Heart or nerves? Where does a panic attack come from?

Why does your heart hurt from nerves or after stress?

For cardialgia due to stress, a characteristic feature is vascular spasm under the influence of stress hormones, rapid heartbeat and breathing.

A shallow and frequent rhythm of breathing movements leads to isolation of the diaphragm, as it cannot keep up with rapid inhalations and exhalations.

The main function is assumed by the muscles located between the ribs, the pectoral muscles, and the shoulder muscles. Local spasm and increased tone occur in them.

All these factors lead to the following changes:

  • respiratory alkalosis (change in blood reaction to the alkaline side) due to hyperventilation;
  • ventricular tachycardia;
  • spasm of coronary vessels;
  • decreased blood circulation in the myocardium.

We recommend reading about how to distinguish heart pain from neuralgia. You will learn about the nature of pain in cardiac pathology and in neuralgia and other diseases masquerading as heart disease. And here is more about why pain in the stomach radiates to the heart.

Can frequent stress cause heart disease?

Cardiovascular diseases occupy first place in the entire structure of mortality in the world. Recent clinical studies have proven the psychosomatic nature of the occurrence of most of them, which makes doctors more attentive to the stressfulness of the patient’s life, their experiences as a trigger for the development of angina pectoris, arterial hypertension, arrhythmia, etc.

It should be remembered that coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death, develops against the background of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.

Atherosclerotic changes occur due to:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • obesity;
  • high blood cholesterol levels;
  • low physical activity;
  • smoking, etc.

Experiences only make their development faster. At the same time, frequent experiences accompanied by spasm of the coronary arteries can provoke the formation of a blood clot or thromboembolus, the occurrence of which provokes the development of necrosis of the heart muscle. This answers the question of why the heart hurts from nerves.

The differences between heart pain and nerve pain and stress from real illnesses

Pain syndrome due to neurosis or stress does not have a clear connection with physical activity and has a paroxysmal course. Cardialgia is very diverse: aching, pulsating, cutting, does not have a constant localization, is accompanied by headache, lack of air, sweating, motor agitation, long-lasting, can radiate under the shoulder blade or left arm, but there is no irradiation to the lower jaw.

With typical pain during an angina attack, patients, as a rule, are inhibited, describe the pain briefly, point to the site of occurrence with a clenched fist, the attack occurs after walking or overwork. Characteristics of true heart pain in coronary artery disease:

Localization of pain during angina pectoris

  • localized behind the sternum;
  • pressing, squeezing;
  • radiates to the left shoulder blade, forearm, left half of the lower jaw;
  • increases with movement, relieves with nitroglycerin;
  • the attack lasts from 5 to 30 minutes.

The main criteria for diagnosing the psychogenic occurrence of the syndrome are diverse and prolonged pain that exceeds objective signs on the ECG, does not have a constant connection with a traumatic factor, and provides the patient with psychological or social benefits.

How does the heart hurt during neurosis, anxiety and stress?

It is imperative to make a distinction between the two pathogenetic mechanisms discussed above, because during the experience the heart hurts in a similar way, but the treatment tactics differ.

With angina, chest pain is quite characteristic:

  • burning and squeezing character;
  • high intensity;
  • localization behind the sternum;
  • irradiation to the left scapula, arm, angle of the lower jaw, etc.

With angina pectoris, a person seems to freeze and behave very quietly, because the pain is quite intense. In this case, there is pain in the heart after or during stress - both emotional and physical. When the experience stops, the pain stops, just like after taking nitroglycerin.

How the heart hurts during neurosis can confuse an inexperienced patient:

  • pain in the heart when experienced in this case can be either localized or diffuse in nature, and can be accompanied by increased sensitivity in the area of ​​​​the projection of the heart on the chest;
  • patients often describe pain during the experience as aching, pulling, constricting, aching;
  • sometimes during the experience there is a tingling feeling;
  • people with hypochondriacal traits experience the phenomenon of “feeling the heart,” when they claim to feel its boundaries, activity and discomfort in this place;
  • if in such patients pain during experiences occurs in attacks, then at this moment they are overexcited, active, cannot find a place for themselves, which makes them distinguishable from patients with angina pectoris;
  • Also characterized by constant pain in the heart from nerves, which coincide in time with some stable internal experiences.

Many psychosomatic diseases arise due to insufficient satisfaction of one or another human need as an atypical method of achieving it. Even from mentally healthy individuals, medical workers and ordinary people hear the phrase “when I’m nervous, my heart hurts,” which may signal a lack of basic attention or an intense experience of some kind of traumatic event.

Main symptoms of neurosis

Types of cardialgia with neuroses

Depending on the clinical picture, several types of cardiac pain are distinguished.

