What to choose: Phenibut or Atarax?

Phenibut or atarax: which is better and what is the difference (differences in composition, reviews from doctors)

Both drugs contain substances that calm the nervous system.
Phenibut is a derivative of phenylethylamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid. The substance has a positive effect on brain activity. Its use leads to normalization of metabolic processes in nerve tissues and improvement of signal transmission between neurons.


Treatment with Phenibut provides:

  • elimination of increased emotional excitability and anxiety;
  • improvement of mental activity, memory and concentration;
  • normalization of sleep patterns;
  • increasing the stability of the nervous system;
  • decreased vascular resistance;
  • stimulation of blood microcirculation.

The medicine has an antioxidant effect and relieves seizures.

Such therapeutic properties allow it to be prescribed in the presence of:

  • asthenic and neurosis-like state;
  • depression;
  • anxiety disorder;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • encephalopathy;
  • dysfunction of the vascular system;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased concentration;
  • vestibular disorders;
  • increased fatigue.

The drug is used to treat stuttering and hyperactivity in children, to prevent motion sickness, and is included in the complex treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, psychopathy and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The active component of the drug is hydroxyzine dihydrochloride, which has a sedative and antihistamine effect.

The medicine is widely used for the following pathological conditions:

  • neurosis and neurotic disorders;
  • dermatological lesions accompanied by itching;
  • increased nervous excitement;
  • withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism;
  • adaptation disorders.

Atarax is taken for dermatological lesions accompanied by itching.

Atarax and Phenibut, what is the difference?

Both drugs have sedative properties (calm the nervous system) and are used in cases of alcohol syndromes, anxiety, restlessness and nervous disorders. Let's figure out what their differences are.

Atarax copes with:

  • skin itching
  • alcohol syndrome
  • increased irritability and nervousness
  • nervous excitement

Phenibut is indicated for:

  • psychopathy
  • insomnia
  • asthenic conditions (neuropsychic weakness),
  • fears
  • obsessive states.

Atarax, unlike Phenibut, is not able to cope with insomnia and increase concentration and attention. The first calms the nerves, and the second has a psychostimulating effect and normalizes blood circulation and brain function.



  • pregnancy (first trimester)
  • lactation
  • child's age is less than 2 years
  • drug intolerance
  • with caution - for patients with erosion, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases;


  • not indicated during pregnancy
  • lactation
  • porphyria (a congenital disease accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin levels).
  • Atarax is hydroxyzine dihydrochloride, a derivative of diphenylmethane;
  • Phenibut is a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid and phenylethylamine, as well as dopamine-positive components.


  • tablets 25 mg, 25 pieces from 315 rubles;


  • tablets 250 mg, 20 pieces - from 170 rubles;
  • tablets 250 mg, 10 pieces - from 70 rubles.

Unlike Atarax, Phenibut is a nootropic drug, that is, it affects higher mental functions.

Its list of contraindications is much shorter, and it has a lasting positive effect.

Phenibut can cope with many problems - memory impairment, sleep disturbances, and inhibited mental activity. Atarax, in contrast, does not cause irritation to the gastric mucosa.


Although the drugs are analogous in action, they belong to different pharmacological groups. Therefore, there are differences in indications for use.

Atarax is not used to normalize sleep and activate the brain in order to increase mental activity, concentration and memory. The function of the organ is restored by improving the blood circulation process.

Its use does not lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Atarax or Phenibut, which is better reviews

Patients are interested in the question, which of the two drugs is stronger and more effective? The choice of a particular drug depends on the diagnosis and course of the disease. It is difficult to say which one is better, because they have different effects on the body. The first is as a nootropic, the second is as a nervous system sedative.

Phenibut has tranquilizing (reducing the excitement of the nervous system), psychostimulating (stimulating the nervous system), antiplatelet (preventing the formation of blood clots and cell adhesion) properties.

In comparison with Atarax, which relieves nervous tension and calms, the first has a stronger and more complex effect. As a sedative and nootropic, phenibut is better.

To get rid of itching, atarax is suitable, since phenibut is powerless in this situation.

Atarax, reviews


  • normal price-quality ratio;
  • the positive effect of use occurs quite quickly;
  • has an antihistamine effect, so it is easier to tolerate in patients with allergies.


  • drowsiness, confusion and decreased concentration as a side effect;
  • weakly effective for severe anxiety and prolonged insomnia;
  • in children and elderly patients may have the opposite effect.

