Recovery after a nervous breakdown - taking medications and folk remedies

How to restore the exhaustion of the nervous system?

The problem is well known not only to city residents, but to any modern person. To establish how to restore a weakened nervous system and psyche, it is necessary to accurately identify the causes. Desire alone is not enough. The procedure must be consistent: identifying the cause, choosing a treatment method, following the adopted strategy step by step. This is the only way to answer the question of how to restore the psyche and nervous system.

People often wonder whether it is possible to restore the psyche and nervous system on their own, because this is quite difficult, and many people even experience a nervous breakdown. If each of us knows exactly how to harm ourselves (and others), then returning everything to normal is much more difficult. Of course, a psychotherapist or psychiatrist has professional experience and sufficient knowledge in this regard, and has all the modern methods. The specialist knows how to help the nervous system restore adaptation. Seeking professional help is a path available to everyone today in some cases.

You can do it differently - try to cope on your own. If you have at least basic knowledge of how to restore a shattered nervous system, it’s worth a try. At this stage, it is very important not to isolate yourself and be sure to take into account the opinions of others (friends, relatives, colleagues, acquaintances). This will help avoid a biased assessment of reality. Even if you know how to quickly restore the nervous system, an outside opinion will show whether success is really so close.

Stephaglabrine sulfate

Staphaglabrine sulfate has been used for quite a long time to restore the sensitivity of tissues and the nerve fibers themselves. The plant from whose roots this drug is extracted grows only in subtropical and tropical climates, for example, in Japan, India and Burma, and it is called smooth stephania. There are known cases of obtaining Stafaglabrine sulfate in laboratory conditions. Perhaps this is due to the fact that stephania smooth can be grown as a suspension culture, that is, suspended in glass flasks with liquid. The drug itself is a sulfate salt, which has a high melting point (more than 240 ° C). It refers to the alkaloid (nitrogen-containing compound) stepharine, which is considered the basis for proaporphine.

Stephaglabrin sulfate serves to reduce the activity of enzymes from the class of hydrolases (cholinesterase) and to improve the tone of smooth muscles that are present in the walls of blood vessels, organs (hollow inside) and lymph nodes. It is also known that the drug is slightly toxic and can reduce blood pressure. In the old days, the medicine was used as an anticholinesterase agent, but then scientists came to the conclusion that Stefaglabrin sulfate is an inhibitor of connective tissue growth activity. From this it turns out that it delays its development and scars do not form on the nerve fibers. That is why the drug began to be actively used for injuries to the PNS.

During the research, specialists were able to see the growth of Schwann cells, which produce myelin in the peripheral nervous system. This phenomenon means that under the influence of the medication the patient noticeably improves the conduction of impulses along the axon, since the myelin sheath begins to form around it again. Since the results were obtained, the drug has become hope for many people diagnosed with incurable demyelinating pathologies.

It will not be possible to solve the problem of autoimmune pathology only by restoring nerve fibers. After all, no matter how many lesions have to be eliminated, the problem will return, since the immune system reacts to myelin as a foreign body and destroys it. Today it is impossible to eliminate such a pathological process, but you no longer have to wonder whether the nerve fibers are being restored or not. People are left to maintain their condition by suppressing the immune system and using drugs like Stefaglabrin sulfate to maintain their health.

The drug can only be used parenterally, that is, past the intestines, for example, by injection. The dosage should not exceed 7-8 ml of 0.25% solution per day for 2 injections. Judging by time, usually the myelin sheath and nerve endings are restored to some extent after 20 days, and then a break is needed and you can understand how long it will last by asking your doctor about it. The best result, according to doctors, can be achieved through low doses, since side effects develop much less frequently, and the effectiveness of treatment increases.

In laboratory conditions, during experiments on rats, it was found that with a concentration of the drug Stefaglabrin sulfate of 0.1-1 mg/kg, treatment proceeds faster than without it. The course of therapy ended earlier when compared with animals that did not take this medicine. After 2-3 months, the rodents’ nerve fibers were almost completely restored and the impulse was transmitted along the nerve without delay. In the experimental subjects who were treated without this medication, recovery lasted about six months and not all nerve endings returned to normal.

Is it possible to restore the autonomic nervous system?

