Guaifenesin is an effective treatment for the thyroid gland

Novo-Passit is prescribed to eliminate anxiety and improve sleep. This is a sedative medicine based on herbal ingredients. It is also used to relieve pain, improve the condition of the nervous system and eliminate symptoms of gastrointestinal pathologies. To develop an anti-anxiety effect, a single use is sufficient. Prescribed to patients over twelve years of age.

All active ingredients are natural substances. The advantage of the drug is the rapid development of the therapeutic effect.

Where is it contained?

Guaifenesin has different trade names. This is the active ingredient found in the following pharmaceutical preparations:

  • Vic syrup;
  • Cashnol;
  • Coldrex broncho;
  • Sinetos;
  • Stoptussin;
  • Sudafed;
  • Tussin;
  • Tussin Plus;
  • Askoril expektorant.

Guaifenesin is the active ingredient contained in Stoptussin.

Most medications are intended to treat bronchi. In addition to guaifenesin, some of these medicines contain the following active ingredients:

  • salbutamol;
  • bromhexine;
  • butamirate.

Combined-action medications are prescribed by a doctor if necessary. Medicines of this type have a more pronounced effect.

Why in Novopassit

The presence of guaifenesin in some sedatives, such as Novopassit or Nobrassit, causes confusion among patients. This active substance has more than just a sedative effect. It is a powerful anxiolytic, i.e. allows a person to cope with feelings of fear, anxiety and panic attacks.

The drug Novopassit, which includes guaifenesin, is used in the fight against alcohol addiction.

Anxiolytics are part of the group of antidepressants with a minor tranquilizer effect. The medication is used to combat alcohol addiction and hallucinations. Guaifenesin does not develop addiction, which makes its use safe.

The origin of Guaifenesin is natural, as this substance is produced from the bark of the guaiacol tree, which grows in the Bahamas and Antilles.

Syrups based on this component help not only fight fears, but also facilitate breathing and activate the motor function of the respiratory tract.

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Analogues of the drug

At the pharmacy you can purchase medicines based on herbal ingredients with a similar composition.

Popular analogues:

  • Persen.
  • Relaxin.
  • Tenoten.


Analogues differ in composition, methods of use and restrictions on use. Consultation with a specialist is required before use.

Release form, composition and packaging

The drug is produced in different release forms. In addition to guaifenesin, glucose, talc and other components may be present. They do not have a therapeutic effect, but ensure the consistency of the dosage form of the drug.

The medical product in question can be found on sale in tablet form.


The medicine can be found on sale in tablet form. It could also be Tussin, Sinetos or Coldrex Broncho.


Syrup goes on sale. It has a pleasant cherry taste. 5 ml of the product contains 0.1 g of active substance.

User information

Pichkhadze Guram Mikhailovich
Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science, technology and education.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Pharmacology

Kazakhstan National Medical University

them. S. D. Asfendiyarova

Hello. I skimmed the list. Does anyone have any ideas why NOVO-PASSIT is absolutely contraindicated for epilepsy? It seems like a sedative? Which herb: common hawthorn, common hop, St. John's wort, lemon balm, passionflower incarnata / passionflower / , black elderberry, valerian officinalis? Or maybe guaifenesin is dangerous? And then there’s Medical Ozokerite?

Well, for example, mine has a completely different effect from valerian. Overexcitement. But I don’t know exactly why it is an absolute contraindication.

Yes, we also have something wrong with valerian, but it’s hard to track down: either it’s just difficult for him to fall asleep (as usual), or because of the valerian. I took passionflower syrup, which seems to be better. But at the same time I also give neuroheal. So for what? I began to sleep better without tracking.

I know for sure you can’t give it - broncholitin, aminophylline, some drugs in the nose. See the instructions.

Our attacks were provoked by Cortexin (immediately from the first injection), Trifed cough syrup, and Nazivin nasal drops.

You should always look at the instructions. We had such a case. The neurologist with whom we have been registered for more than a year with epilepsy gave us the drug (4 packs free of charge), but its only contraindication is EPILEPSY.

Be careful, check and check again.

We were recently told in the kindergarten that they would give the children eleutherococcus to boost immunity, I generally forbade them to give my child anything, and as it turned out - for good reason. Then I read the instructions, and there were contraindications for epilepsy. So girls, be careful!

I also remembered that the ENT doctor prescribed us Sinupret - it also says - with caution in case of epilepsy, but did not give it.

I also remembered that the ENT doctor prescribed us Sinupret - it also says - with caution in case of epilepsy, but did not give it.

Wow. And I give sinupret, and that’s the only treatment I use.

