Herbs for cleaning brain vessels - a list of useful herbs

The brain is the main organ of the human central nervous system, consisting of many nerve cells - neurons. By interacting with each other using special impulses, brain cells control the functioning of the entire body, including coordination and control of movements, processing of information from the senses, perception and generation of speech, positive and negative emotions, mental functions, attention, memory, etc. d.

Brain weight ranges from 1000 to more than 2000 g, which on average is 2% of body weight. The volume is 1250-1600 cm3 and occupies most of the cranium.

The brain consists of five sections:

  • oblong;
  • posterior – pons, cerebellum, pineal gland;
  • average,
  • intermediate;
  • anterior - cerebral hemispheres.

Despite the fact that recently science has made great strides in studying the functioning of the brain, its parts and individual cells, how, as a result of the interaction of billions of neurons, the brain functions as a single whole is known only in a very simplified form.

Normal blood circulation, which is ensured by healthy blood vessels, plays an important role in brain function. And, despite the fact that there are many brain diseases, the most widespread are diseases associated with circulatory disorders, such as atherosclerosis, stroke, migraine, etc.

Traditional medicine over the centuries has accumulated a large number of recipes for herbal treatment of brain diseases, as well as for prevention and healing. Official medicine has recognized the effectiveness of many of them, and currently there are pharmaceutical drugs based on them.

Herbs for brain diseases, unlike their chemical analogues, are completely natural, act gently but effectively, give stable and long-lasting results, and can, if not cure completely, then significantly improve the patient’s condition, especially for minor ailments. An important point is the absence of side effects and a small number of contraindications.

Vasodilator folk remedies

In the treatment of diseases characterized by vasoconstriction, an integrated approach is required. Along with taking medications, infused or boiled from herbal ingredients, it is recommended to adjust your diet and lifestyle.

Foods that help dilate blood vessels

You can dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation if you include the following products in your daily menu:

  • Green tea – lowers blood pressure, reduces cholesterol production and thereby prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Fish and seafood – lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Persimmon is an antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on the vascular system.
  • Turmeric is a seasoning used in dishes. Improves blood circulation by thinning the blood, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and “burns” excess cholesterol.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables have a general strengthening effect on the vascular system, help remove harmful accumulations, improve the elasticity and tone of the walls of blood vessels, as well as their expansion.
  • Coconut milk breaks down excess cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure, dilating blood vessels narrowed due to spasm.
  • Whole grain bread – helps remove cholesterol and cleanse blood vessels.
  • Garlic has a strengthening effect on blood vessels; to enhance the healing effect, it is mixed with vegetable oils, lemon or honey before use.

Despite the beneficial properties of the products described, it is necessary to agree with your doctor on their daily intake in order to prevent the development of allergies and other unpleasant side effects.

Prohibited Products

There is a list of foods whose regular consumption contributes to vasoconstriction. These include:

  • alcohol – all types of alcoholic drinks, except cognac, which is recommended to be taken 50 ml per day to dilate blood vessels;
  • fried foods – contribute to the accumulation of excess cholesterol and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
  • animal fats;
  • semi-finished products – sausages, sausages;
  • pork meat, lard;
  • Black tea.

For people with a predisposition to vasoconstriction, the use of these products should be limited or eliminated altogether.


Vasodilation is promoted not only by herbal and medicinal products, but also by a number of measures that are recommended to be followed in everyday life:

  • Providing adequate sleep - the optimal period of night rest for an adult is considered to be 8-9 hours.
  • Taking a contrast shower - alternating hot water with cold water helps to expand and constrict blood vessels, and therefore strengthens their tone. Performing the procedure requires preliminary preparation and hardening of the body.
  • Visiting a sauna - spasm relief and vasodilation occurs due to body heating; contraindications include heart disease, tumors, and chronic arterial hypertension.
  • Taking massage courses helps to dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow through them.
  • Daily walks - thanks to walking in the fresh air, the blood is saturated with oxygen and circulates faster, toning the blood vessels.

The described measures, performed individually, will not help normalize the functioning of the vascular system. In consultation with the doctor, they are included in the daily regimen in combination with taking herbal decoctions or infusions, as well as medications as prescribed.

