Reviews from doctors about the drug Cerakson for children

Prohibited during pregnancy

Prohibited during breastfeeding

Not suitable for children

Has restrictions for older people

Failures in the functioning of the nervous system lead to unpleasant consequences. After a stroke or traumatic brain injury, problems with attention, memory, and cognitive impairment occur. To normalize the patient’s general condition and to increase the functionality of the nervous system, medications from the group of nootropics are prescribed.

Packaging of the drug Ceraxon

According to the instructions for use, the drug Ceraxon is widely used in pediatrics to eliminate problems with speech development. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Basic information about Tserakson

Ceraxon has a fairly wide range of effects. Due to the influence of the main active component, which is a precursor of the key components of cell membranes, damaged cell membranes are restored, the production of free radicals is slowed down, and phospholipases are inhibited.

Often the medicine is used to normalize speech in young children. This drug (hereinafter referred to as medicinal product) has a high degree of safety and is well tolerated by the body. That is why it is often prescribed to newborns from the first days of life, if necessary.

Under the influence of the drug the following is observed:

  1. Reducing the risk of injury to brain cells.
  2. Elimination of cerebral edema.
  3. Improvement of cognitive processes.
  4. Reducing the rehabilitation period after a traumatic brain injury.
  5. Restoration of damaged cells.

It is important to remember that self-medication can lead to a number of complications. To protect your body, you must first undergo an examination and receive recommendations from your doctor. Only a qualified specialist will be able to select the most effective treatment regimen.

Drug group, INN, scope of application

Ceraxon belongs to the pharmacological group of nootropic drugs (drugs). It is a representative of class A, which means that the medication has a high degree of effectiveness. INN: citicoline.

It is used in the field of neurology (adults and children). Helps get rid of hypoxia and central nervous system pathologies. It also eliminates the consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI).

The quality and effectiveness of this medication make it one of the most popular nootropics.

Release forms and prices for the drug, average in Russia

The main advantages of Ceraxon include the variety of release forms. It is produced in the form of tablets, solution for IM and IV administration (in ampoules), syrup for oral administration, suspension (in sachet).

The cost of drugs depends on the dosage and dosage form.

Pharmacy nameCost (in rubles)
Sachet (10 pcs.)Syrup (30 ml)Solution in ampoules (5 pcs.)

Composition The average cost of tablets (20 pieces) is 3,000 rubles. You can purchase the medicine at any pharmacy in your city by presenting to the pharmacist a prescription from your attending physician.

Regardless of the release form, citicoline plays the role of the main active ingredient. It is a natural endogenous compound and acts as an intermediate metabolite in the process of phosphatidylcholine synthesis. Has a nootropic effect. Helps improve memory and attention levels, eliminates lack of initiative and difficulties in performing daily activities.

The list of additional components depends on the form of release of the medicine. The tablets contain: talc, magnesium stearate, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, croscarmellose sodium, hydrogenated castor oil.

For the production of syrup the following are used: sodium citrate, glycerin, sorbitol, citric acid, strawberry flavored essence, dye, sodium saccharinate, nipagin, glycerol formal.

Additional substances contribute to the binding of all components of the medication and give a pleasant aroma (syrup).

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Penetrating into the body, the drug resists the excessive formation of free radicals. Shows a high degree of effectiveness in the presence of motor or sensory disturbances of vascular/degenerative etiology.

When diagnosing acute stroke, Ceraxon helps improve cholinergic transmission and reduces the area of ​​brain tissue damage. Often used to eliminate symptoms of chronic hypoxia. Under its influence, memory is normalized, performance and concentration are restored. Manifestations of amnesia are reduced.

Since citicoline is also present in the human body, it is difficult to fully study the pharmacodynamics of the drug. It is known that the level of bioavailability does not differ and does not depend on the method of administration of the drug. Drug absorption occurs from the gastrointestinal tract (99%).

Only 15% of the drug is excreted through the kidneys and inhalation.

Antibiotic or not?

Patients are often interested in the question of whether Ceraxon is an antibiotic. The answer is negative. This is a nootropic drug (neurometabolic stimulant) - a drug that has a psychoanaleptic effect. Promotes activation of neurometabolic processes in the brain, increasing the body's resistance to the influence of extreme factors.

Antibiotics are drugs of biological origin, the main action of which is aimed at harmful microorganisms.

See also:

Instructions for use of Trittico and reviews of patients taking the drug

The drug "Cerakson" for a child: reviews

Most often, Ceraxon is prescribed for diseases of the nervous system. Can be used for both children and adults. It is important to understand that self-medication is unacceptable; all prescriptions of medications should be carried out only by a doctor. He will help you choose the optimal dosage of the drug, and also determine the regularity of use.

Description of the drug "Cerakson"

"Ceraxon" effectively treats disorders and various damage to the nerves and the entire system. This is confirmed by numerous reviews and instructions for use. Restores speech delay in children, while the speed of mental reactions remains at the same level. If fine motor skills or speech are impaired, the drug can help.

