FDA announces effective drug for Alzheimer's disease


Almost 50 million people suffer from dementia, 80% of whom have Alzheimer's disease. According to the forecasts of medical scientists, by the middle of the 21st century the number of patients will increase 3 times.

Alzheimer's disease is a serious disease, it destroys the brain and makes life difficult for the patient and his loved ones. If this disease occurred in people over 65 years of age, now the disease has become “younger”; it is diagnosed in 45-year-old patients.

Causes of the disease:

  • heredity;
  • protein accumulation occurred in the brain tissue and blood clots formed;
  • heavy metal poisoning;
  • head injuries;
  • diabetes;
  • lack of intellectual work and physical activity;
  • lack of nutrients in the body.

Proper nutrition for Alzheimer's disease is no less important than drug treatment. With the help of a well-designed menu, you can improve memory and restore brain activity.

Disease Information

Alzheimer's disease gets its name from the German psychiatrist who first described its symptoms in 1901. Moreover, the first mentions of the loss of reason were found in ancient treatises. Currently, there are three theories of the development of the disease:

  • cholinergic: degeneration is associated with a decrease in the synthesis of acetylcholine, which is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • amyloid: disruption of the nervous system occurs against the background of deposition of pathological amyloid protein;
  • tau hypothesis: the development of the disease is provoked by a change in the structure of the tau protein, which is responsible for the proper functioning of neurons.

To date, the most likely theory for the development of Alzheimer's disease is amyloid, but research is ongoing.

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Herbal tonics

It is possible to prepare tonics yourself at home, which contain only natural herbal ingredients. Highly effective recipes are:

  1. Hawthorn infusion. To obtain a healing composition, take the herb flowers and pour a cup of hot water over them. Leave the drug for half an hour, then use 3 times a day. This remedy also corrects blood pressure.
  2. Ginseng. Take the root of the plant and combine it with lemongrass fruits in the same ratio. Pour 10 g of the mixture into a liter of hot water and place on low heat. After 15 minutes, therapy can begin. Drink in small sips 24 hours before.
  3. The root of withania. Combine 10 grams of root with 0.3 liters of hot water and put on fire. After 10 minutes, consume the resulting drink in full. Repeat the session on the same day after some time.

Such simple recipes will alleviate the patient’s condition, calm the nervous system, general well-being and improve mood.

The use of tonic drugs should be agreed with the attending physician, since most plants have a large number of contraindications.


The exact causes of Alzheimer's disease have not yet been clarified. It has been proven that the risk of disease increases significantly:

  • with a hereditary predisposition (the disease has been proven to be associated with certain gene mutations);
  • for acute and chronic disorders of the blood supply to the brain (stroke, transient ischemic attacks, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, etc.);
  • against the background of concussions or brain contusions;
  • for benign and malignant brain tumors;
  • in people suffering from depression, as well as those who have suffered severe psychological trauma;
  • against the background of bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse), as well as acute or chronic intoxication;
  • with low intellectual activity throughout life.

Age is one of the main predisposing factors: the older the person, the higher the risk of developing pathology. In addition, women get sick more often than men.

Cramps and acid deficiency in the body

With pathology, people are often bothered by cramps and muscle pain. It is not necessary to take medications, since the condition can be overcome with the help of grandma’s recipes. You will need to make a decoction with cinquefoil, hemlock and Echinops fruits. Drink the resulting composition in equal parts throughout the day.

Baths with dry fern leaves have a good effect when dealing with problems. To do this, fill a bath with warm water and add a cup of dried leaves. Take up to 20 minutes.

With the advent of maturity, a deficiency of acids also occurs in the body, which are essential for stabilizing normal life. It is possible to fill the deficit with the help of a product prepared from spruce branches. The branches must be finely chopped and placed in a three-liter container. Fill with the required amount of spring liquid. Add a third cup of granulated sugar and a small spoon of sour cream. Place the container in a darkened room to infuse for 21 days.

Stages and symptoms

Alzheimer's disease has a long course. It develops gradually and practically does not manifest itself for a long time. As pathological changes increase, symptoms become more noticeable. Doctors distinguish four stages of development of the disease, each of which has its own symptoms.