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From spasm

Many vasodilating plants act very quickly and effectively. Tinctures and decoctions made from them help well even with cramps. For regular problems with vascular spasms, it is better to use such folk remedies rather than pharmacological drugs.

Baikal skull cap

Skullcap reduces high blood pressure, quickly relieves spasms, prevents their further occurrence , and improves blood circulation.

Scutellaria root contains essential oils, flavonoids, tannins, and resins that have a healing effect. It helps both in decoction and in the form of tincture.

  1. Pharmacy tincture is taken thirty drops in half a glass of water on an empty stomach.
  2. To prepare the decoction, the root is washed, crushed and poured with boiling water at the rate of a tablespoon per glass. To relieve spasms, take a tablespoon after infusion and cooling every hour.


A well-known plant with a calming effect can also quickly relieve vascular spasms.

  1. To do this, pour a teaspoon of finely chopped roots with a glass of boiling water, wrap it and leave until it cools. Take a sip during the day, but not less than once every 1-2 hours.

Vasodilators for the brain

Vasodilator drugs used to treat cerebral vessels have some peculiarities in their effects on the body. The main disadvantage of using these vasodilator drugs is the effect on other vascular systems, which often causes a strong decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, these vasodilators are not prescribed to patients who are prone to hypotension. The result can be completely opposite. For this reason, medications that dilate blood vessels in the brain are prescribed individually to each patient.

The best vasodilators for healing the cerebral vascular system are as follows:

A vasodilator for the brain, Piracetam is a drug that accelerates the removal of glucose, which normalizes the blood supply to the blood vessels of the brain, relieves headaches and dizziness. It is produced in different pharmacological forms: tablets, syrups, solutions for injections and intravenous administration.

A vasodilator for the brain, Mexidol , is a drug that normalizes blood supply to the brain, saturates the brain with oxygen and nutrients, lowers the amount of cholesterol, and dilates blood vessels. A vasodilator drug for the brain is produced in tablet and injection form.

a vasodilator for the brain .
This is a vasodilator drug, which is successfully prescribed as a vasodilator for the brain, accelerates the release of glucose, and normalizes metabolic processes at the cellular level. Vasodilator drugs for the brain, used in the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis, help improve blood flow in the brain and have a positive effect on the walls of venous and arterial vessels.

The following vasodilator drugs can quickly expand the blood vascular system of the brain:

Vasodilator drug for the brain Papaverine . This medication is prescribed to relieve spasms in the brain. In addition, papaverine is well used to relieve spasms in the smooth muscle cells of the peritoneum;

Vasodilator drug for the brain Cavinton . Prescribed for blood supply disorders in the brain. It has a positive effect on the blood vessels of the brain, widens the lumen in them and removes spasms. It is produced in the form of tablets and solutions for injections.

Vasodilator drug for the brain Angionorm . This medication helps to widen the blood vessels in the brain and increases physical endurance, resistance to stress, and also normalizes the emotional and psychological state.

In addition, almost all medications aimed at treating the vascular system of the brain have a hypotensive effect.

For this reason, the use of vasodilator drugs for the brain is carried out strictly as prescribed by a doctor. In addition, the dosage and frequency of administration must be observed, as well as constant monitoring of the patient’s blood pressure.

What brain diseases are treated with herbs?

First of all, herbs for the brain have proven their effectiveness in eliminating ailments such as headaches, migraines, dizziness, fainting, including chronic ones, especially if they are associated with overwork, stress, cerebral vascular spasms, in weather-dependent people, etc.

Also, good results are observed when using traditional methods of treating brain diseases resulting from circulatory disorders, for example, atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc., especially at the initial stage. Herbal treatment of the head helps cleanse blood vessels, improve their condition and tone.

And, of course, herbs for treating the brain are recommended to be used in courses for preventive purposes to improve health, as well as increase brain activity and memory. This is especially true for people who have familial vascular diseases.

In all other cases, treatment of brain diseases with herbs can only act as an addition to the main, medicinal, method of treatment. This applies primarily to diseases that threaten acute cerebrovascular accident and stroke.

It should also be remembered that seemingly harmless, but often recurring ailments such as headaches, fainting, etc. can signal the presence of serious diseases such as a cyst or brain tumor, when systematic and targeted drug treatment is indispensable.

