Vasodilators for the brain - principle of operation, application

  • vascular diseases, which are accompanied by degeneration of tissues and connective fibers;
  • causes of arterial hypertension;
  • diseases of an infectious nature.

In addition to the above factors, genetic abnormal development can provoke problems in the arteries. Today, the most common cause is coarctation of the aorta, which is associated with impaired collagen production and abnormal structure of the vessels themselves.

Heart defects of congenital origin are considered no less rare factors.

Thus, if the vessels of the head are dilated, this may indicate the presence of:

  • neurofibromatosis;
  • tuberous sclerosis;
  • impaired collagen synthesis;
  • elastic pseudoxanthomas;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • Marfan syndrome;
  • Ehlers-Danlos;
  • Osler-Rendu;
  • Moyamoya;
  • arteriovenous malformation;
  • lupus;
  • systemic underdevelopment of the fibromuscular type;
  • autosomal dominant congenital polycystic kidney disease;
  • lack of alpha-1-antitrypsin;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis.


It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that bright symptoms of dilatation of cerebral vessels appear after the wall has ruptured.

In most cases, the first signs are practically unexpressed, so this pathology can lead to negative consequences. At the same time, a large aneurysm is characterized by greater severity of symptoms.

In this case, the following patient ailments may indicate a problem:

  • loss of vision, partial or complete (this depends on how close the aneurysm is to the optic nerve);
  • the appearance of pain, headaches and cramps;
  • a feeling of squeezing in one part of the head (in most cases it occurs in the area behind the eyes and has a pulsating character);
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • frequent loss of consciousness;
  • memory problems;
  • decreased sensitivity of the body;
  • speech problems.

In addition, symptoms of dilated cerebral vessels include various types of paralysis (problems with conduction in the head, neck and other parts of the patient’s body), involuntary drooping of the upper eyelid, hearing loss or, conversely, the appearance of tinnitus and even hallucinations.

It should be emphasized that the characteristics of symptomatic manifestations depend directly on the type of vessel protrusion and its size. Before a dilated artery ruptures with dizziness, the patient may complain of problems with body control, coordination, severe cramps, tinnitus and nausea.

Precisely because the symptoms are quite vague and can indicate a number of diseases, it is best to seek qualified help and a diagnostic examination performed by a doctor.

Features of pathology in childhood

It should be noted that dilated vessels in the child’s head are also not accompanied by too bright or pronounced symptomatic manifestations. Currently, the pathology occurs equally often in both adult patients and newborns. Despite this, the most common cause of this problem is genetic.

Thus, dilation of the cerebral arteries in newborns is associated with high blood pressure or with a malignant formation, which can develop as a consequence of a disease of infectious origin.

Pronounced signs defined by the instructions may be the following:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • problems with coordination;
  • discrepancy between age and level of development.

In addition, dilation of the cerebral vessel in newborns may be accompanied by visual problems. The main sign is that the newborn loses contact with the outside world and people, which indicates an imminent rupture of the aneurysm.

In this situation, coma is quite possible. That is why the most effective control option is considered to be a timely reaction, which consists of eliminating bleeding and reducing the risk of possible complications.


The video in this article instructs how an interview is carried out by a specialist (in the case of this pathology, all procedures are carried out by a neurologist) and all diagnostic examinations. The price of hardware diagnostics depends mainly on the location of the aneurysm and the number of procedures performed. Diagnosis necessarily consists of x-rays and tomography, which make it possible to identify petrified enlargements.

Magnetic resonance imaging, which makes it possible to diagnose an aneurysm and circulatory features, is considered no less informative and the most highly accurate in modern medicine.

Thus, the blood flow and the presence of expansion are analyzed. If necessary, a specialist may prescribe electroencephalography, angiographic diagnostics and lumbar puncture.

Therapeutic options to combat the disease

Despite the presence of various options, treatment of cerebral vasodilation through surgery is considered the most effective. Thanks to medications, it is only possible to stabilize the process and stop its progression, eliminating symptoms.

