Severe headache in the back of the head, nausea

Types of pain

The second definition of headache is cephalalgia. There are several varieties of it - pulsating, hoop-shaped, periodic, constant. Localized in the frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital regions. It may be accompanied by various symptoms, taking into account which it is possible to differentiate the pathology. Leads to loss of consciousness or is not aggravated by fainting. Eliminated with the help of medications quickly, slowly or not at all.

Strong pain

It is a sign of an infectious lesion, the presence of a tumor process, or a hypertensive crisis. Severe cephalalgia is the result of impaired cerebral circulation and existing intoxication.

Headache in the back of the head and nausea

Consequences of increased or decreased blood pressure. Additional symptoms are vomiting, spots flashing before the eyes, blurred vision. The reason is nervous overstrain, hard physical labor, lack of sleep, exposure to direct sunlight, exposure to hot water. Dyspeptic disorders are associated with cephalgia during poisoning.


Twitching sensations moving to the temporo-parietal region indicate a violation of the blood supply to the tissues. The phenomenon characterizes the development of a hypertensive crisis and indicates an increase in intracranial pressure. Throbbing pain is a basic symptom of migraine. The sensation is a consequence of poor sleep hygiene (using a hard pillow). The pulsation serves as a signal to stop drinking too much coffee.

Sharp headache in the back of the head

It is a manifestation of brain tumors, stroke, hypertensive crisis. High-intensity cephalgia is characterized by a spontaneous increase in blood pressure, a migraine attack, or traumatic brain injury. Cervical osteochondrosis of stages 3-4, myositis, manifests itself as severe discomfort.


Characteristic of cervical osteochondrosis and spondylosis. Sometimes the appearance of continuous cephalgia is preceded by chronic problems with the circulatory system. Overwork, being in a stressful environment, and poor sleep hygiene also contribute to the appearance of pain. Subsequently, clinical manifestations are supplemented by dizziness.

Pain and dizziness

The combination of these signs makes up the clinical picture of cervical osteochondrosis, problems with blood pressure, and cervical myogelosis. Tension in the occipital region, along with dizziness, manifests intoxication of the body and overwork; lack of sleep caused by resting on an uncomfortable pillow.


Shooting and crunching inside the back of the head are a harbinger of osteochondrosis, myositis, spondylosis, myogelosis, and less commonly, hypertension. You can differentiate the disease based only on the type of pain. Problems with the condition of the musculoskeletal system always manifest themselves as shooting sensations.


The pressing type of cephalgia is a harbinger of gradually increasing blood pressure. Gradually, an unpleasant sensation may spread to the temples, parietal region, or less often, it does not change location. Additional symptoms are nausea, vomiting. Need to:

  • measure blood pressure;
  • then take a horizontal position;
  • Place an antihypertensive drug under the tongue.

There must be a loved one nearby who can, if necessary, provide first aid or call a medical team. Pressure on the back of the head when weather conditions change, if a person has been in an uncomfortable position for a long time (for example, on a hard, embossed pillow).

Causes of pain in the back of the head

Cephalgia, which is localized in the back of the head, is sometimes regarded as a problem with the neck, and they try to eliminate the pathology with physical activity and massage. But in half of the cases the cause of the condition is the presence of intracranial problems. By focusing on the supposed dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, the patient wastes time. It allows the transition of a craniocerebral disease to a chronic stage. Thanks to diagnostics, it is possible to determine the localization of the pathology.


Manifests itself as unilateral cephalgia. The patient notes:

  • pulsation in the parietal region
  • dizziness
  • nausea ending with vomiting
  • tension, burning eyes from light
  • tearfulness

The cause of migraine is a genetic predisposition or previous head trauma. The irritant can be sound, emotional stress, bright light.

Hypertension or essential hypertension

Increased blood pressure levels. This is a dominant symptom that can be caused by hereditary predisposition, stress, or cardiac dysfunction. Symptoms: cephalalgia, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, lacrimation and destruction of the eye capillaries. Pale skin and nosebleeds are observed. In severe cases, fainting occurs. Lack of emergency medical care increases the likelihood of a stroke.