In addition, there is a group of diseases that mainly affect older people, in which degenerative changes occur in the brain. This is primarily Alzheimer's disease. Symptoms of such disorders are sudden mood swings, attacks of unreasonable aggression, persistent memory impairment, etc. Although modern medicine has not yet found a means to treat such diseases, with timely treatment, the course of the disease can be slowed down and the manifestations of symptoms reduced.

Therefore, if you have persistent, frequently recurring ailments associated with the brain, as well as any suspicious symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor, get tested and undergo examinations to make sure there are no serious diseases, and if they are present, begin immediate treatment.

Folk recipes

There are a huge number of recipes for vasodilating folk remedies, which, strictly observing the dosage, can be prepared by anyone.

First, let's look at recipes from calming herbs:

  1. Valerian decoction. Everyone knows that this plant, in addition to its calming effect, also has an antispasmodic effect. To prepare a folk remedy for blood vessels, you need to take 2 tbsp. chopped valerian root, pour 200 ml. hot water and boil in a water bath for about half an hour. Next, the broth is infused for 2 hours, filtered thoroughly. Treatment: 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. Store the finished broth in a cool place.
  2. Treatment with folk remedies is effective when using a decoction of chamomile: brew 20 g of the plant’s flowers in a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink half a glass once a day after meals.
  3. Tea made from linden flowers is also very effective for constricted blood vessels; linden relieves nervousness, relieves stress, removes anxiety and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. For this, tbsp. Brew the plants with a glass of boiling water.

Recipes from antispasmodic herbs:

  • You can get rid of severe headaches with the help of hawthorn decoction; this unique plant has both an antispasmodic and a calming effect. The recipe is simple: pour 2 tbsp into a glass of boiling water. hawthorn, cook for about 5 minutes, then strain, store in a cool place. Reception: 1 tbsp. 2 times a day.
  • Also, to relieve spasms, using hazel bark tincture is effective, for this purpose 2 tbsp. Brew with a glass of boiling water, then leave for about an hour, filter, and store in a cool place. For treatment, take one tablespoon. 4 times a day.

Herbs for dilating blood vessels in the brain; there are many recipes for treating narrowed blood vessels:

  • A decoction of mountain arnica, for preparation, you need to take 10 g of flowers of this plant and pour half a glass of boiling water, let it brew for about half an hour. Take tbsp. 3-4 times a day. Store the finished broth in a cool place.
  • Infusion of the herb Astragalus six-flowered. One tbsp. Brew a glass of boiling water, leave for 4-5 hours, then strain. Reception: tbsp. 4 times a day. This folk remedy perfectly fights hypertension in the initial stages.
  • If a cerebral aneurysm is diagnosed, then a decoction of Vinca minor is a good treatment. Recipe: 30 g of crushed flowers, pour one and a half glasses of boiling water, take half a glass 3 times a day.
  • Vasodilating herbs for the brain can be mixed with various alcohol tinctures. For example, tincture of valerian root, crushed hawthorn fruits, tincture of mint and eucalyptus, Corvalol heart drops are mixed in a large container, 10 pieces are added. carnations. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed in a dark, warm place for 2 weeks. It is recommended to shake the infusion every other day. The finished product must be stored in the refrigerator. Treatment: 30 drops of tincture are added to 1/2 cup of boiled water, folk medicine is taken before meals.
  • To dilate blood vessels, preparing a herbal mixture is excellent, for example, mixing plants such as birch buds, wormwood leaves, chokeberry fruits, St. John's wort flowers, mint leaves and yarrow. All ingredients are taken one teaspoon at a time. pour a glass of boiling water and take 1 tbsp. three times a day.
  • It is useful to take parsley seed oil internally. Take 20 drops three times a day.
  • Garlic also has vasodilating properties; some folk remedies are prepared based on it. For example, one medium head of garlic must be passed through a press and poured with a glass of unrefined sunflower oil. The product is infused overnight in a cold place. For treatment, you need to mix tsp. ready product with tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is best to take it half an hour before meals three times a day.
  • Dilate your blood vessels with the help of Schisandra chinensis; for this you need to take one berry a day for two weeks.