This is the initial stage of Alzheimer's disease, characterized by mild symptoms. Most of them can only be identified through special testing. Over time, the patient and his relatives note:

  • deterioration of short-term memory: a person poorly remembers events that happened the day before, while older facts are reproduced perfectly;
  • problems with acquiring new knowledge and skills;
  • decreased ability to concentrate work;
  • difficulty remembering individual words, which does not cause significant discomfort during a conversation;
  • general slowness of speech;
  • slight deterioration in motor coordination.

Simultaneously with cognitive impairment, apathy begins to develop, which accompanies a person at all stages of Alzheimer's disease.

Since the symptoms are mild, most people are in no hurry to see a doctor, attributing problems to the natural aging process. The stage lasts 7-8 years.

Early dementia

At this stage, short-term memory disorders become clearly visible, and it becomes impossible to attribute them to normal aging. At the same time, the person perfectly remembers events from his youth, any learned facts, and applies old skills. Many patients also develop:

  • apraxia: a disorder in performing sequential actions, for example, unbuttoning and fastening buttons, sewing, drawing, etc.;
  • agnosia: impaired recognition of objects, can be visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory or sensitive (tactile), as well as total;
  • speech disorders: decreased tempo, poor vocabulary, problems expressing specific thoughts.

The patient can perform simple self-care actions, but complex tasks are no longer possible for him.

Moderate dementia

At this stage of Alzheimer's disease, the patient loses the ability to live independently. He has:

  • pronounced agnosia and apraxia;
  • paraphasia: speech becomes meaningless because the person chooses words incorrectly;
  • dysgraphia and dyslexia: loss of writing and reading skills.

As a result, a person stops performing daily tasks: eating, hygiene procedures, changing clothes. Memory disorders continue to progress, the patient does not remember and does not even recognize close people. Psychiatric symptoms develop:

  • emotional instability;
  • aggressiveness or tearfulness;
  • refusal to accept help;
  • vagrancy;
  • rave.

The patient at this stage requires constant supervision from relatives, since he may cause harm to himself or others.

Severe dementia

The last stage of Alzheimer's disease inevitably turns a person into a helpless disabled person:

  • speech ceases to be coherent, the patient communicates in separate words or short phrases;
  • severe apathy develops, at times turning into aggression;
  • the ability to perform simple actions is lost;
  • control over physiological functions disappears.

Ultimately, the person becomes bedridden, resulting in loss of muscle mass, pneumonia, and bedsores.


Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and determination of its stage are carried out by doctors from the Neurology Department and psychiatrists. The set of examinations includes:

  • survey and collection of complaints;
  • studying the history of the disease (when the first problems appeared, how quickly they grew, etc.);
  • assessment of life history: previous and existing diseases, injuries, hereditary factors;
  • detailed neurological examination;
  • laboratory diagnostics: general blood and urine analysis;
  • biochemical blood test: glucose level, lipid spectrum, coagulation indicators, etc.;
  • examination of cerebrospinal fluid to detect beta-amyloid (one of the specific signs of Alzheimer's disease);
  • instrumental diagnostics:
  • CT or MRI of the brain (allows you to identify specific changes);
  • positron emission tomography (PET) to assess the level of tissue metabolism (makes it possible to identify the problem in the early stages of development);
  • Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and brain (detects narrowings, blood clots, atherosclerotic plaques);
  • ECG, ultrasound of the heart to assess its functioning.
  • One of the main methods for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease is neuropsychological tests to assess cognitive impairment:

    • name the objects shown in the picture;
    • remember 5 unrelated words, repeat them immediately and after 3 minutes;
    • distribute words into categories (food, animals, furniture, etc.);
    • perform simple arithmetic operations;
    • draw a clock showing a specific time;
    • draw a picture or write a sentence from dictation.

    If necessary, additional consultations and examinations are prescribed.

    Treatment of Alzheimer's disease

    Treatment is aimed at slowing the progression of the pathology. Doctors use drugs from various groups to improve the functioning of the central nervous system and relieve the main symptoms:

    • anticholinesterase drugs aimed at improving memory (donepezil, reminil and others);
    • memantine, which slows the progression of dystrophy and reduces the severity of symptoms (the only drug approved by WHO for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease);
    • drugs to improve metabolism in brain cells (mexidol, vinpocetine, pentoxifylline);
    • nootropics (Cerebrolysin, Actovegin) to stimulate the formation of additional connections between nerve cells;
    • symptomatic drugs: antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics, etc.

