Calm your nerves and remove irritability - 18 best folk recipes


The intense rhythm of life leaves a serious imprint on our nervous system. Nervous tension over a long period of time leads to a number of diseases. The death of brain cells and neurons leads to decreased performance, constant fatigue, and contributes to the appearance of excessive temper and aggressiveness. There are many ways to escape depression on your own or with the help of medications. Let's look at the most common ways to strengthen the central nervous system and a list of the best drugs for stress and nerves.

The drug "Actovegin" increases the brain's resistance to stress

The essence and goals of treatment

Chronic fatigue and irritability do not appear out of the blue. It will take a long time before the body's strength is depleted. It's all about the protective reactions of the human body, which have been formed over centuries; a person could not survive in the absence of self-preservation instincts, manifested by flight or aggression. In the modern world, there is practically no need to attack your own kind with fists in order to defend yourself or achieve your goal. But the principle of operation of our nervous system in any threatening situation remains the same: the body is brought into full combat readiness, activating the activity of all systems and organs. When under stress, he works his ass off, trying to adapt to the situation.

At some point, resources become exhausted. The central nervous system begins to work more slowly, which leads to a decrease in the body's protective functions. Treatment in each individual case will be different. It depends on the degree of manifestation of post-stress syndrome and includes a number of measures that together can give a good result.

  1. Relaxing treatments.
  2. Moderate physical activity.
  3. Adjustment of diet and rest.
  4. Medicines.
  5. Phytotherapy.
  6. Meditation exercises.
  7. Psychological work.

If you notice symptoms of psychosis

If you or your loved ones notice symptoms of psychosis, then you should quickly seek help from a psychiatrist at your place of residence at the PND (neuropsychiatric dispensary) or in a private clinic where a psychiatrist sees you. It is important to do this as early as possible so that the painful condition does not have time to affect work, study and your relationships with others.

Frequent or prolonged symptoms of psychosis mean that something serious is happening to a person's brain. In addition, problems in thinking and perceiving the world can have a major impact on a person's life, relationships, school or career. The longer the problems continue, the more serious the consequences will be, and the more they will affect that person's future. Early intervention is the best way to prevent future problems. Effective treatment can make a huge difference to a speedy recovery.

Home therapy without the use of medications

Every person should know how to cope with stress and depression on their own. Engage in deep psychoanalysis. Examine your behavior and life problems from all sides. Imagine yourself as an impartial spectator. Most often, people create problems out of nowhere, forgetting about the most important things. Draw a line between home and work. Failure to distinguish between these areas of life is the main cause of stress. Give yourself the opportunity to relax at home: while doing routine work, do not think about problems at work.

Let your boss and employees know that when you have a day off, there is no need to disturb you. Turn off your phone if necessary. After all, you are not a slave and have the right to rest.

Physical exercise

Make time for exercise. Twenty-minute workouts 3 times a week will quickly calm your nerves. A person must relieve negative emotions and tension, get rid of anger. As the load on the muscles increases, the brain concentrates on only one task. Over time, you will notice that the thoughts that haunt you disappear on their own.

During exercise, endorphins are produced in the brain, which help restore nerve cells. Physical activity is eustress, a shake-up that allows you to redirect energy in the right direction.

Exercising three times a week is a great way to relieve stress.

Water treatments

A contrast shower helps restore nerves and psyche. This procedure perfectly strengthens the body. Another good remedy is relaxing baths. You can add sea salt, your favorite aromatic oil, and herbal infusions to your bathing water.

A relaxing bath is indicated for sleep disorders. The procedure also helps improve the structure of the skin and relieves muscle spasms.

Nutrition and water regime

Proper nutrition is the key to good health. The building materials of the nervous system are vitamins B, A, E, D, C and proteins. Give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables. Instead of potatoes, it is better to use cereals: buckwheat, wheat, spring, barley, oatmeal. Every person's diet should contain sufficient quantities of meat.

An important factor influencing the functioning of the central nervous system is the drinking regime. Man consists of 80% water. If there is a lack of fluid in the body, the kidneys or adrenal glands may fail, constant fatigue and sleep disturbances may occur.

