Tikling. What is it and why is it used in BDSM?

The wonderful world of fetishes has long been replenished with another strange addiction. Its name is tikling. This word is derived from the English tickle, which means “tickling”. Can you guess what we're talking about? Namely, people get maximum sexual pleasure from being tickled by someone for a long time and skillfully.

Even in early childhood, we understand that tickling can quickly cause laughter and joyful emotions in a person. They even play with babies this way - they tickle their heels or armpits. This can bring a lot of positive emotions to all participants in the process.

However, as adults, people understand that tickling still brings them emotional release and, in specific circumstances, sexual satisfaction. It's great to achieve a real orgasm in such an entertaining way.

Habitual types of fetishism, such as increased passion for items of clothing or shoes, body parts, even painful sensations, as in BDSM practices, do not surprise anyone for a long time. But, you must admit, it’s quite strange that someone experiences such strong sensations from a simple tickle. Let's try to understand in detail the history of the fetish, its basic principles and even specialized accessories for the so-called BDSM tickling.

How does this happen

Yes, just like almost any other reflex! The nerve endings are stimulated and send an impulse to the brain, which makes us laugh. However, not everything is so simple, because this process simultaneously involves the part of the brain that determines whether this sensation is pleasant for the brain or not, and the area in the hypothalamus, where the automatic reaction to the threat comes from. It turns out in two ways, but at least it’s clear why we are afraid of tickling on a reflex level. But what causes the brain to react this way?

Reaction to tickling in adults and children

Why are children afraid of tickling, but most adults are not? With age, there is a gradual decrease in tactile sensitivity. Therefore, older people are less afraid of tickling, despite the fact that in childhood it brought a lot of emotions.

In fact, tickling is not something to be afraid of. You have to learn to enjoy it. Even people who have a low sensitivity threshold, in a relaxed state, can laugh when tickled. What could be better than laughter? It’s not for nothing that they say that laughter prolongs life.

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Author: Victoria Semernya


Despite all the scientific advances, researchers have still not come to a consensus regarding the causes of the sensation of tickling.

There is a version that the distant ancestors of humans reflexively reacted to small parasites on the skin, like, for example, a cat supposedly “twitches” its skin when something crawls there. So the person still has echoes of this property in such a deformed form. But there is a catch here too. Northern peoples react to tickling no worse than others, although there were no small parasites there in the first place.

Tickling was often used as an instrument of torture.

“A good mood generator” is what some researchers call tickling. Since a person is a social being who, in principle, cannot exist without his own kind, his body has a function where another person can stimulate the internal resources of the body, thereby ensuring better enrichment of the blood with useful substances and increasing resistance to both various diseases and to stress.

Tickling, according to the popular version, helps to establish an emotional connection between mother and child, which is one of the first forms of interaction.

If we remember monkeys again, researchers believe that they can express sympathy through tickling.

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Finding fame2

It was the Americans who first attracted the attention of the world community to the topic of tikling. In the early nineties, videos about ticklers began to be actively released on wide screens. Of course, no one explicitly and directly spoke about calls for such a method of sexual release. However, everything was already clear. In the video, the man was seen gently tickling a half-naked girl. His protégé burst into laughter and wriggled, and it immediately became clear that tickling was not just pleasant for her, but gave her great pleasure.

An unexpected fact - videos that captured tickling with the aim of pleasing a partner began to be released back in the sixties of the twentieth century. Then television was not so accessible, and it was also more strictly censored. The videos were recorded on cassettes, and then the materials were carefully put on the market, where they were purchased by those who liked tickling not only in the bedroom, but also on the screen.

What did these film masterpieces contain? Naturally, they were equated to pornographic products, because in the plot, experienced porn actresses tickled each other with feathers, hands, nails, and in the end everything was completed using completely traditional methods.

Russia has lagged behind the advanced states by a whole decade. In our country, people started talking about tikling only in 2001, when the very first forum dedicated to this topic appeared on the Internet. It was created by a certain user registered under the nickname Tickler. He began to develop the portal: translated texts from foreign sources, downloaded videos and photo materials from them, then uploaded them to his site.

Those who perfectly understand what we are talking about, as well as simply curious users who want to learn new things through the World Wide Web, began to flock there. As a result, the site began to be filled with materials supplied by domestic activists of the movement.

Fans of BDSM tickling organized the first mass gathering in 2005. A sufficient number of people of different ages and social status gathered on Manezhnaya Square near the monument to Marshal Zhukov.

And a year later there was a split. Some users chose tickler.ru as their main platform. The remaining users switched to the portal shekotka.ru. Today everything has returned to normal again. These two Internet platforms have established mutually beneficial cooperation.