Elimination of expansion is possible only with the help of surgical intervention, which avoids rupture of an artery with a damaged structure. Otherwise, when a patient is interested in what to take to dilate cerebral vessels, it is recommended to consult a specialist. The most effective are calcium antagonists, medications with periwinkle as one of the elements, medications with gingko biloba and nicotinic acid.


Sharp pain in the head most often occurs due to vasospasm, which manifests itself in pressure on the temples, ringing or noise in the ears, and aching pain. The narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels changes the strength of blood flow, which leads to pressure drops and the occurrence of headaches or migraines. Such conditions can be sudden, but most often they are an ongoing problem that dramatically worsens a person’s quality of life.

Sharp spasms of blood vessels and disruption of blood flow threaten a person with a stroke, so this condition is dangerous due to sudden death.

The chronic condition develops over many years, and the first signs of the disease may be invisible or attributed to age, other diseases, or simple fatigue.

Human arteries lose their elasticity and become internally clogged with cholesterol plaques, which causes:

  • migraine;
  • impairment of vision or hearing;
  • memory problems;
  • speech apparatus disorder;
  • malfunctions of the nervous and vestibular system.

Various medications are used to dilate blood vessels. Since the causes of pathologies vary, tablets are prescribed by the attending physician after all the necessary tests and instrumental types of research have been carried out.

Signs of vascular diseases

Before thinking about using vasodilator drugs for the brain, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the symptoms of the pathology. Some people don't even know they have this condition. The characteristic symptoms are often explained by hard work, constant use and even weather changes.

You should know exactly what signs indicate the onset of the disease in order to pay attention to them in a timely manner and start taking medications.

The first symptoms of vascular abnormalities can be confused with the usual malaise that occurs from fatigue. If you continue to ignore warning signs, they will get worse as the disease progresses. Head pathologies significantly impair the quality of life and can even lead to death. They need to be treated promptly to avoid complications.

Main symptoms:

  • A constant headache that occurs for no apparent reason.
  • Decreased sensitivity in the limbs, arms and legs may go numb.
  • Regular weakness, fatigue and dizziness.
  • Sleep problems.

  • Fainting.
  • Deterioration in performance; it is difficult for a person to perform mental tasks.
  • Problems with memory, it becomes more difficult to retain new information in your head.
  • Loss of coordination that affects gait.

If the disease is advanced, then more unpleasant symptoms may occur, such as speech defects, blindness, paralysis and dementia . They are almost impossible to reverse, so it is important to let the disease take its course. In the worst case, even death can occur if vascular pathology reaches the final stage.

Causes of vasoconstriction

The older generation suffers from a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels in the brain, but this disease often occurs in young people who experience stress, overwork, are engaged in heavy physical labor, or have a bad habit such as smoking. The following diseases can cause vasoconstriction:

  1. Hypertension . Under the influence of strong surges in blood pressure, the walls of blood vessels lose their elasticity, and tissue structure may be damaged. Most often, the damage begins with small vessels and arteries. The vascular system of the brain consists of many branches of arteries and capillaries, so pressure surges have a destructive effect on the vessels, disrupting proper blood circulation.
  2. Atherosclerosis. It is considered the most popular cause of narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, popularly called “rust of life.” It is characterized by the formation of fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels due to increased levels of cholesterol in the blood. This leads to a decrease in the lumen of the vessel and a decrease in the elasticity of its tissues, which over time becomes the cause of microcracks and blood clots. Complete blockage of a vessel by plaques or blood clots leads to negative consequences for a person and becomes a frequent cause of death.
  3. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Pathological changes in the cartilage and intervertebral discs of the cervical spine threaten to impinge on blood vessels and impair blood circulation in the head. The disease occurs in both adults and children.

The main causes of blood flow disorders are considered to be smoking, poor lifestyle and nutrition, lack of exercise and constant stress.


They are recommended for use by persons engaged in intellectual forms of activity, as they are effective neurometabolic stimulants. A person who periodically takes nootropic drugs noticeably improves memory and performance, especially in the part that requires memorizing specific information. Nootropics have a positive effect on higher brain functions and are divided into:

  • neuroprotectors (protect neurons);
  • mnestic drugs (have a positive effect on memory).