The autonomic nervous system is responsible for a number of important processes in our body: metabolism, maintaining body temperature, circadian rhythms (sleep-wake), digestion, etc. Disorders manifest themselves in different ways: allergies, diseases of the digestive system, neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The leading symptoms of nervous exhaustion are:

  1. Headache.
  2. Chills or fever.
  3. Absent-mindedness.
  4. Chronic fatigue.
  5. Pressure surges.
  6. Nervous trembling of fingers.
  7. Dyspnea.
  8. Loss of strength after sleep.

These symptoms are the first signs of more serious diseases. It is very important to know how to restore the autonomic nervous system at the earliest stages. Only mild disorders can go away on their own when the cause that caused them disappears. For example, stress is caused by an inspection at an enterprise. Upon completion, the irritating factor disappears and the nervous system returns to normal.

It’s another matter how to restore the functioning of the autonomic nervous system when the cause cannot be eliminated so easily. Deterioration in health can take the form of attacks very similar to heart attacks. In such cases, an ambulance is often called. The diagnosis is usually the same: vegetative-vascular dystonia. The condition can be aggravated by many reasons: bad habits, injury, viral infection, serious stress.

It is important to know how to quickly restore the autonomic nervous system immediately after a failure, as well as in anticipation of future stress. The attack can be severe in the form of a panic attack or severe loss of strength. It is important to provide a person in this state with complete rest and sleep. It should be quiet around him, sources of noise removed, lights dimmed. Sometimes an urgent sedative is required.

If disturbances are accompanied by deterioration in well-being, the doctor must decide how to restore the central nervous system. You cannot make decisions about taking medications on your own. Only after studying the state of health, taking into account existing diseases, can one decide how to restore the parasympathetic nervous system in this particular case.

Reasons for the development of neurosis

Any emotional or physical stress leads to a nervous breakdown and diseases of the nervous system. The main causes of the development of neuroses and exhaustion are:

  • severe grief, grief in the family, loss of loved ones;
  • traumatic emotional experience;
  • violence;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • high mental stress, emotional burnout, work overload;
  • mental illness;
  • personal isolation;
  • military experience;
  • social conflict;
  • severe chronic illnesses or injuries.

A nervous breakdown is a partial loss of a person’s control over feelings and actions. During it, the will weakens, the patient is under the influence of stress, anxiety, and anxiety. The pathology is characterized by maximum emotional stress, exceptional concentration, and the inability to switch to something else. Characterized by decreased performance and unpredictability of consequences. To eliminate them, you need to contact a neurologist or psychotherapist.

Articles on the topic

  • Treating a Nervous Breakdown - Medications and Alternatives
  • Signs of a nervous breakdown in a teenager - symptoms of mental imbalance
  • Consequences of a nervous breakdown, symptoms of the condition

How to restore the nervous system after various failures?

No matter what happens, you can always find a way out. After any stress, failure, attack, you can restore your nervous system. The main condition is the desire of the person himself. The efforts of doctors if the patient is passive will be wasted (Read the article “Bulimia Nervosa”).

Many people habitually end their work week by meeting with friends and drinking alcoholic beverages. For health, this does not go away without leaving a trace. Instead of normal fatigue, we get damaged nerve cells and a hangover. It is impossible to restore dead cells, but knowing how to restore the nervous system after alcohol is very important.

If after rare drinking alcohol a contrast shower, a cup of coffee and taking the usual anti-hangover remedy will help you get into a cheerful state, then a long binge is a completely different matter. Your doctor will tell you how to restore your nervous system after a long binge. Measures include normalizing sleep and rest, proper nutrition, replenishing potassium deficiency in the body, drinking plenty of fluids, as well as taking medications to eliminate anxiety, normalize sleep, get rid of disturbances in the cardiovascular system, and restore cerebral circulation. Consultation with a narcologist in this situation is invaluable. He will give precise recommendations on how to restore the nervous system after binge drinking, taking into account the patient’s health condition.

Alcohol abuse often occurs against a background of prolonged stress. Then you will need additional knowledge on how to restore the nervous system after stress. In addition to a hangover, a person may experience mental pathologies, decreased immunity, as well as exacerbation of existing chronic diseases. The first thing you need to do is consult with your doctor on how to restore the nervous system after prolonged stress.