Phenibut, reviews


  • has a mild effect and is well tolerated by most patients;
  • calms and increases stress resistance, while improving attention and memory;
  • effective for neurotic-type obsessions in children and adults.


  • you should pay attention to the manufacturer, giving preference to Bulgarian or Latvian;
  • causes inhibition in some cases;
  • due to new rules, dispensing from pharmacies has become less available;
  • may cause stomach discomfort or heartburn.

Is it possible to take Phenibut and Atarax at the same time?

Medicines can be taken together; they are well compatible. When used together, they complement and enhance each other's effects. To enhance the therapeutic effect, they are often prescribed in combination.

Adults are advised to take 1 tablet of Phenibut three times a day. If the effect is insufficient, the dosage may be increased by 3 times as prescribed by the doctor.

The daily dose for the treatment of children from 6 months should not exceed 0.3 g. At older ages, the same dosages are prescribed as for adults.

To relieve anxiety syndrome and reduce emotional tension, Atarax is prescribed 25 mg 2-4 times a day. In severe cases of the pathological process, the dose is increased 2-3 times.

To eliminate itching, use of 25 mg 1-4 times a day is indicated. The dosage when treating children depends on the child’s body weight and is determined by a specialist.

Phenibut and Atarax simultaneously for children, reviews

Neurologists and child psychiatrists prescribe them to the youngest patients (from two years old) in cases of stuttering, sleep disturbances, frequent and prolonged hysterics, nervous tics, and uncontrolled urination. Judging by reviews from parents, their use is quite effective:

  • after using medications, children sleep better at night, speech is fully restored after problems with stuttering;
  • children become more fun, active and sociable;
  • irritability decreases, the child stops getting angry at every occasion and crying for no reason;
  • Children in kindergarten get used to the routine better and fall asleep calmly without crying or screaming.

Anti-anxiety medications should be discontinued in children gradually to avoid recurrence of nervous disorders.

Side effects of Phenibut and Atarax

Therapy with Phenibut may lead to the development of lethargy, increased drowsiness and fatigue. In some cases, digestive disorders are observed in the form of nausea, heartburn, and discomfort in the epigastric zone.


When using the medication, it should be taken into account that it enhances the effect of neuroleptics, anticonvulsants and narcotic drugs.

Treatment with drugs can provoke allergies, manifested by itching, skin hyperemia, urticaria and dermatitis.

Reviews from doctors

Valery (psychotherapist), 37 years old, Tyumen

Phenibut is a nootropic drug that normalizes cerebral circulation, resulting in improved memory, mental activity, concentration, and the memorization process. The product helps eliminate insomnia. In most cases it is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects. The medication is convenient to use and affordable.

Elena (therapist), 43 years old, Stavropol

Atarax has proven itself in the treatment of neuroses and neurosis-like conditions, as well as allergic itching.

Among the side effects, patients most often note the development of drowsiness, so it is recommended to prescribe the medicine with small doses, gradually increasing them.

The product eliminates increased anxiety and irritability, helps fight panic attacks. When taken, addiction does not develop.

Patient reviews

Anna, 36 years old, Tver

I lived in a state of stress for a long time. I was plagued by problems at work and at home. I stopped sleeping at night. I tried to be treated with natural remedies, but there was no result. Still, I decided to consult a specialist.

The doctor recommended Phenibut in combination with Glycine. I took the pills for a long time, but managed to normalize the condition. My nervous system calmed down and I began to sleep better. The medications do not cause side effects and are well tolerated.

Their price is also affordable.

Polina, 41 years old, Saratov


My husband abused alcohol for a long time, but then decided to quit on his own, without using medications. Everything led to problems with the nervous system.

He became irritable, slept poorly and constantly complained of headaches and other unpleasant symptoms. I had to see a doctor, who advised me to take a course of treatment with Atarax.

The tablets helped me calm down and normalize my sleep patterns. If necessary, my husband always takes this drug.

Source: https://ufapronet.ru/ataraks-fenibut-raznitsa/

Atarax for VSD: reviews for panic attacks, depression, VSD – Stop Neurosis

Hearing the word “tranquilizer” from a doctor, many VSDs become upset or scared. Aren't such medications only intended for mentally ill people? No, these drugs have a fairly wide range of consumers, even though the drugs fall into the “powerful” category.