Through the joint efforts of users and site administrations, content is filmed (both video and photos), accessories for an unusual hobby are sold, and part of the forum is actively populated, where people can ask questions, share experiences and post short articles on a topic that interests them in the field of tickling.

Tickler communities from other countries also joined the Russians: Israel, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and a number of other countries. Therefore, we can say with certainty that tikling is extremely popular.

In addition, here are some fascinating facts about the love of tikling among other nationalities.

  • Africans practice rougher tickling, which is due to the hard life of dark-skinned people. Passion and intemperance - these are precisely the qualities that do not allow them to relax and be gentle.
  • Indian wisdom and teachings carried over into tikling. Residents of India tend to play with their partner, changing the rhythm and intensity during tickling.
  • Discreet Eastern Europeans - the Chinese, the Japanese - love to use their feet as an object for tikling. They show passion with restraint and just as gently give pleasure to their partner, literally with one touch.
  • Arabs are hot guys. In addition, they are not short of ingenuity. It was among the Arab people that the concept of “a thousand fingers” originated. It refers to the process of tickling with hair.

How not to be afraid of tickling

“Resistance” to tickling can be developed by reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings. But such an effect is achievable through long-term training, as experts say. To do this, when you are tickled, try to relax your muscles as much as possible. It’s a little difficult, of course, but they say that over time the reaction to tickling will decrease. By the way, with age, nerve endings become less sensitive, and, therefore, tickling is easier to tolerate.

You can use a trick. Place your hand on top of the tickler's hand - this way your brain can begin to perceive the other person's touch as your own. This deceptive technique is used during an ultrasound procedure, which can also cause tickling.

Tickle theory

Currently, there are a number of explanations for the nature of tickling, but none is the main one. According to one hypothesis, tickling is a passive defensive reaction of the body, which humans inherited during evolution from animals of a lower class. It serves to quickly detect foreign harmful insects on the skin. At the same time, the main question about tickling remains unanswered: “Why does a person laugh when he is tickled?” Danger is fear. Laughter during fear is a rare phenomenon caused by a high level of nervous tension. In the case of tickling, laughter is the rule. In addition, many organisms have a more powerful defense system called “pain,” which signals tissue damage or the development of pathological processes. At the same time, the feeling of pain does not generate laughter.

At the same time, David Hartley, one of the founders of associative psychology, expressed the opinion that “laughter is incipient crying, suddenly interrupted. If the same surprise that makes little children laugh is increased a little, they will cry.” Tickling, he believed, causes laughter, because it is nothing more than “an instant pain and a sensation of pain, after which both instantly disappear, so that the appearance and disappearance of pain alternate”[3].

Moreover, if tickling was a defensive reaction, then in the course of evolution this sensation should have been lost among northern peoples due to the absence of dangerous insects in cold latitudes. However, to date there is no evidence that sensitivity to tickle depends on race [ source not specified 665 days


François Boucher, “A Dream Interrupted,” 1750
Another interesting feature of tickling is that it can be perceived as a pleasant sensation. Research by American scientists has shown that the mechanism by which people perceive tickling is similar to the sensation of pain, but with different external reactions and implementation. If pain causes torment, then in most children and some adults short tickling causes positive emotions [ source not specified 665 days


At the same time, in the middle of the 18th century, researcher J. Beattie called laughter from tickling “animal,” and laughter caused by psychological reasons “sentimental” (Beattie, 1779, pp. 303, 305). Adherents of this view believe that tickling, being a direct stimulation of the nervous system, has nothing to do with humor and that the laughter it produces is purely reflexive, something like the reflexive tears caused by onions.

The version about the protective function of tickling is also contradicted by the fact that the sensation of tickling very quickly disappears in those who are tickled. At the same time, the pain persists until the affected organ has completely recovered, and in some cases it is constantly present (chronic or phantom pain) [ source not specified 665 days


Thus, tickling is nothing more than a “side effect” in the complex structure of the nervous system of complex organisms, which occurs at the borderline between soft, affectionate touches and a stronger impact that causes pain. This is also confirmed by the fact that areas of increased sensitivity to tickling are located in places with the most delicate skin or which are the concentration of large nerve ganglia [ source not specified 665 days


Why can't you tickle yourself?

Photo: danielam/pixabay.com

it is impossible to tickle yourself . But why? The fact is that the body understands what exactly causes tickling and reacts to it accordingly. Therefore, when a person tries to tickle himself, and there is no threat from the outside, the cerebellum predicts his actions and suppresses alarm signals that are sent to other parts of the body.

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