Imaginary patients? What is vegetative-vascular dystonia and how to cope with it

Neurosis and VSD are interrelated concepts. The international classification classifies vegetative-vascular dystonia as a neurosis. That is why, when a symptom complex appears, it is recommended to evaluate the functioning of the nervous system.

Treatment of neuroses is carried out comprehensively and with an individual approach, which has a positive effect on the result.

Causes of the disease

Vegetative-vascular dystonia develops in patients under the influence of various provoking factors. Pathology is diagnosed against the background of infectious processes in the body.

If a pathological process occurs in the endocrine system, this leads to the occurrence of VSD. Pathology appears with pathologies and injuries of the spine. It is diagnosed when:

  • Frequent overwork;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Traumatic brain injuries;
  • Diseases of the digestive system.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurosis appears against the background of various causes. It is most often diagnosed in cases of mental trauma. Pathology appears against the background of genetic predisposition. If close relatives of a person have developed pathology, then he is at risk. Neurosis appears with chronic fatigue and insufficient rest.

Neuroses appear in people with drug or alcohol addiction. If chronic fatigue is observed against the background of constant mental and emotional stress, this can lead to neuroses. They appear during nervous tension and stressful situations. If a pathological process occurs in the patient’s body, which negatively affects the functioning of the immune system, then this leads to disease.

The occurrence of neuroses and VSD is observed against the background of various causes, so the patient is advised to be attentive to his health.

In a healthy body healthy mind

In addition to psychological hardening, physical hardening is extremely necessary for VSD. Therefore, people with such problems should ensure themselves healthy sleep, walks in the fresh air, and also give up alcohol and smoking, excessive watching of TV and spending time at the computer. Work should be alternated with rest.

Regular physical exercise is very important for normalizing vegetatives. Swimming and water aerobics are especially useful. You can also sign up for exercise equipment, for example, master a treadmill, bicycle ergometer, stepper. But standing on your head and turning the wheel is not recommended - a patient with VSD must always feel solid ground under his feet. Therefore, jumping is also not encouraged. Exercises with a large amplitude of movement of the head and torso, sharp and quickly performed movements, and exercises with prolonged static effort should be avoided. It is important to choose a feasible load for yourself so that the body does not overexert itself, but rather enjoys the physical activity. And after classes - a contrast shower, which perfectly trains the blood vessels and hardens the nerves.

Types of neuroses

Vegetovascular dystonia is accompanied by psychoemotional disorders. Their features directly depend on the type of neurosis. He can be:

  • Asthenic. The main feature of this type of pathology is a sudden change in mood. Since the patient experiences a loss of strength and nervousness, this leads to irritability and mood swings. The disease is accompanied by increased fatigue, so a person cannot perform even usual activities for a long time. The disease is accompanied by trembling in the body and increased heart rate.
  • Hysterical. Patients experience paroxysmal emotional outbursts. The cause of hysteria is self-suggestion. A person loses control over his emotions and is able to overwhelm himself. If the disease is not treated promptly, convulsions, paralysis and hallucinations are observed. Patients experience a sudden onset and end of tantrums. This type of pathology is most often observed in the fairer sex. Most women complain that they often have headaches.
  • Psychasthenia. It is characterized by the patient’s fixation on negative thoughts that appear spontaneously.
  • Depressed. This type of pathology is observed if a person cannot independently cope with difficult life situations. A person gets the feeling that no one needs him. The disease is accompanied by rapid fatigue. In the pathological process, the occurrence of emotional and physical weakness is noted. If the pathology occurs in an advanced form, then this leads to thoughts of suicide.

There are several types of neuroses in vascular dystonia, which are recommended to be identified in order to prescribe effective treatment.

How does the autonomic nervous system work?

When we see danger, the SNS signals the adrenal glands to release adrenaline, which begins its work: it tenses the muscles of the arms and legs, increases heart contractions, and increases blood pressure to provide the muscles with oxygen and nutrients. The SNS makes breathing frequent and shallow, which is the most effective in such conditions, increases sweating to prevent the body from overheating from the energy of working muscles, etc., etc.

And when the danger has passed, you can relax, eat, go to the toilet, and finally sleep. The SNS also “falls asleep,” and its “sister”—the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS)—comes into its own, giving rest and restoration to the body exhausted from the fight against danger.

Look at what the SNS and PNS do:

Systems, organs, functionsSympathetic systemParasympathetic system
HeartbeatIncreased frequencyReduction
Salivary glandsDry mouthNormal secretion of the salivary glands
Skeletal musclesVoltageRelaxation
Breathing rateGainReduction
BronchiExpansion of the lumenNarrowing of the lumen
Sweat glandsActivation
Musculature of the esophagus and stomachRelaxationReduction
Intestinal peristalsisSlowdownGain
Kidney functionSlowing down urinationIncreased urination
Body temperaturePropensity to increaseDownward Bias
Hands and feet to the touchColdWarm
Color of the skinPallorTendency to blush

All people are divided into normotensives, hypertensives and hypotensives.

The blood pressure of the former, like astronauts, is somewhere around 120/80 mm Hg, in hypertensive patients, for example, 130/90 mm Hg, and in hypotensive patients, for example, their usual pressure is 110/60 mm Hg

This means that in normotensive patients the action of both departments is optimally balanced, in hypertensive patients the tone of the SNS predominates, and in hypotensive patients the tone of the PNS predominates. And this is normal and does not mean at all that hypertensive people are candidates for hypertension at about 50 years of age.

You might be asking:

“And why, when you are nervous, does “bear sickness” begin, or, to put it in our language, in Russian, does diarrhea break out?

