Vitamin B12 for neuralgia

Tablets for neuralgia, choosing effective drugs

Neuralgia is a fairly common ailment associated with damage to areas of the peripheral nerves. The pain that occurs as a result of pathology can manifest itself in absolutely any part of the body. To cope with unpleasant sensations, doctors recommend using external remedies (gels, ointments) and tablets for neuralgia. In addition, the cause of the disease must be treated.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Peripheral nerve fibers are able to capture information about processes occurring in tissues due to the presence of special receptors. If the fibers are damaged, the receptors begin to transmit distorted impulses to the central nervous system. The pain syndrome affects not only the site of injury, but also spreads to the areas where the signal-transmitting nerves pass.

Neuralgia is not an independent pathology, but only indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the system. The disease can be triggered by hypothermia, injury, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, infections, heavy metal poisoning, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, and diabetes. The most commonly diagnosed cases are intercostal neuralgia, in which pain occurs in the chest area.

Which pills to choose for neuralgia?

Medicines that help relieve pain from neuralgia only eliminate the symptoms, but have no effect on the true cause of the disease. Despite this, painkillers are used first. Typically, specialists prescribe drugs such as Ketorol, Analgin, Ketoprofen, Ketonal Uno. Drugs with a prolonged analgesic effect should be taken no more than once a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of pain attacks.

Injections have a more pronounced therapeutic effect, but most patients find it more convenient to take tablets.

Novocaine blockades save you from neuralgia with severe painful attacks. They are prescribed only by the attending physician. It is mandatory to take B vitamins. Their lack in the body often leads to pathological phenomena. The most effective medications in this category include the following:

  • "Neuromultivitis".
  • "Neurovitan."
  • "Neurobion".
  • magnesium + B vitamins (“Doppelhertz Active”).
  • "Pentovit."

Muscle relaxants and sedatives are also included in therapy for various types of neuralgia. The duration of treatment with each drug is determined solely by the doctor.

Vitamins "Neuromultivit"

The tablets, the price of which ranges from 340-380 rubles, contain the water-soluble vitamins B1, B6 and B12 necessary for the body. The main task of the drug is to stimulate metabolic processes in the central nervous system and restore damaged areas of nervous tissue.

This vitamin complex has an analgesic effect and can be used for neuralgia, pain syndromes, and mononeuropathy. Thiamine (vitamin B1) is necessary for regulating lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is involved in maintaining the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Vitamin B12 (cyanobaclamin) is necessary for normal hematopoiesis and the formation of red blood cells.

How to use?

Neuromultivit tablets for neuralgia are intended for oral use immediately after meals. It should be taken into account that damage to the protective shell leads to a change in the pharmacological properties of the drug. Therefore, chewing or splitting the tablets is prohibited.

Depending on the severity of the symptoms of the pathology, the drug should be taken 1-3 times a day, 1 tablet. The duration of therapy is no more than 1 month. The drug can be used in pediatric practice to treat children over 12 years of age. Neuromultivit is not prescribed during pregnancy.

Review of drugs

Let's look at the most commonly prescribed medications from different groups for the treatment of neuralgia.


Among painkillers for neuralgia, it is customary to distinguish two groups:

  • Painkillers themselves (metamizole sodium derivatives);
  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which have anti-inflammatory activity along with an analgesic effect).

It is strictly prohibited to take NSAIDs for any erosive pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract: erosions, ulcers, etc.

Vitamin therapy

As the symptoms of neuralgia develop, the structure of the nervous tissue suffers and the conduction of nerve impulses is disrupted.


These are drugs that improve metabolism in the tissues of the brain and peripheral nervous system. As a result of inflammation during neuralgia, the structures of nerve cells - the core and myelin sheaths - are damaged, and they need to be restored.

Other drugs are also used:

  • "Neurobion";
  • "Mexiprim";
  • "Wessel DueF" and others.

One of the reasons for the development of neuralgia may be pregnancy, when weight gain is very intense or a large baby is growing inside the uterus.

The use of any medications during pregnancy should only be done with a doctor's prescription.

Different groups of drugs are prescribed, among which the most popular are:

  1. Painkillers: “Spazmalgon”, “Spazgan”, “Baralgin”, “Analgin”, etc.;
  2. Anti-inflammatory: “Ketoprofen” (similar in action to “Ibuprofen”), “Nise” (like “Meloxicam” is a selective blocker of inflammatory mediators and does not affect the gastrointestinal tract);
  3. Strong painkillers: “Sedalgin”, “Pentalgin” - complex, containing several painkillers that induce the action of each other;
  4. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments: “Ortofen”, “Diclofenac”, “Nise”, “Voltaren”, etc. They all act locally, in the area of ​​application. Contraindications for them are: allergies, skin damage, skin diseases. Prices range from 50 – 400 rubles;
  5. Muscle relaxants – “Tizanidine”, “Sirdalud”, etc.;
  6. Vitamins – “Kombilipen”, “Milgamma”, etc.

