How to assess emotional intelligence: 8 secrets from an HR director

  1. General Description of the Hall Emotional Intelligence Test
  2. Hall questionnaire
  3. Decoding the results and explaining them

The Hall Emotional Intelligence Test is one of the most common methods for diagnosing emotional intelligence (Emotional Quotient, EQ), including self-diagnosis. If you are wondering what your level of emotional intelligence is, take the N. Hall study below. We remind you that, like other tests on our website, the emotional intelligence questionnaire is available online, free of charge and without registration.

Level of emotional intelligence

How to determine the level of Emotional Quotient in yourself and others.


  • A person is sincerely interested in other people, their concerns and problems, and tries to provide all possible help. He literally reads the facial expressions and emotions of those around him.
  • The individual realizes the reason for his bad mood, he understands why he is currently upset, angry or feels guilty.
  • Finds strength and methods to cope with difficulties and failures. Anyone can find themselves in a state of stress and experience its consequences for a certain period, but an individual with high emo-intelligence copes with this state effectively, without significant psychological losses.
  • Emotionally developed people are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, try to develop the former and eradicate (minimize) the latter.
  • A person knows how to refuse requests that lead to infringement of his own interests.
  • A high level of emotional development does not go hand in hand with perfectionism. A person is confident in himself and will not prove anything to others.
  • A person knows how to hear the interlocutor, imbued with his words, and read between the lines. A formal hearing is not for him.


People with low EI can be identified by the following characteristics:

  1. They are always ready to enter into a heated argument, demanding serious argumentation from their interlocutor. Such individuals are not able to stop, think, or lose.
  2. The person often accuses others of being overly sensitive. This is due to the habit of inappropriately joking, criticizing, teasing, and the response to a request to stop emotional abuse is to blame the conflict on someone else.
  3. A person with low EI absolutely does not understand the feelings of another person. He does not see that the interlocutor is upset, puzzled or embarrassed and does not want further communication.
  4. Such people place the blame for all failures and difficulties on others or circumstances. They do not want to take responsibility, acting as an eternal victim.
  5. Experiences frequent uncontrollable emotional outbursts. A person does not know how, and does not consider it necessary, to restrain his emotions, even if they are inappropriate or violate the comfort of other people.

People with low EI give in to failures, take them seriously, become depressed, but do not want to change the situation and do not want to act. They rarely have friends and a wide social circle.

EI Questionnaire by Shabanov and Aleshina

This test is suitable for children, preschool teachers and schools. There are 32 questions here, they allow you to determine which EI skills you have “at your best”, and which ones you still need to work on developing. Each statement is rated on a scale from 1 to 10. If you select a number up to 5, it means you agree with the first statement. But if from 6 to 10, you like the second statement.

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Friends, if you want to find out much more about yourself, I advise you to take another test.

The Cognitive Abilities Test from Vikium is a diagnostic program for assessing the functioning of cognitive functions (attention, memory, thinking) and compiling a psychological profile of an individual.

What you will get as a result of the test:

  1. Personal profile card with assessments of cognitive abilities and personality characteristics.
  2. You will learn your strengths and weaknesses in various cognitive areas, as well as personality traits.
  3. You will understand what is associated with your productivity in certain types of activities and what needs to be done to improve it.

Testing includes complex diagnostics (cognitive profile):

  • concentration and switching of attention;
  • verbal and non-verbal logic;
  • visual-figurative thinking;
  • verbal-logical memory;
  • short-term and long-term memory.

You will determine (personal profile):

  • type of thinking and level of creativity;
  • leading style of activity;
  • ability for self-regulation;
  • personality type with all its features.

Suitable for a wide range of users: teenagers over 14 years old, adults and the elderly.

You don’t need any special knowledge to pass; the test takes place in a playful and test form.

Duration: 30–40 min.

Cost: 990 rub.

Who Vikium is and why they are great, you can read in our special review.

Intrapersonal aspect

Scale 1. Awareness of your feelings and emotions.

High performance:

Developed emotional self-awareness, the ability to live “in unison” with one’s inner emotions; good understanding of the role of feelings in work and communication. Adequate awareness of emotional qualities, psychological characteristics of personality states and their role in professional activity, which is an important criterion for productivity.