The purpose of a tranquilizer is to calm, and nervous disorders vary in severity. And not all conditions can be eliminated with simple sedative drops. Especially with aggravated vegetative-vascular dystonia with regular strong PA. Atarax for VSD is prescribed to the patient just in such cases.

Why is Atarax dangerous?

VSD is a disease of the soul, which means that it is impossible to get to the source of the problems with medication. Yes, medications temporarily relieve the annoying symptoms of aggravated dystonia, but if treatment is canceled, everything will return to normal - this truth is known to every VSD sufferer.

And yet a person needs to live somehow, do household chores, go to work and at least sometimes get enough sleep. No one will do this for us. Therefore, at some periods of life, medications are extremely necessary. And the treatment of the soul, as a rule, is constantly postponed until later.

Atarax helps with VSD at the stage of its exacerbation, gives mental and physical strength to live on, but you should remember: timely contact with an experienced psychotherapist is sometimes the only chance to overcome dystonia.

Moreover, any medications that change our mood and brain functions always have side effects. Even if the patient has no contraindications to taking the drug, the body’s reaction may be unpredictable.

Most often, side effects occur when the specified dosage is violated or when Atarax is taken simultaneously with incompatible medications and alcohol. These include:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disturbances in the normal functioning of the central nervous system, expressed in increased symptoms of VSD;
  • elevated temperature;
  • rapid pulse, arrhythmia and other disturbances in the functioning of the heart, which are fraught with coma;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • stool disorders;
  • painful urination;
  • severe headaches;
  • body chills;
  • loss of coordination;
  • profuse sweat;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • lethargy and lethargy.

The described side effects are not considered fatal, but it would still be advisable to call an ambulance.

What is better to take: Phenibut or Atarax and in what situations

The list of medications for stress relief is varied. Medicines should be used after consultation with a doctor. Only a specialist can choose the right remedy, be it

Atarax or Phenibut, or another representative of nootropics.




Atarax and Phenibut, what is the difference?

In this article we will look at Phenibut or Atarax – which is better for therapy. Both medications are characterized by sedative properties. Similar parameters allow you to use them if you have:

  • anxiety;
  • alcohol syndromes;
  • nervous disorders;
  • anxiety.

Although each of the drugs has distinctive features, which are expressed in prescriptions and restrictions on use, composition and price.

Atarax is prescribed, in addition to the above-mentioned diagnoses, in the presence of the following conditions:

  • skin itching;
  • nervous excitement;
  • increased irritability.

Phenibut is used for:

  • obsessive states;
  • psychopathy;
  • insomnia;
  • neuropsychic weakness.

The first drug, in comparison with the indications of phenibut, is not able to cope with insomnia. The medicine does not activate the brain's ability to concentrate and pay attention. Atarax calms the nerves well, and the second nootropic substance acts as a psychostimulating tool that improves brain activity by normalizing blood circulation.

By comparing the list of contraindications, you can also replace some of the differences between these two drugs. It is prohibited to use Phenibut:

  • children under 2 years old;
  • during pregnancy (first trimester);
  • during breastfeeding;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • patients with gastrointestinal pathologies.

Atarax is not recommended:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • for congenital diseases that provoke a decrease in hemoglobin concentration.

There are also differences in the composition of the drugs. The active ingredient in atarax is a diphenylmethane derivative (hydroxyzine dihydrochloride). Phenibut includes derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid. It contains dopamine-positive substances. The cost of drugs also differs.

Phenibut or Atarax - which is better?

When examining the title question of which drug to give preference, it must be emphasized that Phenibut is more effective for increased anxiety, improves concentration and quality of sleep, and enhances the positive effects of antipsychotic and hypnotic drugs. The medicine has a wider scope of application.

It is also prescribed:

  • at the time of preparation for diagnostic procedures and surgical intervention - as a sedative;
  • for the treatment of children with stuttering, tics, and enuresis;
  • with Meniere's pathology;
  • in situations with dizziness of various origins.

Phenibut is characterized by a stronger and more complex effect. This drug is still better as a nootropic component and a sedative.

But to relieve unpleasant discomfort in the form of itching against the background of irritation, atarax is more effective, since phenibut is powerless in this case.

The negative properties of phenibut include a large list of contraindications, which is not observed in its opponent, atarax.