But only in cases where the cause of the disease lies not only in physiology, but also in the emotional state of the patient.

The basis of treatment for this disease is medications, but as prescribed by a doctor, sedatives and folk remedies can be added to the therapy. Among the medications, the most commonly prescribed is Carbamazepine - it is a classic treatment for trigeminal neuralgia. It acts directly on the nerve roots and inhibits the development of pathological processes in them.

As a result of this action, pain and inflammation go away. Take 1-2 tablets 2 times a day for a long time (as determined by the attending physician). Contraindications for its use will be: atrioventricular block, bone marrow diseases, hepatic porphyria, concomitant use of MAO inhibitors, lactation period, individual intolerance. Price from 50 rubles.

In addition to Carbamazepine, the following drugs are prescribed:

  1. NSAIDs - “Ketanov”, “Nimesil”, “Nise”, etc.;
  2. Anticonvulsants: “Baclofen” and “Pantogam” - eliminate pain within 2 - 3 hours, as they act on the brain centers. Any psycho-neurological disorders will be contraindications to taking anticonvulsants. Before taking these medications, you should consult a specialist. Price about 250 rubles;
  3. Antiallergic drugs (“Diphenhydramine”, “Suprastin”, etc.);
  4. B vitamins (“Combilipen”, “Neuromultivit”, etc.);
  5. Drugs that improve cerebral circulation (“Cavinton”, “Cinnarizine”, etc.).

In some cases, it is necessary to take potent prescription drugs in an inpatient setting.

For facial neuralgia, the following drugs are used:

  1. Antiepileptics – relieve spasm and compression of nerve roots, eliminate pain (“Carbamazepine”, “Difenin”, etc.). If they are ineffective, stronger drugs are used - Finlepsin, Phenytoin;
  2. Centrally acting muscle relaxants – “Baclofen”, “Baklosan”, etc.;
  3. Antidepressants - Amitriptyline, Trazodone;
  4. B vitamins – “Combilipen”, “Milgamma”;
  5. Ointments – “Voltaren”, “Bystrum gel”, etc.;
  6. If the pain is not eliminated by conventional medications, electrophoresis procedures with Novocaine may be prescribed.

DETAILS: Pain with cystitis in women: lower back

Treatment of brachial neuralgia is in many ways similar to the treatment of intercostal neuralgia. NSAIDs, painkillers and vitamin preparations are also used to restore nerve tissue.

Expert opinion

Mitrukhanov Eduard Petrovich

Neurologist, city clinic, Moscow.

Education: Russian State Medical University, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd.

If pain worsens, prescription analgesics with a strong effect may be prescribed, as well as electrophoresis procedures with local anesthetics.

Pharmacy products NSAIDs are non-steroidal drugs characterized by a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. With their help, it is possible to localize neuralgic syndrome, reduce the intensity of pain and attacks, and significantly improve the general condition of patients faced with a disease of the nervous system.

Drug therapy for neuralgia involves the use of a wide range of medications of this type. The most common of them include: Diclofenac, Ortofen, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Piroxekam, Voltaren, Indomethacin. Such drugs and their analogues are available in the form of tablets and capsules.

It is recommended to take them no more than 1-2 times a day. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Ignoring the recommendations of a neurologist can lead to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including ulcerative conditions of the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis and other pathologies. The course of drug therapy based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is 5-7 days.

In addition to the form of tablets and capsules, NSAID drugs are available in the form of rectal suppositories and injections. Ointments, creams, gels, and special patches are produced for external use. These include Diprilif, Voltaren, Ketonal, Nise, Diclofenac and other analogues with a similar composition. When using NSAIDs for external use, it is recommended to handle them carefully, carefully rubbing them into areas of pain, excluding pressing and massaging the inflamed areas. Special patches, which include Ketonal Thermo, are considered a modern alternative to applications with ointments, creams, and gels.

