Rehabilitation after a stroke: home care

The right simulators for finger development

Fine motor skills of the hand are trained through daily finger development. For this purpose, you can purchase exercise equipment that looks like a glove with an open palm. This device allows you to carry out mechanical movements in a given mode - passive flexion and extension of the fingers. There are also robotic gloves with a variety of exercise options.

Good results can be achieved by systematically using the following items:

  • Rubik's Cube;
  • expander;
  • spiked balls for rolling in the palms;
  • plasticine.

Expander for the hand
Small movements can also be restored by sorting through a mixture of beans and peas, knitting, weaving, collecting pictures from puzzles, and practicing on improvised household stands. To make them, take an ordinary board and fix it on the wall. Since a very important point for the rehabilitation of a patient after a stroke is re-learning the simplest self-care skills, they are set to:

  • toothbrush,
  • plastic dishes,
  • electrical sockets with plugs,
  • door handles,
  • mixer taps,
  • switches,
  • locks with keys,
  • zipper,
  • buttons,
  • lacing.

With the help of familiar objects, the process of activating movements goes faster, and the patient gains confidence in the ability to do without outside help if necessary.

We recommend reading about exercise after a stroke. You will learn about exercise therapy at home after a stroke, exercises for the arms, gymnastics for the legs and gait training. And here is more information about rehabilitation after a stroke at home.

Glove after a stroke: price of the simulator

To restore the motor function of the hand, a special robotic glove was invented. With the help of such a glove, fine motor skills of the hand are restored after a stroke. The robotic glove has a large number of functions and allows the patient to begin rehabilitation at an early stage. The robotic glove works using a special program installed on a computer. Robotic gloves are in the research process, and some hospitals in Europe, Asia and the United States have already begun to use the invention. This glove was developed in Russia, the invention is in the testing stage. The estimated price of the robot glove is 25,000 rubles.

What will help restore hand mobility?

The upper limb can be developed using mechanical devices. They are levers similar to bicycle pedals, a ship's steering wheel, or crossbars attached to a spring.

At home, hand exercises are performed with an elastic bandage. It is tied into a ring and stretched with the hands, then the loop is placed at the level of the forearm, gradually moving higher and higher to the shoulder. You can even practice while lying in bed if you throw a bandage over the bar and take its ends in your hands.

Mechanical pedal exerciser for arms

The second device is a gymnastic stick. Its role can be anyone suitable in shape and smoothness. To perform the exercises, it is raised to shoulder level, behind the head, and intercepted with the hands in a vertical position. One of the simplest devices is the most common mechanical meat grinder or juicer with a handle.

When to start training

Intensive treatment for patients who have suffered stroke is carried out for at least 4-5 days. At this time, physical activity is contraindicated. Therapeutic and preventive measures, including simple gymnastics to develop the legs and fingers after a stroke, are carried out no earlier than 5-6 days later.

The beginning of the rehabilitation period depends on various circumstances. If the pathology is mild, rehabilitation begins after 8 or 10 days. Recovery with the help of simulators begins 14-17 days after stroke. First, the patient studies in the hospital, then at home.

On the first day, the patient is on a gentle regimen; a gradual increase in loads is necessary.

During the post-stroke period, recovery is recommended to be carried out with training devices that help develop the limbs; a specialist selects an individual recovery program.

Features of training rehabilitation

Common complications after stroke:

  • joint contracture occurs;
  • muscle tissue becomes spasmodic and atrophied;
  • muscle strength decreases, motor function is limited due to neuronal damage (paresis);
  • paralysis.

Mechanotherapy to restore finger mobility after a stroke is carried out using training devices. They help restore lost functions and provide physical stress to joints and muscles.

Mechanotherapy devices normalize the tone of muscle tissue, movements will become coordinated, joint function will improve, and pain during movements will be eliminated. Microcirculatory processes and nutrition of cerebral structures improve. The brain receives more oxygen, metabolism and innervation of motor centers improves.

After a long period of immobility, the patient will develop a psychological block; the person is afraid to remain motionless and becomes unsure of himself.

Thanks to medical simulators, the patient gains control over his myofibers, begins to move, loads his legs, and holds small objects with his hands.

Home leg exercisers

Restoring movement in the legs occurs faster when using an exercise bike. It helps to engage all major muscle groups, developing the ankle, knee and hip joints.

Classes are initially carried out on devices equipped with electric motors; they are effective even in the absence of independent muscle contractions. This helps you choose the intensity of the load and exercise with the greatest effectiveness. After active movements appear, you can also use regular pedals fixed on a stand.

Expert opinion

Alena Ariko

Expert in Cardiology

The advantage of an exercise bike is that you can exercise while sitting; it improves not only muscle strength, but also joint mobility, reduces contractures, and increases peripheral blood circulation. In the future, the exercise bike can be used to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

It is important to choose the right duration of the lesson - the first should not be more than 10 minutes, you should not allow shortness of breath, palpitations or fatigue to occur. Before starting any training, a mandatory consultation with a neurologist and cardiologist is required, especially for older people.