The choice of drug should be determined by the diagnosis and clinical progress of the pathological condition. For this reason, it is difficult to definitively answer which is more effective, since these medications affect the body differently. Phenibut is a nootropic, while atarax is an effective sedative.

Phenibut and atarax at the same time

Since atarax is an anti-anxiety medication, and the second medicine is a nootropic with sedative properties, they can be used in parallel. Medicines will complement the opponent and improve his action.

When treating increased excitability, these drugs effectively block nervous tension, helping to combat insomnia. Conclusion: the compatibility of Phenibut and Atarax is acceptable.

What's better: reviews

Here is a selection of reviews about each drug. Positive features of atarax:

  • normal ratio of quality and cost;
  • speed of impact;
  • antihistamine effect.

Negative qualities:

  • drowsiness;
  • does not eliminate severe anxiety;
  • can have the opposite effect on older people and children.

Positive features of Phenibut:

  • soft action;
  • calms, improves memory;
  • helps with neurotic obsessions.

Negative qualities:

  • causes lethargy;
  • less accessible;
  • can provoke stomach discomfort or heartburn.

Here are also reviews about the simultaneous use of medications:

  • eliminate headache and abstinence syndrome together;
  • relieve increased anxiety;
  • give an improvement in well-being;
  • reduce irritability;
  • eliminate nervous excitement.

Simultaneous use in children, reviews

Child psychiatrists or neurologists prescribe such medications to young patients over the age of two for stuttering, insomnia, frequent tantrums, uncontrolled urination, and nervous tics.

Systematizing the reviews of parents, we highlight the main points of effective joint use of medications:

  • after use, children sleep better, speech is restored, stuttering disappears;
  • kids become more active;
  • irritability is eliminated;
  • In kindergarten, children settle in better and fall asleep calmly.

Children should be taken off such anti-anxiety medications gradually, this helps prevent recurrent nervous disorders.

Source: https://racetam.ru/nootropy/fenibut-ili-ataraks

Atarax analogues: choosing the best substitute drug

Atarax is a drug characterized by pronounced sedative, antispasmodic, antiemetic, and anxiolytic effects.
Indications for use of Atarax: treatment of Parkinson's disease, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, elimination of increased anxiety, irritability in neurological and somatic ailments. In addition, the drug helps eliminate skin itching in case of dermatological diseases. The main component of the drug is hydroxyzine hydrochloride; Atarax does not include other active ingredients. It is worth considering that when taking medication, you should refuse work that requires increased concentration.

If treatment is ineffective or there are contraindications, it is recommended to replace the drug or use it with other drugs, therefore it is very important to evaluate the compatibility of Atarax with other groups of drugs and take into account contraindications and possible side effects of the drug.

Adaptol is one of the tranquilizers, used for symptomatic therapy, helps normalize sleep, relieves cardialgia, increases the tolerance of antipsychotic drugs, as well as a number of tranquilizers. Thanks to the use of this drug, it is possible to cure neuroses and get rid of nicotine addiction.

Although the drugs differ in active ingredients (Adaptol contains mebicar) and differ in the list of indications for use, their specificity is similar. It is worth considering that the concentration of metabolites decreases when Atarax and cimetidine are taken simultaneously; as for the interaction with Adaptol, a decrease in the clearance of sertraline is recorded.

Medicines can be taken either before or after meals; food does not affect the degree of absorption and activity of the active ingredients. When choosing a particular drug, it is worth taking into account the general condition of the patient and the clinical picture of the disease. It is quite difficult to determine which drug is better; you need to consult a specialist.

Which is better: Atarax or Phenibut

Phenibut is a drug from the group of nootropics that has a psychostimulating effect. It is used for memory impairment and during the abstinence period for alcohol dependence. Taking the medicine helps eliminate anxiety, sleep disturbances and stuttering. The therapeutic effect is manifested due to the manifestation of the specific properties of the main component - aminophenylbutyric acid.

Atarax or Phenibut: which works better?

If you evaluate the indications for use of each of the drugs, you can identify similarities, but the list of contraindications is significantly different. Atarax is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, porphyria, or hypersensitivity to components.

Phenibut should not be used if you are intolerant to the active substance. It should be noted that when taking Piracetam with Phenibut, it is necessary to monitor autonomic and mental functions.

If you have a choice: Phenibut or Atarax, it is usually recommended to take the first drug, since its list of contraindications is shorter.