Rules for cleaning blood vessels with herbs

The brain consumes 2/3 of the volume of oxygen entering the human body. In this case, the cerebral blood flow is a complex interweaving of numerous veins and arteries. It must be cleaned correctly - on the recommendation of a doctor, in a course.

The optimal composition of herbal preparations and the duration of treatment directly depend on the cause of the deterioration in the movement of blood through the intracranial vessels, as well as the severity of the pathological process.

It is recommended to begin cleaning the cerebral veins and arteries with herbs in the summer or autumn months, when the human body is not exhausted by winter vitamin deficiency - useful microelements come from fresh vegetables and various fruits. To improve the condition of the vessels, it is enough to clean them of toxins 1-2 times a year .

To increase the efficiency of the process of ridding brain structures of “slagging,” experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • adjust nutrition - consume a minimum of animal food, vegetables and fruits should predominate in the diet;
  • observe the drinking regime - drink at least 1.5-2 liters of purified water per day;
  • give up bad habits - alcohol and tobacco products have an extremely negative effect on the blood vessels of the brain.

Not all herbs that cleanse blood vessels and improve blood circulation are highly safe. Some people may experience allergic disorders while taking such decoctions and infusions. Therefore, before starting cleaning, you should consult your doctor.

Effective cleansing of brain vessels with herbs

Herbs that improve cerebral circulation have been used by our ancestors for many centuries. The most effective recipes.

In a clean container, combine equal parts of mint and birch leaves , burdock rhizome and the above-ground part of the cudweed, as well as rose hips and eleutherococcus, and kidney tea herb. 1 tbsp. Pour the finished mixture into 400 ml of boiling water. Leave for 30-40 minutes and drink 150 ml three times a day.

Birch buds and chamomile flowers , as well as St. John's wort and immortelle can improve cerebral circulation if an infusion is prepared from them. 2 tbsp. l.

Pour the herbal mixture into 2 glasses of just boiled water. The resulting herbal infusion is divided into 2 parts, which must be drunk in the morning and then before bed.

Before taking, add 1 drop of bay leaf essential oil and 1 tsp. honey

Take 5 tbsp. l. pine needles and combine them with 2 tbsp. l. onion peel . Add rose hips to them in the same volume. Pour the mixture into 1 liter of boiling water. Bring to a boil over moderate heat.

Pour into a thermos and leave overnight to infuse. Take 100 ml 3-4 times the next day after filtering. Cleaning will be effective if such procedures are carried out for three months.

Improving cerebral circulation is a long-term process that requires patience from a person. You can prepare herbs yourself or purchase them ready-made in pharmacies.

Lemon for cleaning blood vessels

Substances that are present in the juice of the sunny citrus - lemon, have powerful antioxidant properties. In addition, chemical compounds, after they enter the human body, help strengthen the walls of brain vessels and activate lymph outflow. All this helps to clean the veins, free them from slagging, and improve blood circulation.

Tested and proven recipes for cleansing the cerebral arteries:

  • Combine olive oil and lemon juice, as well as liquid honey, in equal volumes in a container. Place in a cool place for a day, shaking occasionally. Take the resulting cleansing mixture in the morning before breakfast, 1 tsp. The course must last at least 1 month.
  • Grind 2 medium-sized lemons and the same number of oranges in a home meat grinder. Add 2 tbsp. l. honey Consume 2 tsp of the finished mixture. 3 times a day. Store on a shelf in the refrigerator.

Those people who have pathologies of the stomach and digestive organs should be careful when using such recipes with lemon juice to cleanse the brain vessels, since there is a risk of causing an exacerbation of the disease.

Garlic and onions in cleansing brain vessels

Phytoncides and microelements, which are present in such familiar foods as onions and garlic, can literally work wonders on brain blood circulation when used correctly.

As studies conducted by experts have shown, you can clean blood vessels and improve blood circulation with the juice of onions or garlic 2-3 times a year. To maintain the achieved results, these vegetables must be present in the daily diet.

Garlic cleanses blood vessels if taken correctly:

  • Carefully chop one small head of garlic and combine with vegetable oil. Place in the refrigerator overnight. Use the mixture diluted with lemon juice three times a day;
  • Grind the onion in a kitchen meat grinder, squeeze the juice out of the pulp and combine with honey - 1 tbsp. l. Consume before every meal.