Type of cardiac pain in neuroses Characteristics of pain
Typical or classic Long-lasting, aching, easily tolerated, moderate in nature, does not require restrictions on work or physical activity, located in the apex of the heart, periodically the left arm and shoulder blade hurt, there are episodes of piercing pain.
Sympathoadrenal Associated with increased action of stress hormones, intense, prolonged, relieved with sedatives or local irritants.
Vegetative protracted with attacks of pain A sudden appearance, diffuse, pain throughout the chest, accompanied by muscle tremors, flushes of sweat, and frequent urination. Removable with tranquilizers.
Angiospastic An attack of short-term pain, not localized, no unpleasant sensations behind the sternum. Removed with Validol, valerian.
Pain on exercise Appears when walking, but does not stop after stopping, the general condition is satisfactory.

Nervous heart diseases: names of the most common ones

The following heart diseases can occur due to nervousness:

  • angina pectoris – paroxysmal pain in the chest;
  • myocardial infarction – severe pain, not relieved by Nitroglycerin;
  • hypertension - increased blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg. Art.;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia of the cardiac type (cardioneurosis) - various pains in the heart with a normal ECG and blood tests;
  • rhythm disturbances - tachycardia, extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, they are accompanied by interruptions in rhythm, palpitations, shortness of breath.

In addition, stressful conditions worsen the course of any existing heart disease, as they force it to work at an accelerated pace. This causes an increased need for oxygen, and a relative nutritional deficiency occurs. The myocardium does not receive the necessary substances for metabolism, its contraction force decreases, and pain appears.

What to do in these cases?

For cardioneurosis

If we are talking about cardioneurosis, then the answer to a statement like “the heart hurts because of nerves” will be banal: don’t be nervous. To do this, you need to make your experiences more controllable and carry out a series of non-specific measures that should balance the person and improve his quality of life. You need to do the following:

  • develop a daily routine;
  • optimally differentiate between work and rest time;
  • ensure yourself quality sleep;
  • Healthy food.

In some patients, chest pain stops due to the experience after physiotherapeutic measures, sanitary and resort treatment. There are situations when patients understand that if they are constantly nervous, their heart will hurt, so they gradually stop doing this.

The presence of a patient with intense personality accentuation, psychopathy or certain psychiatric diseases makes it mandatory to consult a psychotherapist or even a psychiatrist. In the latter case, cardioneurosis will only be a manifestation of the underlying disease, when cured, the pain during the experience will disappear.

Pain in the heart during neurosis disappears along with the neurosis itself, when the feelings can be dealt with by working on oneself, which makes it treatable without any drug intervention.

For angina pectoris

Anginal pain during experience, which signals coronary heart disease in one form or another, makes it mandatory to monitor with a cardiologist and take certain medications that would minimize the risk of fatal complications.

The first aid for an attack of angina is to take a nitroglycerin tablet sublingually. If the pain continues 15 minutes after administration, unstable angina may be suspected - such a case makes it necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

To prevent these attacks, you should adhere to drug therapy prescribed by a cardiologist, which consists of taking:

  • drugs that lower blood cholesterol levels;
  • beta blockers or calcium channel blockers;
  • antiplatelet agents, etc.

These medications are prescribed individually and depend on tolerability, concomitant pathology, initial clinical data, etc.

You should not take any medications on your own. In addition, it is imperative to make active lifestyle modifications, without which drug therapy will not have the desired effect.

Dangers of heart pain from nerves and stress

Usually there is a favorable course of the disease. By excluding the traumatic factor, following recommendations for lifestyle modification and psychological assistance, the disease can be cured. In this case, there is no enlargement of the heart muscle, circulatory failure, or dangerous changes in rhythm.

If only drug treatment is carried out, and an unhealthy lifestyle, low physical activity and eating refined and fatty foods persist, then over time psychogenic cardialgia can transform into hypertension or coronary artery disease.

Heart problems due to nerves

Problems in the heart are possible due to nerves, since the functioning of the nervous system depends on:

  • heart rate (if it increases, the nutrition of the muscle layer is disrupted, more oxygen and glucose are needed to work);
  • blood flow to the myocardium (the lumen of the arteries changes);
  • blood pressure in the arterial bed (if it increases, it becomes difficult to eject blood into the aorta).

Blood pressure in the arterial bed depends on the functioning of the nervous system.
Deterioration of the heart condition occurs when:

  • prolonged stress;
  • unreacted experiences (containment of emotions);
  • frequent psycho-emotional breakdowns;
  • anxiety;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • anger, aggression, screaming;
  • fears;
  • resentment, envy;
  • any negative or too strong positive emotions.