If it is necessary to combine medications, it is necessary to adjust the dosages of each of them. Phenibut can be prescribed for use to potentiate the effect of Atarax.

Which is better: Atarax or Grandaxin

The drug Grandaxin is prescribed for the treatment of depression, stress, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, PMS, neuroses, and cardialgia. Tofisopam, the active component, exhibits its effect quite quickly, since the highest concentrations in the blood are recorded 2 hours after taking the pills.

Atarax is a tranquilizer with a milder effect, most often used for mild anxiety-depressive disorders.

Grandaxin is much stronger in action and is used for moderate disorders.

Indications for taking Grandaxin are more specific; before starting therapy, it will be necessary to assess the patient's condition and establish an accurate diagnosis; it is practically not prescribed for monotherapy.

Which is better: Atarax or Teraligen

Teraligen is an antipsychotic drug used to treat various ailments of the nervous system, including depression of various etiologies, allergic manifestations and neuroses.

The active ingredient is alimemazine. Compared to Atarax, Teraligen is characterized by a wider spectrum of action and helps eliminate any allergic manifestations, not just itchy skin.

The combination of these drugs is not justified, since they are characterized by a similar mechanism of action. Atarax can be replaced with Teraligen or vice versa, in case of intolerance to the components or in case of allergy to one of the drugs.

Source: https://lekhar.ru/lekarstva/preparaty-dlja-nervnoj-sistemy/ataraks-analogi/

What to choose: Atarax or Phenibut?

Atarax and Phenibut are medications prescribed to relieve anxiety and improve mental performance. The drugs relieve fear, symptoms of anxiety and restlessness. The products are well compatible with each other.

When taken regularly, the period of falling asleep is reduced, metabolism and brain function are improved. Medicines have differences in composition and other characteristics that you should familiarize yourself with before taking them.

Atarax and Phenibut are medications prescribed to relieve anxiety and improve mental performance.

Characteristics of Atarax

The active ingredient of the drug is hydroxyzine. It acts by blocking H1-histamine receptors and affecting some subcortical structures of the brain.

The drug prevents the appearance of vomiting, soothes, and reduces the symptoms of urticaria. Hydroxyzine improves cognitive functions of the brain. Can be used for a long time, because not addictive.

After taking it, sleep improves, anxiety disappears, and muscle tension decreases.

During treatment, headache, drowsiness, dry mouth, tremor, and dizziness may occur. There is a decrease in blood pressure, nausea, allergies, constipation, vomiting, and kidney and liver dysfunction.

The product begins to act within 30-50 minutes. The blood value reaches its maximum after 1-2 hours. The active substance is distributed more in tissues than in the blood. It undergoes biotransformation in the liver with the formation of the main metabolite - cetirizine.

Within 14 hours, half is excreted in the urine.

Taking the drug is contraindicated if you are allergic to cetirizine or hydroxyzine, porphyria, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Children under 3 years of age are prohibited from prescribing medicine in tablet form. It is necessary to limit intake in case of myasthenia gravis, vision problems, seizure disorders, water and electrolyte imbalance, hyperthyroidism and severe cardiovascular diseases.

Characteristics of Phenibut

The active component in the composition is aminophenylbutyric acid. It facilitates the transmission of impulses between GABA receptors. There is an improvement in bioenergetic processes in the brain. After taking the product, tension, fear, and anxiety disappear. Sleep becomes much stronger, insomnia in adult patients, including the elderly, is eliminated.

Manifestations of asthenic syndrome such as headache, dizziness, irritability, and inability to concentrate disappear. Phenibut improves the cognitive abilities of the brain, such as memory, attention, reaction speed.

During therapy, drowsiness, headache, irritability, nausea, allergies, and increased anxiety occur. The product is quickly absorbed and penetrates all tissues of the body.

Biotransformed in the liver, excreted in the urine and does not accumulate in tissues. It is contraindicated to take the drug if you are allergic to the active ingredients.

It is necessary to limit intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding, gastrointestinal ulcers, insufficiency of liver and kidney function.

Phenibut improves the cognitive abilities of the brain, such as memory, attention, reaction speed.

Comparison of Atarax and Phenibut

Before using drugs together or separately, it is necessary to compare them according to certain characteristics.


Medicines are prescribed for neurosis, anxiety, sleep problems, and withdrawal symptoms. Medicines help cope with anxiety, fear, and insomnia. They improve brain function, calm, normalize blood circulation and improve overall well-being.