The duration of the course of cleaning the cerebral vessels should be determined by the doctor, taking into account the severity of negative symptoms and atherosclerotic damage to the vessels of the head.

As a rule, the required therapeutic result is observed by the end of the second or third month from the start of cleansing. In addition, the drug with garlic and onions perfectly increases the immune barriers of the human body.

Rosemary in the fight for cleanliness of brain vessels

By far the most powerful herb for cerebral circulation is rosemary. It has a strong positive effect on the entire cardiovascular system .

The plant can reduce cholesterol levels in the bloodstream and improve blood flow. Therefore, various atherosclerotic changes in the blood vessels of the brain are successfully eliminated with regular use of rosemary-based recipes.

Rosemary infusion can cleanse brain vessels of negative deposits and improve blood flow. To prepare it you need:

  • 1 tsp pour raw materials into 2 tbsp. boiling water:
  • leave for 25–30 minutes in a thermos;
  • filter.

Take a healing potion for cleaning the blood vessels of the head, 1-2 tbsp. l. three times a day. Rosemary essential oil will help improve blood flow - it helps correct the tone of veins and arteries. Experts advise those people who care about the cleanliness of their body's blood vessels to drink 1-2 cups of rosemary tea every day.

During treatment with rosemary the following effects will be achieved:

  • the vascular wall will be cleared of pathological deposits;
  • cerebral blood flow will be restored;
  • memory will be strengthened;
  • sleep will improve.

The herb will also help against other diseases - diabetes, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, pyelonephritis.

Walnuts as a means of fighting for the cleanliness of blood vessels

Polyunsaturated natural acids and many trace elements with vitamins - it is this composition that allows walnuts to have a powerful effect on the vascular wall of the cerebral veins, cleansing them and improving blood circulation.

Recommendations for home cleansing of brain structures:

  • For breakfast, take a vitamin mixture - 1 tangerine, 1 tsp. raisins and 3 walnuts, treatment course is 3.5-6 months;
  • In a container, mix nuts and dried apricots, as well as raisins, then chop and use 1 tbsp. l. 20-30 minutes before meals three times a day;
  • take for the recipe 5 walnuts and 1 plastic pineapple, 1 tbsp. honey - grind all the ingredients thoroughly and keep in a cool place for a day, after which it is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. 30-40 minutes before meals.

With regular courses to cleanse the cerebral vessels, the condition of the brain will significantly improve due to the renewal of blood flow. A person will feel better - memory will be strengthened, mental activity will improve, and ability to work will increase.

Why does vasoconstriction occur?

Narrowing of the blood vessels of the head often occurs as a result of age-related changes that occur throughout the body, but can also affect young people: smokers, leading an inactive lifestyle, abusing fatty and salty foods, and being overweight.

What determines the condition of our blood vessels?

The dilation and constriction of blood vessels depends on what we eat, that is, on how balanced our daily diet is.

Their condition is also affected by our physical activity, the presence or absence of bad habits, stress, and lack of proper rest.

In order to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary:

  1. Change your diet. Try to avoid fatty and fried foods. Eat fresh vegetables, herbs, dairy products, fish, flaxseed, sunflower and olive oil daily; unlike animal fats, such oils have a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

Remember! Vegetable oils cannot be used for frying! The best option is to add a tablespoon to fresh vegetable salads.

To cleanse the blood, it is important to eat fresh or frozen berries. Such food has a beneficial effect on the vascular wall and provides the body with useful vitamins and minerals.

  1. Make time for morning exercises. Even slight physical activity trains blood vessels, improves blood circulation and prevents venous stagnation. Physiotherapy doctors recommend including squats in your complex of physical exercises. The muscle groups of the legs are the largest in our body. During physical activity, they help the heart and blood vessels pump blood, improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Squats should not be performed completely, that is, the legs in the squat should form a right angle. You need to start with seven squats, gradually increasing their number. Gymnastics is easy to perform and, when performed regularly, gives excellent results.
  2. Optimize your lifestyle.