That is why the drug “Ceraxon” is prescribed to a child. Reviews confirm this.

Many parents are surprised by the results that appear after drug therapy. The child now stands, rolls over, and sits more confidently; these indicators exceed the norm corresponding to age.

"Ceraxon" is a nootropic drug. The active substance – cytocoline – is a precursor of key components of the cell membrane.

It has a wide spectrum of action, is able to restore damaged cell membranes, inhibit phospholipases, free radicals are not formed as a result of exposure to the drug.

In acute stroke, the volume of brain tissue damage decreases and cholinergic transmission improves.

After a traumatic brain injury, the recovery period is shortened, while the duration of post-traumatic coma and the severity of neurological signs decrease.

If there is chronic brain hypoxia, then with the use of Ceraxon, memory improves, initiative and attentiveness increase. Manifestations of amnesia gradually disappear.

Sensory and motor neurological disorders, which have a vascular and degenerative etiology, also disappear.

“Ceraxon” is very effective for delayed speech development. Reviews (children like the drug) confirm this.

In addition, the drug is indicated for adults. It has the following effect:

  1. Cognitive processes improve.
  2. The restoration of brain cells is stimulated and their death is also prevented.
  3. Cerebral edema, if present, decreases.
  4. The recovery period after injury is reduced.
  5. Brain cells are less susceptible to injury.

Release forms

In what forms should Ceraxon be given to a child? Reviews indicate that the release forms of the drug are as follows:

  • Oral solution (often called syrup).
  • Injection ampoules of 500 and 1000 mg.

Most often, strawberry syrup “Ceraxon” is prescribed to children. Feedback from parents after use is good.

Ceraxon contains citicoline sodium, as well as a small amount of excipients.

Excipients vary depending on the form of release. The injection solution contains sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid.

The syrup or oral solution has the following additional components: sorbitol, glycerin, sodium citrate and saccharinate, citric acid, strawberry essence.

Therefore, “Ceraxon” is perfect for a child (there are reviews on this matter).

Pharmacokinetic action

Absorption is good regardless of the route of administration. Equal bioavailability for oral and intravenous administration. Increases the concentration of choline in the blood.

It is distributed in the structure of the brain, embedded in cell membranes, and phospholipids are formed. Only 15% of the substance is excreted from the body. This is confirmed by reviews of the drug “Cerakson”.

Ideal for children with delayed speech development.


Indications for use of the drug are:

  1. Traumatic brain injury (acute and recovery periods) and complications caused by it.
  2. Ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke (acute and recovery periods).
  3. Neurological disorders caused by degenerative and vascular changes.
  4. Cerebrovascular accident.
  5. Complications caused by cerebral hypoxia.
  6. Disorders caused by disruption of the cerebral vessels.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to give Ceraxon to a child (reviews are available) with caution.

For children, the dosage is selected depending on the diagnosis and age. It should be emphasized once again that only the attending physician should prescribe the drug. Various types of damage to the central nervous system are indications for use. Even infants can be prescribed this drug. This calms the baby and makes him more balanced. The process of its development is normalized.

If the child is premature, then the maximum dose per single dose should not be more than 50 mg. Take the medicine twice a day. Babies who are already two months old are prescribed 100 mg 2 times a day. The approximate duration of treatment is three months.

What contraindications does the drug have?

Like any medicine, Ceraxon has some contraindications:

  1. If the rate of breakdown of fructose is insufficient, the drug is prohibited from use.
  2. High tone of the parasympathetic nervous system is one of the contraindications.
  3. If you are intolerant to the components of the drug, taking the medication is not recommended.

Side effects

The drug is usually well tolerated by both children and adults. But the development of the following side effects is possible:

  1. Nausea leading to vomiting, diarrhea.
  2. Breathing disorders.
  3. Urticaria in the form of an allergic reaction.
  4. Increased pressure.
  5. Swelling of the legs and flushing of the face.
  6. Dizziness.
  7. Headache.
  8. Hallucinations.
  9. Tremors.
  10. Skin itching and rash.
  11. Anaphylactic shock.
  12. Sleep disorders.
  13. Feelings of heat.
  14. Numbness in the limbs.
  15. Loss of appetite.

Special instructions for use

You can find reviews about the drug "Ceraxon".

It is used quite often for children with speech delays. Helps well. But you need to be able to store the drug correctly.

In the cold, crystals may form in the solution that is taken orally. But if further storage is ensured in a warm room, then the crystals gradually dissolve. This will happen in a few months.

The effects of levodopa are enhanced while taking the medication. Concomitant use of meclofenoxate is not recommended. This is confirmed by the instructions for the drug "Ceraxon". For children (there are reviews on this matter), you can choose analogues. Let's consider them further.