High need for self-knowledge. High adequate self-esteem of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, awareness of your abilities, high self-esteem of how you are perceived by your interaction partners and how you look in the eyes of others. Developed reflection is a process of mirror mutual reflection of subjects, the content of which is the reproduction and reconstruction of the characteristics of communication partners

Reflection from the process of self-knowledge of internal states moves to understanding the other by thinking “from his position” and leads to mutual understanding. Reflection presupposes sufficient maturity of the subject and focused attention to the activities of his own soul

Developed intuition. Activity and flexibility as personal characteristics of the emotional sphere help to quickly respond to surrounding events, and it is relatively easy to find the right solution in a problem situation.

Self-observation plays an important role in developing self-awareness and self-control of one's emotional states and feelings.

Awareness and understanding of one’s own feelings and emotions, that is, the development of the intrapersonal aspect of emotional intelligence, occurs through increased attention to one’s spiritual world. Spiritual interaction is the highest level of humanistic, trusting communication between internally congruent partners.

Low indicators:

Low ability to understand the role of one’s own feelings in work and communication. Lack of awareness of emotional qualities, psychological characteristics of personality states and their role in professional activity.

An unexpressed need to know oneself. Low self-esteem of one's abilities, often an inadequate idea of ​​how other people perceive themselves. Low level of reflection and understanding of the thoughts and feelings of another person; Conflicts and disagreements are often associated with a lack of understanding of the reasons for the behavior of another and an inability to understand his point of view. Lack of inclination to introspection. Insufficient reliance on intuition in activity and communication, passivity, rigidity of communication. Difficulties in resolving problematic situations related to interpersonal interaction. Low interest in one’s own inner world and spiritual development.

Teen EQ Analysis

This is a relatively new test, adapted for teenagers. Consists of 20 questions divided into 2 groups: responsibility and situations. Here, for each answer, there are “ready” points. Each answer is assigned a certain number of points. Then they are summed up and assigned to one of the ranges for interpreting the results.

Teenagers are the most vulnerable age group when it comes to emotions. This is due to their uneven maturation. Therefore, it is important for them to learn to understand how they feel and to understand those around them. Knowledge about your own emotions and empathy for others will help you build correct communication with other people. The teenager will understand himself and become understandable to his family when he takes this test.

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Test Description

This technique will reveal a person’s ability to control and understand their emotions. It will also indicate the ability to communicate and understand the feelings of other people. These skills are determined by the level of emotional intelligence.

This indicator may change throughout life. If a person strives for self-development, internal harmony, and learns to interact with others, then EQ will undoubtedly increase. It can remain unchanged if the individual has no desire for self-improvement.

The higher a person’s level of emotional intelligence, the easier it is for him to build relationships with people. Such a person easily achieves his goals, he lives in harmony with himself and others.

People with a low level of EQ, as a rule, may experience a feeling of discomfort in a team because they do not understand the emotions and moods of other people, which can even lead to conflict situations. Often, they cannot control their mood and behavior because they do not realize the underlying reasons for their manifestations. It is difficult for such people to establish contacts, and accordingly, it is more difficult to achieve their goals and grow not only spiritually, but also professionally.

Granville Stanley Hall

Born in the USA, Massachusetts. He graduated from Harvard and received a doctorate in psychology. Hall worked on problems of general psychology, studying proprioception (this is the sense of the position of parts of one’s body relative to each other in space). He became the founder of pedology. He was also the founder of the first magazines devoted to the problems of developmental psychology. Since 1891, under his editorship, the journal “Pedagogical Seminar and Journal of Genetic Psychology” began to be published, and since 1910, the “Journal of Pedagogical Psychology”.

Instructions for taking the test

You will be offered thirty statements about your emotions or behavior and answer options, from which you need to choose one that suits you. The resulting result will describe the level of EQ in five parameters: emotional awareness (self-awareness), managing your emotions (self-regulation), motivation, empathy, recognizing the emotions of other people (social skills). For each parameter, the degree of severity will be determined: high, medium or low.

Transcript of the test

Self-awareness. Understanding your emotions and their consequences. With high expression, a person understands why he experiences certain feelings, is aware of his strengths and weaknesses, is prone to reflection and learns from his experience. Confident, able to show a sense of humor and accepts himself for who he is.

Self-regulation. Self-control and the ability to contain destructive experiences. High severity is characterized by the individual's clear thinking and maintaining composure in stressful situations. Tactful and obligatory. Knows how to admit his mistakes, takes responsibility for achieving goals. Calmly perceives new information and changes in environment, shows flexibility.

Motivation. The desire for self-realization. It is expressed in result orientation, searching for the most effective ways to achieve a goal. A highly motivated person knows how to work in a group and strives to fulfill its mission. He is not afraid of failures and can take justifiable risks.