Foods that help with stress

Exercises to calm your nerves

Breathing is a natural process for the body: proper breathing saves you from stress. Thoracic breathing, superficial, is responsible for the supply of oxygen to the body, but abdominal breathing is responsible for the processes inside the body. The “diaphragmatic breathing” technique sends a signal to the brain to “calm down” (the name of the technique characterizes the principle of its operation).

A preparatory exercise will help you calm down on your own when your nerves give out:

  • a person sits on a chair in a comfortable position,
  • eyes closed, right hand where the chest begins,
  • the person breathes in his own way (without sharp and deep exhalations),
  • the second hand is pressed to the stomach,
  • The assistant counts the number of breaths the patient takes in one minute.

If the exercise shows that the patient has predominant chest breathing, the hand on the sternum is raised more often, then its task is to establish abdominal breathing. To do this, you need to do a set of exercises: lying on the floor, a person presses his legs to his chest and his lower back to the floor. In a fixed position, you need to slowly inhale and exhale air.

A breath-holding exercise will help you establish the correct rhythm yourself. Having positioned yourself comfortably, the person slowly inhales, holds the air for 20 seconds and exhales slowly. The exercise is repeated 10 times. Gymnastics helps get rid of negative emotions, increased excitability and dizziness.

Drug therapy

Nerves can be treated with medications. They are divided into several groups:

  • sedatives;
  • nootropics;
  • normothimics;
  • stimulants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants.


When asked what you can drink for nerves, doctors most often recommend light sedatives based on plant extracts or bromine. The most effective tablets of this group: “Fitosed”, “Persen”, “Valerian”, “Validol”, “Korvaltab”, “Sedavit”.

The advantage of these drugs is their natural origin. They are not addictive, have virtually no side effects or contraindications.


When nerves fail, memory deteriorates sharply. The brain needs additional stimulation, which is what nootropics do. This type of drug is designed to increase the brain's resistance to increased stress and hypoxia.

Indications for use are increased fatigue, impaired blood flow in the brain, and difficulties in adaptation. Indicated for children in cases of psychomotor development disorders and cerebrovascular disease. This group includes the following drugs: Piracetam, Glycine, Pantogam, Actovegin.

Piracetam is a nootropic drug


Normotimics help get rid of nerve disorders. Their primary goal is to improve the patient’s quality of life. Medicines normalize mood and quickly relieve depression. Indications for use: nervous disorders that do not allow the patient to adapt to society:

  • irritability;
  • impulsiveness;
  • affective disorders;
  • prolonged depression.

This group includes drugs such as: Lamotrigine, Olanzapine, Quetiapine, Carbamazepine.

The drug "Carbamazepine" lifts the patient out of depression


When nerves are at their limit due to increased physical exertion or mental activity, stimulants are prescribed. However, these drugs have a strong side effect in the form of excessive fatigue upon withdrawal or after the end of the active substance (caffeine, food).

The drugs can cause persistent dependence. These include: “Bemitil”, “Caffeine”, “Sidnocarb”, “Lobelin”, “Phenamine”.


Strong drugs such as tranquilizers are prescribed to treat serious mental disorders (schizophrenia, mania, nervous breakdown accompanied by uncontrollable aggression or suicidal tendencies). They are taken only in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

The medicine causes drowsiness and inhibits the reactions of the central nervous system. Clarity of thoughts and speech is maintained. Taking such drugs can cause a number of side effects, including tremors of the limbs, muscle weakness, and lethargy. This group of drugs includes: Diazepam, Bromazepam, Phenazepam.

"Diazepam" is prescribed for serious mental disorders


Sometimes it is quite difficult to cope with depression, so you need to take special medications - antidepressants. They improve the patient’s emotional state and eliminate suicidal tendencies. But their unauthorized use can cause hallucinations and paranoia.

Indications for use are prolonged clinical depression, anxiety, phobic disorders, panic attacks. This group includes: Nefazodone, Afobazole, Prozac.

How is psychosis treated?