Analogues of "Cerakson"

This drug has a large number of analogues. Each of them has its own pros and cons. If Ceraxon is not available, then the following procedure is indicated:

  • "Aminalona";
  • "Ampasse";
  • gamma-aminobutyric acid;
  • "Gleacera";
  • "Gliatilina";
  • "Glycine";
  • glutamic acid;
  • hopantenic acid;
  • "Delecyta";
  • "Demanola";
  • "Intellana";
  • calcium hopantenate;
  • "Cortexina";
  • "Lucetama";
  • meclofenoxate hydrochloride;
  • "Mexipridol";
  • "Mexiprima";
  • "Minisema";
  • "Neurometa";
  • "Nobena";
  • "Nooclerina";
  • "Noopepta";
  • "Nootropil";
  • "Noocetam";
  • "Pantogama asset";
  • "Pantocalcin";
  • "Picamilon";
  • "Pirabene";
  • "Pyratropile";
  • "Piracetam";
  • "Pyriditol";
  • "Pramistara";
  • "Stamina";
  • "Tenotena";
  • "Phenibut";
  • "Phenotropila";
  • choline alfoscerate;
  • "Holitilina";
  • "Cebrilysin";
  • "Cerebramina";
  • "Cerebrilla";
  • "Cerebrolysate";
  • "Cerebrolysin";
  • "Ceretona";
  • "Cerutil";
  • "Encephabola";
  • "Escotropila".

Let's take a closer look at some of the similar nootropic drugs.


It is one of the first nootropic drugs; it was synthesized more than 50 years ago.

It has a beneficial effect on brain activity, intellectual stress is much better tolerated with it. Motivation to learn and concentration are increased.

Release form: capsules, ampoules, tablets. But it is not prescribed to infants, nor to those children who have psychomotor agitation.


Phenibut is a modern nootropic that is prescribed to children quite often. Stimulates the activity of the nervous system, increases mental abilities, improves memory, schoolchildren cope better with the learning process.

Acts as a daytime tranquilizer, reduces anxiety and irritability, and improves sleep. Release form: tablets and powder. It has low toxicity and can be used for children from two years of age. But side effects cannot be ruled out - nausea, drowsiness and dizziness.


"Cinnarizine" is also a nootropic, but it is not recommended for children under 12 years of age. However, doctors still prescribe the drug to children aged 1 year and older, as there is a positive effect.

It is important to understand that there is no scientific evidence yet that nootropics help children. But side effects are observed quite often: headache, decreased blood pressure, impaired renal and liver function.

It can be found on sale in the form of capsules and tablets.


Glycine is an aminoacetic acid. It has the advantages of nootropics. But there are no side effects at all. Children of any age can take this medication absolutely without fear. The processes of excitation and inhibition are regulated as a result of intake. The baby’s attention increases, learning ability improves, and sleep normalizes.


How does Ceraxon help children?

This drug receives only good reviews from parents. All the child’s reactions improve, speech is restored, and development proceeds at a faster pace. Fine motor skills improve under the influence of the medication.

Well tolerated and does not cause side effects. No withdrawal syndrome is observed.

Cost of the drug

The price of the drug "Ceraxon" is quite high, but it should be purchased because it is very effective. The injection solution costs a little more (it depends on the dosage) - from 800 to 1500 rubles. The Cerakson oral solution (syrup for children) costs from 650 rubles. Reviews confirm this.


Indications and contraindications for taking Ceraxon

The need to take this medication is determined by the attending physician after examination and diagnosis. Main indications for use:

  1. Rehabilitation period after ischemic/hemorrhagic stroke.
  2. Vascular pathologies of the brain that lead to impairment of cognitive functions or behavior.
  3. Acute stage of hemorrhagic stroke.
  4. TBI and their consequences.
  5. Impaired cerebral circulation.
  6. Hypoxia.

Despite the fact that the drug is tolerated quite well by patients, experts identify a number of conditions that do not allow prescribing this medication. The list of contraindications includes:

  • hypersensitivity to the main or additional components;
  • pronounced vagotonia (if the parasympathetic region predominates in the autonomic nervous system);
  • hereditary diseases accompanied by fructose intolerance.

During pregnancy, doctors recommend refraining from treatment with Cerakson, since there is no verified information regarding its safety in relation to the fetus. Appointment is allowed only in cases of extreme necessity. Lactation is also contraindicated due to the ability of the substance to penetrate into milk.

In the field of pediatrics, it is used to treat infants and premature babies under the supervision of a physician. It is he who draws up the scheme and determines the required dose.

With ZRR

Delayed speech development can develop due to psychogenic disorders (placement in an orphanage/boarding school, separation from mother, long-term illness) and disorders of brain function, encephalopathy. In the first case, it is necessary to provide the child with the help of a qualified psychologist, and in this case medications are not needed.