Good afternoon. Recently my baby and I were in the hospital with laryngotracheitis. I want to share my experience regarding one antibiotic. Perhaps it was, of course, a coincidence or a combination of several factors. however, in the hospital we started having new attacks. if we usually have infantile convulsions (at least judging by their description), i.e. instantaneous contractions of the muscles of the arms, legs and neck forward. then in the hospital the baby’s arms and legs were squeezed and did not let go for several seconds. and the face too. The first time this appeared was half an hour after the morning antibiotic injection. There were a few weak episodes. the second time literally a minute or two after the evening injection 2 days later. didn’t let go, they were strong. Removed only with magnesium. it was very scary. antibiotic - CEFTRIAXONE.

my wife called a friend whose daughter also has epilepsy. So they were injected with the same antibiotic and after the first injection they had the same reaction. They also injected us with euphilin. It even lists epilepsy as a contraindication, but the doctors said it’s impossible without it.

The manufacturers of Novo-passit, a Czech drug based on herbs and guaifenesin, created a beautiful website in Russian, but did not provide information about the studies of the drug. There are no clinical trials of Novo-Passit in the State Register of Medicines of the Ministry of Health, and in the PubMed database of medical articles, a search by the name of the drug does not reveal anything. Let's look at the components of the medicine one by one and see if they are effective.

From what, from what

The composition of Novo-passit raises several questions. Firstly, it contains medicinal plants (St. John's wort, valerian, lemon balm, hawthorn, elderberry, hops and passionflower), which are easy to buy at the pharmacy individually and in mixtures for mere pennies. Why then does this drug cost from 200 rubles for ten tablets?

Blanca Piedrafita/Wikimedia Commons

For this reason, guaifenesin can cause muscle relaxation and increase the effect of some painkillers, which are usually considered side effects.

Calm or more than just calm?

But a decrease in blood pressure is associated with calming only indirectly, and if you overdose on hawthorn extract, you can lower it even too much (however, there is not so much hawthorn in Novo-Passit to worry about it - 100 ml of the drug contains 7.5 g of all herbs). It is not surprising that we did not find any studies on the calming effect of hawthorn in the PubMed database of medical articles. Only one 1997 study showed that a mixture of valerian, cinnamon, hawthorn, passionflower, cola and guarana helped cope with the adaptation disorder accompanied by anxiety disorder (to a new job, for example) better than a placebo. But the merit of hawthorn itself is unclear - other components could well be responsible for the effect.

Crataegus laevigata (common hawthorn)

Meneerke bloem/Wikimedia Commons

Sambucus nigra (black elderberry)

St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is known as an anti-inflammatory that can help heal wounds. A lot of scientific works are devoted to substances from the extract of this plant. Its two most studied components, hyperforin and hypericin, have antibiotic properties. But what does St. John's wort have to do with a sedative? It turns out to be more direct than elderberry and hawthorn: they successfully treat the symptoms of some types of depression. St. John's wort stimulates the production of serotonin, the level of which is usually low in patients with depression, so if this plant is used together with antidepressants, then too much serotonin may be released. An entire 2008 Cochrane review was devoted to St. John's wort.

This review compared the treatment of clinical depression with St. John's wort and placebo (18 studies), and St. John's wort and conventional antidepressants (17 studies). The authors came to three conclusions: St. John's wort clearly outperformed placebo; the effectiveness of the extract of this plant is comparable to antidepressants; it usually has fewer side effects. A more recent review, which also selected articles for analysis according to the criteria of Cochrane reviews (that is, used, if not double-blind, then at least simply randomized controlled clinical trials), confirmed this conclusion.

However, the authors add that more research is needed to understand whether St. John's wort works against severe depression, as well as more data on the drug's side effects.

pharmachologic effect

The drug helps cure respiratory diseases by diluting bronchial secretions.

The active substance reduces surface tension, which increases the volume of sputum, reduces its viscosity and facilitates discharge.

With the use of the medication, a non-productive cough turns into a productive one, causing less suffering to the patient.

After administration, the effect of the product lasts for 3-4 hours.

After administration, the effect of the product lasts for 3-4 hours. Within 30 minutes the medicine is active. The half-life is about an hour. Partially excreted by coughing with copious sputum. It is excreted in the urine as inactive metabolites.

Indications for use of Guaifenesin

The drug is prescribed for diseases of the respiratory tract in which there is a dry or wet cough with thick and viscous sputum. The medication is effective for the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • cold;
  • asthma;
  • flu;
  • sinusitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchiectasis.

The drug is prescribed for bronchitis.

The medication is prescribed to patients who have undergone surgery on the bronchial tree. The medicine accelerates the processes of cleansing the respiratory tract and normalizing secretion in them.

Guaifenesin dosage regimen

The medicine is taken orally. The amount of medication depends on the age of the patient and the diagnosis made by the doctor. The exact dosage is prescribed by the doctor after examination.

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The drug in the form of syrup is prescribed to children in the following quantities:

  • from 2-6 years - 2.5-5 ml;
  • from 6-12 years - 5-10 ml;
  • from 12 years and older - 10-20 ml.

Take the medicine 3-4 times a day, at regular intervals. The cough medicine is taken after meals with an interval of 6-8 hours between doses.

