Sleeping pills in ampoules with and without a prescription, injections for insomnia

General principles for treating insomnia

To get rid of insomnia, two therapeutic directions are used:

  1. Elimination of factors that contributed to the occurrence of insomnia. To do this, it is necessary to improve the patient’s psycho-emotional state, sleep hygiene, cure somatic ailments, and solve all psychological difficulties.
  2. Drug treatment. Various groups of drugs are used for this. They are prescribed only by specialists.

The most powerful sleeping pills are limited-release products. They are released with a doctor's prescription. Sleep disorders can occur for unknown reasons, which are called idiopathic. For such reasons, long-term treatment with potent drugs is indicated.

In case of sleep disturbance due to medications, somatic ailments, apnea, depression, psychological stress, the first step is to treat the underlying cause. Use sedatives and hypnotics only in extreme cases.

Indications for use

Sleeping pills in drops are prescribed for severe stress, overexcitation, and neuroses that provoke sleep problems. In such cases, sleeping pills come to the rescue in the form of drops of weak or medium effect.

The use of this group of drugs is also justified if the cause of insomnia has not been established. If the problem lies only in falling asleep, then quick-acting drugs are perfect. If you are worried about frequent awakenings at night, then resort to strong medications.

List without prescription

There is a large group of products that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. They are commercially available because they have a significantly less inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. An overdose of such drugs does not cause any special side effects. At the same time, over-the-counter sleeping pills can provide normal sleep in cases of simple sleep disorders.

Opinion of a somnologist : “Today, medications are recommended to be used only for acute insomnia and on the recommendation of a doctor.

If insomnia is chronic (one that has lasted for 3 months or more), then it is treated with cognitive behavioral therapy (joint work of a somnologist and psychologist), and medications are prescribed only if it is ineffective or unavailable.”

Daria Lebedeva, somnologist.


The remedy for insomnia acts as a blocker of H1 histamine receptors. It is used only as a sleeping pill for insomnia. It has a quick effect, so it is ideal for eliminating attacks of insomnia.

Pros. Extends the period of sleep, reduces the period of immersion in sleep.

Minuses. The medicine has side effects.

Contraindications. It is prohibited for patients with changes in renal function of urine outflow and breathing problems during sleep.

Price. Cost 350 rubles.

Reviews. “I suffered from insomnia and it negatively affected my work. On the advice of a friend, I purchased the product. After use there was a quick effect. Among all the drugs, this one turned out to be very effective.”

Read more about the drug in the review.


The active component is melatonin. The medicine compensates for the lack of the natural hormone melatonin in the body. It has an extremely positive effect on the process of falling asleep. Positively affects the nervous system. This is the most powerful non-prescription sleeping pill.

Pros. Impossibility of drug overdose. A strong over-the-counter sleeping pill. Does not cause addiction.

Minuses. May cause swelling and allergies.

Contraindications. Contraindicated in children with autoimmune diseases and liver dysfunction.

Price. Price 650 rubles.

Reviews. “Insomnia arose against the background of nervous overstrain. The doctor recommended this drug. After use, the product had a powerful effect. Among all the sedatives, this suited me best. All symptoms are gone. My sleep has become stronger."

Read more about the drug in the review.


This is a concentrated drug against insomnia. It has a natural composition. Among the potent sleeping pills, it affects the entire body. This is a fast-acting sleeping pill.

Pros. Improves the functioning of the endocrine system, the balance between the autonomic, somatic and central nervous systems.

Minuses. Cannot be purchased in regular pharmacies.

Contraindications. Do not take if you have personal intolerance to individual components in the product.

Price. The price of the product is 1990 rubles. Purchase only from the official website of the manufacturer.

Reviews. “I am skeptical about new products, because I love proven drugs. But according to doctors, this remedy is quite effective for insomnia. I appreciated the strong effect of the medicine. Thanks to the quick action, I got rid of all the symptoms.”

Analogues. To date, the drug has no analogues, since it is a new product.

You can read more about the drug in our review.


Drops eliminate any form of insomnia. Has a sedative effect. The drug normalizes sleep, eliminates feelings of aggression and anxiety. The product helps you fall asleep quickly.

Pros. The remedy eliminates not only insomnia, but also its causes. A natural sleeping pill that has a powerful effect.

Minuses. The drug does not have an immediate effect.