In the second case, you should undergo a course of treatment with nootropic drugs. Cerakson has a beneficial effect on the development of thinking, memory, attention, which is reflected in the ability to reproduce sounds.

If during pregnancy the fetus had a toxic or traumatic effect, which led to speech impairment, it is necessary to take Ceraxon. It exhibits a nootropic effect, manifested as:

  • normalization of impulse transmission in brain tissues;
  • neutralizing the effect of phospholipases;
  • suppressing the production of free radicals.

Effective for intrauterine hypoxia or hypoxia that occurs during difficult labor or due to a delay in the first breath. Used to treat premature babies.

For epilepsy

To date, there is no information about the effectiveness of the drug in the presence of epilepsy. Some experts are inclined to believe that it is undesirable to use this medication in patients with epileptic seizures. The fact is that it has biostimulating properties and can provoke seizures.

With VSD

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is of several types: hypertensive, hypotonic and mixed. When using nootropic medications, there is an improvement in thinking, memory, and energy brain processes.

Ceraxon is often prescribed for hypertensive or mixed VSD. When diagnosing a hypotonic type of disease, it is better to choose another medication.

See also:

Instructions for use of Cellex, analogues and reviews of the drug from doctors and patients

Cerakson for delayed speech development in children

For delayed speech development in children, Ceraxon is often prescribed. Although the instructions say that the medication is contraindicated under 18 years of age, modern practice in pediatrics confirms the opposite.

Ceraxon is a nootropic drug that has a beneficial effect on the cognitive functions of the brain. Its spectrum of action is wide:

  • improvement of memory and thought processes;
  • increasing the brain’s resistance to adverse effects (trauma, hypoxia, infections, intoxication);
  • preventing the death of damaged brain cells;
  • reduction of cerebral edema;
  • restoration of self-care skills and volitional qualities after severe diseases of the nervous system

For adults, the medication is indicated during the recovery period after a stroke, traumatic brain injury, and for vascular and degenerative pathologies of the brain.

Does Cerakson help with RRR in children?

For children, the drug is indicated for:

  • perinatal encephalopathy (traumatic, toxic effects in utero, during childbirth, in the first year of life);
  • delayed psychophysical development;
  • emotional disorders;
  • speech development delay (SDD).

In case of delayed speech development caused by psychogenic disorders - separation from mother, placement of the child in a boarding school, 24-hour kindergarten, long-term illness - the help of a psychologist is necessary.

If RRR is caused by encephalopathy, vascular disorders of the brain, the effectiveness of the drug is undeniable. It activates speech centers in the cerebral cortex and improves auditory perception. The medication has a beneficial effect on the development of cognitive functions (memory, attention, thinking), which indirectly contribute to the development of speech.

Mechanism of action of Cerakson in ZRR

In case of RRD of organic origin (caused by brain damage due to toxic and/or traumatic effects on the fetus during pregnancy, childbirth or on the brain of the newborn), the nootropic effect of the drug is expressed in:

  • restoration of damaged neurocytes;
  • improving the transmission of impulses in brain tissue;
  • preventing the formation of free radicals, leading to additional intoxication of the brain, the development of vascular and degenerative pathologies;
  • suppression of the action of phospholipase enzymes involved in the process of cell damage.

Is Cerakson allowed for children under one year of age?

Research in recent years has shown that the medicine can be safely prescribed to babies up to one year old. For children, there is now a special release form of Ceraxon - in the form of a strawberry-flavored syrup. For infants, the medicine is indicated for:

  • intrauterine hypoxia;
  • hypoxia during childbirth, caused by obstruction of the birth canal and delayed first breath;
  • premature

The results of using the medication in children under one year of age revealed a significant improvement in the psycho-emotional state and normalization of psychophysical development.

Ceraxon: instructions for use for children

Doses of the drug depend on the severity of the damage to the central nervous system, the stage of delayed speech development, age, body weight, degree of prematurity of the child, characteristics of the nervous system, and individual response to the drug. Only the doctor selects the dosage for each small patient! Approximate treatment regimen:

Up to a year .

It is preferable to administer in the form of syrup, but in some cases intramuscular injections are also used.

The required dose of syrup is measured with a special syringe located in the package and mixed with a small amount of breast milk or artificial formula. Give 30 minutes to 1 hour after feeding. The course of treatment is 3 months. If necessary, after 3-6 months.

the course is repeated. The duration of the course is determined only by the attending physician! Dosages by month for babies under one year of age are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Dosages of Ceraxon for babies under one year old

Release form
Age (months)SyrupInjections
2-41 ml 2 times a day100 mg 2 times a day
5-61.5-2 ml 2 times a day150-200 mg 2 times a day
72 ml 2 times a day200 mg 2 times a day
8-92-3 ml 2 times a day200-300 mg 2 times a day
10-123 ml 2 times a day300 mg 2 times a day

After a year

the drug is used in the form of syrup, tablets, suspension, injections. The form of use, dose, frequency and duration of treatment is determined only by a doctor! Table 2 shows approximate doses of the medication for children 1 year old – 14 years old.