Taking nootropics is also indicated for people who regularly experience stress, as well as those who are depressed and trying to get rid of it. The most famous among nootropics are Piracetam, Recognan and Mexidol.

What are vasodilator drugs?

Any disturbances in blood flow require treatment, since prolonged oxygen starvation with spasms of cerebral vessels leads to dementia and multiple disorders in the functioning of the body. Pharmacological developments offer a wide selection of drugs that improve blood counts and cleanse the bloodstream from the accumulation of plaques.

There are also various vasodilators, the action of which is aimed at improving blood flow and fully supplying tissues with all nutrients.

Treatment of any blood flow pathologies depends on the cause of their occurrence, so there are several types of drugs for therapy:

  1. Statins. The action of the active component is aimed at reducing cholesterol levels in the blood, destroying atherosclerotic plaques, and cleansing the lumen of the bloodstream. The most commonly used drugs are lovastatins and simvastatins (Mevacor, Vasilip, Actalipid).
  2. Fibrates. The active substance acts against high cholesterol, but this type of medication is not combined with statins and is prescribed for the treatment of atherosclerosis. Popular agents are Atromid, Clofibrate, etc.
  3. Antispasmodics. This series of drugs is aimed at relieving vascular spasm (caused, for example, by simultaneous intake of alcohol and smoking), and is effective in treating pathologies of blood supply in cervical osteochondrosis.
  4. Vasodilators. Improves the quality of blood flow by dilating the vessel. These include Papaverine hydrochloride, Cavinton, Actovegin, etc.

To treat pathologies of brain nutrition caused by surges in blood pressure, complex treatment with the use of vasodilators (vasodilators) is used. They relax and expand the lumen of the arteries, reducing pressure and restoring proper nutrition.

Drug treatment of atherosclerosis

The correct therapy for atherosclerosis must be selected individually, taking into account the diagnostic results, the characteristics of the body and the patient’s lifestyle.

Medicines against manifestations of atherosclerosis have the following effect on the body:

  • the severity of the symptoms of the disease decreases;
  • blood cholesterol levels are normalized;
  • the introduction of lipids into the bloodstream is prevented;
  • the body's fat metabolism is stabilized;
  • the quality of vascular tissue improves;
  • atherosclerotic plaques are reduced;
  • blood supply to the body is restored.

The prescription of drugs for complex therapy should be carried out by a specialist based on test results. Self-treatment will only worsen the patient’s condition and will result in admission to intensive care or surgical intervention.

Drugs for the treatment of atherosclerosis are divided into the following categories:

  • statins;
  • fibrates;
  • nicotinates;
  • anion exchange resins;
  • preparations containing Omega-3;
  • herbal preparations;
  • other medicines.

The quality of nutrition and physical activity are of great importance. You should reduce the amount of fat consumed, switch to gentle cooking methods (boiling, steaming, oven), eat more fresh herbs and vegetables. You need to eat small portions every 3-4 hours, drink enough water.

How to relieve spasm of cerebral vessels

The use of medications is carried out after examining the patient and determining the cause of the pathology.

If you need to alleviate the patient’s condition at home before the ambulance arrives, you should perform the following steps:

  1. lay the person on a horizontal surface and let him relax;
  2. ventilate the room where the patient is located well;
  3. carry out the washing procedure with cold water;
  4. organize a massage of the forehead, neck and temples.

There are various folk methods for dilating blood vessels - taking a bath, drinking warm water, using cognac or Aspirin. But without understanding the cause of the spasm, it is not recommended to use folk remedies, since this can aggravate the patient’s condition, for example, provoke a stroke.

Medicines to improve cerebral circulation

The main task of vasodilator drugs is to increase the lumen of blood flow to improve blood supply to all brain tissues. This allows you to eliminate oxygen starvation and restore all metabolic processes in brain cells and normalize the functioning of the organ.