The role of B vitamins in our life

Doctors note the significant role of B6 in the treatment of various types of epilepsy, so they advise prescribing it as a combination with medications used to prevent seizures. B1 deficiency often occurs in people who abuse alcohol, which is probably due to insufficient intake of the vitamin from food

It is important to remember that thiamine is involved in the processing of ethyl alcohol, and this often causes its deficiency in the body. In 10% of people who are addicted to alcohol, aged 40 years and older, alcoholic polyneuropathy flourishes with predominant damage to the distal and then proximal parts of the legs

In the studies conducted, it was found that the group of people receiving a complex of vitamin preparations noted a steady decrease in algia. Combined vitamin preparations are widely used in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy, which develops in almost 90 patients with diabetes mellitus. Thiamine plays a special role here. Its participation is known as a coenzyme transketolase, necessary for the conversion of glucose in the pentose phosphate pathway

Vitamins B6 and B12 also have an important effect. For example, cyanocobalamin has a role in reducing pain in diabetic polyneuropathy

Medicine has long known the ability of vitamins B1, B6, B12 to reduce the intensity of pain.

This therapy is widely used today. It is assumed that the analgesic activity of this action of vitamins is determined by the effect on both nociceptive receptors and ion channels of sensory nerve fibers. It is obvious that an integral component of the therapy and rehabilitation of patients with neurological pathology is the complex use of the above-described vitamins.

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Complexes based on B vitamins

Modern medications allow you to receive several B vitamins at once. A few years ago, at least 2-3 injections in a row were performed for this purpose, since each syringe separately contained one type of vitamin. Today everything is much simpler. The only criterion is to choose the right drug and its dosage. In this case, they will be able not only to have a positive effect on the body’s processes, but also to reduce the doses of other drugs with stronger effects.


A popular drug produced in the form of injections and tablets. It is based on vitamins B1, B6 and B12, since the body, with neuralgia, primarily needs them.

Milgama is widely used for a number of neuralgic manifestations

Another advantage is that it can be easily taken by people who, for some reason, cannot take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. But it is worth considering that it is prohibited for use in children and people diagnosed with heart failure.


The product can be found in two forms of release: in the form of tablets and ampoules for injection. It also contains B1, B6 and B12. The drug is characterized by a fairly strong effect, so it is often prescribed for serious neurological disorders: plexitis, sciatica, lesions of the facial nerve, radicular neuritis.

The result can be seen quite quickly, but it is worth considering that the drug is prohibited for use by pregnant women and people suffering from heart, liver and kidney diseases.

Neurobion contains vitamins B1, B6 and B12

This complex drug can only be taken orally, since it has one tablet form. Its composition also includes vitamins B1, B6 and B12. Its indications for use, in addition to neuralgia, also include polyneuropathy, sciatica, radicular syndromes, and neuritis of various types.

It is also indicated that the drug is involved in the process of regeneration of nervous tissue. It can be used not only by adults, but also by children, according to the correctly selected dosage. The drug is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects.

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia

Intercostal neuralgia occurs when the nerves that run between the ribs are compressed or irritated. During the pathological process, unbearable, excruciating pain appears, which increases when a person inhales deeply, coughs, or moves. Often, for intercostal neuralgia, drug treatment is used, prescribed by a neurologist.

Recommendations on how to get rid of pain from intercostal neuralgia

When a person experiences severe unbearable pain in the intercostal area, consult a doctor

It is important to diagnose the disease in time, because many pathologies can be hidden under the symptoms of neuralgia - serious heart disease, colic in the kidneys. The doctor prescribes timely treatment to improve performance

You should not self-medicate, it is very dangerous, it is important to take into account all contraindications and side effects. Medicine will help get rid of pain

In order for medication to be effective, you must adhere to the rules of administration. During the first days of illness, when the pain is unbearable, the patient must refuse work and adhere to bed rest. You need to lie on a hard, level board, do not lie on high pillows.

Analgesic drugs for intercostal neuralgia

The patient must take medications that can help relieve pain. In this situation, it is recommended to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are prescribed only by the attending physician.

For unbearable pain, you need to use intramuscular injection of painkillers - Ketorol, Ketonal, Analgin. The course of therapy is up to 10 procedures. Medicines cannot be used for a long time; serious stomach diseases, ulcers, and gastritis may occur.

Ketonal refers to rectal suppositories. The dosage form is suitable for the elderly, it can be used to relieve pain, it is a fast-acting remedy. Non-steroidal drugs against inflammation are used, it is best to use them as gels, ointments - Ketonal, Nise, Voltaren, Diclofenac. Apply a small layer of ointment to the affected area of ​​the body. Locally use a patch with medicine - Ketonal thermo. The patch is best used before bedtime.

It is recommended to take pain relief tablets internally - Baralgin, Analgin, Movalis, Nise. Take three times a day after meals. The course of therapy consists of long-term use of drugs, with its help you can heal the intestines and stomach. Melox forte should be used once a day.