Intracranial pressure

The pathological phenomenon is caused by drinking strong coffee, infectious diseases, and loud sounds. Development is promoted by stress factors and traumatic brain injuries. Increasing, intracranial pressure causes an attack of vomiting, nosebleeds, and a feeling of sand in the eyes. Additionally, capillaries are destroyed and bruises appear on the eyelids and eyeballs.


The condition is characterized by a decrease in blood pressure. Causes: hidden bleeding, anemia, low-quality nutrition, vitamin deficiency, problems with the tone of blood vessels. Other reasons:

  • lack of sleep, overwork
  • staying in an environment with high air humidity
  • problems with the nervous system
  • incorrect alternation of work and rest regimes

Symptoms are pale skin and mucous membranes, nausea, dizziness, and bouts of vomiting. In the absence of adequate treatment - fainting.

Causes of pain in the back of the head and neck

If pressure was not applied to the back of the head, the patient was not in an uncomfortable position for a long time - the discomfort is caused by pathology. Over 10 diseases can occur in the body, which, as they progress, are accompanied by cephalgia of the occipital region. The degree of intensity of the pathology, the frequency of exacerbation and the nature of discomfort depend on the specifics of the pathology.

Osteochondrosis of the neck

A degenerative-inflammatory process that affects the cartilaginous parts of the vertebrae. It develops under the influence of an incorrect lifestyle - lack of full physical activity, poor posture, and stress factors. The main symptoms are pain in the occipital region spreading to the entire surface of the neck. Discomfort increases when turning the head. Associated symptoms include dizziness, decreased visual acuity, and difficulty concentrating.

Spondylosis of the neck

A pathological process in which ossification occurs of those structures that, according to physiological principles, should consist of cartilage tissue. In the case under consideration - intervertebral discs of the cervical spine.


  1. Cephalgia, which appears more and more often as the pathology develops
  2. Decreased vision quality
  3. Feeling of a tight collar
  4. At stage 3, the pathology causes dizziness and fainting

The reason for its appearance is lack of physical activity, previous injuries, metabolic disorders, and inflammation.

Neck myogelosis

It is characterized by thickening of the muscle tissue of the neck; neoplasms compress nerve fibers and blood vessels.


  1. Pain and stiffness when trying to tilt or turn your head
  2. When palpating the neck, neoplasms are determined, the size of which sometimes reaches the size of a walnut
  3. Dizziness and dyspeptic disorders

The cause of occurrence is exposure to a draft, excessive physical activity, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, microtrauma. Predisposing factors are lack of physical activity, obesity, endocrine problems. Myogelosis also causes a condition after surgery, since it requires adherence to bed rest.


Inflammation of the muscle tissue of the neck. Symptoms: pain inside the neck when turning the head, an unpleasant sensation is also observed at rest, on the eve of a change in weather. Additional manifestations are swelling, redness of the problem area, difficulties with self-care, stiffness.


  • hypothermia
  • previous injuries
  • intoxication
  • infectious processes in the body
  • excessive physical activity

The presence of dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system predisposes to the development of pathology. More often, myositis is associated with the formation of intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, and arthrosis.

Occipital neuralgia

Occurs after hypothermia, the appearance of cervical osteochondrosis, diseases of infectious origin, compression by tumors, hematomas. The main symptomatology is the spread of an unpleasant sensation to the back, neck and lower jaw. The pain manifests itself in attacks, during which it is impossible to perform even self-care activities. An increase in pulsation occurs during coughing, chewing, and sneezing.


Cervical myositis is of an inflammatory nature, occurs in the muscles of the neck, and often causes severe pain in the back of the head on the right. Provoking factors for its appearance include:

  • incorrect neck position;
  • hypothermia;
  • muscle spasm;
  • bacterial infection (rheumatic fever, tonsillitis, sore throat)
  • helminthic infestation (trichinosis);
  • systemic diseases (diabetes, gout).

Myositis is expressed by asymmetric pain syndrome:

  • for example, pain appears in the neck and back of the head on the right side;
  • radiates to the shoulder, ear or temple;
  • acute myositis is manifested by swelling of the inflamed muscle and skin surface.