Myth 1. Heart disease is for older people

This is not entirely true. Indeed, age is a factor that increases the likelihood of, for example, a heart attack. This happens due to the accumulation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels, which can clog the coronary vessels, and due to heart rhythm disturbances, and hypertrophy of the heart muscle. But there are a number of problems that are typical specifically for young people. Thus, in most children at different stages of development, during examination, pediatricians detect functional heart murmurs. They appear due to a discrepancy in the growth rate of bones, muscles, the cardiovascular system, and an increase in body weight. In addition, some types of congenital heart defects are detected in childhood. And as for the above-mentioned cholesterol plaques, today even a young person can suffer a heart attack due to an unhealthy lifestyle, excess weight, and chronic stress.

Spasm of cardiac vessels due to nerves

Nervous spasm of the heart vessels occurs due to the influence of adrenaline. Its receptors are located in the myocardium and blood vessels. This hormone is the first to be released by the adrenal glands in any stressful situation. Under its influence:

  • the arteries supplying the heart muscle narrow;
  • the rhythm quickens;
  • the pressure and force of myocardial contractions increases;
  • the need for oxygen in the muscle layer increases.

If stressful situations are strong, frequent, or the patient already has vascular diseases (usually atherosclerosis), then this causes pain. Vascular spasm can cause psychogenic chest pain, it is relieved after resting, taking sedatives, and walking at a leisurely pace can help.

In the presence of persistent narrowing or obstruction to blood flow (cholesterol deposits), stress provokes an attack of ischemic pain (angina). It can only be reduced by complete rest and Nitroglycerin.

Connection between nerves and gastrointestinal tract

Let's find out whether stomach pain can be caused by nervousness. When experiencing discomfort in the abdomen, people take many medications that can only worsen the condition. With psycho-emotional overexcitation, blood flow in the mucous layers decreases. The surface of the digestive organ changes. Symptoms of gastritis may appear.

The gastric mucosa gradually ceases to function normally. Pain syndrome occurs. The discomfort may be constant or intermittent. Gastrointestinal diseases begin to develop due to the damage present.

The manifestation of gastrointestinal diseases is possible even if a person eats properly and leads a healthy lifestyle. With initial damage to the mucous membrane after suffering stress, the following symptoms occur:

  • pain in the stomach;

The connection between nerves and the gastrointestinal tract is quite close

  • nausea and gag reflex;
  • bloating and excessive gas;
  • feeling of a foreign object in the throat.

A person’s physical and mental health are strongly interconnected. Doctors say that when the brain reacts to stress, the stomach and intestines also react to a negative external factor. Symptoms may vary depending on the underlying disease.

Because of nerves, stomach pain occurs mainly in people over 30 years of age. They are more susceptible to various stressful situations. Young girls and boys tolerate conflicts and any psycho-emotional overstimulation more easily.

After 30 years, stress can cause stomach pain

Psychogenic and ischemic chest pain

There are typical symptoms that distinguish psychogenic and ischemic (vascular) cardiac pain in the chest. But it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis without examination (ECG).

Chest pain due to neurosis

Characteristic features of chest pain with neurosis:

  • occurs more often in the area of ​​the apex of the heart (below the left mammary gland on a line drawn from the middle of the collarbone);
  • may not have a specific area or appears in a new place in the chest each time;
  • constant or periodically subsides and intensifies, long-lasting;
  • sensations: tingling, throbbing, aching;
  • worsens: with frequent breathing, bending over;
  • facilitates: rest or leisurely movements, smooth, shallow, stretched breathing, taking sedatives.

The main sign of psychogenic pain is a normal ECG.

Heart attack from nerves (angina)

A heart attack from nerves (due to stress) also occurs with myocardial ischemia - angina. Its symptoms:

  • pain behind the sternum, often spreading to the left half of the chest, arm, neck;
  • sensations: pressing, squeezing;
  • increases with physical activity;
  • relieves rest and Nitroglycerin;
  • More often the attack lasts up to 15 minutes.

What to do if your heart hurts due to strong nerves and stress

The main methods of treatment for cardioneurosis are non-drug. They are prescribed to increase the resistance of the nervous system to the influence of an irritating factor. These include:

  • hardening - contrast shower, dousing, rubbing with cold water;
  • physical activity - walking in nature, swimming, light jogging, cycling;
  • relaxation techniques - meditation, aromatherapy, acupuncture, yoga;
  • Spa treatment;
  • physiotherapy - pine, mineral, pearl baths, underwater shower-massage, electrosleep, administration of bromine or magnesium to the collar area using galvanic current, general relaxation massage.

Pharmaceutical drugs that can be prescribed for pain relief include Corvalol, Barboval, Valocordin, Corvalment, Validol, and Zelenin drops.