Vitamins for intercostal neuralgia

If you are sick, it is recommended to take vitamins B, B1, B6, B12. It is recommended to use intramuscular injections. You also need to alternate B1, B6. In some situations, it is necessary to take a multivitamin.

Other methods of treating intercostal neuralgia

If acute pain bothers you, you need to inject the affected nerve with novocaine. It is also recommended to use medications that contain snake and bee venom. Do not use during pregnancy, with hepatic or renal colic, during the lactation period, with a febrile state, or individual intolerance. It is recommended to use medications only after the recommendation of a doctor.

Apizartron medicinal ointments are prescribed; it can be used to relieve pain and relieve inflammation. Viprosil ointment contains viper venom, it is recommended to use it as an external remedy, you can get rid of pain. It contains fir and camphor oil; it is recommended to use it for intercostal neuralgia.

Features of the disease and principles of vitamin therapy for pathology

If you feel sudden pain in the hypochondrium, you should not immediately think of heart problems. Perhaps this is one of the types of neuralgia. The thing is not very pleasant, but quite curable. The main thing is to visit a doctor in a timely manner and begin treatment so that the disease does not become chronic.

Neuralgia manifests itself as paroxysmal or aching pain in the areas where certain nerves connect. In places where nerve endings accumulate, there may be tingling, burning and numbness.

Neurological pain can be localized in any part of the body and have various underlying causes:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • inflammation;
  • injuries;
  • infections;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • poisoning;
  • allergies;
  • reduced immunity;
  • stress and nervous overload.

Hypothermia is a possible cause of neuralgia.
The most common diseases of peripheral nerves are trigeminal neuralgia and intercostal neuralgia. With trigeminal nerve disease, pain is concentrated in the face. The patient reacts to the slightest touch to the nose or cheek. Cold and hot food, brushing teeth, loud sounds or flashes of light also cause discomfort in the patient. Damage to the trigeminal nerve can be caused by facial trauma, inflammation of the sinuses, or untreated teeth.

Intercostal neuralgia occurs due to a disease of the spine, in particular its thoracic region. It manifests itself as sharp pain in the ribs when sighing, coughing, sneezing, turning or bending the body.

The therapeutic regimen prescribed by a medical specialist may include the following medications:

  • analgesic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • warming (ointments and creams).

For the effectiveness of treatment and a speedy recovery, vitamins are mandatory among other medications. It is generally accepted that taking vitamins for serious neuralgia is useless. However, this is wrong. They stop inflammation, increase the body's defenses and help it get back into shape faster.

Therapy using vitamins for neurological pathologies is characterized by the following principles that must be followed during treatment. Features of vitamin therapy:

  1. Complex treatment - vitamins should be taken together with other medications.
  2. Methods of using vitamins - in tablets or injections. The effectiveness of these methods varies. During therapy, the severity and extent of the disease should be taken into account. When prescribing the drug by injection, you cannot independently replace it with pills. This will not lead to the expected result.
  3. Doses of vitamins can only be determined by the attending physician, based on test results.

In case of neurological pathologies, you should not self-medicate. When dealing with the nervous system, you need to understand the seriousness of the disease and the need for a qualified approach to solving health problems.

B12 cyanocobalamin

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) has a pronounced lipotropic effect, preventing the development of obesity and fatty infiltration of the liver. If any vitamin enters the body insufficiently, then multiple neuropathies are formed. B12 is required for the formation of myelin, methionine, and regulates the formation of hematopoietic cells. If the amount of cyanocobalamin in the body is insufficient, irreversible changes in the central nervous system develop over a long period of time. And its normal functioning is necessary for humans. For many diseases, a more reasonable option would be to use not one specific drug, but a whole complex. Then all three vitamins act as synergists, and the combined use causes a more pronounced therapeutic effect. The use of this category of vitamin compounds is useful, since their participation in metabolic reactions in neurons can hardly be overestimated. Experts have discovered that when using fairly large dosages of this vitamin complex, therapeutic results appear that differ from the known effects.