Contraindications. It should not be used only in case of hypersensitivity to individual components in the composition.

Price. The cost of the product is 990 rubles with a discount. It is recommended to purchase the drug on the manufacturer’s official website to avoid buying a counterfeit.

Reviews. “I have been suffering from insomnia for quite a long time and the medications I used did not have any significant effect. I decided to try a natural new product, since the reviews about it were only positive. I didn’t make a mistake, because compared to other strong sleeping pills it has a powerful effect.”

Analogues. Sonilyuks is new on the market and therefore has no analogues today.

You can read more about the drug in our review.

Corvalol (Valocordin)

This is the only over-the-counter product that contains the barbiturate phenobarbital. The medicine is available in drops and tablets. You need to take from 10 to 40 drops at a time.

Pros. A sedative can be used for pain in the heart. Indicated for psychomotor overexcitation.

Minuses. Has a pungent odor.

Contraindications. Not recommended during breastfeeding.

Price. The cost in tablets is 150 rubles, in drops – 40 rubles.

Reviews. “I have been suffering from tachycardia for many years. Due to this, sleep was disturbed. I started taking a sedative, after which my health improved significantly. This is an effective over-the-counter sleeping pill for sound sleep. I recommend using the drops.”

Sleep Formula

The composition of this dietary supplement is dominated by traditional “sleepy” herbs, such as hops and passionflower, as well as vitamins B and Magnesium. This composition makes it easier to fall asleep and get deeper and better quality sleep. There is also a version of the drug enhanced with phytomelatonin.

Pros. Natural herbal composition, available in various forms (tea, tablets, syrup), suitable even for children (from 3 years old), improves sleep quality, relieves stress, has been clinically tested at the clinics of the State Research Institute of Mental Health of the Tomsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, does not cause addiction.

Minuses. It does not act immediately, but has a cumulative effect.

Contraindications. Intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Price. For a package of 40 pieces, 393 rubles. Enhanced with phytomelatonin, 594 rubles per pack of 30 pcs.

Reviews: “I had the strongest effect from the first tablet. I slept much better, my sleep was deeper, and I felt more alert in the morning; during the day I was calmer than usual. I like the drug. I rarely take it, but when I can’t sleep I immediately think of it.”

Read more about the drug in the review.

Tryptophan Calm Formula

A drug based on the amino acid L-tryptophan, which affects the sleep-wake cycle. Also contains vitamin B and pantothenic acid, which are important for maintaining anti-stress functions of the body.

Pros. It lifts your mood during the day, reduces irritability, helps you calm down and fall asleep during insomnia due to stress, good composition.

Minuses. Price.

Contraindications. Intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Price. The average price for 15 tablets is 339 rubles, 1166 rubles for 60 tablets.

Reviews. “I immediately ordered a large package because a friend recommended it and there were a lot of good reviews on the Internet. The dietary supplement perfectly calms the nerves, I was emotional and worried all the time at work, and I noticed that I felt calmer in my soul. At the same time, there is no drowsy effect, it has become easier to fall asleep in the evening.”

Read more about the drug in the review.


Reduces the REM sleep phase. The hypnotic effect is quite weak and quickly loses its effectiveness with prolonged use. Cause aftereffects: daytime drowsiness, absent-mindedness, poor coordination.

Melatonin is normally produced in our body and serves as a regulator of the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness. Drugs that have a melatonin-like effect on the receptors of the nervous system are effective, for example, in case of insufficiency of the pineal gland, which normally secretes this hormone. They can also be used after discontinuation of benzodiazepine drugs.

List by prescription

Very powerful drugs are sold by prescription that help combat insomnia. Such potent sleeping pills are divided into several groups. The list of medications is quite wide.


This group of drugs is now used very rarely. This is due to the fact that patients become addicted and third-party reactions occur. This group often causes a feeling of drowsiness and poor attention. With prolonged use, depression appears.

The drugs are included in the list of the most powerful sleeping pills. You can only purchase them with a doctor's prescription.


International name: Amobarbital. Other names of the medicine are Dormital, Amytal. The drug has a calming effect and causes sound sleep. Has limited use. The remedy is used for insomnia and psychomotor agitation.

Pros. A potent sleeping pill that induces deep sleep.

Minuses. Causes third-party reactions. There is a feeling of weakness, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.

