6 reasons why a man ignores the woman he likes

Drama in relationships is the dream of teenagers and those raised by romance novels. An ordinary person wants stability and tranquility. That is why the question of why a man ignores the woman he likes must be resolved as quickly as possible. But to do this, you need to establish the true reasons for the cold behavior on the part of a nice guy.

Psychology and reasons

Male psychology should be given due attention. If a guy ignores, this does not mean that the girl is indifferent to him and he does not have any feelings for her. There are situations when a man simply hides his sympathy in order to avoid making the situation worse.

Psychology cannot say for sure why a man ignores the woman he likes. There are many reasons for this behavior:

  • There is another girl. Men, being in a relationship, can stare at other girls without taking any action. This is normal psychological behavior and nothing can be done about it. If a man ignores him for this reason, his behavior is completely justified. You shouldn’t try to change the situation on your own by destroying someone’s relationship. If a young man sees that a woman reciprocates his feelings, then a large-scale disregard may arise so as not to deceive her expectations.
  • Serious relationships are not for him. Short-term romances are interesting to many guys. As soon as the relationship moves to a more serious level, the man tries to pointedly ignore the woman and quickly evaporate so that she will quickly leave him alone.
  • Afraid of rejection. Insecure men are afraid of rejection, so they prefer to ignore the women they like. Any contacts with a mistress become timid, the partner is constantly afraid of being rejected.
  • Feelings have cooled down. The worst thing that can happen. Just yesterday the man was polite, caring, courteous, but today he avoids meeting. If a guy even ignores messages, think about why this is happening. He may no longer have the same feelings he had a few weeks or months ago.
  • Behavior strategy. Many men believe that if you ignore a woman, be cold and cruel with her, then this will only intrigue her, make her fall in love and become attached to you.
  • Loss of interest. When a woman pays a lot of attention to a man, he gradually begins to move away and becomes cold. If you want to avoid such manifestations, let your partner feel like a hunter, give him the opportunity to pursue you.
  • Unsuccessful past relationships. Guys, having bitter experience, rarely agree to a serious relationship, especially if not enough time has passed since the moment of disappointment. When a man ignores him in the first stages of a relationship for no apparent reason, you just need to talk to him and understand what happened.

A man ignoring a woman occurs in 40% of relationships; this is due to the unstable male psyche.

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For some partners, this behavior is appropriate; it allows you to force the young lady to reconsider her behavior and begin to treat her partner more respectfully.

Excessive timidity

Psychologists often have to answer why a guy ignores a girl he really likes, why he hides his feelings. Statistics show that every third man lacks self-confidence. Excessive timidity limits his ability to talk about his feelings, show them in practice and show interest in the girl.

Women often ask how to behave if a man ignores you, how to justify his behavior so as not to ruin the relationship. Here you need to try to interest him in communication as much as possible, show charisma when meeting, and observe his reaction. The eyes never hide feelings, so look for the truth in them.

Attracts attention

The stupidity of some men forces them to attract women's attention by ignoring them. Men are males by nature, predators, they want the world to revolve around them, young ladies pay as much attention to them as possible, take an interest in their lives. The more inattention a girl receives, the more she becomes attached to the guy.

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Have a permanent girlfriend or wife

Flirting for a man is a non-binding behavior. If a girl feels a flow of positive energy from a guy, but he doesn’t take steps to get closer, it means he already has a loved one.

Here a man's feelings are stronger than your charm. There is no need to build false hopes, wait for the first steps from your partner, or take unjustified risks by speaking directly about your feelings. Just react positively to the situation, avoid intrusiveness and continue casual communication.


When a man simply does not understand what a woman feels towards him, it is his lack of experience that is to blame. Now the situation is taken as a constant when a guy understands hints, but does not react to them. Such a reaction may be due to unpreparedness or unwillingness to start any relationship:

  • Perhaps the lady is in too much of a hurry with her desires. A nice young man may not be responsible. He seems to be ready for sex, but not for courtship and living together.
  • The girl didn’t even give me the opportunity to make my own decision. Excessive pressure can be unpleasant, and therefore the response will be silence.
  • A young man just needs time to weigh the pros and cons. Especially “fast-thinking” individuals sometimes need a lot of time.

Determined women sometimes “go a little overboard” in their attempts to demonstrate their sympathy to the opposite sex, which makes the young man feel insecure. No, you can (and sometimes need to) take the first step, but here it is important to properly dose your initiative and observe the response.