This process includes the following components:

  • Walks in the open air. They actively saturate the body with oxygen, strengthen the muscles that help the heart pump blood.
  • Massage . Helps improve blood circulation in blood vessels.
  • Cold and hot shower . Tones, improves outflow, helps strengthen the vascular wall.
  • Healthy sleep . A sufficient amount of sleep, at least seven hours a day, helps restore strength and gives rest to the nervous system.
  • Cardio exercises - running, swimming, dancing, yoga. All types of active movements help increase the elasticity of the vascular wall, improve blood flow, and reduce the risk of blood clots.

What is the danger

When a patient's blood pressure is normal, but vasospasm occurs, insufficient oxygen enters the heart tissue. In this case, the heart increases its rhythm of work to obtain the necessary component.

Against this background, blood pressure increases significantly, and hypertension can develop. At such moments, the vascular walls experience severe stress and become thinner.

Consultation with a specialist is necessary before any intervention.

If the blood vessels in the human body are narrowed, malfunctions in the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system appear and the person may experience the following symptoms (depending on the type of malfunction, the intensity of their manifestation may vary):

  • constant or recurrent headaches;
  • pronounced changes in blood pressure are recorded;
  • the development of heart failure is possible;
  • heart rate increases.

This condition is dangerous due to the high risk of heart attack and stroke - these conditions take the lives of thousands of patients every year.

Attention! With serious damage to the arteries, there is a risk of developing an aneurysm. Such formation is a real “time bomb”

The formation can completely block the vessel, as a result of which the process of transferring nutrients to the heart or brain is disrupted (see Signs and symptoms of a cerebral aneurysm).

The danger of such a condition is the rupture of education. As a result of this complication, hemorrhage occurs in the tissue of nearby organs. Such violations can cause disability with complete loss of ability to work or provoke death.

A specialist will tell you about the dangers of the condition and help you choose the best remedy.

Based on the information described, it is worth concluding that narrowing of the arteries in the human body entails danger.

Dilation of arteries using alternative medicine is a temporary method of improving well-being, which is not recommended to be used permanently without consulting a doctor. In fact, vascular constriction is a symptom indicating the presence of problems in the functioning of the body. In any case, the cause of such deformation must be identified and eradicated.

Action on memory

Even the most radical adherents of cannabis smoking admit that hashish and marijuana have a pronounced negative effect on memory in the long term.
It manifests itself extremely simply: among experienced Rastafarians, the ability to remember information is significantly reduced. The same applies to the ability to recall long-past events in memory. Simply put, it is difficult for such a person not only to memorize a poem, but also to remember how and where he celebrated the New Year before last. It is important to make a reservation here - such consequences should primarily be feared by those who smoke marijuana not only for a long time, but also often. That is, a truly tangible danger comes from consuming any THC-containing products (be it hashish, marijuana, “magic cakes” or a decoction of wild hemp in milk) more than once a week. The same part of the target audience that cannot go without a joint for a day is susceptible not only to noticeable memory impairment, but also to a decrease in learning ability.

Scientists explain this phenomenon quite simply: THC acts on cannabinoid receptors, so its effect on the area of ​​the brain responsible for short- and long-term memory (the hippocampus) is due to a decrease in the activity of neurons in this area. The fact is that the hippocampus contains quite a lot of cannabinoid receptors. So much for the direct relationship.

The most common recipes for vasodilation

1. Infusion of valerian roots. To prepare it, take 15 grams of herbs and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Boil the broth over low heat for 30 minutes, then leave to steep for a couple of hours. Take one tablespoon after meals 4 times a day.

2. Hawthorn infusion. This plant is also a vasodilator herb. You need to take 25 grams of dry hawthorn and pour a glass of boiling water over it. It is necessary to use 3 tablespoons of the prepared infusion before bedtime.

3. Hazel infusion. It gives a positive, and most importantly, quick effect. You need to take a spoonful of dry grass, add some hazel bark, and pour boiling water over it all. You should take the decoction a couple of times a day, two tablespoons.

4. Application of Kirkazon. This plant has been tested for years. The decoction is prepared in the same way as the previous infusions. It is necessary to consume 50 ml before meals.

5. Leuzea decoction. You need to drink the decoction three times a day. It is prepared in this way: add a teaspoon of dry herb to 1 liter of water. Leave for a couple of hours.