    The combination of drugs, their dosage, frequency and duration of administration is selected by the doctor on an individual basis. Often, the drug regimen is adjusted during treatment to achieve an optimal result with a minimum number of side effects.

    Various psychotherapeutic techniques are used as a complement to drug treatment. They help reduce aggression and anxiety, improve the quality of thinking and stimulate memory. A good effect is provided by:

    • art therapy: improves the emotional state of the patient, reduces the level of anxiety and depression, reduces aggression;
    • sensory room activities and sensory integration;
    • reminiscence therapy (used for severe dementia, helps to set the patient in a positive mood).

    Simultaneously with the therapy, relatives are trained in the rules of behavior with the patient and caring for him. To maintain a stable patient's condition it is necessary:

    • organize a clear and unchanging daily routine;
    • try to maintain a person’s autonomy and independence;
    • do not discuss medical problems among themselves in the presence of the patient;
    • maintain a friendly atmosphere in the family;
    • avoid conflicts and disputes.

    If necessary, family members also work with a psychologist, since constant communication with the patient requires significant mental stress.

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    Alzheimer's appears to be curable when treatment is started early and cognitive impairment gradually resolves.
    The patient feels well, is aware of what is happening, and is able to cope with simple arithmetic and logical tasks. However, the stages gradually flow into subsequent ones. After undergoing a full medical examination for dementia, the patient is given clinical recommendations for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. All cases diagnosed at any stage of the disease are subject to therapy. The sooner pathogenetic treatment is started, the greater the likelihood of stopping the activity of the process. Dominant drug groups

    Group affiliationName
    Cholinesterase inhibitorsDonepezil, Galantamine, Rivastigmine.
    NMDA antagonistMemantine.
    Beta-secretase inhibitorVerubecestat
    • neuroleptics;
    • amino acids;
    • cerebral circulation correctors.
    Chlorprothixene, Haloperidol, Pipotiazine.
    Aminosol, Aminoplasmal, Infezol.
    Vinpocetine, Phezam, Noopept.

    Cases of cure for Alzheimer's disease are still unknown, not a single study with an optimistic ending has been documented. World scientists are trying to develop a universal treatment regimen and have high hopes for the use of stem cells.

    Cholinesterase inhibitors

    Regulatory agencies and the World Health Organization have approved 3 drugs related to cholinesterase blockers. It is not possible to cure Alzheimer's disease with medications, but it is possible to influence the pathological links in its formation. Cholinergic synapses are contacts between brain cells. The excitation impulse is transmitted thanks to a special substance acetylcholine. An enzyme that can destroy acetylcholine is called cholinesterase. Due to the biochemical characteristics of nerve impulse transmission, cholinesterase inhibitors are aimed at reducing the activity of cholinergic neurons and opposing the destruction of acetylcholine. Cholinesterase blockers:

    1. Donepezil is effective for all types of dementia, especially often prescribed for severe stages. Combined with other drugs, such as Memantine, Haloperidol. Studies have shown that a single dose of 5 mg reduces enzyme activity by 64%. Treatment helps restore daytime activity, relieve apathy, Kandinsky-Clerambault symptom (mindless repetitive movements). It turns out to effectively treat Alzheimer's disease in elderly and young people with an initial dosage of 5 mg, which can be increased to 10 mg once a day. The tablet is taken orally, washed down with plenty of water.
    2. Galantamine (Nivalin) – improves neuromuscular conduction, enhances the processes of excitation of brain neurons. Resists motor and sensory disorders. Restores cerebral circulation. Treatment of Alzheimer's disease at an early stage with Galantamine in adults begins with a dose of 2.5 mg (2.5 ml - 1% solution), administered 1-2 times a day intramuscularly or intravenously.
    3. Rivastigmine – promotes impulse transmission at the cholinergic synapse. Treatment reduces the manifestations of cognitive dysfunction (memory, speech, thinking). Preferred at an early and moderate stage in persons with presenile Alzheimer's dementia (up to 60 years). Available in the form of capsules of 1.5 mg each. Recommended for use: 2 capsules per day.

    In addition to basic funds, new drugs have been allocated for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Tacrine was widely used as an effective cholinesterase inhibitor, but over time, a side effect was found - hepatotoxicity, and therefore its use was prohibited in the United States. Hupercin has been submitted for research and has the necessary mechanism of action, but there is not enough evidence base for mass use.