Sudden neglect and its reasons

Guys' behavior is sometimes unpredictable, it can drive girls crazy

and make them think about what is happening. A long-term relationship is not a reason to think that feelings will last forever. Some women often wonder whether a man can love and at the same time ignore for some reason.

Situations when a guy ignores a girl are quite common; the reasons for this behavior can be different:

  • resentment;
  • another love;
  • reluctance to continue the relationship;
  • fear of serious actions;
  • the girl is not worthy to be near him;
  • expecting initiative from the girl;
  • cooling of feelings.

In such situations, many girls think what to do if a guy constantly ignores whether this could indicate the end of the relationship. There is no need to do anything, since this situation may not be standard. If you care about a guy, give him time to figure everything out and understand how to behave.


Men avoid obsessive ladies

, and they, in turn, love to control everything. If you constantly call, bombard with messages, try to fill all his time with yourself, then the person will most likely want to take a break in the relationship. The more you make contact, the more he will move away.

Remember, even if people love each other, they don't have to be close to each other every minute. Women who have no interests of their own get bored very quickly

. Mind your own business, plan your leisure time without the participation of a fan and you will see that his ignore will disappear.

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Mistakes in female behavior

Feeling ignored by their partner, girls do not know how to behave in this situation, what to do to save the relationship. In a fit of anger, disappointment or resentment, women can make mistakes that sometimes become fatal for them:

  • the girl completely dissolves in her partner, lives only for him, forgetting about her interests;
  • Indecent behavior of a guy is a common thing for a girl, the main thing is that he feels good;
  • constant control of the partner, interference in his personal affairs, advice that is inappropriate in the current situation.

The reason why a man constantly defiantly ignores a woman may be her wrong behavior. First you need to understand yourself and only then blame your chosen one. If you don't understand what turns him off, ask directly. Sometimes it is better to put yourself in an uncomfortable position than to suffer for a long time from being ignored by a man.

READ How to keep a man: a guide for a woman madly in love

Other girl

Men are not always honest. A woman, after clear hints of sympathy or even a couple of dates, waits for the relationship to continue, and the ignoble gentleman simply disappears.

Often the reason for this is the presence of a permanent partner in his life .

And flirting is flirting, but not everyone decides to cheat on his wife, and when the relationship goes far, the man withdraws himself.

If you did not know in advance about the presence of a spouse, then it is impossible to avoid such a development of events.

If you are being ignored, try to find out about the marital status of your boyfriend and, if the presence of a wife is confirmed, forget about him like a bad dream.

What to do and how to attract male attention

Finding themselves in an unpleasant situation, many girls wonder what to do if their husband ignores them, and how to avoid further deterioration of the relationship. First you need to calm down, focus on the situation, understand what happened.

If a husband deliberately ignores his wife, but at the same time loves her, then the problem is of psychological origin and a specialist will help to understand it. If a partner refuses to go to a psychologist, says that he is not ignoring him at all, but is exhibiting normal behavior, you need to understand how to do the right thing.

The following techniques can be used to improve relationships:

  1. If your behavior is to blame, ask for forgiveness. Women sometimes themselves provoke the appearance of ignorance on the part of their partner. By repenting and convincing your husband that this will not happen again, you can quickly improve your relationship.
  2. Switch, move away from the situation. Try not to get hung up on what is happening, avoid negativity in the relationship and then the guy will become less ignorant. The psychology of male representatives is designed in such a way that a change in a woman’s behavior forces them to reconsider their behavior.
  3. Straight Talk. Many people don’t know why a guy avoids communicating with a girl, what caused this behavior. To understand everything, you just need to talk to him. There is nothing more effective than a frank conversation to resolve all issues. Ask the guy specific questions, if he answers them sincerely, then nothing bad is happening.
  4. Give the man time to figure everything out. Sometimes guys get confused in relationships, they want to look at the world differently, feel new emotions. If he begins to close himself off and stop communicating, you need to react gently to such a man’s ignoring. Scandals and grievances will only worsen the current situation.

Manipulations to regain a man’s attention must be decisive and careful. Remember that no guy likes excessive attention to himself, it only pushes him away.

