When to collect pine cones for stroke

Pine cones after a stroke are a folk remedy that is used in addition to the main treatment and rehabilitation of a patient after an acute cerebrovascular accident.

Pine cones contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain

Stroke ranks first in the ranking of pathologies that most often lead to death. According to statistics, about 30% of patients die in the first year after a stroke, approximately the same number of patients remain bedridden, and 10% of patients may have a recurrent stroke. After suffering a severe stroke, full working capacity can be maintained in approximately 20% of patients.

For this reason, prevention, as well as high-quality rehabilitation of the patient after a stroke, is of no small importance. Popular traditional medicines used for these purposes include pine cones.

It is worth remembering that after a stroke, all procedures and medications should be used only after consultation with your doctor.

What are the benefits of pine cones?

Restoration of brain functions when using products made from pine cones occurs thanks to the beneficial substances they contain. Thus, a type of tannin was discovered in pine cones that has a positive effect on brain cells, which can prevent the death of neurons in patients after a stroke. Pine cones contain phytoncides, essential oils, and trace elements. Taking tincture of pine cones after a stroke can prevent the development of paresis, paralysis, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, restore the patient’s memory, coordination of movements and speech. In addition, this remedy has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Among the indications for the use of drugs from pine cones, in addition to stroke, are coronary heart disease, heart attack, arterial hypertension, and some other diseases of the cardiovascular system. This drug is used to prevent the development of cancer processes in the body.

Medicinal properties and composition

Pine cones contain a number of substances necessary for the body, including rare ones:

  • tannins have a hemostatic and antibacterial effect, lower blood pressure, accelerate the restoration of brain tissue, and strengthen capillary walls;
  • essential oils-phytoncides destroy bacteria, increase the body's resistance, and help with depression;
  • B vitamins are required for blood production and nervous system function; vitamin B1 has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle;
  • Vitamin C also benefits the liver and immune system;
  • vitamins P and U increase vascular flexibility;
  • vitamin A restores the functioning of muscle tissue;
  • phosphorus and tocopherol stimulate metabolism;
  • iron is vital for blood formation.

All this helps to mitigate the consequences of a stroke and restore motor functions and speech skills. At least those who were treated with this remedy for several months were able to recover faster from their illness.

Contraindications for use

There is an opinion that traditional medicine, especially of plant origin, is absolutely safe. This is wrong. Preparations made from pine cones, like any other, have contraindications for use. It is worth remembering that after a stroke, all procedures and medications should be used only after consultation with your doctor.

Tincture of pine cones is contraindicated in patients with acute hepatitis, patients over 60 years of age, or those with a tendency to allergies. The drug should be used with caution in case of kidney pathologies and during pregnancy.

If there are contraindications to taking the tincture due to the presence of alcohol in it, it can be replaced with jam or syrup from pine cones.

Abuse of drugs made from pine cones can lead to the development of digestive system disorders.

Aqueous solution and other means

Alcohol and vodka are contraindicated for some patients, so for them there is the option of preparing an infusion with water. It's easy to prepare:

  • Wash 50 g of raw materials, cut into cubes;
  • pour half a liter of water;
  • put on fire, boil;
  • reduce heat, cook for 5 minutes;
  • cool, filter.

You need to drink the drug 50 g three times a day, the course is similar. Take half an hour before meals. If there are few cones collected, you can add pine needles to the potions. Such drugs will be more effective in preventing stroke, but they can also be used for treatment.

The alcohol infusion is prepared as follows:

  • Wash and chop 10 g of shoots and needles;
  • pour 100 ml of alcohol;
  • leave for 2 weeks;
  • take 15 drops with water three times a day.

There is also a recipe for pine honey. A 0.5 liter jar should be filled with pine cones (do not cut) and filled up to the shoulders with liquid fresh honey. Place in a warm place, but without access to light. Leave for 2 months, shaking every day. After straining, take a tablespoon of honey three times a day, the course is until the end of two 0.5 liter jars.

Treatment with pine cones after a stroke: recipes

When preparing home remedies, when to collect pine cones is important. So, for treatment after a stroke, cones should be collected after they ripen, preferably from a tree. You need mature pine cones with seeds that have not yet opened, and they may be green or brown in color. Collecting pine cones for preparing tincture is best done in late August or early September, when they fully possess the necessary medicinal properties.

To prepare the tincture, pine cones are placed in a previously prepared glass container and filled with vodka. It should be infused in a dark place for two weeks, the liquid will acquire a rich brown color. If green pine cones were used as raw materials, the color of the liquid will turn light brown and the pine cones themselves will darken. The prepared tincture can be used for one year.

You can prepare a tincture from cones according to another recipe. To do this, take 5 pine cones, rinse thoroughly under running water, chop and pour 200 ml of alcohol or vodka. Infuse for 14 days in a dark place at room temperature; the container with liquid should be shaken daily. Strain the resulting tincture.

The tincture prepared in this way can be used for preventive purposes, as well as for rehabilitation after a stroke. In order to prevent cerebrovascular accidents, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of tincture after the first meal. Patients after a stroke are usually prescribed one teaspoon of tincture three times a day after meals (usually the tincture is added to weak tea).