Contraindications. Contraindicated in diseases of the liver and kidneys with impaired excretory function.

Price. The cost of the drug is from 240 rubles.

Reviews. “Personally, the drug caused me a strong addiction, and I do not consider this the norm. The drug begins to act immediately, but side effects also appear. I do not recommend this product."


The drug is considered as a hypnotic. When consumed in small quantities, it has a calming effect. Indicated for use not only by adults, but also by children.

Pros. Treatment of epilepsy and chorea is possible.

Minuses. After consumption, side effects occur. Allergic reactions appear and blood pressure drops.

Contraindications. The drug is prohibited for severe kidney and liver diseases, myasthenia gravis, and drug addiction. Contraindicated in case of excessive alcohol consumption.

Price. The cost of the drug is from 12 rubles.

Reviews. “The girl suffers from insomnia and this is due to personal experiences. I tried many drugs, but there was no effect. I went to see a doctor who recommended this remedy. Of all the remedies, this medication is the most effective. It works much faster than other drugs. I began to sleep peacefully."


Sleeping pills from the list of this group are considered the most powerful due to the fact that they not only cause rapid sleep, but also have a sedative effect. The drugs are practically non-toxic. The product can reduce cramps and relax muscles.


Phenazepam tablets are tranquilizers that have a calming effect on the central nervous system. It has a pronounced anticonvulsant and hypnotic effect.

Pros. Has a wide spectrum of action. Prescribed for various neurotic and psychopathic pathologies.

Minuses. Causes side effects.

Contraindications. Prohibited for severe myasthenia gravis, pregnancy and severe renal and liver dysfunction.

Price. The cost of the drug is from 78 rubles.

Reviews. “Due to my work, my sleep has gone wrong. I became very nervous and felt anxious. I didn’t know what sleeping pill to buy, so I relied on reviews. My choice fell on Phenazepam. This is truly a fast-acting sleeping pill. Helped me cope with all my symptoms.”

Read more about the drug in the review.


The drug acts as a hypnotic. It has a pronounced hypnotic, sedative, anticonvulsant effect.

Pros. Helps with neuroses, psychoses, and various sleep disorders.

Minuses. It has a large number of third-party effects that have a negative impact on almost all organs.

Contraindications. Contraindicated in acute respiratory failure, in the first trimester of pregnancy, muscle weakness, glaucoma, and epileptic manifestations.

Price. The price varies from 55 to 62 rubles.

Reviews. “Lately I started to suffer from insomnia. I tried many traditional medicine recipes, but nothing helped. I came across this remedy on the Internet. I was pleased with the use, as my sleep improved. But the drug has too many side effects and contraindications.”

Z-drugs (non-benzodiazepines)

These are psychoactive substances that are similar to benzodiazepines. Z-drugs differ from the last group only in their chemical structure. Long-term use of such drugs causes a feeling of drowsiness.


The active substance is Zolpidem. Has a sedative, anticonvulsant effect. The time it takes to fall asleep is shortened and the time you sleep is significantly increased. The quality of sleep becomes better.

Pros. Has a quick effect on early and night awakenings.

Minuses. Has quite a number of third-party effects. High cost of the product. Not compatible with alcoholic beverages.

Contraindications. It is forbidden to use this remedy in the first trimester of pregnancy, in case of severe respiratory failure, liver failure, apnea, or lactase deficiency. Also, do not use if you are overly sensitive to individual ingredients in the product.

Price. The cost of the drug is from 1600 to 2800 rubles, depending on the pack.

Reviews. “I tried many inexpensive drugs, but the effect was minimal and did not last at all. Insomnia only went away for a certain period. I tried Sanval and was pleasantly surprised. I don't regret the money spent. I sleep soundly."


A sleeping pill that has a very rapid effect. The medication significantly shortens the time it takes to fall asleep and improves its quality. The number of night awakenings decreases.

Pros. Does not cause addiction.

Minuses. Overdose of the drug is possible, after which drowsiness increases, hypotension occurs, and breathing is depressed.

Contraindications. Prohibited in case of severe respiratory failure, liver failure, apnea, hypersensitivity to individual components in the composition of the product.

Price. The cost varies from 2650 to 3450 rubles.

Reviews. “Really effective drug. After using it, there was no feeling of dependence. I began to sleep peacefully and soundly. I fall asleep almost instantly. Don’t be afraid of the high cost, as the result is above all.”