Treatment of neuralgia at home

There are many remedies for treating neuralgia at home. Here are some common folk recipes:

  1. Make a compress based on the green leaves of indoor geranium. Apply to the area of ​​pain in a heated state (wrap it in a woolen scarf);
  2. Apply half a boiled egg to the sore spot. Keep the bandage until it cools completely. During this period of time, pain should disappear;
  3. Prepare an ointment for rubbing based on pork fat and common lilac. Rub it on sore spots;
  4. Grated horseradish helps with rheumatism, sciatica, radiculitis, and neuralgia. Apply it to the sore spot. Cover the top with a woolen scarf;
  5. Pour a glass of boiling water over the open lumbago. Use to treat spasmophilia, migraine, insomnia;
  6. Rub radish juice into your skin. Use the remedy for intercostal neuralgia, sciatica, radiculitis;
  7. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over peppermint. Strain after being on fire for 10 minutes. Take 100 ml at night and in the morning. The decoction is used for neuralgic pain and nervous disorders;
  8. Pour boiling water (200 ml) into 10 grams of willow bark. Simmer for 10 minutes, then strain. After cooling, apply 1 tablespoon three times a day;
  9. Garlic oil is characterized by preventive and therapeutic effects. To prepare the tincture, dilute a tablespoon of garlic oil in 0.5 liters of vodka;
  10. Apply American agave to the sore spot. The compress helps eliminate symptoms of neuralgia such as burning, soreness, and skin irritation;
  11. Pour 20 grams of black elderberry into a liter of boiling water. After straining, drink 3 glasses a day with honey before meals;
  12. Pour a glass of boiling water over the sedge buds. Strain after steeping for 2 hours. Use several times a day. Use 20% tincture 50 drops four times a day;
  13. Fill a thermos with immortelle inflorescences. Use 0.5 liters at night;
  14. Dry chamomile flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water. Strain after infusion. Take a spoonful three times a day for neuralgia, neurasthenia;
  15. Mix lemon balm leaves (2 spoons), lemon zest, black currant leaves (3 spoons). Pour boiling water over and leave for 1 hour. After straining, take a third of a glass twice a day;
  16. Grate red beets and wrap in cheesecloth. It should be used immediately so as not to lose the healing juice;
  17. Rub the sore areas with bleached oil along with ammonia. To heat it up, it is better to wrap the skin with a warm scarf.


The symptoms and treatment of neuralgia are polymorphic. Even for doctors, the disease presents difficulties not only in diagnosis, but also in choosing treatment tactics. Before deciding to treat neuralgia at home, we advise you to consult a doctor. It is better to combine medications and folk decoctions to prevent progression. A favorable outcome of therapy is possible only with early detection and timely therapy!

Tablets for facial neuralgia

With facial neuralgia, the nerves that control the facial muscles on one side of the face become inflamed. Due to the disease, these muscles begin to weaken, reaching the stage of reduction or complete disappearance of facial movements, which creates facial asymmetry.

This disease needs to be treated in the early stages, as this makes it possible to prevent the possible occurrence of complications, as well as various residual effects. In this case, prednisolone tablets for facial neuralgia, which belong to the group of corticosteroids, will be effective.

Reception is carried out within 5 days in the morning. The dosage on the first day is 60 mg, and then gradually decreases. You need to stop taking the drug no later than 10-14 days. At these doses, these neuralgia tablets are safe and effective in reducing nerve swelling that impinges on the intraosseous canal. In this case, recovery occurs quite quickly. Another plus is that pain in the behind-the-ear area disappears.

Intercostal neuralgia symptoms

The most common cause of the disease is osteochondrosis. This disease causes compression of the nerve roots in the intervertebral discs.

Hypothermia, working in an uncomfortable position, draft, colds, neurological diseases, diseases of internal organs, intoxication - all this can also provoke the appearance of intercostal neuralgia. The causes of the syndrome may also lie in damage to the nerve sheaths (demyelination). It is possible that intercostal neuralgia may occur as a result of rib fractures and spinal injuries. In children, neuralgia may be associated with birth injuries or disorders in the formation of the skeleton.

Among the infectious causes of intercostal neuralgia, herpes zoster is in first place in terms of prevalence. Neuralgia can also be caused by diseases such as tuberculosis and influenza.

Factors contributing to neuralgia:

  • diabetes
  • age-related vascular diseases
  • lack of immunity
  • deficiency of vitamins, primarily group B
  • hypertension
  • hormonal changes

In most cases, the immediate cause of intercostal neuralgia is muscle spasm, which leads to compression of the nerves.

Anti-inflammatory medications

Inflammatory processes occurring in nerve fibers lead to swelling and pain. The swollen tissue puts pressure on the nerves. Pinched nerve roots are accompanied by pain. Relieving inflammation, eliminating pain.

  • Ortofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Voltaren;
  • Movalis.

The products effectively relieve inflammation. If you use them correctly, according to the regimen given by the doctor, you can get a long-term stable remission. To eliminate inflammation, take a tablet 2 times a day, give an injection, or use rectal suppositories.