  1. Calcium antagonists. Popular drugs for dilating arteries; third generation drugs are being developed. Medicines relieve muscle tension in the walls of capillaries and arteries, but do not affect the tone of the veins. This restores blood flow and nutrient metabolism in the brain. Since the active component affects the entire body, drugs are prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. Rules for administration and dosage are individual.
  2. Herbal preparations. Created on the basis of extracts of alkaloids from vinca and ginkgo biloba plants. They are used both for treatment of vasospasm and for prevention, and have a broad effect. Used without a doctor's prescription. A positive effect is observed after a month of regular medication use.
  3. Products based on nicotinic acid (niacin). They affect capillaries, improving all metabolic processes and cellular oxygen saturation, and affect the level of heavy cholesterol. They are used in the form of injections, rarely in capsule form.
  4. Nootropic drugs. Stimulate metabolic processes in nerve tissues, increase resistance to oxygen starvation, and improve memory. Use strictly as prescribed by a doctor.
  5. Anticoagulants. Medicines reduce blood viscosity, preventing the formation of blood clots, and improve blood flow rates. They are prescribed by a specialist after a detailed examination of the patient; during the treatment period, blood biochemistry measurements are taken to avoid bleeding.
  6. Various dietary supplements.

To prescribe the correct treatment package, the patient needs to contact a neurologist, who will indicate the necessary diagnostic procedures and identify the cause of the cerebrovascular accident.

When to stimulate blood circulation

The brain occupies no more than 2% of the total weight of the human body. At the same time, its normal operation is impossible without the regular supply of large amounts of blood.

This organ absorbs about 15% of the total blood volume circulating in the body. If a little less blood flows than it should, this negatively affects physical and mental work. A person becomes lethargic, constantly complains of fatigue, headaches, does not sleep enough, often wakes up in his sleep, and it is difficult to do even usual things. To prevent this, it is necessary to periodically stimulate blood circulation in the brain. Such stimulation is necessary:

  • during the period of active growth and development of a small child of preschool age (repeatedly);
  • in adolescence and youth;
  • with an increase in the usual load on the brain and body;
  • in old age;
  • when working in hazardous industries;
  • after surgery or a long illness.

And if in the case of children and elderly people you need to wait for characteristic signs to appear (lethargy, irritability, headache, constant feeling of fatigue), then after surgery or when your usual load increases, you should not wait for them. Blood flow stimulating medications are started immediately after discharge and recovery.

Early childhood period

Drugs that improve blood circulation are prescribed to infants and preschool children in the following cases:

  1. A child receiving a birth injury. In such a situation, you will have to take drugs that restore blood circulation during the first 3 years of life. They are prescribed individually, the doctor takes into account the patient’s current health status, as well as the diagnosis given to him.
  2. Partial restoration of brain activity. Birth trauma or brain hypoxia often causes epileptic seizures and the development of cerebral palsy. The medicine is selected according to an individual scheme.
  3. With the active growth of the child. Sometimes a healthy body needs support. If a child is growing too quickly in comparison with his peers, then he needs to be seen by a doctor and possibly undergo a course of cerebral circulation support therapy.

Before purchasing a specific drug, consultation with a neurologist is required.

School age children

Schoolchildren are prescribed drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain during exams, olympiads, and important tests. It is useful to take them to a child during puberty.


The reasons for taking blood flow accelerating drugs in adults can be very different. Most often, the need for therapy arises in people engaged in mental work, as well as those who have recently undergone surgery or severe stress that has negatively affected the nervous system. Signs of a lack of blood and, accordingly, oxygen are headaches, irritability, tearfulness, fatigue, insomnia.

Old age period

Elderly people often complain of poor memory, they experience strange types of pain, fatigue does not go away even after a long rest, and they suffer from insomnia. And all because the brain does not have enough oxygen, the blood slows down and most of it does not reach important organs. Artificial stimulation is required.

Treatment of ischemia

In the treatment of coronary heart disease, drugs are prescribed to regulate blood pressure, cholesterol levels and blood clotting, and vasodilators. Your doctor will tell you which medications to use for complex treatment of the symptoms of the disease. Medicines are taken for a long time.