6. Fruits of Schisandra chinensis. For 10 days, take one fruit three times a day.

7. Parsnip. Use only if the blood vessels are narrowed in the heart. This folk remedy can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of tablets and taken 1 tablet per day for three weeks in a row.

8. Decoction of medicinal chamomile. Used to dilate blood vessels in the brain.

How to dilate blood vessels in the brain

The cerebral vessels deserve special attention, so additional herbs need to be considered. Baikal skullcap is considered the strongest herb. The roots of the plant are healing. They consist of tanning elements, oils, resins, etc. The plant not only dilates blood vessels, but also normalizes blood pressure, reduces spasms, and calms the nerves.

Algorithm for preparing an infusion of skullcap: you need to chop the root, brew it in 0.5 liters of water. Leave for several hours, then take 1 tablespoon every couple of hours.

To improve blood circulation, you can use a mixture of plants. To do this, you need to purchase or collect with your own hands: infusion of valerian, fruits of hawthorn, motherwort, peony, eucalyptus, sedative and mint. All components must be mixed in one container, then add ten cloves to them. Close the container (it’s better if it’s a bottle). Leave it in a cool place for 14 days. After the time has expired, you must take the tincture before eating.

Using soda

In addition to herbs, ordinary soda will help dilate blood vessels. The recipe is extremely simple. It is necessary to dissolve a pinch of this product in 200 ml of water, and then drink this solution on an empty stomach. The event is repeated once every 3 days. This recipe should not be used if you have stomach problems.

To activate your brain, you should add essential oils to your life. They awaken nerve cells. For these purposes, it is better to use mint, rosemary or bergamot. You can add these oils to an aroma lamp and inhale the wonderful aromas. The procedure is especially effective for colds or the presence of snot.

What to add to food

Not only herbs, but also food can dilate blood vessels in the body. The food we eat can replace many medications. That is why you should study the medicinal characteristics of food in as much detail as possible.

Experts have divided food into three groups, each of which is responsible for treating certain organs of our body. These include products:

1. With vitamin C. They make the walls of blood vessels much stronger. You should add to your food: apples, sea buckthorn, currants and rose hips.

2. With magnesium. This food has a diuretic effect. It includes: green leaves, watermelons, buckwheat and oatmeal.

3. With vitamin B. They do not allow headaches and dizziness to develop. By eating such foods, you will not suffer from atherosclerosis. These include: bananas, kidneys, nuts, yeast, liver and wheat germ.

Folk remedies have repeatedly proven their importance in the treatment of various organs and phenomena; vasodilation is no exception. But before you start taking herbs, you need to be one hundred percent sure that your diagnosis is correct. Because otherwise, it may turn out that you want to cure something, but as a result you only aggravate the situation. First of all, think everything over carefully, and only then purchase herbs for treatment.

What to pay attention to

No matter how harmless medicinal plants may seem, they are also medicines, some of which are potent, toxic and even poisonous. Therefore, before you start taking them on your own, you should consult with a doctor you trust, or better yet, a herbalist.

The doctor will select herbs and herbs that are effective for this particular disorder, the required dosage, and prescribe a course of treatment. Brain diseases in older people often occur in parallel with other chronic diseases. It is important to consider contraindications and possible side effects.

Herbs for the treatment of brain diseases should be used with extreme caution in children, people prone to allergic reactions, and during pregnancy, as many of them have an abortifacient effect.

Vasodilator herbs and methods of their use

To dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation, three types of herbal ingredients are used:

  • Plants that have a calming effect are chamomile, linden flowers, valerian, motherwort.
  • Antispasmodic herbs – immortelle, hawthorn.
  • Plants that promote vasodilation are mint, yarrow, parsley, lemongrass.


A decoction of valerian herb has a sedative and antispasmodic effect, which has a positive effect on the smooth muscles of blood vessels

The decoction should be taken with caution by elderly people, as well as those with liver disease.

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The decoction is prepared from 10 g of dry crushed raw materials and a glass of water, which are mixed in a container and boiled for half an hour. After this, the product is wrapped for 2 hours, filtered, cooled and placed in the refrigerator. Take the medicine 1 sip before meals three times a day for 2 months. After a break of similar duration, it is recommended to undergo another course of treatment.