Inequality in relationships

Often the reason why a loved one, a colleague at work or an acquaintance ignores is social inequality. At the initial stages of falling in love, such a concept does not exist; feelings arise through close communication, but later they can change greatly.

The reasons for this situation may be the following:

  1. The man is educated and smart, and the woman has a secondary education and does not work in her specialty. For many, it is important to have an equally confident and independent young lady nearby. If there is a completely different person nearby, sooner or later this may provoke a conflict or manifestation of ignorance.
  2. A man is unable to “pull” the girl’s demands. Guys with average incomes sometimes meet girls who have high demands on life. In order not to seem greedy, the partner simply ignores the girl.
  3. The girl's bitchy character. For guys, he is extremely undesirable; they try to avoid such young ladies. If you have high demands, you are a capricious and nervous girl, any man will leave you sooner or later.
  4. "Skeletons in the closet." Sometimes, when starting a relationship with another girl, a man hides the fact that he has a family. After a while, the unfaithful husband repents of his betrayal, but it is difficult for him to admit to his mistress that he has nothing more to offer her. To preserve her psychological health, he simply begins to ignore her, not answer calls, and avoid meetings. Sooner or later the situation itself will put everything in its place.

Relationships need to be constantly worked on. If one of the partners begins to ignore, behave rudely and incomprehensibly, it is worth understanding the reasons for what is happening.

The guy doesn't want to take responsibility

If not to say “shifting” responsibility onto the woman.
The man wants you to take full responsibility for the development of the relationship and become a leader. He wants the girl to pave the way along which everything will develop. He can usually do this for two reasons:

  1. Familiar behavior pattern.
    As a rule, his parents accepted that the woman was the head of the house. And he unconsciously, without malicious intent, seeks to repeat their behavior.
  2. Your actions.
    No matter how paradoxical it may sound, you may be the reason. Your overly active behavior can also give rise to indecisiveness in him.

Each time you interrupt his impulses, you can bring the relationship to the point of absurdity and make the man lethargic and passive. A classic example is when a woman takes things by storm, starting to crush her with messages and calls. Even then he gets used to the fact that you do everything for him, and does not strive to lead you forward. This arrangement is unfavorable for you, because only you will promote communication, and he will sadly trail behind.

A loving husband ignores his wife: reasons

Sometimes a man just likes to ignore his wife from time to time to increase her interest in him. This is what abusive husbands do who put only their personal desires first. While married, spouses may avoid communication even with their beloved wives. There are reasons for this:

  1. Offended by his wife, the husband gives her time for her to repent and apologize.
  2. The strategy of a man who wants to improve a relationship is to make a woman afraid of losing him once and for all.
  3. An affair on the side, which the partner is afraid to say directly to his face.
  4. Ordinary relationships, the desire of the spouse to diversify them, adding a little scandals and intrigue.
  5. Cooling of feelings for the other half. After years of relationship, a husband may notice that he no longer feels the attraction to his wife that he did several years ago.

Such manipulations can be carried out by men in relation to their beloved wives, without thinking that their behavior can cause pain and cause discord in the family.

Not ready to be first

This also includes the fear of being rejected in one’s advances, especially if the “gentleman” is deeply in love. So, wondering why a man still ignores the woman he loves, do not rule out that he is simply afraid of being rejected. Fearfulness may also underlie passivity. What if you are faced with a type who prefers to be led, someone who cannot take the initiative? In this situation, the answer to the question of why a man avoids the woman he likes will be sad - because he wants her to play ahead.

I want and inject

Men tend to doubt their actions and may become irritated by a lack of understanding. Ignoring your partner is a great way to make sure that the young lady is not indifferent to the guy.

Psychologists say that only insecure individuals who are afraid of seeming stupid and directly telling their partner about their feelings can resort to ignoring. If you meet a timid guy who treats you well today and stops paying attention to you tomorrow, it means he has a disturbed psyche. This can be called a kind of defensive reaction, allowing him to hide his feelings for the girl.

How to avoid being ignored by a man

Often girls are the culprits of such male behavior. To avoid such a situation, you must remember the following rules:

  1. You should always be open and honest with your partner.
  2. You should not show your chosen one the negative sides of your character.
  3. Try to avoid scandals, quarrels, misunderstandings in relationships, because this will further aggravate the situation.

If a relationship is built on love and mutual understanding, there is no room for neglect. Try to understand the feelings and desires of your chosen one in order to make your life together cloudless.

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