Home leg exerciser

Treatment of patients after a stroke at the Yusupov Hospital

In the neurological department of the Yusupov Hospital, the patient is being treated after a stroke and is subsequently recovering in the rehabilitation clinic. In case of complete paralysis of the arm after a stroke, recovery takes place in the rehabilitation department, under the supervision of medical personnel. A neurologist will give recommendations, and a rehabilitation specialist will develop exercises for classes taking into account the patient’s health condition. A rehabilitation specialist conducts classes with the patient daily according to an individual program. After discharge from the department, to consolidate skills, exercise equipment for recovery after a stroke can be purchased in online stores or in specialized stores. When using the simulator, an outpatient patient will need the help of loved ones and consultation with a rehabilitation specialist.

The rehabilitation department of the Yusupov Hospital is equipped with hardware devices and simulators for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers and motor function of the hand. You can make an appointment with a neurologist by phone. In the department, the patient will receive all the necessary rehabilitation services, consultation with a doctor, full care and assistance from a psychologist.

Walking aids

The most popular group of exercise equipment after a stroke is aimed at resuming walking. It is this lost skill that most disrupts the patient’s quality of life, since simply going to the kitchen or toilet becomes a big problem for him. For rehabilitation, special steppers are used. They consist of two flywheels with footrests and supports that the patient can hold on to during exercise.

Some models have additional replaceable handles. They change their shape (bend) or move to simultaneously work on the shoulder girdle. The package includes pulse meters for dosing loads. The advantages of gait training simulators are:

  • effective activation of lost functions;
  • acceleration of peripheral and systemic circulation;
  • preventing muscle atrophy;
  • normalization of body weight;
  • restoration of coordination of movements.

A simulator for restoring walking at home
The next variety is a step platform. It looks like a step or several (like a low staircase). You need to step on them with your feet alternately, while holding onto a strong support. It is best if it is a specially reinforced crossbar or handle.

Any means of medical rehabilitation after a stroke should be used regularly. Even the shortest sessions at the same time every day can speed up recovery.

At the same time, simulators cope with this task faster, but even without their use you can achieve excellent results if you do gymnastics and massage purposefully and with enthusiasm.

All loads must be feasible, exercises are performed only at a comfortable level, with a gradual increase in the duration and intensity of training. When mood and desire to exercise decrease, psychological help is required; sometimes patients are prescribed medication (antidepressants, psychostimulants) to correct apathy and depression.

We recommend reading about recovery after an ischemic stroke. From the article you will learn about whether full recovery is possible, what programs the rehabilitation course includes, and the recovery time frame. And here is more information about restoring speech after a stroke.

The recovery period after a stroke includes daily therapeutic exercises. To speed up the resumption of active movements in the fingers, hand, and entire arm, exercise machines with a mechanical engine or improvised devices are used.

The joints and large muscle groups of the lower limb are developed using an exercise bike. Steppers help restore lost walking function. Good results are achieved only with daily exercise.

Types of exercise equipment for hand recovery after a stroke

Exercise machines for restoring the arm after a stroke help eliminate muscle atrophy, restore arm function, muscle fibers, blood circulation, and nerve conduction. Very often, patients ask the question: “Can I buy an exercise machine for an arm after a stroke in a store?” There is a sufficient selection of products for outpatient rehabilitation on the simulator market; the price depends on the manufacturer, type and functions of the simulator. Types of exercise equipment for hand rehabilitation:

  • simulators for developing fingers, hands and forearm - universal, static. The simulators are designed to restore the left or right hand. The cost ranges from 3,000 rubles and above;
  • a set of exercise equipment for simultaneous restoration of the function of arms and legs after a stroke. The price of such simulators ranges from 7,000 to 30,000 rubles;
  • rehabilitation devices with biofeedback. They work from a program on a computer; it is possible to connect the patient’s PC to the computer of a rehabilitation specialist, who will monitor the results of the patient’s activities and give recommendations. The cost of the devices is high, they are intended for use in rehabilitation departments;
  • active-passive pedal trainers. The price depends on the functionality of the simulator, ranging from 1,500 to 30,000 rubles. While exercising on the simulator, the patient experiences motor load not only on the lower limbs, but also on the arms;
  • robotic simulators with biological feedback to restore motor activity of the limbs. This type of simulators is installed in rehabilitation departments of clinics.

Exercise equipment for bedridden patients

After a stroke, a person often becomes almost completely paralyzed. To restore muscle function, you can purchase special exercise equipment:

  • "Wave Doctor" . Consists of a lightweight polymer tube with springs. When shaken, a mechanical wave is triggered. Then the device is applied to the leg or arm and wrapped with a bandage. Biological stimulation affects the muscles. Such a device costs an average of $80.

  • Exercise machine "Shagonog 409" . Used to train only the lower extremities after a stroke. The device looks like a small frame with springs into which your foot is placed. The device begins to move using an electric motor. The cost is available for home classes - from $400.

Regular training on exercise machines after a stroke improves the condition of muscle tissue. Blood flow improves and muscle memory is formed. As a result, the patient quickly regains lost motor functions.

Why do we need simulators?

Different muscles work in the body every day: smooth and transverse. Exercise machines are prescribed by professionals to restore and train striated muscles. The work of this system directly depends on the desire of the patient, while smooth muscles work depending on biorhythms (intestines, uterus, heart). Their activity is regulated by the body regardless of the person’s desires.

The striated muscles are responsible for flexion, rotation, grasping and other similar actions. After a stroke, paresis and paralysis make it difficult for muscle tissue to work - they no longer receive signals in full from the brain.

If these muscles are not stressed every day, they will begin to atrophy. As a result, the habit of performing certain actions is lost.

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