Treatment includes a set of measures aimed, inter alia, at eliminating the circumstances contributing to the development of the inflammatory process:

  • ointments (Finalgon) are used to reduce pain;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Reopirin) are used;
  • for purulent processes, antibiotics are recommended;
  • anthelmintics.

Which doctor should I contact?

When the first signs of deterioration in health appear, it is advisable to consult a therapist. It does not matter what type of medical institution it is related to - private or public. In both cases, a specialist will conduct an examination, interview, and refer you for an examination. Then, based on the diagnostic results, it becomes clear who will be involved in drawing up the therapeutic program.

Prescribes, supervises and, if necessary, adjusts treatment:

  • Neuropathologist. Deals with the elimination of diseases associated with disorders of the state and functioning of the nervous system. Treats neuritis, neuroses, post-stress conditions, migraine.
  • Orthopedist. Relieves all joint diseases that cause headaches and discomfort in the neck, spreading to the shoulders. Eliminates osteochondrosis, osteoporosis.
  • Vertebrologist. Treats pathologies of the structure and condition of the vertebrae, if their violation causes headaches and associated discomfort.
  • Cardiologist. Treats hypertension and frequently recurring episodes of hypertensive crisis.
  • Oncologist. Eliminates tumor processes in brain tissue (malignant, benign).
  • Neurosurgeon. Assists the oncologist. The participation of a specialist in this profile is necessary to perform an operation in which brain tumors are removed. The neurosurgeon also performs interventions to eliminate hematomas of the brain. Normalizes the well-being of patients who have suffered a traumatic brain injury, since this condition is one of the causes of cephalgia.

Additionally, you may need a consultation with a psychologist, the participation of an endocrinologist, or a chiropractor. In rare cases, regular massage is sufficient to eliminate cephalgia. The action ensures normalization of blood flow to the vertebrae and tissues, which eliminates muscle strain, degeneration of cartilage tissue, and relieves pain. It is possible to determine which specialist will treat the patient in a particular case only after identifying the root cause of cephalalgia.


Depending on the cause of the disease, the method of treatment changes. For cervical osteochondrosis, stress, and occipital neuralgia, massage is suggested. You should not use manual therapy if you have high blood pressure.

Experts consider physiotherapy, which includes laser treatment, electrophoresis with magnetotherapy, to be a common and effective remedy. Prescribed for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, high pressure inside the skull. Physical therapy is used for some of the listed ailments.

Traditional medicine

Medicines are prescribed only by a specialist, depending on the diagnosis. If you feel sick and have pain in the back of your head due to high blood pressure, Hypothiazide, Captopril with Cordipine are prescribed.

Sibelium, Pyrroxan and Redergin are prescribed for headaches due to vascular pathology.

Headache requires an integrated approach, where medications are combined with manual therapy. Medications include antidepressants and muscle relaxants designed to relieve tension in the neck muscles.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine methods are not effective in this case. Folk remedies for pain in the back of the head, which have a different nature, require individual consultation. The presented methods should be used as preventative or additional to medications and manual therapy. If a person has a serious problem, traditional therapy methods will be ineffective.

For mild pain in the back of the head, apply a hot compress. Use it in tandem with drinking hot drinks. A common compress option for neck discomfort is a cabbage compress. To complete this you will need a cabbage leaf, crushed by hand. It should be applied to the sore spot. A compress made from a mixture of two components: onion and horseradish is considered effective. Mix grated horseradish with chopped onion, place the resulting mixture on a cotton cloth, roll it up and apply it to your neck.

To improve the condition and eliminate unpleasant symptoms, including nausea, pain, it is worth consuming a decoction of herbs. Linden tea or a mixture of mint, sage and meadowsweet are often used.