Empathy. Understanding other people's feelings and being interested in them. People with this quality know how to listen, are attentive to facial expressions and gestures, and are able to guess emotions and moods. They show respect for others, regardless of their background or education. Tolerant and tolerant of the shortcomings of others.

Social skills. Ability to persuade. They manifest themselves in the ability to win favor, compromise, and present information convincingly. The subject is distinguished by the ability to negotiate, communicate diplomatically with “difficult” people, inspire and lead.

What is the difference between IQ and EQ

IQ is a general measure of an individual's logical, thinking, intellectual and analytical abilities. This includes verbal, three-dimensional, mathematical, logical, visual skills, the ability to develop new knowledge based on what is gained in the process of thinking and practical activity, analysis and comparison. Thanks to IQ, people are able to determine the processes occurring around them, learn, evaluate events and phenomena, focus on something, accept information coming from the outside world with understanding, whatever it may be, and solve upcoming problems using already acquired skills and knowledge and experience.

Everyone knows that an increased IQ level does not always have a positive effect on one’s career, personal life and relationships with others. It all comes down to emotional intelligence. Its low level does not allow you to effectively interact with people, successfully recognize and understand their emotions, mentally manage people’s states, thus making your way to the top of your career ladder or personal life.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, generate them in such a way that they contribute to thinking, understanding the emotions of the interlocutor and managing them for one’s own purposes. In short, it is the skill of verbally managing people based on their emotions.

Approximately this concept arose immediately after the First World War. Edward Thorndike described EQ as the ability to understand people, regardless of their age, gender, mood and social status, and to interact intelligently with them.

The very concept of emotional intelligence arose during the Cold War, and a decade later, a classification of EQ appeared in the work of Michael Beldock, which, in addition to levels, provided recommendations for increasing it.

IQ is the mental intelligence quotient, and EQ is the emotional intelligence quotient. Next, let’s look at what the level of emotional intelligence depends on and how to determine its indicator.

Level four: managing other people's emotions

Thus, a person who sees skepticism and apathy on the client’s face may experience an emotion of indignation, which in turn can cause retaliatory anger in the client. And on the contrary, you can try to transform the apathy of the client (subordinate) into interest with certain words and actions, supported by correctly expressed emotion.

For example, you can tell the client: “Indeed, it may seem that there is nothing interesting in our offer. But if you look from the other side...” And then you should appeal to the points previously expressed by your opponent, bringing your emotional positions closer to his positions through rational actions and acceptance of his emotions

This way you are more likely to achieve a goal that is important to you.

Source of self-confidence

And finally, one more important piece of evidence. In 2012, a group of Canadian psychologists conducted an interesting experiment4

More than a hundred student volunteers were shown 20 videos that appeared on news broadcasts in different countries at different times. In all these videos, people asked for help in finding relatives who suddenly and disappeared without a trace. The truth was that in half the cases the speakers were subsequently directly involved in the disappearance and even murder of their relatives. And the students knew about it. They just didn’t know which of the speakers was sincerely experiencing the loss of a loved one, and which was cynically lying. This was what needed to be determined. And it’s surprising but true: students with the highest level of emotional intelligence coped with this task worst of all.

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Scientists see a possible explanation for this result as follows. People with developed emotional intelligence are aware of their ability to recognize other people's emotions. And this knowledge plays a cruel joke on them, turning into self-confidence. They no longer go into details and specifics, relying on first impressions and their own talents. As a result, it is easier for a skilled liar to deceive a person with a high rather than a low level of EQ.

1 D. Goleman “Emotional Intelligence” (AST, 2008).

2 U. Nagler et al. “Is there a “dark intelligence”? Emotional intelligence is used by dark personalities to emotionally manipulate others." Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 76, April 2015.

3 M. Kilduff et al. "Strategic Use of Emotional Intelligence in Organizational Settings: Exploring the Dark Side." Research in Organizational Behavior, No. 30, January 2010.

4 A. Baker et al. "Will get fooled again: Emotionally intelligent people are easily duped by high-stakes deceivers." Online publication on the website of the journal Legal and Criminological Psychology dated May 18, 2012.

Hall Emotional Intelligence Test: General Description

There are several methods for determining emotional intelligence. We present a test developed by Nicholas Hall that helps determine the level of emotional intelligence in several aspects. That is, you will not receive a single score, as is the case, for example, with IQ¸ but

differentiated assessment for each of the five characteristics 30 questions
As we said in previous materials, the definition of Emotional Quotient itself is quite vague: different experts include different aspects in this concept (including some adding elements of social intelligence to EQ). However, there are a number of characteristics that almost all experts agree on

, and the Hall Emotional Intelligence Test assesses these personality traits. In our opinion, this is one of the reasons why the technique has become so widespread.

