roman Ivanov from BIOCAD: “Pharmaceutical companies must better inform the public - both the medical community and patients - about their compliance with modern regulatory requirements.”

There is a third element, which in our country is still in the early stages of development, say’s interlocutors. “Russia has created a pharmacovigilance system. But so far, unfortunately, we are faced with the reluctance of doctors to be fully involved in it,” says Ivanov.

The pharmacovigilance system involves informing Roszdravnadzor about any undesirable side reactions that may be associated with the use of a particular drug. The information must first be provided by a doctor. Having learned from the patient about negative phenomena, the doctor fills out a certain form. The patient may also request this, or fill out and send the notice to the service independently. Based on incoming reports, Roszdravnadzor draws conclusions about the need to check medications.

“Roszdravnadzor has a hotline, and manufacturers have hotlines. The main thing is that if you have an understanding that something went wrong and you associate it with taking the drug, this must be brought to the attention of the regulatory authorities,” emphasizes Roman Ivanov. “Most responsible manufacturers, including BIOCAD, are very active among doctors and patients to ensure that they report all cases of adverse events or suspected ineffectiveness of drugs to regulatory authorities. The same way it is done all over the world,” the expert adds.

Mechanism of action

Thanks to the combination of nootropic and tranquilizer properties, the drug allows it to be used when the patient is under constant emotional stress, while preventing the lethargy that is typical of conventional sedatives. In this case, Phenibut will not only relieve anxiety, but will also increase brain performance. The therapeutic effects of the drug include:

  1. Relieving internal tension.
  2. Reduced feelings of anxiety, worry and fear.
  3. Bringing sleep back to normal.
  4. Normalization of blood circulation in the brain, due to increased blood microcirculation and reduced vascular resistance.
  5. Increased brain activity, which helps to quickly solve problems and tasks.
  6. Reducing symptoms of motor and speech dysfunction.
  7. Relief of signs of asthenia.
  8. Prevention of the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  9. Increasing the performance of the intellectual plan.
  10. Improving concentration, memory, speed and accuracy of reactions.
  11. Reduced effect of ethyl on the central nervous system.
  12. Minor anticonvulsant effect.
  13. Strengthening the effect of sleeping pills, narcotic and neuroleptic drugs.

Use in elderly patients does not cause relaxation and lethargy, or decreased concentration.

Can I buy it without a prescription?

The drug was first synthesized in Russia in the 60s and since then has been actively prescribed by representatives of various medical fields. Sold without a prescription in sports nutrition.

The drug has wide potential as:

  • antidepressant;
  • antioxidant;
  • an antiplatelet agent, that is, a medicine that prevents the formation of blood clots.

Thanks to Phenibut, the transmission of the central nervous system, cerebral circulation and metabolic processes improves, with its help it is possible to reduce the level of depression or aggression, improve motor skills and the ability to concentrate. Tablets are prescribed:

  • in case of traumatic brain injury;
  • when dizziness or fainting occurs due to impaired functionality of the vestibular apparatus;
  • as a means to help restore speech and motor functions during the rehabilitation period after a heart attack or stroke;
  • Phenibut can be used for alcoholism to eliminate psychosis syndrome.

Among the most commonly treated problems with Phenibut are also stuttering, enuresis and Meniere's disease. Phenibut was originally intended to be prescribed only to adult patients, but today it is used as part of a comprehensive treatment for speech delay and cerebral palsy in children.

But is it possible to freely purchase this drug, which is a psychotropic drug? A fairly widespread option is that you can buy Phenibut without a doctor’s prescription in an online pharmacy. Specialized portals provide ordering and purchasing Phenibut without a doctor’s prescription with delivery, offering it as sports nutrition and without limiting the quantity.

Indications for use

Phenibut effectively copes with many neurotic conditions, so the indications for its use are:

  1. Asthenia, accompanied by apathy, lethargy and exhaustion.
  2. Feelings of anxiety and fear.
  3. A constant feeling of anxiety over any, even the most insignificant, reason.
  4. Anxiety-neurotic conditions.
  5. Sleep disturbances, including restless sleep with nightmares, as well as insomnia.
  6. Obsessive states caused by neurosis.
  7. Psychopathy.
  8. As preoperative preparation or during invasive diagnostics to relieve patient anxiety.
  9. Meniere's syndrome, as well as other disorders of the vestibular apparatus, caused by injuries or vascular disorders.
  10. Otogenic labyrinthitis.
  11. Stuttering in childhood.
  12. Preventing motion sickness.
  13. Tics of various origins in childhood.
  14. Enuresis in children.
  15. Withdrawal syndrome.
  16. In order to enhance the effect of taking antiparkinsonian drugs.
  17. A predelirious state as a consequence of alcoholism.

Indications for the use of Phenibut must be strictly observed.

Instructions for using the medication

The drug should be taken in courses of up to 6 weeks. The duration of treatment depends on the effectiveness of therapy. A repeated course can be carried out after a break of two weeks to a month.

It is prescribed to patients immediately in a therapeutic dose. That is, there is no need to start with a minimum dosage and gradually increase it. The situation is different with drug withdrawal. It should be done by gradually reducing the amount of the drug taken. Despite the fact that many experts deny Olainfarm syndrome, if you abruptly stop taking the drug, you may experience symptoms for which the drug was prescribed.

This reaction is due to the fact that the patient’s body quickly gets used to the medicine. The drug delivers metabolites to the brain, so the body no longer needs to produce them on its own. For this reason, its abrupt withdrawal may cause a lack of necessary metabolites, since the body will not immediately begin to produce them.