    NMDA antagonist

    Neurological doctors are trying to stop Alzheimer's disease with Memantine. The drug has proven itself in moderate and severe Alzheimer's dementia. The brain contains a substance called glutamate, which is involved in the functioning of nerve cells. It has been proven that excessive accumulation of the component leads to the activation of glutamate receptors, which contributes to the destruction and death of neurocytes. On the pharmacological market there are new drugs with similar composition for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease:

    • Memantinol;
    • Marux;
    • Meme;
    • Noogeron;
    • Abixa.

    Memantine is distinguished by its selective blocking of glutamate receptors (NMDA). Regular use contributes to a mild course of the disease in case of speech disorders, problems with memory and information analysis. Slows down the rapid onset of dementia. The average daily dosage for an adult is 10-20 mg. It is prescribed orally with an initial dose of 5 mg per day.

    Important! At the time of use, it is advisable to refrain from driving vehicles and operating machinery that requires reaction speed.

    Beta-secretase inhibitor

    New in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease is a beta-secretase blocking drug, Verubecestat. Until 2021, scientific research was actively conducted involving 1,800 patients with moderate to severe stages of the disease. In 2021, the largest companies Merck and Pfizer announced the insolvency of a drug with low effectiveness. It has been established that the level of beta-amyloid decreases by only 2-4%, which is not enough for successful therapy. It is planned to develop and treat Alzheimer's disease with drugs containing the active substance Verubecestat, but in a different biochemical form. 1600 patients of the older age group (over 60 years) are being studied. Publication of the names of the medications and the results obtained is expected by 2024.

    Symptomatic drugs

    In addition to targeted pathogenetic therapy, Alzheimer's is treated with auxiliary agents that can improve the functioning of internal organs, increase blood flow and the flow of nutrients to the brain. Correctors of cerebral circulation include:

    1. Nimodipine (Nimotop) – calcium channels are selectively blocked, affecting mainly the blood vessels of the brain. The tone of the walls of the blood vessel is removed. Has antimigraine activity. Taken in the form of tablets of 30 mg three times a day.
    2. Cinnarizine (Stugezin) - the tone of the arterioles decreases, the blood vessels of the brain dilate, while the numbers of systolic and diastolic blood pressure remain unchanged. Daily dose – 1 tablet (25 mg) three times a day.
    3. Vinpocetine (Cavinton) – selectively increases cerebral blood flow and metabolism. The state of oxygen deficiency - hypoxia - is eliminated. The tablet is taken orally after meals, the frequency is 2-3 times/day.
    4. Nicergoline (Sermion) – due to the expansion of blood vessels, blood circulation increases. The process of blood clot formation is inhibited. Helps increase the concentration of glucose and oxygen. Improves glutamate reuptake. Take 1 tablet (5 mg or 10 mg) three times a day.
    5. Xanthinolanicotinate - has the effect of peripheral vasodilation, eliminates cerebral hypoxia. It is administered intravenously slowly in a dose of 2 ml (300 mg) twice a day.

    Antipsychotics or antipsychotics are indicated for aggressive behavior, hallucinatory changes, psychotic agitation, and thought disorders. Psychotherapists recommend treating Alzheimer's disease with occasional use of psychotropic medications. Studies have found that regular use leads to an increased mortality rate. The most effective are:

    • Haloperidol;
    • Cariprazine;
    • Tiapride;
    • Chlorprothixene.

    The Alzheimer's treatment regimen includes amino acids for parenteral administration. Indicated for malnutrition and lack of plastic material for body cells. Most often prescribed in the treatment of moderate to severe dementia. Pharmacological action is aimed at maintaining metabolic balance (homeostasis) and the function of vital organs. Parenteral nutrition must be balanced in terms of the amount of nutrients, vitamins, macro- and microelements. Currently, there are a number of products containing essential and non-essential amino acids. Standard amino acid solutions

    NameFeatures of action and dose
    Infezol 100Replenishes the deficiency of amino acids, carbohydrates and electrolytes. Promotes plastic processes with the synthesis of enzymes (protein). It is administered intravenously at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of body weight per hour.
    Aminoplasmal E 10%Provides amino acids when oral or enteral nutrition is not possible. The average dose is 10-20 ml per 1 kg of patient body weight.
    Aminosol 800Refers to intensive treatment medications, corrects mild and moderate protein deficiency. The combination of enzymes, amino acids and vitamins helps improve overall well-being. The dosage for an adult is 30 ml per 1 kg of weight per day.