Another significant advantage that we would highlight is that ratings are given separately for each aspect

. This will show you which specific aspects of EQ you need to work on first (if necessary). In addition, the Hall test is convenient to use independently, for self-diagnosis, and it is good for taking it online.

However, this questionnaire also has a certain drawback. It is due to the fact that sometimes it is difficult for us to give an objective assessment of some of our qualities

, while some test questions require exactly this from the test taker. When giving answers, do not think too much about the wording, but try to look at yourself as objectively as possible.

Try our IQ test that measures “traditional” intelligence

Social intelligence by J. Guilford

This truthful psychodiagnostic technique was developed by a famous psychologist and is considered a standardized measurement technique. It is used by professionals. It is also labor-intensive in interpreting the results, but it can be completed online. Your personality findings are presented in a pop-up window.

The technique consists of 4 subtests that contain pictures and regular questions. As a result of their completion, you will receive data about your behavior in society, understanding of other people, adjustment or independence in relationships. On the main test page you will see links to all 4 subtests.

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Why develop emotional intelligence

If we understand our feelings, it is easier for us to cope with stress, depression and other unpleasant conditions that cause a person with low EI to fall into a stupor.

Ekaterina Gaiduchenko says that it is easier for people with high EI to join a team and work in a team:

When you manage your mood, you become more efficient: you solve problems faster, with less effort and more pleasure. And if you understand and influence the emotional well-being of others, you can instill confidence in them and inspire them to new achievements. Without developed EI, without noticing it, we can negatively influence people, suppress and devastate them.

Individuals with high EI use different emotional states to benefit themselves and others. They know that sadness promotes analytical thinking and try to think things through in this mood.

They understand that a happy person wants to share joy, while a sad person strives for solitude.

An individual with developed emotional intelligence goes through life more cheerfully and makes fewer mistakes, because he knows in his gut when to speak/ask/insist, and when it is better to wisely remain silent and wait for the right moment.

Marsha Reynolds, author of Coaching: Emotional Competence:

Emotional intelligence makes a person a professional, and a professional makes a person.

EI should be “pumped up” and applied by directors - this will increase the efficiency of employees and help build trusting relationships with them.

Alena Sysoeva explains that the higher the rank of a leader, the more developed his EI:

“If a person has a high IQ, but his EI is low, he is unlikely to become a successful manager. After all, 90% of a boss’s job consists of communication.

Great leaders channel the emotions of their people so that they work with passion and perform at their best.

If we talk about salespeople and representatives of other professions who work in the “person-to-person” field, then IQ affects their ability to achieve results by only 33%; success depends on EI by 67%.

Among managers, the importance of emotional intelligence is even higher – 85%.”

Development of abilities

If, using tests that help determine emotional intelligence and your own observations, it turns out that its level is lower than you would like, it’s time to resort to a technique that allows you to increase your EQ.

There are a lot of such concepts; they are intended for different circles of people, taking into account their individuality. The choice of methodology is the topic of an entire book, but a few useful tips will be suitable for any person, no matter who he is or what he does.

  • Listen to your body, especially in moments of intense passion.
  • Engage in emotional self-analysis, which will allow you to improve and better control your emotions.
  • Have a positive attitude towards any changes - everything is done for the better.
  • Take a creative approach to any task.
  • Observe the reactions of others towards you.
  • Listen first, and then speak, after thinking and weighing everything.

Test “How well do you determine a child’s feelings”

Children and adults seem to exist in two different worlds, with a gap between them. Sometimes it can be very difficult for them to come to mutual understanding. Responsibility for this naturally lies with those who are older, wiser and more experienced.

The technique helps determine how well you recognize, interpret and evaluate the child’s feelings, and how correctly you respond to them. You will be offered 5 situations from which you need to find the right way out. At the end, each situation is examined in detail and the correct answers are given. So the test performs not only a diagnostic function, but also an educational one.

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What is emotional intelligence

Emotions are inherent in every individual, regardless of gender, nationality, place of residence, religion and other factors. Our emotions are usually uncontrollable and are subconsciously reflected on the face. Thus, the emotion of fear leads to the fact that the eyebrows are raised and brought together to the bridge of the nose, the eyes widen, the mouth is open and pulled back a little. The stress hormone cortisol causes the heart to beat faster, preparing a person for attack or flight. These things happen to us unconsciously, at the physiological level.