The body's susceptibility to drugs is almost the same. But they are best absorbed through the mucous membranes. Long-term treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs causes exacerbation of certain ailments (for example, gastritis or ulcers). They should not be used without a doctor's prescription.

Pain relievers

The primary goal of drug therapy is to relieve pain – the main symptom of the disease. Pills and injections help get rid of prolonged debilitating pain. For pain relief the following is usually prescribed:

  • Spasmalgon;
  • Spazgan;
  • Analgin;
  • Baralgin;
  • I took it.

To relieve unbearable pain that occurs with swelling of nerve fibers and root compression syndrome, the following is used:

  • Ketoprofen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nise;
  • Celebrex;
  • Diclofenac.

Analgesics are used to relieve pain and prevent new attacks:

  • Sedalgin;
  • Panadol;
  • Tylenone;
  • Pentalgin.

These drugs are available in tablets, injection solutions, ointments and gels. They are taken in tablets. To quickly relieve pain, injections are given and IVs are placed.

The course of treatment with anesthetics is short, it does not exceed 4-5 days. They disrupt the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Are vitamins effective for neuralgia?

Modern therapy for neurological diseases is complex and aimed at various stages of development of the pathological process, as well as at eliminating the symptoms of damage to the nervous system.

Principles of vitamin therapy

Vitamins (especially B vitamins) are extremely important for the normal functioning of both the central and peripheral nervous systems.

These include, first of all, compounds such as:

  • Vitamin B 1 – thiamine. It is indispensable in the processes of intracellular metabolism, prevents “cellular aging”, having antioxidant activity, and helps normalize the conduction of nerve impulses. With a deficiency of the vitamin, which is observed in chronic alcoholism, Wernicke encephalopathy can develop, a condition characterized by high mortality.
  • Vitamin B 6 – pyridoxine. Its task is the regulation of protein metabolism in the cells of the nervous system, the utilization of protein breakdown products, and a number of processes in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
  • Vitamin B12 – cyanocobalamin. It is sometimes called a "growth factor." Its task is to participate in many processes occurring in the peripheral and central nervous systems: regulation of methionine synthesis and hereditary “memory” - nucleic acids.

The use of vitamins in the treatment of many neurological diseases can reduce treatment time. The use of vitamins is possible using different ways of entering them into the body.

Pharmacological characteristics of vitamin preparations

The least effective, but at the same time the most pleasant way is to take it orally (through the mouth), in the form of pills. Despite all the advantages, this method has significant drawbacks: when absorbed into the blood, substances pass through the liver, and quantities that may not have a therapeutic effect may enter the bloodstream. Despite various attractive names (neuromultivitis), the effectiveness of such drugs is not high enough. At least, there is not a single recorded case where taking “vitamins” cured severe neurological pain. This is, in principle, possible, but in the conditions of a clinic of severe vitamin deficiency. Thus, a decoction of rose hips worked wonders against scurvy - a deficiency of vitamin C, raising people to their feet in a few days.

The second, most popular way of administering vitamin preparations for the treatment of neuralgia is through intramuscular injections. Modern medicine has combined vitamin preparations for intramuscular administration. People of the older generation, visiting a neurologist in the last century, remember how 2-3 injections were given at the same time, since vitamins could not be mixed in one syringe. Currently, there are such remedies, for example, Milgamma Compositum - a combination of several B vitamins in one syringe. There are many similar drugs, for example, Combilipen, Neurobion, Trigamma and many others. Their use in complex therapy of neuralgia of various origins has shown sufficient effectiveness, much greater than the use of oral medications.

However, getting directly into the systemic bloodstream, vitamins, although they do not pass through the liver and are not influenced by its microsomal system and the cytochrome system, but, evenly distributed in the bloodstream, do not have an end point of application to a specific place.

A way out of the situation is provided by the third, most advanced method of administering vitamins for the treatment of neuralgia - electrophoresis.

The essence of electrophoresis is that, under the influence of an electric field, vitamin molecules penetrate through the skin and tissue directly into the area that needs treatment. In some cases, the simultaneous administration of multivitamins intramuscularly is justified, alternating them with sessions of electrophoresis of the area that is the source of painful impulses.

Vitamin preparations are certainly necessary in the treatment of most neuralgia. The main thing is to use them in combination when they have an auxiliary effect. For example, taking vitamins allows you to reduce the doses of other medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In this case, the risk of overdose, frequency and severity of side effects are reduced.

