Antisocial deviations in the behavior of adolescents and the circumstances that give rise to them article on psychology

The concept of "antisociality"

Antisociality is a negative attitude towards standards of behavior, social norms, the desire to carry out actions that counteract society and its traditions.
Definition 1

Antisociality (from the Greek “against the public”) is a systemic quality of personality, manifested in such personality qualities as the tendency to lead a life hostile to society, directed against the interests of society.

Antisociality is often interpreted as antisocial, delinquent, criminal, criminal behavior.

An antisocial personality shows immorality, disrespect for people, is prone to fraud, lies, has no sense of responsibility, no conscience, and lacks interest and empathy for others.

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The first symptom of antisociality is psychopathic behavior, excessive uncontrollable impulsiveness, leading to violation of generally accepted norms accepted in society.

Morality is alien to antisocial individuals. Such an individual does not feel guilty for his misdeeds; he is a good manipulator. They are characterized by a lack of emotions, signs of attachment to parents, loved ones, and cruel treatment of pets.

Antisocial individuals are prone to violence. They are characterized by professional parasitism, lack of parental responsibility, desire for risk, without paying attention to the fact that others may suffer.

Characteristics of an antisocial personality (Ron Hubbart):

  • speaks only in broad generalizations;
  • prone to spreading bad news, malicious and critical remarks, general suppression and devaluation;
  • changing the news for the worse, broadcasting only negative news;
  • cannot be re-educated or treated;
  • causes trouble to others;
  • chooses the wrong target;
  • unable to complete the cycle of action;
  • supports only groups engaged in destruction;
  • fights against constructive activities;
  • poor sense of ownership.

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Precautionary measures

Prevention of the development of asociality in children and adolescents includes the following tips:

  • take care of the baby’s emotional state;
  • become a positive example for your child, promote a healthy lifestyle and correct values;
  • create intra-family trusting relationships;
  • If necessary, attend psychological consultations in a timely manner.

Now you know what people with antisocial behavior are like. This does not mean that it is necessary to isolate yourself from communication with such individuals. It would be much more correct to put an antisocial person on the right path, to help him socialize, if this is in your power.

Forms and types of antisocial behavior

Forms of antisocial behavior are characteristics of an individual’s rejection of social norms. They range from seemingly harmless manifestations to total destruction of personality.

Note 1

Manifestations of antisocial behavior are considered: a tendency to wander, rudeness, bad habits, aggression towards others, and the use of profanity.

Regular minor offenses, such as fights, prank calls, theft, petty hooliganism, physical or mental intimidation, are often the beginning of adult antisociality. If the formation of the process of antisociality is not interrupted, then this can lead to internal self-destruction of the individual.

Forms of antisocial behavior:

  • pathological,
  • deviant,
  • marginal,
  • non-standard creative,
  • retrist.

Depending on the norm that an individual violates in society, antisocial behavior can be classified into the following types:

  • violation of legal norms and laws that pose a threat to the social status and well-being of people (committing a crime);
  • fanaticism and conformism, blind following of the idol; narcissism – an exaggerated sense of one’s own greatness, significance, grandiosity;
  • behavior that contradicts the moral, ethical and social norms of society;
  • various suicidal tendencies, dependencies (addictions) that form self-destructive or self-destructive behavior.


Treatment of dissocial personality disorder is difficult, since the moral norms of such people are formulated in their own way, and it is very difficult to convince them that they are wrong. In childhood and adolescence, consultation with a psychotherapist and family psychotherapy can help. Such conversations are very useful because the doctor will be able to highlight aspects of the relationship between parents and child, understand their essence and try to influence the child through them. If parents are from a dysfunctional family, this may not bring any results, but if they listen to themselves and their child, then perhaps the child’s psycho-emotional state will be restored. The psychotherapist must instill in the patient the normal principles of society, make him feel shame for his bad behavior, ask for forgiveness and show his emotions. Sometimes hypnosis sessions are carried out, and they must be regular to strengthen the result.

In extreme cases, drug therapy is resorted to, especially if the person becomes dangerous to society. Antipsychotics, sedatives, soothing teas and baths are used.

Medical and psychological points of view on the issue under consideration

From a psychological point of view, antisocial behavior is seen as a signal to society that an individual has problems.