What is the difference?

Atarax suppresses aggression, psychomotor agitation, irritability and internal tension to a greater extent. The medicine can be prescribed in the postoperative period to eliminate the symptoms of dermatological diseases.

Phenibut is recommended for obsessions, insomnia, and vestibular disorders.

It is prescribed before surgery if necessary. Aminophenylbutyric acid is indicated for children with stuttering, motion sickness, and tics. Medicines also differ in contraindications and side effects.

What's stronger?

The drug Atarax has a more pronounced sedative effect. Phenibut quickly helps relieve anxiety and improve cognitive abilities. Aminophenylbutyric acid has a more stable and long-lasting effect.

Which is cheaper?

The price for a package of Phenibut varies from 60 to 420 rubles. The cost of the medicine Atarax is from 250 to 315 rubles.

Which is better Atarax or Phenibut?

To improve memory, attention and overall performance of the body, you can take Atarax or Phenibut. Atarax is prescribed more often to eliminate aggression and anxiety, skin itching and rashes. Phenibut is suitable for patients with mood swings and reduced mental performance.

Atarax is prescribed more often to eliminate aggression and anxiety, skin itching and rashes.

For hyperhidrosis

Phenibut is prescribed because Atarax has increased sweating on the list of side effects. In the absence of individual hypersensitivity of the body to hydroxyzine, you can take it according to indications.

For children

Patients in this category are prescribed Phenibut because it has fewer side effects and is better tolerated by the body.

For sleep

Phenibut is used to treat insomnia, although with psychomotor agitation, Atarax can be used to fall asleep.

With VSD

Phenibut is prescribed to improve cerebral circulation, eliminate tension and anxiety.

Drug compatibility

Both medications are highly compatible and, if simultaneous use is necessary, complement each other well. The effect comes faster and the medications last longer.

Reviews from doctors about Atarax and Phenibut

Anatoly Gritsenko, therapist, Yekaterinburg

Phenibut is a nootropic, and Atarax is a tranquilizer. Medicines help get rid of mental disorders and improve cerebral circulation. Medicines are not addictive when taken for a long time, but they must be used according to the instructions.

Alla Georgievna, psychiatrist, Monchegorsk

Phenibut enhances the effect of sedatives and tranquilizers. It can be used in conjunction with hydroxyzine to enhance the effect of insomnia, anxiety and unreasonable fear. Muscle tone decreases, concentration and memory improve. Atarax for problems with the kidneys and liver, as well as in old age, should be prescribed in the minimum recommended dosage.

Patients' opinions

Galina, 37 years old, Orenburg

Atarax is a good medicine that helps with overwhelming emotional stress. The product copes with itching and rashes due to nervous disorders or allergies. After administration, a sedative effect appears within 30 minutes. The tranquilizer helps you fall asleep faster, relieves anxiety and tension accumulated during the day.

Maxim, 30 years old, Volgograd

The drugs must be taken simultaneously for those who want to normalize sleep and improve brain function. Medicines help with neurotic and panic conditions. You need to use it for at least 1 month to notice the result. After the treatment course, the condition is stable, there is no withdrawal syndrome.

Ksenia, 41 years old, Kemerovo

Phenibut is a safe and effective remedy for disorders of the nervous system. The doctor prescribed it for anxiety disorder. As a result of 2 weeks of treatment, I got rid of anxiety, nervous tics and many fears. You can find many analogues of the drug, such as Anvifen, Noofen, etc.

Source: https://aptekagorod.ru/gipergidroz/ataraks-ili-fenibut

Is Atarax effective for VSD, neurosis and panic attacks?

Hearing the word “tranquilizer” from a doctor, many hypochondriacs become upset or scared. Aren't such medications only intended for mentally ill people? No, these drugs have a fairly wide range of consumers, even though the drugs fall into the “powerful” category.

The purpose of a tranquilizer is to calm, and nervous disorders vary in severity. And not all conditions can be eliminated with simple sedative drops. Especially with aggravated vegetative-vascular dystonia with regular severe panic attacks. Atarax for VSD is prescribed to the patient just in such cases.

If your recipe contains Atarax

The release form of this drug is white oblong tablets (25 mg) with a breaking strip. The active substance - hydroxyzine hydrochloride - has an antidepressant, sedative, relaxing and anti-anxiety effect on the body.