The essence of vitamin therapy

Vitamin therapy in medicine is used both for the treatment and prevention of various diseases of internal organs, skin pathologies, and nervous disorders. In the treatment of neurological disorders it has the following effects:

  • allows to reduce treatment time;
  • strengthens weakened immunity;
  • provides the basis for restoring the functioning of the nervous system and joints;
  • helps to weaken toxic manifestations and reduce doses of a number of medications used in treatment;
  • increases the effectiveness of certain medications;
  • reduces the intensity of pain.

At the same time, vitamins can enter the human body in various ways:

  1. Orally (tablets, capsules, dragees, syrups). The simplest and least stable method of administration. When absorbed, beneficial substances pass through the liver, from where only a small amount is effectively absorbed into the blood, which is insufficient to provide a therapeutic effect.
  2. Intramuscular injections of combined vitamin preparations. They are more efficient compared to the first method. However, getting directly into the systemic bloodstream, vitamins, although they do not pass through the liver and are not influenced by its microsomal system and the cytochrome system, do not have an end point of delivery to the sore spot.
  3. Electrophoresis is a method in which vitamin molecules, under the influence of an electric field, penetrate through the skin and tissue directly into the area in need of treatment (lower back or cervical region).

List of necessary vitamin preparations

Getting enough vitamins into the body (especially group B) is extremely important for the normal functioning of both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Water-soluble B vitamins, which contain nitrogen in their molecules, play an important role in cellular metabolism

Water-soluble B vitamins, which contain nitrogen in their molecules, play an important role in cellular metabolism.

They are also responsible for energy metabolism, maintain a normal digestive system, increase resistance to stress, help stabilize blood sugar levels, and complement the treatment of anemia, neurological and psychiatric conditions. The activity of the immune system and the efficiency of cell growth and reproduction processes largely depend on the presence of these vitamins.

For neuralgia, it is recommended to take the following medications:

  1. B1 - thiamine - “vitamin of good spirits”. It has a positive effect on brain function, is indispensable in the processes of intracellular metabolism, prevents cellular aging, improves memory characteristics, has antioxidant activity, and helps normalize the conduction of nerve impulses.
  2. B6 - pyridoxine. Its task is to regulate protein metabolism in the cells of the nervous system, reduce mood swings, utilize protein breakdown products, and a number of processes in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
  3. B12 is cyanocobalamin (another name is “growth factor”). Participates in many processes occurring in the peripheral and central nervous systems, including the biosynthesis of the protective sheath of nerve fibers.

In addition, to increase the effectiveness of vitamin therapy, you should adhere to the general principles of a healthy diet:

  • avoid spicy, fatty, salty foods;
  • exclude any alcoholic drinks from the diet (they aggravate inflammation);
  • introduce a ban on processed foods, instant food and fast food.

All these products can cause metabolic failure and insufficient absorption of vitamins B and E, which are necessary for nerve cells.

To ensure a sufficient supply of useful substances to the body, you can not only drink medicines, but also add to the menu the following natural sources of compounds necessary for life:

  1. Vitamin B12 - lean meats, seafood (mussels, herring), low-fat dairy products (including cheese), eggs.
  2. Thiamine - bread and flour products (due to the yeast content), cereals, peanuts, cottage cheese.
  3. B6 - melon, tomatoes, citrus fruits, potatoes and sweet potatoes, peppers, spinach leaves, grain sprouts, walnuts and hazelnuts, meat.




Principles of vitamin therapy

Vitamin therapy for neuralgia has its own principles, so you should not approach it thoughtlessly.

Here's what's important to know about this issue:

  • Complexity of treatment. As mentioned above, vitamins must be taken in conjunction with other methods of treatment. Only in this case can you count on quick results;
  • Methods of application. Vitamins are produced in the form of tablets or injections. It is worth considering the fact that preoral species travel a long way through the esophagus and liver before entering the bloodstream. Thus, their effectiveness may be less pronounced than that of intramuscular injections;
  • Dosage. Your doctor will be able to help you with this issue. Based on the examination of the patient, he will be able to select not only the appropriate vitamin complexes, but also the required dosage.

It is worth remembering that people who are not indicated for taking special complexes can receive the required dose of vitamin B by eating the following foods:

  • Flour products;
  • Lean meat;
  • Peanuts, cashews;
  • Oatmeal, rice, barley;
  • Beans, beans;
  • Potatoes, spinach, asparagus.

But if the doctor prescribed all these vitamins for neuralgia, then you can pay attention to the drugs presented below.

Painkillers for neuralgia

When treating neuralgic diseases, the patient first of all needs medications that can remove or reduce pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often used for this. The range of such medications in pharmacies is very wide, so you cannot buy them on the recommendation of a pharmacy pharmacist or on your own - a doctor must select the optimal medicine for the patient.