Society ignores problem people, thereby worsening their situation.
Today, negative behavior on the part of antisocial people, unfortunately, is becoming the norm and forces retaliatory measures. Society is forced to apply formal and informal sanctions to them, including: isolation, compulsory treatment, correction through occupational therapy, or punishment of the offender by applying the law to him. From a medical point of view, such a deviation is considered to be a component of antisocial personality disorder. ICD-10 interprets this disease as a deviation from socially accepted norms and rules for the health of an individual in various forms of borderline level of neuropsychic pathology.

Preventing this type of behavior

To prevent this type of behavior, it is necessary to provide psychological education to families whose members suffer from the destructive behavior of their members. Such education should be aimed at increasing the psychological competence of persons in contact with this special group.

It should be noted that the second component of prevention is improving the psychological climate in the family and immediate environment, as a micro-community in which the individual is constantly located.

The combination of these two components leads a person to socialization and, as a consequence, the acquisition of psychological well-being.

Author of the article: Trushkin Ivan Vladislavovich, Bachelor of Psychology

Treatment of sociopathy

Treatment of sociopathic mental disorder is a complex and difficult task. The difficulty lies in the fact that a sociopath does not see any problems at all, and considers his antisocial behavior to be completely normal.

But even if such a person asks for help, the psychotherapist has difficulties in establishing a trusting relationship with the patient. They are necessary for a successful adjustment. It is difficult for a sociopath to maintain a routine and obey recommendations. When carrying out corrective treatment, doctors apply two main rules:

  1. The presence of an experienced psychiatrist is mandatory.
  2. Initiation into the results of therapy of a minimal amount of the patient’s environment. This is done to strengthen the patient’s trust in the treating specialist.

When treating a sociopath, doctors also resort to medication. The patient is prescribed antidepressants, sedatives and hormonal drugs. All aggressive medications are prescribed in small doses so as not to cause addiction in a person.

Disease prognosis

Unfortunately, antisocial disorder is difficult to correct. It is impossible to cure such patients. Sociopathy has a disappointing prognosis. We can only hope for the emergence of new, more effective methods of treating these patients. The main thing to remember is that it is never too late to correct mistakes and try to become a healthy person.

Recommendations from psychologists

Knowledge about what an antisocial person is and the corresponding signs in behavior will help in raising a healthy child. Psychologists advise adhering to five rules in raising a healthy personality:

  1. Open communication. The child's problems should be discussed at home and resolved calmly. Children need to be assured of support and understanding.
  2. Well-deserved praise. Encouragement must be deserved, otherwise selfishness develops, and in the future - problems with social adaptation and the formation of deviations.
  3. A positive example. The atmosphere at home, the love of spouses and respect develop children's adequate self-esteem, on which behavior in society depends.
  4. Correction. You need to calmly explain to your child what and why is unacceptable: habits, actions and character traits.
  5. Joint activities. Even the busiest parents should make time for family fun, relaxation, and celebrations.

Manifestations in children

The first signs of difficulties with socialization in young children are indifference to learning, lack of communication skills, and aggressiveness towards relatives and other people, as well as animals. Such children are antisocial, which means they are rude, prone to theft, and compensate for their inability to resolve conflict situations with fights, shouting and threats.

When similar situations arise, those who study in elementary school are immediately identified as difficult children. Excessive attention from the school administration and teachers only aggravates the problem, as it causes protest among children: they do not obey, do not want to cooperate with classmates and waste time on assignments.

The causes of behavioral disorders (as in adolescents/adults) are psychological, social, educational and medical. If you ignore any deviations and cruelty of a child, there is a high risk of missing the development of the problem. Already in adolescence, individual deviations often become conscious actions of a destructive nature.

Antisocial teenagers

Most often, antisocials are teenagers. They take pride in their actions and impunity, seeking participation or forming their own rebellious groups. Peer support provokes a belief in one’s own specialness.

Popular expressions are: defiant communication with older people, refusal to fulfill school and household duties, rudeness. As the level of aggression increases, the forms of manifestation also change: thefts, fights and other criminal activities, running away from home, sexual relations.

Antisocial behavior is not necessarily limited to children from disadvantaged families. There are many factors:

  • family problems;
  • influence of comrades;
  • romantic perception of the image of a rebel;
  • strictness of parents or guardians;
  • physical problems due to illness;
  • personal degradation provoked by poor upbringing and example, poverty;
  • psychological addictions;
  • religious cults;
  • the desire to assert oneself and the lack of other ways;
  • fanaticism, imitation of the antisocial behavior of an idol;
  • influence of subculture.