But because if an animal is driven into a corner, then, even understanding the sadness of its situation, it will go on the attack.

The same thing happens with the PNS. If the actions of the SNS turn out to be excessive, the PNS is also extremely activated: there may be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other unpleasant surprises.

But this is not VSD yet. This is so... a small storyboard. Calm down, a little time will pass, and life will sparkle with its colors again.

Symptoms of pathology

With neurosis and VSD, patients experience the development of corresponding symptoms. During the pathological process, severe nervous exhaustion is observed. This is why the patient develops a headache. A common symptom of the disease is arrhythmia . With a symptom complex, disorders in the digestive tract are noted.

Patients complain of weakness and increased fatigue even when performing usual activities. During the course of the disease, a person’s memory deteriorates. The pathological process is accompanied by absent-minded attention. With neurosis and VSD, a person becomes hot-tempered and aggressive.

Some patients become withdrawn and avoid communication. The symptom complex is accompanied by frequent mood swings. The person becomes whiny and touchy. In pathology, self-pity is observed. It is accompanied by an increased level of anxiety.

With neurosis and VSD, a large number of symptoms are observed. If a patient develops one or more signs, he should consult a doctor who, after conducting appropriate diagnostics, will prescribe effective treatment.

Disease therapy

If symptoms of neurosis and VSD occur, the patient is advised to seek help from a doctor. He will examine the patient and collect anamnesis, which will allow him to make a diagnosis. If necessary, laboratory and instrumental examinations are prescribed.

Treatment of pathology must be comprehensive. This takes into account the type and severity of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient. Treatment of the disease is carried out using psychotherapeutic techniques, medications and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Use of vitamin complexes

However, it is much better to use natural forms, in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables. Another danger is an overdose of vitamins, which is just as dangerous as their absence. Therefore, do not try to treat yourself; be sure to consult a doctor.

For the treatment of VSD and neuroses, the following vitamins are necessary:

  • B1 (Thiamin) – found in bread, liver, beef, black currant;
  • B3 (Niacin) – meat and dairy products, cereals;
  • B6 (Pyridoxine) – carrots, nuts, potatoes, liver;
  • B12 (Cyancobalamin) – beef, seafood, greens;
  • PP (nicotinic acid) – apples, cherries, grapes;
  • C (ascorbic acid) – citrus fruits, currants, cabbage, beets.

Treatment with drugs

During the course of the pathological process, the patient is recommended to take medications that eliminate its symptoms and causes. Also, with the help of drugs, the nervous system is restored and strengthened. The medications must be taken in strict accordance with the dosage specified by the doctor. Otherwise, serious complications will develop. Treatment is carried out using:

  • Neuroprotectors. The action of medications is aimed at improving blood circulation. They are characterized by the presence of antioxidant properties. During the period of use of the drugs, the nervous system is protected from the negative influence of the environment.
  • Antidepressants. The use of medications in this group is recommended for patients whose disease is accompanied by anxiety and insomnia.
  • Sedative medications. Characterized by a positive effect on the central nervous system. When overdosing on medications, serious complications and even death occur.
  • Beta blockers. With the help of medications, the heart and blood vessels are supported, and the heartbeat and blood pressure are normalized.

The choice of a specific medicine and the prescription of its dosage is carried out by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapy is used to improve the patient's condition. In case of pathology, the simultaneous use of several physiotherapeutic procedures is allowed. Patients are recommended to carry out breathing exercises, for which special equipment is used.

To ensure normalization of blood circulation and bring vascular tone back to normal, acupuncture is performed. Water procedures have a calming and relaxing effect. Electrophoresis has a high effect in pathological conditions. Patients are recommended to have a cervical massage.

There are a large number of physiotherapeutic procedures that can be used to treat neurosis, which will allow you to choose the most appropriate option for the patient.

Application of psychotherapy

The main cause of neuroses in vegetative-vascular dystonia is nervous overstrain and mental trauma. It is impossible to eliminate them with the help of medications. In this case, the use of psychotherapy is recommended.

A highly qualified specialist works with a person, which ensures the effectiveness of treatment. To eliminate the causes of the pathological condition, the use of simulation and conversation is recommended. In some cases, a frightening situation is created. Thanks to the use of innovative techniques, the patient learns to control his emotions.

To normalize the state of the nervous system, simultaneous use of physical education is recommended. A set of gymnastic exercises is developed by the doctor in accordance with the physical characteristics of the person.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a serious disease that is accompanied by a variety of symptoms such as: nausea, lump in the throat, tinnitus, etc. Often, with pathology, neurosis develops when exposed to provoking factors. This pathological process has several varieties, which are determined in accordance with the characteristics of its course. If symptoms of neurosis and vegetative-vascular dystonia occur, the patient is recommended to undergo treatment, which requires the use of a whole range of methods.

Lifestyle with VSD

There is a way out of this situation for a person. And there is only one of him. You need to convince yourself of a positive outcome, give yourself the mindset to defeat your illness. Then all further actions will be only a logical continuation of your decision. Changing your lifestyle is one of them.

First you need to be examined and determine your type of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Then you should work on yourself, teaching yourself never to make sudden movements. And not only when getting up from a place, other movements in space, but also in a figurative sense. You need to try to avoid stress and anxiety, especially unreasonable and far-fetched ones. Positive thinking, a sense of humor, and yoga can play a positive role in this.

A calm lifestyle, regular physical activity (but without overload!), and walks before bed are helpful. Cycling, swimming, skiing, jogging, aerobics, and dancing are recommended. Be sure to get enough sleep and follow a daily routine.

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