A sleeping pill that increases sleep duration. The period of falling asleep after use is reduced. Inhibition processes intensify.

Pros. The drug is indicated for severe sleep disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Minuses. Has a number of third-party effects.

Contraindications. Do not take the product if you have apnea, pregnancy, breastfeeding, myasthenia gravis, or hypersensitivity to individual components in the composition.

Price. The cost of the product is from 437 rubles.

Reviews. “My doctor prescribed me several medications for insomnia. Andante was on the list. For some reason I was wary of the product, but still decided to try it. The effect was amazing, because after the first use, my sleep became stronger. I recommend."

Long-term use of sleeping pills

It is not advisable to take strong sleeping pills for a long time, because the risk of addiction is high. As a result, the patient cannot live normally without the dose and effect of the drug on the body.

Also, medications often lead to psychological dependence. In this case, the reception stage is formed in the consciousness, as a result of which a restful sleep occurs. Without taking the pill, falling asleep is no longer possible.

To prevent adverse consequences, it is worth seeking the help of doctors. After all, such a disease occurs due to stress and psychological disorders. If measures are not taken, progression and sometimes the development of new diseases is possible.

Side effects

After excessive consumption of sleeping pills, muscle tissue relaxes, consciousness is clouded, so sleep immediately sets in. In rare cases, convulsions are possible. But more often serious breathing problems appear, and gradually it stops.

In addition, blood pressure decreases and heart rate slows down. Over time, conditioned reflexes disappear. In rare cases, drug overdose leads to coma, but more often, death occurs. Due to the characteristics of the sleeping pill and first aid, possible consequences are noted. All this leads to the development of such diseases:

  • depression and stressful situations;
  • respiratory failure, pulmonary edema;
  • changes regarding kidney function;
  • heart failure;
  • mental and neurological disorders.

Some medications can help prevent the symptoms of insomnia. However, they can not only make you sleep better, but also become a harbinger of complications. The main danger is an overdose - possible death. To prevent such manifestations, it is recommended to call an ambulance as soon as characteristic signs begin to appear.

Alcohol compatible list

Most drugs are completely incompatible with alcohol. When combining medication with alcohol, two reactions may occur. In the case of alcoholism, only the attending physician should select a drug.

If you are addicted to alcohol, you need to consult a specialist who will select a treatment regimen. Sleeping pills, which are prescribed for alcohol dependence, are potent drugs. In a pharmacy, alcohol-compatible products are sold only with a prescription.

Important! When treating pathology, alcohol should be excluded.

Often, simply using sleeping pills for alcoholism is not enough. Therefore, tranquilizers that have hypnotic properties are prescribed. They are capable of:

  • eliminate feelings of anxiety,
  • speed up the onset of sleep,
  • eliminate phobias and obsessions.

What drugs are compatible with drinking alcohol? The most commonly used drugs for alcoholism are:

  • Aminazine,
  • Sonapax,
  • Teralen,
  • Phenazepam,
  • Eunoctine,
  • Propazin,
  • Chlorprothixene.

Such drugs will help even with the most severe course of the disease. Alcohol-compatible products should only be taken under medical supervision.

Alcohol and barbiturates

The compatibility of barbiturates and alcohol is unacceptable. The result of use may be injury to the limbs. A person who is immersed in sleep does not feel numbness or pain. The capillaries eventually become compressed and this causes gangrene.

Alcohol suppresses the respiratory center. When mixing medications with alcohol, respiratory arrest may occur. Suicides use powerful sleeping pills mixed with alcohol to prepare a deadly cocktail.

Alcohol and benzodiazepines

This group of drugs, when combined with alcoholic drinks, poses the greatest threat to life. A mixture of sleeping pills and alcohol can be fatal. Only in clinics this group is used for the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction, but therapy must be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

Alcohol and H1-histamine receptor antagonists

Alcohol, when mixed with this group of drugs, causes a strong dependence on sleeping pills. Alcohol reduces sensitivity to sleeping pills. For this reason, a person takes a larger dosage. This causes overdose and severe poisoning. Any dosage in combination with alcohol can be fatal.

Alcohol and Melaxen-based products

This group of drugs is more or less compatible with alcohol. When combined with small dosages, the drug may not have a hypnotic effect. But it is still not recommended to drink a mixture of alcohol and the drug, as the risk of third-party reactions increases.