For course treatment, sleeping pills and sedatives of predominantly natural composition are used - Novo-Passit, Persen, Dormiplant, Sedafiton, Fitoson, tinctures of peony, motherwort, lily of the valley with valerian. In the presence of tachycardia or high blood pressure, beta blockers and antihypertensive drugs in small doses can be added to therapy.

Eleutherococcus extract

It is recommended to take cardiac medications to strengthen the myocardium - Potassium orotate, Mildronate, Riboxin, Panangin. For low blood pressure, adaptogens are prescribed - extract of lemongrass, Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus or ginseng in the first half of the day.

When your heart hurts, what to do

If your heart hurts from worries, worries, nervous tension, after a breakdown, then herbal sedatives, Validol, Corvalol phyto will help. If such attacks recur, then you need to contact a cardiologist to identify the cause of the pain.

From worries

If your heart hurts from constant worries, then you should regularly take relaxing and calming medications:

  • Novo-Passit,
  • peony tincture,
  • Persen
  • Magne B6.

It is recommended to drink them all the time while the traumatic situation persists. This will help prevent heart pain.

For nervous tension

Heart pain with severe nervous tension will be relieved by:

  • Validol under the tongue;
  • Corvalol (20 drops per quarter glass of water);
  • a mixture of hawthorn and mint tinctures (15 drops each).

After a nervous breakdown

The heart hurts after a nervous breakdown due to the massive release of stress hormones. In this case, it is recommended to supplement the intake of sedatives (motherwort, valerian, Sedaphyton) with drugs that improve metabolic processes. They will help restore nutrition to the heart muscle, normalize its functions and resistance to stress factors. Shown:

  • Kratal,
  • Doppelhertz coenzyme Q10,
  • Kudesan,
  • Magnicum,
  • Vitrum superstress.

When excited

If heart pain occurs during excitement, then taking herbal tinctures or extracts in tablets (hawthorn, motherwort, peony) will reduce them. A soothing tea is also prepared from herbs. For this use:

  • mint leaf,
  • hawthorn color,
  • oregano herb,
  • lemon balm leaves.

You can take one plant or mix 2-3 in any proportion. For a glass of boiling water you need a level teaspoon of plant material, the mixture is infused for 15 minutes. It is good to add half a teaspoon of honey to warm tea. You can drink 3-4 glasses of this drink throughout the day.

We recommend reading about pain in the heart when taking a deep breath. From the article you will learn about diseases (dry pleurisy, intercostal neuralgia, pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, etc.), which are characterized by pain in the chest when taking a deep breath. And here is more about the pain in the heart, radiating to the left arm.

Patient Questions

Why does your heart hurt when you are nervous and worried?

The pain occurs due to vasospasm and increased heart rate. This limits the flow of blood to the heart muscle. Lack of myocardial nutrition is felt as pain. To relieve symptoms, herbal sedatives are suitable - valerian, lemon balm, hawthorn, motherwort, mint.

Why does your heart hurt when you love?

Love experiences are perceived by the body as stress. He can respond to it by reducing blood flow to the myocardium, rapid pulse, and vasospasm. But it is not love that causes pain, but the reaction to it - negative or too strong positive emotions. There is no need to take medications. Walking, swimming, contrast showers, massage will help.

Can the heart stop from fear?

If there is no severe heart disease, then contractions will not stop even with severe fear. Such fears often arise during a panic attack. To get rid of it, you need smooth breathing - a short, normal inhalation and a maximally extended exhalation, breathing into a paper bag or closed palms.

Does the heart have nerve endings?

There are nerve fibers in the heart, they form plexuses and nodes. Their work is influenced by the brain, autonomic nervous system, and blood composition. In this case, rarefaction of the nerve changes excitability and contractility, rhythm, and conduction of impulses, but does not affect the sensation of pain. Pain syndrome is caused by a lack of myocardial nutrition.

Pain in the heart after stress is associated with the influence of reflex and hormonal mechanisms; its manifestations can be diverse; a characteristic feature is the absence of changes in the ECG and good tolerance to physical activity. The main methods of treatment are non-drug.

Why is this happening

The work of our internal organs, heart and blood vessels is controlled by special nerves called autonomic. These invisible conductors operate independently of human consciousness, ensuring a timely and accurate response of the body to changes in pressure, temperature, humidity and other “components” of the weather.

Related article: How to curb a panic attack on your own?

The autonomic nervous system controls metabolism, body temperature, and sleep. Its nerves are present in all tissues and organs; they penetrate both the brain and spinal cord and help the body to respond correctly to any change in the situation, to mobilize all its energy resources. For example, when a person is hot, they serve as the wires through which a signal is transmitted, causing the sweat glands to work harder. As a result, the body cools down and harmful overheating does not occur. “Disorder” in the work of all these links leads to vegetative-vascular dystonia.

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