The opinions of experts agree on one thing. Sport is the first assistant in the fight for health. The doctor will talk about how to restore the nervous system after neurosis. But maintaining health for many years is something only the person himself can do. By giving up bad habits, choosing your preferred sport, and normalizing your sleep and rest patterns, you can achieve impressive results at any age.

How to cure neurosis and restore the nervous system?

Today there are many known remedies that restore the nervous system. For each case, you can choose a specific program that matches your age, health status, and intended treatment plan.

Medicine has accumulated a lot of information on how to strengthen and restore the nervous system. It is very well known that drug treatment alone is not enough. In each case, an integrated approach is required: identifying the causes of the disorder, establishing a diagnosis, and selecting a recovery program. Along with medications, the patient will have to take measures to properly organize nutrition, work, rest, and exercise.

And yet, drugs that restore the nervous system are of great help in the fight for the health of nerve cells. If you go to the pharmacy and ask for pills that restore the nervous system, the answer will be negative. No wonder. Medicines that restore the nervous system always have a specific purpose: restoring sleep, normalizing blood circulation, eliminating anxiety syndrome, etc. Before going to the pharmacy, you need to find out which drugs restore the nervous system. Among them:

  1. Nootropics. Their task is to provide nutrition to the brain and improve the supply of oxygen to nerve cells. Taking nootropics is indicated for improving memory, concentration, and also as part of complex therapy.
  2. Antidepressants. Everyone has heard about them, and in the media you can even find advertisements for some drugs. The main purpose of such medications is to help cope with stress.
  3. Tranquilizers. They alleviate the condition of a patient prone to excessive mental reactions to external stimuli.
  4. Neuroleptics. They are used for serious mental disorders when pathological personality changes are diagnosed.

Experiments with taking any of these drugs can have the most dire consequences. The simplest option: the patient’s condition will not improve, but will worsen. It is no coincidence that most drugs are sold only by prescription.

How to restore the nervous system at home?

It is known that healthy sleep restores the nervous system in the most natural way. It is no coincidence that they say: “the morning is wiser than the evening.” Sleep helps you survive the problem, push it aside, make it less acute. No one is immune from nervous breakdown. It is useful for each of us to know how to restore the nervous system using folk remedies.

There are herbs that restore the nervous system, which can be purchased at every pharmacy. These include:

  1. Calming - motherwort, valerian, dandelion (herb and roots), chicory, wheatgrass, clover.
  2. Improving metabolism in nerve cells - Baikal skullcap, oregano, wormwood, knotweed, cyanosis, meadowsweet, fireweed, tansy.

It is useful to know which foods restore the nervous system. After all, adjusting your diet and nutrition is the easiest thing to do. Excluding excessive amounts of sweets from your daily menu has a positive effect on the nervous system, as part of your overall health. Products that restore the nervous system are eggs, bananas, fish, strawberries, greens, dairy products, and meat. They have a high content of elements such as potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, iodine. Their presence in the diet will help restore the health of nerve cells.

Nutritionists will tell you which vitamins restore the nervous system:

  • cobalamin (B12);
  • folic acid (B9);
  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • retinol (A);
  • thiamine (B1);
  • Niacin (PP).

They are rich in foods such as carrots, eggs, mushrooms, pumpkin, nuts, raisins, bran, and chicken. You need to carefully adjust your daily menu. You shouldn’t limit your diet to just these healthy foods, but eating them regularly is very beneficial.

Traditional methods for a nervous breakdown

The most popular drugs for a nervous breakdown are tinctures of valerian, motherwort, peony, mint, and lemon balm.

Their effect on the central nervous system develops only after a course; a single dose will not give the desired result.

It is much more effective to use folk remedies:

  1. Barberry root decoction: 1 tbsp. l. Brew dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water, heat for 15 minutes on fire, leave for 2 hours, drink a tablespoon three times a day.
  2. Ginger juice: grind the root, squeeze out the juice using gauze, drink 20-40 drops 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.
  3. Infusion of birch leaves: pour 100 g of crushed raw materials with 2 glasses of warm water, leave for 5-6 hours, filter, squeeze out the leaves. Drink 100 ml 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.
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