Table 2. Doses of Ceraxon for children of different ages

Release form
Age (years)SuspensionSyrupPillsInjections
1-21-2 ml 2 times a day1-2 ml 2 times a day
32 ml 2 times a day2 ml 2 times a day1/4 tablet 1-2 times a day200 mg 2 times a day
42-3 ml 2 times a day2-3 ml 2 times a day1/4 tablet 1 time per day200-300 mg 2 times a day
53 ml 2 times a day3 ml 2 times a day1/2 tablet 1-2 times a day300 mg 2 times a day
6-104 ml 2 times a day4 ml 2 times a day1/2 tablet 2 times a day400 mg 2 times a day
11-145 ml 2 times a day5 ml 2 times a day1 tablet 1 time per day500 mg 2 times a day

Side effects in children

As practice shows, adverse reactions in children occur extremely rarely. There may be individual intolerance to syrup components (for example, fructose). In this case, it is necessary to change the form of the drug - give injections or give suspensions. After three years, you can use the tablet form.

Cerakson is not prescribed to children with a predominance of the parasympathetic type of the central nervous system: it can provoke nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, shortness of breath, redness of the skin, tremor, and swelling. Sometimes hallucinations are possible.

All symptoms are quickly relieved by symptomatic therapy. But you can’t do anything on your own! If such phenomena occur, you should immediately consult a doctor!

The drug is not recommended to be prescribed simultaneously with other nootropics, in particular with Meclofenoxate. Ceraxon also enhances the effect of the antiparkinsonian drug Levodopa.

Reviews from parents about Tserakson

Numerous reviews from parents prove the high effectiveness of the use of Ceraxon for cervical cancer.

Anna: We live in a small town, we don’t have the opportunity to visit a psychologist or speech therapist. The doctor prescribed Ceraxon. Drank for 6 months. Before treatment, the child was silent and did not utter a single sound. Six months later he speaks entire sentences!

Vadim: We took the drug for 1.5 months. The child began to answer questions, so far only “yes” and “no”, we hope for further progress. Does not cause allergies, is well tolerated.

Lena: We’ve been taking the medicine for 5 months. In addition to the fact that the child started talking, he became interested in what was happening, he began to dress himself, eat, and tries to draw something. My daughter drinks with pleasure. The drug has a pleasant taste.

Marina: My son is 4 months old. Born with hypoxia. We take Ceraxon for a month. Before him, my son cried all the time, was very restless, and did not latch on to the breast. Now he is smiling, calm, sleeps well, and walks.

Among the disadvantages of the drug, parents note only the high price and rare adverse reactions.

Thus, Cerakson can be safely prescribed to children of any age with gastrointestinal development of organic origin. Important !

It should be remembered that the treatment must be completely carried out by a specialist! Independently selecting, changing the dose, method of administration, setting the regimen and duration of the course of treatment is strictly prohibited!

Alina Veyts, psychoneurologist, candidate of psychological sciences, especially for


Instructions for use of the drug Ceraxon and course of treatment

The method of taking the drug depends on the form of release. The treatment regimen and course duration are determined by a qualified specialist, depending on the characteristics of the pathology, age and general condition of the patient.

The solution in ampoules can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly. In the first case, it is necessary to administer the medicine slowly (about 5 minutes). With the drip method, the rate of administration should not exceed 60 drops/1 minute.

In childhood, you can use tablets, solution and syrup. However, for newborns and patients under 3 years of age, Ceraxon is more suitable for oral administration or injections. To avoid gagging or attacks of nausea, the drug should be given after meals (after 30-60 minutes).

The standard instructions indicate average doses. The medication is taken 1-2 times a day.

Age (years)IM injectionSyrupSuspension in sachetPills
0-2Not prescribed1-2 ml eachNot prescribed
3200 mg2 ml each¼ tab.
4200-300 mg2-3 ml each¼ tab.
5300 mg3 ml each½ tablet
6-10400 mg4 ml each½ tablet
10-14500 mg5 ml each1 table
Over 14500-1000 mg5-10 ml each1-2 tables

Sachet The exact dosage is selected by the attending physician. Self-medication can provoke allergic reactions.

One sachet contains 10 ml of the drug. This dosage form is convenient to use for treating adults, since the entire sachet can be taken at once. You need to take the medicine once every 12 hours.

The average course duration is approximately 6 weeks.


Syrup for oral administration is available in bottles. The kit includes a dispenser syringe, thanks to which you can quickly measure the required amount of medication. Prescribed from birth.

The maximum allowable amount of the drug per day is 5-20 ml, depending on age. The syrup can be diluted with a small amount of water. Take after or during meals for 6 weeks.


The solution in ampoules is intended for single use. It is prohibited to store an open ampoule. Doctors recommend injecting the medicine into a vein rather than into a muscle, as they consider this route to be more effective.