By using Atarax regularly, in accordance with the instructions, you can achieve a sustainable beneficial effect and restore normal protective properties of the psyche.

Result for VSD and panic attacks when taking atarax:

  1. Muscle spasms that constantly tormented the patient, especially during a panic attack, are eliminated.
  2. The quality of sleep is restored and it becomes easier to fall asleep.
  3. The body relaxes, the tone subsides.
  4. Constant fatigue disappears, the desire to work and do what you love arises.
  5. The psyche becomes less susceptible to overwork.
  6. Anxiety and fears decrease.
  7. Little things are no longer so annoying, and neuroses are fading away.
  8. The brain works better, memory improves.
  9. Such unpleasant “nervous” symptoms as skin itching and eyelid twitching disappear.

Temporary use of Atarax for VSD without dosage violations will not disrupt the functioning of internal organs and systems. However, dystonics should refuse the drug if:

  • there is an individual intolerance to the components of the tablets;
  • the patient is pregnant or lactating;
  • have glaucoma or myasthenia gravis.

If you have kidney disease, you can take the tablets, but the dosage should be halved.

As we can see, the drug has quite a few contraindications, but in any case you cannot prescribe it yourself - all tranquilizers also have side effects.

Side effects

VSD is a neurosis or a psychological problem, which means that the causes of this problem cannot be removed with medication.

Yes, medications temporarily relieve the annoying symptoms of aggravated dystonia, but if treatment is canceled, everything will return to normal - this truth is known to every VSD sufferer. And yet a person needs to live somehow, do household chores, go to work and at least sometimes get enough sleep.

No one will do this for us. Therefore, at some periods of life, medications are extremely necessary. And the treatment of the soul, as a rule, is constantly postponed until later.

Atarax helps with VSD and panic attacks, gives mental and physical strength to live on, but you should remember: timely contact with an experienced psychotherapist is sometimes the only chance to overcome neurosis.

Moreover, any medications that change our mood and brain functions always have side effects. Even if the patient has no contraindications to taking the drug, the body’s reaction may be unpredictable.

Most often, side effects occur when the specified dosage is violated or when Atarax is taken simultaneously with incompatible medications and alcohol. These include:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • stool disorders;
  • headache;
  • body chills;
  • loss of coordination;
  • profuse sweat;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • lethargy and lethargy.
  • drowsiness.

The described side effects are not considered fatal and go away after some time. In general, the main side effects of atarax are lethargy, drowsiness and lethargy. As a rule, this effect disappears after 1-2 weeks of taking the drug. An important advantage of atarax is that it is not addictive and has no withdrawal symptoms.

How to take the drug?

Atarax for VSD and panic attacks is taken as follows:

  1. For adolescents, the dose is calculated according to the scheme 2 mg/1 kg of body weight per day.
  2. Adults – from 25 to 100 mg (depending on the severity of the condition) three times a day. In rare cases, the dose is increased to 250 mg.
  3. Elderly – from 10 to 50 mg per day, regardless of the severity of symptoms.

The treatment regimen is prescribed only by the doctor after examining the patient’s health. Self-medication is dangerous. At the beginning of treatment, you should listen to your condition and report any alarming symptoms to your doctor. It is best to increase the dosage gradually, starting with one tablet per day before bedtime.

It is impossible to predict whether Atarax will be effective for you, but there are significantly more positive reviews from patients than negative ones. This means that in a difficult period of life, with VSD, neurosis and panic attacks, you can really rely on this medication, but we must not forget: the problems hidden inside await speedy non-drug treatment.

Source: https://vsdshnik.com/ataraks-pri-vsd.html

What to choose: Phenibut or Atarax?

Phenibut or Atarax relieves excessive worry and anxiety. They are psychotropic drugs and have a similar effect.

Phenibut or Atarax relieves excessive worry and anxiety.

Compound similarities

When prescribing a drug, the mechanism of its action, the purpose of therapy and possible side effects are taken into account. Both medications are classified as nootropic drugs. The compatibility of these medications is acceptable; they are often prescribed simultaneously. Phenibut is produced in tablets and powder form. It has tranquilizing and nootropic properties.

The active component is a derivative of phenylethylamine and dopamine agents. The drug has antiplatelet and psychostimulating effects. The product eliminates fear and anxiety, treats insomnia, improves brain function, microcirculation and metabolism in brain tissue.