Brain cells need to be given time so that they have time to adapt to new circumstances and begin to produce all the substances on their own in the required volume. Gradual withdrawal will allow the body to prepare for a new mode of functioning. Many experts recommend extending drug withdrawal to two weeks, gradually reducing the dosage to a minimum of a quarter or half tablet every 2-3 days.

If you require long-term use of Phenibut from Ozone, then you must have your blood taken weekly for a general analysis to prevent possible eosinophilia. In addition, you will need to conduct a blood test for AST and ALT.

The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes. If discomfort and burning sensations appear in the stomach while taking Phenibut, the dosage taken should be reduced.

If the drug is taken together with psychotropic drugs, the dosage of both is reduced. For problems with the vestibular system, the medication is taken half an hour before the trip. If symptoms of motion sickness have already appeared, taking the drug will not have an effect.

Phenibut for adults: contraindications and indications

The medication is prescribed to patients:

  • with a decrease in intellectual and emotional activity;
  • memory disorders, unreasonable anxiety;
  • symptoms of asthenia, sleep problems, including nightmares;
  • decreased concentration, Meniere's syndrome;
  • alcohol dependence and the consequences of withdrawal;
  • vestibular dysfunction caused by injuries, infections, and vascular diseases.

Phenibut is recommended as a complex therapy for cervical, thoracic osteochondrosis, and menopausal disorders in women. Can be used to prevent seasickness, stress that occurs during the preoperative period and before diagnosis, causing discomfort.

The annotation lists the following contraindications for therapeutic procedures:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • presence of acute renal failure;
  • children's age - up to 8 years.

Particular care is required when treating patients with gastrointestinal diseases, erosions, and ulcers. For patients, the dosage is reduced, the rule is associated with the effect of the drug, which can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.

Contraindications and side effects

Phenibut from Olainfarm should not be prescribed to patients with the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Intolerance to the components of the drug or individual reaction to them.
  2. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Liver failure.

As a rule, the drug is well tolerated by patients and does not cause adverse reactions. However, the instructions indicate the following possible side effects:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Drowsiness.
  3. Overexcitement.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Anxiety.
  6. Headache.
  7. Allergic reaction in the form of itching and rash.
  8. Increased irritability.

Signs of exceeding the required dosage of the drug are:

  1. Severe drowsiness.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Liver dystrophy.
  5. Low blood pressure.
  6. Eosinophilia.
  7. Renal dysfunction.

Symptoms of overdose are relieved by gastric lavage and taking enterosorbent drugs. Symptomatic treatment is also carried out, which is aimed at restoring the normal functioning of vital organs. Phenibut is available over-the-counter.

Drug compatibility

Simultaneous use with drugs from the group of tranquilizers, hypnotics, neuroleptics, narcotic and anticonvulsants enhances their effect. Therefore, their combination will require a reduction in the therapeutic doses of both drugs.

Poor compatibility of Phenibut with ethyl alcohol. It is used in conjunction with other drugs to treat withdrawal symptoms. However, taking the drug and alcohol together provokes rapid intoxication or, conversely, helps stop the body’s reaction to ethyl alcohol. Sometimes Phenibut is taken purposefully together with alcohol to avoid intoxication and subsequent hangover. However, it is impossible to predict the individual reaction of the body in this case, so such experiments run the risk of ending in failure. Accustoming to the drug against the background of alcohol also occurs much faster, which makes it difficult to discontinue it in the future.

Caution should be used when combining Phenibut from OCP with drugs that have a toxic effect on the hematopoietic system and liver. To understand this effect of the drug, you should carefully study the instructions for use.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Phenibut is a drug that has a nootropic effect. Nootropics are substances that improve thinking and activate metabolic processes in nerve fibers. Such drugs are prescribed to patients with neurological pathologies - stroke survivors, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease. The use of Phenibut allows you to:

  • eliminate accumulated fatigue;
  • get rid of the effects of stress;
  • prevent loss of strength;
  • gain a sense of confidence;
  • improve brain function by having a positive effect on blood circulation.

This medicine, on the recommendation of doctors, should be taken 2-4 tablets per day (500-1000 mg) at regular intervals an hour after meals in case of obsessive, anxious and restless conditions, unreasonable fear, psychopathy, nightmares, stuttering, enuresis, tics and hysterics in children.

The dosage is selected individually to improve the condition. According to reviews from those who took Phenibut, the effect is especially pronounced in eliminating dizziness associated with impaired functionality of the vestibular apparatus.

Analogues of the drug

At the moment, the pharmaceutical market is ready to offer analogs and synonyms of Phenibut. The latter are drugs that contain a similar active ingredient. Analogues are drugs with a similar therapeutic effect, however, different active ingredients. Synonyms for Phenibut from Belmedpreparaty include Noofen and Anvifen.

The latter is produced only in Russia, unlike Phenibut, which is produced in a number of other countries. Both drugs are equally effective, well tolerated by patients, and are similar in the frequency of side effects. Therefore, the choice between them is the preference of the attending physician, since in essence there is no difference between them.

The difference, perhaps, can be called the dosages produced, since Anvifen has more of them: it is available in 25, 50, 125 and 250 mg. This makes it more convenient to use for children.

Analogues of Phenibut include the following drugs in tablet form:

  1. "Adaptol".
  2. "Afobazole".
  3. "Divaza".
  4. "Neurofazol".
  5. "Mebicar".
  6. "Mebix."
  7. "Phenazeph."
  8. "Fesipam".
  9. "Fenzitat."

Also, some drugs in the form of a solution for intramuscular administration are analogues for Phenibut:

  1. "Tranquesipam."
  2. "Phenazepam."
  3. "Phenorelaxan".
  4. "Elzepam"

Analogues in other forms of release include:

  1. Tenoten lozenges.
  2. Stresam capsules.
  3. Selank nasal drops.
  4. Con.
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