Often, deviant behavior is the result of the actions of another person: physical punishment at home or violence. Often teenagers focus aggression not only on others, but also on themselves. They inflict scratches, cuts and burns on themselves. With the help of physical pain, such people try to balance mental suffering. Suicide is an extreme manifestation of auto-aggression. It is necessary to help a child (your own or someone else’s) in such cases in a timely manner.

Signs in adults

Antisocial behavior in adults can be a continuation of childhood habits or caused by mental illness, alcohol or drugs. Such people are liberated, they do not know what shame is, and do not understand why they should conform to social norms, namely: obey the laws, be faithful to their wife or husband, adhere to the rules of ethics, work, take care of children. A frequent development of events is that they end up on the street.

Asociality is a universal phenomenon. There are groups of wealthy people who have chosen atypical lives and ways of earning income. These are the creators of the porn industry, drug dealers, extortionists, elite prostitutes, brothel owners and similar elements.

There is also a positive direction of deviation. We are talking about geniuses whose actions and lifestyle are significantly different from the behavior of other people. As a rule, those around you are puzzled by what is happening: refusal of comfort, pickiness, spending time alone, shockingness and capriciousness. For example, Albert Einstein, Claude Monet, Joseph Brodsky.

Antisocials in literature

Famous literary works will help you learn more about people with antisocial behavior. Among them:

  • "1984" (George Orwell).
  • "Video Death" (Irvine Welsh).
  • “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” (Stephen Chbosky).
  • Books about Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle).
  • "Metamorphosis" (Franz Kafka).
  • "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" (Stieg Larsson).
  • "Brave New World" (Aldous Huxley).
  • "Hannibal" (Thomas Harris).
  • "Jane Eyre" (Charlotte Brontë).

Antisocial people are those who either have no motivation for social life or whose behavior contradicts social rules. A mild form of asociality is introversion, an extreme form is schizophrenia.

Deviant behavior is characteristic of children and adults, representatives of different social groups and levels of education. It can be expressed in all sorts of addictions (escape from real life), as well as ignoring moral standards and their violation (even criminal offenses).

Among the common causes of asociality are: biological, social and personal factors. The best way to fight is prevention. It is interesting that an asocial is not always a bad person; they can be geniuses or believers whose religion encourages withdrawal from society.


Diagnosis of deviant behavior is carried out by a psychiatrist and a clinical psychologist. The following diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Inspection and conversation. The specialist assesses the patient’s general condition, his emotional state, manner of speech and behavioral traits. Questions are asked about family, study or work, a person’s hobbies and habits.
  2. Studying patient data. The doctor studies the characteristics from the place of study or work, extracts from the outpatient card from the neurologist, talks with teachers, employers and police officers, if the patient is registered.
  3. Questioning family and friends. A psychologist or psychiatrist contacts the patient’s immediate environment, asks questions about his psycho-emotional state, character traits and living conditions.
  4. Psychological testing. To determine the patient's personality characteristics, tests and questionnaires are used: MMOL, PDO, anxiety scale, Eysenck questionnaire.
  5. Projective methods. Szondi and Rosenzweig tests, visual studies reveal the patient's hidden and suppressed emotions.

After diagnosing and establishing deviant behavior, the patient begins to be treated with psychotherapeutic, psychocorrective and medicinal methods.

Summing up

Asocial is different. He is distinguished by isolation, taciturnity, emotional instability and a desire to be alone with himself. Antisocial individuals want to stay away from society. What provoked such zeal? Wrong value system, difficult circumstances or simple non-acceptance of the main part of the rules and regulations? There is no reliable answer to this question. After all, on the one hand, an antisocial person can be dangerous and mentally unbalanced, but on the other hand, he can be an ordinary person who wants to change this world for the better, and he has no desire to give up communication, he just doesn’t have enough time.

Preventive actions

Take care of your child's psycho-emotional state

Prevention of antisocial behavior in children and adolescents includes the following preventive measures:

  • instilling the right values ​​and lifestyle;
  • positive example of parents and other family members;
  • trusting relationships within the family;
  • caring for the emotional state of the child;
  • educational measures: praise, correction;
  • psychological consultations;
  • information and preventive work at school.

Important! Teachers, school psychologists and the family of the child at high risk should participate in the prevention of deviance among minor students. Particular importance should be paid to home prevention and educational measures within the family

Particular importance should be paid to home prevention and educational measures within the family.

An antisocial personality is a person who ignores the rules and norms of behavior in society. This condition can be managed with the help of medical diagnosis, psychological and pharmacological treatment, as well as timely preventive measures.

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