Emotional Quotient

- this is the ability of an individual to recognize his own emotions, as well as the ability to control (manage) them.

This concept also includes the ability to determine the emotional state of other people for further constructive communication.

A person with a high Emotional Quotient knows how to empathize, is capable of empathy, and tries to help a person who is under the influence of strong negative experiences.

The development of emotional intelligence occurs in four stages:

  • Ability to express emotions and differentiate between them
    . With growing up, the ability to distinguish sincere emotions from feigned ones is formed (on duty smile).
  • Analysis and evaluation
    . A person not only recognizes emotions, but compares them with each other and gives a description.
  • Internal understanding of the connection between emotions and the reasons that caused them
    . For example, a person realizes that he experiences joy from communicating with a pleasant person or playing with a pet, and anger appears due to a heightened sense of justice.
  • Ability to manage emotions
    . A person has access to self-regulation, that is, the neutralization of negative or too acute emotions, he is able to modify them, as well as provide assistance to another person who is in a critical emotional state.

Despite the fact that emotions have always received attention in psychology, people started talking seriously about emotional intelligence only in the 90s of the twentieth century. All theorists agree that emotional intelligence needs to be developed in oneself, firstly, to maintain one’s own mental and physical health, and secondly, to achieve success in life

As practice shows, leading positions are occupied not by people with a higher level of knowledge, but by those individuals who know how to “keep a face,” negotiate, and build effective communications. That is why former excellent students do not always achieve success in adult life; they are surpassed by mediocre academically, but sociable and optimistic “C” students.

Level two: managing your emotions

Obviously, it is not enough to understand your emotions; it is important to be able to transform them in the interests of the cause. It is very important to be able to transform emotions from destructive and neutral to creative, that is, contributing to the achievement of the goals you need - including through interaction with other people

But you need to start with yourself. For example, this means: if you are forced to do something out of a sense of duty with negative emotions, then the likelihood of obtaining the desired result with minimal expenditure of nerves and resources is almost impossible.

This can be seen very easily in a situation where a person in a nervous state is trying to do some work, and his computer freezes or some office equipment stops working normally. This is evidence that, for example, emotional irritation creates an unfavorable energy background that prevents obtaining the desired result in the shortest possible time. This is why the emotional mood is so important when performing complex, precise and highly responsible tasks. There is a proverb: “The morning is wiser than the evening.” But as you understand, it is not relevant for everyone, but only for those who cannot creatively adjust their emotions in the evening. I know people whose peak concentration tends to occur in the late hours.

Throughout our lives, we are in four main sectors of emotional states, each of which has its own levels of intensity.

The author identifies the mood scale and the activity scale as a tool for differentiating different types of emotions that arise in a person in relation to himself, and emotions that appear when interacting primarily with the outside world. This is shown more clearly in the figures.

Emotions towards the outside world

Each emotion has its own function and is based on a system of values, feelings and perceptions laid down since childhood. External sensations and manifestations of a person in interaction with himself and the outside world form our level of emotional intelligence. So, if in childhood a child or teenager often achieves what he wants through anger, then this emotion will be dominant in defending his position in adulthood.

Paul Ekman's test for identifying emotions using microexpressions

Another free method in which diagnostics are carried out using photographs. It was developed by the American scientist Paul Ekman, a specialist in the field of emotions and an expert in lie detection. By the way, Paul's daughter is a model. This is exactly what you will see in a series of 39 photographs. There are 7 emotions: anger, contempt, sadness, disgust, joy, fear, surprise. For each picture you need to choose the appropriate one.

After entering your answers, you will learn which emotions you recognize well and which ones you don’t recognize well.

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Ability Model

There are several classifications of EI based on achieving success in most areas of life, which already distorts the assessment. Such models are subject to criticism due to the free addition of components to them that in one way or another affect success in life. Let's consider the model most used and accepted by the scientific community. It includes four main components:

  • understanding emotions – the skill of identifying the source of an emotion, finding a connection between thoughts, desires and mental state, determining the moment of transition between emotions, predicting the development of an emotion in the near future and understanding complex feelings;
  • perception of emotions – allows you to determine your own and others’ emotions, the reason for their appearance;
  • using emotions to motivate the thought process;
  • managing the emotional component of the psyche - the ability to tame, evoke and suppress one’s own emotions to obtain the desired result.
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