A type of tannin has been found in pine cones that has a positive effect on brain cells, which can prevent the death of neurons in patients after a stroke.

However, before starting to use the drug, you should consult with your doctor; he may find it necessary to adjust the dosage.

To prepare a tincture of pine cones with apple cider vinegar, 5 pine cones must be washed and filled with 250 ml of alcohol with a strength of 70%, leave for 10 days at room temperature, then strain and add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. After a stroke, in the absence of contraindications, it is usually recommended to use this tincture daily for six months (can be added to weak tea).

If there are contraindications to taking the tincture due to the presence of alcohol in it, it can be replaced with jam or pine cone syrup, provided that the patient does not suffer from diabetes.

To make pine jam at home, you need green cones, granulated sugar and water. The cones should be washed thoroughly, the remaining petioles should be cut off from them, poured with water so that the water covers them, and set to cook. 30-40 minutes after boiling, the cones are removed from the heat, the pan is covered with a lid and left in a cool place for about 12 hours. After this, the cones are removed from the broth, sugar is added to it at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of liquid, boiled for about 1.5 hours and poured hot into sterile jars.

You can also prepare a medicinal decoction. To prepare it, 5 cones are poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. This decoction is usually taken orally, 50 ml 3 times a day after meals.

When and how to properly collect and prepare cones?

It is best to collect fruits at the end of June - beginning of July, when they have already accumulated useful microelements, but have not yet had time to waste them.

Young pine buds are also used in medicine, but in our case they are not needed. As mentioned above, cones 4-5 cm in size are suitable for collection; green ones are best, not red ones, but most importantly, not hardened and not opened (otherwise they will lose almost all the healing effect). Suitable specimens should be soft to the touch and have a strong, pleasant odor. Accordingly, they must be taken directly from the trees - so find low pines. It’s also not worth cutting off the branches completely - let at least a third remain.

It is best to go for collection in dry weather. Check carefully to ensure that the trees are not affected by disease or pests. They should also grow in an ecologically clean area, away from roads: exhaust gas is harmful and sometimes poisonous.

The collected fruits must be prepared as quickly as possible: if they dry out, they will lose most of their medicinal properties. If you don’t have the opportunity to do this right away, put the “catch” in the cold.

General information about stroke

A stroke is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation, which entails the death of brain cells. More often, the pathology occurs when a blood vessel is blocked (ischemic stroke) - in approximately 80% of all cases, in the rest the cause of acute cerebrovascular accident is a rupture of the vessel (hemorrhagic stroke).

Taking pine cone tincture can prevent the development of paresis, paralysis, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, restore the patient’s memory, coordination of movements and speech.

Risk factors for the development of acute cerebrovascular accident include arterial hypertension, transient ischemic attacks, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, advanced age, taking a number of medications, smoking, and alcohol abuse. The prevalence of the disease is influenced by genetic and social factors, ethnicity, and dietary habits.

The clinical picture of a stroke depends on which area of ​​the brain is affected. The main symptoms of the disease are sudden and very intense headache, dizziness, speech disorder, muscle weakness, paralysis of half the face and one side of the body, blurred vision (one or both eyes), and a sharp disturbance in gait.

If the patient is strictly prohibited from using alcohol, the tincture of pine cones can be replaced with jam.

The patient may develop focal or cerebral neurological symptoms. General cerebral symptoms are associated with brain damage (dizziness, state of agitation or depression). Focal symptoms include suddenly developed paresis, paralysis, impaired vision, speech, coordination of movements, stiffness of the muscles of the back of the head, changes in the position of the pupil, etc.

If any of these symptoms occur, you should immediately seek medical help. It is critical that medical care is provided within the first 3-6 hours after a stroke occurs, in this case there is the highest chance of avoiding irreversible damage to the functions of the nervous system.

Treatment of illness with folk remedies

If one of your relatives or people close to you has suffered a stroke and is now trying to recover and get out of a serious condition, try the following treatment methods:

  1. You will need a kilogram of lemons and a kilogram of sugar. First, mince the lemons. Then add sugar to the lemons and place the resulting “potion” in the refrigerator. Every day, in the morning, give the patient one tsp. mixture and a clove of garlic.
  2. It is recommended to use sage baths every two days. For every 3 cups of sage, take 2 liters of boiling water. Let the solution sit for an hour, then add to a bath of warm water.
  3. For paralysis, it is recommended to take tincture of “Adam’s root”. To prepare the tincture, start with one tbsp. pour crushed Adam's root with vodka, you will need two glasses and let the mixture and solution brew for seven days. Lastly, when everything is ready, strain the tincture. To use, dilute 25 drops of tincture with water. Take twice a day, morning and evening, after meals.

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Healing ointment

To combat paralysis of the limbs, you can prepare an ointment.

To prepare you will need:

  • Bay leaf;
  • pine needles;
  • butter.

Let's move on to cooking. Grind the bay leaf and pine needles to a powder. Mixing proportions 1:6, where 1 – one tsp. bay powder and 6 pine. After mixing thoroughly, add twelve tsp. butter.

Pine cones are also often used for strokes. More on this later.

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