Injections can be given to patients over 3 years of age. In acute forms of the disease, up to 1000 mg is administered to adults every 12 hours. The medicine can be mixed with various isotonic solutions.


The tablet form is used to eliminate symptoms of the disease in patients from 3 years of age. The average daily dose ranges from 1 to 4 tablets per day. The doctor selects the dosage based on the severity of the disease. This factor also affects the duration of treatment.

Comparison of addiction between Encephabol and Ceraxon

Like safety, addiction also involves many factors that must be considered when evaluating a drug.

So, the totality of the values ​​of such parameters as “o syndrome” in Encephabol is quite similar to the similar values ​​in Ceraxon. Withdrawal syndrome is a pathological condition that occurs after the cessation of intake of addictive or dependent substances into the body. And resistance is understood as initial immunity to a drug; in this it differs from addiction, when immunity to a drug develops over a certain period of time. The presence of resistance can only be stated if an attempt has been made to increase the dose of the drug to the maximum possible. At the same time, in Encephabol the values ​​of the “syndrome” are quite small, however, the same as in Ceraxon.

Possible side effects and overdose

Ceraxon is a non-toxic drug. In this regard, it rarely causes negative reactions from internal organs or systems. If the components are intolerant or the treatment is incorrectly selected, side effects may occur. These include:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • skin rashes accompanied by burning, itching;
  • anaphylactic shock (with allergies);
  • insomnia;
  • hallucinations;
  • diarrhea;
  • tremor;
  • loss of appetite or change in taste preferences;
  • vomiting/nausea.

In rare cases, the use of medication may lead to a feeling of numbness in paralyzed limbs.

Sometimes, under the influence of the drug, minor and short-term changes in blood pressure were observed, as well as cases of stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system.

If you experience even minor negative changes in your health, you should stop taking the medication and consult a doctor.

Since Cerakson has a fairly low degree of toxicity, there have been no episodes of overdose in medical practice.

See also:

Instructions for use of Citalopram, reviews of the drug from patients and doctors, its analogues

Reviews from doctors and patients

Reviews from doctors and patients about the drug Ceraxon are mostly positive.

Reviews from doctors

It is worth noting the key ones:

  1. The main advantage is that it is non-toxic! I prescribe the drug to patients without fear, there were even several female patients who were 6 months pregnant (Konstantinov S.M.).
  2. Some patients developed severe allergies, be careful and see a doctor (Murmansky E.K.).
  3. The drug is very effective, it helps greatly during the rehabilitation period after a stroke (Zhuravleva R.I.).

Patient reviews

Patients echo doctors:

  1. After an open traumatic brain injury, my son was prescribed Cerakson and was treated for 8 months. and it really helped - he started talking (Dmitrieva R.).
  2. I just started injecting Cerakson, I’m waiting for the effect... the reviews seem to be quite good, and the doctor praised this medicine (Antonina).

Pros and cons based on reviews and practical experience

Pros according to patient reviews:

  • noticeable positive effect;
  • improving sleep quality;
  • pleasant taste;
  • improves memory.

Cons according to patient reviews:

  • the drug is too expensive;
  • strong side effects;
  • allergic reactions.

Interaction of Cerakson with other drugs and alcohol

Drug interactions should be given special attention. If a patient is taking medications and has been prescribed Ceraxon, he must notify his doctor. The fact is that in combination with various medications, Ceraxon can increase the risk of adverse reactions, enhance or completely neutralize the effectiveness of the drug.

Under its influence, the effect of levodopa on the patient’s body increases. If the drug contains meclofenoxate, it is strictly forbidden to use Ceraxon. Also, drugs prohibited for simultaneous use include those based on parachlorophenoxyacetic acid b-dimethylaminoethyl ester hydrochloride.

Alcoholic drinks are not recommended to be combined with all medications. As for Ceraxon, when taken simultaneously, the heart rhythm may be disrupted, the risk of developing acute heart failure increases, and the heart rate decreases or increases. There have also been cases of orthostatic hypotension when changing position (from horizontal to vertical) - blood pressure drops sharply.

To protect your body from unwanted consequences, you should abstain from alcohol during treatment.

Comparison of the effectiveness of Encephabol and Ceraxon

The effectiveness of Encephabol is quite similar to Ceraxon - this means that the ability of the drug substance to provide the maximum possible effect is similar.
For example, if the therapeutic effect of Encephabol is more pronounced, then using Ceraxon even in large doses will not achieve this effect.

Also, the speed of therapy - an indicator of the speed of therapeutic action - is approximately the same for Encephabol and Ceraxon. And bioavailability, that is, the amount of a drug reaching its site of action in the body, is similar. The higher the bioavailability, the less it will be lost during absorption and use by the body.


If a patient is intolerant to citicoline or is not satisfied with the cost of the drug, the doctor can select an equally effective analogue based on the mechanism of action or composition.