A specialist can prescribe painkillers to the patient for neuralgia. Among such drugs are Nise, Baralgin, as well as Analgin or Movalis. These tablets should be taken three times a day after meals at the dosage recommended by your doctor. This treatment course usually does not last long, because long-term use of such medications can negatively affect the patient’s health. This is especially true for the gastrointestinal tract.

There are also more modern pills for neuralgia. They have a longer lasting effect on the body. Among these drugs is the medicine Melox Forte - it will be enough to take it once a day.

Methods and features of introducing vitamins into the body for neuralgia

For neuralgia, as well as for other painful conditions of the body, prescribed vitamin treatment can be carried out in the following ways:

  • oral;
  • intramuscular;
  • physiotherapeutic.

Each of them has its positive and negative sides.


This method is the most trouble-free and enjoyable, but the least effective. Naturally, swallowing a tablet 2-3 times a day is not difficult. However, the oral method has certain disadvantages: before entering the blood, vitamin substances enter the stomach and liver. And in the bloodstream there are very minimal doses that do not have the proper healing effect. The effect of this application is not high enough.


Another more common method of administering vitamins in the treatment of neuralgic conditions is intramuscular injections. Older people know that previously, when prescribing vitamins intramuscularly, they had to receive 2-3 injections at the same time. It was impossible to combine several types of vitamins into one syringe.

In modern pharmacology, the following combination drugs for intramuscular injection have appeared:

  • milgamma;
  • combilipen;
  • compositum;
  • neurobion;
  • trigamma.

Milgamma - vitamins that are administered intramuscularly for neuralgia.
The use of these forms in intramuscular injections for various types of neuralgia has shown greater effectiveness compared to drugs produced in pills.

However, this method also has its disadvantages. Although vitamins immediately enter the blood and are distributed throughout the body, they cannot affect the specific desired location.

Physiotherapeutic methods

The third method - physiotherapeutic - is the most advanced in the treatment of neuralgia. This is electrophoresis. The essence of the procedure is as follows: vitamin molecules penetrate through the skin and soft tissue under the influence of an electric field directly into the area in need of treatment. Such physiotherapy sessions can alternate with intramuscular injections of multivitamins.

B6 pyridoxine

Pyridoxine (a form of vitamin B6) is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. It accelerates the absorption of proteins from the intestine, transferring them from the bloodstream to tissue structures. Pyridoxal phosphate (vitamin B6) appears in the reactions of transformation of aminocarboxylic acids, is indispensable in the formation of serotonin GABA, heme, prostaglandins, increases the contractile function of the heart muscle, normalizes the amount of blood cholesterol, inhibits platelet aggregation. Lack of B6 causes the development of peripheral neuritis and seizures. Lack of cyanocobalamin primarily leads to the development of pernicious anemia. Against the background of a reduced number of blood cells, hypoxia develops in all organs of the body. Brain cells are especially sensitive to hypoxia.

Contraindications and side effects

You should not start taking medications on your own if:

  1. You have previously had allergies to medications;
  2. You are about to take a drug that you have not used before;
  3. You are not sure that the symptoms that appear are related to neuralgia (in this case, taking medications can only worsen the situation);
  4. You have serious underlying medical conditions;
  5. The child fell ill;
  6. You currently have an exacerbation of kidney or liver failure.

In these cases, immediately when symptoms of neuralgia appear, you should call an ambulance and act strictly as directed by a specialist.

Possible contraindications

When taking any medications or using injections, you should consult your doctor. Vitamins are also important drugs in the treatment of various diseases. Therefore, there are no exceptions. A specialist doctor will recommend how to take vitamins for neuralgia and tell you about the main contraindications:

  • allergy to B vitamins;
  • hypertension 2-3 degrees (high blood pressure);
  • liver failure;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • gout, gastritis, hemorrhage;
  • diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • pregnancy (prescribed with caution in moderate doses);
  • period of breastfeeding (if taking vitamins is mandatory, feeding is stopped during treatment).

People with contraindications are recommended to consume foods with vitamin B:

  • legumes, beans;
  • barley, oatmeal, rice;
  • flour products;
  • meat;
  • nuts (peanuts, cashews);
  • potato;
  • asparagus;
  • spinach leaves;
  • dairy products.

Undoubtedly, when diagnosed with neuralgia, vitamin-containing preparations are irreplaceable. But it is important to remember that they must be taken in combination with the main ones, because they only help with certain pathological conditions. By using vitamins, you can reduce the dosage of other medications (anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal). Thereby reducing the risk of side effects. However, it is impossible to cure neuralgia by taking only vitamins.

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