Alcohol and z-drugs

It is not recommended to use this group of drugs together with alcohol, as it has an inhibitory effect. Alcohol enhances the effect of drugs in this group, so the risk of death increases.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that insomnia is a pathology that requires timely treatment. When choosing sleeping pills, you must listen to the recommendations of a specialist. Otherwise, you may harm your health.

Drugs ─ benzodiazepine derivatives

They enhance the effect of the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the nervous system, gamma-aminobutyric acid, by binding to receptors intended for the specified neurotransmitter and simulating its effect.

They have hypnotic, anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and anticonvulsant effects.

Side effects: sharp severity of post-somnia syndrome, withdrawal syndrome, enhance the effect of alcohol, which, if combined with it carelessly, can cause respiratory failure and even provoke respiratory arrest.

Against the backdrop of long-term use of drugs, the so-called “recoil” syndrome may occur, although when using this group of drugs, it occurs infrequently ─ this side effect is more typical for the use of barbiturates.

These are new selective hypnotics that interact with a limited number of receptors in the nervous system, and therefore side effects are less pronounced.

They do not have the ability to accumulate.

These drugs do not disrupt sleep structure and are therefore well tolerated.

Side effects: low anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects, withdrawal syndrome.

The drugs should not be used while breastfeeding, otherwise the baby may experience nervous system disorders, including withdrawal syndrome.

Cyclopyrrolones and imidazopyridines are considered the most modern drugs (3rd generation).

Dangerous consequences of overdose

If you exceed the permissible dose of a strong sleeping pill, an overdose will inevitably occur. Its consequences can be the most terrible, even fatal. It is very important to determine in the early stages that a person has an overdose. The stages are as follows:

  1. There is a slowing of the pulse , excessive sleepiness throughout the day, increased salivation, and apathy towards the outside world. If you provide timely assistance at this stage, you can avoid complications.
  2. Loss of consciousness , which is accompanied by a reaction to painful stimuli; the pupils react poorly to light. Active salivation remains, which can continue with vomiting and retraction of the tongue. If you do not provide help to a person in time, death is possible.
  3. A state of coma when the pupils stop responding to light. Breathing becomes shallow, blood pressure is reduced. In this case, the person must be hospitalized in order to regain consciousness under medical supervision. In most cases, coma due to an overdose of sleeping pills leads to negative consequences, for example, disruption of the kidneys and liver, even disability.
  4. Terminal stage , which involves cessation of breathing, cessation of cardiac activity, and death.

It is possible to recognize the symptoms of an overdose initially. They depend on whether the drug belongs to a certain category:

  1. Barbiturates , which belong to the drugs of the previous generation. An excess is considered to be a dose of more than 10 times.
  2. Benzodiazepine series . An overdose of these drugs looks like this: impaired coordination of movement, speech becomes sluggish and less intelligible, signs expand, hypothermia and hypotension are observed. It is difficult to exceed the dose. Even a tenfold increase leads to poisoning without serious consequences.
  3. Separately, it is worth highlighting Donormil . Symptoms of poisoning may appear even after the recommended 3 tablets per day. However, not a single case of death has yet been identified. But this does not mean that medical care should be neglected.

In any case, before using a sleeping pill, you should carefully read the instructions and dosage of the drug.

Mechanism of action of sleeping pills

Instant sleep medicine is an additional measure that helps induce deep sleep. However, they cannot be used to cure any disease. The drug can also cause a number of undesirable consequences.

Important! It is not recommended to use sleeping pills for a long time. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, but no more than 15 days are acceptable. They influence a person’s consciousness, after which the latter plunges into the land of dreams.

Throughout medical practice, the most dangerous complications have been identified: injuries and asphyxia, which manifest themselves immediately after use. This is easy to explain - external factors were ineffective before the medicine. In a dream, a person fell asleep without the possibility of waking up, received bruises, and became entangled in bedding.

Most of these sleeping pills are addictive. Subsequently, it is impossible to fall asleep on your own, since sleeping pills are required. As a result, it is necessary to resort to taking additional medications. There are groups of people for whom they are more effective: the elderly, middle-aged, certain categories with a severe form of the disease. For young people, use is not necessary, because the body can cope without outside help.

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