The most effective and popular drug substitutes are:

  1. Nootropil (250 rubles). Manufacturers used piracetam as the main active ingredient. The medicine has nootropic properties. After penetration, the drug enhances the process of glucose utilization, normalizes brain performance, and reduces the severity of vestibular nystagmus. Prescribed for Alzheimer's disease, cerebrovascular insufficiency, asthenodepressive syndrome, schizophrenia, and chronic alcoholism.
  2. Carnicetine (530 rubles). The drug is based on acetylcarnitine hydrochloride. It goes on sale in the form of capsules. It has neuroprotective, metabolic, cholinergic and antioxidant properties. Indications include peripheral neuropathy, Alzheimer's disease, involution syndrome, cerebrovascular dementia, vascular encephalopathy.
  3. Glycine (30 rubles). The role of the active component is performed by microencapsulated glycine. They contribute to the normalization and activation of inhibition processes in the central nervous system, thereby increasing performance and reducing the level of emotional stress. Sleep improves, the period of falling asleep is reduced, while maintaining the correct sleep structure. Chewable tablets are prescribed for frequent stress, encephalopathy, deviant behavior, neuroses, and after an ischemic stroke.

It is forbidden to replace medications on your own, since the wrong choice can aggravate the situation.

See also:

Instructions for use of the drug Noopept, indications, reviews from patients and doctors

Cheap analogues of the drug

Not everyone can afford to buy Ceraxon, so below are product analogues, or so-called generics.


A vasodilator that helps improve blood circulation.


  • treatment of psychoorganic syndrome of any origin;
  • acute and chronic vascular diseases;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the central nervous system.


Helps improve metabolic processes in the brain, causes an increase in the concentration of denosine triphosphoric acid, improves memory and simplifies the learning process.


  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • depression.


Helps improve blood circulation, improve metabolic processes in the brain, and causes an increase in the concentration of denosine triphosphoric acid.

  • serious cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • treatment of complications resulting from circulatory disorders in the brain.


Mostly patients leave positive reviews about Cerakson. The medicine quickly and gently eliminates unpleasant symptoms and helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system and brain.

Adult patients taking the drug

Ceraxon is prescribed to both adults and children.

Vladislava, 25 years old: “Recently, my close relative suffered a stroke. I thought that this doesn’t happen at 40 years old, I was wrong. The doctor immediately prescribed Ceraxon for us. As far as I understand, the drug restores the affected areas of the brain. Despite the fact that the cost of this drug is quite high, we took it without reservation, because it really works. Just 3.5 months after the stroke, my relative was able to drive a car.”

Maria, 30 years old: “The neurologist prescribed syrup to my little daughter twice a day, 1 ml. At that time, the baby’s condition was extremely serious. The fluid did not leave the brain, the right side of the body was less active because the brain could not function fully. After three months I noticed improvements. The body became softer and more mobile, frequent regurgitation stopped. On an ultrasound, the doctor noticed that the ventricles had become smaller. As a result, I came to the conclusion that the quality of the syrup completely justifies its price. I also heard that it is used for difficult speech development.”


Since Citicoline is a natural compound found in the human body, it is impossible to determine the pharmacokinetic properties because endogenous citicoline and endogenous citicoline cannot be separated.
Research has shown that the method of introducing the drug into the body does not matter . That is, the bioavailability is exactly the same whether you take it by entering the gastrointestinal tract or by injection. Through research, it was found that Ceraxon is 99% absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Removal of the drug from the body takes a long time and is carried out through the respiratory tract or through the kidneys. After 5 days of taking the medicine, about 16% was found, to which we can say that the rest was involved in metabolism.


Indications for use of the drug are:

  1. Traumatic brain injury (acute and recovery periods) and complications caused by it.
  2. Ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke (acute and recovery periods).
  3. Neurological disorders caused by degenerative and vascular changes.
  4. Cerebrovascular accident.
  5. Complications caused by cerebral hypoxia.
  6. Disorders caused by disruption of the cerebral vessels.

Release form

"Ceraxon" is produced in two dosage forms:

  • A strawberry-flavored solution that is taken orally and is sometimes called syrup. This is a completely transparent liquid without any specific shade, placed in 30 ml glass bottles. The bottle comes with a dosage syringe, which is used to take the dose of medicine prescribed by the doctor. In addition, this solution is also packaged in 10 ml sachets and sold in 6 or 10 sachets in one pack.
  • A solution in ampoules intended for injection into a vein or injection into muscle tissue. It is also colorless and completely transparent. One ampoule contains 4 milliliters of this solution, and 5 ampoules are sold in one box.

Comparison of side effects of Encephabol and Ceraxon

Side effects or adverse events are any adverse medical event that occurs in a subject after administration of a drug.