Diagnosis and treatment

The examination assumes:

  1. Laboratory analysis of blood and urine. Clinical and biochemical parameters are determined. Based on these, it is possible to confirm the presence of inflammation, intoxication, anemia, and pre-infarction condition.
  2. ECG. Allows you to determine the condition of the heart, its functional characteristics.
  3. Radiation imaging methods – simple and complex. The patient is sent for an X-ray examination, MRI, CT. The techniques allow us to identify inflammation, pinched nerves, degenerative changes in the vertebrae, narrowing or dilation of blood vessels. An important feature of diagnostic methods is the ability to detect a tumor and determine its size.

Additional diagnostic options depend on the doctor's assumption regarding the patient's diagnosis. The level of equipment of the clinic and its technical capabilities are also important.

Treatment of each condition, accompanied by headaches of various types, requires an individual approach. The doctor prepares treatment taking into account the nature of the underlying pathology, the general well-being of the patient, the presence of chronic diseases, age, and weight. The specialist prescribes the administration of the following groups of drugs:

  • Vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12). Aimed at restoring blood supply to tissues and strengthening the body's immune abilities. They can also prescribe vitamin complexes - Neurorubin, Neurobex.
  • Medicines aimed at increasing low blood pressure. These include Cordiamin, and sometimes Dexamethasone (4 mg) and Caffeine are prescribed.
  • Hypotonic agents (these include Dibazol, Papaverine, Magnesium sulfate). Normalize the level of pressure when it increases.
  • Diuretics. They reduce blood pressure by removing excess fluid from the body.
  • Chondroprotectors. Normalize the structure and condition of the cartilaginous part of the vertebrae. Prescribed for osteochondrosis, which is accompanied by headache.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Reduce pain, reduce the spectrum of inflammation. Voltaren, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac are prescribed.
  • Sumatriptan is prescribed for migraines. This is an effective drug that provides long-term pain relief to the patient if the attacks are severe and standard analgesics do not help.
  • For cephalgia caused by poisoning, detoxification therapy must be carried out. The patient is connected to an IV, saline solutions, glucose, and vitamins are administered. The stomach is first cleaned of pathological contents.
  • If headaches are a consequence of a neurological disorder, Cerebrolysin, Actovegin, L-lysine aescinate, and vitamin therapy help. Additionally – Sirdalud or Mydocalm. To quickly eliminate pain, administer Dexalgin or Ketanov, then go for diagnostics to find out the cause of your deteriorated health.
  • Cephalgia against the background of a tumor process is a debilitating phenomenon. Pain relief is carried out in a medical institution or by calling a doctor at home. Since the disease depletes the patient physically and psychologically, an injection of a narcotic analgesic is performed. Its action allows you to relieve pain and tension, relax, and get enough sleep.

During a headache attack, it is necessary to adhere to bed rest and increase water consumption. Especially if the condition is caused by intoxication or decreased blood pressure. 98% of the listed drugs are administered in a hospital, where the patient is hospitalized with the types of pathologies considered. The doctor monitors the condition, replaces or discontinues medications if necessary, and ensures the patient’s complete recovery.


It is difficult to prevent the development of certain pathologies, since there may be a genetic predisposition to them. These include migraine, hypertension, and problems with the condition of the spine. Prevention consists of following the following recommendations:

  1. Monitor your posture, maintain sleep hygiene, and when working at the computer, take periodic breaks to warm up.
  2. Normalize your diet, stop eating unhealthy foods and dishes. Monitor the quality of food, prevent the consumption of expired, low-quality products.
  3. Give up bad habits: the toxic effects of alcohol and nicotine are known.

You can avoid headaches by regularly visiting environmentally beneficial areas. It is equally important to alternate between work and rest. If you avoid hypothermia, you can protect yourself from pathologies such as neuritis and myositis. The patient needs to limit himself from nervous tension. If you cannot overcome stressful events on your own, it is advisable to consult a psychologist.

Cervical migraine (SPA)

The disease affects almost a third of the world's population, which indicates its prevalence. The pain syndrome indicates that the posterior and lateral parts of the brain suffer from a lack of oxygen due to a narrowing of the lumen of the vertebral artery. What factors influence the development of pathology?

  • congenital vertebral anomaly;
  • injuries;
  • atherosclerotic lesion of the vessel;
  • osteochondrosis and osteophyte;
  • muscle spasm.

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