Treatment of psychosis on a hospital basis is carried out by a multidisciplinary team: psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychologist, social worker. Specialists are working on the treatment and adaptation of the patient after suffering psychosis. A psychiatrist and psychologist conduct psychoeducational sessions where patients are informed about the symptoms, causes and secondary prevention of psychosis. Specialists of helping professions conduct classes in art therapy, occupational therapy, and bibliotherapy in order to adapt the patient as much as possible.

During treatment, your psychiatrist may prescribe antipsychotic medications (in the form of tablets, liquids, or shots) to reduce symptoms and recommend inpatient treatment.

When the condition stabilizes, cognitive behavioral therapy is used. It allows you to understand the experience of psychosis and consider strategies for overcoming the painful condition. Increasing your psychological awareness will help you recognize whether what you see and hear is real or imaginary. This type of therapy also emphasizes the importance of antipsychotic medications and adherence to treatment.

Art therapy can help express feelings that may be overwhelming the patient. It uses paint, clay, dance, music and other means to express emotions. This type of therapy may be helpful if a person has difficulty talking about their experiences.

Folk remedies

Many doctors suggest treating nerves with folk remedies. The power of nature has been used for quite some time. The best remedy for stress is herbal tea. When the nerves are not in order, care should be taken to saturate the body with useful substances. Plants contain some minerals and vitamins that humans do not get from food.

To make a healing decoction, you need to take 1 liter of hot water and pour it into 1 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials. The decoction should be left to steep for 1-2 hours. In concentrated form, drink 2-3 tbsp. l. in a day. To prepare tea, it is diluted in a ratio of 1:4.

The most effective medicines for nerves from the natural first aid kit are valerian, motherwort, St. John's wort, mint, thyme, chamomile, linden, tea rose (petals), elecampane (roots). It is important to remember that taking herbal infusions must be strictly dosed, otherwise they can be poisoned.


Causes of problems and ways to restore health and balance

Psychological symptoms: Depression, depression, lack of meaning in life and unwillingness to live. Life seems gray, dull, hopeless. A feeling of enormous inner loneliness... Withdrawal into virtual reality, various pseudo-spiritual sects, and in severe cases - into drugs.

Associated health problems: Sleep disturbances (severe drowsiness or persistent insomnia), lack of appetite, severe headaches, migraines. Attempts to be treated with sleeping pills and painkillers have no effect. Then such a person risks becoming a patient of a psychiatrist. But the treatment prescribed there will not solve the problem. A sound artist in such states is sick in soul, not in body.

Causes of violations: The sound artist strives for the metaphysical, for the revelation of the spiritual. Therefore, he feels deeply lonely among people who are only interested in the world of matter. Gradually his inner loneliness increases, he himself withdraws from the world, from people. But this only makes the situation worse. The inability to realize and realize one's inner desires is the main cause of suffering.

What you shouldn’t do: A sound person has a special auditory sensitivity. Sounds that are too loud are painful. Negative, offensive meanings in people’s speech are unbearable. Try not to expose yourself to such influences. This also includes heavy rock music; sound producers often choose it themselves - in order to “drown out” mental pain. It becomes easier for a short time, but then the severity of the condition worsens.

“Natural psychotherapy”: The state of psychological comfort for a sound artist is darkness, silence and... loneliness. The very thing that eventually becomes unbearable and painful. Therefore, in a short distance, if you are tired of the too noisy and intrusive world around you, you can retire and be alone. But the paradox is that remaining in this state for a long time is dangerous.

Patient reviews

Maria, 19 years old: “I felt stressed because of exams and worries. I developed sleep disturbances and irritability. I didn’t want to laugh or meet with friends. I consulted a doctor who advised me to take a decoction of mint. I used it regularly. Gradually my health began to improve, dizziness and aggressiveness disappeared. I am very grateful for this medicine.”

Sergei, 38 years old: “There were a lot of assignments at work. They required enormous responsibility and effort. I became depressed and had very little energy. I couldn’t cope with the weakness on my own. The doctor recommended taking Glycine. After a week of treatment, the lethargy disappeared and I became more energetic. Another week has passed. I managed to make a full recovery."

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