Novopassit: instructions for use

Tablets are prescribed to be taken three times a day. If the severity of anxiety and irritability is pronounced, the single dose is doubled. The duration of the course depends on the degree of disturbance of the nervous system. Most often, the minimum course of treatment lasts 1 month. If negative symptoms such as drowsiness, apathy and depression do not appear, treatment can be continued for up to 3 months. The medicinal effect has a cumulative effect, due to which high treatment results can be observed after two weeks of use.

For one-time stress relief in order to calm down, take 2 tablets at once with half a glass of water. If there are no irritating factors and the person’s condition is not impaired, a course of treatment is not required. Long-term courses are aimed at maintaining the psychological state of a patient experiencing nervous exhaustion or depression.

The syrup can be taken unchanged with water, or diluted in a single dose in a glass of clean water. The recommended single dose is 5 ml three times a day. In case of sudden nervous shock, to restore breathing, normalize heart rate, and in order to alleviate the condition as a result of the stress experienced, drink 10 to 15 ml at a time.

Side effect

Adverse symptoms occur infrequently. This can happen if the normal dosage of the drug is violated.

The following reactions are possible:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • gastralgia;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • skin rash;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • increased skin temperature;
  • hives.

Do not take if you are allergic to the main active ingredient. If you drink syrup only after meals, the likelihood of developing side symptoms is reduced.

If you drink syrup only after meals, the likelihood of developing side symptoms is reduced.

Novopassit: what is it used for?

The herbal product has a pronounced sedative effect. Its effectiveness is due to the natural properties of the herbs included in its composition.

The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • for sleep disorders caused by general anxiety;
  • from obsessions;
  • to relieve stress before an upcoming exciting event;
  • from tearfulness;
  • for depression;
  • from annoying, causeless constant fear;
  • as a pain reliever for headaches caused by fatigue or nervous tension.

Age-related changes in a woman’s body that occur after 50 years are often accompanied by mood swings and increased irritability. Novo-Passit allows you to survive menopausal changes without nervous breakdowns. If a woman realizes the inevitability of hormonal changes in the body and wants to maintain peace in the family, preventive use of a herbal preparation will show its effectiveness.

Some chronic skin diseases worsen during periods of nervousness. These include seborrhea, atopic dermatoses and urticaria. Relieving nervous tension can reduce the severity of rashes.

Despite the fact that psoriasis is recognized as a genetic incurable skin disease, Novo-Passit is found in some courses of complex therapy. This is explained by the fact that with a high degree of irritability and with pronounced neuroses, a person tends to make some obsessive movements unconsciously, including scratching and rubbing the skin. In psoriasis, skin plaques have an important feature - they are filled with capillaries, the walls of which are very thin. The slightest injury to such formations leads to bleeding that is difficult to stop. Novo-Passit is designed to relieve the patient from obsessive movements and reduce the risk of injury to skin eczema.

special instructions

It is important to drink enough fluids while using medications that contain guaifenesin. The lack of the required amount of moisture reduces the positive effect of the product on the body and weakens the therapeutic effect.

Laboratory tests using a nitrosonaphthol reagent may give false positive results. To prevent this from happening, taking the drug should be suspended for 2 days before visiting the laboratory. Do not take the drug for chronic cough unless the medicine has been prescribed by your doctor.

You should not take the drug for chronic cough unless the medicine has been prescribed by your doctor.

The effectiveness of the medication increases when taking Guaifenesin is combined with postural drainage or vibration massage.

During treatment, urine may turn red. Therapy does not need to be stopped.

If treatment continues for a week and there is no improvement in your well-being, you should consult your doctor regarding the need for further therapy with this method. The drug may need to be changed. If adverse reactions occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a specialist.

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Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

With caution and only as prescribed by a doctor. Feeding should be stopped.

Use in children

Not prescribed for children under 2 years of age. From 2-12 years of age, use with caution and under medical supervision.

Particular attention is necessary when treating chronic cough due to bronchitis. The medicine is prescribed with caution to children who have a tendency to produce increased sputum.

From 2-12 years of age, Guaifenesin is used with caution and under medical supervision.

Use for renal impairment

If liver and kidney diseases are diagnosed, it is important to inform your doctor about this. He will determine whether therapy is possible and whether the dosage of the drug needs to be reduced.


The drug is not prescribed to all patients due to the risk of developing adverse reactions while taking it. An absolute contraindication is considered to be sensitivity of the immune system to active or auxiliary components (allergy). You need to study the composition of the product in advance and rule out allergies or intolerances. It is recommended to consult a doctor.

It is recommended to seek specialist advice

Other contraindications:

  • Age up to twelve years.
  • Autoimmune pathology of skeletal muscles, manifested by fatigue (myasthenia gravis).
  • Inability to digest milk sugar.
  • Lack of enzyme that digests milk sugar.
  • Inability to digest glucose and galactose.

Treatment is carried out with caution in the presence of the following factors: exacerbation of pathologies of the digestive tract, children after twelve years of age, diseases or injuries of the central nervous system, pathologies of the liver tissue, dependence on alcohol (solution), epilepsy.

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