A sharp deterioration in well-being requires contacting a medical facility and additional use of means that dilate blood vessels. This is especially true for patients who have suffered from the disease for a long time, or when ischemia has reached a severe stage.

Invasive interventions are performed in case of severe pathologies of the coronary arteries, when drugs that dilate blood vessels are not able to increase the lumen of the artery. How to dilate blood vessels in severe heart failure is a question for surgeons; a heart transplant is considered the most effective.

List of medications for stroke

The main problem of a cerebral stroke is increased blood clotting, when blood clots form. They clog the blood flow, and specialists have limited time to restore normal nutrition to brain tissue.

The main medications to help a person:

  • drugs to reduce blood viscosity;
  • anticoagulants, which prevent platelets from sticking together, are used only as emergency aid for stroke;
  • medications to restore metabolic processes at the cellular level, accelerating regeneration processes in the vascular system;
  • medications to stabilize blood pressure.

If a patient is admitted to the clinic with low blood pressure, medications are used to increase blood pressure.

Types of vasodilators

To expand the vascular walls, agents are used that have a selective effect, reducing the tone of brain tissue that does not have an effect on the vascular system.

Therapy of brain diseases involves the use of the following drugs:

  • Drugs to stabilize blood flow.
  • To strengthen arterial walls and improve elasticity.
  • Blood thinning.

The list of vasodilators for the head includes the following medications:

  • Calcium antagonists - medications contribute to the effective expansion of the blood vessels of the head, have a bad effect on peripheral capillaries and coronary systems.
  • Products containing nimodipine.
  • Cynarizine.
  • ACE inhibitors.
  • Beta blockers.
  • Antispasmodics weaken vascular tone and stimulate blood supply.
  • Aurine alkaloids are mildly acting agents that increase the thickness of the lumen of capillaries for a long time.
  • A nicotinic acid.
  • Antiagnants.

Vessel cleaning preparations

Most often, cleaning blood vessels means lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Many patients prefer to use folk remedies, but modern pharmacology can offer quite effective means for stabilizing cholesterol and gently cleansing the vascular system of the body.

Preparations for cleaning the circulatory system are divided into several groups:

  • Medicines whose action is aimed at reducing the synthesis of low-density lipoproteins.
  • Drugs that prevent excess fat from being absorbed from the intestinal lumen.
  • Means for regulating the production of high-density lipids.
  • Vitamin complexes.

In maintaining health, including the vascular system, proper nutrition plays an important role, in which the consumption of heavy fats is eliminated as much as possible. A lot of greens and vegetables, clean water are added to the patient’s menu, the patient needs to walk every day and maintain muscle tone.

Preparations based on natural extracts

Medicines based on extracts of medicinal herbs are used to prevent pathologies with insufficient blood supply to the brain. Such products allow you to gently cleanse the entire vascular system of harmful deposits and help improve blood circulation.

Preparations with the following active ingredients are used:

  • sand immortelle;
  • motherwort;
  • hawthorn;
  • pollen;
  • rose hip.

Dietary supplements help reduce blood clots and improve metabolic processes at the cellular level, saturating cells with oxygen. Natural additives to the complex therapy of circulatory disorders reduce the absorption of cholesterol into the blood, increase the elasticity of blood vessels and stabilize the functioning of the heart.

For preventive purposes, dietary supplements are used to reduce blood clotting and can be used during the postoperative recovery period. Since such drugs are not medicines, they have no contraindications other than allergic reactions.

The use of drugs based on natural extracts should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist; self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Side effects

There are almost no side effects or they are kept to a minimum. At the same time, some patients taking vitamin complexes may complain of nausea and severe headache. If a negative reaction occurs, you should stop taking a particular medication after making sure that it is really the source of your poor health.

In some patients, blood pressure drops sharply; this is also worth remembering, always keeping on hand medications that help normalize it. Patients who are at risk of bleeding should also be wary. In this case, you should limit your intake of the drug or take it in a minimal dose, regularly consulting with a specialist.

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