Tea made from tree flowers helps strengthen the tone of the walls of blood vessels and normalize the psycho-emotional state. To prepare it, brew a tablespoon of flowers in a glass of boiling water.


A decoction of the flowers and fruits of this plant relieves spasm of blood vessels and helps strengthen their walls. It is not recommended to take the medicine for pregnant and lactating women, children under 10 years of age, or for those with liver disease.

Fresh or dried raw materials in the amount of 30 g are boiled for 5 minutes in a glass of boiling water. After cooling, the medicine is filtered and stored in a cold place. Take the decoction for 3 months, a tablespoon three times a day, shortly before meals.


Eating fresh berries and a decoction of dried lemongrass leaves helps dilate blood vessels and increase their tone. A decoction is prepared from a tablespoon of dry leaves and a glass of boiling water. The raw materials are poured with boiling water and left to cool. The strained drink is consumed 2 tablespoons per day. Fresh berries are consumed 1 piece daily.

Contraindications to the use of lemongrass include pregnancy and lactation, as well as liver and mental diseases. It is not recommended to take the decoction along with antidepressants and energy drinks, or give it to children.


A decoction prepared from dried yarrow herb has a vasodilating and blood thinning effect. 2 tbsp. raw materials are poured with 250 ml of water, then boiled for 20 minutes. The cooled and strained drink is taken throughout the day, dividing the dosage into 3-4 times. To achieve the effect, the decoction should be taken for 30 days.

Treatment with a decoction is not recommended for people suffering from low blood pressure and high blood clotting.

Herbal decoction

A decoction of herbal tea, which includes mint, wormwood, chokeberry berries, birch buds, St. John's wort and yarrow leaves, will help dilate blood vessels by relieving spasms and restoring tone. All ingredients are mixed one teaspoon at a time in one container and infused in 250 ml of boiling water until completely cooled. The drink should be taken three times a day, one tablespoon at a time.


A decoction of chamomile flowers is classified as an antispasmodic and sedative that has a relaxing effect on the body as a whole, including the vascular system. 2 tablespoons of dried flowers are infused in a glass of boiling water for 2 hours, after which the resulting contents are divided into two doses. The decoction is taken daily for 60 days. Contraindications for chamomile treatment include pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Herbal infusion

Alcohol infusions of valerian, mint, hawthorn and eucalyptus are mixed in equal quantities with Corvalol pharmaceutical drops. 10 pieces of clove seeds are added to the resulting mixture. After thorough mixing, the medicine is set aside in a dark place for 14 days, during which it must be shaken thoroughly. The resulting infusion should be taken shortly before meals, diluting 30 drops of the product in half a glass of purified or boiled water.

In order for medicines prepared according to folk recipes to help normalize the condition of blood vessels and improve well-being, their use, combination, dosage and duration of treatment must be agreed with the attending physician.


Almost all cleansing tinctures and decoctions contribute to the expansion of blood vessels in the brain. After all, by getting rid of cholesterol deposits, the vessels become more plastic. In addition, alcohol tinctures themselves contribute to the dilation of blood vessels due to the vasodilating effect of alcohol.

Hawthorn and hazel

Both plants help with vasoconstriction, are beneficial for veins, and help improve blood circulation . They also have a beneficial effect on the venous wall and improve blood supply to the brain. At home, it is best and safest to prepare decoctions from them.

  1. Dried hawthorn berries are pounded in a mortar or ground in a coffee grinder. Pour a glass of boiling water and let it cool. Use throughout the day, one tablespoon at a time.
  2. Hazel leaf. Tea from it is brewed like regular herbal tea and drunk several times a day.

Rose decoction

Rose oil has a vasodilating effect. Flavonoids, vitamins and minerals from the plant are also good for healing blood vessels. To use this effect, a rose decoction is prepared from the petals.

  1. The flower petals are poured with boiling water so that they are just covered with water.
  2. Bring to a boil, stirring slightly, and turn off as soon as the petals turn white.
  3. Cool, filter and drink a third of a glass several times a day.

If desired, you can drink more of this pleasant drug by adding a little sugar or honey.

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