Encephabol has almost the same level of adverse events as Ceraxon. They both have few side effects. This implies that the frequency of their occurrence is low, that is, the indicator of how many cases of an undesirable effect of treatment are possible and registered is low. The undesirable effect on the body, the strength of influence and the toxic effect of Encephabol are similar to Cerakson: how quickly the body recovers after taking it and whether it recovers at all.


This is a nootropic that helps restore damaged membranes. Helps cope with excess free radicals. In the acute period, the volume of brain damage decreases.

After brain injury, the period of coma decreases and neurological symptoms are less pronounced. The recovery period becomes shorter after consumption. In the case of chronic brain starvation, the drug is effective in curing cognitive changes such as memory impairment, fatigue, and lack of initiative.

The reception helps improve attention and memory of information. The drug also gives good results in the treatment of motor neurological disorders of a vascular nature.

Ceraxon is not an antibiotic, but the combined use of two groups of drugs is allowed. It is recommended to consume during lunch or after meals. The duration of therapy is quite long and depends on the patient’s condition and the pathology itself. The pharmacy is dispensed only with a doctor's prescription.

In some cases, some side effects may occur that affect the central nervous system. For this reason, driving is not recommended. You should not drink alcohol during drug therapy. Has no effect on blood pressure.

Ceraxon syrup is an effective treatment for CNS lesions

Unfortunately, recently the number of children with perinatal damage to the central nervous system has been steadily increasing. Such deviations can lead to various kinds of neurological disorders, for example, to the occurrence of delayed psychomotor development, both in mild form and with severe deviations, to the diagnosis of cerebral palsy and, as a result, to disability.

Causes of central nervous system damage in children

This is due to a number of reasons, including:

  • unfavorable course of pregnancy;
  • birth injuries;
  • fetal infections.

An important factor in the increase in cases of central nervous system damage is the introduction of new reproductive technologies, which, despite social demand, do not exclude, but increase the percentage of complications during pregnancy. In addition, perinatal lesions are common in premature babies, the number of which has increased after the adoption of the law recognizing children weighing 500 grams or more as viable and resuscitating them.

For children with developmental delays, premature children with congenital pathologies, children at risk of developing cerebral palsy, complex therapy is used

It is important to start treatment at an early stage, since infants have very high brain neuroplasticity, which allows them to restore damaged functions of the central nervous system

Cerakson syrup is a new generation drug

Ceraxon syrup is used to treat brain abnormalities caused by traumatic or degenerative injuries. Clinical studies have shown the high effectiveness of this medicine and the absence of side effects, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of even infants.

The uniqueness of this drug is that it effectively eliminates damage to the central nervous system, namely, it combats delayed psycho-speech and motor development, cognitive impairment, and epileptic syndromes. At the same time, Ceraxon does not affect the speed of mental reactions.

The use of Ceraxon has a beneficial effect on the development of the child’s emotional state, speech activity and auditory perception, as well as improving fine motor skills.

Ceraxon syrup: indications and contraindications

This medicine is used for complications such as:

  • acute cerebrovascular accidents (ACVA) and treatment of resulting complications;
  • traumatic brain injuries (TBI) both in the acute period and during rehabilitation;
  • neurological disorders;
  • disorders that arose after pathology of cerebral vessels, as well as degenerative processes (motor and cognitive).

As for contraindications, Cerakson is not prescribed to those who have a parasympathetic type of nervous system, that is, in cases where the nerve nodes (ganglia) are located in the organs themselves or on the approaches to them. It is also necessary, before starting a course of treatment, to check whether there is hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug. A disease associated with fructose intolerance is also a contraindication.

Adverse reactions are rare, but nausea may occur in some cases. vomiting and diarrhea. Also, the consequences of taking the drug may be headache, hallucinations, shortness of breath, redness of the skin, trembling in the body and swelling.

It is important to remember that the use of Ceraxon cannot be combined with drugs that contain meclofenoxate. Also, if used together with Levodopa, its effect may be enhanced.

Cerakson syrup: method of application

The dosage of Cerakson syrup is prescribed depending on the severity of the damage to the central nervous system, the reaction to taking the medicine, the age of the child, his weight and the degree of prematurity, so consultation with a doctor is required.

The recommended dose for very premature babies with very low weight is 0.5 ml (50 mg) 2 times a day, for children over 2 months old - 1 ml (100 mg) also 2 times a day. In the future, the maximum daily dose should not exceed 5-20 ml. The optimal duration of the full course of treatment, as thorough research has revealed, is 12 weeks. The syrup should be taken in the morning and evening (preferably no later than 17:00).

There is no doubt that the effectiveness of Cerakson has been proven by many positive reviews about it, as well as through numerous studies and publications. The results are especially encouraging if treatment is prescribed promptly in the early stages. Indeed, after using Ceraxon, an improvement in the patient’s speech, auditory, motor, static and emotional functions was noted. That is why this remedy is recognized by many experts as a truly unique drug.

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