Indications for the use of Phenibut:

  • asthenic syndrome;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • sleep disorders;
  • preventing motion sickness;
  • normalization of mental activity.

Doctors prescribe Phenibut simultaneously with Atarax for the treatment of stuttering and enuresis in children over two years of age. The medicine is not prescribed for stomach ulcers, liver dysfunction, after drinking alcohol, or during pregnancy. The drug can be addictive, so you should not exceed the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Atarax is a medicine that suppresses emotional stress and eliminates neurosis. The active ingredient is hydroxyzine dihydrochloride. The drug has antihistamine and sedative properties.

Atarax eliminates aggressive conditions: irritability, anxiety, agitation.

Used for therapy:

  • aggressive states: irritability, anxiety, agitation;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • alcoholism;
  • skin irritation.

The combined use of both drugs enhances the therapeutic effect without increasing the dosage. Atarax is not prescribed for arrhythmia, convulsions, increased intraocular pressure, urination disorders, pregnancy, prostate hyperplasia, or after drinking alcohol. Atarax is not addictive and has few side effects.

How to take Phenibut and Atarax

Atarax is taken orally. For the treatment of anxiety, adults are prescribed 50-100 mg per day, 2-4 tablets of 25 mg. Before surgery as a sedative, 50-200 mg one hour before surgery.

For the treatment of skin itching, 30-100 mg per day, 1-4 tablets of 25 mg. The maximum daily dosage is 100 mg. The duration of the course is prescribed by the attending physician. Therapy begins with small doses and increases them gradually.

For children from 9 to 12 years old, for the treatment of itching, 1-3 tablets per day.

Phenibut is taken after meals. Adults take the medicine 3 times a day, 250-500 mg. The highest dosage for adults is 750 mg.

The duration of the course of therapy is 2-3 weeks. The dosage and course of treatment are prescribed by the doctor. If necessary, treatment can be extended to 4-6 weeks. Children from 8 to 14 years old are prescribed tablets 3 times a day, 250 mg. Children over 14 years of age are prescribed adult dosages.

For abstinence in the first days, the medicine is prescribed 3 times a day, 250 mg, as well as 750 mg before bedtime. The dosage is gradually reduced. For Meniere's disease, 750 mg is prescribed 3 times a day. The course of treatment is from 5 days to a week. When the manifestation of vestibular disorders decreases, use 250-500 mg 3 times a day for a week, and then 250 mg for 5 days.

If the functioning of the vestibular apparatus is impaired - 250 mg 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 12 days. For motion sickness, 250-500 mg is prescribed once. If liver function is impaired, dosages are reduced.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Medicines are sold in pharmacies by prescription.


Price for Phenibut in pharmacies: from 420 rubles. up to 760 rub. Price for Atarax – from 265 rubles. up to 360 rub.

Source: https://bur-agregat.ru/allergiya/fenibut-ili-ataraks

Which is better Phenibut or Atarax? Is it possible at the same time - updated 03.19

Atarax copes with:

  • skin itching
  • alcohol syndrome
  • increased irritability and nervousness
  • nervous excitement

Phenibut is indicated for:

  • psychopathy
  • insomnia
  • asthenic conditions (neuropsychic weakness),
  • fears
  • obsessive states.

Atarax, unlike Phenibut, is not able to cope with insomnia and increase concentration and attention. The first calms the nerves, and the second has a psychostimulating effect and normalizes blood circulation and brain function.

Active ingredient

  • Atarax is hydroxyzine dihydrochloride, a derivative of diphenylmethane;
  • Phenibut is a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid and phenylethylamine, as well as dopamine-positive components.

The price of drugs varies


  • tablets 25 mg, 25 pieces from 315 rubles;


  • tablets 250 mg, 20 pieces - from 170 rubles;
  • tablets 250 mg, 10 pieces - from 70 rubles.

Unlike Atarax, Phenibut is a nootropic drug, that is, it affects higher mental functions.

Its list of contraindications is much shorter, and it has a lasting positive effect.

Phenibut can cope with many problems - memory impairment, sleep disturbances, and inhibited mental activity. Atarax, in contrast, does not cause irritation to the gastric mucosa.

Phenibut and Atarax at the same time

The answer to the question of whether these anti-anxiety medications can be taken together is yes. They only complement and improve each other's action.

The compatibility of drugs in the treatment of patients with anxiety syndromes is high. Together they effectively cope with insomnia and relieve nervous tension.

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