    Methods for treating Alzheimer's disease at home come down to regularly taking tablets. Parenteral administration of drugs is possible only in the presence of a qualified nurse or paramedic. Typically, patients with dementia are hospitalized in a neurological hospital to restore metabolic processes.


    A set of measures to prevent Alzheimer's disease is relevant for all people. It reduces the risk of developing the disease in healthy people and reduces the rate of its progression in patients. Doctors recommend:

    • observe the work and rest schedule, avoid chronic stress and overwork;
    • avoid physical inactivity, regularly give the body moderate physical activity (hiking, swimming, cycling);
    • Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking;
    • keep blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol levels under control;
    • eat right: the diet should contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as microelements; It is advisable that the menu regularly include fatty sea fish, olives and olive oil, whole grain bread, nuts, spinach, and fruits;
    • provide a load for the brain: solve crosswords, learn poetry, read classical literature, play chess, etc.;
    • be regularly examined by a doctor.

    What to consider when planning a diet

    1. The influence of foods on hematopoiesis. To improve this indicator, omega-3 fatty acids are included in the diet, i.e. fish oil, sea fish and walnuts. It is good to use flaxseed or olive oil.
    2. High content of antioxidants in consumed foods. With age, the human body produces less and less of them. Honey, celery, grapes and turmeric will help replenish the missing substances.
    3. The ability of products to influence the renewal of nerve cells. This means that the diet should contain foods high in amino acids. There are many of them in fresh vegetables, herbs and milk.
    4. The saturation of food products with substances necessary for mental processes, namely choline acetylase and acetylcholine. Egg yolk and peanuts can compensate for their deficiency.
    5. Inclusion in the diet of foods that support intestinal microflora. These are fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables high in fiber, yeast and liver.

    The diet followed by Mediterranean residents is considered the most effective for maintaining the tone of the nervous system.

    As with any diet, there are certain restrictions in the diet for Alzheimer's disease:

    • foods high in carbohydrates and fats are not recommended;
    • limited consumption of spicy seasonings, sugar and baked goods.

    Alzheimer's disease requires strict adherence to the drinking regime, the minimum daily intake is 2.5 liters of water. You can replenish the lack of fluid:

    • tea (black and green);
    • freshly squeezed juices;
    • mineral water without gas.

    Alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks are absolutely excluded. The regime should be structured in such a way that food intake occurs in small portions. If the sick person has difficulty chewing and swallowing, the food is served mashed and pureed.

    Treatment at the Energy of Health clinic

    If your relative begins to suffer from memory impairment, do not blame everything on age. Doctors at the Health Energy clinic will evaluate his condition and conduct all the necessary examinations to identify signs of Alzheimer's disease. Modern treatment methods are at your service:

    • drug therapy in accordance with WHO recommendations and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body;
    • work with a psychologist and psychotherapist;
    • treatment of concomitant diseases;
    • training relatives in the rules of caring for the sick;
    • comprehensive recommendations on preventive measures, nutritional and lifestyle corrections;
    • organization of consultations with foreign specialists and sanatorium-resort treatment if indicated.

    Contraindicated products

    If you are sick, you should not eat red meat with a lot of fat. Any fried food is contraindicated as a source of toxic trans fats. A person suffering from dementia should avoid cheeses, cream and sour cream. It is important to exclude butter from your diet. These foods contain high concentrations of saturated fat.

    Do not give confectionery to patients with Alzheimer's disease. Pastries and white bread are contraindicated. Strong alcohol is strictly prohibited.

    Advantages of the clinic

    The modern multidisciplinary medical facility is equipped in accordance with international standards. We offer each patient:

    • screening and targeted diagnostic programs to assess health status and identify hidden pathologies;
    • detailed diagnostics in accordance with complaints;
    • consultations with qualified specialists;
    • modern treatment methods, including drug therapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy and massage;
    • help from psychotherapists;
    • organization of sanatorium-resort treatment;
    • own day hospital for course treatment.

    Don't wait until Alzheimer's changes the lives of everyone in your family. Sign up for the Energy of Health clinic for diagnosis and selection of treatment at the first alarming signs, or come to check-up screening programs.

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